Planning Commission Approves Special Use Permit for Highway 20 Apartments

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Planning Commission Approves Special Use Permit for Highway 20 Apartments FRIDAY September 13, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Planning commission approves special use permit for Highway 20 apartments BY JAMES SWIFT said Cartersville City Planner ments, the applicant seeks to is to try to create something that [email protected] David Hardegree. “The spe- build apartments on four out of will be ‘new urbanism,’ for lack cial-use permit is for apartments eight proposed buildings on the of a better word … we’re trying Members of the City of Car- above, below or behind retail.” 36-acre lot. The buildings, the to concentrate development in tersville Planning Commission Applicant Barry Henderson documentation states, would be this one area, and create what voted unanimously Tuesday of J.B. Henderson Properties four stories and consist of 210 will be a live, work and play- evening to recommend approval unveiled plans for the Highlands apartments — 154 one-bedroom type development.” of a special-use permit to allow Community Development proj- units and 56 two-bedroom units Included in City documents apartments along the Highway ect in July. He told The Daily — in total. for the proposed development 20 corridor as part of a proposed Tribune News the development, “There’s a tremendous amount is an analysis from Charlotte, $100 million-plus mixed-use de- at full buildout, will consist of of vibrancy going on in the area, North Carolina-based FMK Ar- velopment. about 400 residential units and so our property fi ts right in the chitects, which gives a break- “This is for 15.5 acres, approx- more than 100,000 square feet middle of all of this,” Henderson down of the project’s planned JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS imately, of a 36-acre tract of land of retail and restaurants span- said at Tuesday evening’s meet- parcel usage. Barry Henderson, of J.B. Henderson Properties, speaks at that’s at the southeast corner of ning across 75 acres. ing. “There’s been a lot of work Tuesday evening’s City of Cartersville Planning Commission Highway 411 and Highway 20,” According to City docu- on this, and our thought on this SEE PERMIT, PAGE 5A meeting. Waycross man gets sentenced for child RISING TO THE OCCASION molestation, 8 Cartersville fi refi ghters sexual battery BY JAMES SWIFT participate in 9/11 [email protected] Georgia Superior Court Se- Memorial Stair Climb nior Judge Shepherd L. Howell sentenced a Waycross man to BY MARIE NESMITH Pentagon and a Pennsylvania 30 years — with the first two [email protected] fi eld, killing nearly 3,000 civil- to serve in prison — after he ians and public safety person- pleaded guilty to one count of While this year’s commem- nel. enticing a child for indecent orations have drawn to a close To pay tribute to those who purposes in Bartow Superior across the nation, Cartersville lost their lives, members of the Court Tuesday morning. Fire Chief Scott Carter shared Cartersville Fire Department Kelmer Hughes, 62, also Sept. 11 is a day that will never joined other fi rst responders entered a negotiated plea of be forgotten. Sunday at the Terry Farrell guilty to two counts of child Touched by the communi- Firefi ghters Fund’s 9/11 Memo- molestation and two counts of ty’s ongoing support, he under- rial Stair Climb. sexual battery against a child scored the fact that the world During the event at Home De- under the age of 16. around him forever changed pot’s headquarters on Paces Fer- The two sexual battery with the 2001 terrorist attacks. ry Road in Atlanta, participants charges were merged with the “When you look at 9/11, on climbed 110 fl ights of stairs, two counts of child molesta- one hand it’s hard to imagine which corresponded to the tion, resulting in two concur- that 18 years have passed but on number of fl oors in the World rent 20-year probation sentenc- the other it seems like yester- Trade Center’s Twin Towers. As es. day,” he said. “To say you will they embarked on the journey, According to a bill of in- never forget means you will climbers were presented with dictment, the defendant took never forget the fear, uncertain- a lanyard containing the name a child under the age of 16 to ty and anxiety of that day. and image of a fi refi ghter who the Quality Inn at 2385 Aubrey “I was watching the news perished on Sept. 11. Lake Road in Cartersville “for broadcast with other fi refi ght- “Each fi refi ghter climbs in the purpose of indecent acts” ers live at the very moment the honor of one of those who lost sometime between Jan. 12 and second plane crashed into the their lives on 9/11,” Carter said, Jan. 14, 2017, where Hughes towers. I knew at that moment adding each participant climbed touched the breasts and but- that my life and my world had 10 fl ights 11 times. “This is [a] tocks of the victim “with the changed forever. With the out- humbling event. When you re- intent to arouse the sexual de- pouring of love and respect that alize that those heroes 18 years sires of himself.” is shown around 9/11 each year, ago were climbing knowing Hughes is also ordered to pay especially by our community of that they may not return, but a $2,000 fine as part of the sen- Cartersville, for us as respond- they kept climbing, words can- tence. ers it is a reminder that we are not capture how this makes you “Obviously, as a condition grateful to serve, humbled to feel. of his probation, he would protect and blessed to be called “One of our fi refi ghters stat- be a registered sex offender,” fi refi ghters.” ed, ‘It is a privilege to climb and said Cherokee Judicial Circuit As Carter noted, this year pay respect for those that gave Assistant District Attorney marked the 18th anniversary of so much.’ It is a time of fellow- Adam Wilkinson. “The State the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist at- ship with brother and sister fi re- would ask for a driving log, tacks when four U.S. airplanes fi ghters from across the state.” SPECIAL given the fact that Mr. Hughes were hijacked and crashed into Cartersville Firefi ghters Antonio Callahan, Ryan Bray and Wesley Gilmer take part in the the World Trade Center, the SEE CFD, PAGE 5A Terry Farrell Firefi ghters Fund’s 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. SEE SENTENCE, PAGE 5A Raiders carry winning ways into new season DONNA HARRIS people on campus Saturday.” the six events. every team except those three is [email protected] Queen said the competition The male team won the top impressive.” has “grown every year since we spot out of 24 teams while the Senior Army instructor Maj. Adairsville High School’s sto- started so I was not surprised” female team defeated 11 other David Sexauer said his teams’ ried JROTC Raiders program that it had the largest turnout teams to win its division. greatest strength is “our ability is off to a winning start for the ever this year. “Those teams have a lot of ex- to work as a high-performing 2019 season. “We work hard to put a good, perience and are off to a great team.” The male and female teams competitive competition togeth- start,” Queen said. “They per- “That teamwork is cadet-fo- won overall fi rst place in their er, and JROTC instructors re- formed as expected on our home cused and due to the outstand- divisions while the mixed team spect that,” he said, noting the turf.” ing cadet leaders within our pro- came in fourth place at the larg- new JROTC program at Carters- The 12-member mixed team, gram,” he said. est Adairsville Raider Rampage ville High School made its com- headed by senior Camden Mil- Lynch, 17, was excited about ever Saturday at AHS. petition debut at the meet. “It is, ton, came in fourth overall in his team winning its division on “We have hosted a Raider arguably, the toughest competi- its 18-team division after fi nish- their home turf. meet every year since 2012,” tion in the state.” ing with two third places, three “It’s a great feeling,” he said. Army instructor 1st Sgt. Jerry At their inaugural contest of fourth places and a 10th place. “Winning a fi rst place is always Queen said. “I think the fi rst the season, AHS’s 12-member “There were a few really a great feeling, but to do it at our SPECIAL Adairsville High School JROTC Raiders, left to right from top, meet we had less than 20 teams; male team, commanded by se- good mixed teams at our meet home meet and with the amount freshman Georgia Conduff, sophomore Ashlynn Waters, senior this year, we had 54 teams from nior Steven Lynch, and female — Mariner High School out of competition that was there, it Mallory Woodall, sophomore Kaylie Hilburn and sophomore 24 schools from Georgia, Flori- team, led by senior Mallory of Florida, Georgia Military was extra-special.” Melody Cress climb the 12-foot wall during the Obstacle Course da, Alabama and Tennessee. We Woodall, dominated their divi- College and Alexander High at Saturday’s Adairsville Raider Rampage. estimate there were over 1,200 sions, each winning fi ve out of School,” Queen said. “To defeat SEE JROTC, PAGE 6A INSIDE TODAY Sunny, VOLUME 73, NO. 112 Family Living ........................2A Blotter ..................................
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