Census of 2011










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District Headquarters is also R.D.Block Headquarters.

Part of East Lungdar R.D.Block is located at District







Directorate of Census Operations MIZORAM



Serchhip is the headquarters town of in the Indian state of Mizoram, and also the location of the Deputy Commissioner's Office. It lies in the central part of Mizoram, and it is 112 km away from the State capital city of Aizaw!. It has an average elevation of 888 metres (2913 feet). It lies between the two very important rivers of Mat and Tuikum. River Tuikum is a public drinking water for Serchhip and River Mat is an irrigation water for Zawlpui, the rice bowl of Serchhip. As per 2011 Census, the population of Serchhip is 21157 of which 10770 are males and 10387 are females. The population of Serchhip consists of mainly ethnic Mizo. Contents


1 Foreword 1

2 Preface 3

3 Acknowledgement 4

4 History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 5

5 Brief History of the District 7

6 Administrative Setup 9

7 District Highlights - 2011 Census 11

8 Important Statistics 12

9 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA) 15

(i) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 16

(ii) District Primary Census Abstract 21

Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and (iii) 29 Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise

(iv) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) 33

(v) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) 41

(vi) Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract 49

(vii) Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract 69

Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural 10 Section –II /Urban) at District and Sub-District level.

Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwelling (i) Table -1: 79 rooms occupied in the District, 2011 Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, (ii) Table -2: 80 Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of (iii) Table -3: 82 Drinking water, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of (iv) Table -4: 84 Lighting, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrine (v) Table -5: 86 facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage (vi) Table -6: 88 connectivity for waste water outlet, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by availability of (vii) Table -7: 89 Kitchen facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used for (viii) Table -8: 90 Cooking, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking (ix) Table -9: services and number of Households having each of the 92 specified Assets, 2011 FOREWORD

The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village, Town and Ward of the District. The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected during 1st phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical, drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were closed by the on 15th July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass- root level.

2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District, administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory, Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part- B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0- 6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation.

4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.


5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic, Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM, Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i) Status and Growth History of Towns, (ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii) Civic and other Amenities (iv) Medical Facilities, (v) Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi) Industry & Banking, and (vii) Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.

6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.

7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and computerized under the supervision of Shri Lalhmingthanga, Deputy Director, Directorate of Census Operations, Mizoram. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA). The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out this publication in time.

(C.Chandramouli) Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India New Delhi. Dated:- 16-06-2014 2

Preface In the forward to this publication a summary of the background, coverage and content to the District Census Handbook have been provided. This volume contains the salient features and information on census and non-census data collected respectively during Census of India 2011 and from various states and Central Government Organizations so as to enable the data users to make full of fruitful utilisation of the data and various information presented herein. It is hoped that the micro level information incorporated in this publication will quench the thirst of planners and other users including research scholars for such details. The publication of the District Census Handbooks for all eight districts of Mizoram is a joint ventures of the State and the Census Organization of Government of India. The design layout and various formats presented in the District Census Handbook have been provided by the Census Commissioner India. The compilation of various data, preparation of the analytical notes and gathering of all relevant information for incorporation in the DCHB have been attempted by this Directorate and the cost of publication is borne by the State Government. It may be mentioned here that the process of compilation of various data initially collected mainly from the Block Development Officer and respective Deputy Commissioners was finalized after cross checking with data obtained from concerned State and Central Government agencies so that as far as practicable, the discrepancies could be reconciled, we are grateful to all Block Development Officers, Deputy Commissioners, various Heads of Departments of the State and Central Government for their whole-hearted help and co- operation. I am grateful to the Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, General Administration Department (GAD), Additional Secretary, GAD, Under Secretary, GAD and all their helpers for sparing their valuable time during the preparation and publication of the District Census Handbook. I convey my deep sense of gratitude to Shri C.Chandramouli, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India for his valuable guidance and advice received from him right from the beginning. I am thankful to Miss Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General, Social Studies Division and Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director, EDP Division of the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India, who have been a source of constant help and guidance to us on all technical matters including planning and designing the formats. Because of their continuous help to us this volume could be produced in all India pattern. My thanks are also due to Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) for providing technical guidance in the preparation of maps as well as for printing of a large number of maps under his direct supervision and active guidance at the Headquarters office. At the Directorate level, the preparation of this volume has been a product of a joint effort and team work of all my colleagues led by Shri D.R. Banerjee, Dy. Director and Mrs. R. Lalnghakhleli, Dy. Director. Because of their hard work and dedication of duties this volume could be published in time. I also convey my deep feeling of appreciation to all the officials of this Directorate who have put their efforts in the publication of the District Census Handbook.

Aizawl 22nd July 2011 Lalhmingthanga Dy. Director of Census Operations, Mizoram 3


Census Section

Shri Lalbuanga Sailo Statistical Investigator Grade I

Shri Saithuama Sailo Statistical Investigator Grade I

Shri Saithanthuama Statistical Investigator Grade I

Shri Lalrosanga Statistical Investigator Grade I

Smt K. Laldawngliani Statistical Investigator Grade II

Shri Jeremiah L. Fanai Statistical Investigator Grade II

Shri Rajib Sinha Sr. Compiler

Shri Mahendra Kumar Gupta Compiler

Shri Ningthoujam Ajit Singh Compiler

Shri Dulal Biswas Compiler

Shri Benjamin Lalnunpuia Chawngthu Sr. Consultant

Shri Romel Lalrohlua Sr. Consultant

Map Section

Shri Lalrova Sr. Draughtsman

Shri M.s Dawngkima Hrahsel Jr. Consultant.

ORGI – Data Processing Division

Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba Deputy Director Ms. Usha Assistant Director Shri Anurag Gupta DPA Grade ‘A’ Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar DPA Grade ‘A’ Ms. Shagufta Nasreen Bhat DPA Grade ‘A’ Shri Khem Verma Jadon Sr. Consultant Ms. Archana Khare Jr. Consultant Shri Yashwant Singh Sr. Consultant Shri Dinesh Kumar Software Developer



The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies prompted the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census Handbook is a unique publication from the Census organization which provides most authentic details of census and non-census information from village and town level to district level. The District Census Handbook was firstly introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains both census and non census data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. The census data contain several demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and ward of the district. The non census data comprise of data on availability of various civic amenities and infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village level which constitute Village Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at grass-root level.

In 1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and town directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation.

As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and 5

cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.

The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each town have been presented viz.; (i) Status and Growth History of towns, (ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii) Civic and other Amenities, (iv) Medical Facilities, (v) Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi) Industry & Banking, and (vii) Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.



Brief history of the district

In Serchhip district there are a few places of historical importance which are included in the traditional folklores of Mizoram as well as tourist interests, some of them are: i) Vantawngkhawhthla: The Vantawng Falls is the most renowned waterfall in the Indian state of Mizoram. It is located in the south direction of the sub-division of , on the river named Lau. The altitude of..tbe waterfall is 220 meters.The structure of the waterfall is very appealing; it is like a seven floored cliff. The name of the waterfall has been derived from the name of Vantawnga, who was an illustrious swimmer. His death occurred in the waterfall itself, when he was hit by a huge log carried down by the water of the waterfall. It is about 40 Kms away from Serchhip. ii) Lung Vando: Around skms towards the North of E.Lungdar, there stands an erected stone called Lungvando. It is around a stone measuring 3.8ft in its spherical and 7.5ft high. Nothing is written on the stone and the person who erected the stone is also not known. Lungvando is mentioned in one of the tales of Mizo. It is said that once upon a time, the height of the Stone touched the sky and Phungpui (a female monster) used to lull her baby near the stone. But her baby was killed while she wasaway and so she shook the stone and broke it into pieces which fell into the northern and southern parts of Mualcheng. iii) ChhuraFarep: Travelling from Serchhip, around 3 kms away from N. Vanlaiphai is situated an erected stone in a hillock near the roadside which is called ChhuraFarep. It is 5 ft high and 2 ft wide. There are many curved drawings like human beings, bull, hornbill, shield and spear, gong and many others. On the upper side of the stone, there are drawings of children jointly which looks like meat to be smoked. The age of the stone is not known.

2. Major characteristics of the district, contribution of the district in the form of historical figure associated with the district.

Characteristics: Serchhip is one of the 5 new districts created in the year 1998 by carving out 4 (including Serchhip) out of the then and one () out of the then Chhimtuipui district. However the other four districts were elevated from the status of independently administered Civil Sub- Divisions (Sub-districts). Serchhip has the distinction of achieving the status of a district directly from the level of Rural Development Block (of Serchhip and a part of East Lungdar and Thingsulthliah RD Block). Located centrally in the State, and not far from the State capital even before the creation of the district, Serchhip is having a large number of moderately high level officers of most of the developmental departments of the State government. This coupled with the

7 generally higher level of association of the inhabitants of the district in the field of education, agriculture and related activities,Serchhip has the distinction of being the highest literate district in Mizoram with 97.91 % literate. Similarly in permanent cultivation of paddy, maize and other agricultural produce Serchhip occupies a very prominent place among all the other districts. Mizo is the principal language and it is the mother tongue of the vast majority of the population of the district. Staple food of the people of the district are rice, maize supported by a generous quantities of meat, fish and various types of vegetables are also popular as regular food. Christmas, New Year and other traditional festival are also celebrated throughout the district. Contributions in the form of historical figure:

i) Thlanro: It was built by Sialhau Chief Sangviala around 1931 in memory of her daughter. It is one of the most famous and magnificent grave in Mizoram. It was made of well-shaped stones with a curved rooftop. Around ten men can sit inside the grave. in this grave, the descendants of Sailo tribe used to put the dead bodies of their relatives. Their mortal remains were kept in separate chamber constructed for the purpose. The bones in this chamber can still be seen.

ii) LersiaKelkhumPuk: On the central part of Kelkhumtlang, there is a cliff which cuts through the mountains. On that cliff, there is a cave which is 2ft wide and 11ft deep. The goats of Lersia used that cave for night lodging, and so the name is called LersiaKelkhumPuk.

iii) SanpohPuk: The Mizo Chief Lalkhuma's(Hniarvungpa) traces could be seen in Vanlaiphai and its surrounding areas. The skeletons of their ancestor have beed preserved by Saihnuna in this so called SanpohPuk which is still well-looked-after today.

iv) ChawngchilhiPuk: The story of Chawngchilhi is one of the most famous stories in the history of Mizo. It is said that Chawngchilhi fell in love with a giant snake and she was impregnated by the snake. The cave was used by Chawngchilhi and the snake to spend time together. This cave is located between Thenzawl and Buangpui on the roadside. The hole of the snake can also be seen.


Administrative Set-up

Natural and administrative Developments and Significant Activities:

Wildfire: A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area. Wildfires are a common occurrence in Mizoram because of the practice of Jhum cultivation known as slash-and-burn method of cultivation. On April 2014, there was wildfire in Serchhip for one whole week covering part of Thenzawl area and Serchhip town area. There was around ninety numbers of affected families; a huge area was destroyed bombarding the perennial crops mostly grown there. However, the Office of Deputy Commissioner assisted the affected families through funds received from SDRF (State Disaster Response Fund) thereby relieving the-cultivators and land owners from their huge loss.

Mega-Mock Drill: Miloram is a land of rolling hills, valleys, rivers and lakes. Most villages and towns are located on hill sides. Mizoram lies in the seismic Zone V, according to the India Meteorological Department, this means that the state has the highest risk of earthquakes relative to other parts of India. Serchhip District is one of the disaster prone districts of Mizoram. It experiences landslides, hailstorm, cyclones, cloudburst,forest-fire and road accidents. Though Serchhip has not yet faced major earthquake in th past , there awareness among the. people to prepare themselves from the occurrence of earthquake. Fortunately, Serchhip District was selected as one of the districts in Mizoram to conduct Mega-Mock Drill on earthquake scenario of Shillong, 1897 of magf'!itude 8.5 Richter Scale on 13th March 2014 by NDMA. The exercise involves the cooperation and active participation of all the three southern districts of Mizoram namely, Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha. Each District had sent their representatives from their respective Departments for the success of the event. The Deputy


Commissioner Office, Serchhip hosted the event inviting participants from Medical, Police, Fire, 14th Rifles, PWD, P&E, NGOs, Volunteers, team of NDRF, SDRF etc. It was conducted in five different sites selecting market areas, hospital and offices. The event was very successful as it gave to the mind of the participants as to how to tackle huge disaster like earthquake in a reasonable and coherent manner with all channels of communication and teams already created for execution.


District Highlights 2011 Census

 By Urban Population Size, Serchhip District covers 49.31 and is occupying the 3rd place out of Eight District Of the State.  Sex Ratio of the Districts 977 against the State Average ratio of 976.  In terms of Literacy the District with a literacy rate of 97.9 is the Second highest in the State.  Out of Total Notified Towns 23 ,there are 3 such notified Towns in the District.  Chhingchhip Village with a population of 3,741 persons is the most populated village where Tuichang Village with a population of 27 is the least populated in the District.  The Density of population of Serchhip District is 46 per sq. km against the State Average of 52 per Sq. Km .  The Scheduled Tribes percentage of the District is 96.8 against the State Average of 94.4.


Important Statistics

State District Number of Villages Total 830 40 Inhabited 704 35 Uninhabited 126 5

Number of Towns Statutory 23 3 Census - - Total 23 3

Number of Households Normal 2,22,079 12,590 Institutional 736 26 Houseless 38 6

Population Total Persons 10,97,206 64,937 Males 5,55,339 32,851 Females 5,41,867 32,086

Rural Persons 5,25,435 32,918 Males 2,69,135 16,643 Females 2,56,300 16,275

Urban Persons 5,71,771 32,019 Males 2,86,204 16,208 Females 2,85,567 15,811

Percentage Urban Population 52.11 49.31

Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011 Number Percentage Number Percentage Persons 2,08,633 23.48 10,477 19.24 Males 96,230 20.96 5,160 18.63 Females 1,12,403 26.17 5,317 19.86

Area (in sq Km.) 21081 1421.00

Density of Population (Persons 52 46 per sq Km.)

Sex Ratio Total 976 977 (Number of females per 1000 males) Rural 952 978 Urban 998 976

12 Important Statistics State District Number Percentage Number Percentage Literates Persons 8,48,175 91.33 54,476 97.91 Males 4,38,529 93.35 27,598 98.28 Females 4,09,646 89.27 26,878 97.53

Scheduled Castes Persons 1,218 0.11 32 0.05 Males 807 0.15 20 0.06 Females 411 0.08 12 0.04

Scheduled Tribes Persons 10,36,115 94.43 62,889 96.85 Males 5,16,294 92.97 31,381 95.53 Females 5,19,821 95.93 31,508 98.20 Workers and Non-Workers Total Workers (Main and Persons 4,86,705 44.36 32,397 49.89 Marginal) Males 2,90,740 52.35 18,261 55.59 Females 1,95,965 36.16 14,136 44.06

(i) Main Workers Persons 4,15,030 37.83 29,838 45.95 Males 2,63,305 47.41 17,428 53.05 Females 1,51,725 28 12,410 38.68

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 71,675 6.53 2,559 3.94 Males 27,435 4.94 833 2.54 Females 44,240 8.16 1,726 5.38

Non-Workers Persons 6,10,501 55.64 32,540 50.11 Males 2,64,599 47.65 14,590 44.41 Females 3,45,902 63.84 17,950 55.94 Category of Workers (Main & Marginal) (i) Cultivators Persons 2,29,603 47.17 21,804 67.30 Males 1,29,482 44.54 11,689 64.01 Females 1,00,121 51.09 10,115 71.55

(ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons 41,787 8.59 1,284 3.96 Males 22,488 7.73 697 3.82 Females 19,299 9.85 587 4.15

(iii)Workers in household Persons 7,852 1.61 926 2.86 industry Males 3,894 1.34 347 1.90 Females 3,958 2.02 579 4.10

(iv) Other Workers Persons 2,07,463 42.63 8,383 25.88 Males 1,34,876 46.39 5,528 30.27 Females 72,587 37.04 2,855 20.20


Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA)

Brief Note onPrimary Census Abstract


The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world. The first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was taken for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been conducted every ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was the fifteenth in this unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence and the second census of the third millennium and twenty first century. The census has been uninterruptedly continued despite several adversities like wars, epidemics, natural calamities, political unrest, etc. The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1948 and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous de- facto method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the country on a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the deployment of very large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since then the same methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic operation and considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time administrative exercise in the world. The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e.,House listing and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were identified and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census Schedule during the periodApril to September, 2010 in different States/Union Territories. Apart from listing of houses,some useful data on the amenities available to the households was also collected for assessingcondition of human settlements, housing deficits etc. Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the information through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every individual. The information collected through slip was then compiled for a household. Some information was also collected in addition to this for the household. During 2001 Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was adopted replacing the individual slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar household schedule was used for canvassing. The scope of demographic, socio- economic parameters has been widened in every census.

2. Population Enumeration - Census 2011:

The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried out during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time. 16

The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011 was 00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th February to 28th February, 2011 alongwith a revisional round from 1st March, 2011 to 5th March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few specific areas of the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states that remain snowbound in February. In these locations the population enumeration was done from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along with a revisional round from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The reference date for the census in snow bound non- synchronous areas of these states was 00.00 hours of the first day of October, 2010. In addition to the coverage during House listing& Housing Census, the enumeration of the Houseless population was carried out on the night of 28th February, 2011, as has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census, certain areas where the access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due to security reasons termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly Military/Para-Military areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such areas were not covered during the House listing& Housing Census. In addition to the defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas, certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator.

3. Quality Assurance:

A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of the organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data Processing Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies Division comprised the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co- opted as members whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union territories. The main objective of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data to stringent validation checks and ensure its quality before release as it was expedient to be satisfied itself about the quality of data before putting the same in public domain. The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with respect to the quality and the coverage of their States/UTs. The TFQA intensively scrutinized coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic. The most important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct geographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. The content was scrutinized mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception was looked at to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of population distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism was put in 17 place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011 Population Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population data was cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA. The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Map Division.

4. Primary Census Abstract:

The Primary Census Abstract which is an important publication of 2011 Census gives basicinformation on Area, Total Number of Households, Total Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled TribesPopulation, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by thefour broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii) Household IndustryWorkers, and (iv) Other Workers and also Non-Workers. The characteristics of the Total Population includeScheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless Population and are presented by sex andrural-urban residence.

In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As regards 1991 Census, the nine-fold industrialclassification of main workers has been given in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of the age group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census.All the children of age 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users in better analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is calculated with 7 years and above population and it is referred as effective literacy rate.In 2001 and 2011 census four categories of main workers have been given in the Primary Census Abstract.

5. Level of Presentation of PCA data in District CensusHandbooks:

The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of 2001 Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories of works have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census Abstract data in different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of presentation of Primary Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under:

1.District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town. 2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town. 3.Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town. 4. Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise. 5. Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level.


The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. Thispractice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term ‘Total Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block- wise particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population for each town.

6. Area Figures:

The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in respect of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of the C.D. Block are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. The area figures for the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at the national level.




Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 285 Serchhip - District Total 1,421.00 12,622 64,937 32,851 32,086 9,299 4,771 4,528 Rural 1,354.00 6,331 32,918 16,643 16,275 5,154 2,654 2,500 Urban 67.00 6,291 32,019 16,208 15,811 4,145 2,117 2,028 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 0.00 1,080 5,798 2,921 2,877 973 509 464 Rural 0.00 1,080 5,798 2,921 2,877 973 509 464 Urban 0.00 ------0018 Serchhip Total 0.00 2,987 15,825 7,989 7,836 2,540 1,276 1,264 Rural 0.00 2,987 15,825 7,989 7,836 2,540 1,276 1,264 Urban 0.00 ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 0.00 2,264 11,295 5,733 5,562 1,641 869 772 Rural 0.00 2,264 11,295 5,733 5,562 1,641 869 772 Urban 0.00 ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 23.00 4,085 21,158 10,777 10,381 2,664 1,363 1,301 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 36.00 1,440 7,259 3,617 3,642 986 515 471 801514 (NT) Urban 8.00 766 3,602 1,814 1,788 495 239 256


Total/ Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2 32 20 12 62,889 31,381 31,508 54,476 27,598 26,878 Total Serchhip - District 13 8 5 32,474 16,368 16,106 27,094 13,747 13,347 Rural 19 12 7 30,415 15,013 15,402 27,382 13,851 13,531 Urban - - - 5,716 2,863 2,853 4,717 2,368 2,349 Total Thingsulthliah Part - - - 5,716 2,863 2,853 4,717 2,368 2,349 Rural ------Urban 12 7 5 15,577 7,841 7,736 13,006 6,607 6,399 Total Serchhip 12 7 5 15,577 7,841 7,736 13,006 6,607 6,399 Rural ------Urban 1 1 - 11,181 5,664 5,517 9,371 4,772 4,599 Total East Lungdar Part 1 1 - 11,181 5,664 5,517 9,371 4,772 4,599 Rural ------Urban URBAN 7 4 3 19,747 9,709 10,038 18,179 9,267 8,912 Urban Serchhip (NT) 12 8 4 7,128 3,531 3,597 6,157 3,042 3,115 Urban Thenzawl (NT) - - - 3,540 1,773 1,767 3,046 1,542 1,504 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT)

23 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 285 Serchhip - District Total 32,397 18,261 14,136 29,838 17,428 12,410 20,750 11,394 9,356 Rural 17,648 9,482 8,166 16,472 9,132 7,340 13,915 7,404 6,511 Urban 14,749 8,779 5,970 13,366 8,296 5,070 6,835 3,990 2,845 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 2,834 1,651 1,183 2,763 1,615 1,148 1,942 981 961 Rural 2,834 1,651 1,183 2,763 1,615 1,148 1,942 981 961 Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 8,464 4,489 3,975 7,692 4,297 3,395 6,729 3,649 3,080 Rural 8,464 4,489 3,975 7,692 4,297 3,395 6,729 3,649 3,080 Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 6,350 3,342 3,008 6,017 3,220 2,797 5,244 2,774 2,470 Rural 6,350 3,342 3,008 6,017 3,220 2,797 5,244 2,774 2,470 Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 9,664 5,912 3,752 8,562 5,504 3,058 4,189 2,405 1,784 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 3,335 1,899 1,436 3,141 1,865 1,276 1,779 1,144 635 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) Urban 1,750 968 782 1,663 927 736 867 441 426

24 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of main workers Total/ Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2 1,006 603 403 699 315 384 7,383 5,116 2,267 Total Serchhip - District 293 185 108 217 186 31 2,047 1,357 690 Rural 713 418 295 482 129 353 5,336 3,759 1,577 Urban 174 126 48 133 129 4 514 379 135 Total Thingsulthliah Part 174 126 48 133 129 4 514 379 135 Rural ------Urban 63 30 33 46 33 13 854 585 269 Total Serchhip 63 30 33 46 33 13 854 585 269 Rural ------Urban 56 29 27 38 24 14 679 393 286 Total East Lungdar Part 56 29 27 38 24 14 679 393 286 Rural ------Urban URBAN 556 312 244 72 60 12 3,745 2,727 1,018 Urban Serchhip (NT) 146 98 48 365 51 314 851 572 279 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 11 8 3 45 18 27 740 460 280 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT)

25 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 285 Serchhip - District Total 2,559 833 1,726 1,054 295 759 278 94 184 Rural 1,176 350 826 778 206 572 77 23 54 Urban 1,383 483 900 276 89 187 201 71 130 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 71 36 35 27 12 15 18 10 8 Rural 71 36 35 27 12 15 18 10 8 Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 772 192 580 594 149 445 48 9 39 Rural 772 192 580 594 149 445 48 9 39 Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 333 122 211 157 45 112 11 4 7 Rural 333 122 211 157 45 112 11 4 7 Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 1,102 408 694 252 79 173 175 56 119 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 194 34 160 12 3 9 19 11 8 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) Urban 87 41 46 12 7 5 7 4 3

26 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Total/ Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1 227 32 195 1,000 412 588 32,540 14,590 17,950 Total Serchhip - District 285 87 16 71 234 105 129 15,270 7,161 8,109 Rural 140 16 124 766 307 459 17,270 7,429 9,841 Urban 1 1 - 25 13 12 2,964 1,270 1,694 Total Thingsulthliah Part 0017 1 1 - 25 13 12 2,964 1,270 1,694 Rural ------Urban 74 12 62 56 22 34 7,361 3,500 3,861 Total Serchhip 0018 74 12 62 56 22 34 7,361 3,500 3,861 Rural ------Urban 12 3 9 153 70 83 4,945 2,391 2,554 Total East Lungdar Part 0019 12 3 9 153 70 83 4,945 2,391 2,554 Rural ------Urban URBAN 19 8 11 656 265 391 11,494 4,865 6,629 Urban Serchhip (NT) 801512 111 3 108 52 17 35 3,924 1,718 2,206 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 801513 10 5 5 58 25 33 1,852 846 1,006 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT) 801514


Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 649 - 629 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 708 - 706 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 626 - 600 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 702 - 512 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-310100 713 - - 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 656 - 625 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000600 826 - 808 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000700 805 - 730 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000800 586 1 571 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000900 617 - 607 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001000 705 - 704 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001100 1030 - 1019 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001200 971 - 947 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001300 882 - 862 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001400 754 - 731 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001500 823 - 758 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001600 611 4 597 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001700 591 1 588 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000100 516 - 509 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000200 641 - 598 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000300 532 - 525 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000400 734 - 716 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000500 811 - 785 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000600 598 1 571 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000700 716 - 712 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000800 696 - 690 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000900 659 - 654 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001000 683 - 681 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 710 - 710 801512 Serchhip (NT) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 607 - 602 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 549 - 543 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 564 - 563 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 596 - 595 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 671 1 664 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 593 - 589 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 712 - 661 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 806 - 802 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 656 - 656 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 501 1 485 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 532 - 522 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 767 10 757 801513 Thenzawl (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 312 - 291 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 474 - 473 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 750 - 740


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 658 - 657 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 574 - 569 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 449 - 438 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 697 - 663


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC)

DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Number of Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 285 Serchhip - District Total 10 32 20 12 1 - 1 Rural 5 13 8 5 - - - Urban 5 19 12 7 1 - 1 0018 Serchhip Total 4 12 7 5 - - - Rural 4 12 7 5 - - - Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 1 1 1 - - - - Rural 1 1 1 - - - - Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 1 7 4 3 - - - 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 4 12 8 4 1 - 1


Total/ Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2 31 20 11 1 - 1 17 15 2 Total Serchhip - District 13 8 5 - - - 8 6 2 Rural 18 12 6 1 - 1 9 9 - Urban 12 7 5 - - - 7 5 2 Total Serchhip 12 7 5 - - - 7 5 2 Rural ------Urban 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - Total East Lungdar Part 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - Rural ------Urban URBAN 7 4 3 - - - 3 3 - Urban Serchhip (NT) 11 8 3 1 - 1 6 6 - Urban Thenzawl (NT)

35 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 285 Serchhip - District Total 15 15 - - - - 1 1 - Rural 6 6 - - - - 1 1 - Urban 9 9 ------0018 Serchhip Total 5 5 - - - - 1 1 - Rural 5 5 - - - - 1 1 - Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 1 1 ------Rural 1 1 ------Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 3 3 ------801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 6 6 ------

36 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Total/ Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2 - - - 14 14 - 2 - 2 Total Serchhip - District - - - 5 5 - 2 - 2 Rural - - - 9 9 - - - - Urban - - - 4 4 - 2 - 2 Total Serchhip - - - 4 4 - 2 - 2 Rural ------Urban - - - 1 1 - - - - Total East Lungdar Part - - - 1 1 - - - - Rural ------Urban URBAN - - - 3 3 - - - - Urban Serchhip (NT) - - - 6 6 - - - - Urban Thenzawl (NT)

37 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 285 Serchhip - District Total 2 - 2 ------Rural 2 - 2 ------Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 2 - 2 ------Rural 2 - 2 ------Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total ------Rural ------Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban ------801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban ------

38 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES marginal workers Total/ Location Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1 - - - 15 5 10 Total Serchhip - District 285 - - - 5 2 3 Rural - - - 10 3 7 Urban - - - 5 2 3 Total Serchhip 0018 - - - 5 2 3 Rural ------Urban ------Total East Lungdar Part 0019 ------Rural ------Urban URBAN - - - 4 1 3 Urban Serchhip (NT) 801512 - - - 6 2 4 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 801513


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST)

DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Number of Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 285 Serchhip - District Total 12,200 62,889 31,381 31,508 9,125 4,678 4,447 Rural 6,205 32,474 16,368 16,106 5,095 2,625 2,470 Urban 5,995 30,415 15,013 15,402 4,030 2,053 1,977 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 1,046 5,716 2,863 2,853 963 502 461 Rural 1,046 5,716 2,863 2,853 963 502 461 Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 2,920 15,577 7,841 7,736 2,503 1,258 1,245 Rural 2,920 15,577 7,841 7,736 2,503 1,258 1,245 Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 2,239 11,181 5,664 5,517 1,629 865 764 Rural 2,239 11,181 5,664 5,517 1,629 865 764 Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 3,866 19,747 9,709 10,038 2,577 1,313 1,264 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 1,387 7,128 3,531 3,597 964 503 461 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) Urban 742 3,540 1,773 1,767 489 237 252


Total/ Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2 52,667 26,270 26,397 10,222 5,111 5,111 31,074 17,115 13,959 Total Serchhip - District 26,734 13,520 13,214 5,740 2,848 2,892 17,394 9,300 8,094 Rural 25,933 12,750 13,183 4,482 2,263 2,219 13,680 7,815 5,865 Urban 4,653 2,324 2,329 1,063 539 524 2,783 1,608 1,175 Total Thingsulthliah Part 4,653 2,324 2,329 1,063 539 524 2,783 1,608 1,175 Rural ------Urban 12,804 6,482 6,322 2,773 1,359 1,414 8,336 4,402 3,934 Total Serchhip 12,804 6,482 6,322 2,773 1,359 1,414 8,336 4,402 3,934 Rural ------Urban 9,277 4,714 4,563 1,904 950 954 6,275 3,290 2,985 Total East Lungdar Part 9,277 4,714 4,563 1,904 950 954 6,275 3,290 2,985 Rural ------Urban URBAN 16,885 8,270 8,615 2,862 1,439 1,423 8,704 5,036 3,668 Urban Serchhip (NT) 6,054 2,973 3,081 1,074 558 516 3,263 1,837 1,426 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 2,994 1,507 1,487 546 266 280 1,713 942 771 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT)

43 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 285 Serchhip - District Total 28,606 16,334 12,272 20,536 11,255 9,281 960 564 396 Rural 16,267 8,982 7,285 13,797 7,332 6,465 285 177 108 Urban 12,339 7,352 4,987 6,739 3,923 2,816 675 387 288 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 2,715 1,573 1,142 1,916 960 956 168 120 48 Rural 2,715 1,573 1,142 1,916 960 956 168 120 48 Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 7,585 4,217 3,368 6,677 3,617 3,060 61 28 33 Rural 7,585 4,217 3,368 6,677 3,617 3,060 61 28 33 Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 5,967 3,192 2,775 5,204 2,755 2,449 56 29 27 Rural 5,967 3,192 2,775 5,204 2,755 2,449 56 29 27 Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 7,643 4,647 2,996 4,113 2,354 1,759 521 282 239 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 3,070 1,804 1,266 1,765 1,132 633 143 97 46 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) Urban 1,626 901 725 861 437 424 11 8 3

44 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Total/ Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2 678 295 383 6,432 4,220 2,212 2,468 781 1,687 Total Serchhip - District 212 181 31 1,973 1,292 681 1,127 318 809 Rural 466 114 352 4,459 2,928 1,531 1,341 463 878 Urban 133 129 4 498 364 134 68 35 33 Total Thingsulthliah Part 133 129 4 498 364 134 68 35 33 Rural ------Urban 42 29 13 805 543 262 751 185 566 Total Serchhip 42 29 13 805 543 262 751 185 566 Rural ------Urban 37 23 14 670 385 285 308 98 210 Total East Lungdar Part 37 23 14 670 385 285 308 98 210 Rural ------Urban URBAN 58 46 12 2,951 1,965 986 1,061 389 672 Urban Serchhip (NT) 363 50 313 799 525 274 193 33 160 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 45 18 27 709 438 271 87 41 46 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT)

45 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 285 Serchhip - District Total 1,041 290 751 273 93 180 213 31 182 Rural 768 201 567 75 22 53 76 16 60 Urban 273 89 184 198 71 127 137 15 122 0017 Thingsulthliah Part Total 24 11 13 18 10 8 1 1 - Rural 24 11 13 18 10 8 1 1 - Urban ------0018 Serchhip Total 588 146 442 46 8 38 64 12 52 Rural 588 146 442 46 8 38 64 12 52 Urban ------0019 East Lungdar Part Total 156 44 112 11 4 7 11 3 8 Rural 156 44 112 11 4 7 11 3 8 Urban ------URBAN 801512 Serchhip (NT) Urban 249 79 170 172 56 116 16 7 9 801513 Thenzawl (NT) Urban 12 3 9 19 11 8 111 3 108 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) Urban 12 7 5 7 4 3 10 5 5

46 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES marginal workers Total/ Location Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1 941 367 574 31,815 14,266 17,549 Total Serchhip - District 285 208 79 129 15,080 7,068 8,012 Rural 733 288 445 16,735 7,198 9,537 Urban 25 13 12 2,933 1,255 1,678 Total Thingsulthliah Part 0017 25 13 12 2,933 1,255 1,678 Rural ------Urban 53 19 34 7,241 3,439 3,802 Total Serchhip 0018 53 19 34 7,241 3,439 3,802 Rural ------Urban 130 47 83 4,906 2,374 2,532 Total East Lungdar Part 0019 130 47 83 4,906 2,374 2,532 Rural ------Urban URBAN 624 247 377 11,043 4,673 6,370 Urban Serchhip (NT) 801512 51 16 35 3,865 1,694 2,171 Urban Thenzawl (NT) 801513 58 25 33 1,827 831 996 Urban North Vanlaiphai (NT) 801514


Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Total) 0.00 1,080 5,798 2,921 2,877 973 509 464 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Rural) 0.00 1,080 5,798 2,921 2,877 973 509 464 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Urban) 0.00 ------RURAL 271379 Khumtung 0.00 236 1,150 582 568 166 99 67 271380 Hualtu 0.00 186 960 512 448 175 83 92 271381 Chanin 0.00 33 147 77 70 28 16 12 271382 Baktawng 0.00 551 3,220 1,586 1,634 547 279 268 271383 Buhkangkawn 0.00 40 151 75 76 28 14 14 271384 Hmawngkawn 0.00 34 170 89 81 29 18 11 271385 N.Chawilung 0.00 ------


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 Thingsulthliah Part - - - 5,716 2,863 2,853 4,717 2,368 2,349 (Total) Thingsulthliah Part - - - 5,716 2,863 2,853 4,717 2,368 2,349 (Rural) Thingsulthliah Part ------(Urban) RURAL - - - 1,126 568 558 971 476 495 Khumtung - - - 956 509 447 747 414 333 Hualtu - - - 145 75 70 115 58 57 Chanin - - - 3,188 1,564 1,624 2,624 1,291 1,333 Baktawng - - - 131 58 73 121 60 61 Buhkangkawn - - - 170 89 81 139 69 70 Hmawngkawn ------N.Chawilung


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Total) 1,081 553 528 2,834 1,651 1,183 2,763 1,615 1,148 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Rural) 1,081 553 528 2,834 1,651 1,183 2,763 1,615 1,148 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Urban) ------RURAL 271379 Khumtung 179 106 73 574 322 252 536 305 231 271380 Hualtu 213 98 115 538 319 219 532 317 215 271381 Chanin 32 19 13 86 44 42 79 40 39 271382 Baktawng 596 295 301 1,453 864 589 1,443 855 588 271383 Buhkangkawn 30 15 15 84 44 40 82 43 39 271384 Hmawngkawn 31 20 11 99 58 41 91 55 36 271385 N.Chawilung ------

52 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thingsulthliah Part Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 Thingsulthliah Part 1,942 981 961 174 126 48 133 129 4 514 379 135 (Total) Thingsulthliah Part 1,942 981 961 174 126 48 133 129 4 514 379 135 (Rural) Thingsulthliah Part ------(Urban) RURAL 434 236 198 5 4 1 4 3 1 93 62 31 Khumtung 474 278 196 7 6 1 - - - 51 33 18 Hualtu 71 35 36 ------8 5 3 Chanin 849 366 483 135 101 34 129 126 3 330 262 68 Baktawng 36 19 17 27 15 12 - - - 19 9 10 Buhkangkawn 78 47 31 ------13 8 5 Hmawngkawn ------N.Chawilung

53 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Total) 71 36 35 27 12 15 18 10 8 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Rural) 71 36 35 27 12 15 18 10 8 Thingsulthliah Part 0017 (Urban) ------RURAL 271379 Khumtung 38 17 21 16 6 10 - - - 271380 Hualtu 6 2 4 6 2 4 - - - 271381 Chanin 7 4 3 - - - 7 4 3 271382 Baktawng 10 9 1 3 3 - 3 3 - 271383 Buhkangkawn 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 271384 Hmawngkawn 8 3 5 2 1 1 6 2 4 271385 N.Chawilung ------

54 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thingsulthliah Part of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 Thingsulthliah Part 1 1 - 25 13 12 2,964 1,270 1,694 (Total) 0017 Thingsulthliah Part 1 1 - 25 13 12 2,964 1,270 1,694 (Rural) 0017 Thingsulthliah Part ------(Urban) 0017 RURAL - - - 22 11 11 576 260 316 Khumtung 271379 ------422 193 229 Hualtu 271380 ------61 33 28 Chanin 271381 1 1 - 3 2 1 1,767 722 1,045 Baktawng 271382 ------67 31 36 Buhkangkawn 271383 ------71 31 40 Hmawngkawn 271384 ------N.Chawilung 271385

55 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0018 Serchhip (Total) 0.00 2,987 15,825 7,989 7,836 2,540 1,276 1,264 0018 Serchhip (Rural) 0.00 2,987 15,825 7,989 7,836 2,540 1,276 1,264 0018 Serchhip (Urban) 0.00 ------RURAL 271386 Chhingchhip 0.00 726 3,741 1,826 1,915 493 224 269 271387 Khawbel 0.00 104 640 348 292 123 64 59 271388 Hmuntha 0.00 128 783 391 392 134 69 65 271389 Rullam 0.00 100 577 312 265 104 58 46 271390 Thentlang 0.00 132 667 339 328 125 59 66 271391 Sialhau 0.00 111 630 324 306 109 55 54 271392 Lungpho 0.00 181 1,015 503 512 157 77 80 271393 Ngentiang 0.00 115 614 314 300 111 57 54 271394 E.Thinglian 0.00 79 502 270 232 117 62 55 271395 Hmunzawl 0.00 97 459 243 216 67 35 32 271396 Hriangtlang 0.00 104 590 309 281 102 54 48 271397 Vanchengte 0.00 27 130 55 75 19 10 9 271398 Bawngchawm 0.00 ------271399 Keitum 0.00 412 2,022 1,007 1,015 320 155 165 271400 E.Bungtlang 0.00 387 1,966 984 982 279 153 126 271401 Buangpui 0.00 84 390 199 191 70 34 36 271402 Neihloh 0.00 62 345 174 171 70 33 37 271403 Vanchengpui 0.00 138 754 391 363 140 77 63


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 12 7 5 15,577 7,841 7,736 13,006 6,607 6,399 Serchhip (Total) 12 7 5 15,577 7,841 7,736 13,006 6,607 6,399 Serchhip (Rural) ------Serchhip (Urban) RURAL 11 6 5 3,571 1,726 1,845 3,175 1,577 1,598 Chhingchhip - - - 638 347 291 496 279 217 Khawbel - - - 777 389 388 630 313 317 Hmuntha - - - 571 309 262 469 253 216 Rullam - - - 667 339 328 529 275 254 Thentlang - - - 629 323 306 517 267 250 Sialhau - - - 1,015 503 512 836 416 420 Lungpho - - - 605 308 297 496 254 242 Ngentiang - - - 488 262 226 370 200 170 E.Thinglian - - - 451 238 213 388 206 182 Hmunzawl - - - 589 309 280 476 252 224 Hriangtlang - - - 130 55 75 110 44 66 Vanchengte ------Bawngchawm 1 1 - 2,015 1,001 1,014 1,665 838 827 Keitum - - - 1,959 980 979 1,663 821 842 E.Bungtlang - - - 381 190 191 308 162 146 Buangpui - - - 339 172 167 272 139 133 Neihloh - - - 752 390 362 606 311 295 Vanchengpui


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0018 Serchhip (Total) 2,819 1,382 1,437 8,464 4,489 3,975 7,692 4,297 3,395 0018 Serchhip (Rural) 2,819 1,382 1,437 8,464 4,489 3,975 7,692 4,297 3,395 0018 Serchhip (Urban) ------RURAL 271386 Chhingchhip 566 249 317 1,802 954 848 1,525 882 643 271387 Khawbel 144 69 75 336 179 157 314 165 149 271388 Hmuntha 153 78 75 413 209 204 397 200 197 271389 Rullam 108 59 49 301 171 130 300 171 129 271390 Thentlang 138 64 74 330 187 143 330 187 143 271391 Sialhau 113 57 56 348 186 162 339 181 158 271392 Lungpho 179 87 92 552 303 249 537 295 242 271393 Ngentiang 118 60 58 366 187 179 366 187 179 271394 E.Thinglian 132 70 62 260 141 119 260 141 119 271395 Hmunzawl 71 37 34 290 155 135 225 140 85 271396 Hriangtlang 114 57 57 325 173 152 285 168 117 271397 Vanchengte 20 11 9 70 36 34 66 36 30 271398 Bawngchawm ------271399 Keitum 357 169 188 1,106 582 524 1,036 562 474 271400 E.Bungtlang 303 163 140 1,124 583 541 1,052 574 478 271401 Buangpui 82 37 45 245 131 114 165 103 62 271402 Neihloh 73 35 38 186 103 83 186 103 83 271403 Vanchengpui 148 80 68 410 209 201 309 202 107

58 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Serchhip Industrial category of main workers Household Cultivators Agricultural labourers industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 6,729 3,649 3,080 63 30 33 46 33 13 854 585 269 Serchhip (Total) 6,729 3,649 3,080 63 30 33 46 33 13 854 585 269 Serchhip (Rural) ------Serchhip (Urban) RURAL 1,144 630 514 39 18 21 17 14 3 325 220 105 Chhingchhip 297 150 147 1 - 1 - - - 16 15 1 Khawbel 368 175 193 1 - 1 - - - 28 25 3 Hmuntha 272 152 120 ------28 19 9 Rullam 297 168 129 ------33 19 14 Thentlang 310 163 147 - - - 1 - 1 28 18 10 Sialhau 465 248 217 - - - 3 3 - 69 44 25 Lungpho 331 161 170 - - - 2 - 2 33 26 7 Ngentiang 234 122 112 9 4 5 4 4 - 13 11 2 E.Thinglian 202 123 79 - - - 6 6 - 17 11 6 Hmunzawl 270 156 114 - - - 3 2 1 12 10 2 Hriangtlang 55 31 24 ------11 5 6 Vanchengte ------Bawngchawm 939 506 433 7 4 3 5 1 4 85 51 34 Keitum 925 487 438 6 4 2 5 3 2 116 80 36 E.Bungtlang 149 91 58 ------16 12 4 Buangpui 180 98 82 ------6 5 1 Neihloh 291 188 103 ------18 14 4 Vanchengpui

59 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0018 Serchhip (Total) 772 192 580 594 149 445 48 9 39 0018 Serchhip (Rural) 772 192 580 594 149 445 48 9 39 0018 Serchhip (Urban) ------RURAL 271386 Chhingchhip 277 72 205 178 55 123 46 8 38 271387 Khawbel 22 14 8 14 10 4 - - - 271388 Hmuntha 16 9 7 11 5 6 - - - 271389 Rullam 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - - 271390 Thentlang ------271391 Sialhau 9 5 4 9 5 4 - - - 271392 Lungpho 15 8 7 9 4 5 - - - 271393 Ngentiang ------271394 E.Thinglian ------271395 Hmunzawl 65 15 50 58 13 45 - - - 271396 Hriangtlang 40 5 35 25 4 21 - - - 271397 Vanchengte 4 - 4 3 - 3 - - - 271398 Bawngchawm ------271399 Keitum 70 20 50 42 12 30 1 - 1 271400 E.Bungtlang 72 9 63 65 6 59 1 1 - 271401 Buangpui 80 28 52 80 28 52 - - - 271402 Neihloh ------271403 Vanchengpui 101 7 94 99 7 92 - - -

60 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Serchhip of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 74 12 62 56 22 34 7,361 3,500 3,861 Serchhip (Total) 0018 74 12 62 56 22 34 7,361 3,500 3,861 Serchhip (Rural) 0018 ------Serchhip (Urban) 0018 RURAL 42 1 41 11 8 3 1,939 872 1,067 Chhingchhip 271386 - - - 8 4 4 304 169 135 Khawbel 271387 - - - 5 4 1 370 182 188 Hmuntha 271388 ------276 141 135 Rullam 271389 ------337 152 185 Thentlang 271390 ------282 138 144 Sialhau 271391 2 2 - 4 2 2 463 200 263 Lungpho 271392 ------248 127 121 Ngentiang 271393 ------242 129 113 E.Thinglian 271394 6 2 4 1 - 1 169 88 81 Hmunzawl 271395 - - - 15 1 14 265 136 129 Hriangtlang 271396 - - - 1 - 1 60 19 41 Vanchengte 271397 ------Bawngchawm 271398 21 5 16 6 3 3 916 425 491 Keitum 271399 3 2 1 3 - 3 842 401 441 E.Bungtlang 271400 ------145 68 77 Buangpui 271401 ------159 71 88 Neihloh 271402 - - - 2 - 2 344 182 162 Vanchengpui 271403

61 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0019 East Lungdar Part (Total) 0.00 2,264 11,295 5,733 5,562 1,641 869 772 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Rural) 0.00 2,264 11,295 5,733 5,562 1,641 869 772 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Urban) 0.00 ------RURAL 271404 E.Lungdar 0.00 606 3,022 1,513 1,509 373 198 175 271405 N.Mualcheng 0.00 267 1,423 732 691 235 127 108 271406 Chekawn 0.00 49 277 149 128 43 23 20 271407 Khawlailung 0.00 501 2,318 1,163 1,155 316 161 155 271408 Piler 0.00 84 467 236 231 75 38 37 271409 Tuichang 0.00 3 27 27 - - - - 271410 Sialsir 0.00 57 333 174 159 41 24 17 271411 Lungchhuan 0.00 138 710 361 349 124 73 51 271412 Bawktlang 0.00 64 319 153 166 49 20 29 271413 Leng 0.00 170 746 358 388 106 47 59 271414 Sailulak 0.00 170 850 454 396 149 85 64 271415 Puallawi 0.00 ------271416 Leilet N.V 0.00 ------271417 Lungkawlh 0.00 155 803 413 390 130 73 57 271418 Maicham 0.00 ------


Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 East Lungdar Part 1 1 - 11,181 5,664 5,517 9,371 4,772 4,599 (Total) East Lungdar Part 1 1 - 11,181 5,664 5,517 9,371 4,772 4,599 (Rural) East Lungdar Part ------(Urban) RURAL - - - 3,003 1,504 1,499 2,615 1,306 1,309 E.Lungdar - - - 1,414 728 686 1,161 598 563 N.Mualcheng - - - 275 148 127 226 121 105 Chekawn 1 1 - 2,297 1,152 1,145 1,903 972 931 Khawlailung - - - 453 230 223 381 190 191 Piler - - - 4 4 - 23 23 - Tuichang - - - 333 174 159 288 149 139 Sialsir - - - 705 358 347 577 286 291 Lungchhuan - - - 319 153 166 260 132 128 Bawktlang - - - 740 354 386 611 305 306 Leng - - - 840 447 393 675 359 316 Sailulak ------Puallawi ------Leilet N.V - - - 798 412 386 651 331 320 Lungkawlh ------Maicham


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0019 East Lungdar Part (Total) 1,924 961 963 6,350 3,342 3,008 6,017 3,220 2,797 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Rural) 1,924 961 963 6,350 3,342 3,008 6,017 3,220 2,797 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Urban) ------RURAL 271404 E.Lungdar 407 207 200 1,812 905 907 1,787 899 888 271405 N.Mualcheng 262 134 128 784 409 375 759 403 356 271406 Chekawn 51 28 23 153 87 66 137 81 56 271407 Khawlailung 415 191 224 1,296 701 595 1,268 697 571 271408 Piler 86 46 40 252 133 119 252 133 119 271409 Tuichang 4 4 - 27 27 - 1 1 - 271410 Sialsir 45 25 20 215 110 105 211 107 104 271411 Lungchhuan 133 75 58 369 189 180 301 160 141 271412 Bawktlang 59 21 38 184 97 87 169 91 78 271413 Leng 135 53 82 440 226 214 438 225 213 271414 Sailulak 175 95 80 394 231 163 332 222 110 271415 Puallawi ------271416 Leilet N.V ------271417 Lungkawlh 152 82 70 424 227 197 362 201 161 271418 Maicham ------

64 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT East Lungdar Part Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 East Lungdar Part 5,244 2,774 2,470 56 29 27 38 24 14 679 393 286 (Total) East Lungdar Part 5,244 2,774 2,470 56 29 27 38 24 14 679 393 286 (Rural) East Lungdar Part ------(Urban) RURAL 1,411 719 692 47 23 24 5 3 2 324 154 170 E.Lungdar 683 356 327 - - - 10 5 5 66 42 24 N.Mualcheng 120 67 53 1 1 - 1 1 - 15 12 3 Chekawn 1,161 632 529 1 - 1 10 8 2 96 57 39 Khawlailung 235 117 118 ------17 16 1 Piler ------1 1 - Tuichang 203 100 103 ------8 7 1 Sialsir 257 132 125 1 1 - 2 2 - 41 25 16 Lungchhuan 159 83 76 ------10 8 2 Bawktlang 389 193 196 ------49 32 17 Leng 309 205 104 - - - 2 2 - 21 15 6 Sailulak ------Puallawi ------Leilet N.V 317 170 147 6 4 2 8 3 5 31 24 7 Lungkawlh ------Maicham

65 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block - Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0019 East Lungdar Part (Total) 333 122 211 157 45 112 11 4 7 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Rural) 333 122 211 157 45 112 11 4 7 East Lungdar Part 0019 (Urban) ------RURAL 271404 E.Lungdar 25 6 19 2 2 - 2 1 1 271405 N.Mualcheng 25 6 19 11 3 8 - - - 271406 Chekawn 16 6 10 5 3 2 - - - 271407 Khawlailung 28 4 24 24 2 22 2 - 2 271408 Piler ------271409 Tuichang 26 26 ------271410 Sialsir 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 271411 Lungchhuan 68 29 39 21 11 10 1 - 1 271412 Bawktlang 15 6 9 14 6 8 - - - 271413 Leng 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 271414 Sailulak 62 9 53 61 9 52 - - - 271415 Puallawi ------271416 Leilet N.V ------271417 Lungkawlh 62 26 36 17 8 9 3 1 2 271418 Maicham ------

66 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT East Lungdar Part of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 East Lungdar Part 0019 12 3 9 153 70 83 4,945 2,391 2,554 (Total) East Lungdar Part 12 3 9 153 70 83 4,945 2,391 2,554 (Rural) 0019 East Lungdar Part ------(Urban) 0019 RURAL - - - 21 3 18 1,210 608 602 E.Lungdar 271404 1 - 1 13 3 10 639 323 316 N.Mualcheng 271405 1 1 - 10 2 8 124 62 62 Chekawn 271406 - - - 2 2 - 1,022 462 560 Khawlailung 271407 ------215 103 112 Piler 271408 - - - 26 26 - - - - Tuichang 271409 - - - 1 1 - 118 64 54 Sialsir 271410 2 - 2 44 18 26 341 172 169 Lungchhuan 271411 - - - 1 - 1 135 56 79 Bawktlang 271412 ------306 132 174 Leng 271413 - - - 1 - 1 456 223 233 Sailulak 271414 ------Puallawi 271415 ------Leilet N.V 271416 8 2 6 34 15 19 379 186 193 Lungkawlh 271417 ------Maicham 271418


Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : SERCHHIP


Area in Total population (including Location Square institutional and houseless code Kilometr Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Name of Town/ Ward e households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

801512 Serchhip (NT) 23.00 4,085 21,158 10,777 10,381 2,664 1,363 1,301 0001 Ward No. 1 559 3,398 1,976 1,422 344 188 156 0002 Ward No. 2 472 2,287 1,123 1,164 316 159 157 0003 Ward No. 3 360 1,908 974 934 237 131 106 0004 Ward No. 4 1,139 5,662 2,768 2,894 714 356 358 0005 Ward No. 5 787 3,832 1,903 1,929 516 269 247 0006 Ward No. 6 768 4,071 2,033 2,038 537 260 277 801513 Thenzawl (NT) 36.00 1,440 7,259 3,617 3,642 986 515 471 0001 Ward No. 1 1,440 7,259 3,617 3,642 986 515 471 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) 8.00 766 3,602 1,814 1,788 495 239 256 0001 Ward No. 1 766 3,602 1,814 1,788 495 239 256



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

7 4 3 19,747 9,709 10,038 18,179 9,267 8,912 Serchhip (NT) - - - 2,447 1,190 1,257 3,003 1,761 1,242 Ward No. 1 - - - 2,163 1,049 1,114 1,934 946 988 Ward No. 2 1 1 - 1,882 958 924 1,648 830 818 Ward No. 3 5 3 2 5,502 2,666 2,836 4,859 2,377 2,482 Ward No. 4 1 - 1 3,704 1,825 1,879 3,263 1,607 1,656 Ward No. 5 - - - 4,049 2,021 2,028 3,472 1,746 1,726 Ward No. 6 12 8 4 7,128 3,531 3,597 6,157 3,042 3,115 Thenzawl (NT) 12 8 4 7,128 3,531 3,597 6,157 3,042 3,115 Ward No. 1 - - - 3,540 1,773 1,767 3,046 1,542 1,504 North Vanlaiphai (NT) - - - 3,540 1,773 1,767 3,046 1,542 1,504 Ward No. 1



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

801512 Serchhip (NT) 2,979 1,510 1,469 9,664 5,912 3,752 8,562 5,504 3,058 0001 Ward No. 1 395 215 180 1,805 1,310 495 1,722 1,265 457 0002 Ward No. 2 353 177 176 1,085 653 432 988 642 346 0003 Ward No. 3 260 144 116 1,033 549 484 824 472 352 0004 Ward No. 4 803 391 412 2,091 1,282 809 1,910 1,183 727 0005 Ward No. 5 569 296 273 1,646 978 668 1,217 859 358 0006 Ward No. 6 599 287 312 2,004 1,140 864 1,901 1,083 818 801513 Thenzawl (NT) 1,102 575 527 3,335 1,899 1,436 3,141 1,865 1,276 0001 Ward No. 1 1,102 575 527 3,335 1,899 1,436 3,141 1,865 1,276 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) 556 272 284 1,750 968 782 1,663 927 736 0001 Ward No. 1 556 272 284 1,750 968 782 1,663 927 736



Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

4,189 2,405 1,784 556 312 244 72 60 12 3,745 2,727 1,018 Serchhip (NT) 486 295 191 248 116 132 7 7 - 981 847 134 Ward No. 1 621 386 235 131 89 42 12 10 2 224 157 67 Ward No. 2 558 309 249 7 1 6 21 19 2 238 143 95 Ward No. 3 734 434 300 58 45 13 12 9 3 1,106 695 411 Ward No. 4 232 149 83 106 56 50 18 13 5 861 641 220 Ward No. 5 1,558 832 726 6 5 1 2 2 - 335 244 91 Ward No. 6 1,779 1,144 635 146 98 48 365 51 314 851 572 279 Thenzawl (NT) 1,779 1,144 635 146 98 48 365 51 314 851 572 279 Ward No. 1 867 441 426 11 8 3 45 18 27 740 460 280 North Vanlaiphai (NT) 867 441 426 11 8 3 45 18 27 740 460 280 Ward No. 1



Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

801512 Serchhip (NT) 1,102 408 694 252 79 173 175 56 119 0001 Ward No. 1 83 45 38 10 6 4 18 11 7 0002 Ward No. 2 97 11 86 71 6 65 9 3 6 0003 Ward No. 3 209 77 132 90 47 43 94 22 72 0004 Ward No. 4 181 99 82 14 6 8 20 13 7 0005 Ward No. 5 429 119 310 55 12 43 32 5 27 0006 Ward No. 6 103 57 46 12 2 10 2 2 - 801513 Thenzawl (NT) 194 34 160 12 3 9 19 11 8 0001 Ward No. 1 194 34 160 12 3 9 19 11 8 801514 North Vanlaiphai (NT) 87 41 46 12 7 5 7 4 3 0001 Ward No. 1 87 41 46 12 7 5 7 4 3



of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

19 8 11 656 265 391 11,494 4,865 6,629 Serchhip (NT) 801512 5 1 4 50 27 23 1,593 666 927 Ward No. 1 0001 - - - 17 2 15 1,202 470 732 Ward No. 2 0002 - - - 25 8 17 875 425 450 Ward No. 3 0003 3 1 2 144 79 65 3,571 1,486 2,085 Ward No. 4 0004 10 5 5 332 97 235 2,186 925 1,261 Ward No. 5 0005 1 1 - 88 52 36 2,067 893 1,174 Ward No. 6 0006 111 3 108 52 17 35 3,924 1,718 2,206 Thenzawl (NT) 801513 111 3 108 52 17 35 3,924 1,718 2,206 Ward No. 1 0001 10 5 5 58 25 33 1,852 846 1,006 North Vanlaiphai (NT) 801514 10 5 5 58 25 33 1,852 846 1,006 Ward No. 1 0001


Section – II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level

Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011

Name of Ownership Number of dwelling Number of households district status rooms Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Owned No exclusive room 74 46 28 - - - 65 44 21 One room 916 562 354 - - - 912 559 353 Two rooms 5,091 3,143 1,948 3 1 2 5,051 3,114 1,937 Three rooms 2,293 1,208 1,085 2 2 - 2,279 1,200 1,079 3+ rooms 898 327 571 1 - 1 891 325 566 Rented No exclusive room 61 23 38 - - - 50 21 29 One room 780 277 503 13 5 8 749 266 483 Two rooms 1,731 552 1,179 29 2 27 1,650 530 1,120 Three rooms 421 79 342 13 6 7 396 68 328 3+ rooms 120 20 100 1 - 1 116 19 97 Others No exclusive room 4 4 - 2 2 - 2 2 - One room 32 26 6 7 7 - 24 19 5 Two rooms 88 23 65 4 - 4 84 23 61 Three rooms 46 12 34 - - - 46 12 34 3+ rooms 25 7 18 - - - 25 7 18 District - Total No exclusive room 139 73 66 2 2 - 117 67 50 Serchhip One room 1,728 865 863 20 12 8 1,685 844 841 (15285) Two rooms 6,910 3,718 3,192 36 3 33 6,785 3,667 3,118 Three rooms 2,760 1,299 1,461 15 8 7 2,721 1,280 1,441 3+ rooms 1,043 354 689 2 - 2 1,032 351 681

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

79 Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Total Permanent Semi permanent Temporary Permanent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) 1 (1528501905) 898 (83.46%) 137 (12.73%) 41 (3.81%) 898 (83.46%) 2 Sub-District - Serchhip (1528501910) 6,745 (79.62%) 1,444 (17.04%) 279 (3.29%) 2,174 (73.32%) Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) 3 (1528501911) 2,276 (75.07%) 655 (21.6%) 101 (3.33%) 1,672 (73.72%) District - Serchhip (15285) 9,919 (78.85%) 2,236 (17.77%) 421 (3.35%) 4,744 (75.19%)

1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. Note : Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I. Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof.

Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials. Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves, reeds, , mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs.

80 Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011 Rural Urban Name of Sub-District Semi permanent Temporary Permanent Semi permanent Temporary 7 8 9 10 11 2 Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) 137 (12.73%) 41 (3.81%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (1528501905) 600 (20.24%) 188 (6.34%) 4,571 (83%) 844 (15.33%) 91 (1.65%) Sub-District - Serchhip (1528501910) Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) 503 (22.18%) 93 (4.1%) 604 (79.06%) 152 (19.9%) 8 (1.05%) (1528501911) 1,240 (19.65%) 322 (5.1%) 5,175 (82.52%) 996 (15.88%) 99 (1.58%) District - Serchhip (15285)

81 Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well Urban treated source untreated source

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Sub-District - Total 1,076 606 (56.32%) 465 (43.22%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Thingsulthliah (Part) Rural 1,076 606 (56.32%) 465 (43.22%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (1528501905) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Sub-District - Serchhip Total 8,472 3,694 (43.6%) 2,301 (27.16%) 116 (1.37%) 132 (1.56%) (1528501910) Rural 2,965 218 (7.35%) 1,919 (64.72%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 5,507 3,476 (63.12%) 382 (6.94%) 116 (2.11%) 132 (2.4%) 3 Sub-District - East Lungdar Total 3,032 974 (32.12%) 419 (13.82%) 16 (0.53%) 10 (0.33%) (Part) (1528501911) Rural 2,268 239 (10.54%) 409 (18.03%) 16 (0.71%) 10 (0.44%) Urban 764 735 (96.2%) 10 (1.31%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) District - Serchhip Total 12,580 5,274 (41.92%) 3,185 (25.32%) 132 (1.05%) 142 (1.13%) (15285) Rural 6,309 1,063 (16.85%) 2,793 (44.27%) 16 (0.25%) 10 (0.16%) Urban 6,271 4,211 (67.15%) 392 (6.25%) 116 (1.85%) 132 (2.1%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

82 by main source of Drinking water, 2011. having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District Handpump Tubewell/boreh Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Rural/ ole lake Sources Urban

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.37%) 1 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total Sub-District - 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.37%) 1 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural Thingsulthliah (Part) (1528501905) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 63 (0.74%) 4 (0.05%) 1,753 (20.69%) 183 (2.16%) 198 (2.34%) 28 (0.33%) Total Sub-District - Serchhip 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 816 (27.52%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.4%) Rural (1528501910) 63 (1.14%) 4 (0.07%) 937 (17.01%) 183 (3.32%) 198 (3.6%) 16 (0.29%) Urban 106 (3.5%) 0 (0%) 1,447 (47.72%) 2 (0.07%) 16 (0.53%) 42 (1.39%) Total Sub-District - East 106 (4.67%) 0 (0%) 1,428 (62.96%) 2 (0.09%) 16 (0.71%) 42 (1.85%) Rural Lungdar (Part) (1528501911) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 19 (2.49%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 169 (1.34%) 4 (0.03%) 3,204 (25.47%) 186 (1.48%) 214 (1.7%) 70 (0.56%) Total District - Serchhip 106 (1.68%) 0 (0%) 2,248 (35.63%) 3 (0.05%) 16 (0.25%) 54 (0.86%) Rural (15285) 63 (1%) 4 (0.06%) 956 (15.24%) 183 (2.92%) 198 (3.16%) 16 (0.26%) Urban

83 Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar Urban households 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) Total 1,076 1,053 (97.86%) 23 (2.14%) 0 (0%) (1528501905) Rural 1,076 1,053 (97.86%) 23 (2.14%) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Sub-District - Serchhip (1528501910) Total 8,472 8,282 (97.76%) 168 (1.98%) 2 (0.02%) Rural 2,965 2,913 (98.25%) 46 (1.55%) 1 (0.03%) Urban 5,507 5,369 (97.49%) 122 (2.22%) 1 (0.02%) 3 Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) (1528501911) Total 3,032 2,980 (98.28%) 29 (0.96%) 0 (0%) Rural 2,268 2,235 (98.54%) 15 (0.66%) 0 (0%) Urban 764 745 (97.51%) 14 (1.83%) 0 (0%) District - Serchhip (15285) Total 12,580 12,315 (97.89%) 220 (1.75%) 2 (0.02%) Rural 6,309 6,201 (98.29%) 84 (1.33%) 1 (0.02%) Urban 6,271 6,114 (97.5%) 136 (2.17%) 1 (0.02%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

84 by main source of Lighting, 2011. having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/ Urban 8 9 10 3 2 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) (1528501905) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 9 (0.11%) 7 (0.08%) 4 (0.05%) Total Sub-District - Serchhip (1528501910) 3 (0.1%) 1 (0.03%) 1 (0.03%) Rural 6 (0.11%) 6 (0.11%) 3 (0.05%) Urban 17 (0.56%) 1 (0.03%) 5 (0.16%) Total Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) (1528501911) 17 (0.75%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.04%) Rural 0 (0%) 1 (0.13%) 4 (0.52%) Urban 26 (0.21%) 8 (0.06%) 9 (0.07%) Total District - Serchhip (15285) 20 (0.32%) 1 (0.02%) 2 (0.03%) Rural 6 (0.1%) 7 (0.11%) 7 (0.11%) Urban

85 Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit Urban households Piped sewer Septic tank Other With system system slab/Ventilated improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) Total 1,076 62 (5.76%) 774 (71.93%) 51 (4.74%) 90 (8.36%) (1528501905) Rural 1,076 62 (5.76%) 774 (71.93%) 51 (4.74%) 90 (8.36%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Sub-District - Serchhip Total 8,472 1,024 (12.09%) 4,059 (47.91%) 361 (4.26%) 1,594 (18.81%) (1528501910) Rural 2,965 373 (12.58%) 564 (19.02%) 251 (8.47%) 1,076 (36.29%) Urban 5,507 651 (11.82%) 3,495 (63.46%) 110 (2%) 518 (9.41%) 3 Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) Total 3,032 83 (2.74%) 997 (32.88%) 169 (5.57%) 1,112 (36.68%) (1528501911) Rural 2,268 74 (3.26%) 546 (24.07%) 103 (4.54%) 1,023 (45.11%) Urban 764 9 (1.18%) 451 (59.03%) 66 (8.64%) 89 (11.65%) District - Serchhip (15285) Total 12,580 1,169 (9.29%) 5,830 (46.34%) 581 (4.62%) 2,796 (22.23%) Rural 6,309 509 (8.07%) 1,884 (29.86%) 405 (6.42%) 2,189 (34.7%) Urban 6,271 660 (10.52%) 3,946 (62.92%) 176 (2.81%) 607 (9.68%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

86 by type of Latrine facility, 2011 having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/ Urban Without disposed Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open slab/open pit into open removed by serviced by drain human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2 81 (7.53%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.84%) 9 (0.84%) Total Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) 81 (7.53%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.84%) 9 (0.84%) Rural (1528501905) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 1,220 (14.4%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 65 (0.77%) 147 (1.74%) Total Sub-District - Serchhip 516 (17.4%) 1 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 51 (1.72%) 133 (4.49%) Rural (1528501910) 704 (12.78%) 1 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 14 (0.25%) 14 (0.25%) Urban 637 (21.01%) 1 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.1%) 30 (0.99%) Total Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) 496 (21.87%) 1 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.09%) 23 (1.01%) Rural (1528501911) 141 (18.46%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.13%) 7 (0.92%) Urban 1,938 (15.41%) 3 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 77 (0.61%) 186 (1.48%) Total District - Serchhip (15285) 1,093 (17.32%) 2 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 62 (0.98%) 165 (2.62%) Rural 845 (13.47%) 1 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 15 (0.24%) 21 (0.33%) Urban

87 Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011 Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Total 1,076 2 (0.19%) 937 (87.08%) 137 (12.73%) Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) Rural 1,076 2 (0.19%) 937 (87.08%) 137 (12.73%) (1528501905) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Total 8,472 1,133 (13.37%) 5,476 (64.64%) 1,863 (21.99%) Sub-District - Serchhip (1528501910) Rural 2,965 91 (3.07%) 2,112 (71.23%) 762 (25.7%) Urban 5,507 1,042 (18.92%) 3,364 (61.09%) 1,101 (19.99%) 3 Total 3,032 721 (23.78%) 1,895 (62.5%) 416 (13.72%) Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) Rural 2,268 304 (13.4%) 1,587 (69.97%) 377 (16.62%) (1528501911) Urban 764 417 (54.58%) 308 (40.31%) 39 (5.1%) Total 12,580 1,856 (14.75%) 8,308 (66.04%) 2,416 (19.21%) District - Serchhip (15285) Rural 6,309 397 (6.29%) 4,636 (73.48%) 1,276 (20.23%) Urban 6,271 1,459 (23.27%) 3,672 (58.56%) 1,140 (18.18%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

88 Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011 Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking Urban households Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have kitchen kitchen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Sub-District - Total 1,076 1,037 (96.38%) 29 (2.7%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.93%) 0 (0%) Thingsulthliah (Part) Rural 1,076 1,037 (96.38%) 29 (2.7%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.93%) 0 (0%) (1528501905) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Sub-District - Total 8,472 6,592 (77.81%) 1,782 (21.03%) 53 (0.63%) 35 (0.41%) 10 (0.12%) Serchhip Rural 2,965 2,045 (68.97%) 878 (29.61%) 10 (0.34%) 31 (1.05%) 1 (0.03%) (1528501910) Urban 5,507 4,547 (82.57%) 904 (16.42%) 43 (0.78%) 4 (0.07%) 9 (0.16%) 3 Sub-District - East Total 3,032 1,865 (61.51%) 1,143 (37.7%) 12 (0.4%) 8 (0.26%) 4 (0.13%) Lungdar (Part) Rural 2,268 1,245 (54.89%) -44.09% 11 (0.49%) 8 (0.35%) 4 (0.18%) (1528501911) Urban 764 620 (81.15%) 143 (18.72%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) District - Serchhip Total 12,580 9,494 (75.47%) 2,954 (23.48%) 65 (0.52%) 53 (0.42%) 14 (0.11%) (15285) Rural 6,309 4,327 (68.58%) 1,907 (30.23%) 21 (0.33%) 49 (0.78%) 5 (0.08%) Urban 6,271 5,167 (82.4%) 1,047 (16.7%) 44 (0.7%) 4 (0.06%) 9 (0.14%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

89 Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/ Urban households charcoal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) Total 1,076 499 (46.38%) 3 (0.28%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.09%) (1528501905) Rural 1,076 499 (46.38%) 3 (0.28%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.09%) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 Sub-District - Serchhip Total 8,472 4,043 (47.72%) 21 (0.25%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.12%) (1528501910) Rural 2,965 2,402 (81.01%) 6 (0.2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 5,507 1,641 (29.8%) 15 (0.27%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.18%) 3 Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) Total 3,032 2,375 (78.33%) 12 (0.4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (1528501911) Rural 2,268 2,012 (88.71%) 11 (0.49%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 764 363 (47.51%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) District - Serchhip (15285) Total 12,580 6,917 (54.98%) 36 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 11 (0.09%) Rural 6,309 4,913 (77.87%) 20 (0.32%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.02%) Urban 6,271 2,004 (31.96%) 16 (0.26%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.16%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

90 by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/ Urban 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2 4 (0.37%) 568 (52.79%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total Sub-District - Thingsulthliah (Part) 4 (0.37%) 568 (52.79%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural (1528501905) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban 56 (0.66%) 4,314 (50.92%) 14 (0.17%) 2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 10 (0.12%) Total Sub-District - Serchhip 6 (0.2%) 549 (18.52%) 1 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.03%) Rural (1528501910) 50 (0.91%) 3,765 (68.37%) 13 (0.24%) 2 (0.04%) 2 (0.04%) 9 (0.16%) Urban 1 (0.03%) 629 (20.75%) 10 (0.33%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.03%) 4 (0.13%) Total Sub-District - East Lungdar (Part) 0 (0%) 235 (10.36%) 6 (0.26%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.18%) Rural (1528501911) 1 (0.13%) 394 (51.57%) 4 (0.52%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.13%) 0 (0%) Urban 61 (0.48%) 5,511 (43.81%) 24 (0.19%) 3 (0.02%) 3 (0.02%) 14 (0.11%) Total District - Serchhip (15285) 10 (0.16%) 1,352 (21.43%) 7 (0.11%) 1 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.08%) Rural 51 (0.81%) 4,159 (66.32%) 17 (0.27%) 2 (0.03%) 3 (0.05%) 9 (0.14%) Urban

91 Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Total number of Number and percentage of households No. District Rural/ number households Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptop- Urban of availing banking With Internet Without Internet househol services ds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Sub-District - Total 1,076 517 (48.05%) 551 (51.21%) 628 (58.36%) 6 (0.56%) 35 (3.25%) Thingsulthliah Rural 1,076 517 (48.05%) 551 (51.21%) 628 (58.36%) 6 (0.56%) 35 (3.25%) (Part) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (1528501905) 2 Sub-District - Total 8,472 8,175 (96.49%) 1,671 (19.72%) 4,778 (56.4%) 85 (1%) 657 (7.75%) Serchhip Rural 2,965 2,801 (94.47%) 746 (25.16%) 1,183 (39.9%) 6 (0.2%) 101 (3.41%) (1528501910) Urban 5,507 5,374 (97.58%) 925 (16.8%) 3,595 (65.28%) 79 (1.43%) 556 (10.1%) 3 Sub-District - East Total 3,032 2,707 (89.28%) 928 (30.61%) 1,637 (53.99%) 40 (1.32%) 164 (5.41%) Lungdar (Part) Rural 2,268 1,957 (86.29%) 653 (28.79%) 1,169 (51.54%) 38 (1.68%) 90 (3.97%) (1528501911) Urban 764 750 (98.17%) 275 (35.99%) 468 (61.26%) 2 (0.26%) 74 (9.69%) District - Total 12,580 11,399 (90.61%) 3,150 (25.04%) 7,043 (55.99%) 131 (1.04%) 856 (6.8%) Serchhip (15285) Rural 6,309 5,275 (83.61%) 1,950 (30.91%) 2,980 (47.23%) 50 (0.79%) 226 (3.58%) Urban 6,271 6,124 (97.66%) 1,200 (19.14%) 4,063 (64.79%) 81 (1.29%) 630 (10.05%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

92 number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011 having each of the following specified assets Total/ Name of Sub- Land line Mobile Both Land Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Car/ Jeep/ None of the Rural/ District Telephone Telephone line and Cycle/ Moped Van specified asset Urban MobileTeleph one 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2 5 (0.46%) 847 (78.72%) 58 (5.39%) 70 (6.51%) 98 (9.11%) 25 (2.32%) 102 (9.48%) Total Sub-District - 5 (0.46%) 847 (78.72%) 58 (5.39%) 70 (6.51%) 98 (9.11%) 25 (2.32%) 102 (9.48%) Rural Thingsulthliah (Part) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban (1528501905) 66 (0.78%) 6,122 (72.26%) 681 (8.04%) 314 (3.71%) 1,091 (12.88%) 512 (6.04%) 1,128 (13.31%) Total Sub-District - 23 (0.78%) 2,030 (68.47%) 136 (4.59%) 62 (2.09%) 201 (6.78%) 105 (3.54%) 574 (19.36%) Rural Serchhip (1528501910) 43 (0.78%) 4,092 (74.31%) 545 (9.9%) 252 (4.58%) 890 (16.16%) 407 (7.39%) 554 (10.06%) Urban 34 (1.12%) 2,170 (71.57%) 202 (6.66%) 98 (3.23%) 534 (17.61%) 165 (5.44%) 395 (13.03%) Total Sub-District - East 26 (1.15%) 1,619 (71.38%) 153 (6.75%) 53 (2.34%) 368 (16.23%) 111 (4.89%) 304 (13.4%) Rural Lungdar (Part) (1528501911) 8 (1.05%) 551 (72.12%) 49 (6.41%) 45 (5.89%) 166 (21.73%) 54 (7.07%) 91 (11.91%) Urban 105 (0.83%) 9,139 (72.65%) 941 (7.48%) 482 (3.83%) 1,723 (13.7%) 702 (5.58%) 1,625 (12.92%) Total District - 54 (0.86%) 4,496 (71.26%) 347 (5.5%) 185 (2.93%) 667 (10.57%) 241 (3.82%) 980 (15.53%) Rural Serchhip (15285) 51 (0.81%) 4,643 (74.04%) 594 (9.47%) 297 (4.74%) 1,056 (16.84%) 461 (7.35%) 645 (10.29%) Urban


ORGI-MIZORAM English – (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations, Mizoram Ministry of Home Affairs, Mizoram Hrangbana Building Chanmari, Aizawl – 796007

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.censusindia.gov.in