Published by Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. • [email protected] •

Southern Power Cooperative update

Clinton County Electric Electric Cooperative and Clay Cooperative’s wholesale power provider, Electric Co-operative. Southern Illinois Power Cooperative Those distribution coopera- (SIPC), plans to retire its largest tives have a combined 80,000 -fired generator as early as this fall. metered customers across 29 A move that is expected to save $125 counties — which are considered million over a decade. member-owners — throughout The tentative decision is the result rural southern Illinois. of analysis and negotiations that have The tentatively approved been ongoing since late 2019. The deci- plan is awaiting final regulatory sion to close Unit 4, as it is known, was approvals, expected by late July. based on two primary factors: sustained A formal board decision is to low energy prices in the wholesale follow. power market, and increasingly costly Though Unit 4 is likely to environmental regulations for coal-fired close, SIPC’s Marion Power generators. Generating Station will remain open coal-fired generation accounts for more As a result, up to 26 of the plant’s and continue to operate one smaller than 90 percent of its portfolio. 82 employees are expected to face coal-fired unit and two natural gas SIPC also owns 7.9 percent of layoffs. Those employees are to receive units. The original coal-fired genera- the Prairie State Energy Campus, a a severance package under the terms tor was built in the 1960s and has a mine-to-mouth, supercritical coal-fired of an agreement ratified by the IBEW capacity of about 100 megawatts, generation station near Marissa. SIPC Local 702, which represents workers. compared to the larger one slated to be became a partial owner in that plant in SIPC is a generation and transmis- decommissioned, which has a capacity 2007. Construction of the plant faced sion cooperative located on the shores of about 180 megawatts. numerous delays and cost overruns, and of Lake of , south of Marion, Ill. Unit 4 was constructed in the late when it came online five years later, it that provides wholesale electric power 1970s. It would take an investment also suffered operational efficiency is- to seven member distribution coopera- of about $20 million in order for it to sues. However, many of those problems tives, and the of McLeansboro. meet federal and state environmental have been ironed out and the plant It is jointly owned and governed by requirements for coal ash and wastewa- even set performance records in 2019. the distribution cooperatives, which ter disposal over the next three to five Final decisions have not yet been are Egyptian Electric Cooperative years. That financial requirement was a made on how SIPC will replace the Association, Clinton County Electric piece in the equation, but the primary capacity lost with retiring Unit 4, but Cooperative, Monroe County Electric driving factors behind the decision are SIPC management does anticipate en- Cooperative, SouthEastern Illinois the more competitive energy prices on tering into several long-term contracts Electric Cooperative, Southern Illinois the open market and a need to diver- with renewable energy providers to Electric Cooperative, Tri-County sify SIPC’s energy sources. Currently, help diversify its energy mix.

AUGUST 2020 • LIVING 20a Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Notions that guide all coopera- another to share resources, informa- relied on one another to get power tives are known as the 7 Cooperative tion and, in some cases, manpower. restored more quickly after severe Principles. These principles lead The Association of Illinois Electric weather emergencies. “Mutual-aid electric cooperatives like Clinton Cooperatives (AIEC) takes pride in agreements,” works just as it sounds. County Electric Cooperative (CCEC) aiding the Illinois cooperatives in the When CCEC needs extra hands after to do business in a better way every “Cooperation Among Cooperatives” an ice storm or , cooperatives single day. principle. The AIEC provides its from neighboring towns and states As mentioned last month, we members with the advantages of help. When neighboring cooperatives are taking the opportunity to explain a large utility operation without need help, CCEC sends crews to each of the 7 Cooperative Principles sacrificing the local control and local them. one month at a time. This month ownership essential to the spirit of CCEC has been lucky that we we explore “Cooperation Among these tax-paying Illinois businesses. have had no storms severe enough to Cooperatives.” This principle states: To achieve this objective, the associa- have to call on other cooperatives for tion provides a variety of services for assistance, but we have been called on By working together through local, its member-systems. These include to assist other cooperatives in their national, regional and international engineering services, coordination time of need. In 2017, 2018 and again structures, cooperatives improve of safety programs, training of line in 2019, we assisted cooperatives on services, bolster local economies, personnel, legislative research and the east coast after they were hit by and deal more effectively with information, member communication hurricanes. social and community needs. programs, printing and publications, “Cooperation Among public relations, and group purchasing Cooperatives,” just another value Although cooperatives are inde- of materials and supplies. that separates cooperatives across the pendent entities, they still rely on one Electric cooperatives have long country from investor owned utilities.

In observance of Labor Day, the office will be CLOSED on Monday, September 7, 2020.

20b ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING • WWW.ICL.COOP Do ENERGY STAR appliances really save money?

If you are in the market for a new And the longer answer is yes, if The biggest bang for your appliance, you might wonder if buying you consider the appliance’s lifespan. energy-savings buck might be your an ENERGY STAR-certified version ENERGY STAR appliances and refrigerator, especially if it is 15 years will make a difference in your energy other products used old or older. By replacing bills. throughout your your old fridge with a new The short answer is yes, when you home can save you ENERGY STAR-certified compare its estimated energy costs to a collective $750 model, you can save more its less efficient counterpart. over their lifespan, than $200 over a 12-year In fact, there are really two costs according to Energy. lifespan. to consider before buying an appli- gov. (Besides appli- Tip: ance: the cost itself and the projected ances, there are other offers a “Flip Your Fridge” monthly energy costs. ENERGY STAR- calculator to estimate The energy-conscious appli- certified products, savings depending on the ances donning the square-shaped such as lighting and size and age of your largest ENERGY STAR logo use 10 to 15 electronics). kitchen appliance. percent less energy and water than While selecting energy-saving Bottom line? The typical U.S. standard models, according to Energy. designated appliances could have a family spends around $2,200 a year gov. For example, ENERGY STAR slightly higher price tag, they don’t on home utility bills. Switching to clothes washers use about 40 percent always. Compare prices and don’t as- ENERGY STAR products can help less energy than conventional clothes sume they cost substantially more than lower these costs over time. washers while also reducing water bills. less efficient models. What’s Your Appliance Safety IQ?

Clothes Dryer Refrigerator Hot Water Heater

Children have been electrocuted when Follow the manufacturer’s instruc�ons for Make sure your hot water heater is hiding behind dryers; some pets also like maintenance. well-maintained. to nap there. Clean the coils every six months to a year. Make sure it does not have excessive Install a childproof lock on the laundry pressure buildup by tes�ng the relief valve room door, as well as on your washer and Keep an eye out for dust or lint under or (or have it tested) at least once a year. dryer—especially front-loading models. behind your fridge and remove it to let your refrigerator breathe. Ensure vents are connected securely and Clean lint screen between loads, and that the correct parts are used to avoid thoroughly clean the vents and duct If you have young children in your home, carbon monoxide produc�on. system at least twice a year. make sure your refrigerator is not a �pping hazard. Consider using an appliance anchor Have all components of the appliance Make sure hoses, seals and connec�ons that secures your tall appliance to the wall. inspected regularly (at least once a year) do not leak and are secure. by a technician.

AUGUST 2020 • ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING 20c Thinking about solar? Be ‘bright’ and do your homework Considering purchasing a pho- potential tax credits, rebates and Ò Do savings vary depending on tovoltaic (PV)/solar power system to other incentives? What are the tax geographic location? help supply your home’s energy needs? credit requirements? Ò Does the company promise savings Just as you would for any major home- Ò How much energy will the system that sound too good to be true? improvement project, doing your own provide and is it enough? Too Ò Who maintains the equipment and research and finding the right contractor much? how much does that cost? is key to a successful outcome. Will Ò How will the installer consult staff Ò What are the safety issues sur- the product be of high quality and will from my electric cooperative? Does rounding solar? How is the power it perform as it should? What is the the installer have experience coor- safely disconnected if needed? company promising and has it proven to dinating/integrating solar systems Ò Should I buy or lease the system be true with past clients? with the electric grid? and what is the difference? Beyond those obvious questions, Ò What does the bid include, exactly? Ò What happens if I move? here are some other aspects to consider Is it just for equipment? Does it Ò Does your electric utility require any before signing on the dotted line: include labor and installation? additional insurance for operating a Ò Know all the costs, not just those for What about other costs? solar array? equipment and installation. There Ò Does the bid and contract include Ò What happens with the renewable are also “soft costs,” which will set break-down costs for every compo- energy credits produced from your you back for more than the system nent/part, as well as labor and other solar array? itself according to fees, and projected start and end Ò Those soft costs include permitting, dates? These are only some of the details financing and “pass along” costs for Ò What are the complete short- and to consider. Be sure to do your home- marketing, advertising and research. long-term costs and what will it work before agreeing to any major Ò Thoroughly research the solar save in the long run? home project, including a solar/PV installation company you are Ò What do objective (not stacked) system installation. Please contact us considering. Is it a local company? reviewers say about their experience prior to signing up for solar install so Is it backed by the Better Business with the company? About the pros we can coordinate energy grid hookup Bureau? How long has it been in and cons of solar versus electric? and answer any questions you may have. business? Is it contracted to do Ò What happens to my power supply For more information about electri- business in Illinois? when it’s cloudy? cal safety and renewable energy, visit Ò Are the people installing the system employees or subcontractors? Ò Have they been properly trained and are they certified in solar installation? Considering Solar? Ò Will there be a master electrician on site? Call us fi rst! Ò Does the company hold at least a $1 As interest in “green” energy and ways to save money on utility bills continue to million general insurance policy for grow, some cooperative members may be considering the installation of a solar array. possible worker’s compensation and Since these types of systems have the capability of returning electricity back liability claims, among other types? to the electric grid, there are some major safety considerations to sort through before a system is installed. Ò Is the company skilled at and Before deciding to buy a solar array, examine the economics to determine if does it have a solid track record such a system will lower your monthly electricity costs. If you do decide to install of advising the appropriate/most a solar array, contact our o ce as early as possible in the process. advantageous type and size of A CCEC representative will provide information on our interconnection pro- system needed? cess and policies, as well as answer any questions you may have. ­ at way, you and Ò your installer will have the information needed as you progress with your system. If there are incentives, who For more information on CCEC policies and requirements, please contact our o ce completes the paperwork for the Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 800-526-7282.