Page 3 Strait regional Page 10 Page 14 school board Saltwater Hank Islanders eliminated holds final coming to the from play-offs by meeting Strait area Dartmouth Vol. 41, No. 11 March 14, 2018 144389 Arrest made, charges laid after graffiti incidents by Matt Draper The Reporter and a residence in Antigonish. Police
[email protected] continue to investigate the incidents and anyone with information is asked to con- ANTIGONISH: The RCMP arrested tact the RCMP or Crime Stoppers. and charged a 17-year-old after graffiti The graffiti incident at the school took was painted on a school bus, a school place at some point between 8 p.m. and 9 sign, and on a school building. p.m. on March 5. On March 7, the Strait In a press release, the RCMP character- regional school board (SRSB) followed ized the graffiti as “racially and cultur- the advice of Antigonish District RCMP ally insensitive and included profanity and closed the school after verbal threats and derogatory comments about both were reported. Indigenous people and the African Nova On March 7, following the final meeting Scotian Community.” of the SRSB, superintendent Ford Rice Police say the 17-year-old male was called the incidents disheartening. arrested after they investigated the inci- “Later in the day we became aware of dent at the school and other graffiti inves- a post on social media regarding a poten- tigations in the Town of Antigonish. The tial threat,” said Rice. “That was imme- teen faces charges of public incitement diately forwarded to the RCMP.