Rape Reported in Pomfret and Yocum
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Hogshead Conducts Brewery Tours Page 6 Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906 Vol. 109, No. 21 State passes Rape Reported in Pomfret and Yocum bill to ban How the University Handles Sexual Assault civil rights Ginny Monk e police keep the results for measures Senior Sta Writer six months, Wyandt-Hiebert said. Ginny Monk @GinnyMonk “Usually students are very adamant either way,” Wyandt- Senior Sta Writer Hiebert said. “ ey are going @GinnyMonk UAPD o cers are investi- to report, or they’re not. ey gating two reports of acquain- are not usually teetering, but tance rape that were reported for those who are, we encour- A er the Arkansas Senate in residence halls in the last age getting a forensic exam.” passed Senate Bill 202, a bill month, according to police On May 1, 2014, the U.S. to ban cities from passing civil reports. Department of Education re- rights ordinances, the Arkan- One of the cases occurred leased a list of 55 colleges and sas House of Representatives between 2-3 a.m. Jan. 16 universities under investiga- passed the bill Feb. 13. in Pomfret Hall, said Gary tion for “possible violations of e Intrastate Commerce Crain, the UAPD communi- federal law over the handling Improvement Act states that its cations director. of sexual violence and harass- purpose is to improve intrastate e victim is still decid- ment complaints.” Vanderbilt commerce by making sure that ing whether to press criminal University, Oklahoma State businesses, organizations and charges, Crain said. University, Harvard Univer- employers “are subject to uni- e second case occurred sity and Florida State Univer- form nondiscrimination laws Feb. 3 in Yocum Hall, Crain sity were a few schools on the and obligations.” said. list. e UofA was not. Sen. Bart Hester, a Republi- “ e victim has requested Monica Holland, the Title can from Cave Springs, dra ed that there be no criminal IX coordinator at the UofA, the bill. charges pressed, but the uni- said she thinks the univer- e bill was created a er versity has its own judicial sity is not under investiga- Fayetteville City Council mem- system that must be followed,” tion because the community bers passed Ordinance 119 on Crain said. is invested in being proactive Aug. 20, 2014. e ordinance and because the campus stays was later repealed. e Reporting Process educated on issues of sexual e ordinance prohibited discrimination and violence. business establishments from If victims want to have Title IX is a policy prohib- discriminating against anyone a forensic exam within 72 iting discrimination based on based on gender, race, ethnic- hours of the incident, they gender. Even though most ity, national origin, age, gender are directed to the Willow people associate it with equal identity, gender expression, Creek Women’s Hospital. e opportunities in athletics, it familial status, marital status, Pat Walker Health Center also addresses sexual assault, socioeconomic background, does not o er forensic exams, Source: UAPD Graph by Hayley Koop stalking and domestic vio- religion, sexual orientation, dis- which is standard for on-cam- lence, Holland said. ability or veteran status, accord- pus health care centers, said McNamara interviews O ce of Student Standards Eikenberry said she facili- Ashley McNamara, the ing to the ordinance. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert, the witnesses and gathers docu- and Conduct gets involved tates a separate pre-hearing program coordinator for In September, a group called director of the O ce of Sup- ments related to cases, such with the disciplinary process, meeting with the victim and Community Standards and Repeal 119 gathered enough port, Training, Advocacy and as text messages, phone re- said Rachel Eikenberry, the the respondent to talk about Student Ethics, said part of signatures to force a special elec- Resources on Sexual Assault cords, medical records, doc- OSSC director. the charges and what those her job is conducting thor- tion. e group was concerned and Relationship Violence. tor or counselor notes, social e Title IX coordinator charges mean. ough investigations into Title about the privacy of business Victims who want to have media posts or photos, Mc- and a deputy coordinator “ e purpose of this meet- IX matters. owners, safety for women and a forensic exam, but are not Namara said. look at the investigation re- ing is to gain clarity on the She meets with com- children and religion, according sure if they want to press She then prepares a report port. If “reasonable minds,” whole situation,” Eikenberry plainants and respondents to the Repeal 119 website. charges can have a Jane Doe for the Title IX coordinator or adults uninvolved with said. to explain the investigation Fayetteville voters repealed forensic kit completed. Wil- so she can decide if the pro- the case and trained in Title At least 24 hours before process, and she gives both the ordinance Dec. 9, 2014, with low Creek sta members will cess should move forward. IX matters determine that the hearing, both parties in- parties the chance to ask ques- a 52-48 percent vote, according perform the exam and send it tions or clarify their previous If the Title IX coordina- something occurred, then the volved will receive a hearing to the police without a name. statements, McNamara said. tor determines that there is OSSC continues with hear- enough evidence, then the ings, Holland said. continued on page 4 continued on page 4 Student serves as ambassador at World’s Fair in Milan Ashton Eley Rome last year at the U.S. just want us to use our lan- embassy and she heard about guage skills and show people Sta Writer it. She told me I should ap- around the di erent exhibits.” ply,” Price said. “I wasn’t As part of the USA Pa- sure I wanted to since I am vilion Student Ambassador Every ve years an im- about to graduate, but half Program, the students will mense cultural exchange an hour before it was due I have the opportunity to rep- and gathering of some of made a video about how I resent the country at Expo the world’s most innovative was from Hawaii and our Milano 2015, which will minds in science, technology culture is heavy on sustain- feature the theme “Ameri- and humanities take place for ability and health conscious.” can Food 2.0: United to the sole purpose of forecast- e USA Pavilion Milano Feed the Planet” as part of ing a better future for society. 2015 and the University of the overall theme “Feeding Across the nation, 120 col- Southern California Mar- the Planet, Energy for Life.” lege students were selected shall School of Business an- “If you are interested in or to represent the U.S. in this nounced last month their involved with the food, health, year’s world’s fair in Italy, selection of American stu- environment or energy sec- including one UA student. dents who will serve as on- tors; if you care about your suc- A er applying on a the-ground ambassadors cess but also the future of the whim, Stephanie Price said for the USA Pavilion at the world, there is only one place she was both delighted and world’s fair in Milan, Italy. to be,” said Claudio Bisognie- surprised when she was ac- “ ey pay for my plane ro, Italian ambassador to the Adams Pryor Sta Photographer cepted out of more than ticket, food stipend, housing, United States, in a statement. a thousand applicants. everything,” Price said. “ ey Senior Stephanie Price received a three month internship in Italy. e internship was “My roommate was in continued on page 3 granted by the University of Southern California and it pays for airfare and housing. Transit and Parking Improvements Local Band Captures Coming of Age Graham Models Uncommon Man UA officials are putting together a new transportation Indie-rock band Brother Moses is releasing an EP at The under-the-radar linebacker has made an impact on plan to cope with an increasingly crowded campus. the end of the month. the football program long before arriving on campus. PAGE 3 PAGE 6 PAGE 10 Page 2 Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 he Arkansas Traveler Newspaper Engineering peer mentors needed he Arkansas Traveler is a public forum, the University of Arkansas’ independent student newspaper and all content decisions are those of the editors. Contact 119 Kimpel Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Main 479 575 3406 Fax 479 575 3306 [email protected] facebook.com/uatrav Rebekah Harvey Staf Photographer twitter.com/uatrav Freshman Brad Davis meets with his peer mentor, Brendan McGeehan, an upperclassman engineering student, as part of the Freshman Engineering Program. Freshmen meet with their peer mentors once a week throughout the semester. Editorial Staf Kamerin Hargrove that is the focus of the meet- to the College of Engineering, too,” Reed said. “I also hope William Bowden Staf Writer ing. In addition, mentors get mentors become one of their that with my encouragement, Editor the chance to talk with their irst friends on campus aside they’ll go for internships and 479.575.8455 mentees about their week, from other teachers and pro- co-ops as well.” [email protected] Freshman Engineering and mentees have the oppor- fessors. Grace Mcgee, a fresh- In addition to peer men- Isabel Dobrin Lauren Robinson Program oicials are search- tunity to ask their mentors man in the FEP, said having toring, the Freshman Engi- News Editor Managing Editor ing for new peer mentors who questions. an older engineer to look up neering Program strives to [email protected] [email protected] can ofer their time, as well as Senior Patrick Barnes to is really nice.