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StarStaffStafr DepartmentDepartm-DepartmentT- THEentHE INFANlRYINFAN'l'RYINFANTRY'' Sch-SCHOOLSCHOO- oolFortLFort BenningBanning , Geo-GeorgiaGeorgiaA-



. WA . . ., . . .. . r . . . , . . .- ft.ft . " ' ryerfypeTypepe of operation described : INFANTRY BATTALION ATTACKINGATTACKIN-ATTACKING- AG SEACOAST TOWN BORDERED BY MOUNTAINS .

Captain Robert C ., AycockHaycock , InfantryInfantryAD- InfantryADVANCEDADVANCEDVANCED INFANTRY OFFICERS CLASSInfa-NO I-I.-Ir- Infantryntry I

. . . . , . _ I " _. . . .- _ _ . _ _ . . .1"1. _ _ _ . . . .1 _ __ ,_ .o _ 't - --.r.IIiticr.II r 11.11" _ n _-.r.61. 1 _ h..h _ _ " :.o ., 't. . IIrIIRI.-r.II.r.II:. n.r.61.:.-r61r.61.r.61 .- . . . TABLE OF CONTE-CONTENTS-CONTENTS

, j .


INDETIMEINDEXINDO X . . .e ...... 1-1


ORIENTATION ...... 3-535-

Introduction ...... 3-3

The Situation ...... 4-4 . Dispositions and JanPJanPlansP3 an ?& of the 33th337thS57th? Infantry . 77- The Battalion Situation ...... 7-7

The Battalion Plan of Attack ...... 9-9

NARRATION ...... 10-10

The Approach March to TerracinaTerracing ...... 1010- The First Night in the Vicinity of TerracinaTerracing . 1111-

, The Second DayDa.y. and Night at Mount CroceCrocker . . . . 13-151315- Thehelhe Third Day and Final Attack on TerracinaTerraclnaTerracing . . 1515-

ANALYSIS AND CRITICISM ...... , ., .C . .< . . 17-171'7' LESSONS ...... 21-21

MAP A - LandincLandinGLa.ndinG. : in Italy to the Spring LineLine- manMAP B - Spring Offensive to the Hitler LineLine- manMAP C - Advance to TerraclnaTerracinaTerracingTerraci-TerracinaM-

. . . . . , ...... ' - , . . . ±-l-.--- . : , , . . . D . . . . . MO } . Crunch . P Ac . ' HapApneaHAP.nHAP.nAcHAP.n-APng - Ac.lcnActiontlcn.lcncmln.ln. ') stat.s.t UmntMountDumont' lt! rocCroceCrncrroc;Crocker


. . . -no .- , 1..1 . . . , no - . ", _ ".: . -c _ ". h.a. ._. _ ..- - . . -= ..-c. . ..-- ha . _ ...... ' - - ., . . . , ...... - - ...... - ' .

.'.' - . , " ' . , i//i .,'


hyA-lA-IA-1YAlYAIYA1- Operations in Sicily and Italy , 1A Department of Mil1Militarytarytarry Art and EngineeringEngineeri-Engineering- , lI USU.Sng. . MilitarMilitary Academy , West Point , NYN.Y. . , 194119471941-1947- ( TISOTIS LibraryLibrary-) A2A-2- Fifth Army HistoryHlstory , 1 April "- 4 June 19441944- , 2A Part V ( TISOTIS Library )

- ...... --. ".y . . " ' - - -- "-b-- ' - j"b- AA-5A-3- 'lne'l'neTneTrielaneTineTribe 85th InffftryInfInfo fineryrtryretry DivDiviDiDivisionDivisioninDivision'invi sibinslsibsiblingrt in-in WorldWorldVarVarViar\VarVicarVary\% ar 11----If11-j ; 53 byy"by Paul L . 'Schultz ( TISOTIS' Library ) 11 AA-4- Minturno to the ApenninesAppennines , 85th Infantry Division , 4 IntroPublished by Information and Education Section, MOUSEMTOUS-MTOUSA ( PersonalAPersonal possession of author ) AA-5- Commanders Narrative , 756th Tank Battalion , 5 by Lt . ColCool ., Glenn F . Rogers , CaveatsCaveTISCaveCavCava . ( TISOTIS Library ) AA-6- Monthly Operations Reports , 6 85th81th! InfantrInfantryDivis1.onInfantry DivisionDivis1onDivis1.on. , 1 - 35131] _ Ma-May-May 19441944- A6A7 ( tinsTISOTIS LibraryLibra.ry. ) A7-AA-7- The VarWarVary; in Italy 21(21( April to-to 20 MayM-May- ) 7 byay Conrad H . LanaPlan-LanzaLanza- ateThe FieldF1ield Artillery Journal , Ju-July-July 19441944- ( lyTISOTIS Library ) A8A-8- S-5S-3- Journal , 1st Battalion , 557th337tb337th Infantry A . 8 53S( PersonalInfantryPersonalpossessionpossossionofpossossion.ofpossssion© . of author ) AA-9- FieldInfantriesArtiller-ArtilleryArtillery- 9 yby Colonel L . S . Griff-RiffingGriffingGriffing-Gritti-Gritting- ( inTISOTISng Library ) 10IOA-10A-IO- Armored Command , by Colonial CGQ ., B . DevoreDevore-Deforest-DevouredDDevoure-vor A ColonelColonal Devor- . . Defor- . . , " ...... , ...... - . . or , . , . . . , . .- w -. - " , ' . , . -. - . { ' . e-d ' ( ationTI-C .b. dl'7)) - . TaiCTIestTK- LibryLibrar-LibertyLibraryLibrary-b 'dl7 -

2-2y , ., Citify . . , 1 _ ItIf . " . . i _ ...... yr.yr. 4. ... wr.wr ;. iAiAj ttIJItipi . tat \. ' .AI.AI . w . ;., .:" . ';"-- - - - ' . - . - - . .. . . "

' ' ' . - ...... - ...... - - . ' : . - .- . ., .. " - . : . . 7 ' '- .- A

' ' ' . " .- . .- . . . . - i crept + - ? " ' 5T-IDATTAL-1- & . _ OrientalOiEftATlOOiEft'AT'lOtTorontoOrTOMTOKSOrTOMTOKS-WrEPtr'EPt SVFSV'FVHF 'tHETHE 15lST-BA. DATAIDATTALAIfTId.rAIfTIdraNi.3AIfTId.r-aNi.37AL.:;-eN--67, THE IWAIOWA-:PA TRYiTRYlreRYleerylr.eRY 85TH8STIf8.STIf((85TH(8.STIf(85THI-(8.STIf-( .a5THI- ) BAlastlSTAIfTIdr NFANTRYINFANTRY' DIVISION' IN THEaNi3HaitiaNi.3ATTACK67eNON TERRAINTERRACINA , ITALYITALY-ITALY,-, 215T- 24 MAY 19441944R- . W ( ROMEOME - ARNEARNO CAMPAIGNCampa-CAMPAIG- ) ( PersonalignersNPersonal' Experience1of a Battalion Adjutant ) ORIENTATION-ORIENTATIONI-ORIEN-ORIENTATION

' ' ' INlRODUClIONIN'l'RODUC'l'IONINTRODUCTIONINLRODUCN.L'RODUCIN.L'RODUCIN.LRODUCINTRODUCE. 1I0N1'I0N1'I0N- . , . . . , . , . . . TATION " " " . . , . - " - . . , ' ' , . :INTRODUCTIONThis - " . .. Introduction- - - This monoglaphmonographmonogl'aph' covers the operations of the lat1stlDtlTd Battalion-BattalionBattalion,-, 357th337th Infantry , 85th U . S . Division in the attack and captu-capturecapture-

ofre TERRAINTERRATERRACINATERRAC INAINCA , ITALY , 21 - 24 May 1944 , during the SpringSpring- Offensive ., To orient the reader it will be necessary to bri-brieflybriefly- eflydiscuss the precedingproceedingpreceeding ItalianItalien Campaign leading up to thisthi-tris-this- sactionectionac iontion . In September 1943 the U . S . Fifth AlmyArmyAl'myBalmy' landed at Sale-SALERN-SALERNO rnowhileOwhile the British Eighth Army landed farther south and toto-to"-"- ethergethergather they successfully pushed north on the ITALIAN PENNPENINPENIN--¬ SULASULFA . ( See Map A ) 1(1)( ) On 22 January 1944 the Fifth Farm-ArmyArmy- madeyard another successful landinglending at ANSIANZIO and established ab-a-

( ) } : . ; eachheadbeachheadbe acrlhearched ad . 2(2) By 1 April the FfITTitfthPithPifthPift.hFjf' h Army neldheldmeld ea. inhalernHlroWnHl'roWnarrow' 15131:-15-1:513-: ' mile5mile strips trip in CEN'l'RALCENlRALCENTRAL' ITALYrfJ.1ALYrfJ1ALYrfJ.1AL'Y. , extending from the LIRILORI Riv-RIVERRIVER- . , . , ...... " . - - ...... , ., . .. - - - . - ' -M . toer the MEDITERRANEANMKDITERRANEAN SEA ; in addition to the ANSIANZIO Beachhe-BEACHHbA-BEACHllliADBEACHHEAD . ( seemseeMaaAadsSeeDSee Map A ) 53(5)(3)(5)-(3)-( 3 ) The 85th Division landed in ]RICAARICAA'RICAAFRICA' in early 1944 andan-ma- afterndatedafter an extensive period of training and equippingre-equipping- , sail-sailedsailed- NAPLES anonandon fored ITALY landing at an10nan on 10 Aprilre1944 were committedcommitt-committed- toed action for the first time , taking over the west flank ofof- theten Fifth Army sectorsectors. ({4(4)(4-4 )} (1)(1)A)(1)Al(1)A-l( ) AA-IA-1- , pp51p.51p.51-. 31 (2)(2)A(2)Al(2)A-l1(1A) 1AA-lA-I- , pp68p.68p.68-. 68 22A(3)(5)A2(5)A-2( 3 ) IA-2A .- 2 , pp.2p.2-. 2 (5)AA p2; 3(4)(4)A-5( ) IA-32- , pp.60. 60EO. (4)A5. .p60 ' 5A . _ - - (4)A, , l _ , - - . .IiiiiIo7.iIiiiiIo7IiiiiIo7- ..i. A_. .:. -.r ;. . . . :;' ;.a- ; 4 . J- : .a-.- - i 3 ' .-.r. . . r Y.Y J' ..a l254A: .i.r;.- :;..;.-.- . . " J.a.- : . . , . . . - ' ...... \ ...... ,t.t . .,-

. . . .. - . ,. . . _ - . .- - - - . _ , - - < : . " - < . ._ . , , . w _ _ < . . . _ - - 46 . * * -.AA - - to . - . . o\o . NOWNO- . . - . V . ' . . .- . ' _ .A.e ' - ._. _. _ . --- '\ " : 'W'TheThe'The Army was - GUSTA-GUSTAVGUSTAV-GUSTAV-- . Fifth facing the strongly defended GUSTGUS- ...... ' .t---- - . ' ' . .= : . -- - a- V - . ". -. : : -- ' -T . ' r- .- . - . " - ' ' " "' -g : ] rr- ' Lr'LrLIKaridAlkaloidLIKLICK:] '1f ridaridc. curingddur1ngVddur1ngrlgrlerg-gthethefchefiche periodp J1pr'1J1' io'io10 AprAprilpr1pr'1'i1 to early itMayay th-the.-the ti-timetime- .tmewas spent patrolling and gaining all possible informa-informationinformation-Informa-Information- tionabout the enemy positions . The enemy facing the 85th DivDiviDivi--¬ sionscion consisted mainly of the German 95th Infantry Divlsion5Divlsion(5)Divlsion(5)-Division . (5)-5(5)( ) Plans wereware made and orders wereware issued for an all outout-cou-ou-

' , " . , ' p.e . corm -.- .- '- 1 ' - . " nteroffensive onn pe ente1J'tlKententry_ ,, nnt to beginbeg1rJ .o. OB-IIoriginorm -ii-.11-.11ii.MayMnyMayM.ny.May.Many !:: rlkark; {r-!re , . ; May-with-th- offensiventeroffensivetoffensiyej " the e1Jtlentj.r. .re nt ormii nteroffensivetoffensiyejnffensi2nfensffensi -2n-2n entjr J nt oIIOB.o.11-ii wit-Ma-thei-theFi-: itixtixtrlkliteral' ' efitFiftheFifthstyfth Army on the left' and the British Eighth Army on thehe-the- hightright . This offensive also included those elements of Fif-FifthFifthA- thrmyArmy at the ANSIANZIO BEACHHEAD . 6(6)( ) ( See MMapAA ) TIllTIlliTHETB E GENERAL Situati-SITUATIONSITUATION-

onThe plan of Fifth Army for the Spring Offensive was divdividivi--¬ daddeddeed into three phases . In phase one the 85th Division was toto- taketaled SAN MARINOMARTINOMZARTINORTINORATIO RIGRIDGERIDG and part of S RIDGE . The 88th Divisi-DivisionsDivision'sDivisions-Division's-'

SSAN JvMARIAR INFANINFANTINFANTEE . was SANT4 . INFANT two the- mainmaInons objective . , During phase the

88th Division would continue the attack and . swing rirightht tak-takingtakingM- ingOUNTMOUNT I CIRRICERRI and MOUNT GROTONROTONDO then head for SPIGN0SPIGNOSIGNOR , whi-whilewhile- lethe 85th Division supported the attack by fire ., Again in thetet-the- thirdchier phase thenththQ 85thREJthp5thhWretch D1Divisionvision was to become acactiveti Ve and taketakeC-

MOUNTO 5CAUTRISC U & D IT _ 1:0 ASTELLONORATOCASTELLONORATO and SCAURI . . The 3 6th Livisipn.vi.si.ort. . . 10 reoOreore- - . , Divisiorl re- .- th COSTELLO .S- SARIC 6th DivisorDivisionvisiortvisitor.visi.ort in: re:

' . '- " ' serveaerve-serveerVderv was then tto "passpasspass through the 88th Division , after th-thethe- lattereater had taken SPIGNOSIGNOR , with the mission of taking MOUNT ANTSAN-SANTSANT- TIAGOANGELO then move on and cut the PICTRIPIGITRIPIGOPICOITRI-PICITRI-PIGOITRI-PICO- O ROAD ending pas-phasephase- turethree ., 7(7)(7)-( ) The terrain to the front of Fifth ArArmy presented man-many difficultydifficult features ., On the right flank the hills were highhigh-highl- and many almost impassable terraces were on the slopes of

(5)( ) A-5- , p . 6 5(6)( ) 5AA-lA-1- , p . 78 6( ) A ' 7(7) 12AA-2- , pop . 56 . . . " ' . . . - , . . . . ' 1- . .., l - _ _ . - e'e' ' - . - 1;. . . . - . - _ - ...... in .-. .. - - 1 - .- . .- . . M ( - ; :;" ' . _= - J -.- .. .- . .- . . . . . - . . . 4- . . . . : . .-4 - 4-4- . + ° _. . . w + . +re .n. . . . _ ...... C- wwrRyt.w.w.wrRy-t.w_. . .. atrart wraw.ww.raw.w. .. .. n' wwarwwa.rwwa.r40- .. , _..fl . w.wrRy - wraww + wwrRy_- .r - - _ .... . ' .4 . . . aea.e ' . wry - war- . .raw ..rwirrwwrrcwrwirrwwrrcw. _ raw .r'n.rn firewood raw , _ - . .. .. _ rn' r - --.------. --.4 frofrwofrw.ofr.w.o C----twt.w - - ' + . w.N. - , . + VtwnTown . wN " - .4 y4- .. - - - - " y4- - " .y4 - . . . ' '" ' . - - "'-' ' _ . ® WBT _ _ . ..j ? alLQr rL1e--r The WTtr8&lIimyAwlaiars,1nage-'btBfiy w1c , on _ j .,ellarbU2!rL1e-'TherEtherThere" &tr8lIimyAwlaiars1nageb= lTl'T arZrainage'ZrainageDrainageimageainage-ditches thethe-hel- leftmet flankrand the gaps!" between these ditchesCwere infes-infeste-infestedinfested-Infes-Infested- dtedwithwi th mines . (8)-8(8)( ) On 11 May the Spring' Offensive pushed ., CorpsCorps- off II Cor- ledpse the Fifth ArtyArmyArtny attack with the 85th Division on the leftlefta-leftw-

. . , . .f-.- and on ., The was , . . . ard . . such . the 88th . 4.as.sm Division the right . .. - . attack., . . sUcsuccessucc.essuccesssuc.c.es4assm4as.sm nd ...... , ' . . , . ., . ... ., ...... , . . . ,,, ...... -40M - ..... ,r - . rrwrr.rwrarrow- -40MM . - - fulfu1foululoul and by 19 -May the attacking-elements of II hadhad-sha- dbushpushed into TRIITRI and still had the enemy on the run ., 9(9)9T-(9)-( ) Thushus phase three of the attack plan had been completed withwith--¬ out committing the 36th DivisionDivisicn , and new plans had to be mademad-made- . Thedest German Army to the front had reorganized at the INTER-HITLERHITLER- LINE ., This line ran from refrainTERRAINrERRACINATERRACINA on the coast extend-extendingextending- ingeast over the high mountains through the LIRILORI VALLEY to GUIGuine-AGUINOAGUINO- anand PIEDMONTPIEDMONTE ., 10(10)( ) ( See MafiaMap B ) The new plan of Fifth ArmyA y consisted of a quick strike atat-atT- tractionTERRAINERRACINATERRACINA to break the HITLER LINE whichwhlch would open HIGHWAYHIGHv1AYHIGHY1AY 77- enabling Allied troops to move through , join the forces atA-at- ANSIntonioANZIO ndandnnd continue the attack to the north . Details of thethe- planspian were , first to move the 36th Division by water to ANSIAN2I-ANZIO , Othen was to in- then the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion drop . in terthe AUSONIATJSONIMATSONMASONIC INSMOUN1JMOUN1'JMOUNTAINSMOUN1'J\INS' \ to aid ;the; he move of II COPSCOIPSCorpsCOI'PS' at TERRAINTERRACINADeracin-TERRACINA- . ateThe.The mainma.in. effort of the attack on TERRAINTERRACINA was to hebe made b-byby- theyte 85th Division ., The 88th Division was to continue pus-pushingpushing- hingforward through the high mountains on the right flank of IIII-V- ictorsCorps . 11(11)(11)-( II ) The soldiers of the 85th Division were inspired by theirtheir-thera- peuticsprevious successes andld were anxious to continue the attackattack-attacka- ., Allble was in readiness , the supply situation was excellent , and 8(8)(8( ) AA-5- , p ., 22- (9)8( ) A2A-25- , p . 5555- 9( ) AA (10) A-A-7-? , p . 423423- Ir 2A . . 10 A- , , . WiiroWii.ro ApA - . , Wire. ) . _ - ) A- ...... it/it/.(.1J.1Jit 7ArA- ? . 'r'r> .- -- : t ' : ' - AND PLAUSPLA1ISPLANS OF THE _ . .. . INFANTRY-INF'ANTRYINFANTRY , . _ . _ , DISPOSITIONS 337TH . " . - . PLUS , _ _ Infantr- _.._. . _. .. " - _ - . . . - - , ., _ - . . ., . - . - . . . - . .. / - .., .. . .<- ., ,. -. - . . . . - "w- : , . . - . _ - . ------On May ' y the morning of 21 May1944May.1944. 1944 the 33lth537th33'lth337th Infantry abs-waswas- olvingmoving up HIGIWHIGHIGHWAYAYVAY t't': /, with one battalion astride the road , anoth-anotheranother- iner the edge of the mountains on the right flank and the otherther-other- , motorizedmoformed , following close behind the retreating GermSGermlSGermansGerm&lS& read-readyready-

( ) to any , (16) . " .. y " take advantage of break through . . . . " . .16. . , . . . .. " , . . . .. " ' . " ' ' - ' ' '- . , . . . . . " The regimentalregfmental planplenpollen wasa ffor the ]a3ss t Battalion , reinforcedreinforce-reinforced- ., tod strike andan take TERRATERRACTERRAINTERRACINAINAINCA by speed and shock action . TheThe- 2d Battalion , motorized , was to continue through TERRAINTERRACINA andand-land- markmake contact with the ANSIANZIO BEACHHEAD . The 5d3d Battalion wouldwould- continue on the right flank and keep contact with the unit onM-on- theonte right . 17(17)(17)-( )


onFrom position on HIGIHiAYHIGHWAY t't7' ' the 1st Battalion moved outout-outc- atast 0515 hours , 21 May 1944 on foot to support the clitorisnctorizud-motorizedlliQtorizudmotorized- 2d Battalion , but at 1100 hours , orders were received toto-co- movemmove into an assembly area about two miles south of PONDFONDPONDIFONDI forfor-flor-

a new mission . At about 1400 hours new orders were rece-receive-receivedreceived- . .- . ; -+ . . . RR.- - \! k ' ( . ( ? '. RR- \oJ e 1 . + or.c bedseL ' ', ""JO , TERRACINAThTERRACIN-A(1-.L\.lJoJ , d ng s on ,. ., e foreorc. 'J JO .et. aC .-R-R.A(1. 1n recd , . n eds to k TERRAIN, A1L.lJ 'ore . rec the last ba . . al J attackt UFO _ directing th t reinTcwei --U. . i ti lst1st. attalionBattaliontt i reinrelianceif'or: aCUACLUUl-LUoJRA1\ o- ived v . "AA-B- ""- " lJ . " " "' L shoutshouti"shout'iAabout7A"about'7' Milesmilessomilessouthwestmiles sosouthwesttheistthwest"thwest fof the original poslpospositioniontion . The J2d2d- attalionBattalion was to hold up and after the 1st Battalion had tale-takentaken- itsits1nts ' objective , continue the pursuit ., 18(18)(18)-( ) The reinforcements joined the 1st Battalion in t-thethe- easeassembly area , they were the 91st Cavalry Reconnais-ReconnaissanceReconnaissance- sanceSquadron and .a COll1panycompany each of tanks and tank destroy-destroyersdestroyers- ., Theers Battalion Commander , Major Arnold Sanders , immediately

(16)( ) A-6- , p . 3-53 (16)lV16 A6A 17(17)( lV ) 6Personal knowledge anda d statements of CaptCaput Cecil CatesCoatesAtt-Gates- , estthen S-28-2- , 5d3d Battalion , 337th Infantry , 18 OctoberOctob8r 19491949- '

''- A j ( ) . ' . . .. (18)- p ., 28 . : : . . . . . " . , JI (18) A-8- , S ' : . A8 ' . " ' If " 8 . A 2 : ' .'-' " . . ; , . . " b.iI . 18...... biI ...... A ...... :" . . ; .: . . .iI - " " . - - ;. . : . "; ' . ' - : " ' . . 8 . ;" . . . ' : ...... - - , . ' _ . . . - .p ...... , ...... - . . _. . . . p ...... h .. " . - - . .. - . . -, . . ' . . . , . _ ' 4 ,9 . . 9 . . "; .. . ' . .- - -- .- 7 ': . . . , ------. _ ---.--. . .- - - -

, . _ _ , . . . _ , . _ . . ._ _ .u - - " , u ...... - ' . . . : . : ...... , . , . . . ' " ' , . . . - - :;. : ' ' : : : ° _ . , . .. ' - " " , " . A ' "; . " ,&; -: wa Enid - ZaireAi.rewthwarterthyweather"thywe'atherwirei.rei.rew-i.re-wfirfiir: .-tierwetrierwe-trier" was mildniid and' dry , making the ab11iabilityty to ove-mov-move rtopstroopsetroops and equipment easy and observation good ., 12(12)( ) He-TheThe- nleyenemy situation was about the same , in addition the INTER-HITLERHITLER- LINE had been prepared in advance ., To add to the alre-alreadyalready- adystrong defense around TERRAINTERRACINA the Germans had brought do-downdown- .. . .. ' " . - "- - " 29thr.y-? from ROME end 71st-71s .. GrGrenadier-Tieglmenfsna lftrlifter "Regiments-"Regiments" ( ants 20tr"-20trP- from . of 29th . Regiments " .- rrsnadler"Regiments the , 15th. nts , ' i- the . . . . ' 71st wn . . , yq.Il5th rrsnadler . FYIyqI. 71strrsnadler ' arylryNLr.yNL. " . .I , arsenal . NL . Tieglmenfs . I Teguments , . . . . , . . ' ' Grenadier PanzerIPanzermplanteranzer Grenadier Division and these fresh troops were sno-nownow- facingwmaking the 85th Division . (13)-1513(15)(13)(15)-( ) The terrain approaching TERRAINTERRACINA was in itself ad-a- efinitedefinite disadvantage to the attacking forces . The coll-onlyonly- apsiblepossible entrance from the south was HIGHWAY 7 , this highwayhighway-

ranman through a series of corridors with. hills on the rightright- edand lovlowlove! marshy laIdlandlaIJd and sometinessometirtessometimes water on the left . At te-thethe- ntacleentrance to TERRAINTERRACINA the mountains came down abruptly too-to- meetmelet the sea , the road ran on a narrow strip less than 100100- yards wide between the sea on the left and clifscliffs( on thehe-the-tho-

rough ., ( SeeS e ' MaRMajgMagi C ) (14)-(14)( ) ightright .. f.f. 14 The 85th DivisionsDivision's' plan to take TERRAINTERRACINA was to movemov-over-

elementseelementspayments of one regiment by water from GAETAAETNA , another upup-uph-

- . . , a17- - ' ' ' ' s rigorist :iloIMAY7HIGHiloIMAY.7UiloIMAY.7U-iloIMAY.7HIGHVIXGHWAY, YY-7.-. anr1antheanrltheanthemearthenantherl-thethe-the-the thrdth.rdthird. twa17proa17Pro"Opro'O"proproprojecttactttactct theth'ettretreetie DivisionsDiv'ision'sDivisionDIVlsion s rightrigh-rigritright- 1 1.1..- 7 ' rl the- Utfulflank1flank by moving through the mountains to the east of th-the eoreticobjective . Elements of the 588th388th Infantry did LoveDlovemove by waterwater- fromfront AETNAGAETA but landed short of TERRAINTERRACINA and were pinched outout-gou- tyby the other advancing units , so this regiment was assembledassembl-assembled- ased Division Reserve ., The 33th557th337th? Infantry was to cont-continuecontinue- inuedadvancing up HIGHWAY 7 in a frontal attack on Terrac-TERRAINTERRACIN-TERRACINA ingwhileAwhile the 559th339th Infantry continued through thethothou mountains onM-on- theonte right flank ., 15(15)( ) 12(12)( ) Personal knowledge (13)( ) A-2- , p ., 85 13 - A" - 4 l "( 1 )} -'" A2.fl , lJe4lJ.. e4-e4--e4--W-- . ' . , . , . . . . . ( ) , 4 . . .- ._ . . _ . " . . . - - . . _ - . 5) 94 . . - (15) A-5- . _ . . p _ . . . - , " . , ...... _ . , . , , , . . . . _ . " ...... -_ . J155 J . - . ' .N--- . . - A NJ . - J . . . . . - ...... " . .N 5 ' " - - . , , ' . ' , . . , ' , ' . . . .. , , ...... , . w .. . . --. . . . . , . . 6 . .. , . , . ' . .- . . . . _ . . . w _ _ . _ + . A _ . ., . . . . . , . . . . _ _ . . , . . . . o unwary . . _ _ ...... ' _. _ . . . . + . _ _ _ _ .w.v . . . . _' _ . _ _ . wvw.v.. riverwrvrw.rvr.w.rvr_. ._.q. . . a.a. .w_. .. .r.r.. . rf'rf w-0-000-ft-.-. _- .W.anWan. . . " _ _uMwru.Mwr _ .. _ wrralbwrnrrwsrrwwr.wwwrralbwrnrrwsrrwwrwwwr.ralbwrnrrwsrrww.r.ww. . 4 ._.. .__. 0ftw000w0000ftW.an- - . MwwwwrvMwwww.rvMwww.w.rv

. , ...... w.w. wM4 ...... S . " . ... n . . ' , . _ IW " . ' .. . n ...... -am- , . _. .. r w . .. . .I'A., 44.4.4.- . . -f MilMi.l v - MMwM4'' LF.F.LF.F. . Yv r1 " . tar Wn may L .u/1n-/ ! 'l ' am "- v.v- '. IA - - 'Dr'1 ec the Mattattac'-attac-FFLFFhed'h uhlT GilGailclersclears -.u1n.u1n.u1nl.u1nam-fi m t.vt- ' T'TSriSerifSriofDr1'erredleredrtheoff tlf-tl attattached: i unititcult commandersim i1dgavei1dgave-tand gaveuthem ordersorde-orders-rdsreds;t "- asrs to thefpart they were to play In the coming attack . A-AllAll- llelicvehicles were brought up to the vicinity of the batta-battalionbattaliona- lionsssemblyassembly area , the drivers nd&and&nd maintenance personnel Er-werewere- ebusbusied adding fuel and checking vehiclestfor the attack ., (19)-19(19)( ) Orders were Issued by the battalion commander for aa-p- erimeterperimeter guard to be placed around the assembly area , ammuniammuni-ammoniaammun- -¬ itioniontion be distributed and for the men to get as much rest a-asas-

f ppositepossible . The men took this opportunity threattoheatto he at rations and getget-Gret- a little sleep . Ammunition and rations were Issued , weap-weaponsweapons- onswere checked , packs were made and all was in readiness forfo-for-

rtethe move .*

During thetnetine time that the troops were eating ,, resti-restingresting- andng beinBbeingbegin suppliedre-supplied- , the battalion commander took theEt-the- hiopiancompany commandersre, the battalion staff and the attached unit.-unituni-unito-

. . ., Ashley: . . . com.manders.commanders.com.mandersomni Anders to high ground. f7'ont. esseJessellssemblyess.ee.ss.eassembly-ahLy. , . .commandersonmni. nders theth just in frontf7ont' oftheoftenof.theof the Olseneseassemb-assemb.l- " arealageyarea to makemcltemaculate plans for the advance . Observation was EoodRoodgood a-asas- .far as could be seen . The highway to the front was in goodgoo- conditiondcondition and no enemy activity in sight .,

, : : : } w.s.a+ - . kn.Q'I.vn. " + ws.a . wsa knQI.vn. . 31 'r . . . VVoid . rWA'w-&c& kenoknQIvnvn L ' ' ., e nardeU1ie.U1i . . flj1. tuQ. ., " VaryL.11VaryVoi61'Y'y L11L.11 .a knokoninikn.oknymobovtknym.obovt' . .bi\)\: tbtbel nar. testistau. lpnPo. to . the-ef-e.-. . . " 61Y Iilittlettlis'ris cw&c '.bibit.bitt tel : fl tuetitu.etilp totto.tthefr- . frontreonontront but it was assumed that TERRAINTERRACINA would be the net-nextnext- tingstrong defense . Advance aerial reconnaissancerecormaissance and 2GQG-2Q-2- inin-InIn- -¬ formation stated that activity in and around TERRATERRACTERRAINTERRACINAINAINCA VasJac-wa-VJa-wasga-VJas slightklightsslight ., The commanders returned from their reconnaissance andand-hand- made final preparations for the attack ., 20(20)( )

19(19)( ) Personal knowledgeknowledgeL- ) ' ? ; . 1 . kenoknowledgeLedge, e 2Q _ . . 9.I)9.l < - . knowledknok - Ledfe - arsenal . rsena- -; _ 9 _ Person ..e- . . M ' ,9I9.l ; ' . . : , n- . a ! ' . ; a U . 9I9l . w ' ; . , . : - . . n 'wulu. Weimar w . ' . . . Aw nU ' wulu ). : . .1 . ' ' . : . . . . Zulu wiiMr e 'r" J. .. 1 . " : : 3J3.J 1 ! f r . .- " :...... , . . - ...... -a. . . .., ...... ' ...... , . . ' . . _ . _ . _ .. wn . , . . , ...... -/ - a - . 0060.0060 w.w ..r. . w...... w_ .. . . r - : ;.-..- w . - - WAwnaa.w.rawryw.r.w.r-.w.r- - - - rwr-- - wr . . . " ...... r ...... ' ...... - . - ...... -. ., . . - , .. ' - I4aI4.a.I4.a" d --- - . . . - . . . . -. THE BATTALION PLAN OF ATTAC-ATTACK - - .

, . . . ._ . . - . , . _ . . . . _ - + _ . , .. . ., . . . . J.J . . . -...... r...... - ...... ' . r . . NwwNw.w - .w.w--.w- - , , . w. " .. " . . .. - .w. + Iwo + i.r Ww w.w.w.w , ,-- . _- . " w" " ' - ara.r- w " r ir ' ww - - -- - .wsinceK1JInceSine"Sine Q lEolEofan dvlancadvance e 'rreconnaissancec-- ; ;- wa-was 1JInce-1JIncesince ititdit-it'ddadvance reconnaissance1;S ;cf-coff the;-entire; area impossiblesimpossible the battalion commander planned to send reconnaisreconnais-recommits.-¬ sancestance groups ahead to keep him posted on the terrain andAn-and- deanenemy situation to the front ., The time for movemantmovementmovemont from the assembly area was to bebe-

. . . - . .. " , A.woul-Awoul-Woul- . . 13,7'O17, ? 000 hohoi < ?{ , 21 Msayy 1944- ., CompanyCorrigibly% A 1944 , , . 37O' hors"a3c; 1944Coriipiy: CoriipiyCompan d would lpanlzeurbanizel'panlzeorganizepanzer'; a motor-motorizedmotorized- izedpatrol consisting of three jeeps , each jeep was to be moun-mountedmounted- tedwith a heavy machine gun with the gunners to come from CompanyCompan-Company- Dy . Following the jeeps the 91stgIst Cavalry Reconnaissance Squad-SquadronSquadron- ronwould move at a distance enough behind so the enemy could notun-not- traceablyreasonably observe both and place fire on them at thetnetine same time ., Company A was to lead the foot elements furnishing thehe-the-

adacheadvance 8urd8u&rdguardui& d and flank guard on either side of the road a-asas- far as observation and terrain would permit . Attached toT-to- acomaCompany A was the remainder of the machine gun platoon notnot-out- sentsenseenspentt with the motorized patrol . ImmediatelyIrrunediatelyIrremediably in rear of CompanyCompan-Company- Ay JoulewouldVJould be the battalion advance command group consisting ofof- theten Battalion CommonerCommanderCommDndArCommondpr , 3SS8.2S-33S3-S-- , , 2S828.2S-2SandS-.- ? anandaxed membersmbemb rs of the Batt-Batta-BattalionBattalion- IntelliIntelligenceIntellIreneefenceence SectionS0ctJonS0ctJ.onS0.ctJ.on. :. ., Follo\'Jinl3Following\' the command GlCUPZrcupGl"CUPLockupRecoup"cuprcup VJo1worldvrorldreorderld b-be-be Follow . . , . . . . , " Intel ...... lion Jinl3Follo'Jinl3 ." ' . ' ' ' alion ' . alion ' . , . , . .- , . ' . ., - CCofliiianyaptly. .. /' thriller ' : ' gunun plan ooricirriociriHori Companyompcomp DA-D- aTlYaT.lY" ElE'llthlathE-/lth' th thW otherottlerottleIbottleotrlexr fniacinniachinamoxhrnemournedmoxhrn'elah1h(; plaplatoonl from i ttachedattachedE. Then behind Company B would be Company C , the sports-supportsupportc- manlyompanycompany , with no attachments . Following Company C would be thethe- reatrearre sr battalion commandcOnID1and group , then the tanks and tank destro-destroyersdestroyers- yersfollowed by the mortar platoon and finally the battalion su-supplysupply- pplyvehicles wiwithth add1add.1additional. tonaltlonal ammuniammoniaammunitioniontion ., ConstellationCommunicationContnnlnlcatlon was to bee-be- manationmaintained primarily by SRSCR 500300 radios ., Each company was to furnish its own flank security and inin- anitionaddition Company C would furnish security for those elements t-to-to4-totoi-oilr-

, . - ..- " - , , , : - . "' ' . _ . . . . ; ; . . ; . - " '- _ .* . . . ?$ , I, - 4 . - ;" , _ ' " -ar- ' .J' '' . , : . -. . . : _ .o :. :r _-irg-Virgo--.rigrg rr* r w f .-- * ar rr'rr * ;. J '.irg" ww , . :J . / :.-.rirgrrmirror -. 00IM400-IM- r.r . . .r IM400 . . . far . -- . , . . . - . don--don .. - . AID.AID.AID// " r - . .AIDdon . .. . - -aided-9 - - . . . . , . . , . , " . . . - .. . .. -

, t , i . , . 4 Ave A-AnAnt- ... . ,.. .-. . iM - . . nwr-nw.r-.nw.r-. - . wMMtwMM - . % .r - . . . .. a.a. . . 4w4.w. R44M4--" -r- - tmTM - - - + - - . - Adrok.M - - . ra AromaAdrokM - - . _ . _ - - - .--- -. " ------''-c- the a . T: e on , . . rear Tie fo . . WQs.towaaWada columnie'h'cle r ie formationat. thehe road WestonWQstowas a . to be , march column . - . ' . - " - olumn _ . .. - .., . . . " -- ' - . _ * ' -- - " " -- - - " ' - . . . . ., _JW- -. - - - " - . - JW - nn- -ei-t'tl9Ti- reTr-slcrtr-wrCn{ Tine i-e-v- ' ' ; - . - Tne i clef s - JanJWeit'tl9TJWnnin ttl9Tt'tl9T-iireTrslcrtrwrCn'reTrslcrtrretrowrCnwrenselectorlcrtr1Jn11'tlcrtr1Jn11t hVventriclesveTiIclesofveTiIcles"ofhcle'h'cleehicle-e'h'cleclefcleofcle o-o-fof "t"hachinemachine"t"h-achinethe' ;-machine gun Plato-piaplatoons-Apiaplatoonstonstons-toonstoons- nismuringmovingeialong with their' pltoonplatoonpl&toon& fto carry the guns and ammunitionammunjtlonAmmanammunJaminunjtio-aminunjtion-iontion . (21)N-( ) th 21n21(21) NARRATI-ARRATIONNARRATION-NARRATION


'ig Lolo , horho'rhollho'llhohe motorized patrol led by First Lieutenant :Edwardhdward :bEE-M- ., McDermottcDermott moved out of the assembly area at 17501730 hours , 2121- May 1944 ., There was no advance artillery preparation becau-becausebecause-

sethe idea of the whorlwholewholB operation was speed anand . surprise . Th-The eatrepatrolepatrol was followed in about ten minutes by the reconnais-reconaissancereconaissance-reconnaissance sancesquadron and thethothou foot elements ., The advance was without incident urtiluntilur.tilcurtail. the motor-motorizedmot.orize-motorized-mot.orized. izedpatroldpatrol reached the cemetery at tiethe foot of' MONT BIAGIOBAGNIO wher-wherewhere- theeat Germans opened fire from the mountain and knocked outout- twowore jeeps and forced thethothou members of the patrol to take covercoveri-cover- ng in the ditches along the sides of HIGHWAY 7 ., The reconnaisreconnais-recommits-¬

', sancestance squadron and. the foot elements didn'tdidnotdid not'not have knowledge f-ofof-

theJ- what had to e . . exactly happened . . a . . eatly the patrol because curve in th-the . . . ._. ., . .

I-A- . ' " ''-o- " '-r- x ' ' " ' " " r {- - " ' " ,. & -JftP.-,, .9d9.d rb,b&truGtedbs obobserv-alt"P1on, , 'althoughialthoughi tnetine eenemyneiny"fir ould"ouldGould be- - FtPJftPeftftPpad brbrusted"btruGtedtrudgedrustedruotedrouted-rusted bobservaltP1onobservealt"P1onobservation! i J lthoughalthoughalthoughtnealthough"tnertIioratio gh the ninnyneinyfirfire could b-be headheardheee ardWard ., ( See Map C ) Since the enemy had let the motorized patrol pass itsits-dis- '* position and opened fire at the last possible moment beforebefore- observation was obstructed , the remainder of the column das-waswas- heeneven with the enemy position before it was realized . Compan-CompanyCompany- Ay had just passed parallel to the summit of MONT BIAGIOBAGNIO andand-anc- hormanCompany B was just opposite the enemy position when fire as-waswas- penopened again . Several members of Company B , including thei-their-the-their

- . ' - " - ' ( ) . . _ "- \ . ' - (21)CD knowledge . _ . . 1 . . . . iii y- 1 * ' knowledge , . ' . - Personal knowledg . . ,, ' - ' "' " ' " . knowledgem- . rr* ' n y . A"A-ltulA"Altu-. - knowledge ' ' - , . . \Io'IIiit * . . . rrIo'IIiitIo'IIiitIoIIiit . - " ' " " y1 . rt , : . - . 21. : knowled-;. - * " ' - A"A . . _ . _ \ . . - ...... ir:_=_:.: : _ . _ . "; - ltullullAA: '" mew.- . .. mewge ." - L-- . :;- : A- -ew ..- . L iiii- ' . . '...... " dirt . . Lii. . , . . , - ...... iirt . - " - . . . - ...... r.p1.r.p1. r.p1. .. Nr . lQ . . - ' rp1 - - ., ...... 1Q\Q - , . 1QQ ' " Ii - . . . _ . . . - . . ...- - - .- .\ - . , _ _ , " . . .. . , . . . .- . . - . * ...... , - -A - . . A - - _------'" .------R . M commander ., First-Lieutenant . SpinSpina, were killed ., First-FiForest-st First

...... , . . . .

M © cw _- .. , ...... q a , ., ...... _ .._. . - . - . n DpyJLe aj3ST , anQ ...... allment James . assume , , _ " ant , Doyle. assumed. . , . . _ . , assum . LieutenantLleute ...... _ ...... DOlle. . assumd. . . . _ . .0 . . , . . . .._ _ _ . - DOle . an . . . . 0 . .- - - cwa . .. . _ ' . - . . - - : ca The battalion commander ordered Companies A and B too-to- rderlydeploy along the road and for Company C to move off the roadroa-road- dto the right to extend thothou line around the enemy positionpositio-position- . ( SeeSeens Map C ) The tanks and tank destroyers were brought un-upup-

therlf-the.rlf.-therlf.3-the.rlf.3-- A . . . - . . to : . . . .o-. . .t-.- . ., e . < . . . . .- .evenvenSven . the-eth- erifiedwri.flewr.i.fle.r.1.fJ3. . companiescompaniedcompa.niegcompaniegcompan1e.Rcompan1eR anandt.QQand.t.QQ.. plstoQ.npl.a.topls.to.Q.npi etoone.toonon want .1.nto.tt-r.o.1.nt-.ttr.o-5n a-o- with ltlst-e) eriler1fJwrifler1.fJ andbanditandtQQanAanAJ. mortsrmortar platoplatoonplstoQnplastronpla.toeton tt.ttror.otrodttr.o1nto1.nto) actionoactionction. Fire was exchanged betweenbatween the enemy forces and thethe- 1st Battalion until darkness , with very little additi-additionaladditionald- onaldamageamage being done to the 1st Battalion . Just after darkne-darknessdarkness- ssthe battalion commander ordered a strong combat patrol to bebe-re- organized by Company C , to move around to the right of thethe-He- nleyenemy positions ., This patrol moved out at about 2100 hoursHur-hours-. Itst.It took the patrol at least an hour to maneuver into positionpositi-position- , buton once in position it took the enemy completely by surpri-surprisesurprise- seand met with success . The patrol returned at about 2330 outs-hourshous-hours-

hiningebrokenbrlnelngbringingblanketing; 5131 prisoners and reported that the reminderremainderremldnder.remainder.remld.nderremld.nder. : . of thetkeKe-tke-takeHe-the-, nneyenemynley had eieithertherether been killed or had wjwithdrawn. thrownthdrawn . 'llheThe'llheMlle batta-battalionbattalionr- lioneformedreformed on the road and led by the 91st Reconnaissance SquadSquad--¬ (22)-( ) ron centimecontiimedcontinued its advanceedvancee.dvance. toward TERRAINTERRACINA . 22(22)

' - ""-A-N-T ' ' ' -" THTHFIRSTHIRDSTHE FIRS-FIRSFIRSTFIRS'TFIRS-FIRST'NJGE-FIRSTNJGE-' nglingTGHlINNTGH'l'INNTH H2''' INIM THEHElHE VICINITY OF 'Deracin-TERRACINA-Tracta-TRACKTERRAINlERFJCINAlERFJ.CINA'l'ERFJ.CINATLRRACIKATERRACINATLRRACIKA-TERRACINA--' . -- 'tehelheThe'l'heateThe' reconnaissance squadron was able to reach the outout-ou- -¬ tskirtsskirts of TERRAINTERRACINA and by 02500230 hours , 22 May , the foot eleele-dele-¬ mentsaments were within one mile of the city limits . It seemed al-asas- though the attack plan was about to meet with success , but theHe-the- nleyenemy had other plansplane ., As the advance elelementsmentsaments of Company AA-M- ovedmoved down the corridor formed by the mountains on the right-right edand the sea on the left , on the outskirts of TERRAINTERRACINA , theth-the- 22(22)e22( ) 8AA-8- , p . 28 ; Personal knowled-knowledg-knowledge.-knowledge ' . . - . . . _ . - . ' - . - . . . . _ . - . . :" . _ . . . . . : - . .- . . . . - : : . . _ . - . . . _ . . . . _...... _ . . . . ," : :. _ _ ...... , ; . _...... - ; . . . . . ; - . . _ _ " . ; : . . -e . t C = . . _ . , . .: : ...... t 4.0 . ; . . . . . _ . . _ _ '40 ;.--:' :;;.- : ; ei: : r . . . , . gemn ! . " . . . 11eileLee . . " . ' " . YwY.w. /M 41. . . . M/ w . . . il. . . Y.wM ...... "KINIaw . . , - ...... -. .- . ... _ . .- Kina"KINIaw - ' . . . . . _ . ' . " . ilr . J . iIaRW - ' W + 1Alr . 1 . * 1 . . . . .6 . . ' -at' , , ' - . . . ) . at 'V\ 'l . . . . 0 . I . . . V' < .v liar , . ' ' ). , < ...... 1 . , . . , , r : . ) . rr v . 'I O\\ . < t- _ J "a)14.ya14.y . , .6 Lra1IRaW* N a14y ' . . \ l ' , t.nNiS'RLt.nNiSRL< . ."* '_ . " I LIQ .mn.+ 'WMWM BOrBoer_ wR. * tennis.tnNiSRLt t ' ' . -* I " O . .. mn O'lil" . . , < , . _ _ . .1- . .. , . _ ...... _ _ .. . _ . . . 1 _ _ . . , . . ._ - . _ , . . . _, "AI"AI . _ . . . . .- " -. . ' 110.110.11'0.11'0---' ------1'0enemy - enemy eno2ny greeted them a and- with point blank automatictomat1c weapon andan _ . P

...... _ ...... " .. . . . ' _ . . - . . r. - . . - - ' - . ' " " . - - - . " u' ' ' - - " -- " - , . - - '6SEf nninninmnimnm --'f1r-e "Th se emyEmmy recd '- aufuEf6S rartillerytilertillertiltail er'f1reerfirefire ., ThThese enemy weapons were well placdplacedplaplacd---planplaci-placd--ececd;d inng houses and caves just beyond an abrupt turn in the roadroa-road- ., ( Seeds Map C)) It was necessary for the reconnaissance squadsquad--¬ ron tobocofco withdraw . Due to kneesrknessdarkness the remainder of the coun-columncolumn- cilorsclosed up before word was received as to what had happenedhapp-happened- .,

CCCOccupancy WayfarerA ± s-w- Several embersmembers of Ccnpanynpan:q --.were. AYJftreA.Y'JftreA.YJftre.were.were. , k{t d actendandanct mfulYmfu'lYmany othoothers-s , panP&nfq.were . . . , & fully ethers . _ lJkUled , _ v .were killed oho . : .. llsd " ened. .. PfPnf were' lllsd : ' oth- oundedwounded , including the advanced,guard Platoon Leader , FirstFirst- ers .- Lieutenant Peters ., The battalion halted and tanks were called forward , butbu-but- ttedue to the well dug in enemy weapons there was no chance forfo-for- rtethe tanks to get into position to fire ., 'TheJ1he'J1he battalionba.ttalion. media-medicalmedical- torscorps personnel , working under direct fire , evacuated th-thethe- ronewounded ., Orders were issued for the companies to spread out alongalong-elong- theate road to the rear . Continued efforts were made by te-thethe- akstanks to advance , but it was impossible due to thethothou point bla-blankblank- nketantitankanti tank fiefirefiIefiI'e' placed on them . Small patrols attempted to slursursU.rsur-sU.r-sU.-sUr-. -¬ roundrround the enemy strong points , but due to the sea on the leftLev-lefta-leftw- ndntiardantandanti the cliff on the right , movement was restrictedresLrlcted to thethe-He- m-

m- .- ."- . .,.-a- ' " - . . ' ' " ' ,move ' ' rodroad and its edges ., 1hisThis1'his meanteanteanT.meanTthatmeantthe.iomeanTmeanT-meant- thattheotheiothe.iotartanthatanythat'any. nyany move 'iforwardrwardreward would bebe- nderunder direct observation and into the face of all enemy weaweakwea--¬ ponspeons ., Supporting fire fromfamefvam the mortars was placed on the enem-enemy positionsypositions with no effect because the positions were so well dugdug-drugg- ining . Finally just before dawn the battalion commander order-orderedordered- edthe battalion to withdraw to the foot of MOUNT CROCSCROCECROCKER . ( Se-SeSeeSee-Seje- emMapM C ) The companies reorganized , replaced key personnel andand-san- putdpit outpointoutposionoutposoutpostoutposi on the slopes of MOUNT CROCECROCKER ., The mortar platoo-platoonplatoon- .

, . . . _ . . . - . . -- .. . . ' . . - , - -s-v--- . : : -- . * . ." - : .. , . / : n . _ ' : ir ;r. - 7 - h . fistsi.Sts , c-r . iSts '-svvr " ' : . .a :r.-cx . .-i.Stssvvr'ivrevvr.'t!:"'t * . t: ' ;-. . :;-:; ,12.00-.12.12 _ . .- 12 ' - _ ; . , ,12 . . . --.009. ; . . .009 : 12 . , 9 . " . , ...... -- "- .- - J . . . .c. . . c ... . . ofilrfiler L . . , . .. . , . . . ' . _ . , W'W _. J . . . _ ' > _ 4J . , - . ' M < ,> I'- * . _ . * . t MUMMUMl o'o w * II< - _w.ekw.ek-w.ekwela. 01 . - .'. _ we. . I 'I.- __ . . - : . . .- " ' .e- --'I-I " ' .-MM- k.c'C--.c'C.e' . .e.- 'I.-' - .M.---.M. .- andyMandand ththe cC.cC.c'Cbattalion supply.eJsection set up in the open , fieldfield- I " erswest of MOUNT ROCCROCCROCECROCKCROCKER : . Major Sanders calledoalledcoaled the company commanders together anden-and- dplateplanned an attack across MOUNT CROCECROCKER . The attack plan concon--¬ sistedsited of Companies A and B moving up the nose while CompanyCompan-Company- Cy moving up the center of the mountain . These orders wereper-were-

...... given fromfroIngroin the of tho-thou. _-.. LuuntainL'uuntainBlunting.(c' entrain facing HIGHWAY . 7J7 , thi-thinitin-.i-.i- & . . . ceive foot ,hocthethocthotb \ ntainntalntalon 7th1J thitth1i.i A .B ndentmeanterant that Companies :and were to move directly off theHe-the- rodroad , as the mountain ran perpendicular to the road , and ComCom--¬ panypanky C would move around to the right off the road and up th-thethe- esesteep slopes . ( See Map D ) Commanders returned to pher-theirc-their omonesompaniescompaniescampaniescampaniles and final plans were made ., "' .


hetsEJustJust before dawnda.wn. the companies moved out and by daylig-daylightdaylight- htall elementelements had reached Knob 1 of the mountain and started toto- bogganorganize positionsposltions . As the sunBun canecame up OvidOVdlover" the mountains frot-fromfrom-

thehed east the members of the 1st Battalion found that. theirtheir-therm- positionosetting was not as stable as they thought . Enemy fire startedstarte-started-startedf-

; todco lrainain down on hemthemxhem , 1itt seemed that snipers were behind.. eve-everyevery- ryrock and tree on the mountain ., German long rangeranranf e :machinemachlne, Gil-gllnglln-g7ang7an-gallongun- andlianendned artillery fire was placed alloverall over MOUNT CROCECROCKER and HIGIHIGHWAYWHIGHIGHWAY-JAY 7 from positions on Knob 2 of MOUNT CROCECROCKER and MOUNT STEPHANSTERPANOStepha-STEhPANO- .

( See MopJDM -RD ) Se3nie!_ . MR.Mop_ -R Many individual fights broke out , hand to hand in Ma-man-many yascasesycases . Control was hard for the leaders to maintain as the-theythey- y'vemoved about trying to organize squads , platoons and companiescompanies-compan- ., Manyies individuals of the is1stt Battalion performed almost unun--¬ believable feats of heroism . The Commanding Officer of Com-Comm-ComCo-Comm-

. . . , . , - - : . _ moo - . . .. . ' . - ;;. . '. . ;. . ' . " oro _ . - . - TT-y-ooII MSg.MSg. " SS -S XT -SS . . - r- - _ _ _- . ' : - SUFIS .-. ., SVyiSybilSVyi-"ii "T TTy.MSg: . S XTSSTOSS . - _ . 7 . . SFS . - SS . - - : ' ii .- SSS - - " T . " . -S-xi-PSxiPmas-; W-7-W---:;- w-w :..SVyi"T" :;" yTT: r - : 7 ' Ww . xi . ' . . .00MiMft00MiMft. . 13 _ . . . . , " . " . _ . . . . - SP . 'WP . .rm . . W . 'WP rte . " r.r .- . ' -._ - r ! ;. 'P . _ _ _ ._ . _ . . w..w > . . . . P -N . .- .a.a .- .-' . . , . .. . . 1 . 41 _ . . . __. _w.w tL r _Me1N M wwvwwv.wwJ wlrw - An .v - - .- ., -..- - . . r.-. . --v-

, ppaypankypanyy B , FirstI irstfirst Lieutenant Doyle , and hisIlls radio operatoroper.ator. capturedcapturcapturecaptur-captured-d aned enemy company command post . First Lieutenant PrancesFrances JJ-M- ., Mooreoore , Commanding Officer of Company D was killed as he over-movedmove- drovebravelydbravely about , disregarding the sniper fire , attempting toto- bogganorganize the menmenj., First Lieutenant Paul E ., GoreGorrell assu-assumedassumed- medcommand of that company .,

,. > y " " up this.. . . : r .aimn.innine firs"-friss-& TankTanks swervedwermvedbereavedwereaovedwerwearwere-mved-mvedmoved')"ovedcoved up to the bebesebasebesetse of teountenont.eounthths no1nt!no\1ntmountain\ nin to firsfirs-ir on the enemy positions on MOUNT CRCCECRUCES . The mortars started tota-to- fireffies on Knob 2 and in rear of the mountain, cutting off enem-enemy replacementsyreplacements and supplies . The tank fire would have helpedhelped- considerably if the 1st Battalion soldiers had not been s-soso- interingintermingled with the enemy , that the tanks had to withdraw ., Close range fighting continued throughout the remainderremaind-remainder- ofer the morning and by noon neither side had won a deci-decisivedecisive- enemy managed move most of toto- sivevictory .* The to his forces Knobpknot 2 of MOUNT CROCECROCKER and the 1st Battalion was organizing B-onon-

( D ) , thatc- Knob 1 . SeeSeSee- .Aap_ The commander realized thatthat- onn S-_ ea.Aap2MaID. IPI.P?_.) battalion two thehed battle was a stlematestalematest&lemate& and due to the nearness of the tw- . te.Ylk waswa.s. :- advantageadvRntage ; there-thereo- -¬ forcesoferoforces , artillery .8rdand8'rd'} TeltankteYlk. fire of 11-1ttlelittle' ttletitle therethere- . Companiesejpmpaniesrnpa dies back- ffgr9forere the 5-2S-2- andend. 3-3S-3WereSSwereS-- wer8were sent to guide the epiphaniesrna ies bec-back

"-o- S S o 25 f"" 3' kondown to ththe footr Ott-oto-ot"o- off MOUNT CROCECROCKER . (23)-23(23)( ) By this time artillery had moved into position and waswas- ablehable to place well observed fire on MOUNT CROCECROCKER and harass thethe-He- nleyEmmynemyenemy beyond the mountain and in TTERRAINTERRACINARACINERRACINA ., 24(24)( ) Tanks enra-werewere- gingagain moved up to the foot of the mountain and started firi-firing-firing allng weapons at the enemy . Behind this artiMartiartilleryle y and tank fir-fire-fire ththe foot troops lovedmovedlnoved back up MOUNT CROCECROCKER and completely rout-routed-routed edthe Germans framfromframe both Knobs ., During this attack 2523(25)(23)( ) Personal knowledgeknowledg-knowledge- (24)e24( 24 ) A-9- , p . 53 ' - . . ' . ' - . " .. . - ...... ' ' - 24 : % Woo _ ' : ' . . . % , . : . . , " ; " ' , 4 4*& - .. . ' : < . A, . . _ . ' " , < . . . " . : . . * . : ; :. ;.- .;. 7; ;::. - ;: ; . . :. . , . .; . . . : ;. ;. :. .4 .&j. -.c4114irW: . c : ;. 4 _;" : ..- .. . - ;- ;;.-:;.:; ':; ''";:'; 9 ' . *- .-.c ' ;.w ' :.- . . , ...... ' : . . . - .. . 1.w . . . , " . . - . - - . :' . .w ' M . . 41 w ' - 4- - MT4T414 -

, . . . . . '...... " _ . . . . . " ...... M ' ...... _ . . _ . " . . . . . -7.c- . -. - - .- f'f''fI'f---I:-< .. . -...... , . . . . . " - - . . , .. __. _" - . , . , . ' . ' 1- - " - .. , . . . . " . . . . " - - ' - . - - . 15---- - " - - - .. , . . . . ------15 .- Coulterccouter5CoulteraCoulter , CommandingCommendingComm d1ng General of the 85th Division and Lieute-LieutenantLieutenant- nantGeneral KeyesKeynes , Commanding General of the II Corps arrived atat-ba- the Command Post of the 1st Battalion and emphasized to Colo-ColonelColonel- nelHugeHugesHughesHugoss , Commanding Officer of the 537th337th Infantry who was alal--¬ ready there , the importance of taking TERRATERRAINTEJRRACINATERRACINA ., The rifle units of the 1st Battalion pushed the GermansGerman- . . . ' . , . . . ' "' ' - - " . c o Taj trig Xylemusability: 1I1 111'1 . MoUNIMOUNTMOUM1, CCROCECROCKERROC completelyscompletelyI> lf) teJ y off' thetrGtr.G. Lxlmyuanilit:1 'itoitoiit"oit 01J Mourn] and sesett up positionspopositio-positions-s1 talo-tlonstlons-talons nson the line originally occupied by the enemy . The members ofof- theten 1st Battalion were almost completely exhausted having hadhad-Han-Ha- oinonoi rest since 1700 hours , 21 May ; now it was about 2200 hours-hourshours,-, 22 May ., The positions were consolidated and fire was excha-exchangedexchanged- ngedbetween the two forces . The remainder of the night passed withwith--¬ out incident and just before dawn vordFordwordv/ord/ was received that thethe- 2d Battalion would relieve the 1st Battalion ., The 1st Battali-BattalionBattalion- wason to reorganize in an assembly area just south of MOUNT CROC-Cresce-CROCECROCKER ndoandEand be prepared to assist in the final attack on TRAINTERRAINTERHACINATERRACINATerracin-TERRACINA.-TERRACINA- . Atg 0500 hours , 23 May , the relief was completed and the 1st1st- Battalion moved lintoto the assembly area ., 25(25)(25)-( )

THE THIRD DAY AND FINFIJIFINALAL ATTACK ONrl'EfiliAC01TERRACINA0101\ON\ RefaceTERRAINrlEfiliACrl'EfiliACTERRACINATERRACINA-TEfpAC IrAINAINrAINCA . FIIL , LeilaDeracin-' ateThe is1stt Battalion spent the entire day , 2523 May , resti-restingresting- andng reorganizing . The men were so tired they slept with-withoutwithout- outeating until late afternoon . In the afternoon everyone bega-beganbegan- nto move about , wash themselves and eat , by darkness all we-wer-were restedarerserested and prepared to continue the attack if so orderedordered- ., Throughout the day the mortar platoon of Company D contin-continuedcontinued- uedfiring to assist the 2d Battalion attack . The supply vehic-vehiclesvehicles- leswent back to the regimental supply point and returned withwith- ammunition and rations ., (26)-26(26)( ) . ' .' ; ...... " . "Z ;- . . ., _ ' . _ Z . U < . < _ w- . S . < r ' ' pt- ; . w'w' .;. < :" . rt . , ( ) -p--P- ' . - : ; . .w.--w. fi . PlQwJ"a. % " .- .- ; PlQwJa* ad ., ., . (25)25 oT\al - ; - . : Per kn.o3& adpp<-* " : . .. ; Personal kno3. - . . - . ap&r .-. * ; ;;: - - . 2--- y * : : : . ; - oT & t-afc .L-4 -.v . - : . . tafc.L425.L4'O-- \ w afc -g .v . ac O'O : \ , - . . . . , doge . . .- .L" ' -2 { dge ._. , . . . ;.- .. rdfrfd4L'Og; 2yPersonalalratriatwriatriat-\\knowledge! r : . . ' ; . . , . . . . . , . . . . ' t . : ' ...... ' -. " . , . . - . . ! 2.vrat. ' , , . . . . , : - &rw .- * ' - . . , _ . " _ .- *. . . - ' 11 . . . . .- . ,. . " * MUU9 * , . , . -1* ". " 'rvw' , - t .* . . l .wOtlfc1wOtlfc 1 rv . " * ' ' . . ' . wolf . , * ' 't'yf9 ki - . . tyf9 ' .- .- . . 1 . w - , . L - , - . W0,10&XV0, % amp * 1..1 () . W010XV0& . . .- " - - .- -. err ...... a.a-.-a- - . _ _ .- - - . . _ . , ._ _ . - . . . _ . _ _ ,. .. . . M'M _ . . - - - ' --- " .# s-s- ' - . . - . . - .

. , . ' .

. . . ' .- . . , ...... -. ' . , . ' . . ., w. . ' w + . _ . , ...... "I + . . . " . . - . . .._. I" n . . . " ...... wwa.Mw - . ' wwaMw ' ...... M swam" - " ...... w .p - . . .w - . p .. w .Mr..Mrw.Aww.AwwAw.. wr r r ,. .. M'M/Lw' ' - . MrWA -- - . -r.r LwMMM'M.-./ ' - - .. - ... .- - - - - ' .. ------the men dldispersed-sperspear sedseed and-took cover . The? disperseddispergeddisparagedi pe ed soldi-soldierssoldiers- " ersw'erewere' finallyfin611y assembled and the move was continued in thehe-the- sitationdirection that was thought to be toward the remainder of te-thethe- arstainbattalion , but instead , due to confusion , it was headed dirdir--¬ ectlyrectally toward the enenemylY lines north of TERRATERRACTERRAINTERRACINAINAINCA ., This prop-groupgroup- ortionedcontinued in the wrong diroctiondirection until it eceivedreceiveddeceived small armsarm-

sfire frQm immediate ., tel-the- . from the Realizing mistake . . ..* his the , fireoire i elateedlate front . . r . -fUlfoulf Ul-Ul.-.. ethonplatoon leader halhaltedted unattestedndndattemptedand attempted to orient himselfhinLself . Te-Th-The arstainbattalionebattalion commander fearing that some of the battalion mightmigh-might- t'vehave been cut off by the barrage sent the 28SS-28-2- and 1SS-lS-1- bac-backback- klogalong the route to check . These two officers , afterlconsiderconsider--¬ able searching , found the missing elements and guided them backback-backst- toop the remainderremaindor of the battalion .,

Just before dawn , 24 MayIviayAviary , contact was made with the 2d2d- and 3d battalions . Companies B and C moved up on a line betwe-betweenbetween- enthe two battalions and were ready to continue the attack . S-AsAs- edandawn cameemmeemmer it was realized that the enemy had withdrawn duri-duringduring- theng night , probably because of the intense artilleryartlllery and thethe-ten- ancymany casualties suffered during the past two days . All thattha-that- wswasWQS left for the 557tn337th337t11 InfaInfraInfantryntryentry to do was to move in and occu-occupyT-occupyoccupy-

py A , HIGH1HIGH1/HIGH1AYHIGHWAYHIGHWA.YAY-.- 7 '. -. " !" Q genge.n .- peas& . TETERRACING . .Now.Now .7 was-openpen troops to-ape&d- ERRACINGERRACINA . /AY7AY. and troopC began toape&d't-Sp0e . 7 ' troop . apedth- . . . through"through'"roughhrough'through' ' omelettomeetto meet the troops at ANSIANZIO BEACHHEAD , and anot-anotheranother-t- oherphase of the Spring Offensive was history ., (30)-5030(50)(30)(50)-( )


1 . INTELLIGENCE IntelligenceINTELLIGENCEThe The entire attachattackattaelcMattel on TERRAINTERRACINA and MOUNT CROCECROCKER was concon--¬ ducted with very little knowledge of the enemy situation oro-or- 30(30)r30( ) Personal knowledge-knowledge

; ...... _ - _ .. :, ' . , - -J- . . _ . . ", -:1-:1 ' ----J-- .- ;..- . . . ; , ' _ :1 - . . . .,. . :" : - " -: - - . . - . . . . . 1 . . . . . " . . . - - - . . , :1J . . . ' _ :. ., . '. ' IMT7' - + w . . . . ;. -T7TI ' . ; T7 - . -- ' . . - - .- - .. . . . " " ' - " ' ' J , ...... :;.- - - . r-A- ' . - . . , - - - r . u . . , . . , . , . . _ ...... , " _ ...... - -. , . - - ...... , . ' ...... " . - , - ...... - . . - ...... " .

...... , < , . . , . - . . _ , . __ _ . .. . . ' -.*. WVWMVf- - - . o j - . . _. w N ._ _ ...... M - . . .. ._. . N4/N- - - . _. N4 wMVwM.M.w / . . \ ...... _... . -,wMVwMM.wwMVwMMw . AlaMny.q\AlaMny.qAlaMny.q . . , , _ _ . 'C"O Albany r.WwWwrWwWw - . _. _ CO _ . . lbany_WWW '" -- - . The4The 2d Battalion had beenbean fighting hard all day and b-byby-a- afternoonmidafternoonmid-afternoonymidafternoonymidbysmfternoon- were deadlocked with the enemy in the vicinityvicinit-vicinity- midcemetery , 800 . ofy the about yards from their starting positionpositio-position(- 27(27)n2727)( ) ( See Map D ) The 3d Battalion had been sswungng left acr-acrossacrossM- ossOUNTMOUNT CROCECROCKER and were now extending the right flank of the 2d2d- Battalion ., 28(28)( ) During the time the foot elements were fig-fightfight-figh-In-Kin-fight--- . . - ' - -. . . . -t , o/o , ing.th.PIng,_.. . .hP t-antistankt.ank 'ware- -lilted. / ; totv maniotivermaneuverma11 uV posit ta-to- htingingoting.JttingSinghingJingthPing.Jingth.PKinghtg t antis wrel!9rttemltine9r9r-) , llttelltteoliltedteatimeattentionttemltinetteAptin.tteAptin--ttemltinetin" manicottir into'Into PoseidonposipositionposUioniontion to nsiesassist . The tank commander requestedrequest.ed. that engineers , who hadhad-han- comedsome up fromtthe rear , clear a passage around the north ofH-of- offmanMOUNT CROCECROCKER . Using bulldozers , dynamidynamicdynamitete and hand laborlsbor .a trailtrail-railw- wasays cleared and just before dark a light tank company was ableable-tablet- toop move up with the 3d Battalion ., ( See Map 1D1)) ) TOTogetherether te-thethe-

akstanks and foot troops pushed , the Germans back to a positi-positionposition- onalabout 1000 yards east of TERRAINTERRACINA as darkness fell ., (29)-29(29)( ) At dark , orders were received for the 1st Battalion toto-co-

movemmove around the north of MOUNT CCROCECROCKERROEROCE along the newly made fan-tanktan- tailtrailktrail and take up position between the 2d and 3d Battalions t-toto- ootingcontinue the attack . The battalion was organized with CompanyCompan-Company- By leading followed by battalion forward command group ., Compan-CompanyCompany-

' - . ' ' ' ' ' -. - - " ; C , y " - - ; aancbanc( ( , . , ,CcypnyCcy.pnyCottonyCottpanyCcy.p&nyOccupancy. & LCA:.,, & a1 command.groupc'omma'nd-.groupccommand1mandgroup1mand'groupgroup , and e. mortar-mortar;tar . t-th-e-b-att&lio-n) the - 'rrear . tthe b-attalion . - . Athebatt&lionbattalion.battalion r . f ! attlioatt&liobattalionattalion ' groupcommand.groupc'omma'nd. . mo- rtarplatoon . The battalion moved 'out , leaving the supply vehiclesvehicl-vehicles- ines the assembly areab, and reached,the north slope of MONT-MOUNTMOUNT- CROCKER th ROSECROCE withoutnincident ., .- The nightbewas dark and contact was maintained by the me-menmen- wlingwalking very close to each other . Just after rounding MONT-MOUNTMOUNT- ROSECROCECROCKER the trail ended ., A few hundred yards from the end ofof- theten trail an intense artilleryartille.ry. barrage landed on the lastlast-asp- irationplatoon of ConlpanyCompany A and the forward elements of battalion rearc-repr-rear imandommandcommand group . Several men were wounded , ontactcontact was lost asas-

' . f } - .. . , . y- . .; ( ) .. . . + s y-, . ;.;. , , : . . towel . . 27) knowledge ; _ _ . . CaCap. tB. LintI.LintI .shinytWl-twil- y 27 Personal Statement. . of. . . LollLintLlvl.; sitWl . 27Personal(27)Personal27 . . L . -} . 9,9of. ..S siy - ; .- . . - ! 99! :S : -cf"3 . , _ . cf"3 ; .. ;. ----t-- -ttit cf"355'rttt-cf3j 55rttt55'rttt-55'rtttt-ha-ntttnt y'y . -pj"1 ob. 1949 pj"1 " ; " - " 'ypj"1 . .- " - " Lo . \ " " - - " . '' ' ' " - pj1-- " - L ; , - ; ) go conc :'. &jgod& haSTstemerRrr f-- . : t\9S ;, tITe11-bl-nsn-tITe11n- ' : (2,8)( 'tcnc ; ' f-&B.pt Coates. - 8) t. . knowledge : s n : , (28), -.Pe_ PeiLsonaJPer3fJn&J tcncknovledgkno.vledg'kno.vledgyedgaEdgarjgod ateatemrn &B.pt.apt-ewl'arcry CatesGates iitITe11nsn . (2,8).Petcf"3Per3fJnJ.l god Satem . Gatesblnsnih .PePoisson. Sutteetem fB.ptf& ' ' 9S ' " - Stem aptly-' c.fr 8 -BptaptLcfr' . \ ns 28 & faptL-ewl'ar ' - ' .- l 7 faptlyvelarewlar4 9Gates - , Bn . , . , Nov6hber-TI49Nov6hberTI49-Ho\ternberNovember1November'11949 bl S-2 3d InfenJtTy.InfBIltryei ry . 537th337th, -lnfInfBIltry " . 8-2 . . InfantryInability , . . apt - , S2 . 337thlnf337tJt. lnf ternbersterner - _ - - _ - Nov6hber L ' ...... "' \ ...... - " . , ' Pt . & ' - { : " . ' . _ v 2 . lf . - p . . - A-10S , . 29)29T io . . " T ' . 28 , , . t . _ . < . . . . 1 . " ", ' HoTI49 , . , . . . " . . 29. "I . . ' " . . . .. a ' . A )_w . .n ' 4\P-06 . 4, 06.u'u " 1 ' A10 .- t t . . P . . , . . - . . . . 4 ...... ' '" ._ . . . " , ' . . - l1li , . . : - . .. _ _ . 1 4IWfil '' : ' : . . - . . . ' - - \ v..v ' ' 161'6 -f- - - ...... _ . . ' . . . . , - . , -. . . ' , . . - . .L.L l.1. J . . . . . l1 ._...... _...... ,...... ' . . ._ } . .R .. . _. 4 . ._ n'n - ara.r.a.r. .- R_ . _ - . , P0811011, . . , ., . position. , . . ?. , Although...... ' ' . - '" the 1st Battalion CommanderCommenComme.nCommend. er.er. lealil"eali"legalrealized. e thehe-the- , was no sitationsituation there time for obtaining the needed informinform--.¬ atiationantiactionon . It is1si s true that the weather was good but the objectiveobjecti-objective- wasve at suchsuohsough a distance and the terrain was 80so mountainousmount-mountainou- , observationainoussobservation was limited . Since the success of the attack as-wa-was sessingdesignedsdesigned to hinge on speed and surpriseslurpsurp iseipse , it was not practic-practicalpractical- ? s.e.c3s.-. .. . . alto sec3se.c38enc8-encn strollspstrolspatrolspptrols.pstrols, and feslfeelfees out the enemy'senemyenemys' strengthenstrengthandstrength and positionspositio-positions-positions.-. ns my It is opinion that enough advanced elements were sent inin-hi-In-Hi- ndranceadvance of the main body but due to the crooked road and thethe-He- enemyenemys' enemy'snley well selected positions , these elements were of lis-littlelittlea- tlessssistRnceassistanceassistRncessistance in obtaining the desired information . After th-the eirsfirstefirst contact on ShiftRIGlffiAYHIGftVAYFIGHVVAY} 7 the enemy knew the 1st Battal-BattalionsBattalion'sBattalions-Battalion's-' position and , ions approximate strength . Notot untiluntll after the pripr1pri-prigpr1--¬ soners were stoners captured and interrogated did ththe 1stlAt BattionBattali-BastionBattalionBatt&ionBattalion-Batt&ion-BttaLion-B&ttaLion-& & onhave any knowledge whatsoever of the enemy . Reports had been received before the attack that activityactivit-activity- inyIn: T RACINEHRACIMARRACINATHRACIAN was slight . DaeDdeDadeD e.e. to the well dug In camou-camoufla-carnouflaeedcarnouflaeed-camouflage-camouflagedessmouflage-

1111:11 flagedgedpositionsposidpositionsrJpositionsposit ionstions occupied by the enemy , aerialseris.eri. : observers proba-probablyprobably-proba.blyp.roba.blyp.roba.bly-. . blycould not detect their strong points . Another consider-considerationconsideration- ationIrobablyprobably) accounting for somesoma of the enemy forces in Terrai-TERRAINTEKKACIN-TERRACINATERRACINA-T RACINERHACINA ? - . gnaw !, , ., Ac nAW . . . . > . .- ., . - i.s18 thattbnt nownew unlit' . wsronwVedwsron.wVedwsro.n.wVed7/aroaero/ mo.mo. od inr m -tl- c : ' ' " nis tnt uriunitulituritunit-ul.itunitwsro.n.wVedaromaarmholewaromolewrongedwaro.mo'lewaro.molearo ' in1f1in1.f1in fromtlfrontalfrom! ttl:.c}.c justnorth.justoorthjuGtnorth.justnorth-.justforethoughtjotjuotjuo.t beforebef0rbefore-bef'0rbeforeti-be-orot-Dorot-bef-oro- mehea 7 thefefhe attack . After consideration of this operation it is my beli-beliefbelief- efthat the lack of intelligence and iincorrectcorrect intelligence wa-waswas- stethe biggest factor in the delay and thethothou larglarge number f-ofof- acultiescasualties caused in taking TERRAINTERRACINA , but had time beenbeen-bean- stalktaken to gain the Intelligence the enemy would probably ha-havehave- veput up an even stronger defense and the outcome might ha-havehave- vebeen just as costly ., costlycostlyi

' . " ...... - : ' , _ ' . Wo . - :_. . . . . R- , - .Ar . . . : ; ; c _ : _ . _; -: Ar . ; . : ; : . . . . . _ , . > : . . : . ----i: : ;. . . .4,.4 . ; . : ; . : -.t-.. R--.- 18F- , : 18 R - .. . . , - - . . . .: . . . .t . . . " . . . - - - . - - & . ., , '. . . _ . _. . . ' . - ' . . . ' .. . . ' .c. . AA, . FIWW-F&IWWF&IWWF&IWWJOWS&IWW JOWS-JOWSJOWLS .0 .0 - . - 0. N MAYAAYAW ' 1I i . " . 41. J . c _ ., It .- 0 -M5.M5- '' - / -- - . . . . .4.t .J.M5-'-- - .-.- J. I


. _( _ . . Y .YWAWYWAW. AwkwardAAWWr( _//I . 40 by., _.. _ c ' , ' ' . . . _YWCA 4l I ,V w .# . I .Pow Mr'M vM _ Q40-Q40 [ _ vMrt'a'Yrt'a'Y. YM4r % _ % .- _ Pow _ { - - OM.0OM0_ - . MrM , "rtaYtraY_ . . . . . MM a1 M . . - _ 4lI y . .. Q40I-I-, 1 rlwM " .f 44 .R M Awry . ' _ _ M M _ IAwr w.w _ - " R 4 " ww ' _ If . _ lm I __ ' Ab i - . . _ . . . . .- . . . .. ' - ...... ' ...... I . . . - , . . . ' . . r- ' . ' . . - . - " - r " --.4 ,' r 2 .. SUPPLY AND }tVACUAtVACUAlIONEVACUATIO-EVACUATIONVAC'VAC UATlIONlION-O-ON :tactual;Evacuat-ATli-I .4 rneryNVery nerVeryion little can be said about supply and . evacuation inin-lit-In-Li- rcthischistchis operation except that waswaDwaoWako . The it excellent battal-battalionbattalions- supply moved , endandfind sup- ¬ ionsupply vehicles with the battalion ?$ when new supsup-.- plies were needed these trucks made a quick trip and return-returnedreturned-returne-

fiche ,


InveEIn 1nymy opinionopinion1LRttACINJA, EaracheiLRnAGIIUJERhACIHA'J.ERhACIHAJ.ERhACIHA1LRttACINJA-1LRttACINJA'- . , becausebocause of size and dista-distancedistance- , shouldIshould1shouldnces have been a regimen-regimental-regimental atherrather than a battalion ob-objectobject--¬ talivedive ., There was only one Goe-goodgood- approach to the objective ad-an-and

,1 . ,4 11- ject " . . . tt- ! .AI" . " A ' ; ' . I ' . . / :. It . ii- .- face a- t i- . j i the fac would a occupy - J .* vY " .I. factt that i t take aptationdbattalionbattalion to th'ththe objec-object-objectobjectt- . / I it , ' tltI flft{ t ., \ . II- \ ' ob- lt ; it . ( \ 'f//'f''fit'f ' ivelive1diveveJAvevenomve J, no elements were to-to maneuver , fchat wa-was-was 1- f veno chat 1\ left t- that battalion 1'\ ' ; \ tor ject if )1))1/)- ' 1 CROCKER Is / oedheld up . If the 2d Battalio-Battalion-Battalion hadhed attacked over MOUNTMOMOU T Com-CROC-CROCBCROCECAROBCoco-CROCE-


I I " non011 the night of 21 Mayay , it iissr-s- prisableEprobableprobablep1obflblep1"obflble, that TERRAINTERRACETERRACIKATERRACINATERRACING , coul-couldcould-

I ' , . , d'vebavehavebrave, bebeenn taken .rtuchmuchr"tuchretouch" quicker ., ViveWhenVvhen the 2dd Battalion wa-ass-was itJ . . , . . . . - . . . .' finallysfinallyignably committedcQmmitted It moved up against the same resista-resistanceresistance-

thatnce the lst1stlast BattalionBattBatty _ 1on was meeting . No attempt was made toto-Ta- ithithiti the enemy from the flank until the 3d Battalion join-joinedjoined- edthe attack ., The enemy could observe every move the lst1stlast Battal-BattalionBattalion- ionmade and took advantage of this factor , particularly at te-thethe- ntacleentrance of TERRAINTERRACINA ., The terrain in the vicinity of th-the-the eoreticobjective did not lend Itself to the use of tanks and con-only-only . afterflate engineers had cutout a trail ere7/erewere/ tanks used to a goodgoodW-

...... _ ...... , ...... , ...... " ...... ' ' . . . . . " . < ' . . " . . - ' ; - - ...... 4 J.7i.J.7i Jtt-'fJetty-," .. , . . *-1--- w.l ' . - . _ . WA16WWA16 00 , . Wiii; . '; 66 ' J7i ; :#- 7 . < " 4 " . wl. . w . w'w . : " .w.o- 1 Jtt . .I- : ? - --.w- . . '-.a , 4.tr.i\' :. " . - ;. " . .-.a :ul.,;>'f:4.tr.inTt.,'4tri4tr.i4.tr.iiJ.\'.I:" " -nTtTnt-nTt! 1:. rv.rvO.rvO:";: \- - - .w - :- . " ' ' : . - f . 1w.l . ); . . - : :' - .. .-. . - . . . . , ' " . .. . '. ' . " ...... "...... _ ' .. . _ _- _...... - ' . . - ...... _ . . " . - . " - . - . - . . . ' , - --. . - . . .- : ' - .or . - ' - , -. or - - . . . . , < .rvO.w . . - , '. . . - . - . . . . _ It - .I1_ w M . . _ . - " - . - r . .xiwjft / - - I - " _ . - - VkwVkw/V.- Wt . ftrfrt '-*' W . ." ' _ . - VKw---o/-. / .* ftr'fVfV'fV-'fV ". - :- . o . 19 . . . . obit " . ' . _ - ' ...... _ . . .. ' . . . . , . - . . . . _ . . I . . - - . .. " . - . _ . .. _ . _ ...... _ .. ' - . . - - - oIt. . . _...... _ . . . . , . . . - . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ ., . - .------. . . - ...... -. - .- . . . - --

. ., . . _ . , . . . - . .m. . . o . .R..-r- . . ' .- M . . *. . .rMM. TMFtM . w , . .. . .m . M a=- .R % ' ,. I . . , . If . ' . moos-" - rMM rr . " { ___rw .4v4.v. . muffleMfleaw.Mfleaw.Mf'leaw.Mf'leaw-.Mf'leaw444M4-' moos.rMMmoos"" MM -.- a-.- .-- - - ' A Flaw- -moos- -- a - - -- , _ _ . . . , . ._ . . _ . ' ...... W'W ' . . . . ' . . . . . ' _ . , . - . - , . . .. - . . . . -. . . - . . ,, . . " - . . . ._A, _. . .(DMJlmIICAJI.cISDMJlmIICAJIcIS.DMJlmIICA'JI.cIS. .) - - - " :.TiMiGwmiGAwmiGA-Ti'] 'm a.m ecommendationsRCommunicationsCommunications throughout the operation were mostly by-hy-by

personalpersonic contctcontactcont&ct& . Two instanoesInstances wherewher9 communication couldcould-. coul- \ \ \\ , d'vehave Improved the situation were , first when the motor-motorized-motorized . izedpatrol was pinned down and again whwhenn the battalion wa-was stoppedsstoppedstepaper at the entrance of TERRAINTERRACINA . In the first instan-instanceinstance-Instan-Instance- ' .

' " ' ' - ' this . . worewere pinn'addOV'11'f-dcdOV11fdOV'11'f--dOV'11'f' s'end-'send- - cethsthe members of ththe patrclpatrolpatrc.lpatr.c.l:. pinnedpinneddcpinnadpinn'adpinned'dowandpinneddowanddc 'erwidErwin' 'r unable to"toto sends'end'sendsen-send- ad messenger or reach the radio in thothou jeep . The second inst-instanceinstance- anceoccurred so fast that little thought was given to contactingcontacti-contacting- theng rear until it was almost too late .


, L..Lrherheahe GerGearGermansmans had well organized positions , since time wasWat-was- onson their side , full advantage of the terrain was taken . Te-Th-The ntacleentranceeentrance to TERRAINTERRACINA was so well dug in and protected fromfrom- opposing fire that it was Impossible to enter the town fromFram-fromH- inghamIGITNAYIGHWAYHIGGINSHIGITNAYHIGHWAY 7 ., The enemy took advantage of observation- , also full observ-observation \Iy selectingations the critical features , he was able to see the lst1stlst-last1st- Battalion at all times . Again using time and terrain to hishis-dis- advantage the enemy camouflaged his positions sos o well trthatthat-t

- , } . ) ' " " ' " " ' 'T1T1 ' " . O . . . } I;..I ,;.". 't"Ien'tmeant. .u". yangpayingnyng.co . a 1 I g9 pWp'W. . Q . ThoTheTheo- a;. enemy" Iel7I7I.el7I7.I.el7'I"7. . " dEiJriJdEiJri.JdeliriumdE'i.J"ri.Jdefinitely-V . . Ley-Le-y-Leyl-i-j- iY''iY artificerartnfincrartnf"incrattacking' i '"tenttIent.u' l"ny'ng; '. largo. price' '\" ' " '., delideflnidefinite-y'Lei" hadandihadly the advantage asaa far as positions were concerned and ifli-if- fehe had had the will and strength many more bloody days woul-wouldwould- d'vehave been spent in the capture of TERRAINTERRACINA .,


ckThe entire success of the attack on TERRAINTERRACINAT RACINERRACINA acwaswawac du-duedue- etto the untiring effort of the soldiers of the 337th InfantryInfantry- andman the will and quick thinking of their officeringofficersInitiallyofficersofficerse.e Initiall-Initially-Initially

' ; , . : . ' '. . ' - . : . . " . - " - ' - - ' , ; . owevv :. . ; . : ; ;. ; " . ' ' ': . : _ :, . :-;;. / ; ._;.. 140 : -owe am - . - . . ; . : . :;., ;" =:";-':;: e-;.;, :;" :;"- :;.:- : : ;. : : ,. , : . . . " ...... ' , . . . ,_ . . . , . . , e, . , . . . . , . ' ...... ' . - ;' . ., ' - ; ' . ' . : . J LI _ - ' II"II u . . -4 . ' 4 13 -. - L : _ ,, *''J " Lr -. .1 -. -. _ J 4- I4-.o\-. - ' 1M. LI4 1. oI4.oI4.oJI4.o"-'\' - ':': ...... ,._. " . - ...... _. - . . " wvrwv.r. . . . . " W- . . - w . . . ' W- R - ' _ ', 0. _rA'AM11rAAM11' vr . , . ._ 4M1YS'iGW4M1YSiGW_ rraw. 0. IIti'IIti. - if - _. . ' 'Oft _ P 'I Oft IIi _ - '" w11w.11_ I ' WR - . , .u . . - , , . . l . . . . . j4ro" ' .r ...... OW . " " . " + ' r ...... _+ . . . + .- -A_J. .- - " .- " 1 l.r- . , - . . _ . .. w . . _. - . . . - A - . . . . . _ ._ . . . . .r . . . . rr . . ' . . . ' ...... r. _ ...... " . . . . . r r . re - . ' "- ' ' . " - " ' -captu-c'aptu- : . . prairie"p"1'sri-'t Capture.lr. "obj eo . .' - rA was-as-pa- theth'e' "p"1'sri'tc'aptraitorp1sriparitypraiipraiitopraii-pTarito"p"1'sripTari'to" to c'apcap-c'ap lr '"the obobjobjectivetietive by surpr1ssurprisesurpr1.ssurpr1.sandohosurprise-and-surpr1.s-and-ohosurpriseandattack$ ohoekand-ohoek-attackattackwask1fask1fas-was-was"wa- ' andoho gedgoodgoda . . At the beginning , support 'both'bothandohoIn reserve and fire waswa- ylayinglackingslacking't, but in the coocoordinationdinat1on between thethi-the- final assault

arms was . The ant-and- . everiesvarioust achieved nature . ..-o- of the terrainteJJs1nteJ'J's1n and f '' thehem formation ofthethe 1st Battalion at the beginning did notnot-mo- lendttled itself to maximum utilization of maneuver ., The fi-finalfinal- . - .- - . . waaWadaw e.tl9- y nose ..A-AA- phases of the attack a well organized e.tl9yandhyand.hyandjpye.tl9. - , nseuse of reserves-reservs-zregervsregervs-sreserv-- nal andandy: ". reservsRogersreservszAreserves ndandesend supporting fires the objective was obtained ., LESSORSLESSONS sz

!1 . In attacking any position , particularly in mountmount-moun- -¬ tainousainousvinous country , ample time and consideration should be give-givengiven- nto obtaining adequate intelligence ., 2 ., Reserve units in a surprisesUlprisesUl"prise" attack should be nearneat-near- eningenough the attacking echelon to maneuver or flank an enem-ency-enemy stingstrongystrong point in the event the attack had been stopped orbo-or- M slowedrrowed down ., 53 ., In attacking a comparatively unknown position a u-unit-unit l\\-s- nitsshouldhould keep its support and rear elements at such a dstdlstdistanc-distancedistance-c-cece-

. . .-r- . xz .: . ., ., or-ora- .. - . soeo eleme- ent .shotAhqlJ.Jdhq.lJ.Jd. .d maaeu.ver o-or es as not to overrun the leadload elem-element.nt. shotshouldhqlJJd.d maneuvermaaeuverneverneuverne.uver oror-

--, gre"gre0rgrre"gre--"georganizationreorganization" t ' iatricLatinlzaticnizaticn_ become nece3sarynecessary ., 4 . In moving into an organized position , terrain perper--¬ mittingemitting , armor and infantry should move together so that if a-p-a \ enetrationpenetration is affected the advantage can be exploited ., 5 . The use of support fires can greatly assist attack-attackingattacking- ingtroops to advance if followed quickly and the enemy is1s assaultassault--¬ ed before reorganization is achieved ., 6 ., A maneuver or a flanking attack on a position alre-alreadyalready- adyunder attack is much better than a reinforced frontal attack .,

. _ . . . -awnawM . . .. . : . , ...... : . . _ . . . . . - . . ; " . ' .- . . " . . . . , - - . __V ' - - ' _ - . " ' - ...... y.cffs-. - ' . _ _ - - - . - - 1msgm.sg. . - asssra.sssr. t y.c-ffs-- . . - yy-. -v uiijstissuii.jstiss. .vF-.- jives a -ua.sssru- y.cffs T _ . yyvyy v = : jvsi - . 111 rtfart. QrV . . " = C u y.c RV 0. ; - ' ycoffs . - , . ' , .-_ ._ __ ...... : ...... r _ " . . . ' _ . . _ - ...... - . " .- . - . " - - , _ . - . _ H- .. . _ - . . ffs _ _ ...... _- . _ . . . . . - _ ,_ . - - . . ___ : . ' _ ._ . - - - . IL AI H- 1- . . 'IIr R ' . . . IIr - - " H - II 1- , I . f ' -., .. .- " ' I-- 1. . 'W .- W . - ''"- 1.1 '" II1 . , .. .? MAPILESESMAP A { .LA14DIN4L IIDII Q IH& ITALy1 TALTEAL Y ITOTO-ITO-T-TOTO- SPPRPINGSPRSPRING' 8 CoffeesCoffee-Offense-OFfEWSIOFfEWSI-OfFOfFE SI r, J , , - 0> ,_ ,- \ ?- , < CoffeesOFfEWSItOFfEWSII / ' , I _ L . , \ , ' . tii-


- ' & " ; ll1r1t:rH . ' sMallsMallR @

t ' - ;. . I i(1 ,& ' _ h iTTt; -) ' i1(fragrantfrRArOtN( " 'ft4'ft4 rArai-rAI-I I - "I I


S \r irsS, ISQIQS 110- ,go. - dsSQ104f0 110i0 , I . -4S.114S : .1 . i '.11-.11- 1 .11.11-11.-4S! 1 t 5CHIESCALE5CpLEi0goININrIII.ESMIL-rIII.ESMILE-/rIII.ESMILESMILES-WL, 5 ' fN/ /M-. , 1 jS ...... 40 . I . , . . .- ...... , .. . . _ ._ _ _ - . . . 1 _. 4 p . It - . - - . V . . . .th.th--.-.th4 . . " tt . .- ADVANCE TO TERR . ERR - AV. qyq.y.. . ..- I- l . . . _ . _ . ,. .- - . .IlI

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