Humanitarian Snapshot October 2020

Widespread flooding continued in October, affecting over half of the country and disrupting the lives and Some 1,000 people were displaced in East and North counties, Eastern , in search livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people. An estimated 856,000 people were affected by flooding of food. Local currency devaluation aggravated food prices and placed an extra burden on people, since July with some 400,000 people displaced.1 The month saw fighting between armed forces in Kejo-keji many of whom were already acutely food insecure. Vaccine-derived polio cases were reported in Tonj County and intercommunal violence in County, both in , and armed clashes in North in and Jur River in . By the end of October, 2,905 people were County, Eastern Equatoria. The violence resulted in civilian casualties and displacements in both states with confirmed with COVID-19 in South Sudan.2 The Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Wau, Western Bahr reports of human rights abuses and violations. In Tonj East County, Warrap, intercommunal fighting el Ghazal, became the second PoC site transitioned to a displacement camp, following the Bor PoC displaced about 18,000 people and caused civilian casualties. site in September. KEY FIGURES 7.5M 1.60M 175K 2.19M 301K 6.48M 352K 1.3M PEOPLE IN NEED INTERNALLY IDPS IN PROTECTION SOUTH SUDANESE REFUGEES IN SOUTH ACUTELY FOOD INSECURE MALNOURISHED WOMEN MALNOURISHED DISPLACED PEOPLE OF CIVILIANS SITES REFUGEES SUDAN (MAY-JULY, IPC) (JAN-DEC) CHILDREN (JAN-DEC)


Catastrophe/Famine Estimated number of IDPs by state Internal displacement IPC Phase Emergency IDPs South Sudanese refugees Catastrophe/ Famine ! PoC site Crisis South Sudanese refugees External displacement 5M Emergency Crisis Stressed SUDAN Refugee location Conflict M people displaced Stressed Minimal 3.79 Minimal 730K Upper 4M Nile PoC site REGION ! PoC transitioned site 2.19M ! Northern NorthernBahr el 3M BahrGhazal el Ghazal Unity Warrap SUDAN Warrap ETHIOPIA Upper Nile Jonglei ! ABYEI WesternWestern Jonglei Bahr el GhazalBahr el REGION Unity 2M Ghazal 234K CENTRAL Lakes Northern AFRICAN REPUBLIC ! Bahr el Ghazal ETHIOPIA 1.601.67M 1M 226K Western Central 76K Warrap Western Eastern Equatoria EquatoriaCentral Eastern Equatoria Equatoria EquatoriaEquatoria ! DEMOCRATIC Western Bahr 363K 0 REPUBLIC OF 247K THE CONGO el Ghazal Jonglei Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 71K 207K IDPs IN PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS SITES STAPLE FOOD PRICE TREND CENTRAL 187K AFRICAN 1000 REPUBLIC Lakes 900 2,222 Western 800 Equatoria Central 150 700 Equatoria Eastern 7% 0-4 yr 8% Equatoria 600 71K 500 100 22% 5-17 yr 23% 60K 400 221K 300 KENYA South Sudanese Pounds 22% 18-59 yr 15% 50 200 3.5 kg of white sorghum Number of people affected by floods South Sudanese pounds 89K DEMOCRATIC 122K 100 (Juba, Central Equatoria) 2% 60+ yr 1% 0 REPUBLIC OF Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec <5K >5K >10K >25K >50K UGANDA 0 THE CONGO 883K 2020 2019 Average 2017-2019 The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not been determined. Final Status of Abyei area is not yet determined. 1. Flooding snapshot #4: | 2. COVID-19 information on Date: 06 November 2020 | Sources: OCHA, IOM-DTM, UNHCR, WFP-VAM, IPC TWG, FEWS NET, Ministry of Health | [email protected] | | | | | @OCHASouthSudan