Agenda Item 4 PLANNING AND ACCESS COMMITTEE MEETING: Monday 31st August 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Director of Rural Development and Planning APPLICATION NUMBER: 2018/0051/DET APPLICANT: Lomond Active Ltd Land Adjacent To Dundarroch Brig O Turk LOCATION: Callander Stirling FK17 8HT Erection of 2 no. houses for holiday PROPOSAL: accommodation within the garden grounds of Dundarroch House NATIONAL PARK WARD: Ward 2 - Breadalbane and the Trossachs COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA: Trossachs Name: Amy Unitt CASE OFFICER: Tel: 01389 722 606 E-mail:
[email protected] 1. SUMMARY AND REASON FOR PRESENTATION This is an application for the erection of two dwellings to be used as short-term holiday lets within the grounds of an existing dwelling. In accordance with section 5.6 of the National Park Authority’s Scheme of Delegation, this application must be determined by the Planning and Access Committee as a statutory consultee, Trossachs Community Council, have formally objected and the officer recommendation is to approve. 1 Agenda Item 4 2. RECOMMENDATION That Members: 1. APPROVE the application subject to the imposition of the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the report and the conclusion of a section 75 agreement/planning obligation incorporating the Heads of Terms summarised in Appendix 2 and acknowledgement of the registration of the section 75 agreement in the Land Register/Register of Sasines. 3. BACK GROUND Site Description The proposed site is south west of Brig O’Turk and is accessed off the A821. Not to Scale LLTNPA ©Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance Survey 100031883 Figure 1: Location Plan (wider context) 2 Agenda Item 4 The site is immediately south east of Dundarroch House, which is a detached two storey dwelling.