The Dewsbury Beeline Heritage Trail

9 Cloth Hall Mills 7 The Market Dewsbury’s covered market opened in 1904 (Machells’ Mill) and was expanded over time with more glass Brothers Robert and William Machell 8 Corporation Street and ironwork structures. The open market was moved their shoddy and mungo In the 1890s, Dewsbury was one of moved here from the Market Place in the 1930s. business into this new cloth mill in 1874. Whitehall Way the frst town corporations to redesign What things do traders sell at the market today? Look for the blue plaque. Which Machell run-down streets by building new brother became Mayor of Dewsbury in 1880? Northgate shops and offices. Foundry StreetHow many shops Halifax Road make up the row?

10 Pioneer House This Victorian building was Queensway Arcade built for the Dewsbury Pioneers Industrial Society 140 years ago and was extended twice in 1896 6 Central and 1914. There were shops at street level, Kingsway Arcade Station a library, reading rooms and offices on the Open from 1880 to 1964, Dewsbury Ring Road frst floor and a grand hall on the second this railway station served

floor which later became a cinema. Today it FINISH passenger and goods is home to the students of College. trains running to ,

Can you spot all these stone Foundry Street and Wakefeld. Corporation Street carvings on the building? Croft Street The building is now used The Arcade beehives faces as a bridge for a busy road. Look for the red plaque. Bond Street flowers shells What is the name of the road? to Train Station Crackenedge Lane

d a o 4 16-18 Market Place R Prince Street Market ld This is one of Dewsbury’s oldest houses. O d Place el The frontage was rebuilt in the 1830s. fi Union Street e In Victorian times a watchmaker, a leather ak W worker and a fabric seller had shops here. Part of the original building is missing. How can you tell? Market Street

Town Hall Way

e t

a g t s 3 Old Church School Daisy Hill e Rishworth Road W This community centre was Street

n built as a school in 1843 to r a Longcauseway

B educate the poor. There is an old e h stone statue called the Pancake it 5 Town Hall T Dog on the roof. Local legend says School Street Built in1889, Dewsbury’s that when the school bell rang on a Victorian town hall once Shrove Tuesday, the dog would jump housed a courthouse and down to eat a pancake treat! police station. Today, it’s After cleaning, the statue looks more used as the town register like a lion than a dog. What do you think? Princess of Wales Precinct office and a concert hall. Church Street Church Listen out for the clock striking the hour. How many clocks can you count South Street on the tower? 1 Vicarage Road A church was frst built here after St Paulinus visited the town in 627 ad. The stone arches to Bus Longcauseway 2 Greenwood’s in the aisle are 800 years old. The tower Station This building is Dewsbury’s oldest shop. John was added some 550 years later in 1767. Greenwood frst started selling jewellery and What symbols decorate the stone gate work clothing here 160 years ago. It has a posts outside the church? small museum displaying historic artefacts Sports Centre from the business. S TAR T What year did the shop start trading?

ots as you e sp fin Spotting puzzle th d th with the ten numbered buildin in em. C details gs o rs an you of these n the be match up each map? Write the num

and reading rooms in the Dewsbury area. Dewsbury the in rooms reading and

area by rail to London and towns in the North. the in towns and London to rail by area education. It gave money to set up libraries libraries up set to money gave It education.

and out of ten stations, linking the Dewsbury Dewsbury the linking stations, ten of out and help improve the lives of local people through through people local of lives the improve help

Passenger and goods trains once travelled in in travelled once trains goods and Passenger of Pioneer House. The Society’s aim was to to was aim Society’s The House. Pioneer of

helped the local cloth industry grow larger still. still. larger grow industry cloth local the helped stonework the into carved beehives are there

to Dewsbury and Dewsbury to came railway the 1840, In of a busy beehive as its symbol. This is why why is This symbol. its as beehive busy a of

Victorian railways Victorian society founded in 1844, which used the image image the used which 1844, in founded society

Rochdale Pioneers – the first ever co-operative co-operative ever first the – Pioneers

the of ideals the followed members society The

of the Dewsbury Pioneers Industrial Society. Industrial Pioneers Dewsbury the of town through the Savile Town Basin. Town Savile the through town

headquarters and central department store store department central and headquarters and finished products to and from the the from and to products finished and

Pioneer House opened in 1880 as the as 1880 in opened House Pioneer now transported coal, raw materials materials raw coal, transported now

Industrial Society Industrial river and part canal – in 1770. Barges Barges 1770. in – canal part and river

Calder and Hebble Navigation – part part – Navigation Hebble and Calder

s s Pioneer Dewsbury

Revolution led to the opening of the the of opening the to led Revolution

factories. The steam-powered Industrial Industrial steam-powered The factories.

manufactured on a larger scale in local local in scale larger a on manufactured at the end of the 19th century. 19th the of end the at

ool cloth was being being was cloth ool w 1700s, the By Mayor 1883 Mayor Mayor 1895-6 Mayor

also served as Mayor to the town the to Mayor as served also

Henry Holtom Henry

George Fox George Georgian expansion Georgian schools and houses. Both men men Both houses. and schools

Cloth Hall Mills, as well as churches, churches, as well as Mills, Hall Cloth

Pioneer House, the Town Hall and and Hall Town the House, Pioneer

merchants and cloth producers. producers. cloth and merchants wool

partner George Fox, who designed designed who Fox, George partner

of trade local growing the served

period were Henry Holtom and and Holtom Henry were period

yearly fair and market. The market market The market. and fair yearly

industry. Key architects of this this of architects Key industry.

was granted a charter in 1331 for a a for 1331 in charter a granted was

produced by the local cloth cloth local the by produced

Dewsbury area, area, Dewsbury the within Thornhill, the 1880s thanks to the wealth wealth the to thanks 1880s the

Medieval market town market Medieval

beautiful buildings were built in in built were buildings beautiful

bury’s grand, grand, bury’s Dews of Many

Town architects Town

soldiers’ uniforms during the First World War. World First the during uniforms soldiers’

to have preached at the site of today’s Minster. today’s of site the at preached have to woven into heavy cloth for army blankets and and blankets army for cloth heavy into woven

banks of the River Calder in 627 in Calder River the of banks He is also said also is He . ad cloth into new fibres. These were spun and and spun were These fibres. new into cloth

the on followers new baptise to came York, of to grind up recycled woollen rags and scrap scrap and rags woollen recycled up grind to

St Paulinus, the first Bishop Bishop first the Paulinus, St times. Saxon in centre textile process used steam-powered machines machines steam-powered used process textile

an important Christian Christian important an was Dewsbury of The cloths called Shoddy and Mungo. This special special This Mungo. and Shoddy called cloths

Saxon settlement Saxon of towns producing heavyweight heavyweight producing towns Yorkshire of

cluster cluster a of centre the at lay mills Dewsbury’s

A short history of Dewsbury of history short A ... Woollen Heavy

Make a beeline for Pioneer House! The Dewsbury Admire the grandeur of this landmark building and find more key historic buildings in Dewsbury Town Centre Beeline to solve the puzzles along the trail. Heritage Trail

Follow this town trail to discover

Produced as part of the Dewsbury Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI), jointly funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Kirklees Council. A regeneration programme from 2013-20 to help repair and restore properties within part of the Dewsbury Town Centre Conservation Area and complementing the Historic Heritage Action Zone (HAZ). The THI-funded renovations have helped to conserve and raise awareness of Dewsbury’s rich heritage for the enjoyment of future generations. ten historic buildings that together With grateful thanks to the Dewsbury History Group. Follow their blue plaque trail to discover more about Dewsbury’s heritage: pdf/dewsbury-heritage-trail.pdf

Created by Blackbird Publishing by Blackbird Created

10 Pioneer House = clock tower. clock = House Pioneer nose,

9 8 7 Cloth Hall Mills = bust portrait with a broken broken a with portrait bust = Mills Hall Cloth motifs, shell with gable roof = Street Corporation decoration, gate bowl fruit = Market The

6 5 4 Central Station = ironwork gate decoration, decoration, gate ironwork = Station Central crest, Dewsbury = Hall Town 16-18 Market Place = toothed triangular pediment, pediment, triangular toothed = Place Market 16-18 tell the story of Dewsbury’s past

Spotting puzzle answers: puzzle Spotting 3 2 1 Old Church School = spire, spire, = School Church Old column, blue = Greenwood’s vane, weather = Minster Dewsbury

carvings decorate Pioneer House – there are two beehive carvings situated above the large second-floor windows. second-floor large the above situated carvings beehive two are there – House Pioneer decorate carvings

10 9 8 Many different stone stone different Many Dewsbury. of Mayor as served Machell William Street. Corporation in row the up make shops different Seven

7 The market traders sell food produce including fruit and vegetables, flowers, meat and fish, as well as clothes, etc. etc. clothes, as well as fish, and meat flowers, vegetables, and fruit including produce food sell traders market The Station. Central

6 5 Dewsbury Ring Road now runs above above runs now Road Ring Dewsbury faces. clock four has tower Hall Town The side. left-hand the on missing windows four are there

4 3 The building at 16-18 Market Place is not symmetrical – you can tell tell can you – symmetrical not is Place Market 16-18 at building The statue. lion a actually is Dog Pancake the think now People 1860. in

Trail quiz answers: quiz Trail 2 2 1 Greenwood’s was established established was Greenwood’s Crosses. Paulinus with decorated are Minster Dewsbury of posts gate The