Hormonal contraceptives and athletic performance A perspective on current research investigating the effects of hormonal contraceptives on determinants of female athlete performance

CDD. 20.ed. 613.9432 Daniel MARTIN* *School of Science 796.022 * and Technology, 796.027 Kirsty ELLIOTT-SALE Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-55092016000401087 Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Abstract Northern Ireland.

Hormonal contraceptives are used by approximately half of female athletes and may affect athletic performance as a result of their action on the endogenous hormonal milieu. In athletes, hormonal contraceptive use appears to have little effect on body composition, however further studies are needed assessing progestin-only contraceptives as they may have a negative effect in the general population. The type of progestin contained within the contraceptive may infl uence the anabolic response of muscle to loading although this relationship is complex as it may be due to either direct or indirect effects of exogenous hormones on protein synthesis and satellite cell proliferation. The altered hormonal milieu in hormonal contraceptive users has predominately been shown to have no effect on muscle strength and whilst maximal oxygen uptake is sometimes reduced, this does not translate into measures of performance. The majority of previous research has used cross-sectional designs and/or grouped together different types and brands of hormonal contraceptives and little research has been conducted on progestin-only contraceptives in athletes. Future research should use prospective, randomised-controlled designs to assess the effects of all types of hormonal contraceptives on athletic performance in females.

KEY W ORDS: Oestrogen; Progestin; Exercise; Body composition; Oral contraceptive.


The possible interaction between exogenous review see B‚ƒ„ †„ƒ‡ et al. 7. Each type of hormonal reproductive hormones and athletic performance contraceptive has multiple formulations and brands in females is an important issue that has been the that supply oestrogens and/or progestins in various topic of debate for at least four decades 1.  ere concentrations for di€ erent durations 8. As such, the are numerous review articles on the e€ ect of oral term “hormonal contraceptives” is an umbrella phrase contraceptives (OC) on athletic performance 2-6 , that refers to any type of exogenous hormones that however we feel that these reviews are insu cient alters endogenous endocrine function and prevents as they do not include all categories of hormonal 8.  is is the ˆ rst paper to consider the contraceptives. In addition to OCs, there are many e€ ects of a large variety of hormonal contraceptives other delivery systems for hormonal contraceptives on athletic performance, as opposed to focussing on including Intrauterine Devices (IUDs), injections, OCs as previous reviews have. transdermal patches, implants and vaginal rings. Recent data suggest that ~22% of the general TABLE 1 shows the characteristics of each type of population uses OCs, with ~9% using other forms of hormonal contraceptive. hormonal contraceptives 9. In athletes, the prevalence Most hormonal contraceptives contain the synthetic of OC use is estimated to be 40-50% 10-11 , however oestrogen Ethinyl (EE), however there are the most recent large-scale data was published in four generations of progestins, each with varying 2005 and the use of other methods of hormonal androgenicity and potency; for a comprehensive contraceptives, beyond OCs, has not been reported.

Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 • 1087 Martin D & Elliott-Sale K.

Since this time, the use of long-acting contraceptive of hormonal contraceptives may affect female methods, such as the IUD and , has athletes. ! is article will present a brief overview been increasing 12 and therefore we suggest that of the effects of different types of hormonal it is important to understand not only how OCs contraceptives on a number of factors that in uence in uence performance, but also how other methods athletic performance.

TABLE 1 - Characteristics of different types of hormonal contraceptives.

Type Delivery Frequency Example of brand ! in plastic patch that sticks to the skin & releases New patch once a week for 3 oestrogen & progestin Evra® weeks, no patch on 4th week. through the skin into the bloodstream. Depo-Provera® Injectable Injection of a progestin. Once every 3 months. Noristera® Matchstick-sized,  exible, Norplant® & plastic rod that is inserted Implantable rods 5 years. Implanon® under the skin and releases Nexplanon® a progestin. Small, T-shaped device, Mirena® Intrauterine devices inserted into the vagina, 5 years. Skyla® that releases a progestin. Combined OCs are typically Microgynon® ingested for 21 days, followed Yasmin® Oral contraceptives Consumed in pill form. by 7 non-pill taking days. Marvalon® Progestin-only pills are usually Cilest® consumed every day. Cerazette® Flexible plastic ring inserted Worn for 21 days, removed Vaginal rings into the vagina that releases NuvaRing® for 7. oestrogen and progestin.

Do hormonal contraceptives affect body composition?

Body composition is an important determinant resulted in a 2.5% increase in fat mass after 12 months of athletic performance; excess fat mass can impair usage, compared to a non-hormonal copper based performance by negatively a# ecting the power- (TCu380A) IUD group who lost 1.3% fat mass 22 to-weight ratio 13 , reducing speed and agility 14 , and implant (Norplant) use resulted limiting the availability of lean mass in weight in signi$ cant increases in body mass when compared category sports 13 and hindering aesthetic sports 15 . to non-hormone groups after 6 23 and 12 months 24 . Hormonal contraceptives are widely purported ! e use of an implant (Implanon) has to induce weight gain by athletes 16 and the also resulted in body mass increases of 3% over 2 general population 17 although systematic reviews years 25 . ! is evidence suggests that progestin-only of combined contraceptives 18 and progestin- contraceptives may result in greater increases in body only contraceptives 17 have reported inconsistent mass than combined contraceptives in the general $ ndings. In the general population, several studies population, although these data may not be applicable have shown that the Depot to athletes as they exercise frequently and monitor Acetate (DMPA) injection increases fat mass when their dietary energy intake closely 15 . compared to combined OC use 19-20 and non- In a prospective randomised-controlled study, hormone controls 19, 21 . Levonorgestrel IUD use P'*+/*'-G':< et al. 16 demonstrated that athletes

1088 • Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 Hormonal contraceptives and athletic performance who were given a combined OC (; n = and progestin-only contraceptives increasing 69) lost more body and fat mass and gained more body mass. Synthetic progestins have been lean mass than a control group (n = 81) not using hypothesised to act in a -like manner, . Conversely, R!‡"#ƒ$&ƒ' which results in increased appetite and visceral et al. 26 found that 10 months OC (Levonorgestrel) fat deposition 27-30 . Androgenic contraceptives use increased body mass (4.3%) and fat mass may also interfere with appetite regulation by (17.3%) in oligomenorrheic participants (n = suppressing the secretion of the satiating hormone 13) but did not signi€ cantly a ect eumenorrheic cholecystokinin 25 . It is unclear whether the addition participants body composition (n = 13), despite of oestrogens in combined contraceptives in uences mean increases of 3.0% and 3.8% for body and fat the e ects of the progestins 26 . However, in both mass. R!‡"#ƒ$&ƒ' et al. 26 used a relatively small combined and progestin-only contraceptives there sample size and in the absence of a power calculation is a down-regulation of reproductive hormones it may be that the sample size was not su* cient to which has been demonstrated to reduce basal detect signi€ cant changes in body composition.  is metabolic rate 27-28 , increase visceral fat deposition 29 , highlights the need for further research before the increase concentrations of appetite-stimulating relationship between hormonal contraceptive use hormones 30 and reduce the concentrations of and body composition is fully understood in athletes. satiating hormones 30 .  e combination of these Although data are inconclusive for contraceptive factors suggests that contraceptive use may result use and weight-gain, mechanisms have been in weight gain but this has not been demonstrated identi€ ed which support a role for both combined in athletes16, 24.

Is there a relationship between hormonal contraceptives and muscle mass?

 e ability to accrue muscle mass in response to lean mass (0.67 kg·year -1 ) than a control group of training is bene€ cial as lean body mass is related runners given no hormones(-0.10 kg·year -1 ).  e to performance indices such as strength, speed mechanisms behind these changes were not reported and endurance 31-32 . The regulation of muscle and as no indices of performance were measured anabolism and catabolism is affected by many it is unclear whether these changes resulted in factors and exogenous oestrogens and progestins improved performance. To date, only two studies may directly in uence this process or indirectly have examined how OC use in uences the response influence hypertrophic adaptations by altering to resistance training 34-35 . N!‡/‚$: et al. 34 assessed the concentrations of anabolic hormones33 . In the the response of athletes using various preparations general population, progestin only-contraceptives of OCs (n = 13) and athletes not using hormonal appear to have a negative effect on lean mass. contraception (n = 18) to 12 weeks of resistance B‚ƒƒ„ et al.20 reported that women who received training. Strength was improved in both groups, with the DMPA injection lost 3.6% lean mass over 2 no apparent di erences between groups, although years compared to a DMPA and oestradiol group this study did not control for menstrual cycle phase (-1.2%), OC group (+0.6%) or control group when measuring strength in the control group, with no hormones (+0.6%). Women using a which has been shown to a ect force production 36 . Levonorgestrel IUD lost 1.4% of their lean mass In contrast, L## et al. 35 found that non-OC users (n after 1 year compared to a 1.0% increase in lean = 39) gained signi€ cantly more muscle mass (+3.5%) mass in women using a copper-based (Tcu380A) than OC users (n = 34; +2.1%) following a 10 IUD22 and combined OCs have also been observed week training programme. Further di erences were to have a negative e ect on lean mass compared to observed within the OC group, with those taking control populations19 . low androgenicity OCs having a 2.5% increase In athletes, P†‚‡ˆ‚†-G†‰„ et al. 16 demonstrated compared to a 0.3% increase in high androgenicity that regularly menstruating runners assigned to OC users. It is likely that the di erences in muscle a second generation OC (30 µg EE and 0.3 mg mass shown by L## et al. 35 of su* cient magnitude Norgestrel) for 2 years accrued a greater amount of to e ect overall athletic performance.  e higher

Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 • 1089 Martin D & Elliott-Sale K.

androgenicity progestins may have a higher a nity Hormonal contraceptives may indirectly in€ uence to receptors, which limits the binding muscle metabolism by altering the concentrations of and thus supresses muscle strength of anabolic hormones such as testosterone, Growth gains 37 . These findings suggests that exogenous Hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 hormones may in€ uence the anabolic response of (IGF-1) 43 . A recent meta-analysis showed that OC muscle to resistance exercise. use reduced free testosterone by 61% compared to  e myo‚ brillar protein fractional synthetic rate non-users 44 , possibly due to an increase in (FSR) does not vary across the menstrual cycle 38 , binding globulin concentration, which binds to however Hƒ„ †„ et al. 39 demonstrated that females testosterone rendering it inactive. OC use increases GH using a third generation OC (30 µg EE and 0.0075 concentrations 45-46 with second (30 µg EE and 0.125 g Gestogen) had a lower FSR than second generation mg Levonorgestrel) and fourth generation (30 µg EE users (35 µg EE and 0.25 mg ) and 2 mg ) OCs reducing concentrations and no hormone controls.  is suggests that the of IGF-1, but not aˆ ecting IGF binding protein-1 exogenous synthetic component of contraceptives concentrations 45 .  e generation of contraceptive can aˆ ect protein synthesis, unlike endogenous in€ uences the response of IGF-1; 30% reduction female reproductive hormones. Recent evidence following fourth generation OC use compared to 12% suggests that oestrogen receptors (ER α and ER β) reduction following second generation use 46 , possibly within the muscle can stimulate the proliferation of as the androgenic Levonorgestrel opposes the eˆ ects satellite cells via the PI3K/Akt pathway for muscle of oestrogen on IGF-1 concentrations. In addition, growth and repair 33, 40 . EE increases the proliferation twelve weeks use of a transdermal oestrogen patch of satellite cells in rat muscle tissue 41 , indicating that (Estraderm) and oral oestrogen (Estrace) has also been the synthetic component of hormonal contraceptives shown to increase GH release 47 . It is currently unclear may have a direct anabolic eˆ ect on muscle, possibly if these diˆ erences in anabolic hormone concentrations due to a local activation of IGF-1 pathway through with diˆ erent methods of contraception in€ uence the an autocrine or paracrine manner 42 . response to strength training in female athletes.

How do hormonal contraceptives infl uence muscle strength?

A cross-sectional study found poorer handgrip force  e reduction in free testosterone and oestrogen production and endurance in OC users (8 diˆ erent concentration with contraceptive use 18, 44 may types) than eumenorrheic controls 48 . However, studies aˆ ect muscle force production as both hormones comparing pill-taking days and non-pill taking days have a non-genomic action on skeletal muscle, have generally found no diˆ erence in strength at by increasing intracellular concentrations these time points 49-52 , although there is some limited and in€ uencing the contractile properties of the evidence that strength is greater on non-pill taking muscle54-55. Despite this, few studies have shown days 53 . L†!"#„ 5, using a prospective research design, an eˆ ect of down-regulated reproductive hormones reported no diˆ erence in knee € exion and extension on skeletal muscle force production 56 . Indeed, strength after 2 months of ‚ rst generation OC use. To previous research from our group 57 demonstrated date, no research has been conducted assessing muscle that supra-physiological concentrations of oestrogen strength in progestin-only OCs or other methods of and do not in€ uence force production hormonal contraception and few studies have been in non-trained women. conducted in athletic populations 5, 53 .

1090 • Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 Hormonal contraceptives and athletic performance

Is oxygen uptake affected by hormonal contraceptive use?

Many studies have shown that OC use results ovarian suppressed women 63 or a reduction in in a significant reduction in maximal oxygen mitochondrial citrate 58 . However, other more recent uptake (VO 2max) in non-athletic women after 2-6 studies have found no e€ ect of OC use on VO 2max months use53, 58-62 which is reversed when OC use in athletes64-65, possibly due to the use of di€ erent is terminated58, 60 .  is may be due to a reduced formulations of OC or the training status of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system in participants.

What are the effects of hormonal contraceptives on performance tests?

60 B!"#$! et al. detected a 7% reduction in VO 2max strength and handgrip strength in 26 female endurance with OC use (35 µg EE, 1 mg Norethindrone), athletes (13 eumenorrheic and 13 oligo-amenorrheic) although this had no e€ ect on performance in a before and after 10 months treatment with an OC treadmill running exercise capacity test. Similarly, (30 µg EE and 150 µg Levonorgestrel).  ere was no 62 J'"*$ et al. observed a reduced VO 2max in OC users e€ ect of OC consumption, except a small decrease compared to eumenorrheic controls; however there in exercise capacity in the initially oligo-amenorrheic was no di€ erence in cycling capacity performance. group, although this may have been due to the inferior In addition, no di€ erences were observed in rowing response to training observed in ovarian/energy exercise capacity 65 or 200 m swim performance 66 suppressed athletes 67 . Further studies using exercise at di€ erent stages of the OC cycle in well-trained performance tests are needed, as the majority of past athletes. In a prospective study, R+*/$#9:#< et al. 26 research has examined exercise capacity tests, which are measured endurance capacity, isometric quadriceps not as ecologically valid as performance tests.

Final considerations

As we have demonstrated in this paper, it is di> cult are not apparent in athletes, however further to determine the role of hormonal contraceptives research is required to assess this. In the case of on performance as the majority of studies are body composition, it may be that athletes respond cross-sectional and there is a paucity of prospective, di€ erently to hormonal contraceptives, as athletes randomised-controlled trials.  is is especially true exercise more frequently and monitor their dietary for studies using progestin-only contraceptives, which intake more carefully 15 . In terms of muscle mass, the have barely been considered in the general population increased habitual exercise level and loading in athletes and have not been studied at all in an athletic may provide a greater stimulus for muscle anabolism, population (TABLE 2). A large number of studies which may di€ erentiate the two populations.  ere have compared pill-taking days to non-pill taking may be complex interactions between direct and days, even though data from our laboratory has shown indirect e€ ects of hormonal contraceptive on the there is no signi? cant di€ erence in hormone pro? le anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise, between these conditions 68 . Moreover, di€ erent pill however these e€ ects are currently unclear.  e acute types and formulations are often grouped together e€ ects of hormonal contraceptives are more apparent making it di> cult to discern possible e€ ects, as the with the majority of studies observing no e€ ect on potency and androgenicity of the synthetic hormones muscle strength or performance, despite reductions 7 may in@ uence the response and we have previously in VO 2max . We believe that additional studies on the demonstrated that the hormonal pro? le is a€ ected by e€ ects of progestin-only contraceptives on muscle 68 the brand of hormonal contraceptive . strength and VO 2max are needed as this area has not It appears that the effects of hormonal been evaluated and newer formulations of OCs contraceptives observed in the general population should be incorporated into research.

Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 • 1091 Martin D & Elliott-Sale K.

It is also useful to note that few studies address to know the extent of hormonal contraceptive use the issue of sample size and power, with only a small in athletes so that future research can be directed number of studies with athletic participants reporting appropriately. For example, in the general population priori power analysis 52, 62, 64 . This issue makes it the patch and ring are very rarely used: 0.1% use for di cult to conclude either the statistical or clinical patch and no recorded use of in 194,000 signiƒ cance of many of the studies included in this participants 9, therefore if athletes show a similar trend overview, however it is clear that further research on for usage, it may not be justiƒ ed to recommend the e€ ects of hormonal contraceptives is warranted research into their e€ ects in an athletic population. and should not be conƒ ned to oral contraceptives However, if athletes show an increased use of the only. In particular, we propose that the e€ ects of patch or ring than the general population, then the long-acting, reversible, progestin-only contraceptives composition of these contraceptives (exposure to should be considered as their prevalence is increasing ethinyl estradiol with the nuvaring is 3.4 times less and these are likely to have different effects on than the contraceptive patch and 2.1 times less than performance than combined contraceptives. OCs. 69 may indicate the need for more research. This perspective also highlights the lack of ‚ erefore, we strongly recommend that research information pertaining to the prevalence of hormonal into the prevalence of hormonal contraceptive use contraceptive use in athletes. It would be beneƒ cial in athletes should be conducted.

TABLE 2 - A summary of the effects of hormonal contraceptives on determinants of athletic performance.

Progestin-only contraceptives have Determinants of Combined oral contraceptives Progestin-only contraceptives been grouped together athletic performance due to the paucity of research on these Body composition Con icting data showing combined Several reports of negatives e€ ects in the contraceptive delivery oral contraceptive use both increased general population although no studies systems in athletes. and reduced body mass and fat mass in have been conducted in athletes19-25. athletes16, 26. Muscle mass accretion Combined oral contraceptive use may Insu cient evidence, although the type have a positive or negative e€ ect on of progestin-used may in uence the strength gains depending upon the anabolic response of muscle to resistance progestin used 16, 19-20, 34-35. exercise 20, 22. Muscle strength ‚ e majority of studies have reported Insu cient evidence to draw a no acute e€ ects of combined oral conclusion. contraceptives on muscle strength49-52. Oxygen uptake Combined oral contraceptive use may Insu cient evidence to draw a

reduce VO 2max although this is less conclusion. apparent in trained athletes58-65. Performance tests Combined oral contraceptives do not Insu cient evidence to draw a appear to acutely e€ ect exercise capacity conclusion. or performance tests26, 60, 62, 65-66.

1092 • Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96 Hormonal contraceptives and athletic performance


Uma perspectiva sobre a investigação dos efeitos dos contraceptivos hormonais sobre os fatores deter- minantes do desempenho de mulheres atletas

Os métodos contraceptivos hormonais são usados por aproximadamente metade das atletas do sexo feminino e podem afetar o desempenho atlético como resultado de sua ação hormonal sistêmica. Nas atletas, o uso de anticoncepcionais parece ter pouco efeito sobre a composição corporal, porém novos estudos são necessários para avaliar os efeitos dos contraceptivos derivados apenas de progestina, pois podem ter um efeito negativo na população em geral. O tipo de progestina contido dentro do con- traceptivo pode infl uenciar a resposta anabólica do músculo, embora esta relação seja complexa em virtude dos efeitos diretos ou indiretos de hormônios exógenos na síntese da proteína e na proliferação das células satélites. A resposta sistêmica hormonal alterada em usuárias de contraceptivos parece não infl uenciar a força muscular e, embora o consumo máximo de oxigênio às vezes seja reduzida, isso não afeta as medidas de desempenho. A maioria das pesquisas utilizou desenhos transversais e/ou agrupou diferentes tipos e marcas de anticoncepcionais hormonais e poucos estudos têm sido realizada sobre anticoncepcionais com progestina em atletas. Futuros estudos devem usar desenhos experimentais prospectivos, randomizados e controlados para avaliar os efeitos de todos os tipos de contraceptivos hormonais no desempenho atlético em mulheres.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Estrogênio; Progestina; Exercício; Composição corporal; Contraceptivo oral.


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ADRESS Daniel Martin Sport Science Department, Sport, Health and Performance Enhancement (SHAPE) Research Group School of Science and Technology Submitted: 08/06/2015 Nottingham Trent University Revised: 09/28/2015 Erasmus Darwin Building, Room 259 Accepted: 10/09/2015 Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG11 8NS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected]

1096 • Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, (São Paulo) 2016 Out-Dez; 30(4):1087-96