Louisiana Law Review Volume 39 Number 4 Summer 1979 Article 2 8-1-1979 A Codified Law of orT t - The French Experience André Tunc Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev Part of the Law Commons Repository Citation André Tunc, A Codified Law of orT t - The French Experience, 39 La. L. Rev. (1979) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol39/iss4/2 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. A CODIFIED LAW OF TORT-THE FRENCH EXPERIENCE* Andr6 Tunc** The purpose of this lecture is not to demonstrate any supe- riority of a codified law system over a system of judge-made law. The speaker does not wish to hide the fact that he strongly believes in the values of codification,' but to establish such values is not his present purpose. And, if he were to prepare a case for codiication, he would certainly not choose to build it on civil liability, a field of law where decision may depend on subtle variations of facts and which is presently so unstable that one may consider that it is in a state of crisis.' Nor is the aim of this lecture merely to present a summary of the French law of civil liability, as valuable pictures of this matter have already been drawn.' Between a demonstration and a mere photography, however, there may still be room for a critical examination.