Patch Program

The mission of is to assist animals in need through rescue, rehabilitation and education. Located on the southwest edge of Austin, , Austin Zoo draws visitors from around the world to learn about our rescued animals and spend quality time outdoors in the Texas Hill. Patch can be completed by visiting any local zoo.


• Daisies: 3 Activities – 1 from each category • Brownies: 4 Activities – 2 from Discover, 1 from Connect, 1 from Take Action • Juniors: 5 Activities – 2 from Discover, 2 from Connect, 1 from Take Action • Cadettes, Seniors, & Ambassadors: 7 Activities – 3 from Discover, 3 from Connect, 1 from Take Action


Discover what it takes to work at a zoo and what do to protect animals!  Zookeepers help to make sure animals at the zoo stay happy and healthy. Look up what it’s like to be a zookeeper. What kind of schooling do you need? What does the job entail?  To work with animals, you need to know how animals are classified. Research the characteristics of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and find some examples of animals in each class.  Zoos use a lot of food! Do some research or contact your local zoo to see how much food they use each week. What is


their food bill? You can also research some species that interest you to see how much each animal eats a week.  A lot of hard work goes into designing zoo habitats. Do some research or visit a local zoo to see what is elements are in a zoo habitat. Look up your favorite animal to see if it has specific requirements for where it lives. How can a zoo simulate that need?  Most zoos house endangered species. Research how zoos protect endangered animals and how you can help.  Some zoos breed animals using a species survival plan (SSP). Research why zoos do this and how it may help endangered species.  There are many types of animal facilities. Rescue zoos, animal sanctuaries, shelters and traditional zoos all have different goals. Look up some animal facilities around you. What are their goals for their animals? Some places may focus on saving endangered species while some may focus on rescue and rehabilitation.


Visit your local zoo to experience first-hand how animals are cared for.  Participate in a zoo education program to learn more about what goes on at a zoo first-hand.  Go to a keeper talk or presentation at a local zoo. Take some notes on what the presenter talks about.  Visit the reptiles at your local zoo. Do you notice any special measures being taken to ensure they are happy and healthy? What is special about their enclosures?  Visit the birds or aviary at your local zoo. Do you notice any special measures being taken to ensure they are happy and healthy? What is special about their enclosures?  Visit the aquarium or an aquatic habitat at your local zoo. Do you notice any special measures being taken to ensure they are happy and healthy? What is special about their enclosures?  Visit the big cats at your local zoo. Do you notice any special measures being taken to ensure they are happy and healthy? What is special about their enclosures?


Use these activities below to take action and help animals and zoos! 2

 Litter is responsible for many health issues for local animals, you can help by participating in a local clean up.  You can help animals in your own backyard by creating a habitat for them! Do some research to see what animals you may have living in your backyard. Create a habitat for them. This may include a bat house, a bird feeder, providing nest supplies, or even planting flowers to attract butterflies!  Rescue facilities acquire their animals from people who got an exotic animal as a pet and could no longer take care of it. Research some exotic animals (such as snakes, kinkajous, and birds) and find out why they don’t make good pets. Put together a short presentation for your troop or make posters to post at your school or another local gathering spot (be sure to get permission first).  From saving endangered species to rehabilitating hurt animals, zoos do a lot to help animals. Do some research to find some projects zoos are working on and put together a short presentation for your troop or friends to show them why zoos are important.  Most zoos have wish lists or adopt an animal programs to help care for their animals. Talk to your local zoo to see how you can help. You may be able to create some enrichment items to donate or sponsor an animal.



Local Zoos o Austin Zoo: o Capital of Texas Zoo: o : o : o Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo:

Other Resources o World Wildlife Fund: o National Wildlife Federation: o International Union for Conservation of Nature: o Association of Zoos and Aquariums: o Zoological Association of America: o American Association of Zookeepers: o National Geographic: