Management and Production Review Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 • pp. 5–15 DOI: 10.1515/mper-2017-0001


Kriengsak Panuwatwanich1, Thanh Tung Nguyen2 1 Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, Queensland, Australia 2 The Office of Bac Giang Provincial People’s Committee, Vietnam

Corresponding author: Kriengsak Panuwatwanich Griffith School of Engineering Griffith University Gold Coast campus, Queensland, 4222, Australia phone: (+61) 07 5552 7357 e-mail:

Received: 10 October 2016 Abstract Accepted: 27 January 2017 The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organisational culture (OC) and Total (TQM), and the influence of TQM implementation on organisational performance improvement within the context of the Vietnamese construction industry. A survey was conducted with 104 respondents from Vietnamese construction firms, using validated survey instruments developed in past research. Analysis techniques include cluster analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. Findings showed that Vietnamese con- struction firms are dominated by clan and hierarchy cultures rather than and market cultures according to Competing Value Framework (CVF) of OC classification. Fur- thermore, it was found that organisations dominated by either clan or adhocracy cultures could provide a favourable environment for successful TQM implementation, whereas this is not the case for those dominated by both market and hierarchy cultures. This study al- so confirmed the significant and positive relationship between TQM implementation and organisational performance improvement. Keywords Total Quality Management, Competing Value Framework, construction, culture, Vietnam.

Introduction Similar to many other developing countries, in- frastructure development in Vietnam has been con- Over the last few decades, the Total Quality sidered as one of the key facilitators for regional and Management (TQM) philosophy has been applied national economic growth [5]. The World Bank re- to many organisations as a tool to improve quality vealed that Vietnam reached an annual average rate and corporate performance [1]. However, the bene- of economic growth at 7.3 per cent during the peri- fit of TQM to organisational performance improve- od from 1990 to 2010, and one of the key sectors ment is mixed. While many studies indicate that that contributed to the success was the construc- TQM could benefit organisational performance, it tion industry [6]. Every year, approximately 10% of has been reported that not all cases of TQM appli- GDP was invested in infrastructure development in cation have given satisfactory results to the organi- Vietnam during the period between 2005 and 2010, sations that implemented it [1, 2]. Generally, TQM which is the highest investment rate if compared with has been recognised as a successful management phi- the surrounding countries such as China, Indonesia, losophy in manufacturing and service industries [3]. Thailand or the Philippines [7]. However, its benefits to the construction industry are The Vietnamese construction industry has been still unclear [4]. recognised as one of the key sectors that contri-

5 Management and Production Engineering Review buted to the economic growth [6, 8]. However, the ticular to traditional approaches [13]. The core objec- Vietnamese construction industry has been facing tive of TQM is to meet and exceed customer expec- many constraints that negatively affect construction tation by “do it right the first time and every time, projects as well as construction firms [6]. One of for customer satisfaction” [13, p. 2]. Hence, under- the main reasons for those problems as advocat- standing and translating customer needs and expec- ed by many researchers is poor management prac- tations into organisational action plans is a key point tices [6, 9]. Aiming to seek a direction for Viet- of TQM implementation. namese construction firms to improve their perfor- Prajogo and McDermott [11] state that OC is mance, this study examined the applicability and ef- one of the key determinants for the successful TQM ficacy of TQM, and how this is impacted by an organ- implementation. This has also been advocated by isational culture, within the context of Vietnamese many other scholars [15–17]. It was also found that construction organisations. The primary aims of this the failure of the TQM implementation primary de- study are (1) to identify organisational culture (OC) rives from the lack of integration of TQM and culture profiles of Vietnamese construction organisations; change [18]. To nurture TQM implementation suc- (2) to empirically examine the relationship between cess, a number of researchers recommended the need OC and TQM implementation; and (3) to empirical- of organisations for changing OC [15, 19]. In doing ly examine the influence TQM implementation on so, organisations need to be able to systematically organisational performance improvement. define and assess their OC based on a well-developed framework or model. Theoretical background and hypothesis development The Competing Values Model (CVM) remained one of the most adopted approaches for OC assess- ment over the last few decades [20]. Many studies in Organisational culture and TQM the concept of OC have adopted this model to clas- Over the last few decades, the topic of organi- sify and assess OC. In addition, this model has also sational culture (OC) has attracted much attention been validated by Howard [21] and Lamond [22] as from many scholars. Deal and Kennedy [10] defined a representation of OC. The CVM was first intro- OC as the business environment, values, heroes, rites duced by Quinn and Rohrbaugh [23] and then devel- and rituals, and networks, known as oped by Quinn [24]. As noted by Quinn [24, p. 47], a cultural network. Prajogo and McDermott [11] de- the variables that characterised an effective organi- fined OC as the general pattern of mindsets, beliefs sation “differed from one study to another” and “the and values that members of the organisation share more we learned, the less we knew”. Because of this, in common, and which shape the behaviours, prac- Quinn and Rohrbaugh [23] changed the approach to tices and other artefacts of the organisation which discover OC. Instead of seeking for the character- are easily observable. Similarly, Deshpande and Web- istics of effective organisations, they asked experts ster [12] considered OC as the pattern of shared to give opinions about effective organisations. This values and beliefs that help individuals understand study came up with a consensus that experts share the organisational functioning and thus provide them the same implicit theoretical framework [24]. Based norms for behaviour in the organisation. on the findings they created the competing values By convention, Total Quality Management framework (CVF). (TQM) could be defined as a management tool, phi- By using two key dimensions comprising of the losophy, and a set of principles which can be applied degree of flexibility or , and a degree of in- to all functions and processes of an organisation to ternal or external focus of organisations, Quinn [24] continuously improve the quality of products and ser- classified OC into four models including Human Re- vices, to exceed customer satisfaction at any time, lations Model or “The Team”, Open Systems Mod- and continuously reduce the production cost [11, 13]. el or “The Adhocracy”, Internal Process Model or According to Evans [14], the philosophy of TQM “The Hierarchy” and Rational Goal Model or “The involves six basic management concepts: customer Firm”. Based on the “Jungian Framework” devel- focus, process orientation, continuous improvement, oped by Jung [25], the competing values model of empowerment and teamwork, management by fact, organisational effectiveness developed by Quinn and and visionary . Firstly, customer focus Rohrbaugh [23], and Quinn [24], and the notion that means that TQM philosophy considers a customer as “cultures are defined by the values, assumptions, the one who judges and drives quality. This makes and interpretations of organisational members” and a significant change in the organisational business “a common set of dimensions organises these fac- strategy from the focus on product-orientation par- tors on both psychological and organisational levels”,

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Cameron and Freeman [26] adjusted Quinn’s CVM H1: Vietnamese construction organisations dom- to a new model consisting of four OC types labelled inated by either clan or adhocracy cultures are by Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy, and Market Culture. favourable for the success of TQM implementation. In more detail, clan culture tends to empha- H2: Vietnamese construction organisations domi- sise human factors. These types of organisations fo- nated by both hierarchy and market cultures are un- cus on sharing values among people, emphasising favourable for the success of TQM implementation. teamwork and empowerment, and developing an en- vironment that stresses human relationships. It is TQM application and performance for a prime aim of long-term individual develop- of construction organisations ment with high morale and cohesion [16]. Contrast- The Vietnamese construction industry has con- ing to clan culture, market culture is characterised by siderably developed and significantly contributed to result-oriented emphasise driving towards profitabil- the economic growth since 1986 as a result of re- ity and productivity in order to achieve competitive newal policies [29]. However, despite its fundamen- advantages [16, 26]. The long-term purpose of this tal contribution, Vietnamese construction industry type of culture is to achieve established organisation- has been facing many difficulties and constraints that al goals and targets through competitive actions. negatively affect construction projects as well as the Adhocracy culture emphasises the adaptive, flex- construction firms [6]. In the study by Nguyen and ible, and innovative characteristics of the organisa- Chileshe [29], the authors revealed ten most fun- tions. Such organisations readily take risks to employ damental critical factors causing poor performance new resources and inventions in order to gain further of the construction industry, including: (1) disre- profits [16]. In addition, the organisational effective- gard of the significance of project planning process ness is measured by new market or new development and project planning; (2) lack of experience in ex- directions [26]. Adhocracy culture is in direct con- ecuting complicated project; (3) poor design capac- trast to hierarchy culture where the organisations ity and frequent design changes; (4) lack of knowl- stress orders, rules, and regulations to govern em- edge and ability in managing construction projects; ployee’s work [16, 26]. The organisational effective- (5) lack of financial capacity of owner; (6) poor per- ness is measured by the stability, predictability, and formance of contractors; (7) lack of a systematic ap- smooth operations [12]. proach to managing the project and entire organi- Based on the Competing Value Framework sation; (8) corruption and bribery; (9) the delays in (CVF) developed by Quinn [24], researchers have at- payment; and (10) economic volatility and high in- tempted to identify the types of OC that are most flation. It can be seen that most of these factors are suitable for TQM implementation. Gimenez-Espin closely related to management work. This implica- et al. [17] found that clan culture, adhocracy cul- tion was also concluded by many other researchers ture, and the “culture for quality”, which is the in- and practitioners as poor management is the main tegration of clan and adhocracy cultures, positive- reason for construction project failure as well as poor ly impact on quality management, while hierarchy performance of construction firms in Vietnam (e.g. and market cultures give adverse results. Converse- Luu et al. [30]; Nguyen et al. [6]). To clarify the fact ly, in the study by Zu et al. [27], clan and market of poor management in the Vietnamese construction cultures were found to have a significant effect on industry, Nguyen et al. [6] cited that an estimated TQM practices, while adhocracy and hierarchy were 30% of the total construction capital was lost due found to have no links to TQM practices. Despite to poor management. Other difficulties faced by the these mixed findings, clan and adhocracy cultures Vietnamese construction industry were identified by have been widely advocated to be favourable to the Long et al. [31], namely, the complexity of legal and successful TQM implementation [11, 28], whereas hi- institutional framework, and the lack of capable do- erarchy and market cultures were often found to have mestic consultants and contractors for handling large none or negative effects on the TQM implementa- projects. This was concreted by the study of Nguyen tion [17]. In addition, it was suggested that no or- and Chileshe [29] as the authors claimed that Viet- ganisation is likely to be reflected by a single value namese construction firms are working in an envi- system. They instead would be expected to appear ronment where and regulations are inconsistent, in combinations of values, in which some are more and policies change rather frequently. dominant than others [28]. Based on these findings, In addition, it has been argued that the construc- the following hypotheses were developed to address tion market in developing countries becomes riskier the influence of OC on TQM implementation within for organisations where this has been experienced by the context of Vietnamese construction firms: the failure of many construction firms over the last

Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 7 Management and Production Engineering Review decade [30]. The ineffective operation of construction amine the relationships between these profiles and firms resulted in higher market demands as well as the TQM implementation. Following this, Structural a more intense competition in the marketplace due to Equation Modelling was undertaken to analyse the the presence of a large number of foreign construc- relationship between the TQM implementation and tion firms that attempt finding and adopting new organisation performance, in order to test the third and more effective methods and practices in order to hypothesis (H3). improve their performance [30]. Some methods, such The questionnaire was initially designed in Eng- as the integration of Balance Scorecard and SWOT lish and was subsequently translated into Vietnamese analysis, have been suggested for Vietnamese con- before sending to respondents. To ensure the accu- struction firms to evaluate organisational strengths racy of the translation, the questionnaire was first and weaknesses and to measure their performance translated from English to Vietnamese. The Viet- as suggested by Luu et al. [30]. However, it does not namese version was then translated back to English seem to be enough to deal with the existing problems. by a different translator. Subsequently, the result was Many studies have been conducted to examine compared to the original version by the authors to the impact of TQM on organisational performance test the accuracy of the translation. such as the study of Elghamrawy and Shibayama [4], The online survey using the Survey Monkey tool Kaynak [2], Prajogo and McDermott [11]. These was selected to administer the survey due to sever- studies typically showed that TQM is positively and al advantages. First, it can offer flexible functions significantly related to organisational performance. to manipulate all types of questions designed in the Although TQM has been recognised as a success- questionnaire. It also has an attractive interface and ful philosophy in manufacturing and service indus- is economical. In addition, this method is especial- tries [3], its benefits in the construction industry are ly convenient and useful for a researcher who is not mixed [4, 32]. Arditi and Gunaydin [32] identified personally present at the investigated locations. Fur- the distinguishing characteristics of the construction thermore, with this method, the researcher can mon- industry that could be seen as barriers to the suc- itor the progress of obtaining responses, and there- cessful TQM implementation in construction firms, fore he can take actions whenever needed. Anoth- including uniqueness, single-order, single-production er advantage is that the achieved responses from products, mobility site, long duration, lack of clear, the Survey Monkey tool can be summarised auto- and the uniform standard for the overall quality eval- matically, stored online, and extracted in a suit- uation, direct influence of the project owner on the able format for operating analysis programs such as production, one-time between partic- SPSS. ipated individuals and parties. However, a score of When all questions in the questionnaire were in- literature showing some practical evidence of success- cluded on the website, the authors sent the link to ful TQM implementation in Japanese and American several people within the sample and asked them to construction firms by Arditi and Gunaydin [32] and answer the questionnaire as well as to give feedback. Elghamrawy and Shibayama [4] may lead to an as- This could be considered as a pilot stage to identi- sumption of the wider applicability of TQM in con- fy and eliminate any mistakes existing in the online struction industries of other countries. For this rea- questionnaire. son, it is suggested that TQM can be successfully applied to Vietnamese construction firms. Thus, the Sample following hypothesis can be proposed: H3: TQM implementation positively and sig- Judgemental sampling was used for this study to nificantly correlates with the organisational perfor- determine the type of targeted samples. Several con- mance of Vietnamese construction firms. struction units and construc- tion contractors were selected to be included in the designed sample. Using this method, a researcher can Method ensure the suitability for the target population and the possibility of getting responses. The sampling Approach and analysis frame was drawn using a combination of the conve- A quantitative research employing a survey nient sampling and snowball technique, totalling 60 method was selected for this study. To test the first organisations. The questionnaire was then provided two hypotheses (H1 and H2), a two-staged cluster to qualified members within each of the identified or- analysis employed in a similar study by Panuwat- ganisations. The designed sample for this study were wanich et al. [33] was used to uncover the profiles the qualified members consisting of organisational of the respondent’s organisational culture and to ex- leaders, department heads, managers at all levels of

8 Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 Management and Production Engineering Review management, experienced staff members working in • employee relations (e.g. employees are given reg- the selected project management units, and contrac- ular and timely feedback on their quality perfor- tors are. To avoid bias, no more than ten valid re- mance); sponses were chosen randomly from each organisa- • quality data and reporting (e.g. quality data such tion to comprise the final data set. as defects, defect rates, rework, scrap, etc. are The target population and sample of this study fully available in your organisation); included leaders, department heads, managers, and • supplier quality management (e.g. suppliers are experienced staff members working at construction selected based on quality rather than price or Project Management Units or construction contrac- delivery schedules); tors in Vietnam. An online questionnaire survey • project design (e.g. project designs are reviewed was conducted, and 134 individuals responded to and inspected carefully before using them for the the questionnaire, representing 44 organisations. Of construction process); these, 30 individual responses were excluded from the • process management (e.g. inspection, review, or data set due to significant incompletion and invalid checking is emphasised during the implementation responses. Thus, 104 valid responses remained, being process rather than final outputs). equivalent to an effective response rate of 77.6%. The These items were converted into five-point Likert- majority (80.8%) of respondents were male. Approxi- type questions with some adjustments to the wording mately 77% of the respondents were employed in con- to make them suitable for the construction industry struction contractor companies, while the remaining and the target samples. were engaged in project management. Most of the Regarding the organisational performance vari- respondents (67%) were at the position of a depart- ables, this study adopted the ten most important ment head while about 20% were top executives. Re- non-financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) garding firm size, 38.5% respondents were from small from the study by Ali et al. [34]. They are: firms (<50 staff members), 25% came from medium • quality of work (e.g. quality of work done by your firms (50–99 staff members), and 36.5% represented organisation is accepted by the client at the first large firms (>100 staff members). time); • external customer satisfaction (e.g. clients are gen- Measures erally satisfied with your organisation’s perfor- To measure OC, this study employed four main mance); cultural dimensions previously used in the study • safety (e.g. in your organisation, the number of by Cameron and Freeman [26]. They are: dominant accidents at work has reduced over the last five characteristics, leadership style, institutional bond- years); ing and strategic emphases, measured by four survey • market share (e.g. the number of projects man- questions corresponding to the four dimensions. Each aged or constructed by your organisation is in- question is described by four statements presenting creasing); four types of OC according to CVF (Clan, Adhoc- • effectiveness of planning (e.g. the estimated cost racy, Hierarchy and Market). The respondents were and time to complete the project work is not sig- asked to attribute 100 points across the four ques- nificantly different from the actual values); tions in such a way that best captures the character- • labour efficiency (e.g. in your organisation, labour istic of their organisations. It is worth nothing that is used efficiently); the findings relating to OC types based on the CVF • rate of successful tenders or quality contractor se- are presented in this paper. lected (e.g. the rate of successful tenders or qual- The study adopted seven TQM practices used by ity contractors selected of your organisation is in- Kaynak [2] as indicators of the TQM implementation creasing); (referred to simply as a latent variable “TQM” in the • competency in human (e.g. analysis). However, only items that have significant in your organisation, are man- factor loadings were included. Thus, a total of 31 aged effectively); items were used to measure seven TQM practices: • risk control (e.g. is applied effec- • management leadership (e.g. major department tively to projects); and heads actively participate in the quality improve- • manager’s competency (e.g. in your organisation, ment process); managers have enough ability to actively deal with • training (e.g. employees throughout your organi- issues related to their responsibility). sation are provided with specific work-skills train- These ten KPIs were then converted into survey ing); questions, using the five-point Likert scale.

Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 9 Management and Production Engineering Review

Analysis and results to which the items measuring a concept hang to- gether as a set, while item-total correlation was used Data treatment to assess how well an item belonged to its scale by inspecting the correlation between each item or vari- The data obtained from the survey was primarily able and the total score of the construct. analysed, using SPSS version 22, to assess its nor- To measure internal consistency, Cronbach’s al- mality and to determine whether it can be treat- pha was used. The analysis results indicated that ed as a single dataset. To assess the normality, this Cronbach’s alpha values of all constructs range, with- study assessed the normality based on “skewness” in the acceptable limit (0.7), from 0.721 to 0.894, ex- and “kurtosis” indices. Skewness refers to the sym- cept for the supplier quality management construct metry, whereas kurtosis refers to the pointiness of the (α =0.529). Item-total correlation analysis was then distribution [35]. According to Panuwatwanich [36], performed to identify the items that do not correlate skewness and kurtosis indices that fall within the with the supplier quality management scale, using range of -2 to +2 indicate a normal distribution. the cut-off of 0.3 for the corrected item-total cor- The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is performed to relation coefficients as recommended by Field [35]. compare different respondent groups to determine The result led to the exclusion of one item from the whether or not the data are homogeneous across all “supplier quality management” scale, which eventu- groups. Based on the result, the researcher can de- ally improved its Cronbach’s alpha to 0.728. cide to retain the data as a single data set or separate them into different sets of data for further analyses. Cluster analysis The results indicate that of the 46 initial variables, The hierarchical cluster analysis was first per- the values of skewness ranged from −1.117 to 0.892 formed with Ward’s method using all 104 cases based and the values of kurtosis ranged from −0.612 to on four variables of OC. Based on the examina- +1.974. This result suggests that the distribution of tion of a Dendrogram, a four-cluster solution was the data used in this study can be considered normal. recommended. Subsequently, non-hierarchical clus- As mentioned previously, respondents were clas- ter analysis was performed using the four-cluster so- sified into different groups based on categories such lution as input. The results showed that the final as gender, the age of a respondent, size and type of centroids of the four clusters (Fig. 1) were signif- the employing company, years of experience, or posi- icantly different (sig. values of F-statistic test less tion being held by respondents in their organisations. than 0.001) across all four variables of OC as shown For this study, it was determined that the size of the in Table 1. This verified the validity of the cluster company and types of companies might have more analysis results. effects on respondents’ perceptions than other fac- tors. One-way ANOVA test was therefore performed on these factors. The values of F-statistics, mean dif- ferences and effect size indicated that there were no significant differences among all the variables based on the size and types of companies.

Measurement scale analysis Measurement scale analysis was performed to as- sess the reliability and validity of each model con- struct. Two assessments were included in this analy- sis, i.e. internal consistency and item-total correla- tion. Internal consistency aimed to assess the degree Fig. 1. Centroid plots of the four clusters.

Table 1 ANOVA test result for the validity of cluster analysis. Centroids ANOVA test statistics OC Factors Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 F Sig. (n = 22) (n = 17) (n = 49) (n = 16) Clan 123.68 134.18 105.20 66.56 45.712 .000 Adhocracy 77.45 111.24 99.59 79.69 19.150 .000 Hierarchy 125.27 85.12 93.88 117.81 23.191 .000 Market 73.59 69.47 101.33 135.94 40.226 .000

10 Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 Management and Production Engineering Review

Table 2 ANOVA test results of comparing TQM practices between clusters. Clusters’ mean values ANOVA test statistics TQM practices Internal focus Flexibility focus Balance focus Control focus F Sig. Leadership management 4.18 4.07 4.18 3.51 5.821 .001 Training 3.77 3.76 3.84 3.02 4.207 .008 Employee Relation 3.98 3.85 4.01 3.23 9.695 .000 Quality data and reporting 3.74 3.94 3.82 3.17 7.016 .000 Supplier quality management 3.69 3.65 3.63 3.09 4.538 .005 Project design 4.00 4.00 3.95 3.47 3.809 .012 Process management 3.81 3.88 3.81 3.34 4.366 .006

According to Table 1, the four formulated clus- ing from 3.74 to 4.18, to each of the seven TQM ters present four distinctive combinations of the OC practices. These values are significantly higher than variables. In cluster 1 (n = 22) is dominated by those of the control focus cluster, ranging from 3.02 clan (123.68) and hierarchy (125.27). Similarly, clus- to 3.51. This shows that internal focus, flexibility ter 2 (n = 17) is dominated by clan (134.18) and focus or balance focus clusters are more favourable adhocracy (111.24) cultures. Conversely, cluster 4 is for the TQM implementation than the control focus dominated by hierarchy and market cultures with cluster. their scores of 117.81 and 135.44, respectively. Final- ly, cluster 3 presented a good mix between the four Structural Equation Modelling cultures. Based on the two key dimensions of CVF, The primary purpose of SEM is to test the va- which are the degree of control or flexibility, and the lidity of the hypothesised theoretical model by spec- degree of internal or external focus, the four clusters ifying, estimating and evaluating the linear relation- can be named as internal focus, flexibility focus, bal- ships between a set of observed and unobserved vari- ance focus, and control focus culture for clusters 1, ables [36]. The strength of SEM is that it can of- 2, 3 and 4, respectively. fer a straightforward procedure to test the relation- One-way ANOVA was then performed to eval- ships among latent or unobserved variables that are uate the differences in terms of TQM practices be- measured by multiple indicators while other gen- tween the four clusters (Table 2). The results showed eral leaner modellings (GLM) such as ANOVA or that the significant values of all seven TQM prac- multiple regressions cannot perform in unobserved tices, ranging from 0.000 to 0.012 are smaller than variables [38]. SEM analysis normally goes through 0.05. This implies that there is a significant difference five steps including, model specification, data collec- between the mean scores on each dependent variable tion, model estimation, model evaluation, and mod- across the four clusters [37]. The comparison can be el modification if necessary [38]. In this study, the further illustrated in Fig. 2. “item parcelling” technique was employed to develop a “partial disaggregation” model, following Bagozzi and Edwards [39]. This means that, for each of the TQM variables, a mean score was calculated by av- eraging all of its questionnaire items included in the analysis. Figure 3 presents the partial disaggregation model used in this study along with its associated estimated parameters calculated using AMOS ver- sion 20. To ascertain the validity of the SEM model, Koufteros [40] suggested that the convergent validi- ty can be established if absolute t-values are greater Fig. 2. TQM practice comparison between the four clus- than 2. The estimated results of the t-values rang- ters. ing from 7.44 to 9.06, significant at p <0.001, sat- isfy |t-value| > 2. Thus, it can be concluded that Results of the cluster analysis suggest that inter- all seven measured variables are significantly relat- nal focus, flexibility focus, and balance focus clusters ed to the TQM construct, verifying the postulated have similar and reasonably high mean values, rang- relationships among indicators and the latent con-

Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 11 Management and Production Engineering Review struct. In addition, the reliability can be established Discussion of the results if the proportion of variance R2 values of observed variables are greater than 0.5 [40]. The examination Organisational culture and the use of TQM of R2 value for each indicator showed that they all Results of the cluster analysis identified three exceed the critical value of 0.5. From this, it can be clusters including internal focus, flexibility focus, and concluded that the item reliability of hypothesised balance focus that demonstrate similar and reason- model is established. ably high mean values scores to each of the seven TQM practices. These values were significantly high- er than those of control focus cluster as presented in Table 2. This finding suggests that the organisa- tions characterised by internal focus, flexibility focus or balance focus had better performance of TQM practices than control-oriented organisations. In oth- er words, the findings indicate that internal focus, flexibility focus or balance focus cultures are more favourable for TQM implementation than control fo- cus culture. As presented in the cluster analysis results, in- ternal focus culture is dominated by both clan and Fig. 3. Partial disaggregation model and SEM analysis hierarchy cultures. This type of culture emphasises results. both the human relations and internal process of the firms in order to maintain the socio-technical sys- Model fit assessment refers to the extent to which tem, and gain the organisational objectives of human hypothesised model fits the data, whereas unidimen- resources development, consolidation and equilibri- sionality refers to how well a set of measured vari- um [24]. Similarly, flexibility focus culture is domi- ables can exist in a single underlying construct. The nated by both clan and adhocracy cultures. It em- unidimensionality can be established when the fit in- phasises the human relations and open systems to- dices satisfy their respective criteria [36]. wards the development of human resources as well Six fit indices were used for model fit assess- as expansion and transformation of the organisa- ment, adapted from the study of Koufteros [40] tions [24]. This type of OC has also been known and Panuwatwanich et al. [36], including four in- as “culture for TQM” according to Gimenez-Espin cremental indices of Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), et al. [17]. While internal focus culture was dominat- comparative-fit index (CFI), normed-fit index (NFI), ed by clan culture, flexibility focus culture was domi- and incremental-fit index (IFI); and two absolute in- nated by both clan and adhocracy culture. For these dices of relative Chi-square (χ2/df), and root mean reasons, the first proposed hypothesis (H1) “Viet- square error of approximation (RMSEA). The Con- namese construction organisations dominated by ei- firmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed us- ther clan or adhocracy cultures are favourable for the ing the AMOS Graphics. The CFA results sum- success of TQM implementation” can be supported. marised in Table 3 give strong evidence of model These findings once again reinforce the impor- fit and unidimensionality. As shown in Fig. 2, SEM tant role of clan and adhocracy cultures for success- analysis results indicated that TQM had a significant ful TQM implementation as identified by many pre- and positive relationship with construction organisa- vious studies [11, 17, 28, 41]. It has been suggested tional performance (standardised path coefficient of that once TQM has been introduced into an organ- 0.75 at p< 0.001). isation, it often meets some forms of resistance de- riving from individual compliance with the organisa- Table 3 tional mandate flows from factors such as trust, long Model fit indices against criteria. term commitment, participation in decision making, Indices Criteria Estimated results and incentives [28]. For the organisations that are χ2/df < 3 1.395 dominated by clan and adhocracy culture, a positive RMSEA < 0.08 0.015 correlation with a climate of trust, positive attitude NFI > 0.9 0.953 toward the organisation, and equity of rewards could TLI > 0.9 0.974 be found as a result of that OC values [28]. The re- CFI > 0.9 0.986 sistance to the TQM implementation, therefore, be- IFI > 0.9 0.986 comes less for these organisations. In addition, due

12 Volume 8 • Number 1 • March 2017 Management and Production Engineering Review to its own nature, clan and adhocracy cultures im- sation may become dysfunctional. At that time, the ply most of TQM dimensions such as commitment, strengths of specific types of OC may even become customer orientation, continuous improvement, mo- weaknesses. This finding made the hypothesised cas- tivation and training of workers, , and es become more comprehensive and provided another availability of quality information [17]. This, there- approach for the firms to successful TQM implemen- fore, could explain why these types of OC are more tation. favourable for the TQM implementation. Previous studies indicated that hierarchy culture TQM and organisational performance itself does not have any links to the TQM imple- of construction firms mentation [27], or have negative relationships with SEM analysis results indicated that TQM had TQM [17]. However, the finding of the present study a significant and positive correlation with construc- indicates that when the hierarchy is integrated with tion organisational performance. This finding pro- the clan to be the dominant OC, it could foster the vides support to the third proposed hypothesis (H3) successful implementation of TQM. This can lead “TQM positively and significantly correlates with to two suggestions: either the hierarchical value has the organisational performance of Vietnamese con- no effects on the TQM implementation, and the ef- struction firms”. The finding of the present study fects are solely caused by clan values, or hierarchical was also consistent with those of Elghamrawy and values become supportive of the TQM implementa- Shibayama [4], and Pheng and Teo [3] which also tion when they are combined with the values of clan suggested the positive influence of TQM on construc- culture. This unclear conclusion may require further tion organisational performance. The finding is al- studies to estimate exactly the role of hierarchy mod- so supported by many other studies that investigat- el in internal focus culture. ed other industries, employed different measurement The results also indicated that the control fo- constructs and different research methodologies (e.g. cus cluster had significantly lower scores on the sev- Kaynak [2] from manufacturing and service indus- en constructs of TQM than the other three clus- tries). Similarly, the studies by Fotopoulos and Pso- ters. This suggested that control focus culture did mas [45], and Douglas and Judge [46], focusing on not favour TQM implementation in Vietnamese con- manufacturing and service industries, and medical struction organisations. Thus, the second proposed industry, all found the same positive effects of TQM hypothesis (H2) “Vietnamese construction organisa- on organisational performance as the present study. tions dominated by both hierarchy and market cul- It is stated that if the results of the multiple stud- tures are unfavourable for the success of TQM imple- ies employing different approaches are consistent, mentation” can be accepted. This finding is consis- then the strong conclusion can be made about the tent with the findings of Gimenez-Espin et al. [17] as strength and generality of the findings [47]. Overall, control-oriented had a negative effect on the quality this finding indicates that although construction in- . The finding implies that exces- dustry has distinctive attributes in comparison to the sive focus on control could lead to the reduction of others, construction firms, particularly in Vietnam freedom and responsibility of employees to get in- can still benefit from proper TQM implementation. volved and contribute to continuous improvement and error reduction [17]. In addition, orientation to- Conclusion wards fixed objectives, goals, and the lowest trans- action costs with suppliers, customers and workers, This study proffered the application of TQM as might lead to adverse effects on the successful imple- one means by which Vietnamese construction firms mentation of TQM [42, 43]. can improve their performance. In doing so, the An additional finding of this study was the sup- study sought to understand what types of organ- portive effects of balance focus culture on the suc- isational culture are favourable for the successful cessful implementation of TQM. This implies that TQM implementation in Vietnamese construction when a balance of the four types of OC (clan, adhoc- firms and whether the TQM implementation can lead racy, hierarchy, and market culture) is maintained by to improved performance. OC profile of Vietnamese the organisations, it could also create a supportive construction firms appears to present the dominant environment for nurturing TQM success. This find- features of clan and hierarchy cultures according to ing was supported by the underlying assumption of the classification of CVF. This type of culture was the CVM regarding the importance of balance as not- also found to be characterised by an internal focus ed by Denison and Spreitzer [44] that when one type culture as classified according to the cluster analy- of culture is overemphasised or ignored, the organi- sis results. In addition, cluster analysis results in-

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