Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


Volum e One, Novem ber 20 01 « W e lea rn through trials and errors »

From Page 3 to Page 8 (also page 11) PUPILS‘


T h e i d e a ab o u t th e c re atio n o f Page 3 : Investigations an E n g lis h m ag az in e w a s b o rn fro m Page 4+5 : Poems o u r s ad re a lis atio n th at d e s p ite th e

im p o rtan c e o f En g lis h in p u p ils ‘ Page 5 : Point of views Page 6 : Point of views c u rric u la, th e lan g u ag e is m o re an d m o re n e g le c te d if n o t d e s p is e d b y (continued) Page 7 : Hyena & Hare‘s page s o m e p u p ils . T h e re are c e rtain ly Page 8 : Other tales & stories m an y re as o n s to th at. H o w e v e r, o u r c o n v ic tio n w as th at s o m e th in g c o u ld Page 11 : Funny stories

b e d o n e to c h an g e th is s tate o f th in g s . H e n c e th e in itiativ e to c re ate

th e p re s e n t m ag az in e . In fac t, th is N e w s le tte r is s o to s p e ak o n e o f th e Page 9 : W ho‘s W ho ? te ac h e rs an d p u p ils ‘ d re am s th at Robert Nesta

h av e c o m e tru e . T h e re fo re , as a firs t s te p , th is m ag az in e is m e an t to b e a Page 10 : Songs (3T and ) m e d iu m , an o p p o rtu n ity th ro u g h w h ic h En g lis h le arn e rs w ill b e ab le to Page 12 : Crosswords e x e rc is e th e ir h id d e n tale n ts o f

c re atio n . It s tan d s to re as o n th at lik e in an y o th e r lan g u ag e , o u r p u p ils ‘

flu e n c y an d m as te ry o f En g lis h …

(Continued page 2)

1 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

( FOR W A R D : page1 continued) w ill fin d its fo u n d atio n . Of c o u rs e , as a … c an o n ly b e ac h ie v e d th ro u g h c o n s tan t trial, th is m ag az in e h as g o t s o m e an d w illin g p rac tic e s . In th is , th is s h o rtc o m in g s ; b u t w e h o p e y o u ‘ll e n jo y it. N e w s le tte r is an o c c as io n . Mo re o v e r, A s a b ab y , y o u r m ag az in e n e e d s to g ro w th ro u g h th e attrac tiv e an d v arie d to p ic s , u p an d to g ro w w e ll. A n d s o , its o u r p u p ils w ill c e rtain ly b ro ad e n th e ir im p ro v e m e n t, g ro w th an d lo n g life c u ltu re an d k n o w le d g e , o p e n th e ir m in d s d e p e n d s o n y o u . S e n d u s as m an y an d p e rh ap s d e v e lo p a c ritic al v ie w in artic le s as y o u c an . T h is N e w s p ap e r is th e m . y o u rs . D o n ‘t allo w it to b e s tillb o rn . S o , b y s e n d in g artic le s to th is m ag az in e , S o , tak e y o u r p e n s ! R EA D Y , S T EA D Y p u p ils m ay te s t an d ju d g e th e ir w ritin g A N D … W R IT E! s k ills an d ab ilitie s . T h e n , th e m ag az in e aim s at c re atin g a lin k b e tw e e n p u p ils o f T h e e d ito rs d iffe re n t s c h o o ls w h e re w ith to trig g e r o ff B e rn ard OU ED R A OG O, L y c é e a d y n am ic e n v iro n m e n t o f e x c h an g e Y A MW A Y A th ro u g h w h ic h th e fu tu re En g lis h C lu b H alid o u K ON FE, L y c é e Y A D EG A


ur thanks are due to all those W e are also indebted to all the O who, in one way or another, colleagues and friends with whom helped us in our project of creating we have shared ideas that bore the this magazine. seeds of this magazine. W e are most grateful to the Most of all, we are beholden to the Headmasters of Lycée Yamwaya second cycle students of both and Lycée Yadéga, without whose schools, and specially Seconde A4 consent, advice and heartfelt pupils for their enthusiastic welcome contributions, the magazine would of the project and for their quick certainly not have been a reality. efforts in submitting their articles to us.

We are very sorry for those articles that are not published in this volume. Don’t be cross with us. Wait for the Volume 2 and you will your piece of writing edited. Don’t forget to send us a picture of yours.

2 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


Yamwaya, one of the oldest and the biggest secondary schools of Ouahigouya City, has got a new Headmaster.This School has been supervised by Mr. KAFANDO Valentin since 1997. He m ade his best to improve the qua lity of t he teach ing. Now , Mr. A lli OUE DRAOG O is th e new H eadmaster.

Mr. KAFANDO is appointed to another school.

The new Headmaster is a History and Geography teacher. H e was b orn in O uahigo uya. He had bee n a —Ce nseur“ at Lycée P rovinci al de B anfora. He has just com e from Lycée Marien By NAB ALOUM Aimé J unior N ‘Gouab i where he was a —cense ur“ for seven ye ars. Tle A4 Y amway a Bef ore answ ering our que stions, t he Hea dmaster showed his ha ppiness to see pupils making inve stigatio ns for a newspap er. Mr. OUED RAOGO has com e with new am bitions. He said that his big pro ject is to permit the pupils a nd the t eachers to work peacefu lly, and to impr ove the success rate and the discipline.

For the Headmaster, the good pupil is the one who is orderly and hardworking. On the other hand,

the bad one is the pupil who does not work permanently and embarrasses everybody. As a pious man, Mr. OUEDRAOGO said that the bad pupil does not respect the —Ten commandments“. Finally, he invites the pupils to be realistic in their demands. Pupils must avoid divisions, which prevent success, and cultivate solidarity. The Headmaster intends to see Yamwaya among the best at sports, culture, theatre, work and also among the best administrations in Burkina Faso. Isn‘t it a big hope for Yamwaya? Good luck to you and your pupils, Head!


Lycée Yamwaya is a secondary school. It‘s located in Ouahigouya, one of the ten biggest towns in Burkina Faso, and the biggest city in the North.

Lycée Yamwaya is among the biggest schools of the country. It opened its doors in 1948. In the past, Lycée Yamwaya was called « Cours Normal Antoine Roche » and was a school specialised in primary school teachers By BAGRE M. Evariste, training. It was a boarding -school and was supervised by Frenchmen. TleA4, Yamwaya Nowadays it is a secondary school. It counts two thousand-odd pupils.

Yamwaya pupils are very nice, courageous and hardworking. But sometimes, they devote themselves to muddle and laziness.

Lycée Yamwaya also counts more than twenty-eight classrooms. They are vast enough to contain almost eighty pupils each. Pupils have class from Monday to Friday. At Lycée Yamwaya there is one laboratory, one library for pupils and teachers, one refectory, a Computer-room, a room for teachers, three playgrounds œ one for soccer, the other for gymnastics and the last for basketball, handball and volleyball. A Headmaster, a Censeur and a General Supervisor compose the administration of Lycée Yamwaya. Yamwaya teachers are very nice and concerned about their pupils‘ success. They dislike lazy 3 p upils because for them —Time‘s money“.

Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


You are the most beautiful The first time I entered this classroom I‘ve spent many days I had the impression that I was Looking for the reason why welcome

You are changing your skin But it wasn‘t the case Do you think about your daughters ? If you are nice to my classmates

Do you think about your sons ? Some will treat you badly W hat do they talk about you ? If you rejoice with them That you dislike your skin ? You are considered as a silly person

That you don‘t like your race ? If you respect them Oh my mother They consider you as a coward

Oh my sister O dear classmates It‘s not so late to abandon I feel sorry for you This stupid behaviour Jealousy clutters you

Be proud of your skin Ungratefulness dishonour you Because it‘s the best Dear classmates

Be proud of your skin May God help you ! Because it‘s yours Because you are suffering Don‘t be ashamed of your skin

Because it‘s yours Ouindé Evariste, Tle A4, Yamwaya

OU ED R A OG O Maïm o u n a, 2 n d e A 4 , Y ad é g a

LOVE If y o u k n o w p o s itiv e b e h av io u r Y o u k n o w y o u rs e lf W h e re v e r y o u are If y o u c an s ay « I n e e d y o u » W h ate v e r y o u d o Y o u k n o w m y s p e c iality In y o u r life y o u n e e d m e A ll m o rtals are b o rn to k n o w m e Ev e ry p o s itiv e th in g b e g in s w ith m e A ll m o rtals h av e to u n d e rs tan d m e I‘m n e c e s s ary fo r y o u r life I‘m e te rn al It ‘s w ith m y h e lp th at y o u g e t a w ife I‘m L -O -V-E I‘ m o n e o f th e s e w o rd s w h ic h h av e v alu e T h e n w h e re v e r y o u are B e c au s e o f m y u tility y o u liv e in p e ac e W h ate v e r y o u d o If y o u talk ab o u t life I‘m p re s e n t Ev e ry tim e in y o u r life S o w h ate v e r y o u d o Y o u n e e d lo v e It‘s n e c e s s ary fo r y o u to k n o w m e S o le t‘s c u ltiv ate lo v e

If y o u k n o w m e y o u k n o w y o u rs e lf

If y o u u n d e rs tan d m e PORGO Moussa, 1ère A4, Yadéga Y o u k n o w y o u r id e n tity

4 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


Our world has undergone unrest for centuries. In fact, W orld W ar I and

W orld W ar II had moved it off. These wars have left indelible consequences

in the whole humanity history by making thousands of victims, disabled, and orphans… In short these wars have let misfortune and poverty. After these wars, the W orld aspired to peace but is still observing small conflicts between countries, particularly in Africa. Even if the world experienced unrest after the two wars, the —bloody part“ that

TONTEPAMBO Abdoulaye, was observed in the USA on September 11, 2001 is very absurd.

Tle A4, Yamwaya In fact, on that day the USA was the aim of an attack that made almost five thou sand deceased.

After investigations, Ben Laden has been suspected to be the leader of this terrorism. This tragedy is the

wors t America has ever experienced. The Americans retorted to this attack. They started bombing Afghanistan in order to search for their enemy Ben Laden. In their anger, aren‘t Americans killing innocent people too? W e can take revenge but we have to find str ategies t o spare civilians . Ameri can attac ks are s till going on and Ben Laden c alls his religion brothers to retor t to the bombing s. Peop le are d ying da y after d ay and o thers ca tch the anthrax disease. W e don ‘t know when th is slaughter will finis h. For a world o f peace and just ice we m ust com bine ou r efforts to fight against terror. Then let‘s st art sowi ng peace anywh ere we a re!


Fati is a young girl who lived If you b elieve in G od with her parents in the You’l l feel w ell and h appy every day in your life village. She failed to her You’l l h ave peace in your h eart BEPC and her father decided H e w ill follow you w h erever you are to marry her to one of his

If you b elieve in G od friends, Daouda. Daouda was a very old man who You’l l h ave eternal life w h en you die could be 60 years old or You’l l see h appiness in front of you more. However, Fati had a H e w ill consider you as h is ch ild boyfriend whom she loved If you b elieve in G od very much. She refused to Your life w ill b e w onderful get married. Unfortunately, her father had already Everyb ody w ill respect you* received the dowry. It was a H e w ill h elp you in your activities must for her to go to her husband‘s house. OUED RAOGO Safiétou Yam-vin-na, 1ère A4, Yamwaya Fati spoke neither to Daouda nor to the other wives. At night, when he called her in his bed, she refused. She never cooked and never worked in her husband‘s house. If the other wives tried to speak with her or advise her, she would refuse to listen to them. Daouda started having enough of it. One day, he beat her very well and the young girl insulted him in front of his wive s and all the neighbours. W hat a shame ! After this dispute, daouda told Fati‘s father to come and take back his stupid daughter.

( SAW ADOGO Mariam, 2nde A4, Yamwaya)

5 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


owadays some men still refuse to send necessity to look for someone able to decipher Nt heir daughters to school. Eric and Raogo it. He went to Eric‘s. are two friends. Raogo finds that education doesn‘t have any importance for women and Raogo: Eric, I‘ve got a letter; can your Eric should convince him to send her daughter daughter read it to me? to school. Eric: No problem. Lisa! Come here and read a letter to your friend‘s father. Eric: Raogo, school starts next week; I have to Lisa arrived and started reading: « Dear Raogo, go and register my daughter. W hat about you? I wrote this letter to greet you. I‘m healthy… I Raogo: Never! W hy are you speaking as if send you this little amount of money to help you are a European? you go through this famine that usually strikes Eric: Don‘t mind! Try to understand me. I at the same period of time… Good bye and see haven‘t come to bother you. you later. Raogo: Every day Minata helps my wife to fetch water and cook the meal. She can also Raogo: Thank you very much, Lisa help me to cultivate at the field. W hy do you Raogo spoke to himself: « If my daughter want me then to send such a kind girl to Minata was literate, Eric wouldn‘t know that I school? am going to receive some money. Tomorrow Eric: That‘s insufficient. If Minata is educated I‘m sending her to school. Eric, now I‘m she will be able to read, write, speak other convinced that education has a meaning for languages such as French, English… and get a women. » job… and help you later on. Raogo: Good bye Eric. Come and bring my Raogo: Let me go my way! daughter with you when you‘ll be going to school tomorrow. One day Raogo got a letter from a friend of his who had gone to Côte d‘Ivoire. He felt the TAO Ali, 2nde A4, Yadéga


he African Cup of Nations takes place T every two years. The 23rd edition is There will be four groups A, B, C and D. Our organised by Mali in January 2002. team ”The Stallions‘ is in Group B with South Our country, Burkina Faso and others such as Africa, Ghana and Morocco. The first match is Cameroon, Mali, Côte d‘Ivoire, Ghana, on January 19th, in the ”Stade du 26 mars‘ of Senegal, Togo, Nigeria, South Africa, Gambia, Bamako. The Stallions play at Ségou. Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, The Democratic Good luck to our ”Etalons‘! Republic of Congo and Liberia are taking part. SAW ADOGO Halidou, Tle D, Yadéga


n the world, life is getting more and more Prostitution is getting more and more Id ifficult and natural resources are rare. widespread .in Africa and particularly in In Africa we have few people who work in Burkina Faso. But girls do not know the offices. But these people have many families to consequences of prostitution. feed. Parents cannot satisfy their children‘s For example we have AIDS and STD‘s which needs. The girls who are in such families need are killing many men and women. Prostitution money to buy dresses and jeans. W ho will give is a bad thing in the world and its causes them the money to do it? Here starts should be found and fought. prostitution. SAW ADOGO Rasmané, 2nde A4, Yadéga 6 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

ne day, Hyena and Hare decide to go other. She then prepared rice and O into the bush to look for some eggs. meat. They ate the rice and Hare On their way Hare saw forty eggs and asked Hyena to share the meat. It was Hyena said that they were his dark, so Hyena managed to steal some grandfather‘s. He took them into his bag and hide it on the roof of their house. and they went on. They walked and But what he didn‘t know was that Hare walked, then they saw a big tree near a had seen him. They wished each other mountain. Hare told Hyena to go up the good night. Hare told Hyena he was mountain and see what they could find going to urinate behind the house. He there. Hare saw one hundred eggs once took the meat Hyena had hidden and more, and Hyena said again: —They‘re my ran away with it. W hen Hyena realised ancestors‘, don‘t take them!“ Hyena took what had happened, he swore to kill them and put them into his bag. Hare hares wherever he meets them. found two eggs around there and hid them (MAÎGA Mamoudou, 2nde A4, in his bag. They went back home. Once Yamwaya) there, Hare cooked his two eggs and said: —family, you are going to eat many more here was famine in the eggs. Wait a while!“ Hare broke one egg, bush so Hyena and Hare put it on his body and ran to Hyena‘s, Td ecided one day to sell saying: —I died because I have eaten one their mothers to buy millet. egg. So what will happen to those people Hyena tied his mother up to a who have eaten more eggs?“ Hyena heard solid cord but Hare, who was Hare crying. He got frightened and threw very clever, used a fragile his eggs out of his compound. At night, rope to do it. Hare went back and took those eggs home On the way to the market, for his family. —Hyena, you‘re not clever; Hare’s mother broke her rope never try to cheat me!“ Hare said to and ran away. Hare pretended to be very sorry. Hyena told himself. him that it didn’t matter. (GUINDO Salifou, 2nde A4, Yamwaya) They sold Hyena’s mother and bought the millet, which they ne day, Hyena and Hare decided shared. O to travel to town. W hen they It’s always said that Hare is arrived, their host welcomed them and cleverer than Hyena. gave them a house. Her wife brought ( OUEDRAOGO Djénabou, 2nde water to them and they greeted one A4, Yamwaya) I‘m cleverer than H yena, aren‘ t I ?

7 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

ne day, three men decided to travel by food under the tree so that the other fellow Of oot. They got some flour and sugar in would not take it. He walked without looking their bag. W hen they got hungry, they stopped behind him, and finally fell into the well. under a tree to eat. The third man who stayed under the tree was The first man said that he wanted to climb up very hungry. Unfortunately, an animal ran by the tree to take some fruit. W hen he was and put its feet into the calabash where the climbing, he managed to watch his other flour was. He decided to run after the animal fellows and prevent him from eating without and take off the food stuck to its feet. The him. Unfortunately he fell down and broke his animal gave him a kick and he died neck. W ho was the hungriest of the three? The second decided to go to a well and fetch (OUEDRAOGO Adama de B., 2nde A4, some water. He went there while watching the Yadéga)

n a village lived a big liar. king got angry and asked to bring the man to IO ne day he took two pieces of gold and put him. He tied him to a tree with a solid rope and them into his horse‘s mouth. He proposed to let him there in the bush to die from starvation. sell the horse to the king. At the Palace, he said But the liar found a bright idea. He started his horse vomits gold and he sold it very crying suddenly: « I don‘t want a wife and you expensively. want to force me to take one. I don‘t want a The king bought the horse and asked his wife. »A man who was passing by heard him servants to dig a very large hole to collect the and believed in what he was saying. He asked gold the horse would give up. But the liar told the liar: « You don‘t want a wife and they tied the king that the first two pieces of gold were you up here, is it so? » and he answered « Yes. his. The king accepted, and the liar took them » The man cut the rope off and the liar took to into his pocket. The king was very happy his heels. because he had had a horse that would make (OUEDRAOGO Mady de H., 2nde A4, him richer. Yadéga) Days passed then months, and years and nothing gilt went out of the horse‘s mouth. The

nce in a small village lived a man with dangerous, he hid his whole body under the Oh is son whose name was Raogo. This water except his small head. Raogo thought he man loved his son so that he was troubled to was a child. Quickly he went to call his father see him being sad. If someone beat his son and and together they went back to the river. W hen he knew it, nobody could prevent him from they arrived Raogo‘s father started insulting taking revenge. You were obliged to beg him the man and told him to leave the river. W hen pardon, that you were wrong even if you were the man stood up from the water, Raogo‘s right. Otherwise, his would beat you. father got afraid and tried to be kind. He One day, his decided to go to swim in the river. begged pardon from the man while running Unfortunately, when he arrived he saw a tall away with his son. man whose head was very small there. As the (SORO Abdoul Moumouni, Tle D, Yadéga) man knew that Raogo‘s father was very

nce upon a time lived a happy young cat before. » his wife said. « I‘d better go to my Oc ouple. This couple was respected by father‘s than eating a cat‘s meat. » W hen she everybody in the village. A terrible famine arrived at her parents‘ she found her mother settled in the country a year. The couple sold cooking a mouse. She took her bag and set all that they had in order to buy food. W hen back to her husband‘s. there were nothing left to eat the husband (OUEDRAOGO Souleymane, 2nde A4, decided to kill their cat. « I‘ve never cooked a Yadéga)

8 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001


Bob Nesta Marley was born at 2..30 a.m. on W ednesday,

February 6 1945 to an English soldier called Captain Norval Marley who stationed in Kingston, Jamaica and a black Jamaican lady fromSt. Ann, (a small town in Jamaica) called Cedella Bubka. Captain Norval Marley married Cedella in Kingston in 1944 and after Bob Marley‘s birth, he left his mother and child, because his parents were against the idea of marrying a black lady. Captain Marley, after sometime came to St. Ann where Bob and his mother were living and took him away to

Kingston where he continued his formal education while in the care of one Mrs. Grey whom Bob thought was his mother. Bob grew up without knowing his mother. After a long time, Bob‘s real mother Cedella discovered where Bob was, went and took him back to St. Ann where he later finished his formal education at the age of 14. Bob, from his early lifetime till the day he died, had a rough experience. Bob, otherwise known as Robert Nesta Marley was a good footballer as well as a good singer. He grew up among the ghetto boys and used to accompany his mother to the church for singing lessons. W hen Bob first wanted to make a recording, he went to a record shop and asked to be

auditioned. He was rudely told to disappear. But he did not give up. Like he put it in one of his songs, « When one door closes, the other will open ». So he tried some other places but none gave him a consideration. But they did not understand that the little boy was bright, inventive, with a lot of progressive ideas and could achieve rapid success and fame. However, his recording ambition came true when he gathered his youth time friends Bunny Livingstone and in 1963 and thus, the W ailers was formed. The W ailers which later included Marcy, i.e. , Judy Mowet and Rita Anderson whom, Bob later married on February 11, 1966, broke up, despite their hits upon hits because the economy of keeping the group proved too much. Bob left for Miami. He came back to Jamaica with new ideas after a self imposed exile and regrouped, including the

old members, but Peter Tosh later dropped to go solo. Bob introduced into the international market. He had worked with big artists like Hugh Masekela, Jackie Jackson, Jimmy Cliff, Lee Perry, Marvin Gaye, John Nash to mention but a few and all regarded him as a man endowed with many potentials which he had created and developed to his credit for the benefit of those around him. Bob Marley and the W ailers toured Europe and America where they made two shows before he started showing signs of illness. First, it was thought to be a stroke. He was taken to a clinic. (...)

W hat is going to happen to Bob M arley next? You’ll know it in Volume 2.

9 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001



I need you girl Stir it up little darling stir it up

Come on baby come on and stir it up I co uldn‘t live a day without you Little darling, stir it up W e ll, I tried to write a special song It‘s been a long long time A so ng just for you Since I‘ve got you on my mind To e xplain the way you make me feel inside And now you are here

Though the meaning may be simple I say it‘s so clear to see what we can do

And the words may not be new Honey just me and you

I couldn‘t make it clearer if I tried Come on and stir it up

I need you Little darling stir it up

And I couldn‘t live a day without you Come on baby come on and stir it up

I need you Little darling stir it up

I‘ll push the wood, I‘ll blaze your fire Mor e than any one could ever know Then I‘ll satisfy your heart‘s desire I ne ed you Said I‘ll stir it up, yeah, ev‘ry minute, yeah And I wanna build my world around you All you got to do baby is keep it in I ne ed you, I need you And stir it up, oh

W ell, I sang the words and realised Little darling stir it up, yeah

It‘s all been said before Oh, will you quench me while I‘m thirsty ?

So I tried a different line that meant the same Come and cool me down, baby when I‘m hot

But it didn‘t have the feeling Your recipe darling is so tasty

And the first one said much more And you sure can stir your pot

So I guess I‘ll have to say it once again Come on and stir it up

Oh little darling stir it up I ne ed you Come on and stir it up And I couldn‘t live a day without you Oh little darling stir it up I ne ed you

Mor e than anyone could ever know BOB M ARLEY Mor e than anyone could ever know Cou ldn‘t live a day without you girl I ne ed you W h an I wanna build my world around you Be there, I need you

Oh, I need you, Baby 3T Cou ldn‘t live a day without you Mor e than anyone could ever know (2x) Comprising three brothers - Tariano Adaryll I co uldn‘t live a day without you "Taj" (4 August 1973), Taryll Adren (8 I n eed you August 1975), and Tito Joe "TJ" Jackson (16 W h en I wanna build my world around you July 1978) - 3T are the latest additions to the Ooh , I need you extraordinary Jackson family: (I ne ed you) (2x) (Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Jackson I need ya, I want you Five, etc.). They are sons of original Jackson Cou ldn‘t live a day without you

(I need you), yeah yeah Five member Tito Jackson, who co-manages

(More than anyone could ever know) their career. The connections were heavily promoted - their aunt Janet was seen wearing Do you know do you know (I ne ed you), I need ya their merchandise throughout 1995. They are I wa nt you, couldn‘t live a day without you also signed to Michael Jackson's own label, (I ne ed you), Yeah yeah, I need you MJJ, a joint venture with Sony Records. He wel l, I try to write a special song produced several tracks on their debut album, A lo ve song just for you, I need you Brotherhood, and sung on one of its tracks, 3T "W hy", written by Babyface.

10 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

n the first night of their the hare. He walked up to him and O wedding, the new husband said: “Didn’t I tell you to take that asked his young wife: “My hare to the zoo?” love, tell me that I’m the “Yes!”, replied the man, “that’s what I first!” did yesterday and today I’m taking “Of course, my darling, but him to the movies.” why do all of you always ask ( OUEDRAOGO W ilfried Daniel, Tle the same question?” D, Yadéga) (OUEDRAOGO Fati, Tle D,

Yadéga) r. T o rk ay e w as c alle d S p e c ialis t. S p e c ialis t

o f w h at I d o n ‘t k n o w . B u t as a s p e c ialis t h e man went in a restaurant to eat beans. M w an te d h is c h ild re n to k n o w e v e ry th in g . S o o n e He left his bicycle at the gate of the A d ay , as Mr. T o rk ay e w as s ittin g n e ar th e m ain restaurant. After having finished eating he g ate o f h is c o m p o u n d , h e s aw a d w arf p as s in g paid his bill and went for the door but he b y . S u d d e n ly , h e c alle d o u t h is c h ild re n : —C o m e ! couldn‘t find his bicycle. Out of mind he D o c o m e an d s e e a g o o d p ro to ty p e o f w h at is cried, —W hen I was eating my bicycle, my c alle d a d w arf!“ beans were here.“ On h e arin g th at, th e s h o rt m an g o t o n h is (HOUNSINON Dénise, 2nde A4, Yadéga) n e rv e s an d s tarte d in s u ltin g o u r s p e c ialis t.

S o ftly , th e latte r re p lie d : —Y e s , in s u lt m e , ab u s e young boy and his mother. u s as y o u w ill, d w arf. I d o n ‘t m in d , p ro v id e d th at - Mum! W ho is in your stomach? m y c h ild re n k n o w w h at a d w arf is . A fte r all, A are n ‘t y o u a d w arf? “ - Your little brother. - Do you love it? ro m th e railw ay s tatio n w h e re h e h ad ju s t arriv e d fro m C ô te d ‘Iv o ire , a p as s e n g e r - Of course! F as k e d a tax i-d riv e r to b rin g h im h o m e . A b o u t to - If you love it, why did you swallow p ay th e tax i-d riv e rs h is fe e s , th e p as s e n g e r it up then? re alis e d th at h is w alle t h ad b e e n p ic k e d aw ay . T h u n d e rs tru c k h e s aid : —W h e n I w as in th e ( SALOU Pascale, Tle D, Yadéga) w alle t m y train w as in m y p o c k e t.“ ( K ON FE H alid o u , En g lis h te ac h e r, Y ad é g a) woman wanted to choke herself on seeing her thirteen-year-old son A wo doctors are discussing about making love with the maid. —So what?“ The youngster said. —W hy are Ta m an suffering from cold you so surprised Mummy? My father plays - W hat did you prescribe him ? well with my electric train; why couldn‘t I - A bath with fresh water every play with his belongings?“ m orning. ( ZALLE Mariétou, Tle D, Yadéga) - D o you want him to catch man was walking in the park bronchitis? A when he came across a hare. He - I could then cure him . It’s m y took it to a policeman and said: “I’ve speciality. found this hare, what should I do?” ( O U ED RA O G O B ernard, English “Take it to the zoo!” replied the teacher, Y am waya) policeman. The following day, the policeman saw the same man with

11 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

D ACROSS O W N 1. W hat do you do if the radio isn‘t loud 1. Terrorism is his business. enough? 2. Not wrong, not left. 5. Contraction of I am.. 3. The same as 17 across. 8 . ”I‘m s o rry .‘ ”T h at‘s all … ‘ 4. The opposite of pick up is… down. 9. I‘ll see you… eight o‘clock. 6. 1,760 yards; 1.6 km. 10. Unwell. 7. You can see through it. 11. I‘ll see … Tuesday. 13. The number of years you have lived. 12. Not in. 14. ”Excuse … , can you help … ?‘ 13. ”Are you happy?‘ ”Yes, I … ‘ 15. Do, did, … 15. It‘s … to drive after drinking alcohol. 16. The sun is one. 17. The opposite of out of. 18. The high end of something. 19. Just like 11 across. 20. ”Is John ready?‘ ”Yes, … is.‘ 21. Is this a long word? 21. Is this different from 21 across? 22. You can use this machine to listen 23. W ould you like some to yourself. food … something to drink?

A TONGUE-TW ISTER 1. W hat‘s there in the middle of Paris ?

2. Can a word become shorter if you add a syllable to it ? — She sells sea-shells by the 3. Two fathers and two sons ask for a cup of tea. The waiter seashore“ brings only three ups of tea. W hy ? (solutions p. 13)

12 Newsletter Volume1, November 2001

Last word

his is —Seconde ”A‘ There is no other technique for TN ewsletter“, volume 1. Far improving writing skills than … from being Seconde A pupils‘ writing. It‘s through ”trials‘ and ”thing‘, this project is also yours; ”errors‘ that we acquire you, hardworking pupils willing ”knowledge‘. So, no more to improve your writing skills in hesitation. Send us your articles. English. They have been the first You have tales, short stories, short to accept the idea of creating a short stories, poems, jokes, riddles, school newspaper, but now, they essays… give them to your want to share this enthusiasm English teacher. He or she will with all of you. English teachers help you correct them before they from both schools promise to are sent to the editors. help this Newsletter grow. They However, don‘t be frustrated if suggested changing the title to your article is not published in a get the other pupils feel involved short period of time. W e have to in the project. If you have titles select the best to get you enjoy to suggest, please, send them to what you will be reading. Try then your English teacher or to the to be among the best. Have a editors. winner spirit.

Answers « S ECOND E "A " NEW S LETTER » 1. the letter ”r‘ 2. yes. Add ”er‘ to short and it becomes shorter. 3. Because there are grandfather, his son (father), Edited by : Bernard OUEDRAOGO and his grand son Halidou KONFE Collaborators : English teachers at Lycée Yamwaya and Lycée Yadéga

Tel. 55.02.14 (Yamwaya) 55.00.83 (Yadéga) 55.43.42 (Bernard) 55.43.55 (Halidou)

P.O.Box : 38 (Yamwaya) 35 (Yadéga)