Think like a teacher in the classroom: What am I going to teach this coming year? Prepare originals of photocopied source material to be learned


Convene Gabbaim meeting concerning Yamim Noraim issues: - Seating arrangements in shul and Hashkamah minyan - Review and establish times of minyanim for bulletin from Selichos through Bereishis - Who will serve as Ba’alei tefillah, Ba’alei keriah, Ba’al tokei’a, Makri teki’os - Preliminary discussions about certain key kibbudim Aliyot / Kol Nidre torot / Maftir Yonah / Pesichas Neilah / Simchas chassanim - Substitute (or additional) gabbaim to cover which minyanim - Necessary repairs to shul / machzorim / tallitos

Finalize shiurim topics and work on source material Check past years of deroshos and plan this year’s topics Finalize arrangements for Tefillin/Mezuzah checking Check the various sifrei torah to be used throughout Yamim Nora’im and Sukkos for any needed repair Finalize shul’s Esrog and Lulav sale dates and times for early bulletin announcement


Have time schedule for entire Yamim Noraim season ready for publication and distribution Kohanim seminar the week of or soon after Outline all divrei Torah, shiurim and texts of derashos Review machzor - which pages are to be announced - running comments on the machzor jotted down Remind gabbaim to change to white paroches and Mantels (If any are in need of repair or cleaning) Start the volunteers with the polishing of the silver in the aron kodesh Check bulletin announcements for - Eiruv Tavshillin / YaKNaHaZ / Shabbat Shuvah instructions / Shofar for those not in shul Finalize pre-Selichos program Arrange for childrens’ supervision during all yom tov davening Have oxygen tank and first-aid kit checked Contact police chief, local ambulance corp, EMS and emergency taxi service for coverage during times of services Check the shul’s page number devices to see that all is in order Start work on shul sukkah

EREV ROSH HASHANAH Take to shul: Kittel / Yom tov tallis / my shoforot / English reading material for “non-daveners” When RH is Thursday and Friday, prepare a lit large yahrzeit candle in shul kitchen for on motza’ei Shabbat Get a crew of teens to switch machzorim and put away all siddurim, chumashim and other sefarim Review with ba’al shacharis the changes in the order of piyuttim when RH is Shabbat and Sunday List in writing my rabbinic announcements for after Ma’ariv and during Shacharis and Musaf Prepare preliminary written list of pulpit thank-you announcements for RH to include Bulletin preparation and special mailings Gabbaim Ba’alei tefillah Ba’alei keriah Ba’alei tekiah House committee Seating committee youth supervision youth volunteers for changing machzorim / numbers during davening / baby sitting shopping for yom tov snacks


Shul’s Lulav and Esrog sale Supervise the completion of shul sukkah Yom Kippur hotline hours answering sheilos concerning fasting and health problems Have gabbaim turn on all memorial plaque light to see if any bulbs need changing Get smelling salt from pharmacy for Yom Kippur Shopping for shul kitchen: juices, cookies, bread and jelly for small ones Review machzor - - which pages are to be announced - running comments on the machzor jotted down


Shopping for break-the-fast Update the written list of pulpit thank-you announcements before Neilah


Return machzorim and replace siddurim and chumashim Check on the shul sukkah decorations and the coordinators of decorations Arrange for distribution of haddasim and aravot for those who purchased at shul Esrog-Lulav sale Arrange for a coordinator of hachnashat orchim for those who do not have a sukkah of their own Shopping for Simchat beit haSho’eivah in our home sukkah Guest list for our sukkah meals Order things Flags / mini-torot / candy for children’s bags Arrange for crew to assemble candy bags Check (and roll) the sifrei torah to be used over Sukkot and during Simchat Torah