download a file form server username password How do I get wget username and password? Let's start with something simple. Copy the URL for a file you'd like to in your browser. Now head back to the Terminal and type wget followed by the pasted URL. The file will download, and you'll see progress in realtime as it does. Furthermore, does wget work with ? To support encrypted HTTP ( HTTPS ) , Wget must be compiled with an external SSL library. The current default is GnuTLS. In addition, Wget also supports HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). If Wget is compiled without SSL support, none of these options are available. Subsequently, one may also ask, which is better or wget? The main differences are: wget 's major strong side compared to curl is its ability to download recursively. wget is command line only. curl supports FTP , FTPS , HTTP , HTTPS , SCP , SFTP , TFTP , TELNET , DICT , LDAP , LDAPS , FILE , POP3 , IMAP , SMTP , RTMP and RTSP . Download a file form server wget username password. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with . If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 67e0b5da8fd40c48 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Downloading files from password protected using wget [closed] Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed last year . I am downloading many files from a password-protected server. They suggested using: wget -i urllist.txt --user name --ask-password to download files. I am able to download files but the problem is I want to change all files with each step of running this script so that I will have the correct files name. For a single file download -output option was working but for many files, I am having a problem. Can you help me out? 1 Answer 1. I am not sure what you mean with: I want to change all files with each step of running this script so that I will have the correct files name. How about if you download all files to a folder and later rename they way you want? Downloading files with wget. The wget command is an file downloader that can download anything from files and web pages all the way through to entire . Basic Usage. The wget command is in the format of: For example, in its most basic form, you would write a command something like this: This will download the file from and place it in your current directory. Redirecting Output. The -O option sets the output file name. If the file was called and you wanted to save it directly to you would use a command like this: The wget program can operate on many different protocols with the most common being ftp:// and http://. Downloading in the background. If you want to download a large file and close your connection to the server you can use the command: Downloading Multiple Files. If you want to download multiple files you can create a text file with the list of target files. Each filename should be on its own line. You would then run the command: You can also do this with an HTML file. If you have an HTML file on your server and you want to download all the links within that page you need add --force- to your command. To use this, all the links in the file must be full links, if they are relative links you will need to add following to the HTML file before running the command: Limiting the download speed. Usually, you want your downloads to be as fast as possible. However, if you want to continue working while downloading, you want the speed to be throttled. To do this use the --limit-rate option. You would use it like this: Continuing a failed download. If you are downloading a large file and it fails part way through, you can continue the download in most cases by using the - option. Normally when you restart a download of the same filename, it will append a number starting with .1 to the downloaded file and start from the beginning again. Downloading in the background. If you want to download in the background use the -b option. An example of this is: Checking if remote files exist before a scheduled download. If you want to schedule a large download ahead of time, it is worth checking that the remote files exist. The option to run a check on files is -- spider . In circumstances such as this, you will usually have a file with the list of files to download inside. An example of how this command will look when checking for a list of files is: However, if it is just a single file you want to check, then you can use this formula: Copy an entire . If you want to copy an entire website you will need to use the --mirror option. As this can be a complicated task there are other options you may need to use such as -p , -P , --convert-links , --reject and --user-agent . -p This option is necessary if you want all additional files necessary to view the page such as CSS files and images -P This option sets the download directory. Example: -P downloaded --convert-links This option will fix any links in the downloaded files. For example, it will change any links that refer to other files that were downloaded to local ones. --reject This option prevents certain file types from downloading. If for instance, you wanted all files except flash video files (flv) you would use --reject=flv --user-agent This option is for when a site has protection in place to prevent scraping. You would use this to set your user agent to make it look like you were a normal and not wget. Using all these options to download a website would look like this: TIP: Being Nice. It is always best to ask permission before downloading a site belonging to someone else and even if you have permission it is always good to play nice with their server. These two additional options will ensure you don’t harm their server while downloading. This will wait 15 seconds between each page and limit the download speed to 50K/sec. Downloading using FTP. If you want to download a file via FTP and a username and password is required, then you will need to use the --ftp-user and --ftp-password options. An example of this might look like: Retry. If you are getting failures during a download, you can use the -t option to set the number of retries. Such a command may look like this: You could also set it to infinite retries using -t inf . Recursive down to level X. If you want to get only the first level of a website, then you would use the - option combined with the -l option. For example, if you wanted only the first level of website you would use: Setting the username and password for authentication. If you need to authenticate an HTTP request you use the command: wget is a very complicated and complete downloading utility. It has many more options and multiple combinations to achieve a specific task. For more details, you can use the man wget command in your terminal/command prompt to bring up the wget manual. You can also find the wget manual here in webpage format. Wget: Is there a way to pass username and password from a file? Is there a way to pass the username and password from a file instead of the command line via --user and --password? Background: I want to run wget via cron and don't want the username/password show up in process view. 3 Answers 3. Use a .wgetrc file (GNU manual) in which you can set username and passwords for either or both ftp and http. To use the same credentials for both specify. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the .netrc file. First create the file if it doesn't exists and set safe permissions: Then you can add the hostname, username and password all on one line: Then when you do wget and the server responds with 401 Authorization Required , wget will retry with the username and password from the. When using this from cron make sure you have the right HOME directory. Often cron sets HOME=/ (in that case you would have to create the file as /.netrc , but it's better to set a proper HOME at the beginning of your script, like export HOME=/root ).