JOHN 11:25-27: said to her, “ the resurrection and the life. He who believes in ME, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? She said to Him,” Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the , the , who is to come into the world.”

Listen to the words of Jesus! “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!” This is the fifth – I AM statement of Jesus in the of John. 1. I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: :35 2. I AM THE :12 3. I AM THE GATE :9 4. I AM THE John 10:11 5. I AM THE RESURRECTION & LIFE :25-26 6. WAY, TRUTH & LIFE :6 7. I AM THE VINE :5

The resurrected life we have in Jesus Christ is both a present reality and an event yet to be fully realized by us.

The corner stone of the Christian faith is the Christ! Jesus had demonstrated His power over death with the miracles of raising the widow of Nain’s son, raising Jarius daughter, and now in the performing the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead!

However, there were still skeptics and those who did not believe in the work and . Jesus was looked upon as a lunatic by his own family!

Mark 3:21- But when His own people heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, “He’s out of His mind!”

The attributed these miracles of raising the dead to Satan or Beelzebub. Doubters were everywhere!

1. DOUBTER’S IN JESUS CIRCLE Mary & had sent word to Jesus that their brother, Lazarus, was not doing well. They wanted Jesus to know about their need. Jesus had a special kinship and friendship with Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary, was the one who anointed Jesus with the fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair. Martha is the sister that wanted everything perfect for Jesus when HE visited their home in . She was busy with preparations and complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping her. Mary was sitting at Jesus feet listening to Him teach. Jesus calmed Martha and affirmed Mary for choosing to be in His presence. (:38-42) Jesus enjoyed being in the company of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in their home in Bethany. They had a good relationship. However, Jesus delayed in responding to their summons.

Verse 4: When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of GOD, that the Son of God, may be glorified through it. Jesus delays in going to Bethany! There is always a purpose in the delay to our request and petitions to GOD. What seems like delay to us is actually perfect timing on God’s part. Mary and Martha are probably wondering and doubting the Lord by now. The Apostle’s doubt and are afraid for Jesus. Jesus summons them to go to but they resist and caution Jesus. Don’t go their man, the Jews want to stone you. Jesus was going to wake up Lazarus, so the apostles say, don’t disturb his sleep! Lazarus is dead, Jesus tells his disciples! Who told HIM? HE KNEW!

Jesus recognized the unbelief and doubt in his men.

Verse 15: I am glad for your sakes that I wasn’t there, that you may believe!

If you will notice the actions of Thomas in VERSE 17, He is rallying the troops for Jesus as he calls out to his fellow apostles, “Let us go that we may die with him!” These men aren’t really fully aware of the person of Jesus Christ, still battling issues of doubt and confusion within themselves about Jesus.


When Jesus finally arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for four days! was only two miles from Bethany but it wasn’t the distance that slowed Jesus from coming to the aid of his sick friend, Lazarus. It wasn’t that Jesus had turned a deaf ear to the call for help from Mary and Martha. Jesus knew before the time, notice verse 4: “This sickness is for the glory of GOD, that the Son may be glorified through it.”

God has a plan! God has a purpose. It is the providential purpose of GOD. Divine providence is God’s intervention in the universe. General Providence is GOD’s continuous upholding the existence of the natural order of the universe. Special Providence is GOD’s extra ordinary intervention in the life of people, miracles fall into this category.

Why would Jesus stay two more days where He was when Lazarus needed him? The disciples were probably wondering as were Mary and Martha. You and I make our petitions to God and wonder why is GOD taking so long? Doesn’t He care for me?

The passage in Isaiah 30:18 is of comfort in our waiting on the LORD. “Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you.” God’s delays are not HIS denials! Delay doesn’t mean that GOD isn’t working and looking after you. The delay here in the case of Lazarus was, “for the glory of GOD, that the Son may be glorified through it.” V.4

God has a purpose in HIS delays. We don’t always understand the ways of GOD. The LORD sees things from a different perspective than we do. All of it is for HIS glory and hopefully for our good. 3. DEATH IS DEFEATED BY HIS WORD.

Jesus told Martha, “Your brother will rise again!” Her response to Jesus, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” We then see and hear the I AM of Jesus!

“I AM the resurrection and the life. He that believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die!”

Jesus then asked Martha, “Do you believe this?”

Martha’s confession is that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God!

When Jesus saw the grief and pain in Mary and Martha over Lazarus death, He himself grieves, . They acknowledge belief but when Jesus ask, “Where have they laid Lazarus?” The response is, LORD he has been dead 4 days, and he stinks!

4 days is significant! Jews believe the spirit or soul hovered the grave for 3 days, but now this is day 4, Lazarus is for sure dead! Jesus goes to the grave and calls his name, “Lazarus, come forth!”

The purpose was for the glory of GOD! It is that those standing around might believe that Jesus was the Son of GOD.

Death is the last enemy! Death is a stalker. Death is inevitable to all should Jesus tarry His return. However, death is no match for Jesus!

The Word of Jesus defeats death. The Word of God over comes death. Faith comes by the Word of GOD. The Word of God breaks the shackles of death.

Jesus goes to the place where they have laid Lazarus and tells them to move the stone. “Do this Father that those standing around might see and believe that You sent Me.” Jesus calls out the name of Lazarus! Lazarus come forth! The man who had died came forth bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth……..Unbind him and let him and let him go!

The next verse tells us many saw and believed!

Jesus is the conqueror of death! He over came His own death and was raised on the third day after his crucifixion!


For the blood bought child of God death is not final! Tell yourself, “MY death is not final!”

The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hope on my personal resurrection! The dead in Christ will be raised! Jesus in His personal resurrection removed the sting from death and toppled the crown from death! His resurrection is the promise of ours whom know Him!

The resurrection of Jesus means we can walk through the shadow of the shadow of death and not be afraid! Death can stalk us and finally get us but there is NO fear, only HOPE! Death becomes the doorway to heaven because Jesus was raised!

The resurrection of Jesus means when loved one’s are called home, we don’t grieve has those who have no hope! Had it not been for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the death of my son, Matt, would have put me over the edge! However, because of the resurrection of Jesus, I have peace and calm assurance of seeing him again in glory! I have a greater anticipation for heaven and appreciation for what Jesus has done!

Our eternal hope is in the resurrection of Jesus!