Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**


1. Moses recalls what God did when Israel faced the armies of Og king of Bashan in Deuteronomy Chapter 3, And we took all [Og king of Bashan’s] cities at that time. All these cities were fenced with high walls” How many walled cities did Moses take in the battle of Bashan? ANS. Deuteronomy 3:4b “3-Score or 60”

2. This army in 2 Kings 25:10, that were with the captain of the guard, broke down the walls round about Jerusalem and left many of the remaining people in the city to be carried away. What was this army called? ANS. 2 Kings 25:10 “Chaldees”

3. Which king did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God and in 2 Chronicles 14:7, “… said unto Judah, Let us build these cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates and bars …?” ANS. 2 Chronicles 14:2 “Asa”

4. What two enemies of God sent Nehemiah a letter when they heard that Nehemiah had finished building the wall? ANS. Nehemiah 6:2 “Sanballat & Geshem”

5. For what two reasons, according to Sanballat the Horonite, did Nehemiah build the walls around Jerusalem? ANS. Nehemiah 6:6 “To rebel against the King and to become King of the Jews”

6. What king did Nehemiah ask permission from to build the wall of Jerusalem, the capital of the Kingdom of Judah? ANS. Nehemiah 2:1-5, 17 “Artaxerxes”

7. How long did it take for Nehemiah and the Jews to build the wall of Jerusalem? ANS. Nehemiah 6:15 “50 and 2 Days or 52 Days”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 1 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

8. What famous walled city did the LORD give into the hand of Joshua? ANS. Joshua 6:2 “Jericho”

9. What musical instrument was used by seven priests in the taking of the city of Jericho? ANS. Joshua 6:9 “Trumpets”

10. What happened to the wall after Joshua’s army circled the city of Jericho seven times, the priests blew their trumpets and Joshua instructed all the people to shout? ANS. Joshua 6:20 “The wall fell down flat”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 2 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**


1. What was the first miracle of the Bible? ANS. Genesis 1:1 “God created the heaven and the earth”

2. When Moses told God that Pharaoh and the Egyptians would not believe that God sent him, nor would they do what the LORD said. God told him to cast the rod in his hand on the ground and it became what animal? ANS. Exodus 4:3 “Serpent”

3. How did God use a donkey to express His righteous anger against Balaam in the Book of Numbers 22:28? ANS. Numbers 22:23-30 “He opened the mouth of the donkey and she spoke.”

4. Fill-in the blanks in the following passage of scripture from Joshua 10:13; And the ____ stood still, and the ____ stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. ANS. Joshua 10:13 “sun, moon”

5. After Ahab went to meet Elijah, Elijah accused Ahab of troubling Israel for having forsaken the commandments of the LORD and followed the idol god Baalim. He later set up an altar to challenge the 450 prophets of Baal. After Elijah set up the altar, what fell from the heavens? ANS. 1 Kings 18:38 “Fire”

6. After Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit upon him, they continued to walk and talk, when suddenly what happened to Elijah? ANS. 2 Kings 2:11 “Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven”

7. When a great number of men with horses and chariots were sent by the king of Syria to surround the city of Dothan where Elisha, the servant of God, was what did Elisha ask God to do to these men? ANS. 2 Kings 6:18 “smite this people with blindness”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 3 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

8. Who were the three Hebrew boys who survived being thrown into a fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar? ANS. Daniel 3:23-26 “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego”

9. What was the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John? ANS. John 2:1-11 “Turning water to wine”

10. Mary and her sister Martha went to Jesus and told him about their brother, “he whom thou lovest is sick.” Later when they found that their brother was dead, Jesus miraculously raised him from the dead. What was this man’s name who Jesus raised from the dead after four days in the grave? ANS. John 11:37-44 “Lazarus”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 4 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

CATEGORY: HEBREW RULERS (Political and Religious)

1. Fill-in the blanks in the following statement: When Samuel the prophet became an old man, his sons ______and ______were judges in Beersheba who disregarded the law of the LORD and refused to walk in the footsteps of their illustrious father. ANS. 1 Samuel 8:2-3 “Joel, Abiah”

2. What is the name of the ruler who was the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, who the bible describes as a choice man, and a goodly man? ANS. 1 Samuel 9:2 “Saul”

3. Who is the priest whose two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, both priests themselves, who died at the hands of the Philistines? ANS. 1 Samuel 1:3; 4:10, 11 “Eli”

4. Samuel seeing that Saul was established as king over the people, delivered his farewell address at what place? ANS. 1 Samuel 11:14, 15 “Gilgal”

5. Who was the king who was a man after God’s own heart; and in his early years defeated the Philistine giant Goliath with sling and a stone? ANS. 1 Samuel 17:48-50; Acts 20-22 “David”

6. This king was forty years old when Abner the son of Ner, captain of Saul’s host, took him over to Mahanaim and made him king over Gilead, the Ashurites, Jezreel, Ephraim and Benjamin and over all Israel. What is his name? ANS. 2 Samuel 2:7-10 “Ishbosheth”

7. David comforted Bathsheba his wife when their first child died, and had a son with her who would be later be king. Who was this king-to-be? ANS. 2 Samuel 12:24 “Solomon”

8. Which son of David, conspired to be king of Israel through overthrowing his father? ANS. 2 Samuel 15:13 “Absalom”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 5 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

9. This king made an alliance with Pharaoh, king of Egypt and married Pharaoh’s daughter; later toward the close of his reign, he forsook the Lord and, sadly, formed alliances with all the surrounding nations and turned his heart from the LORD. Who was this king? ANS. 1 Kings 3:1; 11:1-9 “King Solomon”

10. In Gibeon the LORD appeared to King Solomon in a dream and asked what Solomon wanted from Him. Solomon asked for an understanding heart to judge the people, to discern between good and evil. In 1 Kings 3:12 and 14, name two things that God promised to give Solomon? ANS. 1 Kings 3:5-14 “a wise and understanding heart; long life if you keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk; riches; honour”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 6 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**


1. Fill in the blank: In Genesis 12:2-3 God promised to make Abram a great nation. He told Abram, “I will ______them that bless thee, and I will ______him that curseth thee.” ANS. Genesis 12:1-3 “bless, curse”

2. According to Galatians 4:22, Abraham had two sons (one with Hagar and his only begotten son with Sarah) what were their names? ANS. Genesis 16:15; 17:17-22 “Ishmael, Isaac”

3. Where in the Bible can the following scripture be found, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek?” ANS. Romans 1:16 “Romans 1:16”

4. What does Romans 10:12, 13 say about the difference between Jews and Greeks when it comes to salvation? ANS. Romans 10:12, 13 “there is no difference”

5. How many men did God tell Elias that He preserved who had not bowed their knee to the image of Baal? ANS. Romans 11:4 “seven thousand (7,000) men”

6. What did God call the men he preserved according to the election of grace? ANS. Romans 11:5 “remnant”

7. According to the apostle Paul, for what purpose did salvation come to the Gentiles? ANS. Romans 11:7-11 “for to provoke Jews to jealousy”

8. According the book of Romans, fill in the blanks: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies ______, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” ANS. Romans 12:1 “a living sacrifice”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 7 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

9. What is it that is given us that causes our spiritual gifts to be different from one another? ANS. Romans 12:6 “grace”

10. With what does the apostle Paul in the book of Romans suggest that the Christian use to overcome evil? ANS. Romans 12:21 “good”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 8 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**


1. After the death of Moses what servant of the LORD did the LORD speak to and say, "Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel?” ANS. Joshua 1:1, 2 “Joshua the son of Nun”

2. Who said, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD?” ANS. Joshua 24:1,15 “Joshua”

3. What chapter and verse from the Bible does this quote come from, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content?” ANS. Philippians 4:11 “Philippians 4:11”

4, Who said, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God?” ANS. Matthew 4:4 “Jesus”

5. How did the apostle Paul respond when the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness?” Clue: 8 words. ANS. 2 Corinthians 12: 7-9 “therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities”

6. Who gave to the apostle Paul a thorn in the flesh, to buffet him, lest he should be exalted above measure? ANS. 2 Corinthians 12:7 “the messenger of Satan”

7. Where in the Bible are these two verses found (use chapter and verse numbers), “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation?” ANS. Romans 10:9,10 “Romans 10:9, 10”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 9 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

8. Finish this quote from the Bible: “Children obey your parents in the Lord: ______. ANS. Ephesians 6:1 “for this is right”

9. When should a woman usurp authority over a man? ANS. Timothy 2:12 “never”

10. From what chapter and verse of the Bible is the following quote, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever?” ANS. Psalm 23:6 “Psalm 23:6”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 10 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

Category – Quick Facts

1. What is the Great Commandment? ANS. Matthew 22:37-38 “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”

2. What is the second Great Commandment? ANS. Matthew 22:39 “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

3. What is the Golden Rule?

ANS. Matthew 7:12 “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Actual Scripture: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

4. How tall was the giant Goliath? ANS. I Samuel 17:4 Six Cubits and a Span

5. As a youth, what future King of Israel slew a lion and a bear? ANS. I Samuel 17:34-36 David

6. Jacob loved this son more than any of his other children and also made him “a coat of many colours”. ANS. Genesis 37:1-3 Joseph

7. Since he was very short and there was a large crowd, who climbed up into a sycomore tree to see Jesus as He was passing by? ANS. Luke 19:1-4 Zacchaeus

8. What wife of King David was angry with him for dancing after a victorious battle? ANS. 2 Samuel 6:20-23 Michal

9. Who was a seller of purple, lived in Thyatira and she became a Christian? ANS. Acts 16:14 Lydia

10. Who is the female cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus? ANS. Luke 1:34-36 Elisabeth

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Category – Quick Facts

11. What did Jesus’ disciples mistake Him for when He was walking on water? ANS. Matthew 14:22-27 A spirit (ghost)

12. Who baptized Jesus? ANS. Matthew 3:13-17 John the Baptist

13. Who is John the Baptist’s male cousin? ANS. Luke 1:13-17, 30-37 Jesus

14. In the Book of James, what is the smallest yet most difficult part of the body to control? ANS. James 3:7-8 The Tongue

15. How many Books are in the Old Testament? ANS. 39 (Thirty-nine)

16. How many Books are in the New Testament? ANS. 27 (Twenty-seven)

17. Who was the first King of Israel? ANS. I Samuel 10:19-24 Saul

18. How many people were saved in the Ark during the worldwide flood? ANS. Genesis 7:13 8 (Eight)

19. Name the people in the Ark during the worldwide flood. ANS. Genesis 7:13 Noah, his wife, Noah’s 3-sons: Shem, Ham & Japheth and Noah’s 3 daughters-in-law

20. How long did it rain upon the earth during the worldwide flood? ANS. Genesis 7:12 40-days and 40-nights

21. Moses asked God for His name. Who did God say He is? ANS. Exodus 3:13-14 I AM THAT I AM.

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 12 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

Category – Quick Facts

22. What did God tell Moses to say to Pharaoh? ANS. Exodus 8:1 Let my people go.

23. What were the names of Adam and Eve’s first two children? ANS. Genesis 4:1-2 Cain and Able

24. What type of work did Cain and Able do? ANS. Genesis 4:2 Cain was a tiller of the ground and Abel was a keeper of sheep

25. He lived 365 years when he was not because God took him. ANS. Genesis 5:23-24 Enoch

26. How old was Noah when the Worldwide Flood began? ANS. Genesis 7:11 600 years old

27. How is a “Cubit” measured? ANS. Dictionary Length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.

28. What is the general length of a “Cubit”? ANS. Dictionary 17 to 21 inches

29. How is a “Span” measured? ANS. Dictionary The distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the little finger when the hand is fully extended.

30. What is the general measurement of a “Span”? ANS. Dictionary 9-inches

31. What is Queen Esther’s Hebrew name? ANS. Esther 2:7 Hadassah

32. What is Mordecai’s relationship with Esther? ANS. Esther 2:7 Cousin

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 13 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

Category – Quick Facts

33. What is the name of Mordecai’s Family Tribe? ANS. Esther 2:5 Benjamite

34. What is Joseph’s Egyptian name? ANS. Genesis 41:45 Zaphnath-paaneah

35. What does Joseph’s Egyptian name mean? ANS. Genesis 41:14-16 Revealer of secret things

36. What is Joseph’s wife’s name? ANS. Genesis 41:45 Asenath

37. What were the names of Joseph’s two sons? ANS. Genesis 41:50-52 Manasseh and Ephraim

38. Joseph was imprisoned with the Chief Butler and the Chief Baker. Both had a dream that Joseph interpreted for each. Who was released and who was hanged? ANS. Genesis 41:9-13 The Chief Butler was released and the Chief Baker was hanged.

39. Who was probably the first person to say … “by the skin of my teeth”? ANS. Job 19:20 Job Actual Scripture “… and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.”

40. Did Jesus have sisters? ANS. Matthew 13:53-56 Yes

41. What are the names of Jesus’ brothers? ANS. Matthew 13:53-56 James, Joses, Simon and Judas

42. What are the names of Jesus’ twelve (12) apostles? ANS. Luke 6:12-16 Simon (also named Peter), Andrew (his brother), James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 14 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

Category – Quick Facts 43. What did Moses see burning but it was not consumed? ANS. Exodus 3:1-2 A Bush

44. What are Moses’ father-in-law’s two names? ANS. Exodus 2:18 & Exodus 3:1 Reuel and Jethro

45. What does Moses’ name mean? ANS. Exodus 2:10 “Out of the water”

46. Why did Moses have to flee from Egypt? ANS. Exodus 2:11-15 Moses had to flee Egypt because he killed an Egyptian guard then Pharaoh wanted to kill him?

47. Where did Moses go when he fled Egypt? ANS. Exodus 2:15 Midian

48. Who is Zipporah? ANS. Exodus 2:21 Moses’ wife

49. Who was the oldest man in the Bible? ANS. Genesis 5:25-27 Methuselah

50. How old was Methuselah when he died? ANS. Genesis 5:25-27 969 years old

51. How many days was Jonah in the belly of the great fish? ANS. Jonah 1:17 3-days & 3-nights

52. What was the name of the city that God told Jonah to preach to the people so that they might be saved from destruction because of their wickedness? ANS. Jonah 1:2 & Jonah 3:1-4 Nineveh

53. Name the five Books of the Bible that have only One Chapter. ANS. Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude

54. What were the followers of Jesus called before being called “Christians”? ANS. Acts 9:2 Followers of the Way

55. What is the root of all evil? ANS. 1 Timothy 6:10 The love of money

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 15 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

Christian Education Resources

1) Good Shepherd Baptist Church 1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 972.262.1111 ~

a. Sundays – 9:15am - Bible School for Adults & Youths 10:45am – Morning Worship Service

b. Tuesdays – 7:00 – 8:30pm – Equipping God’s Youth (Anyone in Grades K-12th) September – May c. Wednesdays – 7:00 – 9:00pm – Prayer & Bible Study (All Year) Mainly Adults – May bring children however, childcare not provided d. Thursdays – i. 6:00 – 8:30pm - Arlington Baptist University (ABU) Real Life Institute (RLI) Fall & Spring Semesters – view GSBC website for dates Extension Campus @ Good Shepherd Baptist Church Taught by ABU Professors Receive a Certificate of Completion from ABU after completing 5-Real Life Institute Courses. You can participate in Commencement at ABU. ii. Arlington Baptist University Main Campus 3001 West Division Street ~ Arlington, TX 76012 817.461.8741 ~ Contact: Janie Taylor, VP of Academic Affairs 817.987.1768 ~ [email protected] e. Saturdays – i. 8:30am – 1:00pm – Ariel Ministries – Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder Teaching the Bible from a Messianic Jewish Perspective Ariel means “Lion of God” Study Campus @ GSBC These Classes are Free & Taught by an Ariel Ministries Teacher View GSBC website to confirm Dates & Topics To sign-up for classes @ GSBC Call 817.504.4817 or Email [email protected] iii. 1:00–2:00pm GSBC Radio Program “Listen For The Joy!” on KHVN 970AM Scripture: Psalm 51:8 “Make me to hear joy and gladness; …” Program Theme: “Encouraging God’s Children, To Reach God’s Chosen” Broadcast Every 1st & 3rd Saturday ~ View our Website to Hear Previous Programs

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 16 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

f. Various Sundays & Saturdays – Our Library – Only GSBC Members may borrow books, audio books, videos, etc. -For Everyone: Special Programs & Events are held throughout the Year to promote Christian Education, Health, Wellness & Literacy. Good Shepherd and the following listed Organizations are excellent resources for Adults, Teens and Youths to become well-versed in Christian apologetics. Our Source is the Holy Bible!

2) Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) –

Good Shepherd Baptist Church is associated with the Fort Worth Chapter of CEF. Chapters are located throughout the United States and the World! Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to establish (disciple) them in the word of God, and in a local church for Christian living. Good News Clubs are formed to help promote the teaching of the youths about Jesus Christ in safe environments after school, during the summer and throughout the year. GSBC has one and would like to have another Good News Club. Please consider volunteering. You must pass two background checks. One for CEF and the other for the Independent School District. CEF was founded by Jesse Irvin Overholtzer in 1937, and CEF of Greater Fort Worth has had work in the area ever since then! Please subscribe to CEF’s YouTube Channel:

3) Institute for Creation Research –

The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) located at 1806 Royal Lane, , TX 75229, 800.337.0375 wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us. After almost 50 years of ministry, ICR remains a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, the institute exists to conduct scientific research within the realms of origins and Earth history, and then to educate the public both formally and informally through graduate and professional training programs, through conferences and seminars around the country, and through books, magazines, and media presentations.

4) Answers in Genesis –

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. Ken Ham is the founder. Answers in Genesis built the life-size model of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky. View

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 17 of 18 972.262.1111 ~ Good Shepherd Baptist Church “August Is Christian Education Month – 2019” Theme: “Discipling Saints on the Edge of Night” Bible Exploration Study Questions & Answers & **Christian Education Resources**

These are recommended Christian Radio Stations to listen to throughout the day. Always pray and ask for God’s discernment about what you hear so that you can “Rightly Divide the Word of Truth”. 2Timothy 2:15

Dallas/Fort Worth (TX) Metroplex

Dial Number Call Letters Description

90.9 FM KCBI Music & Talk

91.3 FM KDKR Music & Talk

97.5 FM (Dallas) “ “

99.9 FM (Irving) “ “

94.9 FM KLTY Music (24/7)

100.7 FM KWRD Music & Talk

Listed below are some teachers that you might find helpful in your Christian walk, as with the Radio Stations – always pray and ask for God’s discernment about what you hear. Check online for their program times.

Alistair Begg – “Truth for Life”

Tony Evans – “Urban Alternative”

Jack Graham – “Power Point”

Robert Jeffress – “Pathway to Victory”

Ed Young, Sr. – “The Winning Walk”

1880 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Page 18 of 18 972.262.1111 ~