Seventh & James

Baptist Church


SUNDAYS, 9:45—10:40 A.M. JUNE 2—AUGUST 11, 2019 CHAUTAUQUA

“What is Chautauqua?” you ask. Chautauqua began in upstate New York in the 1870’s as a vacation school for Sunday school teachers. It soon became a national forum to open discussion of the latest thinking in politics, economics, international relations, literature, science and religion. Each summer we bring this type of diverse discussion among our own members and guests to Seventh & James. Our regular Sunday school classes disband for the summer months and we offer a variety of short-term classes. During each session we offer 3 classes for you to choose from. You may find one class you would like to participate in for the duration of the class or you might decide to visit a different class each week. Whatever you choose, we hope that the discussions will be enriching and meaningful. At Seventh & James we believe that diversity is important—diversity among the members of the body of Christ, diversity of gifts, diversity of theological thought, and diverse opportunities to grow as disciples of Christ. Chautauqua provides an opportunity for you to probe the Scriptures in some unique ways and ask questions both old and new about the ways God intends us to live as God’s children, relating to one another as well as to God. We hope you will be enriched spiritually for having participated in Chautauqua, Seventh & James style.

SUNDAYS, 9:45—10:40 A.M. JUNE 2—AUGUST 11, 2019 SESSION 1: JUNE 2, JUNE 9, JUNE 16, & JUNE 23 The Derek Dodson (Melton, 204) One of the most distinctive aspects of the teaching of Jesus is his use of parables— short, fictional stories that are often enigmatic and polyvalent. Join us as we explore Jesus’s parables from the Synoptic and the non-canonical of Thomas. This class will meet June 2, June 9, and June 16.

The Universal Christ is Saving My Life Right Now: A Conversation with Father Richard Rohr and the Big Questions Explored and Big Truths Proclaimed in his book, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe. Kent McKeever (Melton, 206) As I drove to/from San Antonio several times this Spring for my clients’ immigration interviews, I listened to a lot of podcasts. In particular, Another Name for Every Thing is a conversation with Father Richard Rohr and two students of the Christian contemplative path at the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They explore the themes of Father Richard’s new book, The Universal Christ. The questions explored and the truths proclaimed began to blow my mind, expand my heart, and rejuvenate my spirit. I found words to describe my long, uneasy, tenuous relationship with many of the traditional themes of my evangelical, orthodox, Western- thought-dominated faith journey. And then Jen Hatmaker (in her For The Love podcast interview of Father Richard) asked Father Richard, “What is saving your life right now?” And it broke me. As the tears welled up, I realized the deep, transformative, and extravagantly real truth of what I had been hearing. The Universal Christ is saving my life right now.

Each week this class will pursue some of these big questions and truths through my (and our) lived experiences with the questions and truths explored. I encourage you to read Father Richard’s book and/or listen to the podcasts. And please bring to the class your own thoughts about and experiences with (ready to discuss) some of the big questions of our faith and the mind-blowing, heart-expanding, spirit-filling truths explored and proclaimed in The Universal Christ.

* Classroom locations are subject to change. What is Seventh Reading? Various Teachers (Melton, 205) Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, “Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading!” During these four weeks, members of Seventh & James will share their favorite books, what they’ve been reading lately, and hopefully add a few suggestions for books you might want to read next. June 2: Mike Long June 9: Doris Stevens June 16: Jo-Ann Tsang June 23: Betsy Vardaman Summer Adult Study Pennington (Melton, 207) This class features Smyth & Helwys Literature. This session will focus on “Jesus and the Spirit.” June 2: “The Spirit is Upon Me,” Luke 4:14-19 June 9: “I Will Send the Spirit,” John 14:15-27 June 16: “Not You But the Spirit,” Mark 13:9-13 June 23: “The Kingdom Has Come,” Matthew 22:22-28

SESSION 2: JUNE 30, JULY 7, JULY 14, & JULY 21 The History of Christian Worship Joe Coker (Melton, 204) An overview of some changes and continuity in Christian worship over the past 2000 years. We will look at each era’s take on music, preaching, the Lord’s Supper, and use of physical space. June 30: Worship in the Early Church July 7: Worship in the Middle Ages July 14: Worship in the Reformation July 21: Worship in American Protestantism

* Classroom locations are subject to change. Letters with a Punch Rosalie Beck (Melton, 205) Sin, Salvation, and Service in the Letters of John.

Would Jesus Believe in Climate Change? Natalie Belew (Melton, 206) What do you think about the science behind climate change? Unsure about whether the climate is changing or what role humans have? And most importantly, what would Jesus think?! Lots of questions with hopefully lots of answers and discussion in this class on climate change, environmentalism, and Christianity. Whether or not you “believe” in the science, come on in, and let’s talk about what it means for us, as followers of Christ, to be stewards of the Earth.

Summer Adult Bible Study David Pennington (Melton, 207) This class features Smyth & Helwys Literature. This session will focus on the . June 30: “Be Strong and Courageous,” Joshua 1:1-9 July 7: “The Battle of Jericho,” Joshua 6:1-5, 20-25 July 14: “The Lord Fights for Israel,” Joshua 10:7-14 July 21: “What Can We Do?” Joshua 13:1-10, 14-15

SESSION 3: JULY 28, AUGUST 4, & AUGUST 11 From Bible to Broadway Harper Hoover (Melton, 206) This Chautauqua class will explore 3 different Broadway musicals inspired by Biblical stories. Along with listening to the soundtracks and watching scenes from the shows, we will discuss how they can contribute to our faith and worship. The shows include by Stephen Schwartz, Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Children of Eden by Stephen Schwartz (in that order.) Come listen to some show tunes and watch some great dance numbers with us!

* Classroom locations are subject to change. “Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters” Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter From Birmingham Jail, our “Judeo-Christian Heritage,” and the American Dream. Ashley Cruseturner (Melton, 204) July 28: “Why Am I Here in Birmingham?” What this moment means to our story and why all roads led to this 1963 Eastertide confrontation in the streets of Birmingham, Alabama. August 4: “An Unjust Law is No Law At All.” Bringing Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Tillich, Buber, Niebuhr, Jefferson, and Lincoln (as well as Hitler, Nebuchadnezzar, godless communists, and Elijah Muhammad) to bear on the case for racial justice. August 11: “The Sacred Heritage of our Nation and the Eternal Will of God.” Challenging the Church, American ideals, and people of good will.

Uke Can Change the World Mike Long (Choristers' Room, Annex, 102) Learn how to bring joy to any event and smiles to any face! This class is for beginners and intermediate players. Basic chords and strum techniques taught for both sacred and secular songs. Singing along is also encouraged. Become a part of the ukulele universe you didn’t know existed! Uke can change the world!

Summer Adult Bible Study David Pennington (Melton, 207) This class features Smyth & Helwys Literature. This session will finish the study on Joshua and begin a study on “Solving Problems Biblically.” July 28: “We Will Serve the Lord,” Joshua 24:6-16 August 4: “What Is the Problem?” Nehemiah 1 August 11: “What Can We Do?” Proverbs 16:1-9

Classes for Children and Youth are available as well. Melton, 2nd Floor

James Avenue


602 James Avenue • Waco, Texas 76706

254-753-6425 •

• • • OUR STAFF • • •

Jonathan Balmer • [email protected] Minister of Youth Lydia Bratcher • [email protected] Organist Erin Conaway • [email protected] Pastor Lorie Crowder • [email protected] Director, Handbell Choirs Stephen Gusukuma • [email protected] Minister of Music Paula Hoover • [email protected] Coordinator, Children’s Choirs Hannah Kucera • [email protected] Financial Secretary Carolyn Robbins • [email protected] Director, Youth Choir Leslie Rosencrans • [email protected] Associate Pastor Matt Rosencrans • [email protected] Associate Pastor Valerie Willis • [email protected] Executive Administrative Assistant