deuce, along which a drive of eight or ten miles Fain, Garden, anil Household, through the trees has been vcrv taste■ tub}' laid out by the Government. To the uestwaid an equally good road runs past <’oNm IKI* l*.V the fortress to ITTNVM SIMON TON. the bays and cliffs, where oc- casionally an unusually heavy sea makes sad work of the ®«'Our iriuinls who may have communications, ob- causeways. There are two servations, facts, suggestions, or anything of interest, large lakes abounding with wild pigeons in pertatniug to this department, ire requested to commu- one season and wild ducks nicate the same to Dr. Putnam Si who during the other. monton, Searsport, We had will prepare the same tor public'.tion, it of sufTicieut im- many a day’s sport rowing on the portance. smaller and hunting in the caves at the head of the is 1 larger lake, which a short half-mile (rom TRAINING THE MORAL FACULTIES. And never if 1 see of hens on the did king rear such noble children. Of For the Republican Journal. | any Drayton's place; The pound was a good, long country mile ] WINTER IN THE BAHAMAS. the sea. The road through the pine fores) 1 n | : i 'Us number- w « ha\ e- ol‘ the hu- •i ; when 1 ketched this tall strut at the cab- at the spoken large family of sons and daughters, no spot nor OUR SAVIOUR S BIRTH. so, distant. Rachel was in a hurry; for she had I From the New York Tribune. back of the town, with its fresh cool r 1 ■ throe-lold a a mental L him a and he being; material, and "tain rests upon any. bages, just chucked stone, left unfinished work at home. The heat of smell of the fir cones, is another BY MRS. F. AMES. On a in treat for the moral: and as dead as a door nail.” clear, bright afternoon November then* showed the intimate and dust across the a plumped the autumnal to invalid, not in iusep- channel sits queen weeping for mid-day appeared come the States i though such repair us the Twas the with was was United mail steamer Moro Castle, »M> relation of each *f these to Lin other. h r night—and landscape splendor ‘•That right, Jack; but, upon my with a breath of air shore roads, and not us children, morally slain by evil-doing; as Xiobe straight down, scarcely much used for ■ cleared from the North River with " tli. re also liken. the human b- flooded, ward, you have killed the rooster.” and Rachel did not passengers traffic, most of the young ing to of old wept for hers struck the of the And Bethlehem's* meadows lav bathed in its Shanghae stirring; spare the cows. goods being carried on by anger j light; a little of and freight for Nassau, New Providence and he oak in the acorn, which h\ And Rachel felt twinge remorse, When she hot and at her the head of slumbering grows doth. Pun- but as With rnidiant faces the heavens were studded 1 arrived, tired, des- by ti.inps girls, who us herself, ascetic, melancholy the and of the dead Havana. A small party ol invalids with greeted lift n lil ne-s to that i' feeds on: the And chili the faint hearts with knowing expense rarity tination, the who was a seeking pleasant and kindly courtesy puny house and cold, and at home no soul-food for i grew Shepherd's pound master, jolly, a milder laughter providing before her. I am not a climate the and as we k affright. specimen “However, fat came out to meet her. watching spires them in our w lien cramped in narrow boxes and her 1 man, spun past buggy. Another wanting children—for royal and plebiun must have it 1 For the of in hit after a shores of New York as faded •' angel God, hadjdeseended glory— .soiTV.” she said, moment’s rcflec- they gradually excursion food, and the five breezes “Well, now, Rachel,” said he as he took pleasant is across tie* harbor, »i'« sunlight of heav- alike—they burst out for it into the haunts of vice ; Oh! loving Redeemer announcing thy birth; costs away. The next as the round red orb lion. ‘•Experience dear, as the copy in the situation, are a little night, about a quarter of a mile, to t!i«- worthless m dwart when soil And voices took tlir sweet “you spunky lk>g Island and aggy poor and crime to become, as fin ir acts a seraphic up story in into the waves, and the prove, shame | ** hook and i dipped burning pur- the we 1 And the of earth.*' says: guess timeout’neighbors but I tell my wife I would'nt a Dr} Dock, where a nd ioi,j« ; and the o-li universal and vital like air sought world, night bouhooing baby. don’t mean to tell me there is such dan- from the roots of the «*,-oini*b"d> thillg necessity should, any which the tall cocoa-trees and Madeira ma- decayed vegetation, love, make out, it was a to and she trees find riieie-t thing of tie* wlmlr ,-, .»r v .mid be if true, water, be the mo.-t abundant ot present her, ger ?” abundant nourishment. There is and. things. For Who came as a babe, poor and liel pie and weep- waved on the low which, had raised it in a basket: and I felt as if hoganv heights, no lhat tie human no just I m afraid he the cow therelore and where being eaiumt by any possibility there is country without it in plenty; and no 'HR— so,” replied, eyeing [ were crowned In' the undergrowth, only 1 had been a Governor’s residence Ain! died to admit us to \ above. stealing sheep.” “it looks a little but tl is tufa has been or covered with liiiik a geioel thought, oi do to get ii to is perhaps richer in it than our own. gloi professionally; scaly; pounded anything country "bel them anu tort Charlotte, an which —Brouiisville, I’eim. boohoo. replied Uaehel, with had better and find Herman imposing pile light sand, is there room for so there Im right wa>, without urn- inira* ulous interpo- ; iron seldom, if ever, exists in a pure state, but you go Brayton, commands the western entrance to the har- grass, severe “They ought to think enough and tell him all about it; he is better is hut little pasture. The avocado tie* ;.-»t! iujhis b'*lu..f. with other things, which compounds take various dignity. posted bor. (iaily-dressed and whale-boats, pear, RACHEL’S WAR. of their choice fowls to them at home.” on than half the cow painted the and the massnnec. ■ keep cattle diseases doctors mango, sapodilla, Vnd Immense ;! result- tVoiii sm.ii d.ii inttes. names; as oxygen and iron form oxides of iron; manned by negroes, swarmed around us. After the dinner dishes were out of the in the and if can save to as also does the 1 liV Al'OUSTA I.AUXKl*. country; anybody the grow great size, tamarind, V m take even a good and well-dispo 1 chile!, known as iron-rust; with carbon it forms carburet The oilicer of the port, the Custom-House : way, and the chores were all done up, Ka- critter’s life lie can.” the most pleasant and graceful tie- •i d U ii etern what a vile and the of garden him ly thing he i that of iron, which is steel and east iron where the car- oluT her lire and on an extra ollieial, adjutant the garrison, in Mis. Pettigrew had come iii ostensibly to replenished put Rachel turned back on the road, while bananas and grapes wave their grace- his whole relations. before ami afte r him, are all bon i" but and feeling neat linen and tassels, welcomed little, where large, plumbago of borrow Rachel's and she sized kettle of water to heat. Then she went half dazed and Her father courteously ful leaves over little tic- large dripping-pan ; wholly frightened. us a every plot along •mi *i2 of ijod : that he is t ile and newer which to what seemed isle. 'On totally writing pencils are made; united with the meant to before the call was ; up stairs and changed her dress; and when was slow to but she did not like to think l'airy landing shore road. The which is the inquire, over, anger; a pineapple, •wil nor can be* what is the at stone staircase in a solid, level the any thing; client of all electric fluid it forms the needle which use she came down there was a bit of a lace quav, of the fruit commerce of the i-, magnetic whether Rachel intended to her preserv- again what the consequence might be should he court-house and staple islands, thi- and collar a public faced us hooting discouragement: crt.iinly not surveys your lands, and guide's your ships over kettle on the week. l!ut there with transferred work, and cherry discover that his has been instrumental buildings cultivated at Kleiithera and St. ing following girl with a smooth to take off the principally » lift amt b» how at the throat of her delaine over pleasant green, up strengthen; help him be ami do pathless waters; rolled into thin sheets and dipped was an admirable indircctnessahout the dress, in a cow. Her Salvador, the of the first n| good killing neighbor’s pugilistic of the which is so a- place landing !■» which she wore a black silk glare sun, to ■d but a-t down : to de-iroy all aspirations tirst in tallow and then tin it is called tin-ware. woman’s mode of so she settled jaunty apron with had oozed out, and left her in a bad strong Columbus, a bold coast of headlands, proceeding; spirit make the use of white rocky '>< ff braided necessary umbrellas, Hungs; to make him uni In- race vile Sthfi.. This article is so common and useful down in a comfortable which pockets. How could she face those with a line central lake, about i~J hours' sail rocking chair, scrape. Brayton’s lined with which we She seated herself with her work basket at green, had the foresight n.i miserable indeed forever. Fortunately that our readers desire to creaked with her and took oil’ her with her and how could she from the eastern end of Nassau. young may know tin' process of weight, story ; beg par- to bring with us. In the of the court- Oranges minds—most ol the room window, almost as if as yard and limes seem almost the weed of these them—are too elastic and hopeful, its. manufacture. The method in use till sun-bonnet and smoothed out the folds of her sitting looking don and assistance, it were, of Herman recently for and let her wonder down house stands a gigantic cotton-tree, whose ; much illuminated inner company, gaze towards whom she had to islands. In November we saw them by tin- light, to he cast was to expose bars of the purest malleable iron, gown. Brayton, begun limbs, each as big as the tree in Cen- hang the visible stretch of the road, where largest ui” in rich ; 'An and ruim-d .such unreasonable follies. Rachel was making pumpkin pies; and the golden to feel a settled dislike ? yellow clusters upon the houghs, by any surrounded with charcoal in powder, to a long- tral I’ark, spread over a wide green with of the did not her to rods and asters bloomed and the sumach bushes While she was with burn- still white with fresh while the Another mistake m le-- rliiiik. continued heat. etiquette country oblige hurrying along, leaves and blossoms, -.lively grieviou-.We During the process the iron unites beside the old stone walls to bright waving (dusters of yellow the forego her occupation on account of her appeared drip cheeks, over these wretched guava, both the yellow and the white, dot- moral education of the voting, is expecting with about 1-irsnh of its weight of carbon. How ing turning flowers just fading. The first is visitor. There was a of sifted with scarlet color, and the poke-berry was in her and hum- impression ted the dark shrubs in almost marvel- h< se md ardent t< pan pumpkin thoughts mind, feeling very The ne- green young minds have the same wonderful that this! lb. of carbon tolaOlbs. of iron a charming. happy character of the on the table and a of milk, show- turning vivid purple. Presently her eye lit a man over wall lous luxuriance. One of the most vtcs, the same pan golden ble, young sprang thejow by there erect on pleasant spiritual wants as their should make all the difference there is between tin* a were groes, carriage, hearing their grahd-pa- the richness of full and up with gleam of triumph. There the the road side, and raised his hat. of the fruits is the sour sop. Some of us ait-, Pints t ie ing pasturage, eggs, politelv heads sheaves of Indian corn, baskets of old Puritan id< as—-till too a- hard;* ! and steel and common iron ! Now, 13 ton the dust gor- pres purest ami butter, and whill's of cinnamon ray pigs nosing along through He wore a farm laborer’s blouse and checked liked the sugar apple, but it was too sweet 1 perfume it in the land—that all a is hunt, or of crabs and lob- mma-men and pleasures however, one of our neighbors—a Mr. Sherman, were of the road : and for once she was tosee geous trays bright for taste. At or under coming and going. Rachel held up a glad shirt ; but the lines of his form were grace- their my early breakfast, *'• ;di sort• ;ur wicked sters, glancing bright eyes and white atui the sure road to perdi- of Bucksport—claims to have di.-eovered a of blue her and slilled the the pests were snouted, slab- his manner a a eool at a luscious way pie-plale up said good judges of poised head, Rachel was a tit representative species once; “I know you by sight, and, seeing well as the fastidious invalid. from habit toward the Henderson side ladies, who adhere to the uuhealthx habit of nr -. in the midst of or ol the Yankee Nature had gate, I would Of course in this latitude, the lasts hut young day just button,” ucii things have pronounced his discovery one of genuine girl. put you go by, thought take the opportu- New York of the day which was shaded a black enveloping whole head, hat '• hirl the cover,” in am a six-foot the no her. Tin* clear, by cherry to send word to father that six of little over 12 h mrs, but, to there great ciergy- greatest ot the age. By invitation of the Brit- journey-work upon posi- huge nity your and all, in a thick, brown owing being lines tree, ami the ol under. gauze, impervious no dews, the are eool and re- a-iii, of the Puritan » tive of her face told that. If -he was begin process rooting his cows arc in Old I heavy -tripe, who, after lengthy ish government lie is on bis way to England to ex- my barnyard. Bess, to both and air. Nassau a fe- nights not with the bent the light enjoyed with >ut liu>ir a mi tin* handsome, there was no They dug nozzcl, forelegs, believe call her, has a vicious of freshing, fascinating temptation irrangue exceeding sinfulness «*f sin” in hibit it there. And recently the papers an- strictly certainly they pair verish and fictitious the Bangor other in inclined the dorsal column, and lifted prosperity during to remain out of doors ih r il and Bassett with the and cour- power- horns. She her and let the proving dangerous ol amusements in p in ini bo wound nounced that -i.nie gentleman of that had made girl spirit slipped hamper of the Southern rebellion, city of Rachel Henderson. until the was unlatched, and the blockade-running to the of a a age fully. gate others into my buckwheat field. 1 shall Owing presence Royal garrison p by lengthy prnvt r; and the only moral or i.•- a similar discovery. from the reaction of which she is now heavily “Have yon got \«th the whole bristly tribe poured into the yard with leave it to Mr. Henderson to estimate the there was excellent music, and no lack ot LroiU' elleet We eolild OVer di-eover from this mix- acquainted Bray- Then her wai ves were crowded Mr.ri:<»mr Ii: >\. Kvery year quantities of iron ?” of satisfaction. sullering. from the officials and other resi- tons, Rachel .Mrs. Pettigrew was inquir- grunts damages, for from what report says of him 1 hospitality ng the sublime with the ridietilous was certain —sometime* tons in a with, her harbor with tier single pioce—fall upon the as a soil of roundabout introduction !o I aider one of the kitchen windows a be to upon dents of the town. the cruisers ing, lay know he will inclined do the fair thing.” steamers. Constantly missionary work.” greatly increased, not to earth from distant and unknown of tier of Hold and cotton crammed region*; one such quince “sass"’ and the tempting pile potato parings, previously For a moment, Rachel stood over- of the station ran in for the news of the com- <• preserving-kettle. quite her shores, while the countless hordes of reenland's icy mountain.-.” hut to the fervid of considerable a < for which a vicious magnitude lew years ago at as- “You know, that that has the prepared bail, old female whelmed by the lesson of Christian forbear- plications of tin: Cuban question, in which of family bought who rushed to the liar- bps braidy to make up for lost time. now l lie nmtherof numerous strangers, precarious tine, and to be seen in Lin* mincralogieal cabi- old Shorter place.” disreputable children, ance which Herman had uncon- the sympathies ot the whole were Brayton the to build a ho- population U tell there is a vest, compelled Legislature yoi parents, terrible mistake net r I low* h in Gollege. And at the Smithsonian “No, 1 haven’t,” returned with a immediately scented. They gathered togeth- but at last the tears and the streets were enli- Rachel, sciously taught her; tel for their there no deeply engaged, to re, m the moral ot er, and for the accommodation, being training hildren, tending in Institute at i< one as as the in her tone, which showed her dis- pushing struggling titbits,_ would come to relieve her excited vened the uniforms and merry Washington large larg- slight jerk painfully available mean.- from by gay pranks 'i id to the sadde-t <-nit-. It is not an was not when dash! down came a of private enterprise. of Jack ashore. not one est mill-stone, which it much resembles: a position unmitigated sweetness, “but slap pail boiling state of feelings, and I must admit that for Certainly day passed having water the Fortunately they determined upon a durable .tying iin -1 f.a.P D.-a.-ou-' and Ministers' I know their and chickens too she upon backs of the miscreants, and the moment her conduct was not hut we were able to y large ragged hole through the centre, and the gen- pigs well,” at all in and handsome edifice. An eminent New pleasantly pass many arc added. have been with heart from hours in the air. Storms both of wind tin worst tin world.” While eral of been heated on They overrunning the rending squeals they galloped with the character of a open appearance, having intensly was to keeping high strung, York builder was directed to undertake it in lor .a month and fattier is so the yard. It evident Uaehel mind that amt rain, are ?'• ii many iiobl x->\ lion-, too linny, ala-, its garden past, IIow confession was made I though violent, short lived. jottrm y hither. t spirited girl. accordance with the of the clim- be won't boo to a what- lit- hair and hide of her enemies had suffered exigencies The medical care was c" roved it me. Tin reason is obvious. easy say neighbor, do not know; but certain it is that Her- both good and court- M.uAi' i'h This is a natural magnet or quite ate, and its stone corridors and hall wavs, ever at 1 have taken mat- considerable but still she as by eous, and our invalids found the 1; < . rn to New York, we left the Bahamas, w r said, soothingly, from knew; o ould tln-v do but to launch iron are imported New York. There is pun than any other ores. This is the reason consequences.” there was peace along the border, ami Uaehel to its and made plain him. “I understand cow doc- in fishing, picnics, rowing clubs, pigeon vi-i'ii w-a Id to lb rag. stealth for went to bed abundance of ice the government stores, by Swedidi iron is held to he the best in the World. '1 know you can do, Rachel, when that night Hushed with conscious- and think I know duck scrambles, and with toring pretty thoroughly, a moderate and happy evenings, »ui ! *o«i teiii'-'i them ,u lione ; .Fust a- the ness and i>tie of ami his men a ant. I’he charge a for adults. de-troys the crn. And if yam gi\e ih* the eruelest things to dumb beasts i- put- remarked Mrs. who took wont, oft' to distant, detached but l must of that day Pettigrew, peculiar mer; say, by way apology, From the at the ot the the miser, who was found v * r toon t »n tr-i-. m vmi ting frozen iron bits into a horse's comfort in meadow, to do a of and cupola, top building, Allyn. recently .-!umps. li-h ami mouth. It is touching up her friend on her job top dressing, the old place when we moved in was neither took their dinner with the view over the harbor on the. dis- dead in his room in Taylor's Hotel, Jersey Jl -ri. it is ali aaram- IP- nature: he loath- it and n n only painful but a act. For every weak them. The hen nor were shipping, dangerous points. partridges pig proof. Crops on one with had been beard the pressing, tant islands hand, end the wooded City, nearly >>800,000 in his possession, ur.-P out the suin': and >*. a child the moral lime flesh touches a metal much below the ‘nth, returned Rachel, whirring through hands and of some living yes,” carelessly: bright short; course, things neg- and of the owned considerable lauded in t h<- some champaign interior, to the Baillon property > Bess woods for which caused Jack } on which ana-'-eji. and Jioetor ol • >i\ iiiitx Feezing point, the latter extracts the heat from the “old was trying in that respect last sum- days past, lected. Be assured, you shall have nothing lulls on Hit' other, is enelia anil, were Fifth and Twelfth Wards of ami mer. But we and now to with the shooter from the ding, Brooklyn, outlive somehow t * xisl. it i- all his ua former and freezes it. Thus a horse’s mouth be- always paid sly away long of the fund to of m the Miss again.-t damages, complain future. it not tor the unavoidable of a was well known to the assessors, whose curi- a on ancient to be adjuncts trop- [ ure comes frozen father board her head, and looks garret—an firearm, supposed unless take me for tres- to.;; ioatiie- nini breaks through theeiielo— by the cold iron several times a day keeps Henderson, you up ical climate, life would be an he to have excited his miser- of much because of a unalloyed bless- osity appears by well to the fences.” worthy reverence, tradi- for I mean to come some and ill vs also. Thus preei-ely \\ hat make-“ brceehy pm into it: each time causing these freezings to go passing; day to the ceaseless ascent ol the able appearance. He w ould steal into tin if “Wal,” and Mrs. I tion which connected if with the war of ’12. see if we cannot a ing. Owing — of Itt!♦ for hie make.- ehildl'ell for life an ! to end at last in extensive ul- Pettigrew sighed. arrange treaty peace.” air above the warm waters of ollieo with a air that was luveehy deeper deeper, It would “kick as heated the supplicating pitiful don’t know why the Ford put such propensi- beastly,” [Jack expressed That Herman sent a to Manation ! le t us -ee if ran ceration. With such a sore mouth the horse evening messenger a current of to and ask for his tax bill. When d>- any better way be poor it, and a deal of to Gulf Stream, never-ending cold- witness, ties into critters; but 1 ’spose and by coaxing managed get the cow was out of and a s to eat and rooting say danger strange sired to his of residents he used advised. refu* pines away, which calls the oil' one time in ten. er air from the Atlantic pours over Nassau to give place scratching is the way pigs and chickens ha\ e new flutter awoke in Rachel’s heart. In lit*, in both the mind and soul horst-doctor in. They call it the vacuum thus created. Cidike the to stammer out., •Dll' no, no, in, 1 only early hots,glanders,horse- of anting a some of ’em do Rachel had enough on hand to keep her A few weeks when the first supply living, though later, snows other West India where tin swelter- ea-eamc here i'-for a few mo-inoiueiils.” It was !'. afe ever) out little l>llds which, ail, Ac., and go to cramming down poisonous seem for two or three Islands, day putting to be totally depraved. And if 1 want- pleasantly occupied hours. were on the one morn- lying ground, Sunday land hakes under the t.orrd sun, until that he must a hirer, amount v and if' I \ win dings m leg doses: and the next know of the Then* was a of the thought possess by you right encourage them, you ed to prove total depravity, I’d pint to them tray solid, golden butter on in church the parson took for his text ing ing cool evening sea breeze sets in, Nassau en- of personal property, as he collected lower out into the giv*d avoeatlmis «d these future poor abused creature, lie is trundled oil* to be food shotes we had a year ago come next the shelf, which must be worked over and these words. “Love enemies. Do anually spring.” your good a continual freshness which enables a rental, and when t>>1< 1 so he men and women. IIcu-v for tish or the crows. a valuable a laid down for winter the last scald joys airy heavy appear then- is vast moral Many horse has “As general if pigs and chickens use, and to them that hate and \ use tiling, you despiteful! us to traverse the whole of the 1-land, even ed as if he would faint. “Oh. ii-nn, no,'' he »\s a v been lost in that have to eat at was to be to her sweet She ei in jack-knife that w ill cut ; m l if m add. mysteriously'’ just wav. enough home, they wont trouble yet given pickles. and Rachel, a you;” turning, around, caught the heat of the sun. The ‘1 am a ve—vc—very 1 ■ tin- the warm during mid-day protested poorman. aws, gimlet and hammer, you their Thinking and human people avoid this first public,” remarked Rachel,' with a little opened window and let the air in, from Herman which multiply pow- by glance Brayton’s eyes, season was over: the storms will ne—ne— never come here t >n as laden with the rainy tropical again.” r for a thou-and, A ball of the Gits; but this is much ami asperity, she opened the oven door and mellow, ripened smell ot ap- shot forth mischief and Wln-n she good by twine, paper wanning trouble, triumph. of and October had cooled the one occasion an was made t>> discov- tried the witli her hand. from (lie orchard trees, and September attempt «nd paste are worth many hymn books and vol- sometime- impossible as in night work, like stag- temperature ples drooping walked away at noon, Herman her in' the joined air and refreshed the rich verdure by er his address. .Mr. Allyn was seen in a and work. .Vow “The Braytons havn’t had time to crysantlieunis and zenias blooming about the most natural manner copious umes of sermons as means of moral culture. Balls, ing physician's all this trouble get possible. rain-falls. and near Fulton with a bundle Old Fli Shorter the. Over the tinted Hoses, jessamine, clematis by-street, Ferry, ar< tilings ship-shape. was, dooryard. prismatieally “Do snow,” said lie, “howl construed sIe.|s ami skater, are far betu r than many tine- ami loss entirely avoided, as we have found on you bloomed luxuriantly hi gardens, and festoon- of vegetables in bis hand, which he appeal ed dreadful shiftless, and let the place rundown woods, softened by a tender haze, crows the minister’s text? To me it sounded like pun homilies n the duly of doing good. Bui large trial, by getting the harness-maker to get up ed the verandahs and roots of the isolated to have just bought at .James street market at the heel. Besides, Rachel, don’t spoil your were circling, and their loud caw s alone broke this: ‘Love them that stone chickens, th cost the windows and leather i>it< for winter so made that no metal your villas overlooked the windows of the But he was and >1 something; looking- use, a the by lofty evidently suspicious, dodgi market. There’s likely young man over country stillness, which always seems and scald and drive cows •j Lasses brotn the house substance can touch the flesh. are durable your pigs, your which stands far abo\ e the town. The about from one to another for several get u; gets dirty and tilings They there. has a of a hotel, place Everybody good word for Her- deeper dreamy autumn day. off to pound; and it did not seem to he a ■tirned topsy-turvy.” But is not the fact of and cost only half a dollar. We w otildn’t roads, all under Government control, hours, and finally succeeded in escaping getting exchange man Brayton. Folks say he has been Rachel was contented in the midst of her difficult command to being through very obey.” are and well across the. East river witluait observed poken backs, broken heads and own broken ours for a one, it it couldn't he wide macadamized. Gangs of being your gold replaced. college, and knows a sight; but he don’t put busy loneliness. There was .something about Mrs. who was I’ettigrew walking behind, convicts are detailed for the service, and from Hi- by -ending them out into the thick e\il> of Gon't fail to try it, on air- and lie has chosen to lie a farmer, the mild of the and the beau- her any glow morning, nudged daughter Esther, and whispered, erected be world to till this immortal of tin ot the the spacious prison, by New York relics of a New London y.-arning -on! rather than to go into lawing or doctoring.” ty world, and the soft wind coming in “I alius told how it would come out.” Among the couple, l ie- is a German for you contractors, outside the town, we could the husks of fhe sv. die, a following recipe coaling the just a of itt» far mmc t» rrible “1 am not acquainted wit li the young man,” through south windows, that tilled her Now the Henderson and farms arc which tlie wife had excavated from pile wood with a Brayton see them march out each substance as hard as stone: 40 parts with rest. morning under the an t evil** said Rachel eoldlv; “blit lean tell him one She had almost forgotten the an- united in one, and Herman has demonstrated rubbish, was old fashioned mortar, heat ol chalk : »n of and wardens and seemed to he resin, 1 of linseed oil, melted more of those turnkeys. They but minus the h It w as A to i he little g rls, they a> naturally trike to thing—it takes than college learning to noyances yesterday and provoking to bis bis tall and fat ami capacious, pest to neighbors, by grain well cared for both in and anil together; this should be added one part of ox- teach some to and was about her work clothing food, of no use as it was, and the t>> mg mothers and Imust -k epers themselves as at people observe the rights of Ilraytoiis, stepping meadow lands, the resonableness of scientific lady began ide of and did not look so sullen and broken as in our copper, afterwards one part sulphuric others.” “Greenville,” in a clear, sweet, but lie never tires of her lord to the article neivssarv t>> manhood, Ties i> their great moral want; to singing farming, joking his wife from the island pester get acid. Tlii* last must be added “Link and Airs. untutored when a all of a country, though being small, make it So on In' m ■ ingredient carefully. out, Rachel,” old Petti- voice, gawky lad, Rachel about her war, and if she to complete. Saturday night tppiy which dolland all th. otiiill< -s things expects Tl miles M, is almost The mixture, while hot. is with a brush. s trewed her into an odious color—from bis tow trowsers, hitched in only by escape impossi- started out in search of a store ■ applied grew eyes wink, high hear the end of it the term of her nat- pestle, visiting t inimi- house keeping i- as uuieh the duty of pa- during ble. are nearly all colored. [Scientific American. “I’ve Beard talk as do afore the back by improvised suspenders, to the ural life I fear she will he They after store without finding the article. At nt' to provide thoir food and raiment. This to girls jest you disappointed. but there’s no what locks that from below the Carriages being plenty' and cheap, we ex- each In took a drink, until at lttoVloi k hem i moral lood. now; knowing may hap- straggling strayed place BRAIN the shore eastward the a WORK AND MANUAL LABOR. pen. I must tell you of a remark Philan- rim ot a torn straw hat—made his appearance RECIPROCITY. plored along bay to he was found little beside himself At last in But children w ill their out-givw amusements as 1 lie at the old Fort a white- his search Ini discovered a of dumb Herald el Health thus discourses on the com- der m ule last night, just as we was blowing the door. In of the ofthe Spanish iMontagh. pair heavy to do their and spite opposition President, y garments, must have others of mental and force to the relief ol “I tell the washed block-house, in of one artill- and one in each bining physical out the candle. It seemed to strike him sud- thought I’d stop and folks,” said as shown in his late the charge bolls, bought them, taking — friends of to their both mind wl -‘The messcge, a opted growth and nature. When the body: worker with his ‘I his head in, “that cows eryman, at the narrow eastern entrance of hand started on his home at brains brain denly; and, says he, ‘Huldy,’ says he, he, putting Brayton’s liberal commercial intercourse between Can- way Arriving kites are for woultNQnvc work more if he had a Here a mere handful exchanged dickeys and barher-shops shouldn’t be a bit it one of these are in corn. Gosh! stuffed the harbor. of English the door he lifted the knocker with his teeth couple hours of hand work to do every day. It surprised your they’ve ada and the United States have strong hopes on the face of can’t tell to bust." from Charleston landed, and, the and let it “thud.” His wife let him in. and -though things you why; such per-ons could have their gardens and to times Rachel and Herman Bayton struck up themselves till they’re ready that a be secured. frightening shops reciprocity treaty may of the town Put no matter; the man is last grow beneath the run lo when their heads are tired, would a match. For see the farms and it the strain died on Rachel’s Spanish garrison by reports of an what he those ing they you jine, Instantly lips, They say that the Western members are well inquired “lagged nasty things soon recuperate, and the muscular toil not in tndneed the 00111- home for?” : tai ;—and when the dolls give place to sighs being would look, as we might say, providential.”' the spirit of peace went out of her, and she to favor such that ovcnvnelining expedition, “Pessol, my dear," !*• replied excess would soon he a If, on the disposed treaty; hostility it to delight. other “Folks was to act on the old law ot “an mandor to surrender tlie British Crown, “beautful when one wears ■■uni fender poetry, wha! then are the means for tbo toiler needn’t trouble themselves about prepared in the East and on the ofthe (Idc) pessols; baud, with the band could do daily some part government it now matches lor broke in for an and a tooth for a tooth.” to which lias belonged for more than out, turn use t'other. m 0 says the Press. [Prog. Age. OUT. A to Deer Island—Incidents the is considerable we ng of the old Legislature, including all the mem- Journey by room also is a watchman and tion exciting interest, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1869. Not a placed night tiers declared elected General ship left! The magnificent harbor of Wo arc happy to say to our readers that Way—Dredging the Harbor—House of In- which by Mead’s proclama- an alarm bell with the officer-' copy below the debate by j sm h as are Various connecting interesting tion.exeept Unqualified by the fourteenth Portland, easy of access, safe and secure— we think the affairs of our railroad have been dustry—Its Departments-—Banner amendment—the a- of rooms. it was and which shows very Legislature to lie considered PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. Light Office—-Carboell Expose---Some- But all these accompanied, j with not a it her home. so that no notwithstanding pre- provisional only until after further action by Con- ship calling From arranged further difficulty need be More About the Girls. ■ thing Working cautions, last winter so learlv how is Hills were fund- they tar carried into repudiation regarded by gress. introduced providing for —BY— her stretch either as harbor, railroads their iron arms apprehended, to its location, con- Dec. 1SG0. the democratic The is from ing the public debt and for annulling contracts for Boston, 18, operation a plan to escape, as to cut the hell party. following labor made with H. to the far interior to the struction, or the of emigrants in foreign countries. | WILLIAM grasp produce for furnishing funds—and It was a of and it had throw the summary in the New York Senator Drake the 1 SIMPSyN, only strip paper, yet rope, pepper into the eyes of tin* telegraphic called up lits bill restricting jur- not a that all warfare EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. exportation—but ship hails front Port- paper upon the subject will to take me on a I House on the 16th : isdietion of the Supreme Court, which he sustained power very pleasant excur- watchman, and kick up a confusion. lerald of the proceedings to cease. general in a long Senators Kdmunds and Salis- Surscriution Terms. In advance, $2.00 a year; land reap the harvest of the ocean An has been effected Com- argument. carry- arrangement sion to Deer Island. The first of It was their to The House then, at two o'clock, went into after within the year, $2.50; at the ot tne part my plan get the keys of the build- replied to the argument- of Mr. Drake, , expiration year $3.00. trade. The all mittee of the Whole on the President's annual mes- bury Advertising Terms. For one Tone inch of ing tide, ebbs and flows at her whereby subscribers to the stock, save on- was which the Senate went into executive session and square, journey performed on foot and alone. ing from the watchman, and thus but Allison in the chair, and was adddressed length in column,) $1.25 for throe anil 25 cents lor escape ; ijj, Mr. weeks, deserted the in them ly the towns of Brooks and to adjourned. cacti insertion. A fraction of a shipyards, buildings Unity, agree Down Ilanover the he too smart fv Mr. Mi nukv. (dem.) of Ohio, in criticism of the were intro- subsequent square charg- street—past American proved for them. After a In the House a large number of hills as a glance tihaneiul of the Mr. ed lull one. slowly rot, the skilled 'mechanics acquiesce in all that has been and to with policy government. Mungen's duced, including aii amendment to the National: emigrate done, House, its stately front—past the an- into the 1 was to which was delivered from Hospital obliged leave ■rgument, manuscript, Currency act; to abolish the l'rankmg privilege; —the business is dead. ton pay their subscriptions as due. This is ef- cient a of the national delit. j Administrators, Executors ami Guardians de- Only years ago, Fleet street, and its in of the of ulvoi ated repuiliation to surviving soldiers of the war of fsi-a. churches—through consequence early departure (he pension siring their advertisements published in the Journal, before the was cursed fected a sort of Mr. iiltOOKs, (dem.) ofN. V., said:—The geu- of A concurrent just country with the by compromise on a crowds of women and and for the readmission Virginia. will please so state to the Court, as nil not so plan poverty-stricken men, boat, and came back well satisfied with all iii in from Ohio said, and well said, he spoke advertising of only resolution for both houses to adjourn from Wednes- directed is withheld from this paper. reign radicalism, Portland had 115,000 that originated with the North lor himself. If what he said had not been said on company’s solicitor. J children—into and across Commercial I saw. The institution is a day, December 22 to January owns passed. A certainly good in tons of and built an of Gov. and is as follows— the floor of the House, presence of all of us, I resolution was introduced by Mr. Butler that the shipping, average Crosby, street, and here we are at the Old one, and well conducted. not fee! it to SUBSCRIBERS desiring to have the address ol papers Ferry slip. Order, neatness, should necessary disclaim all respon- live cent tax on income from bonds be deduct- vessels a First. Determine per changed, must state the Post Office to which the paper, eight large year. Now their last what amount of over the side of the trim little steam- for Ids of and 1 think interest oil all money, Stepping regularity and are all ob- ibiliiy advocacy repudiation, ed from the bonds paid by the United has been sent as well as that to which it is to over and above what is humanity rigidly 1 for the democratic members from New go. is represented sub- may speak States to the owners tltbreof. Mr. Fox called up ship gone. by er in waiting, the first salutation is Bass, served in the treatment of its inmates. ) ork State as well as for The National scriptions for and myself. his resolution of inquiry into the cause of the gold Foreigners thrive on our The red jsiock, preferred non-pre- The debt never has been never can he. never will be re- M. Pettengill & Co., G State St., Boston folly. ferred, and which can be please. pass duly inspected, I next At 158 street is the office ol panic in September, which was amended and pass- ana :\7 collected, is Washington unteli of what the said is | Park Row, New York, are our authorized Agents of waves from at the head requir- pudiated. While gentleman ed. Mr. Ward a monster sign- for flag England ships ed to the road. had choice between a seat in the cabin or the of dis. presented petition, procuring subscriptions and forwarding advertise- complete Borrow that amount my Banner two ut stair- irue. all that relates to repudiation we utterly ed for of the inde- of on Light—up (lights by 72,000 persons, recognition ments. every pier in Portland. the bonds, secured of the road. one in the tuim. We to cent of the debt They bring by mortgage pilot house, and the lat- and turn to left. It is ns ar- expect pay every pendence of Cuba. The Census bill was taken up 4s^*S. R. Niles No. 1 Scollay's Building, Court St., This to tlie accepted your nice, well a re- that be first mort"-a°pe to contract, and under better and and considered in committee of the whole, and at Boston, is authorized to receive advertisements for this cargoes supply the merchants of all the ter as the host •cording 1 affording opportunity of ranged and eo/y an as would duced sv-tem of taxation we think it will be as eas- paper. Second. lien issue to holders of sight- apartment you four o'clock the House adjourned. and load the trains of cars on shares, is an au- region, long wish ily pald'as the debt of the war of 1K12. C. Evans, ion Washington Street, preferred and non-preferred, bonds in seeing. see, and the gentlemanly clerk in at- of lnd., said:—While l re- Dee. Utli. In the Senate the death of* the late thorized agent ot this paper. the railroads. receive the wheat equal Mr. Kraut, (dem.) They flour amount to the shares so 1 lie first object of interest is the arrival of tendance and \va> J^Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 40 Park New York, held, scoured by answers member \ ■ rv well that my friend from Ohio (Mr. Fessenden, of Maine, announced by Row, promptly pleasantly jtenator will receive advertisements lor this paper, at the lowest and of the country, and earn on the road. This to be the • he did us mi this side the justice lo remark ms successor. Mr. Morrill, and resolutions of re- general produce mortgage second Black Maria,” which is a covered car- \<>ui auu attenus to vour wants Mungen) rates. Their orders will always receive prompt attention. enquiries tied ill whatever lie was about to say he would al- spect to his memory were adopted. Eulogies on in it abroad. But Port- mortgage. large profits carrying riage, somewhat a is the circle to bind but ltimself. yet T deem it an the deceased were delivered by Senators Morrill, The rate of interest on resembling market-wag- Directly opposite spiritual room i.-mpt nobody land has seen her last these bonds to be to those whom I Trumbull. Williams, Cattell, ship pass away. used lor tie of act of duty to myself and represent Siflnner, Anthony, Newspaper Decisions. graduated as provided in article 18 of the purpose conveying pris- where free circles aro held thret times a week and 1 believe 1 say it with becoming modesty i— Patterson. Davis. McViekers and Hamlin, and at W hat a volume of condemnation of the im- 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the by-laws of the or such other oners through the with Mrs. Conant an able and to the whole democratic of this country—to half-past three o'clock the Senate adjourned. company, by city. Backing carefully accomplished party post-office—whether directed to his name or another’s, of the ! scale as the a resolution was becility party in power is here And may be deemed This ar- to the u that I do not endorse repudiation in any form, In House offered inquiring or whether he has subscribed or not—is responsible lor judicious. up gangway, the driver dismounted, j medium in charge. with into the of of inter- tlie can lie made Tastefully arranged h that 1 do not believe that that great and honor- expediency abolishing agents payment., yet in the city of Belfast is a paper rangement only by a vote of the unfastened the and '•L If a orders his he must declaring door, there descended flowers upon the tallies and on tin- tile part y of which 1 have the honor to tie an lmm- nal revenue and apportioning the amount of do- person paper discontinued, stockholders at a and pictures all or the may continue to send that we are just as well oft' without meeting legally called, i. member endorses any such theory. mestic tax to be raised among the several States, pay arrearages, publisher ships! the one, t wo, three—ves, eleven women, and one walls it is a to it until payineut in made, and collect the whole arrangement must have the sanction of pleasant place \i-it, whether Mr■. Si.ot r.u, t >u*m.) ot N. 1., saul:—l am gtau and also one expressing indignation at the holding amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. to be man. The return back one believes in the in >r.»m Ohio makes no of of American citizens as in Legislative authority valid. solitary trip brought there gentleman pretence rep- political prisoners Eng- The courts have decided that to take ne ws A LITTLE CRITICISM. philosophy faugh1 was refusing six women ir-i ntiie* party in tin* remarks he ha- land. A Dill introduced requiring meteorolo- and from or This was submitted at a ami two men. How do ac- or not. any political papers periodicals the post-office, removing Says the .Journal of ICtli inst.: “A of twins plan meeting of you » ■ 1 the observations to he made at stations pair him.I.- Th* iiert --ional district have honor gical military and leaving them uncalled for, is prlma racie evidence emmt be were recently horn on a Pennsylvania Railroad the Directors on and for this P—on the that women the the of i.» pi*, sent mi this floor pays into the Treasury j and notices to made by telegraph of the approach ot intentional fraud. triday night, having principle l!y way Spiritualists Boston and train." Does two make a or four a at more taxes than two or three of the Western States of storms on the Atlantic seaboard and on the pair, pair been are more wicked than men? twins? approved by them, was taken in hand Hardly. Audi vicinity ha re been somewhat exercised over tin* that he Northern lakes. The bill for the conditional ad- Camden. unbilled. and 1 can as-ure gentleman Subscribers are to take notice ol the date on ■ requested ('. 1!. one of yet 1 am sure are more curious, for in the so called Carboncll the sentiment.- ofno and I mission of Virginia and in the colored attached to the It is the by llazeltinc, Esq., the most they expose. Mr t ir represents party, may representation Congress slips paper. only Let us start fairly, and see if •‘Camden” -a\ no of that district. For one, I here was recommitted to tin* committee on Rceon-true- form of now used. For 15 the crowd collected to see this bonell is an t.i people receipt Instance, May 68, prominent of the stock-holders, motely crew Englishman by birth aud edit n- means that the is lias himself a non-paying Irrlai'c that no party hope of political ad- tion. A memorial from tie- National Colored Con- subscription paid to that date. When good foundation. “Does two anew is the who its his transferred to tlit* steamer were three men tion, and claims to all the vancement. will ever induce me to favor meas- vention was the donation of payment made, dale will be Immediately urged acceptance upon associates. perform feat- f any presented, asking pub- make,” &c. “Two” is a noun, and in in changed to correspond, and thus a receipt in lull is sent plural and ure tending towards repudiation, either directly, or lic lands the South, lots of forty acres each, to At the date of this twenty women. the both in the manner 1 with every paper. Subscribers in arrears are requested writing they have all, Davenport Brothers, mliitM any measure tending to prevent this colored settlers who shall occupy the same for one “does” is a singular verb, so the sentence tly/or to forward the suras due. with a few The from wharf to wharf con- and in owi .1 is. The House then went into < ommittee of the insignificant sub- passage they employ afterwards the ll nnirnt from barging every obligation in-j year. Asjrln sending money, state THE POST OFFICE to runs the ancient rule of exceptions, light of the rebellion in strict Whole and took the Census bill. its plump against gram- sumed an half the urred in the suppression up Pending j which the paper is sent. 5# scribed an agreement to pay their assess- hour, and the time was very Davenports are really humbugs, even ..cctirdance with the letter and spirit of the law ero- discussion a m* ssage was received from the Senate marians. As for the twin it question, ought ments and new in one, the behalf of the I its action on the death of Senator Fes- accept the agreeably spent watching the Spiritualists not ding the obligation. In democracy announcing to be settled. If the latitude of arrangement. lessening excepted, ought, : all senden. when wore delivered several THE WHIG S meaning, rpiv-ciit 1 hereby repudiate repndiator.-. eulogies by SCARE-CROW. The amount to be raised on the first mort- spires of the city, in noting its size and ap- and doubtless will be glad to -oe them ex Mr. liani»ai.i .»f Pa., said—Mr. Chair-j members, ami tin* House adjourned. which our had ex- ,\tU*m.) The after else correspondent apprehends, as to me it is ITingor Whig, everybody gage bonds is small, not over pearance seen from the and in posed. man—In the tine* allowed hardly possi- isted in Bible probably $50,- bay, obser-j < Dee. loth. In the Senate several were times, and the patriarch Isaac- ble that 1 should follow the gentleman from )hio | petition- has seen and acknowledged the flimsiness ol 000—but in order to have margin sufficient, ration of the busy ferry boats, the noisy tugs, The Bangor Whig, of Dec 11th. contains Mr. Mungen) in all his doings, or what I might presented for pen-ions ami for relief from political had been told that Rebecca had borne a j the pair it was and numerous a term hi- for disabilities; also a memorial from a convention of repudiation pretext, keeps banging away agreed that the sum should not exceed ships lying at the East Boston letter written by one Joeeline, who accuses mildly political heresies; but, my- of twins, he would have felt anxious can constituents. I am men the of tin* the mighty th. [ think 1 speak for my laboring asking apportionment pub- at venerable seare-erow, and picking its $150,000. On a load-bi d costing $858,000 piers. Among these was the good steamer' your correspondent of not being “posted,” ot utterly opposed to repudiation. The moment allow-' lic lands in the Southern States among the colored until he knew the facts. When such old flint-look and as it chaps this sum is so small as to hauled for winter “erroneous d mi* gives nit tin* opportunity to remonstrate laborers. The joint resolution providing for a re- again again, though render the second Cambridge, up repairs. making statements,” and of ■•ad- as Esau and Jacob arc thrust into a the enunciation of scheme oflegislation cess of Congress from Wednesday, the -2d instant was bat! le a terrible family, But tin1 rooms .igaiu-t any | doing against adversary, mortgages as good as first mortgages com- greatest novelty were two dredging vertising to rent,” and finally wind- hi*'h I believe would place niv country in a dis- to Wednesday, January f», was taken up and pass- it makes a difference in the It has this monotonous and foolish mighty house, machines at with an honest attitude before the world. Not only do I ed. Senator Rrownlow bad read from the Secre- kept np monly arc, and a security that will sell readi- work upon the East Boston Hats. up angry growl about its j whether there are two or four of them. “being belief* that \vi* should the debt,but I believe, tary’s desk a personal defending him- now a pay explanation lusilade for year, to the derision of its in market. Another to the The iron bask- great deal easier to cook a dinner than it > self of to secure ly any advantage large, unwieldy, spoon-shaped, w hat i> of vasty more importance, that the country against the charge endeavoring tin- Strictly speaking, the phrase “a pair of twins” a- and the mortification of its friends. ets, are lowered to toil till for the to ia- tic the disposition mid the resources to election of Andrew Jolm-on Senator from Tennes- opponents stock-holder is the readiness with which he holding many bushels, reg- day money purchase it ability* is there seems to be a defect pav it. 1 with tin* from Ohio see. Senator Carpenter called up his resolution The latter must have been more tautology—but Poor man! 1 agree gentleman than ordi- can make use of the bonds as security in rais- ularly and dextrously to the bottom by means hope his temper hasn't been Mr. Mungen) that this debt was negotiated at ru- declaring that the Spanish gunboats in New York in the which necessitates its use. to see its lame ar- language of the mud occasioned .11'>ti- rates. That i- a matter of just criticism should not be permitted to least* that harbor, sup- narily chagrined terribly ing money, or any like purpose. And steam, scooped up, hoisted to the spoilt by dyspepsia by costly living we had written “Twins were finally against the who then controlled the porting his resolution in a speech of considerable ticle in the issue of in is Suppose born,” The article parly govern- Monday, which it the city of Belfast, with the other holders of top, swung round to the side and their con- long was enough to frighten a ment and mad*- the negotiation : but as to those who length. Senator Sumner briefly replied to Senator &c—it be considered that to resort to the most mis- might possible tents into the 'much older head hold bond* upon which i- stamped the faith Carpenter, arguing against interference in Cuban obliged grievous preferred and stock, will have emptied scows in waiting. than mine, and I confess to more than one woman is non-preferred <»i th.* I stands in no other affairs. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, called up tin* qf country -ay repudiation to make even the semblance capable being on The material thus obtained is used for mak- some as I adown the col- hill the reduction of of representation security the road, with a bonded indebted- misgivings glanced light except t he light of dishonesty. In saying this providing against wage* made sick by in the cars. We under- » of an In on the vote riding land somewhere Of umn and saw the 1 but repeat what l have said before inj onstitn- government artisans and laborers, which bill he j argument. commenting ness of probably only one eighth its value ing else. the fifty acres frequence with which “Mis- a stand the of the ■ nt-. I believe that in the interests of niy opposed in long speech. Tim Senate, alter a necessity stating population country i following Mr. Monger's repudiation speech, between the whole and themselves. of South Boston llats sold last week to the Pcrcie” appeared. But on reconsidering There-hould he no question about paying the entire brief executive session, adjourned. statistics with and should be property of which we an precision, glad principal of tin* public debt. In tlu* House Mr. Jones, of Kentucky, offered a | give account elsewhere, the In view of this arrangement the DirectolO, Boston and Albany Railroad Company, a till the facts, and making some further in Mr. Poii'Kk, of N. Y., -aid:—Mr. Chair- resolution the nation’s regard for of a better torm of Will our (dem.) declaring George I expression. at of thirteen feet of the whole area is to i f have come to the I and the to Whig says— a meeting held on di- grade quiries, conclusion that man, upon questions of public faith and national Peabody authorizing President despatch write the himself, Monday morning, a war Democrats failed to at least correspondent paragraph am hmior, I do not propose to let any man decide for fleet of vessels to meet the EuropeanVonvoy ] lmriy- vote, rected the Treasurer to adjourn the sale of he filled with material dredged from the har- right ; and. like the indomitable Stanton, me or to vote. I am with Mr. remain- ami to make half of whom were in their seats at the commence- and as an any organization control* my Peabody'- proper concisely precisely, example? bor in this manner. It is to on 1 men! of the roll-call, so that it is a the individual and to thm) to lie covered propose “stick.” Joeeline “] S8 not unmindful of some of the evils to which the. gen- arrangements for reception. Rill- were introduced minority, after stock, proceed with says pav all. of the Democratic in the House that, has tleman bom Ohio has adverted, hut without now for the resumption of specie payments, to remove party that of the towns of Brooks and Ac- with a top filling of gravel three feet in for a front room up two with itself on record The Ricittr to Tax Banks. Chief .Jus- Unity flights, tape-try leferring to him I desire simply to say that myself all disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amend- put against repudiation. The sub- waked a which will three hundred shares subscribed bv depth. carpet, black walnut set with marble and nr» constituents disclaim the doctrine of repu- ment, and to increase theiave* on national banks. ject tip deep feeling, unques- tice Chase has delivered the opinion of the cordingly top n tiui! vent in warm discussions hereafter. diation advocated the gentlemen from Ohio. Resolutions were He red declaring against tie* sale tionably two us A friend of mine Slti.Ou for a front room by Court in the case of the Veazie Unity and hundred by Brooks, were sold Time ami steam to Deer Island, pays < < no one of Indian lands to and <>f course their Congressional Supreme brought Mr. 'ox, d**m.) of X. Y., said:—While by treaty corporations spec- Representatives two exhibit the views of the A to Axel at one dollar share. which is and narrow in and not up flights, with only a of a black more ready than I to honor the soldier and tin* ulators, and that no appropriations of money for fairly political party. Bank vs. Jeremiah Fenno, Collector of In- Ilayford, per long shape part • be strong of Democratic are gentleman from Ohio who has just sp(»ken, I will carrying such treaties into tl‘«*<*t will inad«* by majority Congressmen a vote was in area. walnut set, not marble ternal to recover the tax of ten Subsequently passed instructing very large Whether it derives its topped, plain English not tin him the injustice to believe that he under- the House repudiators, and several of those who voted Revenue, per ate so. We the solicitors, Messrs and from some fancied resemblance carpet, plain window shades, no hot water take- !•» -peak either lor the democracy of his State against repudiation contingently" cent upon its circulation imposed by the act company’s Crosby appellation or of are Dee. 10th. A resolution wa- introduced in the trust that no effort will he hereafter made to no iht* nation. Ifis opinions his own. He deny to at once suits those to tin' animal of that or some other bath room, and furnishes her own means of lMtiti. The Veazie chartered Jewett, begin against name, bedding •done i- sponsible forthem. They are not tolera- Senate asking the Attorney General for informa- that Democracy now what it has meant for July, Bank, tion thease of of the ten dishonor. towns to recover the balance due. I am unable to state. this Island And the lady further assured me that when ble now under arrest by military authorities. The no her her husband's Congress they The Whig has authority for saying that \ cry little doubi is entertained that these is the House of where men and wo- own, and child’s board -hould, the because fails bill relative to the appellate jurisdiction of the Su- unconstitutional because it was in the nature Industry, bondholders; Congress half of the for the week and the to The claims of claimants, or Court was taken and advocated Sen- Democrats towns will see the men are sent for various offences. In con- paid coal and washing pay loyal because preme up bj thirty-nine non-voting of a direct tax, and interfered with rights delinquent hopelessness -a the and taxation of the ator Turnbull, who ottered an amendment restrict- hill outrageous persistent were in limit' seats. There were but 125 votes and tolly of contending in this matter, and nection with it is a home for paupers, and a settled, they scarcely ever have anythin people. The- worst form of repudiation 1ms not ing the powers of Justices of the Supreme Court in vested in the bank by its charter. The Court to eases east, more than 100 short of the full their At reform school for In an loft of own room is small o been referred to. The legal lenders are a debt. So issuing writs of habeas corpus and per- being affirmed the constitutionality of the law, pay subscriptions. any rale, the boys. adjoining build- j My long as they arc unredeemed so long is there sons within their respective districts. Tlie Hill to house. If and l repu- .19 Democrats failed lo vote, where last of the “hard places” in the progress of ing is a school for pauper girls, and a new plainly lurnished, by no means t,i diation. Who i> responsible for thi- ? 1 charge perfect tlie reconstruction of Georgia was called up grounding its opinion on the article in the were the it the members now around me with and an amendment ottered and discussed sixty odd Republicans? Are the lias been over, and in ot erection is sumptuously every day, and yet costs me republican requir- they constitution enabling government to lay and enterprise gotten building process designed lacking the. -kill or the to redeem the ing the Legislature to ratify tlie fourteenth and $8,00 week for meals courage legal repudiators. likewise? A motion by Mr. ; henceforth there is plain sailing. We con- for a similar purpose for pauper hoys. The per and lodging t t' nder-. fifteenth amendments, but without taking a vote collect taxes and provide for tin; defence and » House of is a obtain them both a Mr. J >a\y'!•>. ; )*»!' Ma--. i- flu* mi tlie amendment the Senate adjounu d. Rl'ooks. which the tails to our Hi/.ens amt the on the Industry handsome brick edi- from man, md it there ivp. What inter- Whig conveniently general welfare <>l the l nited States, the gratulate public r I- it not re- In the House the Census hill was taken all is pretation of Mi Pendleton's theory up, record, shows the state of the House at the There is no reason fice. trimmed with unhewn four any cheating, .Joceline will admit, 1 pudiation. the proposed amendments considered and the bid tax was not a direct tax, hut was in the same flattering prospect. good granite, -up Al two o'clock tile House went into Com- time. It is tins, as in the X. Y. Her- the cars not be over the stories in and surmounted with a pose, that it isn’t the first time that a woman Mr. C<>\—I might agree with Mr. Pendleton s m* passed. given class as taxes on insurance which why may running height, it would not be Did mittee of the Whole and was addressed by Mr. companies, has been terpretation; yet repudiation. ald report— whole route by August next. dome. The main building is square, from imposed upon by one of ids ima not the distingushed moralist from Massachusetts Mungan, of Ohio, on the financial policy of the gov- has already been decided not to be direct ernment. of the national Mr. brooks, of X. Y., suggested that as a great -___ which extends four sex. Mr. Pullen agree with Mr. Pendleton? and advocating repudiation taxes. The decision sustains the constitu- wings. Mr. was to members were absent on account of the un- Tti tdd' ii- Stevens and Senator Morton r And are debt. Mungan replied by several demo- many No, don’t wish o> that no business PARKERS BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUN. I shall be aide to but an girls—I frighten vmi they repudiators:• 1 understand the astuteness of cratic members, who denied his right to speak for derstanding would be transacted, tionality of the law creating a national cur- give you imper- the vote should not he from the 1 ilit* gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Dawes). the democratic party, denounced repudiation as a taken till the next meeting fect idea of the various city; but want to deal honestly the Court asserted We call the attention of in this departments, my 1 Hie of the when the vote would show a full ex- rency, although expressly7 sportsmen He de-ire- t<» .1 tone to the debate,but political heresy, and declared entire debt must House, with 1 give partisan visit to each somewhat hurried We you. don't want you to come into tin lie cannot do it. Without regard to party, the House lie paid in strict accordance with the letter and pression of opinion. that it was not called upon to pass upon that vicinity to the card of the Barker Brothers, being liould endeavor to raise, not to our credit spirit of the obligation. At the close of tlie discus- Mr. Sehotield. (rep.l of I’a., with that objective city to do so much better than degrade such a tender of West who are introduc- first went through the Laundry, which is sup- expecting you sion of view, moved that the House do now currency legal Meriden, Conn., mil honor. 1 denounce repudiation in every form Mr. Garfield, Ohio, introduced a resolution adjourn. portion making can at and The House refused to with boilers and other home, then return disappointed —whether it epudiates legal tender notes or bonds, that the proposition of repudiation is unworthy the adjourn, and the vote on in individual transactions. ing to the public a new gun of their own in- plied large copper nation, and that the House, without the resolution was taken and and discontented or, worse fall into laiins or eoiistitutioual guarrantee.-. I will never distinction of by yeas nays. No conveniences for the immense still, set its seal of vention and manufacture. gentleman doing daily ■hi lit to favor th«- dishonor of my country, which party, condemnation upon ail stteh This is the of the In some comments our article favor- the snares important part story upon ot the establishment. laid for your untrained feet. 1 he i- bound up with it- prosper'd}. All of our consti- propositions. This resolution was adopted, yeas who follows the absorbing and health-giving washings Possibly which the as an a the Kev. XV. H. tuent- pay tuxes alike to sustain the public credit. 123, nay- 1—Jones, of Kentucky. A message‘was Whig, interested witness, ing reciprocity treaty, Prog. Age urged some women were on Murray, in n late sermon said recreation of shooting, can afford to be- forty duty here, and Hide arc tpie-iion- w hich will nre-s hereafter— received from the President, in reply to a resolu- that it would be hard on our lag fails to tell. There was an understanding particularly in the Over this i.- “And daily is virtue sold tor bread." Would whether taxation is inordinate, whether wo ought tion calling for a copy of tlie correspondence of the hind modern improvements and use the old eiothes-yard adjoining. fishermen to have Provincial lish introduced this so not reduec it: whether with a full it is State Department with Minister Sickles in regard that no business would be transacted, and a be it work was and Treasury, slow an 1 cunil ersome muralo-loaders. The the Sewing ltooin. Here more than one plenty compeusa to Cuban and atfairs. The President re- ii *t an outrage to keep up these burdens. Put we Spanish hundred members went The free. It Air. Morrill, of Vermont, as lion sufficient? The fault isn't that the a away. republi- quoted bundled women were < ib agree that our credit should remain untarnished. ferred House to letter from Secretary Fish, revolution that is on in guns ranged in hairs, girls with the disastrous going sporting to We dirter on the w and means to who declines to comply with the request of the can forced a vote under these cir- specially impressed have work hard or that arc no* may ays preserve majority being follows that of lire-aniis of all for the clothed in prison uniform of blue cheeked employers our credit and as to other fiscal but on House, on Hie ground that it was grades questions, incompatible cumstances, and the out results of such free admission of Provincial to all can afford as with the interest, Whig squeals that dresses and are willing pay they but hi- let u- be in colieord. public use of armies. Col. Colt’s application of the aprons. Ordinarily they Mr. Woodw of said that it ■the favor national dishonor"— In this view of the matter we call Mrs Livermore The cities are ard, (dem.) Pa., seem- Democracy goods. at work, hut now out says running Dkc. IT. In tlie Senate Mr. Summer called of I reeeh-loading and revolving kept lmsy just being 'd to him to be a day of general confession, (Laugh- up attention to the front principle over with the Hill relative to communications although but one man voted against the following paragraph girls you are crowding each othet er.) 11«• had happened to be a member of the Su- telegraphic with chambers to pistols, was followed by the of employment, they were sitting holt up- i-r. nie < otirl of w lien the foreign countries, which provides that such compa- resolution—and that one that he Monday’s to death, down the tut Pennsylvania republican explained Congressional proceedings: for with folded hands and to the crowding prices paid of and the nies shall be governed hv regulations established Sharp, Burnside and Spencer rifles the right, eyes front. unity Alleghanv republican city of by was not a Air. Morrill, of Vermont, reported favorably on labor, and tlie United States. Bills were introduced to abolish repudiationist, but would favor it crowding up the cost id livim* Piit-burg repudiated a most honest and righteous the hill relative to the duties on eiireil'and use of armies. With the return of in- There were hut a few the and repealing peace, pleasant, good-humor- debt, and it had fallen to his lot to write the first franking privilege to furnish stamps for rather than for bonds that are ex- fish. whilst in our western and homes flay gold preserved ventors have their attention to the ed faces the whole—the most country that was ever written in the payment of government correspondence, ami given ap- among being •'pinion Pennsylvania made families are to for the reduction of olliecrs of tlie pressly payable in greenbacks ! So the Age’s champion is willing to admit sufferiug for want of female (gain those repudiators. Other opinions in other provide army. plication of a like principle to guns for -port- hardened with shame and crime. Especially had follow ed, and those Commission- The Hill to perfect the reconstruction of Georgia The readers must in- to 1 stay at County Whig’s have lish from the Provinces our market free of so help." Again say—girls, home and was taken and mighty And of the that we was the countenance of an old white- er.- and municipal authorities had bee Imprisoned. up discussed and amended, an even- ing purposes. many session hold. different stomachs to be satisfied with such The that lie to, do house-work rather than submit Vi utsell I’lie Commissioners were one whole year in jail be- ing being duty! only thing objects have examined, of American manufacture, headed woman, who might have seen some Much is manifested in fore tin s would surrender to tlie authority of the opposition tin- Senate to feed, seems to be that we shall have the to sueii a life right, we not in our or so. The -he east ■ oiirl. tlie nomination of Attorney General Hoar as As- do hesitate giving preference seventy years glances There, have been sometimes seen in the Mr. false returns and other The family, by exemplary > 011113 man whose 1,1;- repudiate any portion of the debt of the United entitled to making delinquencies. if free of we must for them in [>i declaring Virginia representation. Mr. duty, pay gold, some of it. In tached tiie numerous machines. demeanor and ill l„. ,u. "fates i- unworthy the honor and good name of the lightening strikes mostly among those of the dem- give description appearance sewing improving eonversation w Schurz introduced a Hill to reform the civil service. sidered a sntfteient return for nation, and that the House, without distinction of ocratic persuasions, brother and not in This is the wise and These are run In an en- them." A Hill chartering an ocean cable to Holland was in- notwithstanding Simp- products! it differs scarcely at all from the handsomest by steam, supplied party, sets its seal of condemnation on son thinks few of the rogues are of that stripe. hereby any troduced. A resolution calling on the President of American interests stands in the eoncT. It must be, I think, that Joeeline has tud all such Free Press. vigilant protection by of the guns. The one we have, a gine that light propositions. for information relative to the Alabama claims wa- [Itoekland j old-styled the and its friends. ed upon a rare of the kind, md After some further debate, a direct vote agreed to. These revenue investigators remind 11s of Age 12 gauge, weighs less than eight pounds. By Many of the women bn light here have opportunity In the House, Mr. Butler stated that the Recon- is on the side of life lint the resolution was in the devices the oilieialsot The Kennebec Journal is a a lever forward of the the children, who are well taken care of basking sunny city upon had, resulting struction Committee had postponed unlit after tlie practiced by Philip denouncing pressing guard, young he shouldn't therefore doubt the vene . subjugation very course. Come, neighbor, wake up and department, Chapel. Among gill holiday is follows— Mr. Butler then introduced bill. “An act to turn as much as the bore. As soon as the shells arc a those pro- Spanish ruler thought say something. Are you a “stealthy repudia- inserted, This is both spacious, neat and tasteful, with for juveniles, put out by Dirk A Kit., k mote the reconstruction of tlie State of Georgia.” is now well understood that the recent were at their own doors. ? motion of the hand the its white walls and windows. of New York, are and upon which a lengthy debate sprung tip, which they ought, hanged tor” Don’t let that Kennebec fellow, fat single quick brings greenblinded gerald, very popular conference of the railroad men of leading was not finished at the date of the despatches. After a few hundred examples, the flow of with and with the barrels back to place, and a steel bolt shoots A handsome gallery runs around four sides cheap. "Howto Amuse an Part* the State has practically settled the question patronage gorged public Evening Dkc. 21. Hill to in coin into the was into the it in of it in is an w is a book of 130 ul an of their business suppress polygamy Utah treasury very satisfactory. insult your cherished breech, holding lirnily place. which placed organ ith gilded pages, containing directinn- integrity interests, was Mr. printing, principles. reported. Warner introduced a bill for are out of and the terms of consolidation of the Port- No doubt the Free Press of that Give him a broadside from the worn out The charge and cap then reach of The desk is for (lames, Tricks and ot the more equal distribution of tlie hanking capital. Inquisitorial type pipes. Chaplain’s very prettily Magic Sleight land and ifconnebee, the Maine Central, and In the the bill for called water, and cannot be The liam- Ac. Also House, reconstructing Georgia, day warning attention to the striking and press, even if it knocks the old concern dampened. carpeted and cushioned, and the seats of the Hand, Puzzles, “Howard's book their branches, have been This after debate, was passed. 121 to 51. Resolve was agreed upon. of “the Democratic liters strike steel pins, which are driven arc of some kind of Conundrums and of 1(12 eon the President to lightning among per- over. upon prisoners of unpainted wood. Puns,'’ pages, will work a new era in Maine railway man- adopted authorizing make prepar- ations for the of the of suasion.” the caps, thus them. The These with the hare white are the and choicest collection ,-t agement. The war between the broad reception body George Pea- against exploding floor kept spot- laming largest long body. The honest and facetious editor of the Belfast with which these lie and narrow gauge is ended, and We don't know the particulars about the rapidity guns may load- lessly clean. You will he struck, here as wit of the kind extant. Foi housekcepci everything Journal heads an advertisement of live geese will narrow down to one and one and tired is and the success gauge upon Itoekland Democrats who with a rooster. He is hound to have liis ed astonishing, in elsewhere, with the remarkable neatness ot they have a book of cookery, dire, The Portland of the penalties feathers, giving plan. For one, I believe that on the whole correspondent Boston illustrations true to nature. Journal. of course in have the luck to enjoy incomes—but every (Gardiner a day’s shooting proportion. the whole institution. tions for preparing potatoes, apples, egg. t he is cheerful for the who Herald chronclcs the — prospect people queer pop Our friend over at has following one of has Gardiner permission These are in all their and fish in four-hundred to out such who not made proper returns guns very strong From the we to the different ways. have been most heavily taxed A is to come off here Chapel proceed Hoy's carry marriage next week from us to use the same truthfulness. He of schemes born as often of and bad we can offset with two radical parts, and line workmanship. Mr. Allard, of these methods we know to be ex jealousy which is a genuine case of love at first sight. prominent Dining Room with its long narrow tables and Many blood as of business needs and honorable can put a portrait of Gov. Iliehborn over his of this who took the one we It seems that a'wortliy man who follows the smugglers in this city and vicinity, and throw city, apart have, wooden benches, and thence through various cellent. The will be asked to sanc- advertisement of Port and pride. legislature perilous and exciting calling of a shoemaker into tlie a Custom House that “Catawba, Grape expressed his great admiration of its work- tion formal bargain knew; long halls to the schools for boys. Pupils by decree the new alliance, but had been enamored of a or the so valuable as long pretty young of a contraband trade under its Sherry Wine,” Sambuei, as well as and effective- A Himve Bov. The Uoekland free Press whatever in this con- nothing right manship, simplicity who are habitual truants from the happens particular, widow, but never dared to tell her about it! public recent a diuretic, and these columns shall never re- ness. The locks move with that soft says during the gale and snow storm solidation is settled. Next month her in the street nose, the duties and penalties on which yet. schools are sent here, and also for other of- practically Meeting the other day he the schooner Commonwealth, John will, most show fruits of tho amounted to proach him. If our rooster laughs at the action to finished Captain likely, many mustered up courage and said—“ I beg" par- $150,000. strong peculiar work; fences. The master of the first division in- Ellents, anchored otf in the harlmr, load new in the of more his neck for his ill lay scheme, way Mrs. —, but I want to performance, we’ll while the in their inside harmony don, marry yov! F have wring barrels, especially formed us that on that had 252 ed with lime ready for sea. None of the crew and better business results than a 1 am day they boys ordinary. loved you (here he wo admit that the manners. are were on longtime. gave Suppose Blatchford, principal finish, remarkably beautiful. There arc in the four divisions. The lowest division is board Tuesday night except a boy. his name, &e., ) and you can take a week to iu the Xcw York customs frauds is a republican— several shot in use in Lewis Buckman of Smith Thomaston, as the Belfast Journal asserts—it seems to us to be breech-loading guns one of the and in this aged IMPORTANT SUCCESS OF THE CUBANS. inquire about me and can see me whenever The United States has made taught by larger boys, 14 About when tie- all the more creditable to the administration of government our tin1 most perhaps years. midnight, NT.w Your, Dec. 18. An Havana letter wish.” With this abrubt he city, costly being that of C. 1!. room a little was to side you proposition General Grant that it has ferreted out the an in the West Indies. boy summoned my storm was most the ve<-el of the 11th corrup- important acquisition raging fearfully, inst. states that the Cuban General left the astonished but not displeased Free Ilazeltine, made the celebrated both her chains and would lady tion. [Rockland Press. The of in St. has by Pape, who told me he was six years old. How parted undoubted Covolda, on the 27th of November, attacked is a to ruminate Bay Santana, Domingo, (he fine-looking man) upon There was no out about it. When English gunsmith, at a cost of $250 in gold. have been houc? One Do ly have been wrecked on the rocks and ledges < 'ienfuegos and drove the to their this novel method of the ferreting been leased for a naval station, and taken pos- long you year. you Spaniards popping question. The owner to its in near the Battery, had it not been for the re last behind the The and her friends did Blatchford had stolen all he wanted, he ran proposes try qualities like to live here? No, Sir. After dis- stronghold grand Plaza. lady investigate; session of. The frigate Albany has just ar- being markable presence of mind of this brave bov men the Florida in a few weeks. A. S. Davis also has His hold remainder of the town from was satisfactory. The man off, and the corruption came out of itself. missed to his seat the master informed me of in everything young rived at New York, after landing guns and who, instead giving up despair, ran for- one o’clock P. M., until sundown. was sent for: the like a excellent of the They cap- jfarties each other very But how does it for the of very gun improved pat- that he was one of the hardest in ward and with succeeded in hoist- speak morality a force there. The terms are for a boys the difficulty tured nine 24 pound howitzers and 2000 mus- much, and are, as I hear, to have their leaving tern. seized plu- that Grant is to ask for a room and his face the jib, then boldly the helm and were in the your party, obliged lease of at certainly gave evidence of ing kets which barracks m Calle rality annihilated in a few Quite ro- fifty years, $150,000 per year. ashore on a days. In we advise our ran the vessel safely beach also took fifteen repeal of the Tenure of Office law, because conclusion, friends who it. If the refuse to or are trouble- sandy Kmperador. They hundred mantic, isn’t it? boys obey in a small cove below the brick The are yard. thousand dollars, worth of there are so rascals in office too The United States is the maritime interested in good guns, at a low price, to some are locked into cells and reduced stores, among many rascally only they vessel was but little injured aruf the cargo which were the much needed articles of send to the Messrs, Parker for a salt, A clerk in Calais, named Poole, went skat- for him to stand, that he can’t explain to the nation which was not represented by a ship- descriptive to submission on a bread and water diet. saved. It will be remembered that it was and ammunition. All the families a on clothing, ing about week ago, tell the ice, and the reasons at cold that and this was done at the Senate for their removal? lie of-war the opening of the Suez Canal. catalogue. Their sleeping apartments are arranged in very night ol‘ the Cuban ill Cienfuegos struck on the back of his head with such force one of our patriots improv- old height of severest snow storms ed the to Covada took wants the fashioned short and swift meth- Probably tho radicals think that as they have wards, and the many narrow white-covered opportunity escape. as to fracture his skull, from the effects of The ex-rebel ram Atlantic has been sold and gone The boy was once washed overboard by tin- 218 whom he released on their on od to to his friends. The De- the of tho the beds were neat to look at, it not to prisoners pa- which the poor fellow died Monday of last apply party extinguished shipping country, to sea from Philadelphia. Some of the papers inviting waves but fortunately seized a piece of rig role not to the Cubans week. fight again. mocracy needed it only for their enemies. short cut to India is of no consequence to u--. think he i- after the Spanish gunboats. rest in. Sixteen cells open front the ward ging and sav ed him-elf A Railroad Muss will lie held at GENERAL IT I 6 8. Young folks who carry on flirtations, etc., fee. hy Meeting Apple- EARLY FOR THOSE NICE PRESENTS I FORGET TO LOOK AT WASHBURN’S rfAVE YOL SEEN THE CHTUSTMAS PRE3- Jan. 1. See notice. I at WASHBURN'S. DON’Tnew Goods lor the Holidays. 3w23 II. ents At WSHBURN S BOOKSTORE. :.t the seaside, and think they can't lie seen, should .011, CALL And take no other. Sec that the portrait of Dr. Clarke \\ N< v \ n k, lui- been tm- have There are two Bellas! \v 11 liiinsL ivx put beware. The Coast Survey folks powerful only prisoners in the jail- Is upon the label of each bottle. No other is genuine. \TE1V AID RICH PATTEIIAM — ■ciu.OrtO Iniut, for having ■< iiMiilin thr x County They are purely vegetable and will not intoxicate, tfsp i\ or- STOVES! STOVES!! Il 'i kiuii'l Five Li ." FINE GOLD JEWELRY. u | ||c Iii- l<>\1. jilni'c The scenes witnessed on Cushing’s and Peak’s The Baptist Levee netted to tlie soeietv iiboitL The Fireside last summer the coast are de- UELKGlOtS SERVICES, 8. S. islands by surveyors Bosom Pins, Ear Finger Rings and Sleeve HERSEY & SON H50. new of the Rings, ilied as to the soul of the be- PTMIE Lecture Room Baptist Church will be with a and assortment of all truly harrowing _ Buttons, full complete 'v s'lu-in-law of i> _I_ witli i:ive received and^offer lor lut ot the .'iilii Webster, Secretary Fisli, holder “Thou art so near and yet so far." opened Sunday morning,thol2Gth, appropriate Goods in my line C. IIERVEY, just saliva large the of h religious services. Sermon at 10 1-2 o’clock, AM., ;elebratfcd lortefl an $40,000 yearns “Were we to build no sea-going by 2w2J Phenix Row. receiving Miss Alice, the and beautiful ships, i the Pastor; and at 7 P. M.,a lecture on TEMPERANCE in n il > for Spain n- ion hfc fatli-i -in- accomplished daugh- august NOll ENGAGE IN TI1F. t'ORElGX CAURVIXG —Seats free. COOK t\Y. ter of Hon. Bion was last week TROPIC STOVES Bradbury, married #. ilu* unpcarlu Montana, has e Foundry Co., en< but little.” THE NEW YORK >t the best Scotch Iron. CONTAINING NO AD- ■I [Progressive Age. l’ig '•ii removed Grant, amt Knows for Mrs. Jane P. of Portland, who has for by nobody Thurston, The above is the to MIXTURE OF OLD METAL. and being cast ol extra encouragement given married. it is not liable to BREAK OR CRACK. Hav* wind. many years urged lier claims on the attention ot UNIVERSITY BRANCH, weight, our local a _| ng an extended tire-box, it takes long fuel, requiring the in vain, has great industry, by paper publish-1 I’tm *• ii ; of lull -. a Kind of Legislature advertised in the Port- 250 CONGRESS Me. wood to be cut but once. The oven doors are ■!*• ill using royd In this city, Rev. Wooster Parker, 21st inst, Mr. ST., Portland, supplied tor i cd in this IIow do like by with swivel so that cannot and dial glows nicntiftilly in California ^vmiiti-. land Press to ,-ell the whole state at auction, to -al- city. you il.ship-j Mark W. (7 ildenvood and Miss Josio M, both ol handles, they jar open, Barrett, and for can si *,*-*^-Ini staples, Agents the! Peing ground at the of meeting, there be no auking \ aper. eoutimns to prove ami; her builders, and sailors? ti’ Camden. points J. B. WADLIN’S, istiy iu.-t demand-! ship-owners HendersonState of Maine, with the exception of the follow- ingress or egress of air, to retart the baking. The covers »c W. Woodman Miss Eliza i' difomians are much i d over ii. j In this city, Mr. Clifford and and ing counties: Oxford, Somerset Franklin. We ire very strong and so formed that they will lie The 01 Franco is from hi- M. both of this city. heavy, Kmperor recovering Cray, have just arrived in Portland with a full supply of the one another when not in use. — V rmont has got the rot badly. In this city, Nov. lath inst., by J. B Murch, Esq., Mr. piled upon potato recent illness celebrated UNIVERSITY MEDICINES. These Cura- The finish is smooth and neat, containing no 68 Main Street. Belfast. Me. (treat complaint is made about the adulteration l'.enj. Bobbins anil Miss Sarah Dunbar, both of this city. plain, 1 tives are the favorite of the New York previces to retain dirt or and uniform I tn widow of a man wlm died of liytlrophobia of food, &e. Bttl no one of War- In Dec. 8th. Alva Mr. Jo- prescriptions grease. Simple drugs, complains Liberty, by Sherman, Esq.. Medical What seem This is the best 1 ■' The war steamer Monarch is to University. may almost incredible in its it is the stove in and it will WOOD COOK STOVE that ha* ever inemuati sue- fh owin'! tie dog wlior:.used English coining ren's ( ough Balsam. It, E Iw’ards, o! L,, and Miss Surah M. Sylvester of action, quickest use, seph is the astonishing rapidity with which they cure dis- a lire over as well as an air stove. [>cen made. It will do more cooking, radiate more heat, r for Portland with the remains of Mr. Palermo. keep night tight grief $5tX>0. Peabody. eases hitherto considered incurable. A valuable Book sold in the four SEVERAL HUN- last longer and take less tuel, than other Stove ever Ir is an Kstaiilished Fact. that Consnmp- In Dec. '.Mb. Mr. Otis M. llamlin ot Unity, and Having past years any Unity, free, containing important Physiological information DRED of these and never iieard them in the Market. These are not say sues only, for 1 Mr row' ll, one of the alifors ot the Poston] A gold-fever i- raging at Cheyenne. Big Horn tiou tan lie cured; but it is far hotter to prevent Miss Aurora Patch of Brooks. stoves, having for Agents wanted in every town in the of save in the highest terms of commendation will warrant It to do so, the cruel disease from itself on the In Orrington, nth instMr. Henry Eeltch ot everybody. spoken >f dropped dead at Nashua. N. H. mountain is where find it. fastening sys- Bucks-j State. We would be pleased to communicate with any and we feel in them as 1 also have the best COAL COOKING STOVE that Light, they and Sirs. Tilden ol O. praise, justified recommending tem, by tlie timely nee of a remedy like Dr. Wis- port, Fanny one desiring ian agency for the sale of the University the best stove in use. tire was ever put Into, i'hi Senate Postal ( oimuittee is a Portland is over the of considering rejoicing introduction tar's Balsam of M'ild Cherry. This standard pre- Medicines. Those In pursuit of a good stove, would do well to call ii fm Senators ami F. P. M. supplying Representatives water, and who can't drink of So- paration will speedily cure a cough or cold, and HENDERSON, D., Consulting Physician, and examine, and see what those using it have to say pities everybody DIED. cases cured Contract. free. Otlice distinctive stamps to be used in sending let- even often to it- power. by Medical’Advice, regarding it. Lain fluid. Consumption yields great | from S o'clock in the to .S MAGEE’S and d or ii urn lit- through the mails. bago hours, morning o'clock in the Also on hand and for sale low a large lot of second ADVANCE, evening. Address all letters to is sore or should not the. date, name and aoe, must hand stoves of all classes, but little worn. hr. Andrew Meade of A. V. was it your horse lame, galled, you I Obituary ices, beyond HENDERSON & And it is ia advance ol STOVE that is or has been \ “1 the < uhans to blow up the Alleghany, 1 be paid f'or. STAPLES, Agents, We have as good an assortment ot Parlor coal aud any Spanish use "Johnson's Anodyne Liniment:*' wash tlie ] 250 made lor coal. This stove lor and murdered and robbed in Ids store Saturday night Mr. John University Branch, Congress St., wood stoves. burning speaks itself, i‘- in New York lias l. n In this city, Nov, 20th, Hilt, aged 7< years. detected ami stop parts with eastile soap" and warm water, rub dry. | Tki.i Portland, Maine. 1 can endorse wliat it says. In Northport, Dee. 17th, Capt. William Driukwator, The storehouse of the Piscataquis Slate Company, with a clean cloth, then apply the Liniment, mb in i I have the l’AKAGON, a NEW COAL HEATER, for peil. aged (>3 years, to months; same day, Daniel Wadliu, AII v-T KtHTS, well with the hand. STORKS, OFFICES, HALLS and SHOPS, gotten up on a wharf at Bangor, was burned on Sunday last aged 7G years. I GOT THESE NICE BOOKS AND BOXES V n i> TTES, one who has had and is said to lady Paris mourning over the loss oi In r In Till, Miss Melissa 32 his by practical experience, Los- ev» used Rockland, inst., Burns, aged 1 at Washburns. You had better look at goods, FR AN KIR •tenth husband. She to tin* $3200. Have the readers of the Journal r any NS, be BULLY and beats the inventor, or any other Mon. expects complete ** years and 7 months. j of Parson's Pill-: if not, iiol? 1 am also agent for MAGEE'S NEW TUBULAR •! ., n this s, :1M)n. Purgative why In Thomas An y, aged Go y. ar-. Tin' Siprngiirs ol Ithoiie Island own nine mills j th Sullivan, Mr, FURNACE which to the time*, they are the best family physic, besides being In i remont, .Jane R. Cott, aged 72years. FIRE-FRAMES, they keep improved up ami ten thousand and for the radiating of heat, of and eceno iih-.kland Free Piy— mentions a ivpo< t that employ persons. gibatestanti-bilious remedy there i* in this eountry. In Mount Desert, Mrs. Lovina, wife ot Mr. Daniel keeping Are, my in luel has not been beaten by the combined force ut U Laughton. tie' runaway sheriff ot Knox Smith, in the 71th year ot borage. KINO CYLINDERS. cSte., For .1 New Year's present, send your frietuls the WHAT EVERY PERSON NEEDS is -oim- iv- the getters up of Furnac j. * * * t \, is iti j In Nov 2<>th, Addle ol1 living Nebraska where his family Freedom, iL.only daughter SANTA CLAUS! as can be fouud in this Hi a iin for habitual (Jostiveness. ’-I would advise city. .. Journal year. William D. and Jane Elliot, aged 2 1 month and 1 now gone. pnliiiean dy years, I'iUlKMN Brother*, Hu«ban«l« and Mister*, all those who arc troubled with Dyspepsia, ( ostiw- 17 days. radieal. is now to have been elect- call and examine our stock of Fitch Vic- FIRE t he tii>i instances ever known of a dressed Davis, reported iiess. Piles, Biliousness, Headache, or am form of In Searsmont, Nov. loth, Mrs. Nancy J. wife ol Wil- Will you please BRTCJK, GET THE BEST, hog 41 Collars and River Sable Collars and ed Governor of Texas, over Hamilton, conserva- 1 nd to use DR. H ARRISf )N\S PERI ST A L-! liam Wood, aged years. torines, Mufl‘s, i’ the d. has oeeurred at ige-t ion, 'king gambrel-coi just Mulls, Squirrel Collars and Mutt's, Ladies and Gentle-| URATES, and I have got them, CLOTHES WKINUKKS, l mean. tlni.M) IK' LOZENGES." ELISHA Hl’NTINGTi>N,1 s Gents Patent ’Linford. The f• *] 1 the tor, by majority. man Fur Trimmed Gloves and Mittens; i tun also agent for DOTY’S CLOTHES WASHER hog weighed Son, through M. lb, Ex-Lieut. Governor of Massaehu>ett>. Eor Ladies’ As- SHIP NEWS. Fur Collars, Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Hoods, j that not only knocks the spots off of any Wushlug Ma- J eh of a store, and d 1 Wo Gloucester vessels are this E. A. I )()ORS, way svvoivly injur* girls. Thirty-eight engaged Mellen, Baltimore; Holt, Hart, George; Remember the place,anildon’t forget that we are NOT light, smoke, out, > A a C that lias been •ddiv.s pasted in it, before the sundown to-day. ow whom lie met at l'aris. X gU. ! lantic, Burgess, Portland. \T E W AM It It 1 O.II IT Y1E TO BE UNDERSOLD. got up. Jack 1 have oue more new that the world lu< with the ro-t o| this publi* ation 1 will forward to :_*0th. Sch Empire, Furgusor., Boston; Downing :'rnosl8 Mo. 1*4 Iluiii Street, Helfaat. got thing, I man wife at til 1 TER -We quote good Vermont and New York dai- ever been a new he wife >t r Healey, lie of el, who murdered his Patterson, Dix Island. crazy for, COFFEE STEFFKK, simple the |k>i*soii who took it the leU. found with an occasional sale of line fall Butter COIN SILVER GOODS." ries at :;*i37e, 1st. Sells J i* Mer. Clark, Boston Alice In fo"in, you all the strength you can get out of the on*< d in tiie of tie old one." South Boston, has lieen sentence.I to State Prison iam, Parker, gives lining at 400and upward; common dairies at UOaTio; Canada at TI1E LITTLE ONES AT coffee, out a and Is eusv V eazie, Newport. Pie FORGET HOME, pours clear, pours good stream, Western at gJadO for and da'4c lor inferior : Knives, Berry Spoons, be *- for life. iOaduc; good, *• when you can get a present lor them cheap at to kept clean. Ben BuUer continually prating about the im- bakers’ 21a‘,’2c lb. SAILED. Putter Preserve DON'T per ,- 1 an also agent to run the and turn tin- Cheese Sugar WASHBURN’S BOOKSTOSE. Shebang, uoi aiity of New York B m don't Hkc the place, Two -hips. Z harks, and4 three-masted sehs, have EGGS—The market is firm, at tic per doz lor good Dec l.'tli, Sch Jack Downing, Patterson, I>ix Inland. crank where ill these things may be lound or lots. Sells Boston: Gen Pickle Desert anythiugt ft lieen launched at Tliomaston the present year, with Path. Earl, Furguson, Meade, else that turns up in my line, a! prices so LOW tht was tini, that lie w;e rompclled to disgorge £u Sardine, olive rorks, J^I.ANNEI.S, gold Ornamented and in Cases, at -AT— By mistake of Grant's clerk there was included g »o per bushel, with an occasional sale of some small A dispatch from Havana, l.»tli inst, states that the sch i’w li -groescarried «*ff and outraged thy i:.ligh- blight lots at a higher ligure: common do $ fag g7> per Wings of the Morning of Waldoboro Capt McFarland, :tw^ C. .1. It. vih.iv, ill some papers sent to the Semite, a letter from a HERVEY'S._ H ter ot an aged couple near Boydsvillc. Ivy. last hush; screened Pea Beans $dad\,.>; common $g 50ag 7 * from Port au Prince tor Boston, with a cargo of log- bush. Canada Peas sell at si i.»al (»0 bush NICE CUES- No- 5 PHEN1X ROW. u < ek. and were shot on the road next day. Georgia woman charging Gov. Bullock with inili- per per wood, has been wrecked and isatotal loss, together with DID ,YOU GET THAT f RKSll MEA TS—The market is dull, and there is but the cago. cnt you gave your wife I At Watliliurii ii, tiWl'J cut conduct! It made an excitement. Tints WIIEKE 68 Main Belfast. Me. IJiehmon in thi- -f:,*'-. boasts another Tom unite little trade in Beef,Veal or Mutton. The best Lambs sell where did think? Street, Sch Charles E Moody (of Franklort), Abbott, at New you son -a Mr. Tetuian i> accidental crevices we at but ou other are 2 ml 7 numb A Joseph eight through get glances at the quotations, prices descriptions nearly York from Para, had heavy N and N E winds the entire KNOW FOR A FACT THAT :M indie? in ami nominal. We quote E astern Beef at 9a 1 Ic per lb the ur> of age stands high hi-shoes, inner life of radicalism. by and was lo from lat 31; lost and sails •' !" side; Chicago 9nllc; Mutton4al; Veals Due, passage, days split I'APElt FOIl AU, IIA\l)t J -i p,- hit! t\ en»\ four pounds, lie is a well made POULTRY -There is a pretty active demand for ^ S. A. >H. WET II EH BEE i*tJ« I. How and i- unusually bright and smart. Some ten vessels were shut in at Kllsworth by poul- H. H. JOHNSON, M. D., try to-day, atul although prices are low, receivers are dis- THE MOST FASHIONABLE tin1 sudden of the river. to sell rather than hold for rates. Choice 1 X M r Fell.'W', ot t 'uncord, N. il. found on hi> closing puted higher Til E I X 0 BAXXEIl, CAN, DOES, AND WILL SELL (,()(>1> GOODS FI lYsrOl AN .V- SUltOEoN plump handsome Turkey* that will average loalg lbs, are ; iv. lot of silver ware stolen a Ttie editor of the Jeffersonian chronicles PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT p eiitly year Bangor selling at g Jc.'lc, while very good birds are sold at gda ’g, HAIR DRESSING ROOMS CHEAPER THAN ANY MERCHANT Late with DK. UONUOK. and frozen as low as 14 ilic the of Chick- m, thiel— not Ben Duller the loss hv ‘’cold pizen" of his dog Prince. He is turkeys ; price ens ranges from lg.igUe,* latter price tor choice lots. IN THE STATE. BELFAST,.MAINE. IN TOWN. f.wll) | Ottlce, JOHNSON S BLOCK, Phoenix Row. motinnsi as though he were heir apparent. that will lOalg lbs sell as as and \ Milwaukee woman lately put *">0 in a coffec- Geese weigh high ggo, Night calls answered lroiu II. II. .Johnson's reeiduno from that down to Pie. refurnished his By L. H. MURCH i.ali for safe-keeping. Her husband ground the Hon. s. P, a citizen of price having wholly Church .St. 2tnL Shaw, formerly prominent DRIED APPLES—We note sales oi 1>0 bids \,>r»h- -0O0- Farm for Sale. greenbacks up with hi- and made a rather JCACCIOEA Maine, died last week at whither lie laid vrn Ohio at 11 Mall l-gc, and the market i< SHAVING AND 1IAIR DRESSING ROOMS to Literature, Rucv Mken liey, v Paris, gone quartered pensive eup. at quoted rates. We quote Eadern quartered at DEVOTEDMliorC Mtorien, Poetry, Tiiiin.y Tiling* THE SUBSC it!BER oilers his farm lor sale, to spend the winter. Mr. Shaw was a member of steady New Lot of desirable Dress Goods at I talic do sliced l-YilOc. New York State Pr- corner Main and High streets,,up stairsover Dr. Moody’s of all sorts and sizes, Useful ifH'i-mw x*e ,»>.■- on a and in • » per ib; qu situated iu Ncrthpcr good road, Timken fellow recently fell through the win to the iov. Crosby's Council. tered 1: f-2c; do sliced Id 1-gg. Nortli. ru Ohio Hall l-P: Drug Store, would call the attention ot the public ing intended tor all daneit of people. and location, thirty minutes e of n Meriden shoe-store while to healthy pleasant trying ligb Southern 9a 10. changes and improvements hi* has made. Every subscriber will receive us a premium free a ride from the Post Office, Depot and Steamboat a. M pipe at a scarh t inoroeeo ri’he letter from St. lacks a of suit- No 5 PHENIX ROW gaiter. George signature, VEGETABLES—The demand tor potatoes is steady Bay Rum free to all. copy wharves. Said farm contains'»l acres good land, file writer cannot in ns at liTic per bush. Onions are dull at $■» per bbh divided into T Pasture and Woodland. Well I’a sou of tlie < dle- tor of ('u>!oni•. at Buffalo fairness expect to become Clean Towel to customer. THE MONEY MAKER’S MANUAL. ably illage, SKI,LING WONDF.KFUU.V LOW APPLES 1 he market is lirm, with a fair deni tnd (or every fenced, well watered and good buildings, house new. A to the for a statement which lie The Mauui.1 consists of over fifty valuable 1 hu been arrested for smuggling. Some of thes e responsible public good lots ut $1 gVil ;>0 per bbl. Rich and Poor served alike. Receiut.s, large orchard of the best fruit, with Crab-apple and Pear CALI. I GALL Owls tirm Arts, ones of which have is not to iis the assurance, of his name .11 VY—The market continues very at quotations, Neatness and is our Secrets, See., many single trees, Grape vines, Cherry, Currant, Wilson and Agri- •pal flaps •.!•, vilisl, B -kiand Free willing give Dispatch motto. one -iy." and some sales ol single car loidsof prim Guy luv< been sold at from dollar to one hundred dollars. cultural Strawberry, &c. is true. to Press notice. been made at gsag9. Complaini is still nude of the over Special attention given Ladies’and Chil- These Receipts, Sec., are fully equal to those sold by Stock and Tools -old at a lair valuation if desired. ni.osisi. o u t other for We have been to ex- ripe condition oi much of the V ermont and Canada hay. dren’s work. parties $5.00. great Terms easy. Apply to J. C. LEWIS, I’lierc ate minors of consolidation of the “Beneath the rule of mini tntirely grout to aud now offer a free to two We quote prime Eastern e,argo at agi> per ton, ami A lull assortment of Perfumes, Hair, Oil and Pom- pense procure them, copy Belfast. Maine. —AT— The pen is than the sword.” subscriber to our and entertain- atlroads from Portland and Boston, and railroad mightier Vermont and Eastern prime by the carload at gdagr per ades, foreign and American, and all Fancy Goods of the every highly interesting Nov. :1U, 1800. tt21 trail! is not in fact lie is not at ing men are beginning ro whisper about a union ot all entirely great, great ton; interior qu iltf.ies bills, and swale hay at SI-» per trade constantly on hand. Prices to suit the times, paper. it whatever his Terms for the fifty cents a No 5 PHENIX ROW ■ ee-rosts between and B »ston, all—and sword may have done, this ton. New York Straw $J7a.'S per ton. &2rGive us a eali. Satisfaction warranted. Remem- Union Banner o»ly Bangor in advance. sent to ( in/ < 4L1' production of his pen is a very llal all'air. [Belfast ber—J. CACCIOLA’S Fashionable llair Dressing year—always Specimen copies any Owltf V\ address for six cents. should subscribe \V. Lander, l He Po-tmastei at Salem. Mass.. Journal. Rooms, corner Main and High streets, (up stairs) over Everybody 01I.L! UDLI’AMf PIIITEM ciniiu.vr at once* Send your halves and get the rest Croat in Shawls at lefaulter t<-the amotmi of lie u A pen in tlie hand of the editor of tlie Journal I Dr.’Moody's Drugstore. 3mos;i4 along Bargains Long ^(*000. very i'oiiKKCiFI) WKHKL1T FOB TIIK JOFKNAL, and on rarest paper m the world and a $5.00 premium must lie out of sadly place. [Bangor Jeffersonian. free. When you write say where saw this adver- Dockland Free Piv>- please notir. P.i' ie. A.-.r, December gg, is *9. you Wednesday, Office over S. A. H. WETHERBEE’S, G P LOMBARD, The editor of the Jeffersonian in a pen perhaps Room to Let- tisement. I •. f. A. S. Flour, $7.0U to 12 Uouiul 11 of?, 11 to 15 Davis, formerly leaderol the Band of wouldn’t he. rilllE Room in City Block, over Isaac Allard’s store, S. M. FULLER S Store, No. 10 Main Street. Is Corn Meal, 1.25 to 0.00 Clear Salt Pork, $57 to !•> No. 5 Phenix Row. Maine Cavalry, is now Band M isfci it lie l and umb the Journal office. Apply to the editor Address atl letters to IXTIOXf IIAXilEB. Bye Meal, 1.75 to 0.00 Mutton per 11), 5 to 07 1 ’I.'iiarv | Aroostook Times, The Kllsworth American tells of a ol litis paper. MKf. 10\ DENTIST. Asylum* Togu-. mysterious 1.50 to 0.00 Lamb t. toes t(*.il Belfast Maim*. rnosE Bye, per lb, Belfast, Dec. 2'.'. 11 -. you say{ you have seen to prev< nt mistake', we v\ ill stale that the abow hermit in the town of Hancock, who mortally dis- Corn. 1.25 to 0.00 I'urkeySjper lb. Is to ?‘J Christmas Presents at tOlHce first door south ol U ay ford Block.: 1\J 15 Did Bailey, b0 to 0.00 Chickens, per ib, to ll tntlibuni ft Buokittore 1 -v\ not Prof. Davis of Chelsea. M i—.. now on a visit likes the <;■!' a cock, and moves away as fi; II I < • » 1* IK | < I m OIIURCU tfl‘> MAIN i crowing Beans, 2/'5 to 3.00 Ducks, per lb, is toj’jo NOTICE. STREET, BELFAST, '» this lie would cure at soon as om 00 to 05 Li to it. I)V locality. all the inmates is brought into the neighborhood. lie Oats, Geese, ^•Nitrous Oxide Gas or Ether administered. 50 to 00 $!f»to .'0 —ON Ol’ AND Al PER IUKSDAY DEC. I'll THE 1 mis with hi' \meric.ic Balsam, ami iholish the is some Potatoes, Hay per ton, Railroad Ties Wanted doubtless old radical sinner, tilled with re- 11 to oo Dried Apple-, 12 to Lime, £1.50 S I EAMKR nsiiiutinu. morse. who thinks every cock crowing is for a Cooking, do. 75 to 1.00 Washed Wool, * to 40 REAVER OVERCOATS ,“,,,tw‘u r,t" J5 to -0 Demmratii Butter, 55 to 3b Lmvu'hed Wool, 80,000 You nevn -aw Midi a lotol n- victory. 20 40 to oo MO: i'u \\ BEAYKI* oYKKCOATS, woith tor$l<>. happy people Cheese, to 22 Pulled Wool, To be Otlar, lluciiiHut. l elloH AnIi and we had here v -hi day,” saida landlady in Indian:; 50 to 00 Hides, > to ou —AT They liav at Ilangor a So, iety for Hie Prevention Eggs, ill4*mlock 9 feet long, (J inch lace, and 6 inches ■ a mwlv arrived “There were thirteen Lard, 22 to 24 Call’ Skins, IT to oo ot' Hemlock or other timber I gue-L <>f SIDNEY KALISH'S Store. thick. Also a quantity « riieltv to Animals, ll first move was to a b to 75 to Clothing iiph i (hem “What thirteen couples iu-l liny Bee!, to SheepSkins, £1 lor crib-work. Dimensions will be furnished at thet >u- 1.25 to 1.75 Wood, $0.00 to 7 married r" “Oh o. -h :,nrh,i‘ii iu-i liorsi: witli a crippled leg, amt have him killed! Mr. Apples, Buld'.viu, hard, I No. 48 Main St., Belfast. tractors’ oilice. Parties desiring to furnish the abo\e, e.upl*- o oo £l.o() too Veal, to Wood, suit, or to diver.*i !” ■ portion ot it, may apply rr. Hie President, eerlilii s to the fact in tile Whig. Cod 8 to to Dry 5 to o It A. T A II D I M. | Dry Pollock, Hllino of the citizens ot the sev- -oo- Straw, £S to 10 & I <».-.* b. Dunning an -oh-i-l connected with the Tli frauds in the Methodist Book Coneern, wtiieti VH1IISera! towns on the route of the CART. 1IKNKY S. RICH. WILLSON, TENNANT CO. I -1 '-■ i« m New has been detected in -oo- asiiry York, i- eniuroUcd ty wry as well as loyal very pious Georges Valley Railroad, Will make but one trip per week during the winter. Contractors U & M. L. R. R. \ ;nbc /ding He is jo\:d lb klaini folks, ar. f mud to foot to tla sum of £(>0 o.oon. SPECIAL NOTICES. will hi- lu-l.l at t hr TOWN IIA In A fl'I.K on up I I.I., I'OX, Nov. lsf>9. tf-*D Belfast TUESDAY. Belfast, M, 1 Pres- plea-e noti* e. Will the lioekland Free Press notice’; JANCAUY 1, isro, Leavln;; every Jft«‘turning., please leave Boston every FRIDAY. GEO. G. WELLS, at 1 o'clock 1’, M., to liear tin* report ol the Committee tt'JJ •Moth* -aid a little !>.•'. “is i; v. i«• i.• ••! We have to semi Agent. >!iarp frequently requests receipts aud chosen to survey said route, and take such further action A Good Stand For Sale. tv Ian:' ( rr:ii11 son—that would !>■• Wharfago Storage. y my iu suhscrihers. our none are in flic matter as may ho deemed advisable. By present system E and a < as in:; “But it wi«do 1 b--a> "Otter dam:••* On the principal Wliart in tin harbor, at reasonable •Jw.'i 11. N. WOODCOCK, Chairman. E II * r W. Cove Northport .To a person wishing a pleasant atious; but it loosens ;uid cleanses the lungs, and allays c» r, :.•%« u-• »»r table-.” Well. mother.” ivs- changed at every payment, and always show the 1 :jtf THE EXCELSIOR Din GOODS, GROCERIES, SMALL WAR1 MAsituation this oiler; uperior inducements. Ap- irrttatiou, thus removing the cause of the complaint mied young hopeful, “tile -.Id cow ha- got a )>■-- subscriber lia~ Tlii~ should SETH 'V FOWLE .t SON, Boa ton SUa i-.lie to which the paid. CROCKERY-WARE, FLOUR. PRO- ply to A. E. II. ETC 111 It. Proprietors *it a: h**r throat, and it -ii• *>.ik "lit sA ■ OC E !i T* IIHtOtll by druggists ami dealers lu medicines generally ii rememliered. THE J¥]S Northport, Nov. £5, lM'-b.. .'inriu >fit' 'm At '•{ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY VISIONS, ETC., ETC Nellie Brown, Publisher’s Agent, will soon canvas !i law iston, on Monday, Hubert Dunn was stab- flit* Bangor Whig having run flown .-•. I. M.Uik. n Se irspurt and Stockton, lor subscribers to thej above or— PROBATE NOTICES 1 Belfast Bank lie aml-eriouslv inju red .John Civaden. very Interesting and elegant book tin-popular autlu r, Savings -a eandiilati for l s Marsh;*!. ha- now star' -d by by j Mark Twain. splvv NEW VO UK ii k i <■ o ohs. NOW IS TIfE TIME TO DEPOSIT. oil* be Hannon. (Hlio- -\r4». (» * William street. Ala Probate Court held at Bellas!, within und lor Um- LOCAL I Ac. of on the stcond V of heel, stuck in lie throat, kille d l>< TEMS, l’itlNTS, SHEETINGS, FLANNELS, TAINT A saved is a penny earned.” County Waldo, Tuesday ol l»e:i-mbcr, piece Mrs. CLARA A. SLEEPER penny A. D. IS by, n in !to< hester, Jasl u **ck. aud left CLOTHS, ETC. the-baggar- Brig K. A. Carver, .Sylvester, from Cardenas for films Company issues all kinds of Idle and Endow* made on or before the 1st of December, WENTWORTH, named Executor in a re- a •■n't now but rilKACilKR OF PIANO FORTH. Residence at Mrs. ae-eept anything poundcake-. st Ga. collided morning of lltli inst with JL meat Insurance Policies. attention is March or April, will be HIRAMtain instrument t<> in* the last will and Mary's, J. IIENIIILL’I Congress Street, Belfast. Especial DEPOSITS.January, February, placed purporting from New Orleans for called to a new provision, contained in Policies Issued Small Wares and Yankee Notions upon interest on the 1st of each month. testament of Augustus O. Wentworth,late ol Seursmoot. Bichard e*« m\ e t* d of w Ira inks, ship Golconda, Davis, ViT attention to Ill 1 Knright, hi-ke> Special given beginners. this which alter the of five or from 9 in said of Waldo, lias Liverpool, and was abondoned, the crew going on by Company, by payment Deposits received daily ::t the Banking Boom, County deceased, lug presented i- be. n President is more annual he converted into An- in to !'* 2 I 1- A.M. said will for Probate. pardoned by (.rant, file v<-r> hoard the ship. The Golconda struck the brig near premiums, they may great variety. A. M., and to P. M. Saturdays fromUto THE (\TOLI» .m*EUIE* nuities. JOHN II. Treaa ASA FAUNCE, Brest. Ordered, That the said Wentworth give notice to ai! •vai. Will tin* Boekland Free Pivs- imtice the the and was that QUIMBV, knighthoods, seriously damaged This is in addition to the ordinary non-lor- Nov. 1Su9. MTJ persons interested causing a copy >»t tills order to be for The K. A. provision j O 11 O C K E Ti Y \Vr A Ii K Belfast, la, by *et> she put into Savannah Kith repairs. that result from indiscretion in early life may be allevia- (citing character ol the Policies oi this or any other published three weeks successively in the Republican «. was iibb tons register. Built in lsiil at Lineoln- ted and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should Company. Policy holders participate in the profits ot A NICE ASSORTMENT. .Journal, printed at Belfast. that they may appear ut a Mi Hubbard, ot Kcmiebunk, recently killed a ville. whence she hailed. purchase Dr. Haves’ new medical work,published by the the Company, and are allowed thirty days grace, lor the COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. Probate Court, to be held at Belfast, within and tor said Medical Institute. Boston, entitled 'i’ll F of renewal on the second of in \t, at ten t -. Peabody payment premiums, County, Tuesday .January d 'd on the rocks at that place. The animal The aliove vessel was owned as follows—Five- GR.OOJEIIIES. Court of for the of SClKNCF OF I.IFK, or SFI.F PRFSFRVAT ION.” Dividends applied at the option ol the assured. rpilE next Bankruptcy, County the clock before noon, and shew cause, it any they hav •1- close will be held at the oilice of the ot seven lee! long, ami 400 sixteenths N. who lias $'2no0 V itality impair'd by the errors ol youth ora too No restriction upon residence or travel in flic l tilled A WELL SELECTED STOCK, OE T1IE BEST IN 1 Waldo, Register why the same should not be and allowed. weighed pounds, by Cnpt. Sylvester, A. 1>. proved,approved to business, be restored, and manhood or Probate, in Belfast, on Wednesday, Doc. l£9, lSf‘>, ASA TllCRLOl(.11, insiiranee in one-l'ourlli II. W. application may States Europe. Judge te- Buffalo Commercial Adve rtiser, by a typo- Bangor; h> ('apt. regained. The Institute also publishes “SF.XUAL THE MARKET. :;t '.i o’clock, A. SI. I'M I CIt TIIACHKK. A true copy. Attest— B. P. Fitci.o, Register, tw,M SAMUEL T. Maine -phi’.tj blunder, made Hermanns, wli•* is with Bracken, who lias ??:>bbd insuranee, a portion of PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN, AND II Fit DI>- HOWARD, Register all: District, One or President. Belfast, Nov. U21 tie Patil in t.* an cn*-oiv. KASF.S,” the best book of the kind extant 27,1SG9. troupe, sing, response which is in the other owners, are t S. At a Probate Court held at within and lor thu Bangor; apt. both these works should be iu every househol -J. Tin* Cent ral South Brooks, Me. LARD AND Belfast, That air, ‘Pm a Shout.*” J. I. WATTS, Agent, PORK. BEEF. FLOUR. j of on the second I ol tourhitig Isaac A advertisement ot the Peabody Medical Institute, in j County Waldo, uenday hecemher. Wyman, Copt. Coombs, Higgins Gay, Charles Austin, A. D. Bangor is on airs with its new post ollire. another column, will give the reader a fuller account of Wanted. putting John 'arver and A Pease, w ho are unin- Burton Foster, ; v. _lt. A choice lot of the common and IJ. CROWELL, .-on iu-law and creditor ot Bryant these excellent publications. sp -w22 01,1 Ab' nt-* Fred Cushman, ; A Eliza York, late of Monroe. In said < ol \V .d lost muster General C’r *<\ve*!l has owners libel ANTED—TO EXCHANGE HOOD WORK JOHN ounty appoint'd tin sured. Tim of the brig will probably (i k< >. H extra Wf MAPI, J that wo will Horse for a cow. to J C. do, deceased, having presented a that he may f ■> ■‘Mowing Postmasters: .1. H .Jackson grades, y\ Apply LEWIS, petition Wright, the iolcoikln. E 1 E HEALEII Bel last, Maine. upppointed Administrator on said deceased’s estate, •luiue-, vice* Samuel Johnson, Joshua warrant to satisfac- to resigmd; I>A of nlutwoeier lliteate hate by give Nov.'.'9, 1st)?. M il Ordered, That the said Crowell £ive notice all persou-* ^ ^ GOOD AGENTS WANTED ..rson, Si'elgvvi«*k, M vice nnued .Morgan. Jr.. Dr. Lewis, recently sojourning in tlii- city and interested by causing a copy of this order to be published nice 1. the <;in:a i* St* turn- vi. Kioikio .tl II*. *I*E \r4' E'* i tion both as to three weeks in tlu* in Srarsport, is before the courts ol New York, price successively Republican Journal, printed at Belfast, that they may appear at a Probate 1*41*I f IV E AIU lELtlTVE POM House for Sale. A portion of the Spanish gunboats -ailed from charged with abducting a child. His wife had sep- WALDO COUNTY and quality. Dwelling Court, to be held at Belfast, within and tor said (’ounty v on the second ol at ten of the clock w \ oi k on If hasn’t the i’owders send a Tuesday January next, Sunday arated from him on account of tiis alleged evil IIEII*L your druggist lease call and examine our Goods. Situated on the road to Northport, a 4b#*T Country pro- leading before noon, and shew cause, it any they have, why tie- duce ot all kinds taken in House and Stable. I’he in A courses,ami for a divorce. The child had brief of your disease to Plop, Payton AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. exchange. two-story gooil Buildings prayer of said Petition should not I- granted. l«»s«-epuvr things Bangor. man ad\*r- applied description in and furnished an J good repair throughout; ASA Till KLOLOIL Judge. s been to courts and was in the a lbuml. decreed her custody by the p. B« < New Yoke Cn ami those WALDO COUNTY AO- I excellent well and cistern; faur acres of land Whig lounge Spin* M. D., f>s17, v, 'IYUK. annual meeting ot the A. P. MANSFIELD, S A true copy. Attest—1J. P. Kihi.n, Register iwji living with her at the St. James Hotel, Boston, 1 UICUI.TUKAU SOC1KTY will be holdeu at the enclosed; very pleasant and desirable residence; will be .iiroe. trie d at St. N. *• 4*iul«*r-o Potoln-y wil ft .M .John, Ik, for tin- murder iuf4t»rbni«. oi-klug tic-’ Foot of Main Street. sold at. bargain; immediate possession given if requir- wlieu stolen. The state that site was a COURT HCUSE, ed. For ■» papers further particulars of Mrs.R.II. COOMBS a woman ;uiel her etiild, of vvhi* h In was the I l»i»\ O b«\ei inquire At u Probate Court field at I*.*.-itast, within and forth* be mailed to you. post paid. $1, In this city, on on the premise**. young girl with a very fortune wlieu lie mar- County ot \\ on the second ot Dcceut at lu*r, has been found large inn jesnib n. t ii o n i-n o x Dec. 0. I3f»9. 3lU022 aldo, lueaduy guilty. tll-Tsp her, A. D. l8tW. ried her—that lie her and be- _ 12,1870. squandered property Wednesday January lyj TOUN M. S. C1IAKI.ES B. 1IA/.L1 P is stated that Secretary Boutwe I i- preparing WILLIAMS, hoved so that -lie had to leave him. The child was Business ot will come before the DRESS MAKER, TL\E and EDWARD named fcAitu < report, on the necessity of the encouragement ot i great, importance A LADY WHO WAS INTO WASHBURN'S JOHNSON, and it is that there should be a lull Solicits a share of the ot the ladies ot Belfast : tors in a certain instrument to be, the last w n Hi*- Amerieiui shipping interests which will proba- taken a- a means of bringing her to his terms, hut Society, important patronage -i.V Bookstore, says Yoil can find everything thutfis purporting attendance. A. D. CHASE, Secretary. and vicinity. She is read to wait, on you ut your houses. nice for the there. 5w23 and testament oi Altred W.Johnson,lute of *ni t !\ In* transmitted to < before the* holidai s. \\ Holidays 'ongress ill doubtless he returned to the mother. Is beyoud a question the very best medicine of the day Belfast, Dec. 21, 1S 1 notily a meeting stockholders, be held at and said Coun Vbe> doing large business. and makes a GHO. C. GOODWIN CO., Boston, Agents Company, bate Court,to Belfast,within for quarto form, handsome appearance. held at the Court In Belfast, ou the loth day oi Kugland. Oiul 7 House, COrXEKLLEll it ATTOltXEY AT JAW. on the second Tuesday ol next, at ten of th The at 10 o’clock A. to act on the folio w- “THE RIVER OF THE WEST’ ty, January i'll, folliliving have been columns are well lilled with original matter, .January next, M., clock before noon, and shew cause, it any they have, win gentleman appointed matters, as embraced in said request. i of < selections lor ing II AY FOIE D the same should not be proved, -uni allowed. ustiee the Peace and Quorum : ’larenee Hale, and advertisements—much of the eon- Turn ea t iVeiiral^ia l*iil:—The great remedy issue its Bonds or oth- OFFICK, BLOCK, T.Y FRANCKS OF approved 1. To see if said Company will MRS. FULLER VICTOR, OREGON. ASA THCRLOI GH, Judge .lohn \V. Dresser. Isaac \y. Xeuralyia and all Xervous Diseases. More than 100,000 of its road to se- Ellsworth; Castine; tents being of a humorous character. It is furnish- er paper, and a mortgage or mortgages tl~'2 Maine. A and lull of the North Western Attest—B. P. :tw » cured it in the last two years. Price mail, 1 Belfast, history description Atruecopy. Field, Register. Vilen, K. W. Bush. Boekland; A. 11. by by pack- cure the ot the same and the interest thereon, Sedgwick; ed at a payment Slope, with extremely interesting accounts of the dis- titty cents year, which is cheap enough in ail age $1.00,—ti packages $5.27. and for what vVentivortb, Appleton; John II. Hindi- and Elias and it so to what amount purposes. covery ot tin* Columbia, the Indian Tribes, the Fur The Ijnrrniiie Vrqfctluble Cathartic Pill: or subscriber hereby gives public notice to all con- V Theodore Sebee. And conscience. 2. To sue in what mode such mortgage mortgages Vi 'idcrs, the Afissions and late of Dr. To the Honorable Judge oi Probate for thcCouutyot I'pton, Bangor; Wyman The best known remedy lor all Diseases ol the Blood, rate of interest shall be al- TliiCcerned, that she has been appointed and taken Oregon tragic .h< to be Coroners. Beamier *hall be executed, and what duly Whitman and Family, the and Times Waldo: following Weeks, • William Stomach, Liver, Kidneys: lor Headache, Rheumatism, to secure of upon herself the trust of Administratrix of the estate Immigrants, Early ’apt. Mrtlilwry, of Searsport, isgetting lowed on the Bonds or other paper, payment in etc. UNDERSIGNED Guardian ol Mary K. Higgiu-t. dockland; and Joseph 11. Gottld. Camden. T. W. and iu all cases where a cathartic is required. Price by shall be ot Benjamin Brown, late of Belfast, in the County ot Oregon, which said mortgage or mortgages given. With events in the life of a THEot Llncolnville, In said County, minor heir ot and John \ Brackett. I.ineoln- together tlie material for a of 1400 be mail, 1 box .21 cts.—5 boxes boxes $2.01. Waldo, by bond as the law directs ; she Vose, Winterport. ship tons,'to pu $1.18,—12 ;j To see what measures are requisite and shall be ta- deceased, giving Jacob late of Belmont, iu suid County, deceased, 'o be TURN HR & 120 I’iikmont St., Boston, Mass. therefore requests all persons who are indebted to said Taylor, ille, Notaries Public. up this winter. She will lie built of hackmatack CO., ken* to give legal validity to such mortgages. respectfully represents that .-.aid minor is seized and nos 2m 12 matters as be connected decease l’s estate to make immediate payment, and those ROCKY MOUNTAIN HUNTER ami oak, and will In* tirst 1 To aet on all such may sessed of certain real estate, situate in said Llncolnville. 1 he editor of tiie New York of the class in every respect, and as be to who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same lor Spirit Times, with the foregoing articles may necessary AND which is fully described in a deed to her, from Eli/a H.. thereof. settlement to him. rHKBK C. BERRY, ho ivas apt. Nickels, of S. F. llersev. is to UeilMUIIIlKlttll. out the same and the intent and Gideon A. date*! August N, lwir, re in London at lie- opening of the new formerly ship carryM Joseph her Higgins Young, A. llAYEOKI), President. tty Williamson, Attorney. corded in Waldo Book that an command her. l‘he three remedies, “SCIIENCK’S Pl'LMONIC OREGON PIONEER, Registry, 142, page HUekfairs lirii Ige, prouounee.s the show id' the Dec. ISC'.). offer for said estate of nine hundred dol- SY for the cure ol Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Belfast, 22, advantageous RL1*,” the and romance lars has been made .James B. of Llncolnville Queen's and Lord Mayor's processions to have been l.vt'XCUKl). At Point, in from form of The action of this T71REE EXHIBITION OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT vividly portrayiug perils, hardships, by Dickey, Sandy November, every Consumption. peculiar the interest of all cou In YYttuhhurni. aforesaid, which offer it i9 for ■ small medicine ripens the ulcers the lungs, promotes the old venerable okntlkman, r OF A cry affairs. the yard of Colcord Berry & Co., the fine bark rums real corned immediately to accept, the proceeds thereof to of the corrupt matter by expectoration, puri is at WASH BURN'S BOOKSTORE. discharge JL Santa Claus, be out on Interest for the beueilt ol said minor. Hie President has nominated (ireenleaf Ciilevto Isaac Hall, of 008 tons,owned by Colcord, Berry A lies the blood,and thus cures Consumption, when every put TRAPPER’S AND FRONTIERSMAN’S LIFE. honor togrant First Lieutenant in tin- 1st 31. E. who will other remedy falls. Yellow Ash Wanted Wherefore your petitioner prays your Cavalry. Co., Capt. Colcord, command her. license to sell and said real estate of said SCHENCK’S SEA-WEED TONIC,” lor the cure ol GOODS This work offers great inducements to Agents. It is her a convey J. II. W. II. .1. diseases NEW QUANTITY of sticks of Yellow Ash, from :t0 to minor to said tor said sum. Mi Kurland Inis been indicted for the murder of Winchester, Brown. C. Libby A Dyspepsia or Indigestion, and all arising Irom \ finely illustrated; intensely interesting; replete with Dickey, the 1 \ 40 teet long, to be hauled during the winter. Apply MARY J. TAYLOR. D. Richardson. Co., S. L. Hall and others. debility. This tonic invigorates digestive organs, humor, pathos, and instruction, and treats ot subjects the when is defi- to the editor of this paper. supplies the place of gastric juice that CORN, FLOUR, GROCERIES, &c.! which are new, and inviting. Every will be found 1 he enables the to the most Dec. 13, I860. istl i'I page At a Court of Probate, held at Belfast, within and ior the Bangor Whig vigorously denounces lotteries Attention is called to the advertisement in this cient, and then patient digest fresh, original, and Aon? in press, and entertaining. of on the second ot Decem- liui' li fairs or anvwliere vise. Dailv nutritious food. It is a sovereign remedy for all cases bound to have a great run. For circulars and County Waldo, Tuesday [PortlandL paper of tin* Excelsior Life Insurance of Geo. O. descriptive A. 1). 180*1 Adi. Company, of indigestion. IJailey, E IV 1 ft 4% € It O ft IB V terms, which are very liberal, address the Publishers, ber, SClIENCivS’S MANDRAKE PILLS,’’one ot the 1"’22 the foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the peti- New York, of which Mr. Watts, of South Brooks, li,u taken the store formerly occupied by F. A. Know)- J IE. IV. HUNS iV CJO., Hartford. 4'onit. All right. Now will the de- most valuable medicines ever discovered, a vegeta tioner give notice to all interested, by Whig vigorously being and is an entire UPON persous is local agent. It is said to tie an excellent com- all theuselul at the loot ol Main street, opening DEALERS IN a of said with this order nounce < ble substitute tor calomel, and having prop tun, causing copy petition, thereon, 'ongress for the revenue law bv which, for of sold at to suit the times. to be three weeks in the pany. erties ascribed to the mineral, without producing any new stock, which " ill be prices Notice- published successively Rcpubli ha-, lotteries may be made legal ? its injurious effects. can Journal, a paper printed at Belfast, that they may O. BAILEY FISH OF ALL KINDS.! at a Probate to be held at the The papers all along the route and in Boston are To these three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck, of Phila- GEO. SUBSCR1BKR has sold his apothecary's stock appear Court, Probate A rpiIE in Belfast on the Gardiner man called on the editor of the Bath owes his unrivalled success in the treatment ol Dee. ltJt». *1‘-’3 X in trade, at the corner of Main and to Office aforesaid, second Tuesday ol making favorable mention of the for a new delphia, liellast, 14, LEWIS’ WHARF, Belfast, Maine. High street, I plan Pulmonic The Pulmonic Syrup ripens RICHARD who will continue the busi- January next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, and shew nues last week, with but a Consumption. II. MOODY, flogging intentions, between and and the blood. ou 1123 cause, ii any they have, why the same should not be propellor Bangor Boston. We nil. the morbid matter, discharges it, purifies •edters supplied liberal terms. ness. Thankful to the public tor their patronage we so- i'olle, officer on him to The Mandrake Pills act the liver, remove all ob- a favors to the ASA I'll UR Judge. “pervvailed stop.” that the are upon licit continuance ol their present proprie- granted. LOUGII, derstand subscriptions counting a Attest—B. upfast. structions therefrom, give the organ healthy tone, and tor, whose experience qualities him for the busiuess. Atruecopy. P. Field, Register. 3w2» Walter ft. of East in state is one of the most YOU KNOW THAT SANTA CLAUS IS AT Waterhouse, Maehias, The fall witnessed in our cure Liver Complaint, which promi- Persons wisliing for medical advice^or attendance will greatest city recently, of The Sea-Weed Tonic in- DillWASHBURN’S* 2w23 Prison for two years, has been nent causes Consumption. R'B^ Had me at No. r» Court street, or at the corner of Main pardoned. was that a two hundred woman of pound who sat vigorates the powers of the stomach, and by strengthen- fflilllS and High streets. RICHARD MOODY, M. D. Administrator’s Sale. it to a normal Mi'itimn. The Portland has the |i artieit- down suddenly on the sidewalk. Nhe had ing the digestion and bringing and healthy Dec. 1. ISOy. 3w22 Argus very icy of the which PLATED WAKE. be sold at auction virtue ot a licence iws condition improves the quality blood, by public by of the of a man named at a seat and a it. from the ot killing McCarty, place to put means the formation of ulcers or tubercles in the lungs pi»E WILL Court of Probate for the County shtudisb, on the line of the Portland and becomes impossible. The combiued action of these Tea Setts, Salvers, Goblets, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, rpiIK subscriber hereby gives public notice to all con* Waldo, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of January, Ogdens- The Unitarian on is at the Fair, Wednesday evening, medicines, as thus explained, will cure every case ol Castors, Butter Dishes. Spoon Holders, Children’s X cerned, that she has been duly appointed and taken A. D. 1870, ut two or the clock iu the afternoon, bury railroad, by William Both were em- are used in and the himself the trust of Administrator ot the estate store of Jackson Mathews, at Llneolnville Centre, so I.ogan. too near our hour of publication to admit of notice. Consumption, if the remedies time, Cup Spoons, Forks &c., from the best makers, upon to the case of James Cook, late ol in the of much of the real estate or Kben F. Smith, late of Lin ployed on the works. The was done in a use of them Is persevered insufficiently bring at the lowest prices, at Belfast, County killing We can at time of this that as will only say, the writing, to a favorable termination. Uw23 C, UERVKYS Waldo, deceased, by giving bond as the law directs; he coluville, in said County, deceased, intestate, pro light, with which rum and a woman had each some- on all duce and dollars, In- it to be a brilliant affair. Dr. Schenok’s Almanac, containing a full treatise ^SHOTGlitPa? therefore requests persons who are indebted to said tho sunt of five hundred sixty-four promises lor the of Un- ihlng to do. the various forms of disease, his mode of treatment and C BEST IN THE WORLD. i deceased’s estate to make immediate payment,and those cluding the Reversion ot Dower, payment The brightest of moonlight were directions how to use his medicine, can be had 4 MN, ALIILMM, A LBl'.DM. who have any demands thereou, to exhibit the same for said deceased's just debts, charges ot administration aud nights prevalent general estate consists ot a dwell- Mr. Richardson, near Pishon's Ferry, has now gratis or sent by mail by addressing his principal Office, ^LIII settlement to him. MOSES CARNEY, incidental charges; said real last week, and the starry eyes of the heavens wink- Joskth his wood shed connected and to red iu for the purpose, fifteen hundred fat. mut- No. 11 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By Williamson, Attorney. ;iw‘Ti ing house aud therewith, ed with an uncommon Pulmonic and Sea Weed Tonic A large assortment, in great of Pat- about of an acre ot land, on which said 1'IU carcasses, waiting for the wave of the lustre. Price of the Syrup variety one-eighth highest bottle, or $7.00 the half dozen; Man dwelling house stands, situated at Llneolnville Centre market to take them to Boston. Mail. each, $1.10 per terns, at reduced at AND LOOK AT THE | Waterville from this arrived at New >1 cents box. For sale all greatly prices, PRESENTS FOR THE JOSKPH MI Ll.KK. Adm’r.'Us Ship Chandos, port, 'drake Pills, per by druggists at village. splytfili I New York Office 27 ME KM AN ST. 3w23 C. 1IERVEVS. STOPHolidays Washburn's Bookstore. Llneolnville, Dec. 15, lsrttf. Uw&J Gold is down to 1.20. York on the 17th. in three days pa- age. iikI dealers. I KNOW THOU HAST GONE. party. They left in high spirits with complete Vv ll‘]‘ 1 f know thou to anil seemed confident of success. The W \ FORFEITED BY Du. L.DIX hast gone the house of thy fcs'u charts, il to jto ^bbirtiscntcnls. GOLDPANIC! »PUV/V failing cure in less time than any Then why should soul be so sad? most of the were old and other more my party Californians, WOMAN’S physician, effectually and permanently, with I know thou hast where the are blest, less gone wearv were used to a life of adventure. Among the restraint from .cupation or less exposure to all WEED! WEED! And the mourners looks up and is glad! weather, with safe plea-ant medicines. WEED! " party was one George Cummins, a man of here love has put oil', in the land of its birth. the (SOLI) PANIC in New SELF-ABUSE ND SOLITARY who had one COMMON SfcNSE f l Dating York HABITS, THE WEED rite stain it hath in this : large experience, accompanied gathered \\ AN I ED—AGEN l'S. $^50 per month to sell the only Their effects and consequences; A the sweet the of the reached GENUINE IMPROVED intjliope. singerthatgladdencd earth, previous expeditions. They COMMON SENSE FAMILY SPECIAL AILMENTS AND Lies SEWING SITUATIONS, I asleep on the bossom of bliss! the island after fifty-six days navigation, MACHINE l*ric«» only 1*. Great in- SEWING ducement? to Agents. This is the most Incident to Married and Single Ladies* MACHINE I worn out and popular Sewing RIGHTS! know Simonton thou hast where forehead is starv'd thoroughly disgusted. They Machine of the the latnous Bros. & Co. gone thy day—makes “Elastic Lock SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS; THE XIUJJS'F. With the that dwelt in nineteen there for Stitch”—will do any kind of work that can be done on beauty thy soul, spent days vainly looking Mercurial Affections; and all diseases Where the of loveliness he any Machine—100,000 sold and the demand oonstant- Eruptions of the light thy cannot marr'd the hidden riches, and then up the hunt Skin; Ulcers of the Throat and gave v Now is the time to take an Send were enabled to secure a Nose, body; Pimples on ! heart be thing back from its increasing. Agency. LARGE that the Ladies are en- the 1* ace; the North) goal: as sail for or circulars, Believing Swellingof Joints; Nervousness; Constitu- I of entirely Utopian. Setting again fg-lieinare of infringer3.j&Sf Address tional and other know thou hast drank the Lethe that flows Weaknesses in and the more ad- in La SECOMB & CO., Boston, Pa or St. youth a land Panama, they finally brought up Union, Mass.,’Pittsburgh, vanced, at all ages, of Through where they do not firget. Louis, Mo. STOCK of Goods, at Pan- titled the of whence Cummins came to this with Dry right purchasing That sheds over memory ouiy repose, up city BOTH SEXES, SINGLE OK MAURI ED. And takes from it the news of their blasted only regret. hopes. is an excehent article of ic and LORILLARD’S Prices, would their DRY GOODS where i»n. i. mx'M It was that the failure of this ex- bring In th) far-away dwelling, wherever it thought granulated Virginia; be, wherever introduced it is PRIVATE MEDICAL OFFICE, I believe thou hast \ isions of would put an end to all attempts to “EUREKA" before the can muie, pedition universally admired. It reader the fol- they obtain the 'll Endicott And the love that was not the case. | Street, Boalou. Ma.», made all things a music to me recover the specie. This Smoking Tobacco is put up in handsome i have is so arranged that patients never so" or hear not yet learned to resign ; Last winter some of the and musiin Dags, in which orders tor uccrgctiaum L'tues are each oilier superstitious inducements to best Recollect, the only entrance to his office is ]%-<>. lit the hush of tile on the waste of daily packed. lowing bargains, iKn night, the sea. citizens of Costa Rica to ing no connection with his Or alone with the breeze on wealthy began agi- residence, consequently no the hill, family so that on no I have ate the anew. A was or- is made ol the choicest interruption, account eau atis p.r^.n ever a presence that of thee. subject company LORILLARD'S purchase. Iresilate at ilia office. whispers leal grown; it is anti- applying And my lies down and is still. composed of some of the prominent DR. LUX spirit ganized nervous in its effects, as officials. The matter was Yacht Club and it -dote must be government the Nicotine has been ex- ■Simonton boldly asserts, cannot he contradicted, except by i eye dark that so lias been dim. Bros. &Co. long before the Costa Rica and Smoking Tobacco tracted; it leaves no dis- quacks, who will say or do even them- 1 Kre again it may gaze thine; brought Congress, anything, perjure upon iigieeauu- rasre surer smoKing; it is very mna, ngni in selves, to impose upon patients,) lie Ihu m\ heart has after an authorized the revealings of thee and thv home, investigation they pur- color and vvr ight, hence one will last as as WATERPROOFS AM IS T1IK ONLY KKlrlJLAR GKAIH'ATK PHYSICIAN In pound long CLOAKINGS. many a token and sign. chase of several shares of the stock on Govern- of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders Have been INDUCED to AnVKKTlSINU IN BOSTON. I arrange never look up with a vow to the sky. ment account. A large of the mem- every day for lirst quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it We are in constant reception of Patterns iVoni SIXTEEN YEARS But a majority and convince it is all it claims to him light like thv beauty is there— yourselves be, engaged in treatment of Special a fact eo w-ll bers of the new were soldiers, pro- KINK3T OF ALL.” New York and ISoston. The Diseases, And 1 hear a low murmur like thine in expedition PRICES on their GOODS known to many Citizens. Publishers, Hotel — Merchants, replv. sent to look after the interests of Gover- When I out in bably cloth cut Proprietors, !fcc., that he is much recommended, ami par- pour my spirit prayer. This brand id Fine being ment. A was sent to lookout LORILLARD S Cut ticularly to priest along has no And though like a mourner tliabsits bv a chewing tobacco their custom- tomb, for their welfare. left Costa Free or wherby STRANGERS AND 1 am w rapp'd in a mantle of care—’ spiritual They CENTURY equal or superior any- Cliawgo TRAVELLERS. Rica in June last. has been heard of where. It is without 'lo avoid and ' et the grief of my bosom—oh call it not Nothing when purchased at our Store. An examina- escape imposition of foreign ami native gloom, Chewing Tobacco. doubt the best chewing ers can save quacks, more uumeruus in Boston than in I not the black grief of them until when a letter was re- other ian-e HERSEY & despair; yesterday, tobacco in tlie country. tion of the latest YKI.YKTKKN cities, WOODWARD, It) sorrow revealed, as the stars are from of a friend in style by night, ceived the party by this LUC. i) I A Karotf a vision and MANY A DOLLAR. bright appears, of the LORILLARD’S have now been in gen- A-lraehan Cloaks is solicited. proudly refers to Professors and respectable I 54 Main 'nd like city, containing intelligence discovery in Physicians— Street, hope, the rainbow, a creature of eral use the United many ol whom consult him in critical because of light, of the treasure. The letter states that all the cases, have just received anuther I born—like the rainbow—in tears. States over llo years,and his acknowledged skill and reputation, attained through lot of those < >IHirai. ,i treasure has not as been and $ W II I F S still “the so Marllineii yet obtained, acknowledged lung experience, practice,and observation. equally good lor tine ur heavy work. best wherever used. WHFN YOU WERE therefore no estimate of its value can be The services of a AFFLICTED AND Sewing Machines are too well SEVENTEEN. given. lirsi ela>s Cloak .Maker of UNFORTUNATE, kuowu to rcquii. a If your storekeeper does not leave these articles for oe not robbed and add to of has your sufferings in being deceived detailed on tin- Win ii 'In was mown. The greater part that which already sale, ask hint to them ; are sold 1'Mi Aral's (W essay great advantages they are e liny Mary. get they by respectable pnii'llri lias Ikh'11 Srriuvd, by the lying boasts, false s q,ul,|. DRESS misrepresentations, promis to i n i In- years long ago. been dug out is in silver, the most of it. Span jobbers almost everywhere. GOODS. and pretentions of rendering nli classes oi people. Circular of mailed on and ay<‘ intend to no Ami while the western was prices application. :-pfuv pains in FOREIGN AND NATIVE 1’here are at sky rich ish dollars. QUACKS, present ninny styles ,.t Machines, at * H itli P. LORILLARD & New York. who know little of the nature and character ol sunset’s rosy glow. CO., tlii; mn»ni Special rious prices in the it making department We have the LARGEST and lets to their cure. Some market, making important tlmt I,, ■'lien hand in hand we ASSORT- Diseases, exhibit forc'd 'dose-linked passed GEORGIA. ol ers should understand the The dewy rieks between, Aromatic nient to Waldo. Diplomas Institutions or (’olleges, which never tAisled qualities ol each thu heu in of the world; others ■ in" Washington. Dec. 13. The Senate Vegetable Soap- any part exhibit Diplomas >; the intelligentiy pre( ari i to s ;ur. the on b. Vin 1 1 was judici- how st id one-and-twenty, May. MENT ia (lie lead, obtained, unknown; not only aud I 10 committee has a bill City. as-uming their wants. I‘ie merits attach, And you were seventeen. ary agreed upon provid- advertising in names of those inserted in tin* d In tin-n M.I. diplomas,! ol for the of the but to further their imposition assume name-of oth.-r cel- simplicity construction convenience a ut Your voice was ing reassembling Georgia Leg- using low and sweet, Mary: ebrated physician.' long since dead. Neither be de< eived ness of urraugeuiem, &c. Your islature, the exclusion of its members wavy lutii* was brown; ineligi- k i n «; 1,0 v i:s. full instructions K given and satisfaction guaianti I Y our cheek was liki the wild red rose ble under the 14th amendment and the re- QUA* NCSTB UM-1IAKEUS, I lalse cert ideates and and 11 HUSKY St WUUmVAKl That showered its petals of the heretofore excluded members. Ail BRIGHT. GREEN AND SLOE through references, recommend down; seating imposing is made in this utioiis ol their medicines the who Your were like the blue display depart iy (lead, cannot expos* eyes speedwell. The is to be Provisional until the or contradict them or W-liemeiuberthat at ;»4 yiuiu With Legislature meat. shaile ; who, besides, to further their im- ,ireri. >,>u eau !• dewy moisture sheen, Every and ean ho from medical United States Senators and ipialily positions, copy books, much that is written a Heed Family I'niarile Unalilne V\ hen I was ime-and-twentv. Uepresentalivcs I3 I.A of the and efb cts of different Nrniug May. obtained and oven* A 1 I ) qualities herbs and plants lor are admitted to For the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children. p:iir warranird. SJ, cash, on its installments or on the work And you were seventeen.’ Congress. and ascribe all the same to their Pills, Extracts, plan. 1. Specifics are kOLII 111 ALL Hill CU»ISTM. &c\, most of which, if not all, contain Mercury, because easy and tin Machine tile ill s | Tin- spriiiL! Was in our Dor in such, oftlie hearts, Mary. suits, large quantities ancient beliel of its “curing everything!” but now itelfast, Jn!y o, lso'.i. Yu.I all its were Willis, when in a of hopes ours : Germany, bought pair known to kill more than is cured,’*' and tin. e me And we lie re children ill the fields, garters at a fair, with a wreath of flowers killed, constitutionally injured ldr lile. the Ursina, Double that the customer cannot Ymong opening flowers. painted on them. Inside the delicate fabric Savage’s Paisley Shawls IGNORANCE OF QUACK DOCTORS AND A' ’. Life was like, a Summer was FOR THE NOSTRUM-MAKERS. ^nns fiimi ( olliirs iiiui day consecrated with some verses, which the HAIR, •lust reeeiveil new and -old Aiuid tin- woodlands green, lias a world-wide reputation for the lite ol demons cheap. Through the ignorance of the Quack thus translated :— restoring fail to be suited both in Doctor, knowing For I was one-and-twenty, May. poet the Hair and permanently maintaining its beauty. no other remedy, he relies upon Mi-.iu i.uv, and gives :• shurc You hollers too loud. When ASH Doctor or for experi- When 1 glory. your Druggist fumery ments with > Kevenue just thear* bond- are not I. was one-and-twenty. May. j MI'EET h t/ivnt mill at LO IV quackery. received, it. de in (IITIHE—it equals (bitter) variety price*. to the internal rev.nut* lux ol KlYi. < Ami you were seventeen. you gits Dove your heart, and de Lamb Quinine, DU. DIX’S I’KIt K.N I ID M’Fd by Stearns, Farr ft Co., Chemists, New York. railroad or bonds bv on as if charges are very moderate. Communications sacredly bond-, given towns oi .iti,>iu aiJ your bosom, you'll teel you was in Lancaster Bod at a j Spreads $1.50. confidential, and all may rely on him with the strictest railroad, or by way of a loan'of credit to railr.-t I i dat stable at Betholem and de blessed CANNOT COUNT MY LIFE A LOSS. Virgin mi. OLIL Homl kt.. A. treats all secrecy and confidence, whatever may be the con- company. V., pri- Yard Wide Brown Cottons, Id cts. disease, This had lent de haliv to vate Seminal BLACK ALPACAS. dition or situation of one, married or consideration gives, Belfast (Tty Bonds A OKI.A I annoi count lile a you sleeping hold.” diseases, Kmissions, Impoteiicy, See. any single. my loss. Linen Table 75 Medicines sent Mail and to all of .ie AI>\ A N ! A\ i;t we make principle--, speedy guaranteed business, this oti'er : To such as sate v unparalleled 1 or full information address very few days. So invariably certain is this new mode Purely vegetable; and certain. A altiahle Cat h .; are not well we will and satisfied, send $1 to pay for the ot treatment, that most obstinate under beneficla.' to health, (ipo. < (jnoDWI.S "mowing sranzas are taken from a trouble of Full CLOAKINGS. complaints yield writing. a valuable and all particulars, sample, L. A it, and the atllicted person soon rejoices in perfect health. Boston, druggists, an which will do lo commence work and a of GRAY, A. bin 11 1.. >'y unknown hand, wliieh was read on, copy The M., Principal, l)r. Dow has no doubt had greater experience in tin People's Literary Companion—one of the largest and j'Srnemombor th>* fl.l door cure of w omen u last, '»>- l'OUTLAXIt. Mai...- diseases of than any other physician in meeting of the New York Sorosis— host family newspapers published—all sent fr. e by mail. AVe cut Boston. if want garments file of Header, you permanent, profitable work, address hoarding accommodations tor who wish shades night were fast. E. C. ALLEN & patients may falling CO., Augusta, Maink. ford to in Boston a tew under his treatment. As through an Eastern eitv Vessel for Sale. Hay Block, Belfast. l'itKK OF Cl IA 1 i< i K stay days passed Fishing Dr. since conlined his whole atten- A maid iii Dow, 1815, having blooming bloomer drest, tion to an office tortile cure ot Private DDeasep \\ itb Ibis 1 lib schooner SbN A 1 (Hi, ::i tons <*. M. practice device her crest— SIMONTOM BROS. & CO and no upon t ► Is in good order and well found in sails, when the (doth is at the Female Complaints, acknowledge-- siperior in tin $0 purchased United Sorosis. rigging, cable, &e. Will be sold very low. till) States. N. B. -All letter mu »t oont n on* lol i- b. 15. (b\IU»M.K, Ib brows were kind: STOKE. not be answer* <1. beneath her veil Ihickspoi t. Her A. 0 eyes blazed like a comet's tail ; ©ke'jUlBfj&m. | Office hours from M. to !■. .w. riiAS. A. DANA, Editor And like a martial Preservers. i Boston July iio 18f>‘,». * bugle rung ■«-'n*aps*st, Mnartot, and best New York nrwspapor. Unfailing Eye The tones of that outlandish tongue— I tv'vfuNiy like-it. Tluvc editions: DAILY, J$0| Skmi- 'Vkkki.y, mid Wekklv, JSl a year. AlltheNkws Sorosis. «•' b Full re oorts dt-priee. of markets, agriculture. Fanners’ —CUT AT— 1 I'mit Growers’ n in GOLD, not the Clubs, unji complete rtory every Units' SILVER, fry polls, oh maid, beware W.-ekly an«l Semi-Weekly number. A present of valuable Department. The scheming politician's snare; plants and vines to every subscriber; inducements to ean- VHss.-ra Life Grand 1 was unsurpassed. ♦ Insurances, Pianos, II, L. LORD'S all in vain the old man cried. M. winir Parlor llraits ami Machines, Organs, Sewing Machines, &e., Woolen Goods, Flannels, Under- I Coin, Bomls,! F(,r still that ringing voice replied— among the premiums. Specimens and lists free. Send a \o. lO II igl» *t. Dollar and trv it. Bought and sold and highest price paid by Sorosis. I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher Sun, New York. [.A/AK’I S & MOK'KiS' garments, Braces, Stockings, hi stay, the young man cried, and rest Dr. Ham’s Aromatic !■: i. i: n ii a !' i; n S. A HOWES & CO. | waterfall Invigorator Scarfs, Collars, and Uf Thy upon this vest ! Wanted Paper I A hair stole down her painted cheek, Agents Removes from the system the ill effects caused by the ex- For a .Yew Illustrated Hook of great historical interest, cessve use of uleliolio liquors, and destioys Perfected an endless oi ItuT still she answered with a elleetually Spectacles variety squeak— stirring events and adventure. the appetite for these stimulants. It tone to debil- Mauiioofl: Huff Lost. How Restore! Sorosis. thrilling gives l.uiulinx V|, itated mucous surfaces. Effete matter is removed from iiinl S A' s. .Just published, :i new edition ot lit. ; Por Nab1, Wbole-sale and the it to normal healthful con- articles, so Ketuil, by beware the baleful company THE RiVER OF THE system, thereby restoring cheap iilvei'ttidl'it Celebrated E**a« WEST; dition. As a medicine it is and curing For l< v* % hoiu;va(« Of Francis Train and Susan 13.— Or, curly Time* in the lloikr Hountaiii* quick effectual, Sale at CALVIN II KUVKV’S, A-.-nt llollast. on the nulii'al cure Without medicine ot the most cases of Com- .JAMKS IP I bis whs old and with a of the aggravated Dyspepsia, Kidney KMKU'i d-weler, liueksport. 111•» that Si’Kioi vTointild.A,or Seminal Weakness, Belfast, Mam. Greeley’s warning knell. Oregon: lliotorr Country and all other of the Stomach and ready .md plaint'. Derangements 1 seminal r poti.N' v Mental and A voice You — the Experiences of a Houiitaiu-.TIaii and !*!»• iivoluntary Kos*es, replied. go to well— Bowels in a speedy manner. This preparation 1 ueer. By Mrs. Vic of An in- elegant Physical incapacity Impediments to Marriage etc. also Soro«is. rou, Oregon. intensely has stood the test of years. A full before eat- TTIOl SAND CASKS OF (ADDS sale of them is no teresting work, replete with humor, and instruc- wine-glass mystery- ! ('eNSlWil'TloN, KiMi.i.rsv, and 111*, induced M e, pathos ing will give a and all were from our house in On*- Year, to fami- tion. Now in For circulars and good appetite, prevent suffering- I^ORTYshipped or sexual extravagauev. MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD press. terms, address froin Ladies of weak and delicate constitu- lies, and merchants, in of the indulgence Correspond, ace of the X. Y. Sun. the Publishers, indigestion. clubs, every part country, Price, in a sealed envelope, only ,vnt*. tions should take the Invigorator three times a A from Maine to California, amounting in value to over 10 10 !Ml 11 ItV I HI It. W. IIUHM A Conn. day. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, eh-ariv AN IMMENSE DEPOSIT OF SILVER CO., Hartford, full before will insure sweet and r< FOUND. wine-glass retiring demonstrates lrom a thirty year*' successful practice All the asks is a and to T PEAIiOD Y MEDICAL* IN ST IT U T E Your readers will remember the con- freshing sleep. proprietor trial, eatliers, that 1 be consequences oi sell-abuse may be story induce this he has the in ONE MILLION DOLLARS. alarming CANVASSING BOOK SENT FlCEE put up Invigorator pint bottles without use of internal s«S in FOK Our facilities for this immense busims.- j radically cured the dangerous I IK it I lluell VIi im I. IKohCoii eerning 10,000,000 silver buried on Cocos at 50 emits—quarts, $1.00 Principal 15 Central transacting Depot, are better than ever medicine or the application ot the knife; pointing out. a tlsand, which was started in wharf, Boston. Sold all before. We have agents in all the San Francisco by druggists. cities to Tickings, mode ot cure at once ,*iuip!e, certain, and ell’ectual, by Opposite Revere lion-* Sold in Belfast bv ». A. HOWE* & CO. principal purchase goods from the Manulactur t,-n and lias by mean* of which sullen-r, no matter what his con- years ago, been aris In ers, Importers, ami others, lor immense sacrifice from Hie cost dition my be, may him-ell cheaply, privately, und 'd in every in the United E. KIUBILL. original of production. Bed country newspaper 1)5 Our stock in ol the rudindh/. States. The consists, part, following goods:— Spreads, nil; MJIKNI K OP UTK, or SKI I PKPSPICN v tale was that a doctor at San Fran- »- Tins Lecture -Mould be in tie bands oi c\ cry and SIiumIm. 121 a i* I* «*!**. youth Caslight UiiiltM. (oiioui. Gin-, HON. A » a cisco was one and every man in the land. Medical Treatise on the as, ,ud Fur night called to the bedside of a A WORK of the R l'^TERIEM, DroiiJi Gnoilv faille Linen, I'on <>U. Linen descriptive hums, in a to .Sent under seal, plain envelope, any address, lAII.U'slI'.ll Vi 1 A I.I t'V Pit KM AT 1.. 10. I.INI u Ni i: vim s and watched over him KIN. are, Spoons plafml dressing the Man, I’m >i. Di hi \ Hi carefully and made and It tells how Paris has the and most Xickel .Silver, llfcxxert For!.*., publisher*. become Gayest lite-holtle Toilet VI L\ KRW I’.LL’S t and all oth >r tor all his own HENRY Quilts, Also, Dlt. .Marriage .uide,” price oNliltIA, disea-es arising the I i.k paid In of Beautiful City in the world; how its Beauty and Splend- HEIMS, |dace«l Castors. Hnl.imda W are. Glavs prescriptions. spite cents. oi Voi all IPs or are at a fearful cost of and Suffer- Ware.'fable ami Ekoci«et ( utlerr. in it, or the In dis, iti. riii.Ns or K\i ot m precautions tlie sailor grew worse, and purchased Misery great Address the publishers, how visitors are Swindled 106 SUDBURY I •, ing; by Professional Advent- STREET, variety. < !M ( ture years. his i? iudi ed a book fix ry in. Prl it last the doctor told him he must die. Hemp Carpetings,*&c. II .1 liUU: A (O The urers; how Virtue and Vice arm-in-arm in the Beauti- Klegant I’rencli ami German ■ go Fancy liJ Ilotiert 1% Voik. Po-t ()llt'« RoX 4k. only One Dollar. page *• \ ft man was deeply affected and ful City; how the most Fearful Crimes are committed Hostoii, Mass- Goods, Blnautiftsl l*liotogr;i|ilk illMiins, tin- wept bitterly. be found in and an ex- lyr'U) H Vi PS, Author. Death fame over him and concealed ; how money is squandered iu useless lux- newest and choice, t styles in Morroeeo ami Velvei p.iml- May Stock, but Manufacturer of BILLIARD with the l»a- slowly surely. ury; and contains over 150 fine Engravings of noted TABLES, A lK*».*it Toi Kaen II niiMti, On his with tears in Lile and Scenes in Paris. t«*nt Combination Cnaliion. Tlonocco Trat dying bed, his Places, Agents wanted. Can atrip superior filing Kag-*. lEamlGm < Ginf Kiilitled SK\l AI. PH I SlOLi m, I ot WOMAN V eyes, t«» of and NOTICE. lie thanked for all his vassing books sent free. Address NATIONAL PCI' any now in use, at reduced prices. ansi Glove llotes. Ac. amination price quality the^loctor kindness, and All orders -l the II KK DISK ASKS *.r, Won in it; v in, LIS1IING Mass. Air promptly attended to. i'»niosl4 (Wold a ml IMaic.l J en of the uen ent VI ri !.I.I AM I*. SWAN it Co., having aid that lie could and would CO., Boston, elry. purchuJ« repay him for styles. \\ Stores, Storehouses ainl Wharf of tl IN loi.' vLLV \ND P.\ I Umi.iioh \ u \ f r..m 1m iv all his trouble, in a We have is solicited. are now an enfin new -dock, few short breaths he told also mad-' arrangements with som of flu earnestly PKRSON, Jit., opening l*> 4>i.l, \. with Ii.i.i 11: \ i: t s wine article-. elegant him leading Publishing Houses, that w ill enable is fo sell consisting in part "1 the folh that in his younger he had been a INi.S. days of New LOOK! LOOK! tin* slandard and latest works of authors at SI (JAR JAVA COFF1CK With York; popular CORN, (iUANCKATKP pirate. twenty he had about one-half the aieli as P.y i:i»n Mi.. These are, all am, th m*>-t xtra companions ship- or. Um* I iidei -H orlil of tli«* 4*real i n y o regular price m:k, Siiiiuiiton Bros, it FLOCK, COKKKK RIO beyond compari IH and 1'i.nni Co. at Callao on a treasure iiNS, Mu.ion. min’s Wdi:i; in lu!l (lilt PORK, HAVANA JAPAN I KA works ot ewr 1’. ped Spanish ship bound City. The sins of every class of society nary Physiology pubiish'd. to and Cloth It hidings, ami hundred of otlni P.KLK, ST. J A(j( > «)OKON(J Cadiz. Wen five out rose Avoid the Railroad to ruin. Sig- No. 11 RH< UNIX ROW. whatever that tie MAitiui :- >i -i\ i.i days they and exposed. Vim nils I.AIMES.—The cHi‘brnti‘d UK. I.. DIX I. MISCOVAPo RAISINS nothing nals of danger are up. Moke Money in ARP, butchered the ollieers and after- THESE AND EVERYTHING ELSE FOR A. invites all Ladies who need a Mvtlictil or SPICKS. SAL'l OA I S, Kl i'llI'.B Skn can either re.pur. .»r wish to k; a passengers, it fok Live Agents than any othkk! and see 111 largest stock <»f particularly roiiACPO, KISH, wliicli the course adviser, to call at his Booms, ‘M Kndicott St. of the vessel was Book, lakes three presses all the time to Surtjicitl A lull and complete assortment of (Jroccrice, which we what is fully explained, and many mutter-> •>{ pi, i,; changed Boston, Mass., which they will tind arranged tut their due west. weeks last JOne Agent took II* or- Dollar lor in\ite to caW and « and we will and ai -1 Three afterward, a print enough. Now' Furnitviro One Each Article. uccommodat ion. purchasers \.inline, important interesting character mir..du< during ders tri lO dags. 740 pages, 45 illustrations. special make Price, prices satidaetory. «• drunken carousal, the ran a reef Women \V<* do not olh r :i single article of Mint 1)B. DIX having devoted over twenty years to this which no allusion even can Ik- loiiud n any oth k ship upon of tgeni* Warned. Address N. Y. BOOK ever offered in this city. PARLOR SUM’S of the merchandise, \VM. It. SWAN, can be sold di alers at our We do not branch of the treatment of all diseases rooks an Island in the and CO., 145 Nassau street, N. Y. LATEST STYLES by regular price. particular peculiar A. CUT I KK SlliU V. in our language. All lie \. u Di- .»\ n fringing Pacific, ask to from us unless we to it is now conceded (both in this coun- you buy goods can sell Mum females, by all, lsco. tf f:: whose before of ■ I U S T () P i: N I NO. excels all Belfast, May !, thor, exp* rieiiee is an uniut. nipt* ! magi, morning eight the buccaneers were cheaper than you can obtain I hem in any other wuy,- try and Kurope,) that he other known practic- tilde such as n. v* b to drowned. At the break of reached while tin; greater part ot our goods are sold at about ioners in the sale, speedy and effectual treatment of all probably dor* 1. 11 0,, bd cl ... day they ! liOOIt ! at the and of our quality prices female complaints. man—are in Tull. .V* on should wol, the shore in and found A J CUSTOM MADE and given pn boats, the island fer- SAFE, IOOK WALNUT CHESTNUT llis medicines are prepared with the express purpose CHAMBER One-Half these valuabb- book- Th are unlik- aiiv off. tile and pleasant. CERTAIN SETS, ETAGEKHS, SIDEHOARDS, the Regular Rales. of removing all diseases, such as debility, weakness, un- y uttitdy WHAT-NOTS, &c. ot 11 also all ever Alter three hard AND &c., We want good reliable agents in every part of the natural suppressions, enlargements unworn b, published. days work,they brought the which How from a morbid state of the blood. Country. By employing your spare time to lorm clubs discharges V \!.l ABM PuMKv We have r. c, in d t ..line, of to at our stock of $40 silver dollars tlie large COMMON’ FIJRNl- The is now to treat in his $40 Cure Doctor $40 kegs and us can shore, buried Speedy and you obtain the most, liberal fully prepared peculiar medical woiks ot II ... J TURK. PINE sending orders, Dr. Haves. 1 lies. i. rOOK CHAMBER SETS, BEDSTEADS. or both and all diseases ol the them, Tlie treasure amounted to commissions, either in < a*Ei Itlerchamli.'M'.aiKl style, medically surgically, _> IV are ot actual and hud a \. over $10,- CHAIRS. &c. W ILS merit, should place in r> TABLES, &c., all sent us will be as and we (email- sex, and are invited to call at 000,000. As water and the goods by represented, guar- they respectfully telligent family. They are not the ela*ap ordt r .r i.. wassearee, provi- antee satisfaction to one with our h use. every dealing IloMtoi* able trash, published by irresponsible partie- ami sions on the wreck were NEURALGIA and see our prices, so that all can 1 No. 21 Einlitott Street, the cheap bu> As the are coining, we an- nr- Shuttle Machine! chased to coarse but an totally damaged, J and not to he undersold in the Holidays making special Sewing gratify tastes, written by AND ALL IOOk State. to one who reads our advertise- twelve pirates took to their boats, and steered rangements supply every All letters requiring advice must contain one dolkr to sponsible professional gentleman ot eminence ta ment, with the most liandsom* and useful H< pres .S’777V 777: .S' ALIKE OX HOT 11 SIDES : source ef instruction oil vital com er w h torthe coast ot South NERVOUS tds liday insure an answer. matters, mug America. was C. D. FIELD. A. B. MATHEWS. ents that can be of or wished and Jo Nothing DISEASES. thought for, enable Boston, Jan. 1 1809— lyr lamentable ignorance < \i-t-. The im|K>rtant -id-j. ever heard from one ot them to them and wi the boats, and ft was procure cheaply expeditiously; presented are treated with delicacy, ability and .r. e will to our give any one who will become Agent, 4Inr First Class. as an appendix many uselul pre .-iq.r i.o. ?. »;». probably swamped in a storm which oc- Its Effects are great Railrcad Bank. II mid red Free Tiekei*. enumerating some of Mu are added. f.. curred three Savings complaints days alter had left tlie island. many different articles from which you can make i * ■ () > ini-'.i. they Magical. IS HEREBY That your I r i < ( ) 111 y I 1 o 11; i i“s. //., s,rt. The in the other GIVEN, application selection ot Holiday presents. provisions boat soon An UNFAILING REMEDY tor Neuralgia V.m will be made to the next I>i.. II a v i-.s is one *. tin t ... gave NOTICE Legislature ot Maine, by -: DR. FOSTER’S mn-l barm md .q For returning lull clubs from these Free Tick ., ac- r<> run nnsr i.\ mauuet. j out, and tlie men ialis, olten effecting a cure iu a single day. No the undersigned and associates, lor the charter ot a Sav- e- under a sun for approval of the best Thousands, in evtrv drifting burning two weeks, physicians. W. H. SIMPSON, uary, 1870. Haves, one of the most learm *1 and pej-ular ph\>i. ,i part of the country, gratefully acknowledged its power the survivors were a W. T. COLBURN, lti every order amounting to over $50. accompanied b\ IJ. KANKI Aewnt. ot the day.— Tin M< it-"l tin-/ ••/,../ Journo mi picked up by passing to soothe the tortured nerves, and restore the 1 tiling W. N, vessel. S. L. MILL I KEN. the cash, the Agent may retain S.'.oo, and in every order 1MW. strength. WM. C. of over be retained to Sent mail on of MARSHALL, $loo, $3.00 may l*iice of 8» IK.NV1 OF I.IKK, $:.o<). I ll Yn|i >! < n One ol them died on tlie and by receipt price and postage. J. B. VVADLIN, /,*. T. HANK IS. Tr'trrlliiti/ A.(;o. all dealers in PITCHER, This oiler is more to assist Agents in the ley morocco, gilt, Postage paid. incredulous listeners, and to seek in vain for It is sola by drugs and medicines. A. 1). especially TUBBIB A BEAN, Western and Southern States, but is open to all custom I Fither book sent by mail on of prn means to return to :i CO,, Proprietors, CHARLES I). receipt tlie island. He was now < HO FIELD, ers. $40 $40 $40 Tremont, Street. BBoston. Bass. H. II. Address “1'iik 1*kahoi>\ Mkiih ai. In-mi about to end a life of in FORBES, C O M MISSIONS Mm I d disappointment death. WM. B. SWAN, Du. HAY I S, No. I Bultiuch Street, Poston At the conclusion of his the CHARLES Agents will be paid ten per cent, in Cash or Mcrelian story sailor — BAKER, « For N. 1».— Dr. II. be consulted in strictest ci nti-h i. dying Knit Knit --Knit J. C. disc, when they mu, it tiikik iontiiik,for winch S may drew from under his bolster a THOMPSON, " roll of below we a List ot Commissions : on alt diseases and < o e, ■ papers JOSEPH II. KALER. give partial ® requiring skill, secresy \.pe» the latitude and ot AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMERI- For an order o* from a club of we ! giving longitude the island Belfast, Nov. 18(19. $.*iO, thirty, Z+ Burns, Hi Phthisic! Phthisic iNVlOt.AULK Sl-.I l;hsv V \ I) (* I- U V A 1 N I v I as near as CAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practical Fam- will pay the Agent, as commission, JS yds. Brown or possible, and handed them to the the ITitliisio, ily Knitting Machine ever invented. Price $25. Will Bleached Sheeting, Good Dress Fattern, Wool Neuralgia, 83 LEW (S' INHALANT, tor but before Square ° cd doctor, the could examine knit 2,0000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN Shawl, French Cassimere Fauts and Vest Fattern, Fine pq physician « Rollovos Forclosure them the old sailor fflSITTING MACHINE Host >n, or St. large White etc., etc., or $3.00 in cash. Always Notico of died. The occur- CO., Mass., Counterpane, Diarrhoea, in a lew minutes. mutiny a g the most cases ol Phthisic Louis, Mo. For am order of $.»0, from club of titty, we will “ Distressing A \N A K Kl N N red the with the it. directly t*> tlie l ungs WIU.IAM of just during Peruvian revolution pay the as Commission, 15 One Inhaled breath, goes \irilFKFAS, Agent, yds. Sheeting, Colic, immediate and certain. \V port, in the county ot Waldo, on the twenty and the sailor Wool Dress Hand- Cramps, and air ceils, and relief is against Spain, died in San pair heavy Blankets, Fopliu Pattern, £ ninth day ot December, A. I*. DiVs, by bis deed of m..rt some some Wool Square Shawl, Silver-Case etc., =« May is, 1 >»'>•»• Francisco thirteen A care- AGENTS WANTED Watch, etc., Bites and PATKNTKD, gage ot that date, recorded in tin- Waldo Kegistiv. \ years ago, or $5j00 in cash. Stints, © ful of the chart Price .‘acts. By Mail s? LOO. l id, page Is.'., conveyed to in«* a certain parcel of laud study located the island in the For an order of from a club of one hun- For a New Household Work, which sells to all classes. $IOO, bn IK. situate in said Northport, being the same pit mi-e* «i« of Cocos. The METALLIC CASES we will the as loo Sprains, Dysentery, J. V. I.Ett l*ro]tri«-l4»r, vicinity doctor embarked in Now Ready, dred, pay Agent, Commission, yds. g Maim*. scribed in my warrantee de« •! to ( barlotte A. Martin good Coin-Silver Case tfoO HtflfaM, the scheme with all his always on hand of all sizes, from two feet to six feet six yard-wide Sheeting, Hunting Sick it dated February Wth, lHi>r. and recorded in the Wald. wealth, out a Kicli Wool Suit of all Wool French Nervous Head- rigged inches. Watch, Long Shawl, j9 Kegistry, Vol. HO, page lot, to which, ami tlo* deed s ‘hooner, and sailed from San Cassimere, etc., etc., or $10 in cash. i- Francisco in on the o' therein mentioned, reference hereby had lorudcscrq WALNUT CASKETS on hand, or made We do not employ any Travelling Agents, and cus- © ache, Pimples Skiu, certain in search of the El Dorado. lie returned a ruin- “OUR HOME always PHILO CHASE, tion Also another parcel ot land, situate PHYSICIAN,” to order, and trimmed in theLATKST STYLK. tomers should not pay money to persons to a new hand book of purporting saitl Northnort, containing about three acre-, being tin ed man, unable to discover the island. family medicine, by GEORGE M. be our unless Worms in Children. Other agents, personally acquainted. Chilblains, ^ same which were to me conveyed bv llarritt A BEARD, A. M., M. D., lecturer on Nervous Diseases, MAH» WOOI* jfj premises were fitted but none were CASKETS, ready-made,at LOW hEHI» nO!Vi:iMMVAVM IBV on the of A. D. I Hi Vs, tier deed «>i expeditions out, in the Universary of New York. Ask your and i he has net he Joy, day May, by 1'KICKS. TEIIEII JLETrEIKK. Druggist for it, f got it, and at taw, ot that recorded in \ ol This work is on Counsellor warranty date, $afd Kegistry, successful. based the most recent mill order it for you. authorities, Attorney 1 and tin- conditio*! In said and 4»V», whereas, mort In brought down to the latest dates, .* nd Is immensely COFFINS CIIEA1*. For lull particulars solid lor Catalogiu-s. Manufactured by the Franklin Medical Association, id, page July, bstiH, several in this is broken, by reason whereof 1 claim a loreclo.-ui > gentlemen superior to any medical work now iu the He’d. Send lor No. 2s St., Poston, Mass. 14 gage < \yinter WALL STREET, t kited at Pel last. in s aid t tills ti is t ot I Uet-re eitj^mught a schooner and fitted out an expe- our 16 page circular. Large commissions pai I. No. 11 PAltKlilJ cV. ()., This Association are also and Manufactu- 'minty. day Phoenix Row. Proprietors her A D. Ihi.o I I l it FK PI If K * dition. There were CEOBUB P. HAWK Eft A CO., 9S*& 100 Summer rers ot Dr. I d lev' ju tly celebrated Catarrh K» New York. twenty-six persons in the St., Boston, Mas:. medy. I 11orl W,tailing«