Core Research Facilities Enabling research excellence “We will invest in major new capabilities for our core research facilities that will provide our researchers with the infrastructure, tools and technical support to pursue research excellence.”

The University of 2016-20 Strategic Plan Enabling research excellence Core Research Facilities

Director’s welcome ��������������������������������������������� 3 Our research services ��������������������������������������� 4 Access our facilities �������������������������������������������� 5 Research and Prototype Foundry �������������������� 6 Sydney Analytical ������������������������������������������������� 8 Sydney Cytometry ��������������������������������������������� 10 Sydney Imaging ���������������������������������������������������12 Sydney Informatics Hub ������������������������������������14 Sydney Mass Spectrometry ������������������������������16 Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis ���������������18 Our locations ���������������������������������������������������� 20 “Excellence in research is intimately linked to excellence in capability, and that is what the core research facilities are all about. We enable high-impact research through state-of-the-art

The infrastructure.”

Page 2 Professor Simon Ringer Director’s welcome Professor Simon Ringer

Professor Simon Ringer Director, Core Research Facilities Director’s welcome

At the University of Sydney, our search for solutions to the The facilities are designed for use research is driven by the pursuit most significant contemporary by academic teams in the physical, of excellence. Between 2016 challenges in climate, medical, life and engineering and 2020, the University will health, food, water, energy, sciences and throughout the triple its investment in research communications, transport, humanities and social sciences. to make Sydney the leading manufacturing, construction comprehensive, research- and national security. They serve as a focal point for intensive university in collaborations and partnerships and secure our place among the The facilities bring together with researchers from these best in the world. world-class instrumentation, diverse disciplines tackling frontier outstanding people and excellent research questions. The continuing development user-focused processes. They of our core research facilities provide staff from Sydney and our If you or your research team is an integral part of this partners around the world with could benefit from the facilities at strategy. Our research facilities an exceptional basis on which to Sydney, I encourage you to make are intimately linked to our achieve research excellence. contact to discuss the possibilities. Page 3 Our research services

Project development Lab support Assistance with Our specialist technical Our staff are a constant grant preparation staff are on hand to help presence in each of our Up-to-date facility access design your research project from facilities, and are available at information is an important the ground up, ensuring you get any time to provide hands-on part of any grant application. the most from our facilities. technical assistance. We can assist you with this during the grant‑writing process. Instrument training Data analysis and Through comprehensive visualisation Assisted access one-on-one training, you We have vast capabilities to national will acquire the skills to operate and expertise for advising and research facilities the full range of instruments supporting you in analysing, With our established networks of required by your research. visualising and publishing your research partners, we can assist research data. you in accessing specialist research Regulatory compliance facilities throughout Australia. You will be guided Contract research through the necessary and testing Guidance on safety, ethics and building We have a strong track advanced computing access protocols tailored to record of providing high-quality Through consultation, your project’s scope. research and testing services for training courses or one-on-one clients, and can accommodate support, we can help you with small and large scale projects. all your HPC, VRD and research data needs.

The University of Sydney Major research partners: Page 4 Access our facilities

Consultation Activation Induction Supervision Our staff will work with you We will assist you in We will organise a Our specialist staff will to put together a viable registering your project in bespoke training program be onsite to provide any Access our facilities project design, taking our online Facility Access specific to your needs, technical assistance into account factors such System, and will guide you giving you autonomous you require. as experimental scope, through any regulatory access to our facilities to instrument requirements, approvals necessary. complete your project. and budget.

User Access Scheme Facts and figures The Core Research Facilities User Access Scheme has been developed to invest in and drive research excellence across 7 the University by providing small grants to support user openly available specialist facilities access to the facilities. These grants are aimed at supporting important research 60 that would significantly benefit from use of the core research onsite experts providing facilities, as well as supporting preliminary, supplementary guidance and research services or additional research related to funded research projects, to best leverage the outcomes from awarded grants. 250+ Interested in applying for a grant? Find out how: instruments available for users

−− Page 5 Research and Prototype Foundry The University of Sydney

Professor Simon Fleming Dr Nadia Court Academic Director Facility and Program Manager +61 2 9114 0851 +61 2 8627 8671 [email protected] [email protected] Page 6 The Research and Prototype Foundry, Our capabilities based at the Sydney Nanoscience Hub, −− ASML PAS 5500/100 −− MLA 100 Maskless offers instruments for the fabrication i-Line stepper aligner of devices and structures with features −− SVG 88 track system −− Spin dryer on the micro and nanoscale, with −− Oxford ICP reactive −− Wet benches specialised processes allowing users ion etcher −− Focused ion beam to prototype new optical chips, −− Atomic layer scanning electron electronic devices and new quantum deposition microscopy science and technology devices. −− DWL 66+ laser −− PM 5 probe station mask writer −− Leica stereo zoom Our goal is to provide ready access to −− Elionix electron microscopy Research and Prototype Foundry beam lithography state-of-the-art tools for micro and −− Olympus stereo −− Atomic force zoom microscopy nano fabrication (lithography, etching, microscopy −− DekTak stylus deposition and metrology) backed up −− Brewer spin coater profilometer by a team of expert process engineers. −− Brewer developer −− ISO Class 5 cleanroom.

More information


Research in action 

This image shows an optical ring resonator device for high frequency signal processing. This was produced by a photonics researcher, using several different capabilities within the Research and Prototype Foundry cleanroom. The Foundry is capable of printing details less than 10nm wide using one of the most powerful electron-beam lithography instruments in the Southern Hemisphere. Page 7 Sydney Analytical The University of Sydney

Professor Peter Lay Sydney Analytical enquiries Academic Director +61 2 8627 6903 +61 2 9351 4269 [email protected] [email protected] Page 8 Sydney Analytical is the Our capabilities University’s core research −− Raman spectroscopy −− X-ray fluorescence facility dedicated to materials, (point spectroscopy and (XRF) spectroscopy chemical and biological analysis. mapping), resonance −− Portable Raman, FTIR, Our instruments are operated Raman, surface-enhanced NIR and XRF instruments in four principle clusters: Raman, excitations for museum and cultural from the UV to NIR vibrational spectroscopy, studies, and field work −− FTIR spectroscopy (point x-ray techniques, magnetic −− EPR spectroscopy, spectroscopy and mapping) L-, X- and Q- band, resonance, and drug discovery. −− Synchrotron-based low temperature FTIR spectroscopy −− Controlled environment Sydney Analytical We provide instruments and −− AFM/Raman (TERS) with sampling accessories services to researchers from 10 nm spatial resolution (temperature, pressure, across the spectrum of life and −− AFM/IR with 10 nm gas environment, spatial resolution spectroelectrochemistry, physical sciences, engineering, live cell incubators), −− Near IR and beyond. −− Protein production −− XPS and UPS, mapping (bacterial, yeast, (30 µm) and depth More information insect and mammalian profiling (1 nm) −− systems, including −− Single-crystal and powder membrane proteins) x-ray diffraction, including −− Fragment-based protein crystallography drug design. −− Small and wide angle x-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS)

Research in action  Portable vibrational spectroscopic techniques are being used for the identification of faded pigments on a 2500-year‑old coffin believed to belong to the woman Mer‑Neith-it-es. The coffin was donated to the University in 1860 by Sir Charles Nicholson.

Image courtesy of the Nicholson Museum (NMR.29.1-2) Page 9 Sydney Cytometry The University of Sydney

Professor Nick King Dr Adrian Smith Academic Director Technical Director +61 2 9351 4553 +61 2 8627 1828 [email protected] [email protected] Page 10 Jointly operated by the University of Our capabilities Sydney and the , −− Cell analysis by fluorescence-based flow cytometry. Sydney Cytometry provides access The facility provides a range of instruments to cytometry and cell-sorting from basic 3-laser, 10-parameter cytometers techniques for researchers both to a unique custom-built instrument with internal and external to the 10-lasers and 30-parameters and one of the first next-generation spectral flow cytometers University. We are committed to −− Cell and tissue analysis by imaging flow the development and transfer of cytometry and high-content bio imaging expertise in quantitative cell science −− Cell and tissue analysis by mass cytometry, to answer questions in cell biology including the Southern Hemisphere’s first and biomedical research, applied imaging mass cytometer that enables the Sydney Cytometry clinical research and trials, and simultaneous localisation of up to 45 different molecules at microscopic resolution the diagnosis of cancer and other −− Cell sorting via automated magnetic separation health disorders. or high-throughput droplet-based cell sorting of multiple populations at speeds up to 30,000 cells More information per second. In addition, the Centenary Institute −− has a cell sorter within a PC3-facility, enabling the sorting of highly biohazardous samples.

Research in action  Our imaging mass cytometer is helping us understand how the immune system responds to viral infection by simultaneously measuring 40 cellular or viral protein targets on tissue sections of the central nervous system. In this example, we are tracking the spread of virus throughout the central nervous system as well as investigating the response of immune cells, such as the brain‑resident microglia. Page 11 Sydney Imaging

Professor Fernando Calamante Dr Nana Sunn Academic Director Facility Manager (Preclinical Imaging) +61 436 017 470 +61 2 8627 1709

The University of Sydney [email protected] [email protected] .au

Veronika Tatarinoff Facility Manager (Hybrid Theatre) +61 2 8627 6208

Page 12 [email protected] Offering world-class imaging Our capabilities capabilities and technical expertise, −− MRI (preclinical): 3T, 7T Sydney Imaging is a unique facility for −− MRI (clinical): 3T (I-MED Radiology) research and education in the field −− PET/MRI (preclinical): 3T of biomedical science. We operate −− Body composition EchoMRI a diverse range of preclinical and −− Optical bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging clinical imaging modalities, and a −− High-frequency ultrasound world-class hybrid theatre providing −− Photoacoustic imaging the capability for translational −− 3D microCT research along with training and

−− 2D x-ray with DXA camera Sydney Imaging development of specialised and −− Hybrid operating theatre complex surgical skills. −− Artis Pheno C-arm: x-ray, fluoroscopy and CT −− Specialist clinical ultrasound (including More information TOE echocardiography) −− −− Da Vinci surgical robot −− PET/CT and PET/SPECT/CT (preclinical) – (ANSTO) −− Small Animal Radiation Research Platform – (Kolling).

Research in action  Non-invasive real-time in utero high-frequency ultrasound imaging of a rat embryo at gestational day E12 for echocardiographic assessment with colour doppler. This modality allows researchers to perform longitudinal cardiac assessment from embryonic gestation to adulthood including heart muscle thickness, haemodynamic assessment as well as oxygenation/haemoglobin saturation of different regions of the heart when combined with photoacoustic imaging. Page 13 Sydney Informatics Hub The University of Sydney

Sydney Informatics Hub enquiries +61 2 8627 6553 [email protected] Page 14 The Sydney Informatics Hub Our capabilities works with and supports −− Expert data consultancy and training the research community by −− Software development and application support providing comprehensive −− Digital research tool support (Redcap, research data services, eNotebook, Research Data Store (RDS), leveraging staff expertise and Dropbox, GitHub, Cloudstor) capabilities in high performance −− Data analytics/science, visualisation, image computing, data analytics, processing and publishing support and training bioinformatics, and research −− Bioinformatics support and software data management and strategy. (CLC Genomics Workbench and Server,

Ingenuity Pathways Analysis) Sydney Informatics Hub

More information −− Statistical consulting and support (eg, ANSYS, MATLAB) −− −− HPC (Artemis, Pawsey, NCI), Argus Virtual Research Desktop and cloud computing support −− Research data planning, collection, storage, sharing, security and preservation −− Advise on data and computing infrastructure policy and strategy.


Research in action  0.5 By processing high-throughput sequencing data on the Artemis High Performance Computing cluster, researchers were able to find 214 RNA viruses in frogs, fish and reptiles that have never been seen before. It shows RNA viruses are many millions of years old and have existed with and evolved alongside the first vertebrates. These findings contribute to our understanding of disease-causing viruses. The research was published in Nature, 2018. Page 15 Sydney Mass Spectrometry The University of Sydney

Professor Stuart Cordwell Dr Ben Crossett Academic Director Facility Manager +61 2 9351 6050 +61 2 9351 6010 [email protected] [email protected] Page 16 Sydney Mass Spectrometry supports Our capabilities research with global impact through a −− Four Q Exactive platforms (including portfolio of 20 mass spectrometers for HFX) and several 6600 Triple ToFs proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics, dedicated to discovery proteomics, lipidomics, and mass spectrometry including phosphoproteomics imaging applications. −− Glycomics using an Orbitrap Velos Pro −− Targeted metabolomics and lipidomics We partner with research groups both on two QTRAPs or a TSQ Altis internal and external to the University −− Dedicated Q Exactive HFX for discovery metabolomics to answer questions in biomedical

−− Mass spectrometry imaging using Sydney Mass Spectrometry research, plant biology, applied an UltrafleXtreme ToF ToF animal and human clinical research, −− Fusion (with ETD) for cross-linking neuroscience and many other areas. and interactomics analysis −− Bioinformatics suite equipped with More information more than six high-performance −− data-processing workstations and a wide range of analysis packages.

Research in action  The concentration of cocaine in the brains of honey bees was directly measured using a QTRAP mass spectrometer. Why? Honey bees are a well-established model for behavioural studies, and the research group were able to show that cocaine may act by directly altering DNA methylation. Their observations could shed light on why cocaine has such an enduring impact on behaviour. Page 17 Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis The University of Sydney

Professor Julie Cairney Eleanor Kable Academic Director Facility Manager +61 2 9351 2351 +61 2 9351 7566 [email protected] [email protected] Page 18 One of the largest and most comprehensive Our capabilities facilities of its kind in the world, Sydney −− Atom probe tomography Microscopy & Microanalysis enables −− Transmission electron microscopy insights into how materials work – at the −− Scanning probe microscopy scale of living cells, tissue, molecules, −− Scanning electron microscopy crystals and even individual atoms. −− X-ray microscopy −− Light and laser microscopy The facility offers access to specialist staff, −− Super resolution microscopy instruments and training to enable research −− Correlative light and electron microscopy into physical and biological structures

−− Expert specimen preparation Sydney Microscopy & Microanalysis across a variety of lengths and time scales. −− Image visualisation. This expertise extends from specimen preparation to data capture and data analysis, and can be used across multiple disciplines.

More information


Research in action  Our facilities support research spatial resolution better than into both inorganic and 0.6 Ångström, recorded on the new biological structures such as the double-corrected FEI Themis-Z examples pictured on the right. microscope operated with monochromator excited at 300 kV. Top: Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron Below: Confocal micrograph of micrograph of GaN imaged along colorectal cancer cells at the the [211] zone axis, demonstrating micrometre scale. Page 19 Forest Lodge

Kolling Institute Glebe Our locations (Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards)

Parramatta Road

Charles Perkins Centre

School of Chemistry Centenary Institute City Road Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Brain and Mind Centre Madsen Building (94-100 Mallett Street) + Camperdown Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Campus Camperdown

Missenden Road

Darlington The University of Sydney Carillon Avenue Campus Newtown Page 20 Glebe Locations of our facilities

Research and Prototype Foundry Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Sydney Analytical Madsen Building Molecular Bioscience Building School of Chemistry Chippendale Sydney Institute of Agriculture Sydney Nanoscience Hub Our locations Sydney Cytometry Centenary Institute School of Chemistry City Road Sydney Imaging Brain and Mind Centre School of Information Charles Perkins Centre Technologies Building Kolling Institute

Sydney Informatics Hub School of Information Technologies Building Molecular Darlington Bioscience Sydney Mass Spectrometry Building Charles Perkins Centre Kolling Institute

Darlington Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis Campus Brain and Mind Centre Charles Perkins Centre Madsen Building Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Sydney Institute of Agriculture

(Australian Technology Park) Page 21

Contact us Professor Simon Ringer Director, Core Research Facilities + 61 2 9351 2353 The University of Sydney [email protected] @Sydney_CRF CRICOS 00026A

Produced by Marketing and Communications, the University of Sydney, July 2018. The University reserves the right to make alterations

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