Lviv, 2014 UDC 614.274:616–053.9 BBK 52.82+52.5

Recommended by the Academic Council of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (protocol № 4-BР on May 27, 2014)

Reviewers: Taras Hroshovy - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, the Head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Volodymyr Novikov - Doctor of Chemistry, professor, the Head of the Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology at National University Myhailo Siatynia - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, the Head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Bogomolets National Medical University

Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University: historical review (to the 50th anniversary) : monograph / Bohdan Hromovyk, Sofiya Tereshchuk, Artem Horilyk, Sofiya Prokip. – Lviv :Liga Press, 2014. – 64 p.


In this scientific edition history of formation and development of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University is described. Short description of the research and teaching staff of the Department is presented. The edition is for researchers, graduate and postgraduate students, interns, practical pharmaceutical specialists.

© B. Hromovyk, S. Tereshchuk, A. Horilyk, S. Prokip

ISBN © Publisher «Liga Press», 2014



In 2014, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, the oldest and the greatest medical university of turns 230. Its name is associated with the achievements in the training of medical and pharmaceutical staff and an enormous contribution in the development of the national health care. Today Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University comprises 6 Faculties, College of Medicine, 75 departments. Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy takes a remarkable place among the university departments. On the 19th of September it turned a half-century anniversary. Just like the university itself, this department has been changing its name: Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business and Medical Commodities, Department of Economics and Organization of Pharmaceutical Business, and now - the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy. There are 3 particular milestones in the Department’s history: Department forming; the formation of scientific and educational school of organization and economics of pharmacy, the Department development in dynamic conditions. For 50 years of Department evolving, the teaching methodology has been changing, educational process forms have been transforming from simple to programming, from passive to integrative, from conventional to credit and module-based. However, the main goal has left the same – to show students how to think creatively, outside the box, build citizenship, develop the foundations of humanistic attitude toward the person (a patient, a pharmacy customer). On the glorious scientific and educational way of the Department, the professionalism of the teaching and educational support staff takes a significant place along with energy and hard work of many people who have dedicated their lives to the Department.

3 Today the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy is a well-organized and coherent structural unit of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. It has highly skilled scientific and pedagogical staff, modern teaching and material resources and can solve high level problems of administrative and economic pharmacists training. Of course, the Department has a lot of work to do that would rather be completed by the beginning of a century anniversary celebration (in 2030) since the teaching pharmaceutical subjects of the management and economic direction have started. In the half-century anniversary, first of all, we want to look back and realize what has been done for the past years, because there is no future without past. Therefore, in this monograph the successes and achievements of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy in the field of education and science for fifty years are presented. While writing scientific publications, archival materials, scholarly publications, and memories of the department staff are widely used. The publication is intended for researchers, doctoral students, pharmacist interns, pharmacy practitioners and students.

4 Part 1. The 50th anniversary of Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy


Anyone who referring to the old, can open new deserves to be a teacher. Confucius Kong Zi (551-479 BC)

The historical path of Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and its scientific and educational activity can be divided into three distinctive periods: → establishment of the Department; → formation of scientific and educational discipline of organization and economics of pharmacy; → development of the Department in the dynamic environment. In the beginning (1930–68). It took some time before the Department became scientific and pedagogical structural unit of the university. The first pharmaceutical organizational disciplines were "Law and History of Pharmacy" (1930–39) taught by Dr. Yan Poratynsky and "Pharmaceutical legislation" (1940–44) taught by Dr. Fanzelov [9]. The course of pharmacy business organization was introduced into pharmacist training curriculum in 1948. Polina Yarova was the first head of this course, and in 1954 pharmacist Leonid Krylov changed her. Also from 1951 he was the head of the course of medical merchandising at the Department of Technology of Dosage Forms and Galenicals. Practical classes were carried out by Hrygoriy Korylyuk [1, 2, 6].

5 Leonid Krylov put a lot of efforts into setting up the learning process and creation of organization of pharmaceutical business museum. He had collected over 500 important and interesting exhibits that were later transferred to Pharmacy Museum in Lviv. The course of organization of pharmaceutical business was conducted at the Department of Health and History of Medicine. On September 19, 1964, according to the order of the Lviv State Medical Institute № 448 on the basis of this course and the medical commodities course, a separate department was created – Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business and Medical Commodities. The supervisor of the medical merchandising course in 1953–63 – Sofiya Voskobojnik – became the head of the new department; Alexander Matsyak, Neonila Sinhalevych, Petro Kurash became assistants. Later, the department was reinforced with new assistants: Adeliya Novikevych (1966) and Boris Parnovsky (1967) [8]. Due to changes in the pharmacists curriculum in 1965, the Department was renamed to "Department of Economics and Organization of Pharmaceutical Business" (1966), later – "Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy". For the new Department, premises in educational building of medical institute on Zelena street, 12 were allocated. During the period of 1948–64 about 30 scientific papers on the organization and economics of pharmacy were written and published in the periodical pharmaceutical press. Research work primarily concerned the historical study of pharmacy development in Lviv region (N. Sinhalevych), use of network planning method in pharmacy practice (B. Parnovsky, S. Voskobojnik), and identifying the main ways, forms and methods of further improvement of medical supply for population of Lviv region with organization and economic development perspectives of the pharmaceutical sector, including medication needs planning (P. Kurash), study of storage conditions of care items and dressing materials (S. Voskobojnyk). Since the beginning scientific and pedagogical activities of the Department were inseparably linked with each other. In 1968, in the curriculum of pharmacists training, the department was assigned with

6 two courses: organization of pharmaceutical business and commodities. Teaching was carried out by assistants, who came to the Department with practical experience, which helped to conduct classes at the appropriate level and with adequate physical facilities. Guidelines to practical classes were not printed at that time, so educational materials were rewritten by students in workbooks. Period of formation of the Department as leading research and educational institution for organization and economics of pharmacy (1968–83 years). This was a period of professional formation and creative growth of the Department, which was associated with the leading figure of the national pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor Roman Pinyazhko, who came to the Department in 1968. He led the Department till 1983. Under his leadership, the Department became one of the leading research and educational centers for the organization and economics of pharmacy in the . Roman Pinyazhko is the first Doctor of Pharmacy in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union, who has made a significant systemic and strategic contribution to the formation and development of one of the most important core pharmaceutical disciplines – organization and economics of pharmacy [4; 5]. The main attention of the head of the Department was focused on the creation of material resources, training of scientific personnel and methodical maintenance of educational process. In the early 1970s, the Department was given premises in a newly built building on Shymzeriv street, 3a. There were four academic audiences for students, laboratory room, research laboratory, office of the head of the Department and three rooms for teachers. During this period new members of academic and teaching staff began working at the Department: Orest Hrom and Oleh Ryvak (1970), Ivan Korchynsky (1976), Andriy Datsko (1977), Sofiya Tereshchuk (1978) and Dmytro Dykun (1979). Roman Pinyazhko and his students made pioneering and significant scientific contributions to the theory and practice of pharmaceutical system management at the institutional and regional

7 levels. In particular, for pharmaceutical research objects, the use of severe methods was implemented: systematic analysis, economic and mathematical analysis of key indicators of financial and economic activity, probability theory, queuing theory, informational technologies, etc. Using the systematic approach enabled processing of currently contemporary definition: pharmacy, as a system, is a set of scientific and methodological activities aimed at research, implementation, production, standardization, storage, quality control and distribution of drugs and other medical devices (R. Pinyazhko, A. Novikevych). Ahead of time, the idea of need to consolidate clinical, industrial, and community pharmacy was put forward (R. Pinyazhko, A. Datsko). The main areas of study were: the prevision of the development of pharmacy and pharmaceutical higher education (R. Pinyazhko), the definition of scientific principles of organization and economics of pharmacy (R. Pinyazhko, B. Parnovsky), processing of automated control system "Healthcare of the Ukrainian SSR", subsystem "Personnel" (R. Pinyazhko, O. Hrom, B. Parnovsky etc.) and automated register of agencies of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (R. Pinyazhko, B. Parnovsky), specialization of pharmacies (N. Sinhalevych et al.), study of placing, use, professional identification, need in the improvement of pharmaceutical personnel and increasing the efficiency personnel reserve formation (R. Pinyazhko, B. Parnovsky, N. Sinhalevych, L. Chumakova etc.), the analysis of pharmacy profitability (E. Dasyuk, B. Parnovsky), defining needs in medicaments (P. Kurash), classification of features and types of demand for drugs (P. Kurash, A. Vasylyshyn, R. Pinyazhko), prediction of the consumption of drugs using regression analysis (N. Yanishewska, R. Pinyazhko), evaluation of technical and economic efficiency of new technological developments (L. Toropova, R. Pinyazhko etc.), production management at the pharmaceutical factories (R. Pinyazhko, T. Trachuk), improvement of pharmaceutical control and analytical laboratories (V. Komar).

8 Intensification of scientific research of Department has been associated with the use of statistical methods in the study of population needs in medicines (P. Kurash), forecasting of the pharmacy network development (N. Sinhalevych, R. Pinyazhko) and individual forecasting methods for strategic planning of pharmacy institutions network (H. Andrianova, R. Pinyazhko). Among the actual issues of research there were: the use of computers in the organization and economics of pharmacy, especially for economic and statistical studies and pharmaceutical informatics, calculations of profitability of pharmacy network and determination of the need for pharmaceutical personnel (R. Pinyazhko, B. Parnovsky, N. Sinhalevych et al.). Taking into account introduction of computer technologies into the pharmacy, a small-size computer "Promin" was located in the science laboratory of the Department. With its assistance predictions of financial performance of pharmacies were made, demand for medicine was determined, etc. That period of the Department development is characterized by the beginning and formation of new scientific, practical and educational direction – Pharmaceutical information (B. Parnovsky). Professor Roman Pinyazhko was the supervisor of PhD (1972) and doctorate (1978) theses of Borys Parnovsky, PhD theses of Petro Kurash (1971), Volodymyr Komar (1980), Lyubov Chumakova (1981), Andriy Datsko (1981), Halyna Andrianova (1983) and Tetyana Raikova (1986). All these papers were dedicated to solving the problems of the pharmaceutical management system. In general, under the supervision of Roman Pinyazhko one doctoral and twelve PhD theses were presented. He took direct part in focused activity aimed at improving the methodology of the educational process. Considering the achievements of pharmaceutical science in the process of teaching organization and economics of pharmacy not only the ways of organizing and operation of pharmacies were highlighted, but also the main directions of development of industrial, clinical and community pharmacy, their economics were taught.

9 To enhance the learning process, a diagram of structural and logical relationship between sections and subjects was elaborated [4]. Each lecture or lab class was individualized by means of different visual teaching tools, such as training tables, filmstrips, movies, albums, charts etc. For this purpose the Department developed 7 scenarios of instructional movies, while the recordings students did themselves. Movies reflected operation of the central pharmacy warehouse, receiving prescription and dispensing drugs, organization of hospital pharmacy functioning, storing pharmaceutical goods in the pharmacy, manufacturing practice, functioning of Pharmacy Museum in Lviv (R. Pinyazhko). In 1970, a team from the Department staff (R. Pinyazhko, A. Novikevych, N. Sinhalevych, P. Kurash, I. Korchynsky) prepared and for the first time in the country published guidance materials on the organization of pharmaceutical business. At that time guidelines and documentation forms for practical classes on planning and accounting of economic and financial activities of pharmacies became available in printed form (1973). The Department proposed a successful educational and methodical approach – individual thorough task on prediction of commercial and financial plan of pharmacies. To ensure an adequate level of practical skills, a hard copy diary-record of the practical course for 5-year students of the pharmaceutical faculty was published. In 1979, guidelines for wider use of computers in the future practice were published for the 5-year students. Later on, a programmable control test of students' knowledge was introduced into the educational process of the Department. For this purpose, 10 machines were installed in the methodical cabinet of the Department. Tests were launched with special cards and the students’ results were presented to the teacher’s panel. To simplify the work with technical documentation for medical instruments, appropriate guidelines for medical commodity were processed.

10 Since 1980, at the Department, a cabinet form of students’ studying was introduced. In different classrooms, individual departments of pharmacy were created. Guidelines include several forms, documents that are filled in a pharmacy. The unification of teaching organization of the pharmacy with accounting and reporting was also tested. Recommendations for filling the records in official documents were provided in the appropriate guidelines. An innovative approach of Roman Pinyazhko to pharmaceutical didactics was revealed in the introduction of specialization in the final year of pharmacists training, within which, since 1978, the appropriate course "Fundamentals and methods of management in pharmacy" has been taught [3]. Great credit for the processing of the new discipline for pharmaceutical personnel training also belongs to Roman Pinyazhko who was the author of the specified course program. During this period, along with the Department of Pharmacy of Kishinev State Medical Institute, a set of guidelines to all sections of specialization has been worked out and published. A few years later with the initiation of Roman Pinyazhko in collaboration with Borys Parnovsky, Orest Hrom, and Andriy Datsko a textbook Fundamentals and Methods of Pharmacy Management was prepared, which was recommended by the department of the USSR Health Ministry for students of pharmaceutical institutions (faculties) (Kyiv: High School, 1986). Unfortunately, Roman Pinyazhko died before it was published. The mentioned publication for educational purpose, structure, and content of the material is the base-forming of management in pharmacy, as all its subjects were included in following books and manuals on this course. Taking into account the contribution of professor Roman Pinyazhko into the pharmaceutical system and on the occasion of his 80th anniversary in 2008, the Department carried out scientific conference and organized a memory corner of the great scientist in the hall of the Department. The period of development in a dynamic environment (starting from 1983). History of the Department in this period reflects and largely shares the complex and contradictory destiny of the country, starting in the 1980s. It is closely linked with political,

11 social and economic changes that took place. In that period, in our view there were two qualitatively different stages. The first stage of the third period was a climax stage of profound economic, social, and political crisis in the Soviet Union and the appearance of modernization policy for saving the Soviet system, which ultimately led to the destruction of it. In fact, at the beginning of this stage (in 1983), with the death of Professor Roman Pinyazhko, the Department was headed by PhD, professor Orest Hrom, who headed it until 2012. At this stage new research and teaching staff joined the Department: Bohdan Hromovyk and Volodymyr Komar (1983), Hanna Hasyuk, Nataliya Yarko (1986) and Orest Mykhaylyk (1987). Since 1983, the research of Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy was conducted jointly with the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology for complex research subjects, which had been planned, usually for five years. During the first stage of the third period the following subjects were investigated at the Department: • theoretical principles and practical recommendations for improving the process of production of sterile solutions under pharmacy conditions (D. Dykun) • the management of control and analytical service of pharmacy (B. Hromovyk) • economical activities of the pharmacy (H. Hasyuk) and pharmaceutical personnel (N. Yarko) In-depth research of drug provision of day hospitals has been done (Ya. Bazylevych, M. Pavlovsky, A. Datsko et al.). to improve the pricing for domestic medicinal products (O. Hrom H. Hasyuk, A. Datsko, S. Tereshchuk, and I. Horodetska) and the method of realized sales calculation (H. Hasyuk, A. Hrom, and P. Kurash) were introduced. At this stage, under the guidance of Orest Hrom assistants Dmytro Dykun (1985), Bohdan Hromovyk (1988), Hanna Hasyuk (1989) and Nataliya Yarko (1990) prepared their PhD theses [7].

12 The staff has prepared and published guidelines for each topic, elaborated case studies for individual work of students concerning all disciplines taught at the Department. The results of their work students put in tables and forms of official documents. To consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of organization of medical support, accounting and reporting in pharmacies tutors processed and published collections of case studies based on several sections of the discipline. The solutions to these challenges have been presented as individual work of students. In 1991, the Department was provided space in the building of educational and industrial pharmacy on the Pekarska street, 75. This event fully allowed carrying out multifaceted activities. Thus, student rooms were equipped with automated workstations for tutors, film- and overhead projectors, tape recorders, microphones. The second stage of the third period of the Department history was associated with recovery of state independence of Ukraine. Scientific direction of the department is dedicated to theoretical substantiation and development of guidelines and regulations for the organization of pharmaceutical activity in Ukraine on the marketplace. In this process, the main figures of financial and economic activities of pharmacies were analyzed from the standpoint of their possible privatization, the classification of legal forms of business in the transition to market economy was given, a new methodology for determining the need for medicines was suggested. At the same time the Department was updated with a new research and teaching staff: in the 1990s: Iryna Horodetska (1991), Nataliya Benyukh (1993), Oksana Levytska (1993), Olexandra Korniyenko (Foyder) (1995) and Dzvenyslava Hrushkovska (Sadova) (1999) in the 2000s: Nataliya Hanyk (Herbolka) (2001), Iryna Chukhray (2002) and Yaryna Hrom (2006). Scientific research of the department has been devoted to: • the study of ways of improving drug provision for ophthalmological patients (I. Horodetska);

13 • the information search of perspective medicinal plants and their mixes, substantiation of composition and processing of technology of finished herbal drugs to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (O. Foyder); • the study of ways of improving the system of drug provision to patients and public health care institutions (O. Hrom, B. Zimenkovsky, M. Syatynya, B. Hromovyk); • monitoring of social orientation, postgraduate, in particular emigrational intentions of students of the pharmaceutical faculty (B. Hromovyk, M. Syatynya), professional motivation of pharmacists, factors and elements of prestige of universities (O. Korniyenko, I. Horodetska, O. Levytska, R. Yunikov); • the development of new marketing approaches to the analysis of pharmaceutical market, based on models of optimization of informational and medical provision in otorhinolaryngological practice (O. Levytska); • theoretical justification, development of specific policies and recommendations for improvement of the introduction of drugs into the domestic market by means of optimization of the choice of distribution channels and activity of representative pharmaceutical staff of the manufacturer (B. Hromovyk, O. Kuhar); • investigation of promotional activities of pharmaceutical organizations in mass media (B. Hromovyk, O. Hrom, M. Syatynya) and trademarks in pharmacy (O. Kukhar, B. Hromovyk, G. Hasyuk); • developing the concepts of pharmaceutical care (B. Hromovyk, V. Propisnova, I. Zupanets), including the nature and optimization of pharmaceutical care while dispensing medical devices (N. Yarko, B. Hromovyk) and related pharmaceutical products (I. Horodetska, O. Korniyenko) as a factor of improving the quality of life (N. Yarko, P.-I. Minenko); • theoretical basis, development of application-oriented statements and specific recommendations for improving logistic management of pharmaceutical enterprises in a dynamic environment (B. Hromovyk); • the development of theoretical basis and practical recommendations for optimization of providing the population with

14 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example treatment of rheumatic diseases of the joints (N. Hanyk); • substantiation of scientific directions of optimization of drug provision for patients with tuberculosis by creating rational range of drugs, their standardized combination and recommendations for purchase cost (D. Hrushkovska); • investigation of perspectives of new educational technologies in pharmacy (B. Hromovyk, S. Mokryanyn), optimization of process of mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills by pharmacists from the management and economic disciplines within the system of continuous pharmaceutical education using informational technologies (S. Tereshchuk, A. Horilyk). At the second stage, under the guidance of Orest Hrom several PhD papers were presented by Olexandra Foyder (Korniyenko) (1997), Mykhaylo Syatynya (1997), Iryna Horodetska (1997), Oksana Levytska (1998), Nataliya Hanyk (2009) and Dzvenyslava Hrushkovska (2011). Under the leadership of Bohdan Hromovyk during this period Alexander Kuhar finished the PhD thesis (2002). In 2006 Bohdan Hromovyk presented his doctoral thesis "Theoretical, methodological and applied principles of logistic management at pharmaceutical companies". From March to December 2012, due to the illness and death of professor Orest Hrom, Andriy Datsko was acting head of the Department. Since December, 2012 the Department has been headed by professor Bohdan Hromovyk. The staff of the Department was updated with new scientists and tutors: Katheryna Dorykevych, Olena Paramosh, Ulyana Yanyshyn, and Artem Horilyk. During this period, the Department began training pharmacists-interns in primary specialization "Common pharmacy". In 2013 assistants Sophiya Prokip and Inna Puzanova started their work at the Department. Main directions of research were devoted to the following subjects: • conceptual processing and substantiation of theoretical principles and methodological approaches to the pharmaceutical

15 provision for population with hepatoprotective drugs (B. Hromovyk, V. Popovych); • increase in the level of management and economic training of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical system of continuous education through its situational analysis, content assessment of thematic plans and educational books, educational online system creation (B. Hromovyk, A. Horilyk); • studying the problem of the organization and pharmaceutical provision of palliative-hospice care (B. Hromovyk, S. Prokip); pharmacomania and pharmacophobia (O. Paramosh, B. Hromovyk), rare diseases and "orphan drugs" (A. Datsko, I. Puhayko), pharmaceutical prevention in the system of improving the life quality of women (K. Dorykevych), aspects of using drugs for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis (I. Chuhray) as well as recycling and destruction of drugs, unsuitable for medical use (B. Hromovyk, I. Puzanova); • scientific substantiation of the theoretical principles of neuroeconomics for pharmacy, informational asymmetry in pharmaceutical care, pharmacy practice formation, the relationship between logistic service of pharmacy visitors with the concepts of pharmaceutical help and good pharmacy practice, study of the relationship of the treatment process subjects, and the role of pharmacy professionals in terms of social pharmacy (B. Hromovyk, L. Unguryan) as a component of pharmaceutical provision for population and interdisciplinary science (B. Hromovyk, L. Unguryan, U. Yanyshyn); • theoretical substantiation and development of applied principles and specific recommendations for improving the management of clinical and pharmaceutical care to patients with acute cerebrovascular accident (O. Levytska). Under the guidance of Bohdan Hromovyk, a doctoral thesis of Valery Popovych and PhD theses of Artem Horilyk were made and presented (2013). Doctoral dissertation of Liana Unguryan, PhD dissertations of Sophiya Prokip and Inna Puzanova are under completing. Oksana Levytska is also working on her doctoral dissertation.

16 Department researchers during its existence processed and published 26 books, more than 20 guidelines, circulars, and innovations, over a thousand scientific and educational publications, including more than 150 conceptual scientific articles. Since opening in 1993 of educational and industrial pharmacy (V. Komar- the first head; S. Tereshchuk - responsible for learning process), at the department, teaching was optimized through the acquisition of practical skills based on it. In the computer lab of pharmacy, a program for checking students' knowledge was installed. At the pharmacist's workplace students practiced accepting prescriptions and dispensing medications, inventory replenishment, manufacturing dosage forms according to individual recipes and according to the requirements of health care institutions, as well as their quality control. In 1996 guidelines for practical training in pharmaceutical specialized disciplines were processed and published. In the mid-1990s the pharmaceutical faculty began preparation for the license integrated examination "Krok 2. Pharmacy". Teaching staff (H. Hasyuk, O. Hrom, B. Hromovyk, O. Korniyenko, O. Levytska, S. Tereshchuk, N. Yarko) annually direct to the Testing Center of Ministry of Health of Ukraine the processed author tests with one correct answer. Testing Centre experts (S. Tereshchuk, O. Levytska) did a great job at the periodic review of the Ministry of Health Ukraine test bases. Since 1998 the Department staff has done considerable work on the development of methodology of the educational process of extramural students. For each subject included in the curriculum, the Department staff worked out guidelines for control works and practical exercises. Since 2000 teaching of all the subjects at the Department was conducted in three languages: Ukrainian, English and Russian. Extension of the scope of department educational work was caused by the introduction of specialty "Clinical Pharmacy" for students. Since 2001, department provides theoretical and practical training of specialists in professional focus: "Pharmacy" (full-time and

17 correspondence), "Clinical Pharmacy", and "Nursing". The educational process is carried out in the following profession-oriented disciplines: organization and economics of pharmacy, management and marketing of pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical commodity, history of medicine and pharmacy, legal regulation of pharmaceutical companies activity, analysis of financial and economic activity of pharmacies, international marketing in pharmacy, labor protection in pharmacy, pharmaceutical ethics and deontology. For the first time, Department staff processed work programs, texts of lectures, guidance for practical training in the specialty "Organization and regulation of pharmaceutical companies" and five profession-oriented courses teaching of which, according to the new curriculum, was launched in 2002/2003 year: "Analysis of financial and economic activities of pharmacies", "Legal regulation of the pharmaceutical enterprises", "International Marketing in pharmacy", "Labour protection in pharmacy", "Pharmaceutical ethics and deontology". Since January 2008, to the educational process of the Department an innovative educational technology was implemented – web-site "AdFarm S.A.", which was processed by Sofiya Tereshchuk and Artem Horilyk. Its goal was to optimize the learning process of students and self-control of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in profile pharmaceutical discipline “Organization and economics of pharmacy”. The web-site consisted of the following sections: teaching materials, tasks (tests, situational tasks, and crosswords), preparation for exams, personal results, forum, search, blog. Subsequently, on the basis of that educational technology Artem Horilyk and Bohdan Hromovyk developed an online system of continuous pharmaceutical education AdFarm S.A. associated with management and economic disciplines, which consisted of three educational platforms: undergraduate education, postgraduate education and the creation of new knowledge (2011-12). Today, students and interns have the opportunity to carry out independent work, prepare modular control in management and economic disciplines and prepare for a license exam "Krok" using online system AdFarm S.A. at the computer lab of the Department.

18 In 2009, a new curriculum for undergraduate pharmacist training with "specialist" qualification in universities was approved. Training specialists at the Department according to this plan involves studying such subjects as "Ethics and deontology in pharmacy" (3rd year), "Organization and economics of pharmacy" (3rd and 4th years), "Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising" (4th and 5th years), "Management and marketing in pharmacy" (4th and 5th years), "Labour protection in pharmaceutical industry" (5th year), "Pharmaceutical law" (5th year) and the passing of such practices: " The Evaluation practice of organization and economics of pharmacy " (1st year), " Production practice in organization and economics of pharmacy", " Production practice in management and marketing of pharmacy" and " Production practice in specialization "(all – 5th year). In 2013–14 academic year the Department fully switched to credit-modular system of educational process at the stage of undergraduate training. For this purpose we have created training programs and developed methodological support for all courses according to the Bologna process. To improve the methodological work of the internship on specialty "General Pharmacy", the curriculum and guidelines were prepared for each lecture subject, practical classes, and seminars. The Department works on the preparation and publication of teaching materials to improve the educational process. Since 2000, over 20 books and manuals were worked out, published, and labeled by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of Ukraine. The Department organizes and supervises diploma papers and master's research papers and takes part in state certification of graduates with specialization in "Pharmacy", "Clinical Pharmacy" and "General Pharmacy". Guidance of the students research work always was among the priorities of the department. Since the establishment (1964), the department operates student scientific society. The logical conclusion of studies in this society is student's participation in scientific conferences, competitions, student’s work, protection of theses, final publication of articles in professional journals. In the graduation

19 works, students summarize the data of experimental research on topical pharmaceutical problems. All teaching staff are trainees of students’ scientific society of the pharmaceutical faculty. Sofiya Tereshchuk was a scientific supervisor of the students’ scientific society for many years, now Nataliya Yarko has undertaken this position. The Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy has always actively participated in national student competitions on specialty "Pharmacy". Delegations of students were headed by Sofiya Tereshchuk, Petro Kurash (Kharkiv, 1987 and 1991), Sofiya Tereshchuk (Kiev, 2001-02), Olexandra Kornyienko (Ternopil, 2011). In 1997-99 Sophiya Tereshchuk served as an executive secretary of the organizing committee in 2005-06. Credentials committee at that time was headed by Hanna Hasyuk and in 2014 – by Ulyana Yanyshyn, as jury members: Adeliya Novikevych (1997-99), Bohdan Hromovyk (2004), Iryna Horodetska (2005-06), Iryna Chuhray (2005), Olexandra Kornienko (2014). Bohdan Hromovyk was Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of students Olympics in 2014, Artem Horilyk was a jury secretary. Every year Sofia Tereshchuk, Adeliya Novikevych, Bohdan Hromovyk, Olexandra Kornienko, Bohdanna Herynovych participated in the elaboration of competitive challenges and students preparation. Sophiya Tereshchuk and Hanna Hasyuk were awarded the title of honour "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (1999) for the contribution to the development of student competitions. Department graduates successfully performed at national academic competitions in various years: Oksana Moskva (Kharkiv, 1987), Olga Markevych (Kharkiv, 1992), Svyatoslav Politylo, Oksana Zarubych (Lviv, 1997), Khrystyna Senchyshyn (Lviv, 1998), Olena Klyus (Lviv, 2000), Katheryna Pushak, Nataliya Melnyk (Kyiv, 2001), Olga Ziver (Kyiv, 2002), Alla Panas, Iryna Romanyuk (Kyiv, 2003), Vasyl Tymochko, Ivanna Brusak, Volodymyr Chornopyskyy (Lviv, 2004), Tetyana Mykhaylyuk (Lviv, 2005), Artem Horilyk (Kharkiv, 2007.). Oksana Moskva (Levytska), Katheryna Pushak (Dorykevych) and Artem Horilyk successfully continued scientific researches started

20 in their graduation works, and now they are the lecturers of Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy. Department staff always took an active part in the activities of the Faculty and Institute/University. Roman Pinyazhko in 1963-68 years served as dean of the correspondence department of the pharmaceutical faculty. The following people were associate deans of the pharmaceutical faculty: Orest Hrom (1974-83), Oleh Ryvak (1982- 92), Andriy Datsko (1992-2013). Petro Kurash held the position of the associate dean for science (1992-2000). In March, 2014 Bohdan Hromovyk was appointed as acting dean of the pharmaceutical faculty. Adeliya Novikevych, Sofiya Tereshchuk, Nataliya Yarko, Oksana Levytska worked as executive secretaries of state examination boards. In 1981-83 Roman Pinyazhko held the position of the deputy head of specialized Academic Council on pharmaceutical subjects. Hanna Hasyuk performed functions of the secretary of this council for many years (1990-2009). At various times responsible for teaching work at Department were Adeliya Novikevych, Nataliya Yarko, today – Iryna Horodetska. For scientific research at Department next persons were responsible Andriy Datsko, Nataliya Hanyk, Oksana Levytska, today – Dzvenyslava Hrushkovska. According to the survey of students from the pharmaceutical faculty since 2007 the nominees for the title of "Amicus Studentorum – Teacher – friend of students" are determined. Associate professors Andriy Datsko (2007 and 2011), and Sofiya Tereshchuk (2009) became winners of this honorary title. Department staff has always been with students in the extracurricular time. In 1967, 1989 and 1991 graduate students challenged teachers of the Department to take part in the competition in the format of " Club of the Funny and Inventive" (CFI). There were some competitions in which students defeated assistants and professors, but the friendship always won. Performances of the pharmaceutical faculty CFI team were very popular in 1995-99. Department graduates (T. Dzhula, V. Budyansky, V. Popchuk, Y. Korovets, O. Yurchenko (Paramosh), R. Tereshchuk) and other

21 students of pharmaceutical faculty (I. Koval., V. Kalitsun, N. Dyachuk) represented Lviv Medical University in the regional CFI league and placed high. Thus, the major scientific achievements of the Department staff over the fifty years of its existence are the following: • initiation of research on the history of pharmacy and organization of such history museum, systematization of materials on management of pharmaceutical organizations; • elaboration and implementation of program and guidelines for the discipline "Fundamentals and methods of management in pharmacy" into the plan of pharmacist training; • substantiation of the idea of consolidation of clinical, industrial and community pharmacy, as well as the principles of pharmacies specialization; • development of recommendations on optimization of drug provision in the areas of dynamic redistribution of population, production of sterile solutions in the pharmacy, as well as models of optimization of pharmaceutical information system activity; • planning and organization of the first in Ukraine educational and industrial pharmacy; theoretical study and practical implementation of ways to improve the service of medicine quality control, pharmaceutical personnel management, business activity of pharmacy management, drug provision for the population of Ukraine in the new economic conditions and activity of pharmaceutical companies to promote drugs on the market; • developing methods of information retrieval about deserving plants and creating the optimal combinations for the treatment of various nosology diseases; • scientific study of methodological principles of drug provision optimization for ophthalmic, otorhinolaryngological and palliative- hospice patients, patients with tuberculosis, socially dangerous diseases, acute stroke, mental disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, menopausal disorders of women, as well as family planning (contraception);

22 • elaboration of theoretical concepts and methodological approaches of pharmaceutical logistics as the modern concept of drug provision policy at different levels of management; • implementation of research and scientific design of management and economic training of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical system of continuous education, including elaboration and implementation of educational web platform AdFarm S.A.; • conceptual study of theoretical principles of pharmaceutical care, neuroeconomics in pharmacy, social pharmacy, asymmetric information in pharmaceutical care and development of the pharmacy practice; study of organizational and economic mechanism of pharmaceutical safety system in Ukraine. Thus, established 50 years ago, the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University has made a significant contribution into science and practice of pharmacy and pharmaceutical personnel training, gained authority among the pharmaceutical community. Department staff is young and skilled and keeps active scientific, educational, methodical and social work, preserves and multiplies the highest traditions of Lviv pharmacy academic school.

References 1. Voskobojnik S.L The role of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy in pharmacists training / S.L Voskobojnik // The main directions in the development of departments of Lviv Medical Institute: a summary report of the scientific conference. – Lviv, 1966. – P. 185–187. 2. Over the years, years… Devoted to the 160th anniversary of the faculty of pharmacy of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University: 1853-2013 (scientific and historical guide) / B.S. Zimenkovsky, T.H. Kalynyuk, R.B. Lesyk, S.V. Riznychok, S.І. Tereshchuk, Т.О. Tereshchuk. - Lviv: "Liga- Press", 2013. – 504 p. 3. History of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy / О. Hrom, А. Datsko, S. Tereshchuk, А. Novikevych, B. Hromovyk // Lviv State Medical Institute: collection of works; editors: M. PAvlovsky,

23 I. Latsenko, L. Petruh. – Lviv. – Publishing Association "Slovnyk" at Lviv state medical institute. – P. 263–265. 4. Pinyazhko R.M. Questions to optimize the educational process at the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Lviv Medical Institute / R.M Pinyazhko // Pharmacy. - 1976. - № 6. - P. 59-63. 5. Professor Roman M. Piniazhko - Pharmacy organizer, scientist, pedagogue / to the 80th anniversary / O.L. Hrom, H.D. Hasyuk, A.J. Datsko, O.R Levytska, S.I. Tereshchuk, N.B. Yarko.- Lviv, 2008.- 56 p. 6. Riznychok S. Formation and development of departments of pharmaceutical faculty at the Lviv State Medical Institute in 1944-1991 / S. Riznychok // Education. Electronic issue. - 2013. - № 1 (19). - Access mode: 7. Formation, development and achievements of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy / O.L. Hrom, A.M. Novikevych, S.I. Tereshchuk, A.J. Datsko, B.P. Hromovyk // Pharmaceutical Journal. - 1994. - № 1. - S. 69-71. 8. Continuity of generations. Faculty of pharmacy of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University: 1853-2009 / B.S. Zimenkovsky, T.H. Kalynyuk, R.B. Lesyk, S.V. Riznychok, S.I. Tereshchuk, T.O. Tereshchuk. - Lviv: Nautilus, 2009 - 518 p. 9. Tereshchuk T.O. Historical aspects of the pharmaceutical legislation and education, the establishment of socio-professional organizations in Western Ukraine (since XV – till first half of the XX century.) : PhD thesis : Spec. 15.00.04; Lviv State Medical University / T. Tereshchuk. - Lviv, 1996 - 190 p.


Part 2. SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ORGANIZATION AND ECONOMICS OF PHARMACY Part 2. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of organization and economics of pharmacy

Teaching Staff Of The Department (by the primary employment)

Voskobojnik Sofiya VOSKOBOJNIK Sofiya (27.05.1914, Semenivka village, Belgorod- Dnistrovsky district, Odessa region – 5.01.1997, Lviv) – associate professor, the head of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business (1964-68). Education: Dnipropetrovsk Pharmaceutical Institute (1936). Workplace: PhD student at the Department of Pharmacology at Dnipropetrovsk Pharmaceutical Institute (1938–41); teacher in orphan home in Kustanai region of Kazakh SSR (1941–42); military service (1942–46); assistant of the Department of Pharmacology (1946–53); chief of the course of medical commodity at the Department of Drug Technology (1953–63); the head of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business (1964–68) at Lviv State Medical Institute; the head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Kursk State Medical University (1969–73). PhD (1949), associate professor (1964). Scientific research areas: pharmacological characteristics of herbal choleretic drugs; physiological effect of mineral waters on the body; study of the influence of storage conditions of medicinal plants on the content of active substances; stability and compatibility of drugs during their long-term storage.

25 During the work at Lviv Medical Institute she is the author of about 20 scientific papers. Fundamental works: Study of the active principles of herbal choleretic drugs (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1949; Essential oils as a means of functional diagnostics of the liver. Pharmacol. Toxicolog., 1950, № 1; Study of the optimal storage conditions of Digitalis. Pharm. Journ., 1959, № 2; Quantitative determination of total alkaloids of Vinca minor, growing in Lviv region. Pharm. Journ., 1960, № 4; Stability and compatibility of dibazole in compounds during the long-term storage. Pharm. Journ., 1962, № 6 (co-author); Methods of scientific organization of labour in the pharmacies. Pharm. Journ., 1964 (co- author); The method determining cotton wool hygroscopicity. Pharm. Journ., 1965, № 3; Elaboration of methods for checking the quality of medical dressings during their long-term storage. Pharm. Journ., 1966, № 5; Quantitative determination of carboxyl groups in the macromolecule of cellulose in medical dressings during their long- term storage. Pharm. Journ., 1969, № 6; Application of the method of expertise in the study of the need for medical dressings. Pharm. Journ., 1970, № 1.

Pinyazhko Roman-Ivan PINYAZHKO Roman-Ivan (14.02.1928, Hlynyany, Zolochivsky district, Lviv region – 10.06.1983, Lviv) – professor, the head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1968–1983). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv Medical Institute (1951). Workplace: the head of analytical laboratory of Lviv Railway (1951–54); PhD student of the Department of Drug Technology (1954–57); assistant professor of the Departments of Inorganic (1957– 58) and Biological (1958–60) Chemistry; assistant professor (1960– 63), associate professor (1963–68) of the Department of Toxicological and Analytical Chemistry (1960–68), dean of the pharmaceutical faculty (extramural department) as a part-time job (1961–63); head of

26 the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1968– 83) of Lviv State Medical Institute. PhD (1958), associate professor (1964), DSc (1967), professor (1969). Scientific research areas: application of UV spectrophotometry in pharmacy; improvement of drug quality control; determination of the need in medicine; optimization and management of drug provision for public and health care institutions; analysis of financial and economic activities of pharmacies; introduction of computer technologies into the management of pharmaceutical system; initiation of the creation of automated control system of pharmaceutical staff and service of pharmaceutical information. Author of 150 scientific and educational papers, three monographs and one study guide. He supervised 1 DSc and 12 PhDs. Fundamental works: Study of the stability of penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1958; Study in the area of the UV-spectrophotometry use in pharmaceutical analysis (DSc thesis). Lviv, 1966; Collection of guidelines on the organization of pharmaceutical business. Lviv, 1970 (co-author); Urgent tasks of organization of pharmaceutical business. Pharm. Journ., 1971, № 2; Methods of UV-spectrophotometry in pharmacy (monograph). Kyiv, High School, 1976 (co-author); Automated control system "Healthcare" USSR subsystem "Personnel" (instructional and methodological materials), Lviv, 1976 (co-author); Issues of pharmaceutical information (monograph). Moscow, Medicine, 1979 (co-author); Analysis and determination of the need for improvement of pharmaceutical personnel. Pharm. Journ., 1980, № 3 (co-author); The pharmaceutical system and its management structure. Pharm. Journ., 1981, № 2 (co-author); Analysis of product nomenclature of pharmaceutical factories of pharmacy management system MRD USSR. Pharm. Journ., 1982, № 4 (co-author); Use of the methods of individual prognosis for long-term planning of a network of pharmacies in areas with dynamic redistribution of the population. Pharmacy, 1983, № 5 (co-author); Fundamentals and methods of pharmacy management (study guide). Kyiv, High School, 1986 (co- author).

27 Hrom Orest HROM Orest (23.08.1943, Dobrovody village, Zbarazh district, Ternopil region – 2012, Lviv) – professor, head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1983–2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of of Lviv State Medical Institute (1965). Workplace: teacher in Kolomyya pharmacy college(1965–67); PhD student (1967-70) of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, assistant professor (1970-77), associate professor (1977- 83), deputy dean of pharmaceutical faculty (1974-83), head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy in Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (1983 – 2012). PhD (1971), associate professor (1977), professor (2000). Scientific research areas: development of scientifically grounded recommendations for optimization of drug provision for the population and restructuring of pharmaceutical service of Ukraine in modern conditions; complex research of pharmaceutical market; pharmacoeconomic reasoning of drug provision for treatment of major diseases on the basis of insurance medicine. Author of 300 scientific and educational works, including two monographs, two study guides, one reference book, terminological dictionaries, invention certificate, declarative patent for an invention. Scientific supervisor of 10 PhDs. Fundamental works: Synthesis and transformations of thiazolidinedione-2,4-hydrazone-4 derivatives (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1971; A production process of thiazolidone-2 derivatives. Invent.cert. № 341801,1972 (co-author); Automated control system "Healthcare" USSR subsystem "Personnel" (instructional and methodological materials), Lviv, 1976 (co-author); Fundamentals and methods of pharmacy management (study guide). Kyiv, High School, 1986 (co- author); Organization of production and quality control of injections in pharmacies (monograph), Lviv, 1988 (co-author); Terminological dictionary of a pharmacist. Lviv, 1990 (co-author); Analysis of drug consumption by outpatients receiving medications for free or at

28 reduced rates. Pharm. Journ., 1992, № 4 (co-author); Ways of improving the management of drug provision for population and healthcare institutions. Pharm. Journ., 1993, № 3 (co-author); Phytocosmetics (reference book). Lviv, World, 1994 (co-author); Medical instruments. Classification and administration (reference book), Lviv, World, 1996 (co-author); Declarative patent for invention № 44674A, 1999 "Dental paste Kuriodont for the treatment of periodontal tissue disease", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: State department of intellectual property, 1999 (co-author); Practical guide on organization and economics of pharmacy. Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author); Pharmacoeconomic analysis of pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in hospital environment. Pharm. Journ., 2006, № 5 (co-author); Professor Roman M. Pinyazhko - pharmacy organizer, scientist, teacher (devoted to the 80-th anniversary of his birth) (monograph). Lviv 2008 (co-author); Optimization of the calculation methodology of the need for antituberculosis drugs on the basis of in-patient card analysis. Pharm. Journ., 2010, № 4 (co-author); Integrated market research of fluoroquinolones. Pharm. journ., 2010, № 3 (co-author); Market monitoring of antibacterial drugs (macrolides). Pharm. Journ., 2011, № 1 (co-author).

Parnovsky Borys PARNOVSKY Borys (06.10.1941, Samara, Russia) – professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education (since 2012). Honored professor of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2006). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1964). Workplace: teacher in medical colleges in Rivne (1964-65) and Lviv (1965- 67); assistant professor (1967-78), associate professor (1978-79) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy, head (1979- 2012), professor (since 2012) of the Department of Organization and

29 Economics of Pharmacy and Drug technology of faculty of postgraduate education at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1972), associate professor (1980), DSc (1980), professor (1982). Scientific research areas: pharmaceutical informatics, specialization of pharmaceutical care, family pharmacy. Author of more than 400 scientific and educational works, including 6 monographs, a textbook, 5 study guides. Scientific supervisor of 2 DScs and 16 PhDs. Fundamental works: Research in the area of improving the functioning of administration of pharmacies in the USSR (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1972; Research in the area of theory and practice of pharmaceutical information (DSc thesis). Lviv, 1978; Automated control system "Healthcare" USSR subsystem "Personnel" (instructional and methodological materials), Lviv, 1976 (co-author); Issues of pharmaceutical information (monograph). Moscow, Medicine, 1979 (co-author); Fundamentals of pharmaceutical information (monograph). Chisinau, Shtinitsa, 1986 (co-author); Fundamentals and methods of pharmacy management (study guide). Kyiv, High School, 1986 (co- author); Legal, medical and pharmaceutical aspects of the creation, realization and use of drugs (study guide). Lviv, Liga-Press, 2002 (co- author); Pharmaceutical prevention and its staffing (monograph). Lviv, Quart, 2007 (co-author); Pharmaceutical informatics (monograph). Lviv, Quart, 2008 (co-author).

Datsko Andriy DATSKO Andriy (25.07.1952, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 1989), deputy dean of the pharmaceutical faculty (1992- 2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1974). Workplace: military service (1974- 76), deputy chief of "Medtechnika" (1976-77),

30 assistant professor (1977-89), associate professor (since 1989), acting head of the Department (2012-13) of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1981), associate professor (1989). Scientific research areas: organization and economics of pharmacy, pharmacy management issues, pharmaceutical ethics and deontology, history of medicine and pharmacy. Author of over 100 scientific, educational and methodical works, including the study guide, 3 monographs, regulatory collection. Fundamental works: Research and improvement of the management of pharmaceutical provision with antibiotics (PhD thesis) Lviv, 1981; Pharmaceutical system and its management structure. Pharm. Journ., 1981, № 2 (co-author); Fundamentals and methods of pharmacy management (study guide). Kyiv, High School, 1986 (co- author); Organization of the work of day hospitals (monograph), Kyiv, Health, 1989 (co-author); Home care facilities (monograph), Kyiv, Health, 1991 (co-author); Preparation of the pharmacist ethics code in Ukraine. Pharm. Journ., 2005, № 6 (co-author); Problems of rare diseases and orphan drugs and ways of their solutions in Ukraine. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2009, № 1-2 (co-author); Market analysis of drugs for pharmacotherapy of cancer chronic pain syndrome. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2012, № 1-2 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author). Hromovyk Bohdan HROMOVYK Bohdan (04.08.1957, Zboriv, Ternopil region) – professor, head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2013). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1980). Workplace: pharmacist in Chernihiv and Ternopil regions (1980-83), assistant professor (1983-95), associate professor

31 (1995-2004) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, associate professor (2004-06), professor (2006-09) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Odessa State Medical University, professor (2009-12), acting head (2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education; head (since 2013) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1988), associate professor (1996), DSc (2006), professor (2008). Scientific research areas: development of the theory and practice of pharmaceutical management. Author of over 470 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 6 monographs, 5 textbooks, 13 study guides, one reference book. Scientific supervisor of one DSc and two PhDs. Fundamental works: Optimization of efficiency and quality of analytical service functioning (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1988; Theoretical, methodological and applied principles of logistic management of pharmaceutical companies (DSc thesis). Kyiv, 2006; Organization of production and quality control of injections in pharmacies (monograph), Lviv, 1988 (co-author); Pharmaceutical marketing (study guide). Lviv, Nautilus, 2000 (co-author); Organization of the work of pharmacies (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2003, 2005, 2007; Pharmaceutical marketing: theoretical and applied principles (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author); Practical guide on organization and economics of pharmacy (study guide). Vinnitsa, New Book, 2004 (co-author); Pharmaceutical logistics (monograph). Kharkiv, Publish. house of NPhU, Golden Pages, 2004 (co-author); Management in Pharmacy (textbook). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2005, 2009 (co-author); Management and marketing in pharmacy (textbook). Kyiv, Medicine, 2008 (co-author); Organization and economics of pharmacy (textbook). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2009 (co-author); Regulatory support of pharmaceutical and biotech industries (study guide). Lviv, Triada plus, 2010 (co- author); Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising: Pharmacy goods

32 (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2011 (co-author); Normative and legal regulation of activities of biotech and pharmaceutical industries (textbook). Lviv, Triada plus, 2011 (co-author); Lifelong pharmaceutical education in Ukraine: the scientific and methodological aspects of managerial and economic training (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2012 (co-author); Hepatoprotective potential of plants (monograph). Kyiv, Interservice, 2012 (co-author); Pharmaceutical logistics: focus on the help to patient (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2013 (co-author); Pharmaceutical care in geriatrics: applied aspects (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2014 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga- Press, 2014 (co-author); Ischemic stroke: clinical and pharmaceutical aspects (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Benyuh Nataliya BENYUH Nataliya (03.03.1957, Bobruysk, Mogilev region, Belorussia) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1999). Education: Lviv Basic Medical Colleage (1982), Lviv State Medical Institute (1987). Workplace: pharmacist in Pharmacy Museum in Lviv (1987-1993), assistant professor (1993-99), associate professor (1999) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1996), associate professor (1999). Scientific research areas: history of medicine and pharmacy in the Western region of Ukraine. During the work at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University she published 25 works, including 1 monograph and 1 study guide. Fundamental works: Development of pharmacy business in Galicia XVIII - early XX century (PhD thesis), Kharkiv, 1996; Catalogue of pharmaceutical products of Halychpharm Ltd. (guide),

33 Lviv, Kraj, 1993 (co-author); Contemporary issues of the history of medicine and pharmacy in Ukraine. Pharm. Journ., 1994, № 4 (co- author); History of the pharmacy of Galicia (XIII-XX centuries) (study guide), Lviv, Atlas, 1999; History of pharmacy of Ukraine (monograph). Kharkiv, Prapor, 1999.

Chuhray Iryna CHUHRAY Iryna (26.03.1972, , Lviv region) – assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2002). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1994). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1994–2002), assistant professor (since 2002) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Scientific research areas: marketing and organizational research in pharmaceutical industry, in particular the optimization of drug provision of patients with gastrointestinal diseases, management and marketing in pharmacy, organization and economics of pharmacy. Author of 68 scientific, educational and methodical works. Fundamental works: Your children, Alma Mater (scientific and historical guide). Lviv, Liga-Press, 2006 (co-author); Organization and economics of pharmacy (textbook), Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2009 (co-author); Analysis of the dynamics of drugs arsenal for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, included in the State drug formulary of Ukraine. Ukr. med. almanac, 2011, № 6 (co- author); Topical issues of positioning of dietary supplements with probiotics at the domestic pharmaceutical market. Ukr. med. almanac, 2012, № 5 (co-author); Monitoring of the domestic market of enzyme medicines. South. Ukrainian med. scient. journ., 2013, № 3 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).


Dorykevych Kateryna DORYKEVYCH (PUSHAK) Kateryna (20.07.1980, Chervonohrad, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2002). Workplace: laboratory assistant (2004–09), assistant professor (2005–11), associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education (2011–12), associate professor (since 2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2009), associate professor (2014). Scientific research areas: pharmaceutical help for population in family planning, pharmaceutical informatics, pharmaceutical prophylaxis. Author of over 80 scientific, educational and methodical works, including study guide and monograph. Fundamental works: Pharmacoeconomic studies of drugs for pregnancy prevention and treatment of menopausal disorders among women (PhD thesis). Lviv, 2009; Pharmaceutical informatics (monograph). Lviv, Quart, 2008 (co-author); Pharmaceutical care in contraception (study guide). Kyiv, Knyha Plus, 2010 (co-author); Directions of pharmaceutical prevention in the system of family planning. Pharm. chasopys, 2012, № 2 (22); Pharmaceutical prophylaxis in the rational use of hormones by women. Ukr. med. almanac, 2012, Vol 15, № 5.


Dykun Dmytro DYKUN Dmytro (14.10.1950, Tesluhiv village, Chervonoarmii- sky district, Rivne region – 24.05.2004) – assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1979-99). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1978). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1978–79), assistant professor (1979–99) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Lviv State Medical University. PhD (1986). Scientific research areas: organization of serial production of sterile medicine in aseptic conditions, pharmaceutical terminology, military pharmacy, assessment of first aid medicine, the use of herbs in cosmetics. Author of 59 scientific, educational and methodical works, including monograph, terminological dictionary for pharmacist. Fundamental works: Optimization of the production process of sterile solutions at pharmacies (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1985; Material and technical support of the production of sterile solutions. Pharm. Journ., 1985, № 4; Bacteriological control at pharmacies. Pharm. Journ., 1986, № 6 (co-author); Organization of production and quality control of injections at pharmacies (monograph), Lviv, 1988 (co-author); Search of the development priorities of analytical service. Pharmacy, 1990, № 2 (co-author); Terminological dictionary of a pharmacist, Lviv, 1990 (co-author); Medical instruments. Classification and designation (reference book), Lviv, Svit, 1996 (co-author).

36 Hanyk Nataliya HANYK (HERBOLKA) Nataliya (10.03.1978, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty (2000) and master course (2001) at Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University. Workplace: assistant professor as a part-time worker (2001–04), assistant professor (2004–12), associate professor (since 2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2009), associate professor (2012). Scientific research areas: marketing and organizational research in the field of pharmacy, drug-related problems of pharmacotherapy, peculiarities of the pharmaceutical business in foreign countries. Author of 63 scientific, educational and methodical works, including a study guide. Fundamental works: Organizational and economic substantiation of provision optimization of public with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (PhD thesis). Lviv, 2009; Analysis of the competitiveness of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Pharm. Journ., 2010, № 3 (co-author); Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising: pharmacy products (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2011 (co-author); Prospects of postgraduate adaptation of foreign students of pharmaceutical faculty. Ukr. med. almanac, 2011, № 1 (co-author); Drug-related problems (DRP)of pharmacotherapy and methodology of their evaluation and standardization. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2011, №1-2 (co-author); The concept of DRP as a part of the philosophy of rational pharmacotherapy, integrated with the system of pharmaceutical care. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2011, №1-2 (co-author); Analysis of the

37 consumption of drugs for basic pharmacotherapy of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ukr. med. almanac, 2011, № 4 (co-author); Comparative analysis of pharmacy products for basic pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Ukr. med. almanac, 2011, № 5 (co-author); Management of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pharmacy products at pharmacies. Ukr. med. almanac, 2012, № 5 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Hasyuk Hanna HASYUK Hanna (29.01.1948, Bryuhovychi village, Peremyshlyany district, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1992–2011). Education: Perm Pharmaceutical Institute (1982). Workplace: laboratory assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy (1970– 76), laboratory assistant (1976–86), assistant professor (1986–92), associate professor (1992–2011) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1989), associate professor (1992). Scientific research areas: organizational and economic assessment of the ways for improving provision of drugs to patients. Author of 101 scientific works, including 2 textbooks, 2 study guides, 1 monograph. Fundamental works: Improvement of the management of economic activities of pharmaceutical service (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1989; Organization of the work of pharmaceutical service of Lviv region in market conditions (monograph). Lviv, 1995 (co-author); Medical instruments. Classification and administration (reference book), Lviv, Svit, 1996 (co-author); Pharmaceutical marketing (study guide). Lviv,

38 Nautilus, 2000 (co-author); Pharmaceutical marketing: theoretical and applied principles (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author); Management of pharmaceutical products using ABC analysis. Zaporizhia med. journ., 2004, № 1 (co-author); Principles of the formation of drug lists for standards of medical therapy. Pharm. Journ., 2004, № 5 (co-author); Decision making in the management of pharmaceutical products using the integrated ABC and XYZ analysis. Pharm. Journ., 2005, № 1 (co-author); Management in Pharmacy (textbook). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2005, 2009 (co- author); Management and marketing in pharmacy (textbook). Kyiv, Medicine, 2008 (co-author).

Horilyk Artem HORILYK Artem (18.08.1986, Chervonohrad, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2013). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2008). Workplace: pharmacist of the chain of pharmacies D.S. "Market Universal LTD" (2007–10), expert in promotion of medicines at "Servier Ukraine" (2010), PhD student of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education (2010–13), assistant professor (2013-14), associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2014) at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2013). Scientific research areas: didactic peculiarities of lifelong pharmaceutical education; distance education by means of computer technologies; improvement of the teaching of pharmaceutical disciplines of managerial and economic direction.

39 Author of over 60 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 2 monographs. Fundamental works: Scientific and methodological design of managerial and economic training of pharmacists in the system of lifelong pharmaceutical education (PhD thesis). Lviv, 2012; The introduction of combined educational technology for higher pharmaceutical education. Med. education, 2009, № 4 (co-author); Competence approach to merchandising training of future pharmacists. Manag., econ. and prov. quality in pharmacy, 2011, № 1 (co-author); Lifelong pharmaceutical education in Ukraine: the scientific and methodological aspects of managerial and economic training (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2012 (co-author); Situational analysis of pharmaceutical education in Ukraine. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2013, Vol. 5 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga- Press, 2014 (co-author).

Horodetska Iryna HORODETSKA Iryna (11.09.1963, Hlynyany, Zolochivsky district, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2007). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1985). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1985–90), assistant professor (1995–2007), associate professor (since 2007) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1997), associate professor (2008). Scientific research areas: marketing research, organizational and economic research in pharmacy, in particular marketing and merchandising analysis of different groups of pharmacy products.

40 Author of 70 scientific, educational and methodical works, including study guide. Fundamental works: Optimization of drug provision of ophthalmic patients (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1997; Prospects of teaching the medical and pharmaceutical merchandising. Med. education, 2010, № 1 (co-author); Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising: pharmacy products (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2011 (co- author); The essence of pharmaceutical care during the realization of related pharmacy products. Clin. pharmacy, pharmacotherap. and med. standardization, 2012, № 1-2 (co-author); Pharmaceutical monitoring of non-medical use of drugs. Pharm. chasopys, 2013, № 1 (co-author); Controversial issues of drug advertising in Ukraine. Pharm. chasopys, 2013, № 2 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Hrom Yaryna HROM Yaryna (22.01.1981, Lviv) – assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2006). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2002). Workplace: pharmacist (2001–03) at pharmacy №1 PE "Farm-Service" in Lviv, director of PE "Farm-Service" (2003-09) and PE "Farmopika" (2009-12), assistant professor as a part-time worker (2006-12), assistant professor as a full-time worker (since 2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Scientific research areas: marketing and organizational research in pharmacy, pharmaceutical legislation in Ukraine, in particular issues of labour protection. Author of 16 scientific, educational and methodical works.

41 Fundamental works: Integrated marketing research of gastrointestinal drugs. Pharm. Journ., 2005, № 4 (co-author); Analysis of the pharmaceutical market of dermatological antifungal drugs. Pharm. Journ., 2010, № 3 (co-author).

Hrushkovska Dzvenyslava HRUSHKOVSKA (SADOVA) Dzvenyslava (30.05.1974, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 1999). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1996). Workplace: PhD student (1996–99), assistant professor (1999-2014), associate professor (since 2014) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2011), associate professor (2014). Scientific research areas: marketing and organizational research in pharmacy, in particular the optimization of drug provision of tuberculosis patients, medical and pharmaceutical commodity research, pharmaceutical legislation in Ukraine. Author of over 40 scientific, educational and methodical works. Fundamental works: Optimization of drug provision of tuberculosis patients (PhD thesis), Lviv, 2011; Pharmacoeconomic aspects of tuberculosis control in Ukraine. Pharm. Journ., 1999, № 2 (co-author); Cluster analysis of the impact of medical, demographic and socio-economic factors on the tuberculosis morbidity. Pharm. chasopys, 2009, № 2 (co-author); Monitoring of medical and social peculiarities of the stationary phase of the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis. Pharm.chasopys, 2009, № 3 (co- author); Prediction of pharmaceutical help for patients with active tuberculosis taking into account the influence of morbidity factors. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2010, № 1-2 (co-author); Optimization of methodology of calculation the need

42 of antituberculosis drugs using the analysis of medical cards. Pharm. Journ., 2010, № 4 (co-author); Comparative analysis of the assortment of drugs for the basic pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Ukr. med. almanac, 2011, № 5 (co-author); Pharmaceutical monitoring of non-medical use of drugs. Pharm. chasopys, 2013, № 1 (co-author); The analysis of merchandising and pharmaceutical market conditions of Vichy cosmetics. Pharm.chasopys, 2013, № 1 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Komar Volodymyr KOMAR Volodymyr (18.03.1946, Hlynyany, Zolochivsky district, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1991-2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1969). Workplace: pharmacist (1969–70), director of pharmacy № 16 in the Board of Pharmacies of Lviv Railway (1970–1983), assistant professor (1983–91), associate professor (1991-2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and part- time director of educational and industrial pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1980), associate professor (1991). Author of 70 scientific, educational and methodical works. Scientific research areas: use of informational technologies in the practice of pharmacy institutions, improvement of functioning of manufacturing pharmacies, pharmaceutical provision in the system of insurance medicine. Fundamental works: Complex approach to the management of analytical laboratories (PhD thesis), Moscow, 1980; Determination of the complexity of drug analysis. Pharm. Journ., 1977, № 4; Analysis

43 of the activities of analytical laboratories from the position of integrated approach. Pharm. Journ., 1984, № 3 (co-author); Peculiarities of state price regulation in the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine. Bullet. NU "Lviv Polytechnic", 2003, № 478 (co-author); Optimization of the funding of drug provision by the state price regulation and creation of the system of insurance medicine. Pharm. Journ., 2006, № 6 (co-author); Medical cluster as a structural unit of the system of compulsory health insurance. Clin. pharm., pharmakother. and med. standartization, 2012, № 1-2 (co-author).

Korchyncky Ivan KORCHYNCKY Ivan (28.02.1925, Trudove village, Terebovlya district, Ternopil region – 2009) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1979). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1952). Workplace: pharmaceutical inspector (1952–53), chief of pharmaceutical warehouse (1953–57), chief of Board of Pharmacies of Lviv Railway (1957–75), teacher of pharmacology in medical college of Lviv Railway (1975–76), assistant professor (1976–79), of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1979), associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy with Drug Technology Course of faculty of postgraduate education (1979–94) at Lviv State Medical Institute. PhD (1968), associate professor (1979). Scientific research areas: spectrophotometric analysis of drugs, record-keeping at pharmacies. Author of 30 scientific, educational and methodical works, including one monograph and study guide. Fundamental works: Application of UV spektrophotometry for the quantitative determination (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1968; A guidance collection on the pharmaceutical business organization.

44 Lviv, 1970 (co-author); Fundamentals of record-keeping at pharmacies / Pharm. Journ., 1979, № 3; Records management at pharmacies (monograph). Kyiv, Health, 1983 (co-author); Fundamentals of records management and keeping at pharmacies (study guide). Lviv, publish. house in Lviv state univers., 1989 (co- author).

Korniyenko Oleksandra KORNIYENKO (FOYDER) Oleksandra (02.04.1969, Velyke village, district, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2008). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv the Order of Peoples’ Friendship State Medical Institute (1991). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1991–95), assistant professor (1995–2008), associate professor (since 2008) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1997), assistant professor (2010). Scientific research areas: organization of pharmaceutical provision of public and healthcare institutions, research of the aspects of professional motivation of pharmacists and the factors of prestige of higher educational establishments, analysis of economic activities and peculiarities of taxation of the companies of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine. Author of over 60 scientific, educational and methodical works, including a textbook and two study guides. Fundamental works: Organizational and technological research of the use of plants in gastroenterology (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1997; Aspects of professional motivation of pharmacists and the factors of prestige of higher educational establishments. Pharm. chasopys, 2009, № 3 (co-author); Study of the competitiveness and trust of consumers to baby food. Pharm. Journ., 2009, № 3 (co-

45 author); Regulatory support of pharmaceutical and biotech industries (study guide). Lviv, Triada plus, 2010 (co-author); Medical and pharmaceuticalmerchandising: pharmacy products (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2011 (co-author); Normative and legal regulation of activities of biotech and pharmaceutical industries (textbook). Lviv, Triada plus, 2011 (co-author); Positioning of antihistamine drugs trusted by consumers. Southern Ukrainian med. scient. journ., 2013, № 1 (co-author); Peculiarities of taxation of pharmaceutical establishments. Southern Ukrainian med. scient. journ., 2013, № 4 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Kurash Petro KURASH Petro (25.10.1936, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1972-2000). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1959). Workplace: deputy director of pharmacy №187 in Komarno village (Lviv region) (1959-61), senior pharmaceutical inspector of Lviv Board of Pharmacies (1961- 63), assistant professor of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business (1964-72), associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1972- 2000), deputy dean of the pharmaceutical faculty on scientific activity (1992-2000) at Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University. PhD (1971), associate professor (1972). Scientific research areas: optimization of the work of pharmaceutical establishments on identification the needs of specific groups of drugs and providing patients with healthcare products. Author of 59 scientific, educational and methodical works. Fundamental works: The substantiation of the perspective need for antidiabetic and antithyroid drugs (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1971; A

46 guidline collection on the organization of pharmaceutical business. Lviv, 1970 (co-author); The use of statistical methods of analysis in the study of need for antidiabetic drugs for patients in Lviv region. Pharm. Journ., 1969, № 6; Ways to determine the need for medications. Pharm. Journ., 1973, № 4; Classification of signs and types of the public demand for drugs. Pharm. Journ., 1980, № 2 (co- author); The system of parameters characterizing the efficiency of the pharmacies activities. Pharm. Journ., 1985, № 2 (co-author); Calculation of realized trade margins in self-supporting pharmacies. Pharmacy, 1988, № 5 (co-author); Methods of teaching the course of medical and pharmaceutical commodity. Pharm. Journ., 1994, № 1 (co-author).

Levytska Oksana LEVYTSKA Oksana (10.10.1965, Ozhydiv village, Busk district, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2004) Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv Order of Peoples’ Friendship State Medical Institute (1988). Workplace: pharmacist of the pharmacy № 33 in Lviv (1988), laboratory assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry (1989-90), laboratory assistant (1990-93), assistant professor (1993-2004), associate professor (since 2004) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1999), associate professor (2004). Scientific research areas: organizational and pharmacoeconomic substantiation of the ways to improve the public drug supply. Author of 120 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 2 textbooks, 3 monographs and a study guide.

47 Fundamental works: Marketing research of drugs for otorhinolaryngological practice (PhD thesis). Lviv, 1998; Drugs in otorynolaryngology (reference book). Lviv, Medicine of the World, 1999 (co-author); Pharmaceutical marketing: theoretical and applied principles (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author); Management in pharmacy (textbook). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2005, 2009 (co-author); Management and marketing in pharmacy (textbook). Kyiv, Medicine, 2008 (co-author); Pharmaceutical care in geriatrics: applied aspects (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2014 (co- author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author); Ischemic stroke: clinical and pharmaceutical aspects (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Matsyak Oleksandr MATSYAK Oleksandr (27.05.1912, – 19.04.1991, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business (1969–72). Education: Lviv Commerce and Economic School (1933), Leningrad School of Medical commodity (1951), pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1961). Workplace: chief of the shop “Surgery” in Lviv (1945–63), assistant professor of the Department of Drug Technology (1962–63), assistant professor of the Department of Organization of Public Health (1963– 64), assistant professor (1964–69), associate professor (1969–72) of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business at Lviv State Medical Institute. Scientific research areas: the supply of western regions of Ukraine with medical instruments, an analysis of the movement of rubber goods and items of patients care and determination of their perspective need.

48 Myhailyk Orest MYHAILYK Orest (02.10.1954, , Lviv region) - assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1987–96). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1977). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1977–79) of the Department of Drug Technology, junior research scientist (1979) of Lviv Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, assistant professor (1979–87) of the Department of Drug Technology, assistant professor (1987–96) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Lviv State Medical Institute. Scientific research areas: creation of dental films with prolonged effect to treat parodontosis. Author of 21 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 3 work-improvement suggestions. Fundamental works: Dispensing drugs for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children. Pharm. Journ., 1989, № 1 (co-author); Prospects for the use of modern dosage forms in dental practice. Pharmacy, 1989, № 1 (co-author); The development of combined drugs for the treatment of periodontal diseases. Pharm. Journ., 1989, № 4 (co-author).

Novikevych Adeliya NOVIKEVYCH Adeliya (14.09.1932, Hnylytsi village, Novoselsky (Pidvolochysky) district, Ternopil region – 19.12.2005, Lviv) – assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1966–99). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1955). Workplace: pharmacist of Republican hospital pharmacy in Klaipeda (Lithuania)

49 (1955-58), deputy director of pharmacy №10 in Lviv (1958-66), assistant professor (1966–99) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1973). Scientific research areas: organization of pharmaceutical provision, improvement of accounting and reporting at pharmacies. Author of 60 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 2 study guides. Fundamental works: Spectrophotometric method of the quantitative determination of semisynthetic penicillins in dosage forms and the study of their stability in solutions (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1972; Collection of guidances on the organization of pharmaceutical business. Lvov, 1970 (co-author); Formation, development and achievements of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy. Pharm. Journ., 1994, № 1; The study of regional wholesale pharmaceutical market. Pharm. Journ., 1999, № 6; The accounting system at pharmacies (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2003 (co-author); Practical guide on organization and economics of pharmacy (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author).

Paramosh Olena PARAMOSH Olena (13.03.1977, Stryi, Lviv region) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University (1999). Workplace: laboratory assistant (1999–04), assistant professor (2004–12), associate professor (2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education, associate professor (since 2012) of

50 the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2009), associate professor (2013). Member of the Association of preventive and anti-aging medicine (since 2013). Scientific research areas: elaboration of drug provision of patients with mental disorders. Author of 50 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 2 monographs. Fundamental works: Optimization of drug provision for patients with mental disorders (PhD thesis). Lviv, 2009; Pharmaceutical informatics (monograph). Lviv, Quart, 2008 (co- author); Prevention of dangerous interactions of drugs for the treatment of patients with mental disorders. Ukr. bulletin of psychoneurology, 2011, Vol. 19, N. 3; Pharmaceutical diagnostics of pharmacophobia. Ukr. bulletin of psychoneurology, 2011, Vol. 19, N. 2 (co-author); Pharmaceutical diagnostics of problems of pharmacomania. Ukr. bulletin of psychoneurology, 2012, Vol. 20, N. 1 (co-author); Informatization of circulation of psychotropic medicines at pharmacies. Manag., econ. and prov. quality in pharmacy, 2013, № 2 (28); Pharmaceutical care in geriatrics: applied aspects (monograph). Lviv, Rastr-7, 2014 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Prokip Sofiya PROKIP Sofiya (14.09.1990, Lviv) – assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2013). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (2011). Workplace: laboratory assistant of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug

51 Technology of faculty of postgraduate education (2012–13), assistant Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2013) at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Scientific research areas: pharmaceutical care after patients with incurable diseases, analysis of pharmacy products used in the pharmacotherapy of palliative patients. Author of 28 scientific, educational and methodical works. Fundamental works: Market analysis of drugs for pharmacotherapy of cancer chronic pain syndrome. Clin. pharmacy, pharmakotherap. and med. standardization, 2012, № 1-2 (co- author); The topical issues of the organization and pharmaceutical provision of palliative and hospice care in Ukraine. Manag., econ. and prov. quality in pharmacy, 2012, № 2 (co-author); Comparative analysis of assortment of opioid analgesics and antiemetics in WHO Model lists of essential medicines and formularies of Great Britain and Ukraine. Odessa Medical Journal, 2012, № 4 (co-author); Analysis of drug consumption in hospice. Ukr. med. almanac, 2012, № 5 (co- author); Research of drug formulary lists for palliative and hospice medicine. Pharm. Journ., 2013, № 4 (co-author); The integrated ABC/FMR/VED–analysis of drug consumption among hospice patients. IJPSR. – 2014. –Vol. 5, Issue 1.- Р.104-109 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

Ryvak Oleh RYVAK Oleh (03.06.1944, Przemysl, Poland) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1983–94). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1965). Workplace: chemist-analyst of analytical laboratory of Lviv regional pharmacy directorate (1965–66), pharmacist of pharmaceutical warehouse of Volyn

52 regional pharmacy directorate, Lutsk (1966–69), PhD student of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmaceutical Business (1970–72), assistant professor (1972-1983), associate professor (1983–94) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Lviv State Medical Institute. Deputy dean of the pharmaceutical faculty (1982–92). PhD (1974), associate professor (1983). Scientific research areas: the elaboration of data retrieval systems, management of drug provision for population. Author of 54 scientific, educational and methodical works. Fundamental works: Spectrophotometric study of some antibiotics of actinomycetes (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1974; Analysis of activities of analytical laboratories from the position of an integrated approach. Pharm. Journ., 1984, № 3 (co-author); The system of parameters characterizing the efficiency of pharmacies activities. Pharm. Journ., 1985, № 2 (co-author).

Sinhalevych Neonila SINHALEVYCH Neonila (28.01.1927, , Lviv region– 03.09.2005, Lviv) –assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1964-1983). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1951). Workplace: laboratory assistant of the Department of Pharmacogonosy (1950– 53), assistant professor of the Department of Organization of Public Health (1953–64), assistant professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1964–83) at Lviv State Medical Institute. Scientific research areas: historical and organizational aspects of activities of pharmacies and pharmaceutical education in Lviv. Neonila Sinhalevych worked on her PhD thesis called "The development of pharmacy and pharmaceutical education in Lviv before and after the reunification of Western Ukraine with the USSR".

53 Author of over 30 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 3 work-improvement suggestions. Fundamental works: The history of the development of pharmacy in Lviv. Pharm. business, 1959, № 5; The history of pharmaceutical education on the territory of Western Ukraine. In the book: The history of medicine in Ukraine. Lviv, 1961; The history of the development of pharmacy business in Lviv and region. Pharm. Journ., 1964, № 1; The history of the professional movement of pharmacists in Western Ukraine. Pharm. Journ., 1968, № 4; The results of the work of first interhospital wholesale pharmacy. Pharm. Journ., 1969, № 1 (co-author); Determination of the prescription coefficient using selective observation. Pharm. Journ., 1969, № 4; Collection of guidances on the organization of pharmaceutical business. Lvov, 1970 (co-author); Application of certain statistical and mathematical methods to forecast the development of chains of pharmacies in the Lviv region. Pharm. Journ., 1970, № 4 (co-author); The pharmaceutical personnel of Lviv region, their location and use. Pharm. Journ., 1972, № 3 (co-author); The issue of the organization of a specialized pharmacy for children. Pharm. Journ., 1977, № 2 (co- author).

Tereshchuk Sofiya TERESHCHUK Sofiya (06.12.1949, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (1992–2010). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1971). Workplace: pharmacist in Lviv (1971–73), laboratory assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1973–78), assistant professor (1978–92), associate professor (1992–2010) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.

54 PhD (1979), associate professor (1992). Scientific research areas: study of the dimexide and its dosage forms, history of pharmacy and pharmaceutical education in Ukraine, improvement of the learning process using the innovative technologies, economic analysis of pharmacy activities. Author of over 190 scientific, educational and methodical works, including 1 textbook, 3 study guides, 1 practical guide, 2 scientific and historical guides, 1 certificate of copyright registration. Fundamental works: Research in the area of pharmaceutical analysis of Dimexidum and its dosage forms (PhD thesis). Moscow, 1979; Research in the area of organization and economics of pharmacy in Ukraine. Pharm. Journ., 1994, № 5 (co-author); Comparative analysis of taxation the salaries of employees of pharmacies in Ukraine and Poland. Pharm. Journ., 2002, № 3 (co-author); The accounting system at pharmacies (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2003 (co-author); Practical guide on organization and economics of pharmacy (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2004 (co-author); The role of personalities in the historical development of the faculty of pharmacy in Lviv. Pharm. Journ., 2005, № 3 (co-author); Your children, Alma Mater (scientific and historical guide). Lviv, Liga- Press, 2006 (co-author); Creation of computer support for the study of the subject "Organization and economics of pharmacy". Manag., econ. and prov. quality in pharmacy, 2008., № 2 (co-author); Organization and economics of pharmacy (textbook), Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2009 (co-author); The essence and principles of economic analysis of pharmacy activities. Pharmacist, 2009, № 1-2 (co-author); Development of combined educational technology for higher pharmaceutical education. Pharm. Journ., 2009, № 3 (9) (co- author); Continuity of generations. Faculty of pharmacy of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University: 1853-2009 (scientific edition). Lviv, Nautilus, 2009 (co-author); Over the years, years ... Devoted to the 160th anniversary of the faculty of pharmacy of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University: 1853-2013 (scientific and historical guide). Lviv, Liga-Press, 2013 (co-author).

55 Yanyshyn Ulyana YANYSHYN Ulyana (07.08.1980, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2012). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University (2002), faculty of economics of the Institute of postgraduate education of Lviv State Agrarian University (2005). Workplace: laboratory assistant (2002–04), assistant professor (2004–11), associate professor (2011–12) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology of faculty of postgraduate education, associate professor (since 2012) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (2009), associate professor (2011). Member of the Coordination Council on HIV/AIDS at Lviv Regional State Administration (since 2007), member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine (since 2009). Scientific research areas: issues of pharmaceutical care and optimization of drug provision for patients with socially dangerous diseases, social pharmacy, rural pharmacy, pharmaceutical information. Author of 70 scientific, educational and methodical works, including a study guide, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Fundamental works: Pharmaceutical provision of treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS (PhD thesis). Lviv, 2009; Pharmaceutical care for patients with HIV/AIDS (study guide). Lviv, 2007; Prevention and pharmaceutical care for patients with HIV/AIDS and other related diseases (study guide). Lviv, 2012; Problems of rural pharmacy: dream or reality? News of medicine and pharmacy, 2012, № 10; Modern directions of pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases caused by Chlamydia and HIV infections. Medicines of Ukraine, 2012, № 1-2; Peculiarities of the use of Nebivolol in medical practice. Art of Treatment, 2013, № 4; Pharmacy on wheels. Mirror of the Week, 2014, № 4.

56 Yarko Nataliya YARKO Nataliya (17.07.1956, Lviv) – associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy (since 2002). Education: pharmaceutical faculty of Lviv State Medical Institute (1978). Workplace: pharmacist of pharmacy № 28 in Lviv (1978–79), laboratory assistant (1979–86), assistant professor (1986–2002), associate professor (since 2002) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. PhD (1990), associate professor (2002). Scientific research areas: organizational, economic and market research in pharmaceutical industry; medical and pharmaceutical commodity: classification of products, processing of the methodology of commodity analysis of pharmacy assortment goods, pharmaceutical care during the use of medical products. Author of 60 scientific, educational and methodical works, including a study guide approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Fundamental works: Organizational and economic improvement of the management of pharmaceutical personnel on the example of the Ukrainian SSR (PhD thesis), Lviv, 1990; Statistical evaluation of the degree of influence of various factors on labour productivity. Pharmacy, 1991, № 5 (co-author); Marketing study of self-treatment and OTC drugs. Pharm. Journ., 2001, № 6 (co- author); Marketing study of disposable syringes for injection. Pharmacist, 2003, № 14 (co-author); Principles of merchandising analysis of energometers and pharmaceutical care of their implementation. Pharmacist, 2005, № 15 (co-author); Optimization of information provision of pharmaceutical care for insulin-dependent patients. Clin. pharmacy, 2009, № 1 (co-author); Perspectives of teaching the medical and pharmaceutical merchandising. Med. education, 2010,№1 (co-author); Research of pharmaceutical diagnostics in determining the blood glucose level in patients with

57 diabetes mellitus. Ukr. journal of clin. and laborat. diagnostics, 2011, №3 (co-author); Medical and pharmaceutical commodity: pharmacy products (study guide). Vinnytsya, Nova Knyha, 2011 (co-author); Optimization of pharmaceutical care during the implementation of medical products as a factor of improving the quality of life. Pharm.chasopys, 2012, №3 (co-author); Modern aspects of pharmacy practice in Ukraine (monograph). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014 (co-author).

PhD students from other organizations who worked on their thesis under the supervision of the Department staff

ANDRIANOVA Halyna (PhD student of prof. R. Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1983) – currently DSc, prof., head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Ural State Medical University (Ekaterinburg, Russia); CHUMAKOVA Lyubov (PhD student of prof. R. Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1981) – currently PhD, assistant professor of the Department of Pharmacy (Faculty of postgraduate education), Kursk State Medical University (Kursk, Russia); HORILYK Artem (PhD student of prof. B. Hromovyk, thesis was presented in 2013) – currently PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Lviv); HRUSHKOVSKA (SADOVA) Dzvenyslava (PhD student of prof. O. Hrom, thesis was presented in 2011) – currently PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of pharmacy, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Lviv); KUHAR Oleksandr (PhD student of prof. B. Hromovyk, thesis was presented in 2002) – currently PhD, associate professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Organization and Economics of Pharmacy, Kyiv Medical University UAFM; POPOVYCH Valeriy (PhD student of prof. B. Hromovyk, thesis was presented in 2012) – currently DSc, associate professor, main technologist of Acme Ltd.;

58 RAYKOVA Tetyana (PhD student of prof. R. Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1987) – currently PhD, associate professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, Management and Economics of Pharmacy (Faculty of postgraduate education), Zaporizhzhia State Medical University; RYVAK Oleh (PhD student of prof. R. Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1974) – currently he resides in the United States; SYATYNYA Myhaylo (PhD student of prof. O. Hrom, thesis was presented in 1997) – currently DSc, prof., head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy, Bohomolets National Medical University (Kyiv); TOROPOVA Lidiya (PhD student of prof. R.Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1976) – before retirement she had worked as a leader of the team of material standards in laboratory of technical and economical research and prediction, State Scientific Center of medicines, (Kharkiv); YANISHEVSKA Ninel (PhD student of prof. R.Pinyazhko, thesis was presented in 1979) – before retirement she had worked as an associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Kuiv).

Teachers who worked at the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy as part-time workers

BOBKO Maryana (2001–04, 2010–12), CHUHRAY Iryna (2001–02). DATSKO Olesya (2006–10, 2012–13), FLEYCHUK Mariya (2002–06), HERBOLKA (HANYK) Nataliya (2001–04), HROM Nataliya (2003–04), HROM Yaryna (2006–12), HRYNKIV Yaryna (2007–08), LEVYTSKA Nataliya(2007–08),

59 NEDOVIZ Iryna(2007–08), NOVAK Halyna (2007–08), PUZANOVA Inna (2013–14), VASYLYSHYN Taras (2001–02).

Teaching and support staff BARTOSH Erast (1973–78), BAZELYUK-KOTOVYCH Kamila (2002–04), CHAPRAN Anna (2012–13), CHETYRBOK Iryna (1997–2002), CHORNOBAY Oksana (1997–2003), CHUHRAY Iryna (1994–2002), DOLYNSKA Oksana (1988–92), DYKUN Dmytro (1978–79), FITAK Oksana (2008–11), FOYDER Oleksandra (1991–95), HASYUK Hanna (1982–86), HERASIMOVA Iryna (since 2001), HERYNOVYCH Bohdanna (since 2002), HIMKA Lyubov (1968–70), HMYZA Volodymyr (1964–72), HORODETSKA Iryna (1985–90), HOVZAN Rostyslav (1990–91), KORNYAT Nataliya (1994–97), KUDLA Bohdan (1981–83), KULESHKO Nadiya (1995–2001), LAVER Marianna (2008–09), LESKIV Olena (since 2010) LEVYTSKA Nataliya (since 2003), LEVYTSKA Oksana (1990–93), LYUBUN Lyudmyla (1994–98), MASLOVA Bohdana (1965–69), NEDOVIZ Iryna (2007–08), ONYSKIV (SHELEVIY) Dariya (1968–75), PEYL Larysa (2002–04),

60 POHORILETS Volodymyr (1965–70), RADYK Ulyana (2002–03), SEMENOVYCH (BOBKO) Maryana (since 2001), SHVETS Sofiya (1972–1977), STOLYARCHUK Zenoviy (1989–93), VASENKO (KOPIY) Mariya (since 2004), VOVK Nadiya (1990–93), YARKA Petro (1999–2000), YARKO Nataliya (1979–86). YUKALO Olha (1975–1986), YUNIKOV Robert (2005–10), ZAHARCHUK Lyudmyla (1994–96).


Preface ...... 3 Part 1. The 50th anniversary of Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy ...... 5 Part 2. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy ...... 25 Voskobojnik Sofiya ...... 25 Pinyazhko Roman-Ivan ...... 26 Hrom Orest ...... 28 Parnovsky Borys ...... 29 Datsko Andriy ...... 30 Hromovyk Bohdan ...... 31 Benyuh Nataliya ...... 33 Chuhray Iryna ...... 34 Dorykevych Kateryna ...... 35 Dykun Dmytro ...... 36 Hanyk Nataliya ...... 37 Hasyuk Hanna ...... 38 Horilyk Artem...... 39 Horodetska Iryna ...... 40 Hrom Yaryna ...... 41 Hrushkovska Dzvenyslava ...... 42 Komar Volodymyr ...... 43 Korchyncky Ivan...... 44 Korniyenko Oleksandra ...... 45 Kurash Petro ...... 46 Levytska Oksana ...... 47 Matsyak Oleksandr ...... 48 Myhailyk Orest ...... 49 Novikevych Adeliya ...... 49 Paramosh Olena ...... 50

62 Prokip Sofiya ...... 51 Ryvak Oleh ...... 52 Sinhalevych Neonila ...... 53 Tereshchuk Sofiya ...... 54 Yanyshyn Ulyana ...... 56 Yarko Nataliya ...... 57 PhD students from other organizations who worked on their thesis under the supervision of the Department staff ...... 58 Teachers who worked at the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy as part-time workers ...... 59 Teaching and support staff ...... 60

63 Scientific edition

Bohdan Hromovyk Sofiya Tereshchuk Artem Horilyk Sofiya Prokip


Correctors: Mariya Romanyuha, Nataliya Bondarchuk

On the cover page an illustration "Leopolis" (G.Braun, F. Hogenberg, 1618) was used.

This book was published with the support of the wholesale pharmaceutical company – Hurtap S.A. (Poland)

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