Workers of the World , U n ite ! "White, Negro Workers Jl/lust PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Stand Together” V ol. X V I - No. 31 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1952 PRICE: FIVE CENTS The following is the full text of a speech delivered by Farrell Dobbs, Socialist Workers Party candidate for President of the United States, over NBC-TV, July 27, 1952. Candidate Dobbs was in------troduced by George Clarke, SW1P my party stand for complete and Campaign Manager: unconditional equality for the In introducing me Mr. Clarke Negro people. Wre call for a referred to my background as a Federal FEPC that is compulsory. Socialist Workers Platform union organizer. You may be in­ The Democrats and Republicans terested to know why I le ft union have been trying to deceive you work to enter politics. I t is a on this civil rights issue. They simple story. promise equality fo r Negroes and Time and again I participated they break every promise. They in union organization campaigns promised civil rights in 1948. and walked picket lines with my They did nothing about it. Now fellow workers to win improved they are promising it again in Calls for Fight Against War wages and working conditions. 19&2. They will do nothing about -9 s3 ------Time and again I saw these gains that either except repeat the same undermined at a single stroke by old promises again in 1956. They the Democratic and Republican tell the Negi-o people that they Their Unanimous Choice political agents of the employers are actually succeeding in abolish­ TV Viewers Worker-Farmer Govt. in government. ing Jim Crow gradually. They We built strong unions w ith the say, be patient, these things take power to win improved wages time; you must learn to craw] be­ Contribute to and then the capitalist politicians fore you can walk. But the bomb To End Big-Business in Washington splapped a wage that killed Harry T. Moore and freeze on the workers. We built his wife in Florida exploded the Election Fund strong unions that had the power myth that Jim Crow is fading By Reba Aubrey to represent the members on the away. Fund Campaign Manager Rule, Urged by SWP job and the capitalist politicians slapped on a Taft-H artley Act, THE MOORE CASE After televiewing Farrell Dobbs The following is the full text of the 1952 Election restricting the right to strike and I have here a pamphlet, The and , Presi­ legalizing outside intervention in Jim Crow Murder of Mr. and Mrs. dential and Vice - Presidential Platform adopted by the recent national convention of the unions. Harry T. Moore, written by Mr. candidates of the Socialist Work­ the Socialist Workers Party which nominated Farrell I became convinced that the George Breitman, our party’s ers Party, friends who wished to Dobbs and Myra Tanner Weiss as candidates for President workers need their own repre­ candidate for United States remain anonymous contributed and Vice President of the United States: Senator from New Jersey. Mr. $25 toward the $18,000 Election sentatives in government and * * * their own independent Labor Breitman describes how this Fund last week. Party to elect them. I looked heroic Negro school principal Kay Kean of Akron handed in We are told every day that Americans live in a special around fo r an honest party of fought for Negro equality in the $20 while • attending the Socialist “ paradise-on-earth,” the richest, the most peaceful, the South where it takes real courage Workers convention in New York. the working people and found it most stable country in the world. in the Socialist Workers Party. I to stand up fo r civil rights. He “ That fills my pledge and puts joined the SWP to help work for tells how Harry T. Moore gave Akron a notch or two closer to But the truth is we face disaster. independent labor political action his life in this cause. Breitman our $150 goal,” she said. “ We We stand on the brink of the most destructive of all and I have proudly accepted sums up the whole score on the know how this fund w ill help to wars. Half the peoples of the world will be ranged against civil rights issue as it. is so spread thd truth about nomination as the presidential us. It is doubtful that we can win such a war. But whether candidate of the Socialist Work­ startlingly revealed in this brutal during the election.’,’ ers Party to urge that policy be murder of Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Jimmy Kutcher, the legless our generals win or lose, we, the American people, will be adopted by all the American Harry T. Moore knew the risk Purple Heart veteran who is now the losers. Millions of our sons, brothers and husbands will working people. he was taking. Shortly before battling the Veterans Administra­ lose their lives on foreign battle fronts in the remotest his death his mother urged him tion in the courts because they FOR COMPLETE EQUALITY to be careful. He replied to her: fired him from his clerk’s job on corners of the world. Our cities will be pounded by bombs, I learned something else as a “ Every advancement comes by account of his belief in socialism, turned into rubble as were Coventry and London, Berlin union organizer. I learned that way of sacrifice and if I sacrifice delivered Newark’s weekly con­ and Hamburg, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last war. when workers divide along na­ my life or my health, I still think tribution personally. “ The sooner The military machine will devour our great national tionality or racial lines, it it is my duty fo r my race.” With we get it in, the better chance V’ealth and resources. Our standard of living will be driven weakens the unions and strength­ fighters like that in their ranks, we have of taking fu ll advantage ens the employers. The very the Negro people don’t need a of all the election opportunities down to the European level. Our cherished rights and worst division of all is created white man to urge them to fight to let people know how socialism liberties will be trampled underfoot by a military dictator­ by discrimination against the Jim Crow. They know all about can stop another war,” he said. ship. Labor will be regimented and dissenters locked up in Negro people. I am a 100% enemy the evils of race discrimination. The Philadelphia local of the concentration camps. o f the Jim-Crow system- I and. ¿Continued on p.age 4) Socialist Workers Party sent in $15 and reported pjans for a This is the tomorrow our rulers are planning for us picnic “ from which we hope to and our children. And it is later than most of us think. In raise a sizeable sum.” Los Angeles the midst of our present seeming well-being such a prospect came through with its first $250, looks like sheer madness. But it is not the common people TIM E FOR LABOR PARTY an apology for dropping behind schedule and a promise “ to catch who have lost their reason, it is not they who are plotting up as soon as possible.” New national suicide. It is the capitalist system under which we IS NOW, SAYS WEISS York chalked up $303, Boston $19 live, the giant banks and monopolies which dominate it and and Chicago $40. The following is the full text of a speech delivered the politicians of the two major parties who serve their in­ The Chicago branch reports terest. These are the real betrayers of our country. They by Myra Tanner Weiss, Socialist Workers Vice-Presiden­ lively interest in filling up the DEMOCRATIC PRESIDETICKET are the enemy within the gates. tial candidate, over NBC-TV July 27: outline letters of their wall slogan: “ Chicago w ill contribute The Democrats and the Repub-^ its fund quota in fu ll and on licans don’t tell lies all the time. I f promises to labor have been dishonored — the promises to the time.” When you make a con­ IS ANTI-LABOR, ANTI-CIVIL RIGHTS Opposed to Stalinism When the Republicans talk tribution, a proportionate part of Negro people have been doubly By John G. Wright on foreign policy. “I believe,” tion” for anyone to say “ flatly Big Business and its agents claim that preparations for about the Democrats — and when dishonored. a-letter is painted in. war are necessary because of the threat of Stalinism. This the Democrats talk about the As the scoreboard on page 3 Stevenson, the “ drafted” presi­ said Stevenson, “ in the bipartisan that he is either for or against Republicans — they sometimes NAACP OFFICIAL indicates, contributions lagged dential candidate of the Demo­ approach to foreign policy, that (Taft-Hartley) law.” excuse is a lie. We speak with authority on this because we especially in these critical times.” “Some features of the law,” tell the truth. I give you the words of Roy this week. The national total of cratic Party, is the hand-picked stand in irreconcilable opposition to Stalinism, the deadly This m ilitary - minded civilian is Stevenson continued, “ seem to me The Republicans call the Demo­ Wilkerson, a leader of the Na­ $7,6(52 is 43% of the goal, but choice of virtually the same Big committed to the same war to advance the cause of good labor disease carried into the international labor movement by crats a war party. tional Association fo r the Ad­ 19% behind schedule Two bran­ Money interests who nominated preparations and war program as relations, and other features, in the Kremlin police regime. We were the firs t in this coun­ And that’s true. vancement of Colored People, who ches only are entitled to the bold­ his Republican rival. General his m ilitarist opponent now my opinion, do not. I could not try to call attention, as far back as 1928, to the menace of The Democrats say the Repub­ said: face type this week fo r making Eisenhower. So far as their basic masquerading as a “ civilian.” conscientiously subscribe to any licans are also a war party. “ Cases involving the violation the weekly deadline on time, interests are concerned, it makes Stalinism. We exposed its bloody purges, lying propaganda, position with respect to the Taft- And that’s true. Connecticut and -St. no difference whatever to the frame-up trials and murderous political police even when of Negroes’ rights in 1951 were FAVORS TAFT-HARTLEY Hartley law which does not take But let them start talking about probably more shocking than Paul. billionaire monopolists which one On domestic policy the d if­ account of its great variety, and many of its present-day foes sought to cover up or explain any other subject, and they both during any other year in recent The other branches, we are is elected next November. They ferences, if any, between these I happen to think that most of aWay the crimes of Stalinism. history.” sure, w ill catch up as the win in either case. begin to lie. two capitalist candidates are far the people of the country, includ­ Both say they’re for peace. I f both parties are parties of delegates return with some of Stevenson, born to wealth and Big Business has shown repeatedly that it can get less significant than their agree­ ing the unions, have come to And that’s a lie — because broken promises — of violated that enthusiastic spirit that made social prominence, owner of a law along with Stalinism, if it so desires, make alliances with ments. Both are anti - labor. realize that the Taft-Hartley, law both parties support the slaughter pledges — of corruption and dis­ the 15th convention a memorable firm, heir to part-ownership of a Stevenson is as outspokenly in cannot be dealt with irt such it and join it in hounding and persecuting socialists and in Korea — both stand fo r huge crimination — of special privilege one. Round up those dollars to daily paper in Bloomington, HI., favor of the Taft-Hartley law as simple and absolute terms. »..I militant workers. The real reason Big Business is preparing war preparations — both are — of war and repression — then help make America Socialist! talks more glibly than does the Eisenhower. A ll it requires is think the Democratic platform getting ready for a Third World what 'are union officials doing political general, but he stands for war is because it wants to open up the Soviet Union, “ modification,” both say. should recommend modification.” asking labor to support either for exactly the same policies, Eastern Europe, China and other lands to the return of War. That’s Eisenhower’s position, too, Both say they’re fo r labor. Dobbs on TV domestic and foreign. This may come as a surprise to capitalism and colonial rule. of such parties? Stevenson issued this interview And that’s a lie. That’s the question I ask and Tune in Sunday, August 3 Both put the defense of private many workers whom the labor before the Democrat and Repub­ The Republicans boast of being it’s the question millions of you from 5:30 to 5:45 P.M. on property above all other con­ leaders, from Murray and Reuther lican conventions were held. Its the authors of the Taft-Hartley want answered. Dumont TV to hear and sec siderations. “ I don’t like any in down, are now trying to herd on, publication was delayed until False Prosperity Law. And more and more you are Farrell Dobbs, Presidential terference with free markets, free to the Stevenson bandwagon, but after both conventions were over. The Democrats can merely coming to the same conclusion candidate of the Socialist men and free enterprise,” 6aid it is an undeniable fact. In an The present prosperity is an unhealthy one. Its chief But Stevenson’s views could not boast that Truman has used Taft- reached by us — the Socialist Workers Party. In New York Stevenson. authoi'ized interview to the weekly beneficiaries have been the kings of finance and industry. U.S. News, Aug. 1, Stevenson | have been a secret to the official Hartley injunctions twelve times Workers Party. City this is WABD, Channel 5. There is no difference what­ They have made fabulous profits running into astronomical (Continued on Pase 4) to smash strikes by working peo­ The American people — the ever between him and Eisenhower condemned it as “ oversimplifies- | sums. ple fighting for decent wages and workers, the low-paid and poor, The mass of working people have received only the conditions. the oppressed minorities like the Both parties say they’re against Negro people, the d irt farmers — crumbs of this prosperity. Every slight improvement has discrimination and for the rights we a ll need a party of our own — been undermined by higher taxes and rising prices. of the Negro people. an independent labor party. Balance Sheet of Steel Strike Meanwhile our industrial plant has been enlarged and And that’s a lie. Both parties What a shameful spectacle the speeded up. We produce twice as much as we did 15 years have just adopted planks on civil union leaders and the leaders of By Joseph Andrews cents across the board retroactive 1 posals He was backed by the do. The union worked without a to last Jan. 1, 2% cents effective angry steel workers in this stand. contract. That was the second big ago. The people earn too little to consume this vast output. rights which promise even less Negro organizations have been For 53 days 650,000 striking July T, and 2% cents effective But the settlement shows that mistake. than the little they offered in making of themselves in Chi­ steel workers demonstrated their Each year labor gets a smaller share of the national wealth. next Jan. 1, plus 8.9 cents in the tough spirit of the strikers The court fight over Truman’s 1948. cago! determination to win a just con­ While productivity of labor rises and profits skyrocket, fringe benefits. This would have did not prevail at the negotia­ right to seize the mills, could not They — the representatives and tract from the stubborn steel wages are held back by government controls, inflation and NO BASIC DIFFERENCE totalled 26.4 cents in wage in­ tions table. possibly have helped the steel spokesmen of the people — of monopolists. But Steel Union The truth is there is no real creases. workers. I t served only to give the tax bitd. the tens of millions who toil and president Philip Murray did not MURRAY’S STRATEGY basic difference between the two The new agreement provides^» the steel companies an excuse to This unequal distribution of wealth has resulted in make up the bulk of the popula­ rely on this great, union strength. old parties. total wage package of 21.4c.. an Throughout the 8-month con­ make a political issue of the steel tion — they came hat in hand, His policy of dependence upon accumulation of billions upon billions of dollars by the hour, 5c. less than the WSB tract struggle, the Murray leader­ workers struggle, while the work­ They are financed alike by like beggars, pleading for tiny government intervention resulted rich, who cannot invest them at a high enough rate of formula. ship placed its hopes in govern­ ers’ demands remained unsatisfied. wealthy industrialists, bankers favors — a little recognition. in whittling down the union’s The WSB proposal would also ment. This reliance on Washing­ profit. And there are too few dollars in the hands of the and well-heeled gangsters. I say it is a disgusting and demands and a settlement that DID NOT MOBILIZE LABOR disgraceful a ffa ir when these have provided a premium of time ton, and not on Bethlehem, working people to purchase the goods and services of the They a rt owned and run by Big marked a retreat. When the union finally went labor and Negro leaders — and a quarter fo r Sunday work. Pittsburgh, Youngstown, and nation’s industries. These conditions caused the 10-year Business in the interest of Big on strike on June 2, the union representing as they do ' the When Murray agreed six times The new agreement omits this South Chicago, deprived the steel Business. leadership did not change its depression that began in 1929. greatest power on earth — stand to postpone the steel strike, he important provision. Steel work­ workers of a clear-cut victory. I f you could get most of the fundamental course. Murray still The Second World War pulled us out of that depres­ at the back door of the Demo was hoping to win a contract ers are on the job most Sundays The first error was participa­ union leaders to give a straight­ relied on government intervention. cratic and Republican parties of through Truman’s “ good offices.” in the year; tion in the WSB. This business- sion. Now preparations for World War III are keeping us forward answer, they would He did ' not mobilize labor’s sup­ Big Business and plead for ■When the steel union leaders The WSB formula provided dominated board served only to out of a new depression. Big Business likes this war profit­ probably say what the United port to bring pressure on both crumbs. agreed to accept the Wage more retroactive pay than the cut down the union’s demands Mine Workers Journal recently the steel companies and the gov­ eering. It prefers to have the nation’s wealth invested in This giant American labor Stabilization Board formula, Mur­ new memorandum. The “ union and stall their fight. For months said: the WSB gave the union the run­ ernment. the means of destruction instead of in a system of social in­ “ Neither Republicans nor Dem­ movement which has brought the ray backtracked on the union’s shop” clause agreed upon is not original demands which were around, while stepped up produc­ A call fo r a nation-wide 24- surance to provide medical care and security for everyone. ocrats made any really serious mightiest corporations to their a strong one. Thus fa r no agree­ fu lly justified and necessary1. ment on outlawing company tion added to the stockpile of hour holiday demonstration by It finds it more profitable to build the engines of death — efforts to live up to the pledges knees — which has humbled Ford speed - up, or company ruled steel resei'ves. organized labor, proposed by The of their 1948 platforms. The labor and General Motors and U.S, On July 24, when Murray M ilitant, would have met en­ atom bombs, rockets and jet planes — than to build low- Steel — could sweep its own agreed to a new government seniority have been announced. When Truman seized the mills, sections of these platform were thusiastic réponse. The workers, cost homes within the reach of millions of slum-dwellers. It candidates into office, if we used proposal fo r settlement, the union During the strike Murray M urray asked him to grant the dishonored.” especially in thé CIO, saw in the competitors in this business of armaments; it ex- our real political strength. was forced back another step. stated he would never agree to union its wage demands and a This is a candid admission by contract. This Truman refused to (Continued on page 4) the United Mine Workers Journal. (Continued on page 4) The WSB formula proposed 12% anything less than the WSB pro- (Continued on page 2) Page T w o THE MILITANT Monday, August 4,1952 Anti-War Platform of Socialist Workers Party (Continued from page 1) sources, devouring our wealth, plundering the public treas- ^compulsory arbitration. We are for laws guaranteeing la­ torts the prices it wants from the government, which gives ury and plotting war on a world scale. bor’s right to organize and strike without government in­ it free plants and tax exemptions running into billions of The Democrats brought this Brass Hat-Big Business SWP Presidential Candidate terference. dollars. gang into positions of power. A Republican victory would Repeal the Taft-Hartley Law. Repeal all state anti­ To keep this boom going requires war “ scares” and put a general in the White House and perpetuate and ex­ labor laws. wars, small ones as in Korea, or a bigger war later against tend their control. China, the Soviet Union and the countries-of Eastern One obstacle stands on this road that leads to m ili­ Europe. That is the reason why it has been so difficult to tary dictatorship, war and catastrophe: The working peo­ 6. Inflation arrange even a truce in Korea; that is why the State De­ ple! They are the majority in the country. Through their Inflation is one of the major enemies of the workers’ partment is pushing through the rearmament of Western powerful union organizations they possess tremendous standard of living. Chief cause of this disguised wage Germany and Japan under the old Nazi officers and war­ strength. They don’t want imperialist war or foreign cutting is the huge war budget, and government-sponsored lords, against the resistance of most of the peoples of conquest. profiteering. Price increases, such as the boost in steel Europe and Asia. They don’t want to dictate to other countries. They prices, are allowed by Big Business, while wages are A war machine has a logic of its own; once set in are not interested in the profits of the billionaire bankers curbed. motion it is hard to stop. In the end it must touch off the and corporations, or in the glories of generals. Abolish the wage freeze. Produce for peace, not for powder kegs of World War III. They want to live at peace with the peoples of the war. world. There is one condition on which our monopoly-banker For committees of unionists, housewives and small They want to see the great wealth of our country rulers will consider peace. It is that the people of the world merchants authorized to stop profiteering and control and the products of its industry distributed in such a permit them to establish a “ dollar” empire where French, prices and rents. manner as to guarantee a decent standard of living to British and Dutch imperialism ruled before. For a compulsory cost-of-living clause covering all those who work, without depression or war. Only the sub­ wages, pensions and unemployment compensation, based But peace is impossible on that condition. The world servience of the official union leadership, who back the of imperialism is finished. upon a labor-controlled cost-of-living index which would war policy of the State Department, keeps the American include Federal, state and local taxes in computing liv­ The millions of brown, yellow and black-skinned peo­ working people politically powerless. ple — who constitute the majority of the human race — ing costs. have thrown off the yoke of centuries of exploitation by the masters from the Old World; they w ill not willingly We Need a Labor Party accept the new would-be master from Wall Street. 7. Taxes This force of the American working people has yet The government’s tax policy shifts the burden of The peoples of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to be organized in its own political party — the party of war costs to the workers and low income groups. The have eliminated capitalist rule and have begun the dif­ labor and the Negro people. Such a labor party could billionaires are allowed to continue their record-breaking ficult climb to a planned socialist system. Despite the stay the hand of the war-makers; it could break the power profits. Workers’ wages are taxed in many forms, direct oppression of their dictatorial rulers, they will not willingly of the race-haters; it could remove the threat of depres­ and indirect. Taxation is rapidly becoming the biggest permit a return of the speculators, landlords and profiteers. sion amid plenty; it could knit together bonds of solidar­ menace to the standard of living won by American work­ It is not “ communism” which threatens America. It ity *with the peoples of the world fighting for national lib­ ers through years of struggle. What is won on the picket is Wall Street and thé Pentagon, in their hunger for profits, eration and a better life, in keeping with our own tradi­ line is taken away by Washington. investments and empire, which threatens one-third of the tions of the Revolution for Independence and the war Tax the. rich and not the poor. peoples of the world. Our so-called Atlantic “ community” against slavery. Abolish all taxes on incomes below $7,500 a year. is a fraud. Our “ allies” are a few plutocrats bought with The Socialist Workers Party fights for the creation Abolish all sales taxes. Stop the war profiteers by a 100% dollars. But the people of England and the continent who of a Labor Party. It is confident it will come into being tax on all war-goods profits. are hungrier and poorer than ever, have come to hate the and change the whole course of American life and history. name of America. They don’t want Washington’s anti-com­ The working people have a voice and a program in the munist crusade. They won’t fight Wall Street’s war. They 1952 elections — the Socialist Workers Party and its 8. Security and Welfare don’t believe we are fighting for “ democracy” against banner bearers: Farrell Dobbs for President and Myra The so-called “ Fair Deal” welfare program promised dictatorship and totalitarianism. And they are right. They Tanner Weiss for Vice President. by Truman in 1948 has been put in moth balls. It was only know that the only real friends of the State Department The great issue before the human race today is cap! a campaign promise. Now it is being taken out of storage FARRELL DOBBS are the capitalist despots: Syngman Rhee, Chiang Kai- talism or socialism. Hundreds of millions of people are tak for the 1952 campaign. The Republicans and Democrats shek, the Greek King, the Nazi generals and the Japanese ing the road to socialism. Shall America join the march will never enact a genuine public welfare program. Their militarists. of history, or will it go down in ruins and poverty in a , and loyalty oaths and “ subversive” lists. The program is billions for war, not for the social benefit disastrous war to save the outlived dying system of capital­ states picked up this campaign and extended it on a local of the people. The Socialist Workers Party proposes to ism? That is the burning question of our times» basis. The Republican party, supporting all these meas­ use this country’s great wealth to raise the social welfare On Whose Borders? The Socialist Workers Party takes its stand on the side of the majority. The Russian army is not within 200 miles of the ures, criticizes Truman for not going far enough. Any of progress, on the side of the peoples who have taken ideas which do not conform to the official policy of Wash­ For the building of 20,000,000 low-cost housing units. American border. But an American force of half a million the firs t step in the direction of a new society. The peoples ington are in effect being outlawed. For a national health service to provide free medical at­ men is within 200 miles of the Manchurian and Siberian of this new world hate their present despotic Stalinist tention and hospitalization for all. For an adequate old age borders. rulers, but they hate capitalism more. The American people Stop the prosecution of political minorities for mere expression of opinion. Repeal the Smith Act. Amnesty for pension. For a Federal education program to guarantee The Russians and Chinese do not have troops and air can aid them against oppressive Stalinist political rule and a college education for all youth. bases in 55 foreign countries scattered around the globe. save themselves from catastrophic war only by joining all victims of Smith Act prosecutions. But the United States does. the world march to socialism. Rescind the “ loyalty” program and the “ subversive” The Russians and Chinese are not encircling America ; list. 9. Militarism but the United States, heading the greatest military Repeal the McCarran “ Concentration Camp” Law. Re­ Militarism more and more dominates our country. alliance in history, is forging an iron ring around the Only Road to Peace peal the McCarran-Walters “ Race-Hate” Immigration Law. The Pentagon drains the nation of its wealth and its youth. borders of the Soviet Union. The SWP urges the American people to reorganize Preserve the Bill of Rights for all. The U.S. is dragged toward war by the two-party bloc and It is not “ communism” from afar, but reaction directed the wealth of our country on a socialist basis, to rid our­ the brass hats. We-are being transformed into a garrison from Washington that threatens the precious liberties of selves of minority government of the parasites and pluto­ state. the American people at home. crats and to establish genuine democracy — the rule of 3. Equal Rights for All Stop the. draft. Abolish the officer caste. For full The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being sup­ the workers and poor farmers. That is the only road to The Negro people and other minority groups were democratic -rights for the ranks in all the services. No planted with a “ dangerous thoughts” code. lasting peace. promised an effective FEPC law by Truman in 1948. This troops to be sent abroad without a referendum of the Trial and imprisonment on accusation of advocating The Progressive Party fears to face this decisive promise has been betrayed. Intimidation of minorities has people. Union wages for all service men. the 100-year old ideas of is now an everyday issue. It cultivates the vain illusion that capitalism can assumed new and even more terrible forms. Negro fami­ For the right to unions to investigate conditions in occurrence. be reformed into a system of peace instead of war, that lies are bombed in their homes. Leaders of the Negro the armed services and to protest against all undemocratic Charges of guilt by association, contrary to Anglo- the irreconcilable differences between socialism and capi­ people, like Harry T. Moore and his wife, are murdered. and oppressive actions of the officers. Saxon law, is a customary procedure in Congress and in talism can be compromised out of existence. Such a pro­ Folice brutality against Negroes, Mexicans and Puerto State Legislatures. gram cannot effectively organize the struggle against the Ricans has taken scores of victims. The federal govern­ A sinister political police, called the FBI, conducts impending counter-revolutionary war. It can only demor­ ment has done nothing to stop this. Those who defend 10. Farm Policy vast operations of prying, snooping into personal lives, alize the ranks of the anti-war fighters and in the end minority rights are smeared and terrorized by the witch Establish a federal farm program to guarantee the making informers out of honest people, intimidating, lead to new defeats and to the victory of reaction. hunters. cost of production to working farmers and to be operated purging workers from government jobs and even private The Socialist Workers Party warns the American Full social, political and economic equality for the under 1^he control of their own representatives. Expand employment. people of the terrible future the Wall Street-Brass Hat Negro people. Smash the Jim Crow system. Wipe out the rural electrification. No limitation on crops. A federal Teachers are forbidden the right to political associa­ rulers are preparing for them. We urge resistance against poll tax. Enact an FEPC Law with teeth. Abolish restric program for soil conservation and flood control. No taxes tion outside the two major parties. Students are taught the-threatening catastrophe, to save our vanishing demo­ tive covenants in housing. Stop segregation wherever it on savings of cooperatives. A federal ban on all speculation the ideological goose-step instead of being encouraged to cratic’ rights. We enter this campaign to blaze the trail exists. Enact a Federal Anti-Lynch Law. in farm commodities. Abolish sharecropping and landlord­ inquire into new ideas. for a real government of the people, a government of the Unite workers of all races for the common struggle ism. The land to those who work it! The McCarran immigration law bolts the doors on majority — a Workers and Farmer^ Government. against their exploiters. racial grounds, against those who would come to our The Democratic and Republican parties are war par­ shores. We are not allowed to travel abroad without first ties of the rich; the Socialist Workers Party is the party 11. Government Ownership being “ screened” for our political views. of labor, of equality for all races, of peace and a pros­ 4. Women’s Rights perous life for all under the rational human system of The war economy is effecting a revolution in the of Industry socialism. character of the American family. The improvement in Today the big trusts own and control the basic wealth The Bi-Partisan Gang living standards of sections of the working class has oc­ Your choice is clear. Resist the imperialist war! Re­ of America. They run the government and decide the fate The same gang that dreams of invading New China sist the witch hunt! curred only through its greater exploitation. Inflation and of our country. and Restoring capitalism to the USSR, put over the Taft- taxes have increasingly necessitated the employment of Vote the SWP ticket! Vote for Dobbs and Weiss! Nationalize the basic industries, all war plants, all Hartley slave labor act at home, and is planning new curbs two or more members of the family. ' natural resources, and operate them in the interests of for the unions. The startling fact that 20 million women are wage the producers and consumers by democratically-elected The same gang that has burned and bombed Korea to t. Foreign Policy earners, constituting 20% of the employed population, re­ committees of workers and technicians. a wasteland, is responsible for the disfranchisement and veals the extend of this trend. Of these working women, Nationalize the banks. Institute a planned economy of The Socialist Workers Party proposes a foreign policy segregation of the Negro people, and the .mob-and-bomb almost one-fourth are mothers with children under 18 abundance, based on production for use, not for profit. law against their most courageous leaders. of peace, friendship and assistance to the peoples of the years of age. Open shop, race terror and fascism at home are the world. Instead of m ilitary bases, we advocate the building The especially oppressed position of women is graph­ natural inclinations of the would-be masters of China, of factories, homes, schools, dams, parks and hospitals. ically illustrated by this double exploitation, with the 12. Workers and Farmers Russia and the world. The enemy of the peoples of the We propose sending men abroad with tools, knowledge and women responsible for the family at home and at the same world is also our'enemy — and that enemy is at home. skill instead of men with guns; we propose genuine aid to time working to support the family. the people of less favored nations without making them Government Who are the war-makers and the witch hunters? The The Socialist Workers Party champions the struggle Labor has no representation in Washington. The So­ Democrats and Republicans are both for war. It will make satellites of our Big Business oligarchy. Above all we of women for an end to discrimination on the job. We stand for the right of all peoples to establish governments cialist Workers Party fights for the creation of a Labor little difference whether Eisenhower or Stevenson is demand: Party which can unite the working, people, farmers and elected ; both are for the war program of Big Business. of their own choice. We propose to stop the war drive Equal pay for equal work. Adequate Federal nursery and direct our foreign policy toward building a social­ professional people, and put a government in power which Republicans and Democrats are also united on the care and Federally supported summer camps for children represents the majority. witch hunt. The Democratic administration under Truman ist world of peace and plenty. of working mothers. is the real inspirer of Republican witch-hunter McCarthy. Withdraw all U.S. troops from foreign soil. Get out The Socialist Workers Party alone consistently and Truman initiated and gave official sanction to the govern­ of Korea. Recognize the new Chinese government. unconditionally champions the interests of the workers in their struggles against capitalism and works for its abo­ ment “ loyalty” purge, restricting and violating the demo­ Let the American people vote on war or peace. Give 5. Organized Labor lition. This goal is concretely expressed in the Socialist cratic rights of millions. the vote to 18-year-olds. Old enough to fight — old enough The two party-coalition against labor has already Workers Party’s fundamental objective in the 1952 cam­ The Democrats decreed “ loyalty” oaths, and the “ sub­ to vote. dealt heavy blows to unionism. The Taft-Hartley law has paign, the mobilization of the masses for a Workers and versive” lists. The Republicans applauded. The Democrats hamstrung the campaign to organize the unorganized. Farmers Government. object to McCarthy’s character assassination only when it Truman has broken more strikes than any other presi­ affects the administration itself. The truth is the Demo­ 2. Democratic Rights dent. The Wage Stabilization Board machinery has ef­ Only a Workers and Farmers Government can reorgan­ crats have put into effect most of McCarthy’s vigilante The bi-partisan war bloc wants to muzzle anyone who fectively stalled union demands in hearings dominated by ize our society on a rational basis, and utilize the tre­ proposals. Big Business. The witch-hunt has victimized union m ili­ mendous potential wealth and strength of our country for opposes the war drive. Roosevelt started the witch hunt the benefit of humanity. Both old parties have aided the growing military with the Minneapolis prosecution against the 18 leaders tants. domination of government. The Pentagon is virtually a of the Socialist Workers Party and Teamsters Local 544. The Socialist Workers Party stands for the repeal For a Workers and Farmers Government that will state within a state. The m ilitary brass are in league with Truman continued it with the purge of government work­ of all laws both federal and state, restricting labor’s rights. stop the drive toward World War II I and reorganize Amer­ Big Business ; together they are wasting our national re- ers, prosecutions against the Communist Party under the We are for the abolition of injunctions and all forms of ica on a socialist basis! Page T h re e THE MILITANT Published Weekly in the Interests of the Working People THE MILITANT PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION 116 U n iv e rs ity PI., N . Y . 3, N . Y . Phone: A L 5-7480 Televiewers* Letters Praise Dobbs-Weiss Talks Editor: GEORGE BREITMAN Business Manager: JOSEPH HANSEN Hundreds of letters are pouring in from all part of the country ent situation in this land of ours just thinking of the pa'rty as a efforts on getting on the ballot Subscription: $2 per year; $1 for 6 months. Foreign: $3.50 per year; thinking. Call it Socialist, then $2 for 6 months. Bundle Orders (5 or more copies): 3c each in U.S., in response to the national T V and radio broadcasts made by Farrell to a “T.” I shall read to my means to a profitable lecture in all the states. This should be that is it. 4c each in foreign countries. Dobbs and Myra Tanner Weiss, the Socialist Workers Party Candi­ chosen friends these well-written platform. From over a million the first step and if you succeed Mrs. E. Y. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily represent The M ili­ dates for President and Vice President of the United States. The lines. votes to less than 109,000 under in doing that in this so-called tant’s policies. These are expressed in Its editorials. Columbus, Ohio. broadcasts were made on July 19 and 20 during the SWP national Mrs. J. A. speaks volumes democracy the voters w ill do the "Entered as second class matter March 7, 1944 at the Poat Office Please send me three copies of at New York, N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879." convention. Flushing, L. I. fo r the loss of respect fo r the So­ rest. T. K. the talk given on WNBC, 3 P.M., A ll but about a dozen of the letters have asked for copies of Please send a copy of Dobbs’ talk cialist Party. Please give us real Chicago, HI. VoL X V I - No. 31 Monday, August 4, 1952 leadership. p. Sunday, July 20, so that I may the speeches and other literature. Most have expressed agreement on the radio. Enclosed you w ill I hoard on the radio and also have one and pass tlie others on and interest in the views presented in the broadcasts. A number find one dollar. Boston, Mass. saw on the TV yesterday the to friends. GOOD LUCK. enclosed money to pay printing and mailing costs. The TV-Radio .1. A. While I w ill stand w ith my speeches which were delivered by E. R. The Truth About Socialism stations received phone calls asking for ‘‘more programs like this.” Milwaukee, Wise. own party, the Socialist Party, your candidates for the Presi­ New York, N. Y. We print here a sampling of typical comments, the favorable dent and Vice President. Would In this country the revolutionary socialist movement In regard to the wonderful in this campaign to the best of Please send me more informa­ ones under “PRO,” and the hostile ones under “. . . AND CON.” you please send me a copy of speech made today on radio, let my ability, I do wish to convey tion concerning the Socialist is, as yet, a minority movement. It is therefore hardly sur­ We are publishing most of the hostile letters. However, several were these speeches. I f you have any me congratulate you on same. my sincere congratulations to you Workers Party. I am interested prising that misconceptions, let alone deliberate false­ unprintable because of obscenities. pictures available of your candi­ Could I have a copy? upon the nomination of Farrell in your platform and just what hoods, concerning socialism are widely prevalent. The chief Dobbs and Myra Tanner Weiss. dates would also like one. C. S. F. L. you advocate. I heard an address sufferers from this ignorance about socialism have been Cranford, N. J. The Socialist Workers Party has by your candidate for President a splendid ticket and in their Washington, D. C. the mass of the American people; the chief beneficiaries A fte r hearing and seeing your ort CBS the other day and en­ speeches today your candidates Your broadcast of Sunday, June are the tiny minority of capitalist rulers. PRO television speech, you’ll have my joyed it tremendously. have shown that they w ill wage 20, interested me deeply. I sud­ The firs t socialist truth that the American people vote. I ’d like the data on your C. W. Please send your literature. of Mother Capitalism' with its a courageous, fighting campaign denly discovered that we share Oklahoma urgently need to learn is that the existing levels of produc­ You were very good on TV. brood of skunks, rats and weasels. platform etc. I wish your party fo r peace, socialism and liberty in many ideals. It would be ap­ would win. Tho it seems an im­ tion and technology can assure a high living standard for Mr. & Mrs. G. Y. F. H. the great socialist tradition; What preciated if you would send me I did like your speech, ever so possibility try! much Sunday afternoon on NBC. every man, woman and child not only in this country but Paterson, N. J. Chicago, III. a welcome relief from the Wall more information concerning your M. M. Street stooges of the old capital­ May I have a copy. I enjoyed very much, and agree I saw your television program party. D. L. the world over. Hawthorne, N. J. ist war parties. What a brave C. B. with, your critique of the witch yesterday and was impressed very Louisiana Yet, amid this vast potential of plenty, humanity still blow against the fascist forces Pennsylvania hunt in present-day America. much. I therefore would like any I t seems to me you people have May I have a copy of the that are seeking to enslave our suffers from poverty, misery and hunger, .Even in this additional information about the something. I supported Eugene Socialist broadcast of Sunday, Please send me three copies of s. a people and restore colonialism country, not every family is adequately fed, sufficiently Schenectady, N. Y. party and its principles. V. Debs years ago, but of late I July 20. I am a British Socialist. your presidential and vice-presi­ throughout the world. fe lt the Socialist Party leaders I do hope the party here w ill dential acceptance speeches. I am clothed and properly sheltered. In fact, today, as in the I t was just as though he R. M. Middletown, Conn. were more Republican than So­ G. S. make great strides. I f ever the very interested in what you said. days of the terrible depression in the Thirties, one-third, (Dobbs) were reading my Bayport, N. Y. cialist. We need a strong third world needed a solution for its B. L. of the nation remains undernourished, ill-elothed, ill- thoughts. We need more men like I am very deeply interested in party. Millions of people want to I jiave just listened to Mrs. problem it ’s now. Socialism is the Fort Worth, Texas him to aid us in merciful deliver­ receiving copies of these talks vote for a socialist party that housed. Weiss on the radio. I would ap­ cure. The gentleman who spoke Please send me as many copies ance from the crushing embrace w,hich suit my views of the pres­ really means business and isn’t Technology makes one remarkable advance after an­ preciate very much some litera­ last night packs a mighty force as you can of the speech made other. Machines multiply human productivity tenfold, a ture. I am enclosing $1 to cover in a nice quiet dignified manner. by your Presidential candidate hundredfold and more. But the day’s labor of human be­ the expenses. I shall hope to meet him on my over NBC Sunday night and I w ill First US. Concentration Camp Mrs. F. L. next trip to New York City. distribute them among my friends ings, attached to these marvellous machines, has not been Middleburgh, N. Y. G. V. and the doubtful. lightened. We continue to toil as inhumanly as before. And Dear Madame: I am sorry I Massachusetts J. K. to crown it all, our living standards decline not only rela­ missed your name while listening Your talk was a sure-fire go- Seattle, Wash. tively but absolutely. This is especially true for scores of to your talk oVer NBC’s Buffalo getter. May I have a copy of Please send any and all in­ millions of West European workers who produce more station this afternoon; that, how­ same? Mrs. F. K. formation available about your than they ever did, but whose living standards have fallen ever, does not in any way mini­ Ocean City, N. J. party, its -beliefs and platform. I below prewar levels. The same fate awaits the American mize the importance of the sub­ W ill you kindly send us copies am sick of Republicans and ject of your talk. I shall be most Democrats and w ill listen to most workers. of Farrell Dobbs’ address given interested in receiving details of over WN!BC this Sunday after­ anything with the exception of This is a monstrous contradiction. It is the inescapa­ the manner in which you and noon- and any others that you Communism and I want no part ble product of the way in which modern society is organ­ your associates are approaching have conveniently at hand ? Thank of that. I am 22 and my husband ized and run. Modern industry cannot operate except on the world’s most pressing prob­ you sincerely. They are quite is 28. We are very much in­ lem — world peace. j q thought-provoking. terested in 'politics and also well a mass-production basis and for world-wide distribution. In read on the subject. other words, our industrial process has been socialized. But Toronto, Ont. P. F. Maplewood, N. J. Mrs. T. B. industry remains individually owned and operated for p ri­ The facts Mr. Dobbs stated in Washington vate profit. this wonderful speech are 150% On a recent television broadcast true and e American people I was fortunate enough to have The radio address broadcast by Private ownership of the basic means of production could only be made to understand heard a speech by your candidate. your presidential candidate Sun­ arose in the dim past of mankind, in the days of universal and realize this and vote for I was favorably impressed by day evening was very impressive scarcity and universal impoverishment. To maintain itself, somebody besides Democrats and what Mr. Dobbs said and I would and I would very much like to this private-ownership system must artificially reproduce Republicans this world would be appreciate it very much if you obtain a copy of it. a better place in which to live. would send literature and asso­ C. W. conditions of scarcity and keep the mass of mankind im­ The people w ill never improve ciated information regarding your Washington poverished. and control the government' so party’s platform. I should also Please send a copy of the long as the two old parties rule. like a copy of the speech delivered Its primary source of wealth is the exploitation of broadcast. We had tuned in late However, before anyone can on that broadcast. E. B. man by man. Every advance of science and technology is (and did not get all of the pro­ Virginia This is a panoramic vie wof Federal Prison Camp 38, near Tulelake, Calif., one of six con­ vote for a certain party or in­ gram) but it seemed very utilized to perpetuate this barbaric exploitation under con­ dividual their names must appear centration camps being readied under the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1930 by the Depart­ I was impressed by your recent enlightening and interesting and ditions of poverty, misery, hunger. on the ballot. Here in Illinois it ment of Justice. Notice the 80-foot guard tower in the center foreground, one of a network of television speech. Please send me we would very much like the. Such a system is one of human degradation. Such a such towers which command views of all parts of the camp. This is part of the “relocation center” is practically impossible .to get -more information concerning your entire text! in which 100,000 Japanese-Americans were imprisoned without trial during the last war. It is a third party on the ballot. . . . system is self-destructive. This has been glaringly dis­ viewpoint and the platform you F. R. being readied for Americans who dare to speak up against the war plot of the Big Business Therefore, I would suggest first closed by the periodic economic crises that have convulsed intend to run on. Milwaukee, Wis. monopolists. (See article below.) of all that you concentrate your capitalism since its birth some three centuries ago. This R. P. Baltimore, Md. Favor me w ith a copy of the has been underscored since the turn of the Twentieth Cen­ platform and acceptance speeches tury by the periodic wars, which have become a component We would like a couple of copies of Mr. Farrell Dobbs and Mrs. part of capitalism, and without which it is no longer able of your talk as given yesterday Myra Tanner Weiss. I f you can and any others just as good. spare about a dozen it would be even to function. I Told the Truth, Rev. Powers G. J. so much -the better for distribu­ Socialism will take the already socialized industrial By Farrell Dobbs, SWP Presidential Candidate Carlisle, Pa. tion. process out of private hands in order to operate it for the I was inspired by your sensible J. J. benefit of society as a whole. I t will institute planned pro­ Both our Vice-Presidential can­ am w illing to read any ‘informa­ “ Communist.” It also has a sec­ Federal Director of JPrisona James talk on TV the other day on Illinois duction whose basic aim is to guarantee every human be­ didate Mrs. Myra Tanner Weiss tion’ you m ight be able to give. tion which authorizes the At­ V. Bennett, who testified that the Socialism. Please send a copy of and I are gratified and inspired You may send a copy of your torney General to seize and im­ funds were needed “ to1 take over your speeches to me, a loyal sup­ I am a high-school senior and ing adequate food, clothing and shelter. In return for this by the hundreds of letters of sup­ lecture of July 20, 1952. I am a prison, ih time of “national and operate six standby camps.” porter of your work. am slightly dissatisfied with the economic security, from the cradle to the grave, every in­ port we have received from people minister of the Gospel in the emergency,” all those he claims A Dec. 31, 1951, Associated N. H. proposals set forth by both the dividual will be required to contribute in his or her life­ all over the country who saw and Cumberland Presbyterian Church. “probably will” commit certain Press dispatch from. -Washing­ Niagara Falls, N. Y. Republican and Democratic Par­ time the necessary minimum of socially useful activity. heard our TV and radio broad­ I am doubtful of your statements criminal acts. These acts come ton, buried on the inside1 of the ties. Please send me the literature casts on July 19 and 20. and of your loyalty to the Am er­ under the general heading of Jan. 1, 1952, New York Times, I am interested in Socialism on how the Socialist Workers For the firs t time, the economic life of our planet w ill be A few letters, however, attacked ican form of government. “ subversion.” reported: and have been fo r many years. I Party suggests that the United want to learn more. Please send placed on a rational, planned, scientific foundation. us with vile language and threats. “ Sincerely Title I I of the Act says that in States can keep out of a third Most of these, f am sorry to say, Minor E. Powers” “ WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (AP) me literature on same. Your talk World War. time of war or insurrection the — Work has been started on on' television Sunday convinced are unsigned. I dismiss them with * * • President may declare a state of V. B. contempt. three detention camps. . .. . A t­ me -that I have been rig h t in my Minnesota Who Is the Aggressor? Here'is the reply I am sending “internal security emergency.” But I welcome several signed torney Gen. J. Howard McGrath to the w riter of the above letter: This gives the Attorney General We are told that the Korean war is a necessary de­ letters we received which express was reported today to have put fu ll authority to “ apprehend and in motion a plan for the deten­ fensive action against “ communist aggression.” Our coun­ honest disagreement or ask Dear Rev. Powers: by order detain . . . each person try is threatened, the capitalist propagandists say, by sincere questions. I am glad for tion of subversive elements of the Let me first thank you for your as to whom there is reasonable -population under provisions of the ...AND CON the chance they give me to ex­ Chinese and Soviet “ imperialism.” Many Americans be­ fa ir - jnindedness in offering me ground to believe that such person Internal Security Act of 1950. . .” plain our stand more fully. From The amendment in the Rill of I f you’re so damned displeased lieve this fantastic lie. the opportunity to defend the w ill engage in, or probably w ill These three detention camps are week to week in The M ilitant, I Rights which gives freedom of with this country go to Russia. truth of my radio statement that conspire with others to engage “ two World War II prisoner-of- How does this claim square with the facts? On July hope to answer some of the ques­ “ concentration camps are already in, acts of espionage or sabotage.” speech to men of your caliber The Ku Klux Klan isn’t right but war camps at Florence, Ariz., and who persist in attempting to HO sixty-six U.S. B-29 bombers blasted an aluminum plant tions sent me. being b uilt” to make it “ unsafe to This is not, you observe, a law I ’d never lift a finger to help you This week I am answering the El Reno, Olda., and a former m ili­ hoodwink- the American public four miles from the Chinese-Manchurian border. What is criticize the war policy.” to arrest persons for_ anything and your slimey kind if they were letter from Rev. Minor Empowers, tary airport at Wickenburg, into a glossed-over form of Com- this but an arrogant threat to the freedom and independ­ From your letter, I assume that they have done. It is a law to Ariz.” burning you at the stake. I also of Beech Grove, Tenn. He, chal­ jnunism is abominable. wrote a letter to the “ Gestapo” your local press has failed to keep permit one person, the Attorney The venerable 100-yer-oid N a ­ ence of China? lenges me to prove one of the as you call it (F.B.I. to me), ask­ you informed of the latest General, to arrest and hold in­ tion magazine in its Jan. 12, 1952, “ Heaven Help Me” I f Chinese planes bombed the Canadian city of Wind­ facts I cited in my radio speech ing them to ship you out and not developments under the McCar­ definitely, without jury trial or issue also reported the above facts Albany, N. Y. sor, just across the river from Detroit, there is little ques­ and calls my personal integrity ran “ Concentration Camp” Law contaminate the country. bail ,any person he claims, on and stated further that the “ so- Just watched and listened to into question. Here is his fu ll — the so-called Internal Security A Red White Blue American tion that Washington would immediately declare war; But “ reasonable grounds,” m ig h t called ‘relocation centers’ ” — you on television. Was quite unJ letter: Act passed by Congress in Sept. ({No address) U.S. bombings just a stone’s throw from China on the commit certain criminal acts where 100,000 Japanese Amer­ impressed. I f the young lady who “ Dear Mr. Dobbs: 1960. sometime in the future. North Korean side of the Yalu river is called a “ step to­ icans, including thousands born read a speech was my daughter You say you are against the “You stated that concentration This A ct provides fo r the Persons so “ detained” would in this country, were incarcerated I ’d lock her up Until someone Stalin type of dictatorship but ward peace.” camps were already being built registration of “Communists.” It have appeal only to a hand­ without trial during World War hammered some sense into her all of your plans and views are The American government has sent tanks, planes, fo r those who criticize the condi­ uses language so loose and vague picked Board of Detention Review II — “Will be used as additional head . . . Now my advice is to taken directly from the plans and tions that prevail in America to­ that the Attorney General can piles of armaments and 800 officers to fo rtify the Formosa and then a Federal judge. How future concentration camps.” The try gaining admittance to Rus­ constitution of all communist day. I think you are a liar, but I call anyone he doesn’t like a bastion of bloody dictator Chiang Kai-shek, just off the persons spirited away , to a con­ largest of these is the notorious sia, run for some high office there governments that have been China coast. What would happen if the Chinese govern­ centration camp w ill have re­ camp at Tule Lake, Calif. [See and then try to speak your own created since the beginning of course to a lawyer or the means picture above — Ed.] mind. time. My personal thoughts about ment supplied arms and m ilitary personnel to fo rtify the to prepare a defense in order to On Jan. 16, 1952, Senator East- your party is that you are all island of under the rule of some anti-American “ An American” 317,500 FOND SCOREBOARD obtain a federal court hearing, land, Democrat of Mississippi, Valley Stream, N. Y. a bunch of COMMUNISTS despot ? is not made clear in the Act. introduced a joint resolution “ to B ------DS. (Unsigned) What would the State Department say if the Soviet Branch Pledge Paid Percent Relatives and friends m ight be set in motion forthw ith the rna- When you spoke of fear in this (No address) Connecticut $ 1-26 $ 98 78 afraid to speak fo r fear the A t­ chinery of the Internal Security country, fear to express opinions government installed a puppet regime in Canada, built up Minneapolis-St. Paul 1,500 960 64 torney General may pick them up Act to apprehend and detain and ideas you were no doubt You can’t enjoy the freedom its military strength, occupied it with Russian troops, Buffalo 1,000 608 61 and toss them also into a con­ under lock and key as quickly as describing attitudes in ihe Soviet you deny. You belong out of this banned pro-American newspapers and patrolled the U.S. Detroit 2,113 1,194 57 centration camp on “ reasonable possible . . . thousands of Com­ Union. . . . To you and your kind country. The American people do coast with its Navy? It would mean war. But that is ex­ Chicago 1,500 844 56 grounds” that they “ probably will munist conspirators who are now I say — migrate to the Soviet have freedom of choice. Unim­ Cleveland 300 164 55 portant though I may be in poli­ actly what the U.S. is doing in Japan, with military bases conspire” w ith their imprisoned in this country.” (Congressional Union but do not try to impose Akron 150 80 53 kin or friends. Record, Vol. 98, No. 6, P. 222.) its principles (whicl) is a euphem­ tics, my vote is to put you out directly threatening the Soviet maritime provinces around Allentown 40 20 50 Sec’y-Treasurer Frank Rosen- A Jan. 16 Associated Press dis­ ism at best) upon us, the Amer-. of power. (Unsigned) Vladivostok. St. Louis 50 25 50 blum o f, the QIO Amalgamated patch from Washington called, ican Public. ___ (No address) The U.S. invasion of Korea, a small nation bordering New York 4,500 2,083 46 Clothing Workers, who is bitterly Eastland’s speech a proposal to D. R. 1,000 410 41 on China, is comparable to an invasion of border­ Newark anti - “Communist,” in an open put “Communists” immediately (No address) Boston 500 174 35 letter to Congress asking repeal "into concentration camps.” East- To Subscribe ing the U.S. on the South. Say a civil war broke out in 300 100 33 Why don’t you get out of F lin t of the Act, said it would deprive land made clear these are the To subscribe to The M ilitant Mexico and Soviet troops intervened. Wouldn’t this be call­ San Francisco 900 227 25 citizens of their liberty without camps already being set up under America and back to Russia 350 85 24 where you would be strung up if send your name and address to ed a provocation? Philadelphia due process of law and tria l by the McCarran Act of 1950. The Militant, 116 University Seattle 400 91 23 you dared to open your mouth. jury, by establishing a system of I hopt I have answered- your Place, New York 3, N. Y. En­ The facts are that the Korean war 6,000 miles from Milwaukee 275 45 16 No one is compelling you to live detention camps.” doubts. I trust you w ill acknowl­ close $2 fo r one year’s^ sub­ our shores is an aggressive threat to the security and inde­ Pittsburgh 40 5 13 Although the Act does not edge your error in alluding to me here. You don’t fool anybody by 2,220 250 11 pretending you don’t want* scription or $1 for six months. pendence of China, and U.S. m ilitary outposts in Asia Los Angeles direct the establishment of con­ as a “ liar.” I also hope that you And while you’re about it, Youngstown 400 25 6 war. . . . Your propaganda is as point the gun at the USSR and all the countries of the centration camps before a declar­ w ill not hesitate to address any why not take out a subscrip­ 300 0 0 old as Time and nobody in their Oakland ation of “ national emergency,” other questions to me and w ill tion fo r a friend ? Help spread Far East. General 150 164 11.0 right mind would fall for it. It The enemy of world peace is right here at home. Wall under orders of ex-Atty. Gen. J. further investigate, my views with the truth by widening the cir- Howard McGrath an appropria­ an open mind. reeks of Russia and Communism. $7,652 43 culatien of America’s leading Street and the. Pentagon are deliberately planning a cata­ Total through July 28 $18,000 tion of $775,000 was sought and Yours Sincerely, E. M. socialist weekly. strophic Third World War. obtained from Congress by Farrell Dobbs New York City The Negro Struggle —— ------Democrat Plank on FEPC th e MILITANT ______. By Joseph Hansen ------VOLUME XVI MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1952 NUMBER 31 Last week, Albert Parker proved in this column what led them to overlook the fact that on the that the Republican plank on civil rights “ was television screens, the whole country saw the especially written to satisfy the Jim Crow South.” screaming at the top of their lungs for He said that “ the Republicans feel they don’t have God, states’ x-ights and “ pi’inciples.” And thei-e to offer their Negro members any concessions” on the same screens the American people saw the because Negro Republican leader’s “ don’t even oily Northern Democi-atic politicians give the fight for them.” Dixiecrats everything they wanted. I t was a con­ Dobbs-Weiss Petition Drive Now let’s take a good look at the Democratic vincing demonstration of how much reactionaries plank on civil rights. Here is the key sentence: can win in a capitalist party convention by simply “ We also favor legislation to perfect existing frothing at the mouth. Federal civil rights statutes and to strengthen The truth about the Democratic platform was the administrative machinery for the protection stated quite accurately by Herman Talmadge, in N.Y. off To A Fast Start of civil rights.” white supremacist Governor of Georgia. The 1 By Harold Oliver A lyneh-minded Dixieerat is not very rational, Associated Press quoted him as saying that the but it is difficult to see how the most rabid “South got the best deal in 20 years in the Chi­ It Happened in America The campaign to seedre 15,000 signatures to place racist could object to a proposal “ to perfect” cago convention” and the “conservatives won a ’White, Negro Socialist Workers Party candidates on the New York state existing statutes. As was intended, they can in­ smashing victory.” (Christian Science Monitor, ballot in November is now in full swing. terpret that any way they please. July 29.) Heading the Socialist Workers In addition, the Democrats included a plank Then just to twist the knife in the back of civil Party anti-war ticket will be in which they “urge that action be taken” to rights, the Democrats nominated Senator John WorkersMust Farrell Dobbs, fo r President, “ improve Congressional procedures so that Sparkman of Alabama for Vice President. This For U.S. Senator Myra Tanner Weiss, fo r Vice m ajority rule prevails and decisions can be made Dixieerat fought even Truman’s gestures on civil President, and Michael Bartell, after reasonable debate without being blocked by rights in Congress. I t was he, as a member of the Stand United’ for U.S. Senator. a m inority in either house.” This was a con­ committee that drew, up the Democratic platform, (Continued from page 1) Starting July 25, the first legal cession to those wanting to put an end to Dixie- who made sure this particular plank was accept­ They live with it every day. The day for signing petitions, mem­ crat use of the filibuster against civil rights able to the Southern Bourbons. people I want to call on to fight bers and friends of the party legislation. It is meaningless. W'hat is to prevent Stevenson himself, of course, was chosen to Jim Crow are the white people, throughout the state began the a Dixieerat filibuster against such a token head the Democratic ticket because of his especially the white workers. task of meeting the stiff require­ “ action” to improve the procedure of Congress? acceptability to the Dixiecrats. He is for the Jim Crow oppresses you too, ments of the New York state Compared w ith the 1948 plank, the Democrats ¿‘states approach” and fo r “ education” and all white Americans. Low wages for law, which was deliberately moved backward. A t that time Truman was ready the other vague and pleasant-sounding platitudes Negroes holds down your pay. designed to hamper efforts of any to promise anything for a vote. He knew that if that are the stock in trade of Northern capitalist i Racial division weakens the power party that seeks to challenge the he was elected the promises would be in safe politicians anxious to keep in the good graces ol of your unions. Terror against political monopoly of the two hands; and as a matter of fact when he got back their phrenetic Southern allies. Negroes sets the stage fo r terror capitalist parties. in the White House he filed them in the waste The Democratic plank was an insult to every­ against unidn organizers, as has Nearly 30 workers have volun­ basket in the usual manner. To capture the vote one concerned about civil x-ights. Rep. Adam been demonstrated especially in teered to take time o ff from their of labor and the Negro people, he'had to out- Clayton Powell (D., N. Y.) called a public meet­ the South. Jim Crow weakens the jobs or use their vacation time promise Henry Wallace, phrase-mongering can­ ing to pretest the “ sellout of the Negro people” whole union structure in the to secure signatures in each of didate of the Progressive Party in 1948. And so by the Democx-atic and Republicaix conventions. South. I t helps keep the South a the 61 New York counties. Truman made his civil rights plank so “strong” He said that it would be “ sheer death” fo r a sub-standard wage area. I t helps In New York City many fire that the Dixiecrats split away in protest. This Negro leader to try to “ sell” Sparkman. “ They make it pn open shop paradise year they didn’t split. And fo r good reason. can cram a candidate down our throats but they going out evex-y day after work for runaway Northern sweat and on week-ends. The election The real aim of the watered-down 1952 plank cannot make us vote fo r him.” shops. Jim Crow violations of is to meet Republican competition in bidding for I ’m sure Powell feeis that such strong language law requires 12,000 signatures in voting rights for Southern Ne­ the state including a minimum the Dixieerat vote. However, the liberals hailed is demanded by the situation, especially the groes keeps the Dixiecrats in i t at first as an improvement over 1948! The situation in his district in Harlem. It will have a of 50 signers in every county. Congress. There they vote for Evicted widow and mother of nine, 60-year-old Mrs. Elizabeth July 24 N. Y. Post, fo r instance, ran a headline: more sincere sound, however-, when Powell backs every anti-labor law and. in­ To avoid giving state officials Stevens, being dragged from her farm home by deputies. MICHAEL BARTELL “Dixie Yells Fade Before Historic Civil Rights it up with his resignation from the Democratic troduce bills like the Smith bill grounds fo r a possible challenge, Plank.” This liberal paper backed that startling party and calls for formation of a Labor party. that calls fo r the seizure of unions the SWP set a goal of 125 statement with the following report from Chi­ The big lesson to be learned in all this is that in strikes. signatures a county and a total paying the check when he later cago: “ The Dixiecrats were docile about it. W ith­ the Negi-o people and their leaders have no busi­ I f labor’s rights are to be of 15,000. Though the state of saw signatux-e-gettex-s eating in a out a single rebel yell and w ith only a few doleful ness in either the Democx-atic or Republican defended the white workers must New York has the biggest restauraixt. ‘noes’ they accepted early today a Democratic pai-ties. To win in the struggle fo r fu ll equality it oppose the Jim-Crow system MICH. WIDOW BEATEN, population in the countxy, most Froixx those who signed, many Party civil rights plank much tougher than the is necessary to fight and to fight effectively. That shoulder to shoulder with the of the people are concentrated in encouraging remarks have been one that caused them to bolt the convention four means above all building an independent political Negro workers. White and Negro a few large cities. Many counties reported. In one upstate com­ years ago.” force, a Labor party, an instnxment of political workers must stand together to within the 48,000 square miles of munity, a signer also bought a action far more powerful than anything the DRIVEN FROM HER HOME the state are sparsely populated. subscription to The Militant. An­ The editors of the Post are out to sell the build strong unions — North and Yet, in each of these counties, other reported he had heard our Democratic Party no matter how they have /to miserable, loud-mouthed, Dixieerat spokesmen for South. They must stand together LAPPER, MICH. — A 60 year old widow was violently lie to do it. However, it is difficult to understand Jim Crow and minority rule can muster. to create a powerful independent trudging from farm house to candidates on the radio and labor party that can put genuine dragged from her farm Home, beaten and sent to a hos­ fai-m house, the petitioners have enjoyed it. Many declared that it worker representatives in gov­ pital suffering from shock, after deputies forcibly evicted to seek 125 people w illing to sign was about time there was a work- ernment. her for failure to pay a $500® SWP petitions. ixxg class party on the ballot. WI Wish Jerry Was Dead” Let me tell you about the kind assessment on a banknxpt in thx-eatening to move Mrs. Steven’s In previous years sigrxature Others after some hesitation, of cabinet I would appoint if I surance company in which she furniture back into the house. getters had been driven from said that even if we were “ com­ ------By Harry Ring — s------am elected president. I t w ill give was an investor. Sixty state police, set up a road­ some of these counties by hood­ munists,” they were fed up with you an idea how a government Burly deputies knocked down block in the ax-ea, and protected lums, inspired by reactionary other parties and tired of being On Saturday, July 19, Jerry Andrian, a 29-yeax-- “ The doctors were very polite about it,” she genuinely representative of the one of Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens the shex-iff’s deputies. business men, super-patriots and scared, and would sign. old Navy veteran, fired five bullets into the back recalled. “ They said Jen-y was a nice boy, that workers and fanners w ill be sons, kicked him in the face; the local police. So fa r in this of a cab driver in San Antonio, Texas, because, he was sick, but not sick enough to remain in the When she refused to leave hex- PUERTO RICANS RESPOND organized. I would issue a furniture in the widow’s home home, the deputies forcibly carried campaign, no incidents have oc­ he explained, “ God told me to do it.” hospital. They said he might get dangerous but In New York City the party proclamation calling for the was smashed; Mrs. Steven’s curred although several petition Four yeaxs of the monstrous hell of “ combat they didn’t think that would happen fo r xxiany Mx-s. Stevens out, spreadeagled democratic election of commit­ circulators have been stopped and has met with an exceptionally duty” in the second World War to preserve “our years.” daughters were also beaten. her on the gx-ound. Twice she tees of industrial workers and questioned by local police. friendly response fx-oixx the Puerto way of life ” cast Jerry’s mind into a new shape. “ This is my home,” Mrs. broke loose and got back into her “ I don’t see how those few months at the hos­ white collar workers, sharecrop­ Rican and other Spanish speaking Forces beyond his control impelled him to kill pital did any good,” Mrs. Adrian asserted. “ I ’d Stevens cried, “ I have worked home. NO HOSTILITY pers and working farmers, workers. Despite language dif­ an innocent man. Jerry feels these forces as the visit him and find him pacing the rooms without hard for it. This is my country. A similar violent eviction in students and Negroes, rank and Campaign wox-kers both upstate ficulties, these wox-kers have w ill of “ God.” any real supervision. They wouldn’t allow pa­ I am a good American citizen. 1951 had occurred in Lapeer in file soldiers and sailors — in and in the city, have experienced answered the appeal to aid the But Jerry’s intelligent mother, a resident of tients to sit down during the day. You either This is unfair.” what is known as the battle of short, committees of all the ex­ almost no hostility from the “ Partido Obrex-o Socialista” and Newark, N J., undex-stands who really pulled the had to stand up or squat on the bare floor. But that is howrthe law works. “Fort Zeigenhardt.” ploited and the oppressed, the general population, but all repox-t xxxany wanted to learn more about trigger. She told the true stox-y in an interview Many years ago Mrs. Stevens and These x-uthless eviction actions “ The hospital apparently didn’t have enough great majority of the population. an atmosphere of fear inspired us and offered to help in the in the July 21 issue of the Newark Evening News. money fo r good food. Frequently it was pork her husband invested in the against hardworking farmers is by the political witch-huiit. Many campaign. It is a scathing indictment of the criminal refusal My proclamation w ill ask these in shax-p contrast to the gentle and beans and dry bx-ead. And there weren’t Lapeer Farmers Mutual Insurance people shamefacedly admit they Campaign workex-s find a of a rotten social order to even attempt to heal committees to organize a Na­ treatment given tax evadex-s enough attendants or doctors. I f you wanted a Association. I t went bankx-upt. believe in the rig ht of the SWP friendly response, not only among tional Congress of Labor to draft among big corporations, who stall the minds that it has shattered. patient to be treated like a human being you Creditors wex-e granted a judg­ to tlxe ballot, but aTe afraid of the doubly exploited minority “ Please forgive me if I sound bitter,” Mrs. a program setting forth the paying huge tax debts fo r years, had to give the attendants a little something ment against investors, and Mrs. being victimized. groups within the working class, Andrian told the News reporter. “ I just can’t help economic and political demands and never face a government now and then. I pity the families who couldn’t Steven was ordered to pay. The Some people try to show their but even in the supposedly believing society was guilty of the murder they of the American working people. thx-eat of coixfiscation of their afford those tips. I shall ask that Congress of widow refused. So the coux-t sold sympathy by contributing small satisfied section of white workers. say my son committed,” “ Society took an interest in my boy when they her farm, worth $6,000 fo r $500, property. sums of money toward the ex­ She talked about Jex-ry’s harrowing war ex­ Labor to elect a broad national Though it is tough going, the needed him to fight a war,” Mrs. Andrian said to collect the assessment. The “ sanctity of private prop- penses of the campaign. One gov­ periences, how he had narrowly escaped death in executive committee — which I campaigners are confident they bitterly. “They took four years. But when he About fifty angx-y farm neigh­ erty” does not hold good for a ernment employee, in the Bronx, a plane crash that killed the pilot. She explained shall appoint as my cabinet. You will finish the job in record- became sick from combat all society could spai-e bors milled around the farmhouse, poor farm widow in Michigan. after refusing to sign, insisted on that w ith this shock he became obsessed w ith the won’t find in my cabinet a single, breaking time. him was a few months in an overcrowded, un­ doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism and Rosicru- banker, industrialist or general. derstaffed hospital.” cianism. “ I never questioned Jerry much about A cabinet like that, really repre­ his mystical studies,” Mrs. Andrian said. “ I didn’t “ There’s not much I can do fo r him now,” she sentative of the working people want to embarrass him. From what he told me said. “ I wish Jerx-y was dead instead of the cab in this country, would mark the I gathered he imagined himself another messiah driver. I ’d rather see Jerry dead than have him beginnning of genuine democracy. who was put on earth to free men of their sins.” k ill.” For the first time you men and Democrat Ticket Is Anti-Labor Mrs. Andx-ian, think out the whole tragedy just women who to il could really begin A fte r x-eceiving a medical discliax-ge fx-om the (Continued from page 1) Navy, Mrs. Andrian said, Jerry enrolled at Co­ one step further! I t was “ society” that twisted to get results in the struggle for speculators, asked one of the The N. Y. Tjmes, authoritative terests, their war program, are lumbia University in New York as a student of your son’s mind, capitalist society. That’s what the social, economic and political labor leaders. Such is the “ friend Southerners at the Democratic newspaper of the most powerful secure whichever candidate is music and social science. Troubled by headaches, you should wish “ dead,” not the victim. Let’s improvements that are so neces­ of labor” whom these misleaders convention fo r his estimate of and influential section of the elected. Stevenson’s political views. “ He’s restlessness and despondency, he applied fo r aid build a new society, the clean, decent, peaceful sary for your well-being. have helped nominate and whom ruling capitalist circles and But it is the height of political well to the right of Barkley,” at Bellevue Hospital in 1948. Bellevue sent him society of socialism. That w ill give all of us the they support. staunchly pro - Eisenhower, edi­ cowardice, not to say political x-eplied this Southerner. to Kings Park State Hospital, a mental institu­ kind of environment we need to develop as sane torially congx-atulated the Demo­ treachery, to try to palm off AGAINST FEPC The ruling capitalist circles tion on Long Island. A short while later he was people, who love our neighbors, instead of k ill­ crats fo r choosing Stevenson. Stevenson as “ acceptable” to the Just as well known are Steven­ naturally greeted Stevexxson’s released over her objections. ers trained to slaughter them. “ Time for Labor “ We can and do find satisfaction American workers, the oppressed son’s anti - FEPC, arrti - Negro nomination with enthusiasm. “ I f in the nomination of Gov. Steven­ minorities, particularly Negroes views. On the issue of civil rights, tlxe (Democx-atic) convention had son,” they wrote. Party Is Now,” his position is that the individual not.found a Stevenson, it would And why shouldn’t all these and the American people gen­ States should “ seek their o4vn have had to invent one,” exulted profiteers be “satisfied” ? Their erally. Like Eisenhowex-, he is no Notes from the News solutions of this like many other the Wall Street Journal. power, their privileges, their in­ “ friend” but an evil foe. Says Myra Weiss problems.” The federal govern­ (Continued from Page 1) ment must meanwhile keep hands TIIE AFL AMALGAMATED BUTCHER Work­ Most truck drivers were refusing to pick up or We must unite the ranks of o ff. He refuses to even consider men, have put out a deck of cax-ds w ith pictures deliver goods from the picketed shops, and most the American toilers of all races, federal intervention until it has of labor figures replacing the traditional kings, workex-s refused to cross the lines. creeds and national origins into been shown “ that the failure of * * * queens, etc. Among these figures are Eugene Debs one solid pax-ty of the working the States to solve the problem BALANCE SHEET OF STEEL STRIKE as the Ace of Clubs and Samuel Gompers MAJ. GEN. GROW OF DIARY WRITING people. clearly warrants a fedex-al ap­ as the Ace of Hearts. It isn’t likely that fame was reprimanded and suspended from com­ We must end once and for all proach.” Debs, the revolutionary socialist, would care to mand fo r six months fo r improper use of secret the political monopoly of the Such a position, which shunts PROVES MNRRAV POLICY WEAKNESS be back-to-back w ith Gompex-s, the class- infoi-mation. This tap on the wrist is in contrast parties of the bankers and bosses. aside indefinitely any federal (Continued from page 1) collaborationist. Big would make a to the heavy-handed penalties given GI’s who Many union officials admit that FEPC, even a toothless one, is a ton increase in the price of riding the coat-tails of the Demo­ better Ace of Hearts. break the army regulations. For falling asleep labor must have its own party — naturally delightful to the South­ steel strike an attempt to weaken steel; the union got an agreement crats in the 1952 elections, it can * * * on watch, a soldier was given 20 years. But he only they add, “some day — not ern Bourbons, as Stevenson and undermine labor. that represents a retreat from expect no better deal from the AFTER AN 8-MONTH STRIKE, St. Louis was only a private. By mobilizing such a demon the already whittled down and government in the period ahead. * * * now.” intends it to be. He has close ties plumbing wax-ehouse workers won a genuine vic­ “ Noxv is not the time,” argue w ith the Southerners, being an stx-ation, the long deadlock could inadequate WSB formula. That is Only if the union movement tory. They forced the companies to give wage THE COST OF LIVIN G has risen to a new these labor officials, who are still old chum and protege of Dixie- have been bx-oken. But instead, the balance sheet of reliance on organizes its own political party record high, according to the Consumer’s Price increases of from 12 to 32 cents an hour; five company-minded when i t comes crat leader Byrnes. Murray retreated. Washington to win the union’s and elects genuine labor repre­ days of sick leave; ju ry and election pay; the Index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Rising to politics. Stevenson further cemented his From the very beginnning the battles. sentatives to speak for labor in check o ff; a seventh paid holiday; a cost of prices of food, rent and miscellaneous goods and There never was a better time. ties to the Southex-n Jim Crowers Murray leadership did not mobi­ Washington, can the union hope services, pushed the index up to 189.6. The REGULAR DIVIDEND lining escalator clause. During the strike em­ .Must we w ait until the two Big by his choice of Sen. Sparkxxxan as lize for an all-out straggle. But to get anything but a slap in the previous high on Dec. 15, 1951 was 189.1. These The steel barons came out of ployers used the Taft-Hartley law, injunctions Business parties drag us into an­ the vice-px-esidential nxnning mate the steel barons prepai'ed fo r a face from government. the strike able to declare a and lawsuits in an effort to break the union. All figures are basd on the new index, which plays other world war? on the Democrat ticket. Spark­ seige. They amassed a great down many basic items. According to the old regular dividend in U.S. Steel of lawsuits were called off as part of the settlement. W ill the time {xe better when man distinguished himself in the stockpile of steel. They took an * * * index, the new high is 191.1. $27,000,000 fo r the second quarter witch-hunters and labor-haters last Congress by fighting the civil absolutely adamant position, de­ * * * of 1952. The workers won a pay Newark Fri. Night AMBASSADOR O’DWYER WHO REPRE­ with their brutal laws have rights program and voting against manding a price hike in steel increase that is already being SENTS Truman and the New York bookies in UNIONS ARE OUTLAWED IN French Indo­ undex-mined or smashed the labor even the watered - .down “ com­ tonnage fa r above what was eaten away by rising prices, with Socialist Forum Mexico, was enraged at the story that hq, would china, an article xn the July AFL Federationist organizations ? promise” plank which merely allowed by the Capehart amend­ no chance to catch Up until the presents a talk on give up his .U.S. citizenship, and settle down south admits._ Conditions of workers are “ very miser­ The time is ripe — and rotten promised federal action to secure ment to the Defense Production next wage reopening period a of the border. “ For a year now,” he said, “ I ’ve able,” the article states. “ French industrialists ripe — for the American working fa ir employment practices and to Act. They announced they would Four National year from now. been having to defend myself against innuendoes, operating in Indo-China oppose unions on prin­ people to build their own poli­ end poll-taxes and lynchings. not give the WxSB fomxula. And Conventions hints and rumors but no charges. They called me ciple.” The Vietnam government does nothing tical party. they got what they wanted. Labor must learn from this ex­ a th ief and a gangster. And now I ’m having to about it. In spite of this situation, the AFL sup­ The Democrats and Republicans SIGNED LAW 1030 On June 24 Truman called in perience that the capitalist gov­ (an analysis of the Republican, defend myself again against something that is ports the French in their war against the Indo- serve Big Business. This same “ liberal” Stevenson Murx-ay and Fairless, and de­ ernment is not on their side. It Democratic, Progressive and absolutely untrue.” After all,' O’Dwyer is a Chinese people. We, the Socialist Wox-kers signed without hesitation the manded that Murray accept the is on the side of Big Business. Socialist Workers Pax-ty con- * * ❖ .. new tenns “or ‘else.” The “or ventions, platforixxs and candi­ patriotic gangster and thief. Stealing the peo­ Party, sex-ve the cause of the notox-ious Illinois law, HB 1030, W ith the labor movement still dates). ple’s money is one thing, but renounce his coun­ IN MEXICO THE CAPITALISTS are forced to wox-kers and poor farmers who which made it a crixxxinal offense else” meant either another sei- Speaker: try, never! admit that labor power is the source of all produce the wealth of this land. fo r non-residents in a county to zure, or a special act of Con­ * * * wealth. They are wailing about the exodus of As the Socialist Workers Party solicit signatures to place a gress, forcing the strikers back Deadline for Militant GEORGE BREITMAN A WAR OF EXTERMINATION against the labor to work on farms in the United States. One candidate fo r Vice President of statewide candidate on the ballot. to work. This would have trapped S'WP Candidate fo r cockroach non-union manufacturers in the gar-1 of Mexico’s leading industrialists stated, “ We the United States, I urge the The Illinois State Supreme Court the union in a whole new round The deadline fo r articles and U.S. Senate form N. J. rnent industx-y in New Y’ork began July 30. Three cannot rexxxain indifferent to the tremendous people of Axxxex-ica to build their later ruled out HB 1030 as un­ of government staling and drawn ads for The Militant is the Friday, Aug. 15, at 8:30 thousand pickets patrolled the streets in the gar­ leakage of workers whom we need fo r our eco­ own party now — a new and d if­ constitutional. out maneuvering, without a con­ Tuesday before the date of at 52 Market Street ment area, carrying signs which charged the non­ nomic future.” This would be a good time for ferent party — a working-peo­ The Wall Street Journal, mouth­ tract. publication. (corner Plane) union sweat-shops were protected by racketeers. Mexican workers to demand wage increases. ple’s party. piece of the financiers and The steel companies got a $5.20