. Braceby . Humby chapel . . Lenton . . . Sapperton

Pew Sheet for 6th June 2021

First Sunday after trinity: In our Gospel reading for this Sunday Jesus encounters two groups of people who want to control him. The Scribes from Jerusalem are afraid that he will usurp their religious power; and his family think he needs looking after for his own good (and maybe their reputation!) Sometimes we have to battle against our enemies, in order to fulfil our destiny; but at other times we have to battle against those who love us – and that is far harder.

10.00 Ropsley Holy Communion 10.00 Boothby Pagnell Holy Communion 10.00 Old Somerby Morning Worship

Worship for June 2021 in North Sunday 13th 10.00 Ingoldsby Holy Communion 10.00 Sapperton Morning Worship Online Morning Worship Sunday 20th 10.00 Old Somerby Holy Communion 10.00 Ropsley Morning Worship Sunday 27th 10.00 Lenton Patronal Communion St Peter Recorded and available later online 18.00 Ropsley Patronal Festival

Diary for the coming week

All events take place in the church of the named, unless otherwise stated. For more information contact your churchwardens – see below.

Mon 7th We pray that we will be inspired and challenged by the Holy Spirit to be joyful servants of the Gospel. Sapperton 10.00 Morning Prayer Humby 17.00 Evening Prayer

Tues 8th We commit to God our hope and trust for the future.

Wed 9th Ropsley 10.00 Morning Prayer Old Somerby 17.00 Evening Prayer Ropsley Village Hall 19.30 Benefice AGM (see below)

Thur 10th Ingoldsby 10.00 Morning Prayer Braceby 17.00 Evening Prayer

Fri 11th Lenton 17.00 Evening Prayer

Sat 12th Ingoldsby 10.00 Messy Church Boothby Pagnell 17.00 Evening Prayer

Sun 13th Second after trinity Ingoldsby 10.00 Holy Communion Sapperton 10.00 Morning Worship Online Morning Worship

Join us on Saturday 12th June, 10.00 – 12.00 at Ingoldsby Church

All children welcome, accompanied by a well-behaved adult.

Crafts, story, song and food!

You are invited to attend the Benefice AGM, when members of all the churches in the group meet together to review church life in the past year, and to make plans for the future. Our discussions will be focused on the new plan for ministry in the Diocese – Resourcing Sustainable Church, which will have a far- reaching effect on our churches. Wednesday 9th June, 19.30 at Ropsley Village Hall Events and diary dates:

Ingoldsby community market Saturday 26th June, 11.00-15.00

Don’t miss this event – put this date in your diary now!

COME AND SAMPLE: Locally produced honey, cakes and preserves Art and crafts created by local craftspeople Seasonal fruit and veg Handmade soaps and candles Eco-friendly cleaning products Coffee from a local roastery Local lamb Milk from the farm

LOCAL IS GOOD … because it reduces our carbon footprint LOCAL IS GOOD … because it encourages local producers and innovators LOCAL IS GOOD … because it encourages us to enjoy seasonal produce LOCAL IS GOOD … because it safeguards our environment LOCAL IS GOOD … because it strengthens community

We can all reduce our carbon footprint by shopping locally from local producers. The community market gives us a chance to do just that. We are inviting food producers and craftspeople from the local area to take part, and offer a wide range of products. Refreshments available.

This is a pilot for a possible regular market, so if you would like to see more of these, please support this event.

Please remember in prayer

In the world: • All Christians who seek to ‘speak truth to power’ and to stand up for those who are poor, in different kinds of need, or who are persecuted. May all who profess the name of Christ be prepared to speak out in his name. • Respect and understanding between those of different churches,

In the community and society: • All families, especially those who are separated by the pandemic; those who are estranged from their families; and those who have no family. • All schools and places of learning, that they may be safe, inclusive and supportive places; all who are struggling to make up for lost learning, and all who are trying to help them. • All those whose work is essential to health, safety and well-being. We give thanks for all those who have worked on through the pandemic; and pray for those who have not been able to, especially those facing financial difficulties.

The sick: Richard Hanmer; Kathy Cheesmond, Robert Arlott, Brian French, Dawn Eldred, Rosemary Leach, Barry Buxton, Patricia Lambley.

Please let Anna know if you would like anyone included in the prayers – [email protected]

Parish Contacts Rector Anna Sorensen 07793544238 01476586991 Boothby Pagnell Tom Blake Churchwarden 01476585898 Braceby & Humby Colin McGarrigle Churchwarden 01476585909 & Lay Minister Ingoldsby Kate Welbourne Churchwarden 01476585812 Hilary Gilbert Churchwarden 01476585979 Diana Burrows Lay Minister 01476585513 Lenton Tony Clayton Churchwarden 01476585711 & Lay Minister Peter Dobney Churchwarden 01476585766 Old Somerby Len Watson Churchwarden 01476568439 Ropsley Helen Sloss Churchwarden 01476585433 Ken Mann Lay Reader 01476585574 Sapperton & Humby Fred Mann Churchwarden 01476585905 & Lay Minister

Group of Churches Website All the worship, news and events for our churches can be found at A Church Near You: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/