July - August 2009 Lett ers to the Editor 325 Amjad Salman, Pragya Parmar, vary signiÞ cantly. With the increasing use of MRI in all cases Vanila G Coimbatore, Rajmohan Meenakshisunderam, suspected to be a brain syndrome, CVT has been increasing Nelson Jesudasan A Christdas diagnosed. MRI is now the gold standard in the diagnosis of CVT as rightly done in this case. Institute of Ophthalmology, Joseph Eye Hospital, Tiruchirapalli - 620 001, India Visual loss in CVT maybe due to thrombotic ischemia of any structure of the visual pathway or due to pressure on the optic Correspondence to Dr. Salman Amjad, Institute of Ophthalmology, Joseph Eye Hospital, Tiruchirapalli - 620 001, India. nerve due to the transmitt ed raised intracranial pressure (ICP). E-mail:
[email protected] All cases of CVT with visual loss require visual Þ eld analysis and measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter using B-scan References ultrasonography (USG). Visual loss in patients with CVT due to transmitt ed raised ICP (indicated by increased optic nerve sheath 1. Gillies MC, Simpson JM, Billson FA, Luo W, Penfold P, Chua W, et al. diameter on USG) not amenable to medical management is an Safety of an intravitreal injection of triamcinolone: Results from a indication for optic nerve sheath decompression (ONSD). ONSD randomized clinical trial. Arch Ophthalmol 2004;122:336-40. as a treatment option for the visual loss in the left eye should have 2. Thompson JT. Cataract formation and other complications of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide for macular edema. Am J been off ered to the patient in this case, as it has been shown to [4,5] Ophthalmol 2006;141:629-37.