
F ACT • S HEET Allergies and REACTIONS

Food allergy is a group of disorders distinguished by the way the body’s immune system responds to specific food . Children who have allergic reactions to inhaled substances, such as dust, mold or pollen, are more likely to develop food allergies. About 35% of children with moderate to severe eczema (atopic dermatitis) also have food allergies. These can range from mild skin reactions to severe and life-threatening reactions.

C AUSES Six cause 90% of reactions in children: Egg Peanuts Wheat Soy Tree nuts (such as pecans and walnuts) Children will frequently outgrow an allergy to eggs, milk and soy. However, allergies to This information is based on peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish usually continue into adulthood. recommendations in The Allergy Not eating the foods the child is sensitive to is the only proven therapy for food allergies. Report. The report was developed by a 25-member Task Force, led by the S YMPTOMS A severe allergic reaction to a food can involve many body organs and may develop rapidly. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma This reaction is called anaphylaxis. and Immunology. The report contains Food is the leading cause of anaphylaxis in children. Anaphylaxis symptoms usually happen treatment and management immediately after the offending food is eaten. Sometimes, however, the symptoms subside, guidelines for allergic disease. See then return hours later. In unusual cases, adverse food reactions might take hours to become www.theallergyreport.com for the evident. Children who, when eating, show hoarseness, difficulty talking, coughing, drooling, report’s full text. tongue swelling, choking, throat tightness, or changes in their level of awareness need emergency medical treatment immediately. Signs and symptoms of adverse food reactions may include any or several of the following: · Chest tightness, shortness of breath or wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing). · Skin reactions such as hives, skin rashes, itching or flushing. · Nasal congestion or itchiness, a runny nose or sneezing. · Itchy or teary eyes. · Intestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, colic, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea. · Itching/tingling/swelling of the lips, palate, tongue, or throat. In the event of a severe reaction, children should be given epinephrine, self-injectable. This will ease the reaction while the child is transported to the hospital for further treatment.

R EADING FOOD LABELS Children who are allergic to milk should avoid the following foods and : 555 East Wells Sreet, Suite 1100 · Artificial flavor, butter, butter , butter oil, buttermilk Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 · Casein, caseinates, rennet casein (414) 272-6071 · , cream, cottage cheese, curds, whey (800) 822-2762 www.aaaai.org · Custard, pudding, yogurt

The Allergy Report is funded through an unrestricted educational grant from · Ghee · Half & Half · Lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoglobulin, lactulose · All forms of milk: condensed, dry, evaporated, milk from goats or other animals, low-fat, malted, milkfat, non-fat, powder, , skimmed, solids and wholes · Sour cream, sour cream solids, sour milk solids Children who are allergic to eggs should avoid the following foods and ingredients: · Egg · · Albumin (albumen) · Lysozyme (used in Europe) F OR MORE · Mayonnaise INFORMATION, · Meringue or meringue powder VISIT · Surimi · These items also may include egg protein: flavoring; lecithin; macaroni; marzipan; theallergyreport.com marshmallows; nougat and pasta. Children who are allergic to peanuts should avoid the following foods and ingredients: · Artificial nuts, nuts, ground nuts, mixed nuts, monkey nuts, nut pieces · Cold pressed, expelled or extruded peanut oil or arachis oil · Goobers, Nu-Nuts flavored nuts · Mandelonas · Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut flour · These items may include peanut protein: African, Chinese, Indonesian, Mexican, Thai and Vietnamese dishes; baked goods; candy; chili; egg rolls; enchilada sauce; flavoring; marzipan; nougat, and sunflower seeds.

W HAT YOU CAN DO · Teach children with food allergies not to accept food from classmates or friends. Make sure parents and teachers know this as well. · Encourage students to wear a medical alert identification at all times. · Encourage students and parents to read food labels to understand what ingredients are in a commercial food. · Teach students and teachers to recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction, particularly symptoms of anaphylaxis. · Remind students and their families to keep epinephrine and antihistamines readily available. Teach the student how to self-administer epinephrine.

W HEN TO REFER TO AN ALLERGIST/ IMMUNOLOGIST Children should be referred to an allergist/immunologist when: · They have failed to respond to medical treatments or elimination diets. · They have a history of anaphylaxis or experience an anaphylactic reaction. · They have required hospitalization. · The child also has asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic skin rashes, pink, itchy eyes caused by allergies, and the food allergy worsens the symptoms of those conditions. · They have a case that requires assistance with diagnosis and management of the food allergy. · The child and/or parents need further education about food allergy.

The Allergy Report is funded through an unrestricted educational grant from