092503 news p01,03 9/24/03 10:23 PM Page 1 THURSDAY Quack Quack September 25, 2003 Oregon Ducks await WSU Sports | 7 Sunny High: 78 | Low: 53 Volume 110 | No. 26 |
[email protected] | www.dailyevergreen.com A student publication of Washington State University | Pullman, Washington Explosives ignited outside Wegner Evan Caldwell Hall on a driveway leading to Powell said. “There have been do this. Daily Evergreen staff where horses are run on tread- no incidents of arson in the The incident was reported at mills, said Charlie Powell, pub- past.” 5:41 a.m. to WSU Police by an Two small incendiary devices lic information officer for the Powell said evidence at the employee of the College of were ignited on a concrete drive- College of Veterinary Medicine. scene suggests the incident was Veterinary Medicine. By the way leading into Wegner Hall One device was made with a not just children playing with time police arrived, the devices Wedneday morning. glass container, the other with a firecrackers. had extinguished themselves. The devices appear to have plastic container. Both con- “Anytime you have devices No messages claiming credit been placed, rather than tained a flammable substance, like these placed around a for the incident have been thrown, in a specific location as creating a device resembling a building, you have to review received. to not cause any damage. Molotov cocktail. your safety measures,” he said. Any information regarding The devices were placed at “You could see scorch marks Powell said the department this incident should call WSU Evan Caldwell/Daily Evergreen the southeast corner of Wegner on the concrete this morning,” has no idea why someone would Police at 335-8548.