Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat (ra)

Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor (aba); relayed live all across the Head of the Ahmadiyya globe Muslim Community

November 27th 2020

NOTE: Al Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Summary Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Ali (ra)

Hazrat Ali’s (ra) father’s name was Abd Manaf who was better known as Abu Talib, and his mother’s name was Fatimah bint Asad bint Hashim.

Hazrat Ali (ra) was also known by the titles Abul Hassan, Abus Sibtain and Abu Turab.

God placed the truthfulness of Islam in Hazrat Ali’s (ra) heart, and he accepted Islam and pledge allegiance to the Holy Prophet (sa).

According to historians, Hazrat Ali (ra) was the first child to accept Islam.

November 27th 2020

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated: –

) His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said ra that he would begin highlighting incidents from the lives of the Khulafa-e-Rashidin, beginning with Hazrat Ali (ra)

bin Abi Talib bin Abdil Muttalib.

Ali ( Ali

Guided Guided Caliphs

Hazrat Rightly Rightly

Hazrat Ali’s (ra) father’s name was Abd Manaf who was better known as Abu Talib, and his mother’s name was Fatimah bint Asad bint Hashim. Hazrat Ali (ra) was born ten years before the November prophethood of (sa). 27th 2020 Hazrat Ali (ra)

– His Holiness (aba) said that initially, Hazrat Ali (ra) was also known by Hazrat Ali (ra) had the titles Abul Hassan, Abus ) Sibtain and Abu Turab. been named Asad ra by his mother, however his father

Ali ( Ali Abu Talib later He was known as Abu Turab because once, the Holy Prophet named him Ali. (sa) saw him sleeping on the Hazrat Ali (ra) had floor of the and some Guided Guided Caliphs three brothers and dirt had come onto his body.

Hazrat two sisters. Rightly Rightly

The Holy Prophet (sa) went to him and said, ‘O Abu Turab, wake up.’ November 27th 2020 Acceptance of Islam

– Hazrat Ali (ra) One day, Hazrat wished to first Later on that Ali (ra) saw the consult his father night, God Holy Prophet Abu Talib, however ) (sa) and Hazrat placed the the Holy Prophet truthfulness

ra Khadijah (ra) (sa) did not wish for offering prayers. of Islam in this news to spread Hazrat Ali (ra) Hazrat Ali’s before his formal

Ali ( Ali inquired as to (ra) heart, and claim to what they were prophethood. Thus, the next day doing, upon he asked Hazrat Ali he decided to which the Holy

Guided Guided Caliphs (ra) that even if he accept Islam Prophet (sa) did not wish to and pledge

Hazrat explained, and accept this invited him to allegiance to message, he should believe in the the Holy not make mention One, True God. Prophet (sa).

of it to anyone. Rightly Rightly

His Holiness (aba) said that at the time of his acceptance, Hazrat Ali (ra) was thirteen years of age, whilst according to some other narrations, his age was 11 years. According to historians, Hazrat November Ali (ra) was the first child to accept Islam. 27th 2020

Invitation of Islam to Abu Talib –

Once Hazrat Ali (ra) was offering prayers alongside the Holy

Prophet (sa). During this time, Abu Talib passed by and saw this. )

He asked the Holy Prophet (sa) what they were doing, to which ra the Holy Prophet (sa) relayed to him the message of Islam and

invited him to accept it.

Ali ( Ali Guided Guided Caliphs

Hazrat Abu Talib said that he could Abu Talib also said that not leave the practice of his despite not formally forefathers, but then he accepting Islam, he looked at Hazrat Ali (ra) and Rightly Rightly would ensure that no said that he should remain harm reached the Holy with the Holy Prophet (sa) in his faith. Prophet (sa).

November 27th 2020 Invitation of Islam to Family

– Once, according to the divine After the meal, the Holy command that he should warn Prophet (sa) wished to give a his family and invite them to speech, inviting everyone to the Islam, the Holy Prophet (sa) religion of Islam. However, the ) instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to treacherous Abu Lahab said ra invite the family of Abdul something whereby everyone

Muttalib for a meal. who was present dispersed. Ali ( Ali

Then the Holy Prophet (sa) asked Hazrat Ali (ra) to invite his family again, and on that occasion, he invited his family to accept Guided Guided Caliphs Islam and the One, True God. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked if they

Hazrat would support him in this mission Rightly Rightly

Everyone remained silent, except for the thirteen-year-old Hazrat Ali (ra), who spoke up and said that though he was the youngest and the weakest present, he would support the Holy Prophet (sa). November 27th 2020 Pivotal Role During the Migration

– His Holiness (aba) to migrate from nothing would said that amidst the Makkah to happen to him. increasing Madinah. Thus, the The Holy Prophet ) opposition of the Holy Prophet (sa) (sa) instructed

ra Makkans, the Holy left his home at Hazrat Ali (ra) to Prophet (sa) was night, even as it lay in his bed, so informed by God was surrounded by

Ali ( Ali that when the regarding the Makkans. He left Makkans would Makkans plans to Hazrat Ali (ra) in his look inside, they assassinate him. He home, ensuring

Guided Guided Caliphs would not suspect was then divinely him that by the that he had left.

Hazrat commanded grace of God, Rightly Rightly

When the Makkans closed in, instead of the Holy Prophet (sa) they found Hazrat Ali (ra). He was captured, beaten and held prisoner November and would be released some time later. 27th 2020