
23 Highlights China received 1.38 million applications, double the number received by the United States of America (U.S.) Patent applications filed worldwide reached 3.17 million in 2017 The National Intellectual Property Administration of the People’s Republic of China received 1.38 million Applicants around the world filed almost 3.17 million patent applications in 2017, which is more than double

Patents patent applications in 2017 – a record number (see the number received by the United States Patent and figure 1.1). Applications grew by an estimated 5.8% on Trademark Office (USPTO), which totaled 606,956. The 2016. It is important to note that the intellectual property Japan Patent Office was ranked third, with 318,479 (IP) office of China revised its method of compiling applications. It was followed by the Korean Intellectual patent applications statistics in 2017. Prior to 2017, it Property Office with 204,775 applications and the included all applications received; however, starting (EPO) with 166,585. Together, in 2017, China’s application count data include only these top five offices accounted for 84.5% of the those applications for which the office has received the world total in 2017, which is much higher than their necessary application fees. At the same time, applying combined 2007 share (75.2%). China’s share of the the new counting method retroactively, the IP office world total increased considerably between 2007 and of China was able to report a growth rate of 14.2% in 2017, while that of the remaining four offices declined the number of patent applications filed in 2017 (see over the same period. the data description section). This 14.2% growth rate for China was then used to calculate the estimated The list of top 10 offices in 2017 is identical to the 2016 worldwide growth rate of 5.8%. list. The ranking of top offices is relatively stable – any change in ranking has been gradual over the past 15 The long-term trend shows that patent applications years, with the exception of the rapid rise of China. worldwide have grown every year since 2003, with Figure 1.2 shows patent applications received by the the exception of 2009 when they decreased by 3.8% top 10 offices, broken down by resident and non- due to the financial crisis. resident filings. The IP offices of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea received the bulk of their applica- Patent applications tions from resident applicants. In contrast, Australia, worldwide grew by 5.8% Canada, India and the U.S. reported a high share of 1.1. Patent applications worldwide, 2001–2017 non-resident filings.

Looking beyond the top 10 offices to the top 20 list, 3,000,000 12 offices were located in high-income, six in upper middle-income and two in lower middle-income coun- tries. In terms of geographical distribution, nine offices 2,000,000 were located in Asia, six in Europe, two each in North ons i America and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), cat li and one in Oceania. South Africa is the highest ranked pp

A nd 1,000,000 African office, in 22 place.

Of the top 20 offices, 11 received a greater number of

0 applications in 2017 than in 2016, while nine received 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 fewer. China (+14.2%) and Turkey (+24.9%) are the only two offices to have experienced double-digit growth. Application year Note that China’s growth rate was reported by the IP Source: Figure A1. office of China and is based on the new method of counting patent applications recently implemented by that office. China has experienced double-digit growth each year since 2010. Turkey has reported double-digit growth for the past three years and, as a result, its ranking has moved from 25th position in 2014 to 20th in 2017. The increases in number of applications filed in China and Turkey were both driven mainly by growth in resident applications.


IP office of China received 1.38 million applications 1.2. Patent applications at the top 10 offices, 2017




300,000 Patents Applications 200,000


U.S. EPO India China Japan Canada Germany Australia

Republic of Korea Russian Federation


Source: Figure A8.

Of the nine offices among the top 20 that received of total growth in Colombia and Ecuador, while resident fewer applications in 2017 than in 2016, the Russian applications were the main driver in Romania (see fig- Federation (−11.3%); Brazil (−8.4%); China, Hong Kong ure A11). Two of the three regional offices – the African SAR (−5.6%); and Indonesia (−3.5%) reported the most Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), the African substantial declines. Applications in Brazil fell for a Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and fourth consecutive year, while the Russian Federation the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) – have seen reported a second successive year of declining numbers applications return to growth following a fall during two of applications. A decline in resident applications was successive years. Applications filed at ARIPO grew by the primary reason for the decrease in total applica- 7.2% in 2017, while OAPI reported a 2.6% increase. In tions for the Russian Federation in 2017, whereas a contrast, EAPO saw three consecutive years of declines decline in non-resident applications was the main in filings. At most offices of low- and middle-income driver for Brazil; China, Hong Kong SAR; and Indonesia. countries, the bulk of applications are filed by non- residents. As a result, overall increases or decreases in Among the top five offices, the Republic of Korea is applications received by these offices are determined the only one to report a small drop in applications in mainly by the filing behavior of non-resident applicants. 2017 (−1.9%). China (+14.2%) and the EPO (+4.5%) reported strong growth in the number of applications. The IP offices of Japan (+0.03%) and the U.S. (+0.2%) Offices located in Asia received 65% saw negligible growth. The long-term trend shows that of all applications filed worldwide the office of China has recorded year-on-year growth in 2017 for the past 21 years, while the U.S. office has enjoyed eight consecutive years of growth. The Republic of Offices located in Asia received around 2.1 million Korea’s office enjoyed solid growth in applications for applications in 2017, representing 65.1% of the world each year from 2010 to 2015, but filings declined by total (see figure 1.3). The combined total of Europe 2.4% in 2016 and by 1.9% in 2017. The patent office and North America was just below the 1 million mark. of Japan has experienced either a fall in applications Asia’s share of all applications filed worldwide increased or negligible growth since 2005, mainly reflecting a from 49.7% in 2007 to 65.1% in 2017, primarily driven persistent fall in resident applications. Since 2010, by strong growth in filings in China, which accounted the EPO has experienced fluctuation in the number of for around two-thirds of all applications filed in the applications received – growth in filings in one year is region. Offices in North America accounted for just followed by a drop in applications the next year. over one-fifth of the 2017 world total, while those in Europe accounted for just over one-tenth. The com- Among the offices of low- and middle-income countries, bined share for Africa, LAC and Oceania was 3.4%. The Ecuador (+11.5%), Romania (+10.8%) and Colombia shares of all world regions except Asia have gradually (+7.7%) recorded particularly rapid growth in 2017. declined over the past decade due to the rapid growth Growth in non-resident applications was the main driver in applications filed in China.


Offices located in Asia received 65.1% of all patent applications filed worldwide 1.3. Patent applications by region, 2007 and 2017

49.7% 65.1% Asia Asia 26.4% 20.3% North America North America

Patents 18.1% 11.2% Europe Europe 3.1% 1.8% LAC LAC 1.9% 1.1% Oceania Oceania 0.8% 0.5% Africa Africa

2007 2017

Source: Table A6.

Patent filings since 1883 From 1883 to 1963, the patent office of the U.S. was the leading office for world filings. Application numbers in Japan and the U.S. were stable until the early 1970s, when Japan began to see rapid growth – a pattern also observed for the U.S. from the 1980s onward. Among the top five offices, Japan surpassed the U.S. in 1968 and maintained the top position until 2005. Since the early 2000s, however, the number of applications filed in Japan has followed a downward trend. Both the EPO and the Republic of Korea have seen increases each year since the early 1980s, as has China since 1995. China surpassed the EPO and the Republic of Korea in 2005, Japan in 2010 and the U.S. in 2011 – and it now receives the largest number of applications worldwide. There has been a gradual upward trend in the combined share of the top five offices in the world total – from 75.2% in 2007 to 84.5% in 2017.

Trend in patent applications for the top five offices, 1883–2017





600,000 Applications



1883 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2017

Application year


Note: The IP office of the Soviet Union, not represented in this figure, was the leading office in the world in terms of filings from 1964 to 1969. Like Japan and the U.S., the office of the Soviet Union saw stable application numbers until the early 1960s, after which it recorded rapid growth in the number of applications filed. Source: Figure A7.


The distribution of applications by income group shows filed abroad, while 95.4% are filed in China. In contrast, that offices of high-income countries received 49.1% filings abroad constitute 43.5% of total applications of all applications filed worldwide in 2017, which is one from Japan and 44% from the U.S. percentage point above the share received by offices of upper middle-income countries (48.1%) (see table A5). Twelve of the top 20 origins are located in Europe. Their However, there has been a sizeable shift in distribu- combined total (518,480 equivalent applications) is tion of applications toward the upper middle-income slightly lower than that from U.S.-based applicants. All group, which is largely explained by the strong growth top 20 origins, with the exception of China, India, the

in filings in China and the decline in Japan. The share Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, Patents for offices of upper middle-income countries rose are high-income countries. Among the top 20 origins, from 19.9% in 2007 to 48.1% in 2017, while that of the Denmark (+9.6%), India (+8.3%) and Belgium (+6.1%) high-income group declined from 76.4% to 49.1% over recorded the fastest growth in 2017 (see figure A18). the same period. The combined share of the low- and For both Belgium and Denmark, growth in applications lower middle-income groups was 2.8% in 2017, which abroad was the main source of overall growth, while is identical to their share in 2016. for India growth in resident applications was the main driver of overall growth. Equivalent application count Applications at regional IP offices are equivalent to Among the large middle-income origins, Indonesia multiple applications in the countries that are members of (+101%) and Turkey (+33%) saw the fastest growth in the organizations establishing those offices. In particular, filings in 2017. Malaysia (+9.4%), South Africa (+8.3%), to calculate the number of equivalent applications Mexico (+5%) and Brazil (+4%) also saw relatively strong for the African Intellectual Property Organization growth in 2017. The overall growth in Brazil, Indonesia, (OAPI), the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and South Africa and Turkey was due to increases in resident the Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the applications, while growth in equivalent applications Arab States of the Gulf (GCC Patent Office), each abroad drove overall growth in Malaysia and Mexico. application is multiplied by the corresponding number of member states. For African Regional Intellectual Filing abroad reflects the globalization of IP protection Property Organization (ARIPO) and the European Patent and a desire to commercialize technology in foreign Office (EPO) data, each application is counted as one markets. The costs of filing abroad can be substantial, application abroad if the applicant does not reside in so the patents for which applicants seek international a member state or as one resident application and protection are likely to confer higher values. Among one application abroad if the applicant resides in a the top 20 origins, applications filed abroad made up member state. The equivalent application concept is for more than three-quarters of the totals for Belgium used for reporting data by origin. (77%), Canada (83.1%), Israel (90.7%), the Netherlands (75.3%), Sweden (75.3%) and Switzerland (80.6%). However, in absolute numbers, the U.S. had the most, Residents of the U.S. filed more than with 230,931, followed by Japan (200,370), Germany 230,000 patent applications abroad (102,890), the Republic of Korea (67,484) and China (60,310). China, the Republic of Korea and the U.S. Applications received by offices from resident and saw growth in applications abroad over the past five non-resident applicants are referred to as office data, years, whereas the trend in applications abroad for whereas applications filed by applicants at a national/ Germany and Japan was stable over the same period. regional office (resident applications) or at foreign offices (applications abroad) are referred to as origin data. High-income origins, such as Ireland (85.2%), Here, patent statistics based on the origin of residence Liechtenstein (69%), Luxembourg (79.3%), Norway of the first named applicant are reported in order to (71.7%) and Singapore (76.8%), have a high proportion complement the picture of patent activity worldwide. of applications abroad as a share of total applications. Applications abroad accounted for a small percentage Applicants from China filed around 1.31 million equiva- of total applications for Brazil (27%), Colombia (24.1%) lent patent applications in 2017, which is more than the and Turkey (18.5%). combined total for applicants from Japan (460,660), the Republic of Korea (226,568) and the U.S. (524,835). U.S. applicants accounted for more than half of all Those four origins, plus Germany (176,235), accounted non-resident applications filed in Canada (52.8%), Israel for the bulk of the global total (see map 1.4). China has (51%), Mexico (52.8%) and Norway (75.3%). Applicants been the largest source of patent applications since residing in Japan accounted for at least a third of all 2012, when it surpassed Japan. However, it should be non-resident applications filed in Germany (36.5%), noted that only 4.6% of all applications from China are Indonesia (34.2%), the Republic of Korea (32.9%) and


China, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the U.S. were the five largest sources of patent applications 1.4 Equivalent patent applications by origin, 2017 Patents

100,000–1,500,000 10,000–99,999 1,000–9,999 100–999 1–99 NO DATA

Source: Map A17.

Thailand (49%). German applicants accounted for a Half of all applications were high share in France (24.7%) and Italy (31%), while first filing, the other half repeat applicants from China accounted for a high proportion filings, mostly at foreign offices of non-resident filings in Luxembourg (66.8%) and the 1.5. Patent applications and patent families United Kingdom (U.K.) (12.3%). worldwide, 2001–2017

Patent applications for unique 3,000,000 grew by 9.7% to reach 1.56 million worldwide 2,000,000

Patent applicants traditionally file at their national

offices and then subsequently abroad. This means 1,000,000 that some inventions are recorded more than once.

To take this into account, WIPO has developed indi- Applications/Patent families cators for patent families, and the trend in patent 0 families mirrors that for patent applications. The total 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 number of patent families worldwide increased from Application year around 780,000 in 2001 to around 1.56 million in 2015 APPLICATIONS PATENT FAMILIES (see figure 1.5). Applicants from China accounted for more than half of all patent families (52.2%) in 2015, Sources: Figures A1 and A23. followed by Japan (14.6%), the U.S. (10.4%) and the Republic of Korea (8.9%). China’s share of the world For the past two decades (1995–2015), the ratio of total more than doubled between 2010 (25.2%) and families to applications has remained more or less 2015 (52.2%), while the share of Japan, the Republic stable at around 0.54. This means that just over half of Korea and the U.S. declined over the same period of all applications are initial filings and the others – with Japan seeing the sharpest drop from 26.2% in repetitive filings, mostly at foreign offices. Belgium 2010 to 14.6% in 2015. (0.17), Denmark (0.18), Norway (0.19) and Switzerland (0.16) have low family-to-application ratios for the period from 2012 to 2014 – indicating substantial duplication due to high numbers of cross-border filings. Conversely, China (0.8), Poland (0.7) and the Russian Federation (0.8) have high ratios, indicating less duplication due to low numbers of cross-border filings.


Patent families Samsung Electronics, followed by digital communication A patent family is a set of interrelated patent applica- (15.9%) and semiconductors (11.9%). For the State Grid tions filed in one or more offices to protect the same Corporation of China, electrical machinery (31.2%) was . The patent applications in a family are inter- the most important technology field, followed by mea- linked by one or more of the following: priority claim, surement (21.3%) and IT methods for management (8.1%). Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) national phase entry, continuation, continuation-in-part, internal priority The top 50 list is comprised of applicants located in and addition or division. A special subset comprises just five countries. Japan heads the list with 20 com-

foreign-oriented patent families – that is, those patent panies, followed by China (13), the Republic of Korea Patents families that have at least one filing office which dif- (7), the U.S. (6) and Germany (4). The top 50 list mainly fers from the office of the applicant’s country of origin. comprises multinational companies. However, five Chinese universities – Harbin Institute of Technology Some foreign-related patent families include only one (7,274), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (5,058), Southeast filing office because applicants may choose to file University (6,074), Tsinghua University (5,363) and only with a foreign office. For example, if a Canadian Zhejiang University (8,108) – also feature. applicant files a directly with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) without having previously filed with the patent office Three Asian countries – of Canada, that patent family will constitute a foreign- the Republic of Korea, China and oriented patent family with just one office. Japan – filed the highest number of patents per unit of GDP The size of patent families (i.e., the number of offices) reflects their geographical coverage. Around 83% of Variations in patenting activity across countries reflect patent families created worldwide between 2013 and differences in their levels of economic growth and 2015 were filed in a single office. There is considerable development. It is therefore informative to examine variation among top origins, however. For example, resident patent activity with regard to population, R&D around two-fifths of all patent families originating from spending, GDP and other variables. These are com- the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland cover a single monly referred to as “patent activity intensity” indicators. office, whereas single-office patent families account for around 98% of all families for China and the Russian Since 2004, the Republic of Korea has had the highest Federation (see figure A24). Focusing exclusively on number of patent applications per unit of USD 100 foreign-oriented patent families shows that the U.S. billion GDP. However, its ratio of resident applications (154,216) created the largest number of such families to GDP for the past four years shows a year-on-year between 2013 and 2014, followed by Japan (144,512), decrease. China has the second highest ratio, followed the Republic of Korea (58,537), Germany (57,007) and by Japan, Germany and Switzerland (see figure 1.6). China (35,084) (see figure A26). Over the past 10 years, the gap between China and the Republic of Korea has narrowed. Reflecting strong growth in resident applications, China’s resident appli- Canon Inc. of Japan created cations per unit of GDP increased from 1,594 in 2007 the largest number of patent to 5,869 in 2017. In contrast, Japan’s ratio fell from families worldwide 7,100 in 2007 to 5,264 in 2017. Germany’s ratio declined slightly, from 2,194 to 1,961, while that of Switzerland Canon Inc. of Japan created 24,006 patent fami- remained stable at around 1,774. lies between 2013 and 2015, followed by Samsung Electronics (21,836) of the Republic of Korea and the The list of the top 20 origins is predominantly comprised State Grid Corporation of China (21,635). Eight of the of high-income countries. However, four middle-income top 10 companies are located in Asia. International countries – China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Business Machines of the U.S. (14,972), ranked fifth, Russian Federation and Ukraine – also feature (see and Robert Bosch of Germany (12,598), ranked 10th, figure A39). The rank of the top 20 origins has been are the only two non-Asian applicants in the top 10 stable for the past 10 years, with little movement in list (see table A27). country rankings, except in the case of China.

The highest shares of Canon’s patent families cre- Among the large middle-income origins, Turkey’s ated during this period relate to optics technology resident patent application to GDP ratio (448) is far (27.5%), audio-visual technology (16.6%) and computer above that of Brazil (186), India (174) and South Africa technology (14.7%). Computer technology (26.1%) (104), all of which, with the exception of South Africa, accounted for the highest share of families belonging to reported a higher ratio for 2017 compared to 2007.


The Republic of Korea had the highest number of patent applications per unit of GDP 1.6. Resident patent applications per USD 100 billion GDP for the top 10 origins, 2007 and 2017



6,000 Patents 4,000

Resident applications 2,000


U.S. China Japan Finland Germany Denmark Sweden Switzerland Luxembourg

Republic of Korea


2007 2017

Source: Figure A39.

The profile of resident applications per million popula- tions between 2006 and 2016, with the exceptions of tion is similar to that adjusted by GDP, but shows some audio-visual technology (−2.0%) and optics (−1.1%), subtle differences. The Republic of Korea retains its lead, both of which saw a slight decline. Japan ranks second and Switzerland is ranked third, ahead of the U.S., China and Germany (see figure A40). Among the top 10 origins in the period from 2014 to 2016, China and the Republic of Korea filed most heav- Small high-income countries of origin, such as Denmark, ily in electrical machinery and computer technology Finland, Norway and Singapore, rank highly when (see figure A32); Japan in electrical machinery; France resident patent applications are adjusted by population and Germany in transport; Switzerland and the U.K. or GDP. Most of the top origins have improved their in pharmaceuticals; the Netherlands in medical tech- resident patent application to GDP and population nology; the Russian Federation in food chemistry; ratios between 2007 and 2017; however, there are a and the U.S. in computer technology. The combined few exceptions, notably Finland, Japan and the U.K., share of the top three technologies for the top 10 whose ratios have declined. origins ranged from 19.3% for the U.K. to 29% for the Russian Federation.

Computer technology remains Among the large middle-income countries in the period the most frequently featured from 2014 to 2016, applicants residing in India (15.7% technology field in applications of total published applications) and Mexico (11.1%) filed most heavily in pharmaceuticals; Brazil (6.5%) in other In 2016 – the latest year for which complete data are special machines; Malaysia (8.9%) in computer technol- available due to the delay between application and ogy; South Africa (6.3%) in civil engineering and Turkey publication – computer technology was the most (11.4%) in other consumer goods. Bermuda (15%) and frequently featured technology in published patent Singapore (11.5%) – two high-income countries – filed applications worldwide with around 198,400 pub- mainly in computer technologies. lished applications (see table A31). It was followed by electrical machinery (185,600), digital communication The following four areas are categorized as energy- (134,000), measurement (129,400) and medical technol- related technologies: solar energy, fuel cell technology, ogy (118,700). These five fields accounted for 28.9% wind energy technology and geothermal energy. The of all published applications worldwide. number of published patent applications worldwide for energy-related technologies underwent a substantial Among the top 20 technology fields, food chemistry increase – from around 14,500 in 2002 to around (+12.5%), materials and metallurgy (+8.8%) and digital 42,800 in 2012. However, since then there has been a communication (+8.5%) witnessed the fastest average marked downward trend in energy-related published annual growth between 2006 and 2016. All of the top patent applications, which decreased from 42,800 in 20 technology fields saw growth in published applica- 2012 to 32,700 in 2016 (see figure A33).


The office of India granted 50% Patent granted worldwide grew by 3.9% more patents in 2017 than in 2016 1.7. Patent grants worldwide, 2001–2017

Offices carry out a formal and substantive examination to decide whether or not to issue a patent. The proce- dure for granting a patent varies between offices, and differences in the numbers of granted patents among offices depend on factors such as examination capac-

ity and procedural delays. For this reason, application Patents data for a given year should not be compared with grant data from the same year.

In 2017, an estimated 1.4 million patents were granted worldwide, up 3.9% on 2016 figures, and represent 17 consecutive years of growth (see figure 1.7). China (420,144) issued the largest number of patents in 2017, followed by the U.S. (318,829), Japan (199,577), the Source: Figure A3. Republic of Korea (120,662) and the EPO (105,645). These five offices issued more than 1.16 million patents number of patents in force was recorded in the U.S. between them – 83% of the world total. (2.98 million). China (2.09 million) and Japan (2.01 mil- lion) each had around 2 million patents and the U.K. Among the top 10 offices, India granted 50.2% more (1.24 million) and Republic of Korea (970,889); these patents in 2017 than in 2016, with grants increasing countries make up the top five jurisdictions (see figure from 8,248 in 2016 to 12,387 in 2017. Non-resident 1.8). Among the top five offices, China recorded the grants accounted for 85% of the total increase. The fastest growth between 2010 and 2017, with 20.5% EPO (+10.1%) and the Republic of Korea (+10.8%) also average annual growth. The Republic of Korea (+6.1%), exhibited double-digit growth in 2017. For the EPO, this the U.S. (+5.8%) and Japan (+5.1%) exhibited similar is the second successive year of double-digit growth. growth rates, while the U.K. had close to zero growth The office of the U.S. (+5.2%) also saw strong growth (+0.1%). The top 20 list includes 17 offices from high- in 2017. Following three successive years of strong income countries and three from upper middle-income growth, China reported modest growth of 3.9% in 2017. countries, namely China, Mexico and the Russian Federation (see figure A42). Beyond the top 10 list, Mexico granted 8,510 patents in 2017. Brazil (5,450), Malaysia (5,063) and South Africa Holders must pay maintenance/renewal fees to main- (5,535) each issued more than 5,000 patents. Thailand tain the validity of their patents, and may opt to let a issued 3,080 patents in 2017, which is 67.6% higher than patent lapse before the end of its full term. For the 65 the total for the previous year. All these offices, except offices that reported their in-force data broken down Mexico, saw strong annual growth in patent grants. by year of filing, between 40% and 43% of patents granted remained in force for at least 6 to 10 years Asia’s share of worldwide patent grants was 57.2% in after the filing date, and about one-fifth lasted for the 2017, which is similar to its 2016 share. However, its full 20 years (see figure A43). share of grants has gradually followed an upward trend over the past 10 years – increasing from 53.5% in 2007 Although patents can be maintained for 20 years, to 57.2% in 2017. Offices located in North America the average age of patents varied across offices. For accounted for 24.4% of patent grants worldwide in example, the average age of all patents in force in 2017 2017, while offices in Europe accounted for 14.5% of in Thailand was 14.2 years, while in China it was 7.2 the world total. The combined share for Africa, LAC years. Along with Thailand, India (13 years), Viet Nam and Oceania was 3.9%. (12.2 years) and Chile (12 years) also have high average ages of patents in force (see figure A44).

The number of patents in force in the U.S. amounted to 2.98 million in 2017

Patent rights generally last for up to 20 years from the date the application was filed. The estimated number of patents in force worldwide rose from 8.5 million in 2008 to 13.7 million in 2017. In 2017, the largest


Half of all patents in force in the U.S. originated from non-resident applicants 1.8. Patents in force at the top 10 offices, 2017



1,000,000 Patents Patents in force


U.S. U.K. Italy China Japan France Germany Switzerland

Republic of Korea Russian Federation



Source: Figure A42.

More than 75% of applications The IP office of China had the largest number of poten- examined in 2017 resulted in patents tially pending applications (1.11 million) in 2017 (see being granted at the offices of figure A46). It was followed by the U.S. (1.08 million), Australia and the Russian Federation Japan (815,295) and the EPO (652,427). Most of those offices had fewer potentially pending applications in Patent offices examine applications and decide whether 2017 compared to 2016. For China, no data prior to or not to grant patent rights. Examination processes 2017 are available. Among selected middle-income differ across offices, which makes cross-country com- countries, Brazil and India each reported more than parisons difficult. However, every effort has been made 200,000 potentially pending applications in 2017. to compile examination outcome data based on common However, Brazil had 7.2% fewer pending applications definitions and concepts. More than 75% of applications in 2017 compared to the previous year, while India examined in 2017 resulted in patents being granted at the saw a 6.7% drop. patent offices of Australia and the Russian Federation. Japan also had a high share of patents granted for Potentially pending applications applications processed. Among the 10 selected offices, Potentially pending applications include all patent Germany, India, the U.K. and the U.S. granted patents applications, at any stage in the process, awaiting a for fewer than half of all applications processed in final decision by a patent office, including those appli- 2017 (see figure 1.9). The shares of rejected applica- cations for which applicants have not filed a request tions were the highest in the U.K. and the U.S., while for examination (where applicable). India reported the highest share of those withdrawn.

China and Japan drive PCT The offices of China and the U.S. each international patent application had more than one million potentially filings to record heights pending patent applications in 2017 An international treaty administered by WIPO, the Patent offices must assess whether the claims in appli- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), allows applicants cations meet the standards of , non-obviousness to seek patent protection for an invention simultane- and defined in national laws. ously in a large number of countries by filing a single Processing patents therefore consumes time and PCT international application. The granting of patents resources. The total number of potentially pending remains under the control of national and regional applications worldwide stood at 5.7 million in 2017. patent offices and is carried out in what is called the This estimate is based on data from 108 offices. For “national phase” or “regional phase.” the first time, pending applications data is available from the IP office of China.


The shares of rejected applications were highest in the U.K. and the U.S. 1.9. Distribution of patent examination outcomes for selected offices, 2017



50 Patents 25 processed (%)

Distribution of applications 0

India U.K. U.S. Japan Canada Mexico Australia Germany

Republic of Korea Russian Federation



Source: Figure A45.

Overall, inventors from around the world filed around by women inventors. However, the share of women 243,500 PCT applications in 2017 – 4.5% more than the inventors in total inventors is low, ranging from 28.9% previous year, driven by strong growth from China and in China to 9.1% in Japan (see figure A37). Japan. China, with 48,900 PCT applications, became the second largest source of PCT applications, closing Fields of technology related to life sciences had com- in on the long-time leader – the U.S. (56,680). Japan paratively high shares of PCT applications with women (48,206) ranked third, followed by Germany (18,948) inventors in 2017. More than half of PCT applications in and the Republic of Korea (15,752) (see figure A51). the fields of biotechnology (58.3%), pharmaceuticals (56.3%), organic fine chemistry (55.1%), food chemistry Among the top 20 origins, Belgium (+11.1%) and China (50.7%) and analysis of biological materials (50.6%) (+13.5%) were the only two countries to have recorded included at least one women (see figure A38). double-digit annual growth in 2017. China has now posted growth higher than 10% every year since 2003. Sweden (+6.9%), Japan (+6.6%) and Denmark (+5.4%) Around 1.76 million also saw strong growth. In contrast, Spain (−5.9%), model applications were the Netherlands (−5.3%) and Italy (−4.1%) each saw a filed worldwide in 2017 decrease in filings. A utility model is a special form of patent right granted by a state or jurisdiction to an inventor or the inven- The share of PCT applications tor’s assignee for a fixed period of time. The terms and with women inventors is rising conditions for granting a utility model differ slightly from those for normal patents, including a shorter term of In 2017, 31.2% of PCT applications contained at least protection and less stringent eligibility requirements. one woman inventor, which is a considerably higher figure than the 22.1% recorded in 2003. In terms of In 2017, the total number of utility model applications volume, the total number of PCT applications with worldwide reached 1.76 million. The IP office of China at least one woman inventor has almost tripled, from received 95.8% of the world total – the remaining 74 24,004 in 2003 to 68,270 in 2017. offices accounted for just 4.2%. As with invention patents, the IP office of China revised its method of Women’s participation rate varied across countries. compiling utility model applications statistics in 2017, Among the top 20 origins, the Republic of Korea now counting only those applications for which the (50.3%) and China (47.9%) had the highest women’s office has received the necessary application fees. participation rates (see figure A36). Belgium (35.7%), Due to this break in the data series and to the large Spain (35.4%), the U.S. (32.8%) and France (32.5%) number of filings in China, it is not possible to calculate also had relatively high shares of PCT applications the growth rate for the world total and China.


The IP office of China received 1.69 million applications in 2017 (see figure A55), followed by Germany (13,301), the Russian Federation (10,643), Ukraine (9,108), the Republic of Korea (6,811) and Japan (6,105). Among the top 20 offices, the Philippines (+22.8%), Kazakhstan (+16.3%) and Finland (+13.1%) witnessed double-digit growth in 2017 – albeit from a low base. In contrast, the number of applications filed in Mexico (−12.9%),

Patents Austria (−12.4%), Poland (−12.4%) and the Republic of Korea (−12.3%) fell sharply in 2017.

34 Patent statistics

Patent applications and grants worldwide 37 A1. Trend in patent applications worldwide, 2003–2017 37 A2. Resident and non-resident patent applications worldwide, 2003–2017 37 A3. Trend in patent grants worldwide, 2003–2017 38

A4. Resident and non-resident patent grants worldwide, 2003–2017 38 Patents

Patent applications and grants by office 39 A5. Patent applications by income group, 2007 and 2017 39 A6. Patent applications by region, 2007 and 2017 39 A7. Trend in patent applications for the top five offices, 1883–2017 40 A8. Patent applications at the top 20 offices, 2017 40 A9. Contribution of resident and non-resident applications to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2016–2017 41 A10. Patent applications at offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 41 A11. Contribution of resident and non-resident applications to total growth for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2016–2017 42 A12. Patent grants by income group, 2007 and 2017 42 A13. Patent grants by region, 2007 and 2017 43 A14. Trend in patent grants for the top five offices, 1883–2017 43 A15. Patent grants for the top 20 offices, 2017 44 A16. Patent grants for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 44

Patent applications and grants by origin 45 A17. Equivalent patent applications by origin, 2017 45 A18. Equivalent patent applications for the top 20 origins, 2017 45 A19. Patent applications for the top 20 offices and origins, 2017 46 A20. Flows of non-resident patent applications between the top five origins and the top 10 offices, 2017 47 A21. Distribution of patent applications for the top 15 offices and selected origins, 2017 48 A22. Equivalent patent grants for the top 20 origins, 2017 48

Patent families 49 A23. Trend in patent families worldwide, 2001–2015 49 A24. Distribution of patent families by number of offices for the top 20 origins, 2013–2015 49 A25. Trend in foreign-oriented patent families worldwide, 2000–2014 50 A26. Foreign-oriented patent families for the top 20 origins, 2013–2014 50 A27. Top 50 patent applicants worldwide, based on total number of patent families, 2013–2015 51 A28. Distribution of technology fields for each top 10 applicant based on patent families, 2013–2015 52 A29. Top five university and PRO patent applicants worldwide for selected origins, based on patent families, 2013–2015 53 A30. Distribution of technology fields for selected universities and PROs based on patent families, 2013–2015 54

Published patent applications by field of technology 55 A31. Published patent applications worldwide by field of technology, 2006, 2011 and 2016 55 A32. Distribution of published patent applications by technology field for the top 10 origins, 2014–2016 56 A33. Trend in patent applications in energy-related technologies, 2002–2016 57 A34. Relative specialization for patent applications in energy-related technologies for the top origins, 2014–2016 58

35 Women’s participation in PCT international patenting 59 A35. PCT applications with women inventors, 2003–2017 59 A36. Share of PCT applications with women inventors for the top 20 origins, 2017 59 A37. Distribution of inventors listed in PCT applications for the top 20 origins, 2017 60

Patents A38. Share of PCT patent applications with women inventors by field of technology, 2017 60

Patent applications in relation to GDP and population 61 A39. Resident patent applications per USD 100 billion GDP for the top 20 origins, 2007 and 2017 61 A40. Resident patent applications per million population for the top 20 origins, 2007 and 2017 61

Patents in force 62 A41. Trend in patents in force worldwide, 2008–2017 62 A42. Patents in force at the top 20 offices, 2017 62 A43. Patents in force in 2017 as a percentage of total applications 63 A44. Average age of patents in force at selected offices, 2012 and 2017 63

Patent office procedural data 64 A45. Distribution of patent examination outcomes for selected offices, 2017 64 A46. Potentially pending applications at the top 20 offices, 2017 64 A47. Average pendency times for first office action and final decision at selected offices, 2017 65 A48. Average years of experience of patent examiners for selected offices, 2017 65

Patent applications filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System 66 A49. Trend in PCT applications, 2002–2017 66 A50. PCT applications by origin, 2017 66 A51. PCT applications for the top 20 origins, 2017 67

Patent prosecution highway (PPH) 68 A52. PPH requests by office of first filing and offices of later examination, 2017 68 A53. Flows of PPH requests between offices of first filing and offices of later examination, 2017 69

Utility model applications 70 A54. Trend in utility model applications worldwide, 2003–2017 70 A55. Utility model applications for the top 20 offices, 2017 70 A56. Utility model applications for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 71

Microorganisms 72 A57. Trend in microorganism deposits worldwide, 2003–2017 72 A58. Deposits at the top international depositary authorities, 2017 72

Statistical tables 73 A59. Patent applications by office and origin, 2017 73 A60. Patent grants by office and origin, and patents in force, 2017 78 A61. Patent office procedural data, 2017 82 A62. Utility model applications and grants by office and origin, 2017 84

36 A2. Resident and non-resident patent applications worldwide, 2003–2017 worldwide, applications patent non-resident and Resident A2. 2003–2017 worldwide, applications A1. patent in Trend Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: See t applicable). (where phase national definitions of resident andTreaty non-resident. Cooperation Patent the through offices entering applications and wi directly offices filed regional applications include totals These offices. 156 patent covering data using estimates WIPO are totals World Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: applicable). (where phase national Treaty ap and Cooperation offices Patent the regional through and offices national with directly filed applications include totals These offices. 156 patent covering to data World using section). description data the (see level world at rate 2017 growth accurate an l the to and toreport series data possible the in not is it break this China, to in Due fees. application necessary the received has office the which for applications d count 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications now China of office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data Note: Applications Applications Patent applications and grants worldwide RESIDENT APPLICATIONS 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 500,000 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 NON-RESIDENT 773. 904. 003. 823. 673. 343. 172. 29.0 29.1 31.7 32.9 33.4 35.5 36.7 38.1 38.2 39.8 40.0 40.0 39.0 38.2 37.7 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 . . . . . 2.9 4.6 5.2 8.2 6.1 2.8 GROWTH RATE(%) –3.8 Application year Application year ...... 8.3 7.7 4.5 8.8 9.2 8.1 7.6 NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) ata include only those those only include ata tals are WIPO estimates estimates WIPO are tals arge number of filings filings of number arge plications entering th national and th and national PATENT STATISTICS counts its he glossary forhe glossary 37

Patents Patents A4. Resident and non-resident patent grants worldwide, 2003–2017 worldwide, grants patent non-resident and Resident A4. 2003–2017 worldwide, grants patent in Trend A3. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: non-resident. and resident of (w definitions phase for national glossary the Treaty See Cooperation Patent the of basis the on offices by granted patents and offices regional and applic on based national with grants patent include totals These offices. 155 patent covering data using estimates WIPO are totals World Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: (w phase national Treaty Cooperation Patent the of basis the on offices by granted patents and offices regional and applic on based national with grants patent include totals These offices. 155 patent covering data using estimates WIPO are totals World Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 38 Grants

Grants GRANTS RESIDENT 1,200,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 600,000 900,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 GROWTH RATE(%) 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 NON-RESIDENT 214. 154. 004. 023. 923. 843. 903. 38.3 38.6 39.0 39.7 38.4 38.8 39.2 39.6 40.2 40.4 40.0 40.1 41.5 41.7 42.1 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 0509111. . . . 23951. . . . . 3.9 9.0 5.6 0.4 2.8 13.6 9.5 12.3 4.2 0.7 2.9 19.2 1.1 0.9 10.5 Grant year Grant year NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) here applicable). here applicable). ations filed directly ations filed directly A6. Patent applications by region, 2007 2017 and 2007 byregion, applications Patent A6. 2017 and 2007 group, byincome applications Patent A5. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: descri data the see classification, group income on information For group. for middle-income those lower while tothe group, allocated are low-income tothe allocated Organization are Organization Property Intellectual Re African the African and the for data Organization reasons, similar Property For countries. high-income are states member its of most ar data because group Office Patent high-income (19).the European low-income and (32) middle-income (47), lower middle-income upper (58), offices of number countries/economies following the includes category Each 156 offices. covering data using estimates WIPO are group byincome Totals there Although section). description data the data series, the average (see growth ratefees for 2007–2017application is because this reported change in method has a limited impact onnecessary the long-tthe received has office the which for applications d count 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications now China of office IP the which in way new to the due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data Note: Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: (4). Oceania and (2) America (31), North Caribbean the Af and offices: of America number Latin (45), Europe following the includes region Each 156 offices. covering data using estimates WIPO are region g long-term by geographic the on impact alimited has method in change this there because Although 2007–2017 reported is for rate section). growth average the description data the series, (see fees application necessary the received has office the which for applications d count 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications now China of office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data Note: Patent applications and grants by office Number of applications Resident share (%) Share of world total (%) total world of Share (%) share Resident applications of Number (%) total world of Share (%) share Resident applications of Number sa9250202506. 374. 518.3 65.1 49.7 83.7 69.6 2,062,500 932,500 Asia fia1,0 6001. 7608051.3 0.5 0.8 17.6 13.9 16,000 14,100 Africa cai 4703,0 331. . . 0.1 1.1 1.9 10.0 13.3 35,100 34,700 Oceania uoe393035706. 991. 120.5 11.2 −0.1 18.1 1.8 59.9 3.1 63.7 15.1 355,700 11.4 339,300 57,600 58,100 Caribbean the and America Latin Europe ot mrc 9,0 4,0 964. 642. 2.6 20.3 26.4 46.4 49.6 642,000 496,300 America North o-noe8401,0 658. . . 1.8 0.3 2.6 0.8 0.4 2.5 49.1 83.1 3.3 76.4 86.5 30.0 58.6 10,000 20.8 62.7 8,400 78,900 1,555,600 61,300 1,433,000 Low-income Lower middle-income High-income ol ,7,0 ,6,0 007. 0. 0. 5.4 100.0 100.0 71.0 60.0 3,168,900 1,875,000 World pe ideicm 7,0 ,2,0 548. 994. 15.1 48.1 19.9 85.8 55.4 1,524,400 372,300 Upper middle-income ol ,7,0 ,6,0 007. 0. 0. 5.4 100.0 100.0 71.0 60.0 3,168,900 1,875,000 World noegop20 0720 0720 072007–2017 2017 2007 2017 2007 2017 2007 Income group ein20 0720 0720 072007–2017 2017 2007 2017 2007 2017 2007 Region ata include only those those only include ata ata include only those those only include ata is a break in the the in abreak is is a break in the data data the in abreak is the Eurasian Patent Patent Eurasian the PATENT STATISTICS counts its counts its erm growth rate. rate. growth erm rowth rate. Totals Totals rate. rowth ption section. gional Intellectual rica (31), Asia (43), (43), (31), Asia rica e allocated to to e allocated : high-income growth (%) growth growth (%) growth Average Average Average Average 39

Patents Patents A8. Patent applications at the top 20 offices, 2017 offices, 20 top the at applications Patent A8. 1883–2017 offices, five top the for applications A7. patent in Trend Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: state. member EPO any within protection toseek EPO the via applicati apply may of volumes lower applicants receive states member EPO the of offices national general, In Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: offi five top The Office. 2017Patent totals. their on European the based is EPO fees. application necessary the received has office the which for applications d count 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications now China of office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 40 Applications Applications CHINA RESIDENT 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 China 1,381,594 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 . 161. 235. 946. 828. 91.3 88.4 38.2 67.9 29.4 52.8 22.3 18.3 51.6 9.8

U.S. 606,956


Republic of Korea 2017 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1883 Japan NON-RESIDENT 318,479 JAPAN 204,775

EPO 166,585

Office Germany REPUBLIC OFKOREA 67,712

Russian Federation NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%)

India 46,582 36,883

Canada 35,022

Australia 28,906 EPO Application year

Applications RESIDENT

Brazil 25,658 863. 22611. 768. 077. 4.4 75.6 10.7 85.3 97.6 11.3 6.1 92.2 39.7 78.6

Iran (Islamic Republic of) U.K. 22,072

Mexico NON-RESIDENT 17,184

China, Hong Kong SAR 16,259

France 16,247 Office 13,299 NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) Singapore those only include ata 10,930 counts its ces were selected selected were ces ons because

Italy 9,674 Indonesia 9,303

Turkey 8,555 A10. Patent applications at offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 countries, middle-income and low- selected of offices at applications A10. Patent 20 top the for growth total to applications non-resident and resident of Contribution A9. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: A59. table in presented are offices all for middle-income data lower available, Where (low-income, groups income and middle-income). regions world different from are offices selected th is The OAPI and Organization. Organization Patent Property Eurasian the is EAPO Organization, Property Intellectual Regional African the is ARIPO Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: p 2.9 remaining the reflected growth in non-resident whereas applications. increase, this of points 1.6 percentage for accounted applications applications example, For resident in by4.5%. Growth grew applications. non-resident and resident of contributions respective the by down broken decr office, or each at growth total shows figure This Office. Patent European the is br EPO rate. this to 2017Due growth accurate an section). toreport description data possible not the is (see fees application necessary the received has office the which for applications cou 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications its o office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data *indicates Note: available. not .. indicates Applications 2016–2017 offices, RESIDENT Contribution to growth CONTRIBUTION OFRESIDENTAPPLICATIONS Thailand China * 769. 358. 369. 207. 186.8 91.8 74.9 82.0 90.5 43.6 89.0 83.5 90.3 87.6 South Africa 7,865 .0200–. . 0334–130818–. . 134002–. 05–. 3524.9 –3.5 –1.5 –0.5 –5.6 0.2 4.0 –1.3 0.1 –8.4 1.8 0.8 –11.3 3.4 –0.3 4.5 –1.9 0.0 0.2 .. 7,544

U.S. –0.2 Malaysia 0.4 NON-RESIDENT

7,072 Republic of JapanKorea Viet Nam 0.0 0.0 5,382 –2.1 Ukraine 0.2 4,047

Office Philippines EPO 1.6 2.9 3,395 Germany NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) –1.0 EAPO 3,302 0.7 Russian Federation Colombia India 3.9 2,372 –0.5

Peru –9.7 1,219 CONTRIBUTION OFNON-RESIDENTAPPLICATIONS –1.6 Romania Canada –0.1 1,178 0.9 Australia –0.4 2.2 Office

Brazil 1.0

Applications –9.4 RESIDENT

U.K. –2.6 ARIPO Iran (Islamic Republic of) 777. 544. 647. 627. 3145.6 93.1 79.8 96.2 79.8 96.4 49.0 35.4 72.3 97.7 2.7 747 Pakistan Mexico 0.1 –1.4 Uzbekistan 698 NON-RESIDENT 2.1

553 China, Hong Kong SAR Sri Lanka 1.9 France 1.3 Costa Rica 543 –1.1 0.6 523 Office Singapore –6.2 OAPI TOTAL GROWTHRATE(%) 519 0.1 nt data include only those those only include data nt NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%)

Ecuador –0.6 eak in the data series, it it series, data the in eak f China now counts counts now f China 417


e African Intellectual Intellectual e African Italy ease in applications

Dominican Republic EPO the at filed ercentage points

Indonesia 0.6 and upper 302 12.1 –15.6

289 Turkey

Mongolia 28.4 –3.5 228 41

Patents Patents A12. Patent grants by income group, 2007 2017 2007 and group, byincome grants A12. Patent selected of offices for growth total to applications non-resident and resident of A11. Contribution Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: classificat group income on description section. information For group. middle-income lower tothe allocated low-income are tothe allocated are Organization Patent Eurasian Organization the for Property Intellectual African the and Organization f data Property reasons, similar For Intellectual Regional countries. high-income are states member its of most because group O Patent (19). high-income European tothe low-income allocated and (32) are middle-income lower (45), middle-income upper (59), countries/economies of number high-income following the includes category Each 155 offices. covering data using estimates WIPO are group byincome Totals Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: inc this of points remaining 4.3percentage points percentage came from0.3 growth in applications. non-resident for accounted applications resident in Growth 4.6%. by grew Africa applications. South in filed non-resident and applications resident of contributions respective the by down broken office, each sho at figure This applications in section. this of end decrease the at table statistical the in presented are offices middle-income lower available all for Data (low-income, groups income and middle-income). regions world different from are offices selected th is The OAPI and Organization. Organization Patent Property Eurasian the is EAPO Organization, Property Intellectual Regional African the is ARIPO Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 42 low- and middle-income countries, 2016–2017 countries, middle-income and low- Number of grants Resident share (%) Share of world total (%) total world of Share (%) share Resident grants of Number o-noe5107608. 6207054.1 0.5 0.7 86.2 87.2 7,600 5,100 Low-income oe ideicm 7302,0 551. . . −1.1 1.7 3.5 17.7 25.5 24,500 27,300 Lower middle-income ihicm 1,0 7,0 355. 926. 3.6 62.3 79.2 56.8 63.5 874,800 615,200 High-income pe ideicm 2,0 9,0 957. 663. 14.5 35.4 16.6 72.2 49.5 497,700 128,700 Upper middle-income ol 7,0 ,0,0 006. 0. 0. 6.1 100.0 100.0 61.7 60.0 1,404,600 776,300 World noegop20 0720 0720 072007–2017 2017 2007 2017 2007 2017 2007 Income group Contribution to growth CONTRIBUTION OFRESIDENTAPPLICATIONS Thailand –1.5 . . 2329–. 07–. . . 0872–69–. 5236261. 1. . 4.1 5.9 –12.2 11.5 2.6 3.6 –5.2 –0.4 –16.9 7.2 10.8 4.8 7.7 –2.3 –0.7 –1.2 2.9 –2.3 4.6 0.6 South Africa 2.1 0.3 4.3 Malaysia 0.8 –3.1 Viet Nam 0.6 2.3 Ukraine 1.2

Philippines –2.4 –0.1 –0.6


Peru . 2.4 2.4

Romania 8.7 2.1 Office ARIPO 0.0 7.2 Pakistan –1.3

Uzbekistan –15.6 0.7 –1.1 Sri Lanka –0.5

Costa Rica –4.7 2.0 1.6

OAPI –6.5 9.1 Ecuador TOTAL GROWTHRATE(%) –7.8 ws total growth or or growth total ws

Bangladesh 19.3 Dominican Republic group, while those those while group, rease, whereas the the whereas rease, –4.7 For example, example, For e African Intellectual Intellectual e African or the African ion, see the data data the see ion, –7.5 offices: offices: and upper ffice data 1.5 growth (%) growth 4.4 Mongolia Average Average 5.5 –1.4 A14. Trend in patent grants for the top five offices, 1883–2017 offices, five top the for grants A14. patent in Trend 2017 and 2007 byregion, grants A13. Patent Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: (5). Oceania and (2) America North (30), Caribbean the and America Latin (45), number Europe (43), Asia following the (30), includes region Each 155 offices. covering data using estimates WIPO are region bygeographic Totals Note: Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: their totals. 2017 on based selected were offices five top The Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: Number of grants Resident share (%) Share of world total (%) total world of Share (%) share Resident grants of Number fia4609403. 4106077.4 0.7 0.6 14.1 32.0 9,400 4,600 Africa sa452083106. 385. 726.8 57.2 53.5 73.8 69.1 803,100 415,200 Asia cai 4802,0 065419185.5 1.8 1.9 5.4 10.6 25,300 14,800 Oceania uoe193023606. 721. 453.2 2.0 14.5 1.4 19.2 2.1 57.2 62.6 8.3 203,600 6.1 149,300 20,300 16,600 Caribbean the and America Latin Europe ot mrc 7,0 4,0 634. 262. 6.9 24.4 22.6 44.7 46.3 342,900 175,800 America North ol 7,0 ,0,0 006. 0. 0. 6.1 100.0 100.0 2007–2017 61.7 2017 60.0 2007 Grants 1,404,600 2017 776,300 2007 2017 2007 World Region CHINA 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000

U.S. 8319 9011 9013 9015 9017 9019 0021 2017 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1883 JAPAN REPUBLIC OFKOREA EPO Grant year PATENT STATISTICS of offices: Africa Africa offices: of growth (%) growth Average Average 43

Patents Patents A16. Patent grants for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 countries, middle-income and low- selected of offices for grants A16. Patent 2017 offices, 20 top the for grants A15. Patent Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: A60. table in presented are offices all for middle-income data lower available, Where (low-income, groups income and middle-income). regions world different from are offices selected th is The OAPI and Organization. Organization Patent Property Eurasian the is EAPO Organization, Property Intellectual Regional African the is ARIPO Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: c year. be not same the should for year grants agiven for applications on data reason, this For dates. be grant also and can process application between examination lag The atime is delays. there procedural and capacity examination as such factors on numbers the in depend offices differences among and granted offices, between varies patents issuing for procedure The Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 44 Grants RESIDENT Grants RESIDENT

EAPO China 420,144 129. 27759. 858. 499. 2.7 99.1 94.9 85.7 98.5 93.6 7.5 52.7 97.1 81.2 3,282 225. 142. 203. 969. 2586.2 32.5 94.8 89.6 38.6 52.0 24.7 21.4 52.7 22.2

Thailand 318,829

3,080 U.S.

Ukraine Republic of Korea


Turkey 120,662 1,900

Viet Nam Russian Federation

EPO 105,645 1,745

Office Philippines Office 34,254 1,645

Colombia NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) Canada NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) 24,099 1,164

Australia Peru 22,742 510 Germany ARIPO 15,653 451 Romania

India 12,387 407


France OAPI 11,865

China, Hong Kong SAR 11.6 6.6 91.4 86.9 89.3 93.3 48.2 98.6 95.2 13.9 288. 986. 415. . 048. 32.3 87.8 10.4 3.8 53.3 94.1 69.1 29.8 82.0 62.8 384

Georgia Mexico 8,510 Uzbekistan 206 NON-RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT 6,671 205 Sri Lanka

U.K. 6,311 178 Singapore Pakistan 6,217

169 South Africa Office Office Mongolia 5,535 Kyrgyzstan 105 NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) Brazil ompared with data on on data with ompared 5,450 78 e African Intellectual Intellectual e African Bulgaria Malaysia

of patents of patents Iran (Islamic Republic of) and upper 5,063 77

Republic of Moldova lengthy, so


Italy 4,855 74 4,151 62 A18. Equivalent patent applications for the top 20 origins, 2017 origins, 20 top the for applications patent A18. Equivalent 2017 byorigin, applications A17. patent Equivalent Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: application equivalent of definition the for glossary the See states. member relevant the in of regional applications at filed tomultiple equivalent Applications applicant. named first the of residence bythe determined is application apatent applica of and origin The applications resident includes byorigin activity Patent br rate. this 2017 to Due growth accurate an section). toreport description possible data not is the it (see fees application necessary the received has office the which for applications cou 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications its o office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data *indicates Note: available. not .. indicates 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: application. equivalent of definition applicati the for multiple to glossary the equivalent See states. considered member are offices regional at filed Applications applicant. named appli patent first of a the of origin The residence abroad. the filed applications and applications resident includes origin by activity filing Patent Note: Patent applications and grants by origin

Applications NO DATA 1–99 100–999 1,000–9,999 10,000–99,999 100,000–1,500,000 RESIDENT

China * 1,306,019 .0609–. 05–. . 55–. 0.7 –3.7 –5.5 1.6 –0.7 –0.5 –3.1 0.9 0.6 ..

U.S. 524,835

Republic of Korea Japan ABROAD 460,660 226,568

Germany 176,235 Origin France 70,939

U.K. 53,746 Switzerland GROWTH RATE(%) 44,424 Netherlands 37,606

Italy 31,346

Applications RESIDENT Russian Federation

India 27,985 . 1. 29–. . . 0561960.5 9.6 6.1 –0.5 2.6 2.7 –0.3 –2.9 –12.7 8.3 27,782

Canada ABROAD 23,914

Sweden Iran (Islamic Republic of) 23,395

Israel 15,513 Origin 15,475 nt data include only those those only include data nt tions filed abroad. abroad. filed tions Austria by determined is cation . fices are considered considered are fices eak in the data series, series, data the in eak 13,785 ons in the relevant relevant the in ons f China now counts counts now f China PATENT STATISTICS

Belgium GROWTH RATE(%) 13,737

Denmark 12,861

Finland 12,624 45

Patents Patents A19. Patent applications for the top 20 offices and origins, 2017 origins, and offices 20 top the for A19. applications Patent WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 46 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: origin. of bycountry down broken 2017 data, and available the on offices based 20 top The selected counts. equivalent not counts, absolute on based are data Origin Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: aa 29 6,9 ,7 5031431693 8 86,113 586 34 1,689 1,453 15,043 1,274 260,290 92 42 Japan aa ,2 ,1 ,5 0981342,5 4 ,7 ,9 2,407 4,490 7,279 248 21,755 1,344 40,908 1,854 1,717 1,622 Japan utai ,0 5 5 7 5 4 22283 252 22 6 842 156 675 459 156 2,503 Australia uti 9 0 4 2 12256962230 232 906 6 2,225 51 828 240 200 198 Austria uti 31 7 0 6 7 984 2,584 3,773 44 130 8 1 59 151 176 69 262 188 103 110 378 431 15 6 23 5 Austria Australia oa 62996438491,8 0,7 6831,3 ,5 202606,956 22,072 8,555 10,930 36,883 204,775 17,184 318,479 9,674 16,259 Total 9,303 46,582 67,712 16,247 166,585 13,299 1,381,594 35,022 25,658 28,906 Total Origin Origin emn 1 2 ,3 ,0 ,1 ,3 8 65330,783 513 46 483 1,536 4,012 1,106 6,230 320 119 Germany aaa92512533198 8 13,301 183 2 88 119 333 225 551 2 9 50 Canada 292 95 9 1,514 211 984 4,053 181 546 Canada ni 3125129 39 57 9,222 73 15 29,674 90 1,078 53 30 96 508 102 917 225 3,015 281 1 4,172 13 35 107 Iran (Islamic India China 492 2,582 646 109 8,627 1,128 1,245,709 921 676 1,067 China sal2521326101147 8,389 72 4 111 130 256 123 582 2 Israel emn ,3 ,1 ,8 432602,6 5 775278396 2,708 47,785 452 25,560 690 14,342 2,083 1,910 1,332 Germany tl 8863832749489 45,355 54 6 95 418 479 287 873 8,643 58 Italy Republic of) wdn1 28925588 5 5,046 154 3 38,965 1,757 80 8,209 2,375 1,027 588 2,467 235 2,226 4,468 899 143 32 219 13 Others/Unknown Sweden 2,676 1,619 1,454 326 12,386 2,007 7,630 2,080 6,886 2,227 Others/Unknown tl 3 0 1 ,9 7 ,6 0135787 567 317 133 13 80 2 4,363 1,389 179 162 1,695 884 511 455 601 170 331 447 Italy Israel ni 7 3 6 7 46752 49186 14,961 28 5 677 44 277 166 137 179 Iran (Islamic India wteln 4 ,2 9 ,5 1 3 0325,549 362 10 439 813 1,159 897 2,525 141 Switzerland egu 62 5 7 0 3 0 7 2,577 174 100 131 307 178 551 21 16 71 Belgium 280 70 102 2,157 89 708 344 268 298 Belgium ehrad 79231319685102105,343 160 35,565 2 122 12,584 23 160 168 205 815 2 319 916 310 159,084 371 245 887 2,301 4,735 1,746 9 1 585 37 58 2,957 54 Republic of Korea Netherlands 125 France wteln ,7 ,6 ,2 ,3 7 ,8 192126371 1,286 922 81 7,285 876 3,431 1,225 1,066 1,076 Switzerland iln 2 126874 2 2,872 124 41 887 286 71 425 4 9 Finland Federation Russian 1,011 464 29 3,784 193 1,842 402 458 427 Sweden iln 8 3 5 7 3 ,2 04 1 80 219 235 45 1,250 237 10 14,415 1,828 10,625 135 355 877 4,926 1,612 254 1,355 130 808 180 France Finland eulco oe 9 3 9 310196451 ,7 ,7 386 1,670 1,171 17 6,455 179 13,180 294 233 490 Republic of Korea Republic of) ehrad 1 5 9 ,6 1 ,3 618135274 1,385 128 26 7,033 212 3,267 494 854 512 Netherlands Federation Russian ..3 418939106403251,0 14,057 13,301 293,904 5 3,009 149 392 3,544 430 3,925 1,026 13,442 379 8,370 23,949 1,829 114 34 86 37 U.S. U.K. 1,069 1,579 210 10,309 42 6,084 278 5,331 42,542 536 4,740 2,296 36,980 1,139 16,363 657 7,949 13,388 1,241 U.S. U.K. Republic of) utai rzlCnd China Canada Brazil Australia (Islamic 15,264 41175 1111 Iran 35 0141 0 780 17 3 201 12 154 70 53 33 95171 92,7 0271,125 7 2 10 22,777 69 15 107 5 19 116133 1131 tl aa Mexico Japan Italy Hong Kong Republic of Korea of China, SAR Office Office Federation European European Russian Patent Patent Office igpr ukyUK U.S. U.K. Turkey Singapore rneGrayIdaIndonesia India Germany France origins are A20. Flows of non-resident patent applications between the top five origins origins five top the between applications patent non-resident of Flows A20. Germany Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: Origin and the top 10 offices, 2017 10 offices, top the and Note: EPO is the European Patent Office. Origin data are based on absolute counts, not equivalent counts. equivalent not counts, absolute on based are data Origin Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: Republic of Korea origins Japan China Other U.S.

PATENT STATISTICS Federation Russian Germany Australia Canada India of Korea Republic Japan China EPO U.S. Office 47

Patents Patents A22. Equivalent patent grants for the top 20 origins, 2017 origins, 20 top the for grants patent Equivalent A22. 2017 origins, selected and 15 offices top the for applications patent of Distribution A21. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: grant. equivalent of definition the for glossary the See Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: counts. equivalent not counts, absolute on based are data Origin Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 48 Share of applications (%)


China 20 40 60 0 352,546 . 113192–. 0107542410.3 2.4 5.4 0.7 –0.1 –0.8 9.2 3.1 –1.1 9.3 Australia Japan 285,913 FRANCE

Republic of Korea ABROAD U.S. 285,507 Brazil 131,571

Germany GERMANY Canada 98,863 Origin France

47,531 China Switzerland 26,088 JAPAN Russian Federation


U.K. 25,101

France 24,806 Netherlands REPUBLIC OFKOREA

23,231 Germany

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Office India

Grants RESIDENT 19,648

Italy –2.3 –1.6 3.4 12.0 –1.9 5.0 6.3 –1.9 4.7 –3.8 U.S.


15,498 Japan

Canada ABROAD 13,838 Mexico Austria Republic of Korea 8,797

Finland Russian Federation 8,386 Origin Belgium 7,970

India 7,496

Denmark GROWTH RATE(%) U.K. 6,440

Spain 6,161 U.S. Australia 5,988 A24. Distribution of patent families by number of offices for the top 20 origins, 2013–2015 origins, 20 top the for offices of bynumber families patent of Distribution A24. 2001–2015 worldwide, families patent in Trend A23. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: applications. model utility with associated families patent only exclude and include here inventions for families Patent applications division. patent or addition and priority internal continuation-in-part, continuation, Coop entry, Patent phase claim, priority following: the of more or one by interlinked applications patent as defined is family Apatent Note: 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: applications model utility with associated families patent exclude and inventions for applications patent with associated those prio following: the Cooperationof Treatymore or nationalone phase by entry, continuation, continuati interlinked applications patent as defined families, topatent ta once. To than related more indicators has recorded are WIPO inventions some so jurisdictions, multiple in applications patent file often Applicants Note: Distribution of Patent families Patent families 1 OFFICE PATENT FAMILIES Russian Federation number of offices 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 800,000 100 25 50 75 0 ...... 2.7 3.5 2.9 3.1 3.2 2.1 2.8 2.9 2.3 2.7 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.4 2.7 2.5 2 OFFICES China 0120 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 ...... 3.0 2.3 2.0 4.8 4.1 3.6 0.2 1.6


Brazil 3 OFFICES


Republic ofOthers Korea 4 OFFICES

Japan on-in-part, internalon-in-part, and priority addition or division. Patent



MORE THAN5OFFICES Israel –1.8 Germany

Australia 9.7 4.1 11.5 12.0 9.7 7.0



those associated with with associated those Italy Netherlands families here include only eration Treaty national national Treaty eration rity claim, Patent ke this into account, account, into ke this . PATENT STATISTICS


Sweden 49

Patents Patents A26. Foreign-oriented patent families for the top 20 origins, 2013–2014 origins, 20 top the for families patent Foreign-oriented A26. TrendA25. in foreign-oriented patent families worldwide, 2000–2014 Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: family. patent aforeign-oriented form applic will and USPTO the with application that subsequently Canada, of office patent the with filing previously without (USPTO) dire Office Trademark application and Patent patent a files States applicant Canadian if a example, For office. foreign a one with only directly include tofile families choose may patent applicants foreign-oriented Some origin. of country applicant’s the of h office the that from families differs patent that only office includes this families: patent foreign-oriented comprises families patent of subset Aspecial Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 50 Foreign oriented families Foreign-oriented FOREIGN-ORIENTED PATENTFAMILIES patent families

U.S. 154,216 122. 763. . 993. 644. 46.5 47.2 46.4 32.0 39.9 2.7 36.1 17.6 23.3 31.2 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000

Republic of Korea Japan 144,512 58,537 0020 0220 0420 0620 0820 0021 0221 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 11.3 Germany 57,007 –0.9 China 35,084 Origin France FOREIGN-ORIENTED SHARE(%) 23,365 . . . . . 0.3 0.9 4.9 8.0 5.8 3.7

U.K. 14,610

Canada 13,113 GROWTH RATE(%) Switzerland 12,128 Netherlands 11,852 Application year

Foreign oriented families 904. 814. 564. 783. 7149.1 47.1 32.1 37.8 46.7 45.6 45.5 48.1 46.2 39.0 Italy 9,312 18–1.1 –1.8 Sweden 9,099

Israel 7,328

Finland 4,755 . . . 2.6 3.7 6.2 7.6

Austria 4,572

Origin Singapore FOREIGN-ORIENTED SHARE(%) 4,485

Australia ave at least one filing filing one least at ave filing office,because ctly with the United 3,985 ations filed India 3,967

Denmark 3,714 –0.5 Belgium 3,711 A27. Top 50 patent applicants worldwide, based on total number of patent families, 2013–2015 families, patent of number total on based worldwide, applicants A27. Top patent 50 Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: applications. model utility with associated families patent only exclude and include here inventions for families Patent applications division. patent or addition and priority internal continuation-in-part, continuation, Coop entry, Patent phase claim, priority following: the of more or one by interlinked applications patent as defined is family Apatent Note: SNHAUIEST hn ,8 ,3 ,4 5,363 1,748 1,831 1,784 China TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY 14,840 5,109 4,905 4,826 Japan KAISHA KABUSHIKI TOYOTA JIDOSHA OHB K aa ,4 ,1 ,1 14,567 4,214 4,813 5,540 Japan KK. TOSHIBA HJAGUIEST hn ,8 ,6 ,5 8,108 2,754 2,665 2,689 China ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY T OPRTO hn ,3 ,2 ,0 9,264 3,609 3,424 2,231 China CORPORATION ZTE plcn rgn21 042015 2014 2013 Origin Applicant UNDN POMBL EEOMCia83953445,232 5,998 3,454 2,081 915 1,868 863 2,049 China U.S. GUANGDONG OPPO MOBILE TELECOMM GEN ELECTRIC HNHIJA OGUIEST hn ,7 ,3 ,5 5,058 1,753 1,632 1,673 China SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 12,049 24,006 4,278 7,856 4,050 8,316 3,721 7,834 China Japan CHINA PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL CORPORATION CANON INC. OTES NVRIYCia1832192026,074 2,092 6,984 2,109 2,096 1,873 6,622 2,520 China 2,282 2,368 2,488 Japan 1,852 SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY Germany KG. &CO., GMBH TECHNOLOGIES SCHAEFFLER SONY CORP. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NE OP ..1741702035,627 2,093 1,740 1,794 U.S. INTEL CORP. IMN G emn ,1 ,7 ,0 7,597 9,077 2,009 8,571 7,985 2,853 2,872 2,705 3,168 2,672 2,716 2,894 3,056 2,563 Germany 2,972 Japan 2,750 U.S. Korea of Republic AG. SIEMENS LTD. CO., DISPLAY SAMSUNG QUALCOMM INCORPORATED SHARP CORP. EJN IOITCNLG O hn 3 ,8 ,3 5,160 5,208 5,180 3,137 1,878 1,802 1,386 1,764 637 1,738 1,566 1,640 China U.S. Korea of Republic BEIJING XIAOMI TECHNOLOGY CO. TELECOMM ELECTRONICS KOREA CO. DEVELOPMENT PACKARD HEWLETT 11,741 3,921 4,078 3,742 Japan SEIKO EPSON CORP. AKOC.Jpn1841822065,782 2,086 1,822 1,874 Japan SANKYO CO. 21,635 21,836 5,269 6,586 9,491 7,608 6,875 7,642 China Korea of Republic CHINA OF CORPORATION STATE GRID LTD. CO., ELECTRONICS SAMSUNG EOO(EJN)C. T.Cia1792362096,144 6,082 6,851 6,255 2,029 2,190 7,468 6,313 2,503 1,882 6,932 2,316 2,022 2,391 2,692 2,136 2,179 7,274 2,583 1,799 1,870 2,487 2,069 2,212 2,194 3,008 2,320 China Korea of Republic 2,590 1,552 Japan Japan 2,230 2,029 Japan China 2,036 Korea of Republic LTD. CO., LG DISPLAY China LTD. CO., (BEIJING) LENOVO LTD. CO., PRINTING DAINIPPON LTD. CO., GROUP TECHNOLOGY BOE 15,277 KONICA CORP. LTD. LG CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY OF INSTITUTE HARBIN 4,767 HITACHI LTD. 5,095 5,415 Japan MACHINES CORPORATION MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP. E OP aa ,2 ,7 ,1 6,308 2,015 2,073 7,556 2,220 2,082 Japan 2,528 2,946 Japan NEC CORP. LTD. CO., MOTOR HONDA YCR OUETSLTOSIC aa ,5 ,9 ,2 5,575 2,023 1,899 1,653 Japan INC. SOLUTIONS DOCUMENT KYOCERA YNA OO O,LD eulco oe ,4 ,3 ,3 9,209 3,430 3,136 2,643 Korea of Republic LTD. CO., MOTOR HYUNDAI UIIMCR.Jpn1971931725,642 5,852 1,752 1,851 1,953 5,900 1,967 1,937 1,899 2,034 Japan 1,843 Germany 2,158 Japan 11,745 FUJIFILM CORP. DAIMLER AG. 3,540 NIPPON TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE 12,598 14,561 3,653 4,008 14,605 5,244 4,552 4,156 4,469 4,988 Japan 4,434 4,753 4,329 Germany 5,383 Korea of Republic China LTD. CO., RICOH GMBH BOSCH ROBERT INC. LG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES ODGOA EHLC ..1612012045,746 2,094 2,041 1,611 U.S. 10,008 10,176 3,309 3,373 11,511 FORD GLOBAL TECH LLC. 3,359 3,283 4,733 3,340 3,520 4,754 Japan Japan 2,024 Japan CORP. DENSO LTD. FUJITSU CORP. MAN IP PANASONIC ..46144758414,972 5,874 4,487 4,611 U.S. those associated with with associated those eration Treaty national national Treaty eration PATENT STATISTICS Total number of patent families 2013–2015 51

Patents Patents A28. Distribution of technology fields for each top 10 applicant based on patent families, 2013–2015 families, patent on based applicant 10 top each for fields technology of Distribution A28. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 52 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: corr 35 into symbols IPC of technology.convert to used For anwas electronic version oftable the IPC technology concordance table, visit concordance technology (IPC) Classification Patent International WIPO’s Note: Basic communicationprocesses IT methodsformanagement Surface technology, coating Textile andpapermachines Macromolecular chemistry, Environmental technology Basic materialschemistry Engines, pumps,turbines A Other specialmachines Thermal processesand Field oftechnology Other consumergoods 2UJDQLF¿QHFKHPLVWU\ udio-visual technology Digital communication Chemical engineering Computer technology Mechanical elements Analysis ofbiological Materials, metallurgy Telecommunications Electrical machinery, Micro-structural and Medical technology apparatus, energy Furniture, games Civil engineering Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors nanotechnology Food chemistry Biotechnology Machine tools Measurement apparatus Transport polymers materials Handling Control Optics 6610.5 16.6 27.5 26.1 14.7 . . . . 0.3 3.8 0.9 0.1 . . . . 0.1 0.8 3.3 1.4 0.8 0.0 0.3 4.5 3.0 0.2 3.0 1.3 3.0 4.6 2.9 2.1 7.1 6.6 Canon Inc 15.9 11.9 ...... 0.9 2.1 3.0 1.6 0.1 0.9 3.2 0.5 3.4 Samsung Electronics 1220.7 31.2 21.3 . 6.6 7.6 . 7.5 0.3 4.0 4.1 State Grid Corp Of China 12.0 . . . . . 1.4 5.6 1.1 3.9 2.6 6.6 Mitsubishi Electric Corp 51.7 14.9 11.3 1.0 IBM Applicant 24.9 14.9 24.1 . 0.6 3.4 1.6 0.5 Toyota Jidosha KK 10.4 071. 10.0 15.3 20.7 54.8 . . 1.4 1.2 0.0 . . 1.3 4.3 0.1 2.6 . Huawei Technologies 12.2 15.4 3.3 4.2 Toshiba KK 16.5 34.4 esponding fields 4.7 . 2.3 3.0 LG Electronics Inc 15.2 17.8 16.2 10.4 0.9 2.1 3.0 Robert Bosch Gmbh A29. Top five university and PRO patent applicants worldwide for selected origins, based on patent patent on based origins, selected for worldwide applicants patent PRO and Topuniversity five A29. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: utility with associated families patent exclude and inventions for applications patent di or with addition and associated those priority only include internal here continuation-in-part, continuation, entry, phase national Treaty th of more Cooperation or one by , interlinked applications patent as defined is family Apatent organization. research public means PRO Note: families, 2013–2015 families, Japan NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ADVANCED OF INSTITUTE NATIONAL Japan rgnApiat21 042015 2014 2013 Applicant Origin hn HJAGUIEST ,8 ,6 ,5 8,108 2,754 2,665 2,689 ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY China Germany FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FÖRDERUNG ZUR FÖRDERUNG FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT Germany eulco oe OE LCRNC EEOM1601781825,180 1,802 1,738 1,640 TELECOMM ELECTRONICS KOREA Korea of Republic rneCOMMISSARIAT À L’ÉNERGIE ATOMIQUE France ..UIEST FCLFRI 3 8 3 2,166 739 688 739 OF UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA U.S. YONSEI UNIVERSITY INDUSTRY ACADEMIC ACADEMIC INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY YONSEI H ON OISUIEST 3 8 6 781 787 261 258 287 269 233 260 THE JOHNS HOPINS UNIVERSITY THE SYSTEM OF UNIVERSITY TEXAS OY NVRIY272323783 233 253 297 TOKYO UNIVERSITY OOUUIEST 5 6 8 505 181 165 159 TOHOKU UNIVERSITY SNHAUIEST ,8 ,3 ,4 5,363 1,748 1,831 1,784 TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY EHICEUIESTTDEDN7 17 238 76 91 71 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN AGRONOMIQUE (INRA) COOPERATION FOUNDATION CENTRE NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE LA INDUSTRY FOUNDATION SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE RECHERCHE LA DE NATIONAL INSTITUT F NRISNUELS111910500 170 169 161 NOUVELLES ÉNERGIES IFP INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTÉ ET DE DE ET SANTÉ LA DE NATIONAL INSTITUT OTES NVRIY1832192026,074 2,092 2,109 1,873 SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY ASCUET NTTT FTCNLG 9 4 5 1,082 351 341 390 TECHNOLOGY OF INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) HNHIJA OGUIEST ,7 ,3 ,5 5,058 1,753 1,632 1,673 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY OE LCRNC EHOOY6266571,825 557 636 632 KOREA ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY OF INSTITUTE ADVANCED KOREA YT NVRIY111516452 146 165 141 KYOTO UNIVERSITY ET AUX ÉNERGIES ALTERNATIVES ÉNERGIES AUX ET ABNISIUEO EHOOY2062203087,274 3,008 2,230 2,036 TECHNOLOGY OF INSTITUTE HARBIN OTWSENUIEST 3 4 9 774 290 245 239 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ALA EHIA EERHISIUE131319505 107 149 28 173 37 183 42 RAILWAY TECHNICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. LA RECHERCHELA MÉDICALE (INSERM) ALRH NTTTFRTCNLGE5 04 146 46 50 50 TECHNOLOGIE FÜR INSTITUT KARLSRUHE LUFT- FÜR ZENTRUM DEUTSCHES UND RAUMFAHRT E.V. RAUMFAHRT UND 8 8 7 2,046 675 682 689 6 3 7 1,274 373 436 465 8 1 8 1,782 584 714 484 5 0 4 1,507 443 509 555 3 7 5 567 158 174 235 8 4 0 1,626 601 543 482 5 5 9 501 192 150 159 4 6 1 2,317 810 765 742 5 8 7 512 172 183 157 43 479 24 31 24 vision. Patent families model applications. PATENT STATISTICS e following: priority priority e following: Total number of patent families 2013–2015 53

Patents Patents A30. Distribution of technology fields for selected universities and PROs based on patent families, 2013–2015 families, patent on based PROs and universities selected for fields technology of Distribution A30. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 54 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: (AIST). Technology and Science Tech Industrial of Advanced of Institute Institute National Massachusetts (KAIST); Technology and Science of Institute De Advanced Korea E.V.(CEA); (DLR); alternatives Raumfahrt und Luft- énergies für aux et atomique l’énergie à Commissariat Le (CNRS); scientifique model recherche utility la de with national associated Centre families patent exclude and inventions for applications di or patent with addition and associated priority those only internal include continuation-in-part, continuation, entry, phase national Treaty th of more Cooperation or one by Patent claim, interlinked applications patent as defined is family Apatent organization. research public means PRO Note: Basic communicationprocesses IT methodsformanagement Surface technology, coating Textile andpapermachines Macromolecular chemistry, Environmental technology Basic materialschemistry Engines, pumps,turbines Field oftechnology A Other specialmachines Thermal processesand Other consumergoods 2UJDQLF¿QHFKHPLVWU\ udio-visual technology Digital communication Chemical engineering Computer technology Mechanical elements Analysis ofbiological Materials, metallurgy Electrical machinery, Telecommunications Micro-structural and Medical technology apparatus, energy Furniture, games Civil engineering Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors nanotechnology Food chemistry Biotechnology Machine tools Measurement apparatus Transport polymers materials Handling Control Optics 10.5 391. 261. 331. 1910.4 11.9 14.1 13.3 10.6 12.6 16.5 13.9 . 0.8 0.5 0.6 . . 0.9 1.1 5.2 Zhejiang University 0113.0 10.1 . . 2.5 7.3 8.4 Harbin Institute of Technology 17.7 CEA . . . 7.8 6.7 6.4 5.1 . . 1.2 5.5 4.7 9.9 9.8 CNRS 9.5 . . . . . 1.6 0.0 7.7 2.2 8.3 0.0 0.0 1.5 3.1 Fraunhofer Ges Forschung 11.9 . . 4.8 3.0 1.5 DLR Applicant 12.9 AIST 12.4 11.9 . . . . 5.6 4.1 6.4 3.2 2.9 Tokyo University 0916.1 20.9 31.4 11.7 . 4.7 0.1 Korea Electronics Telecomm vision. Patent families . . 1.7 0.7 7.8 . . 2.5 1.0 4.8 applications. Le Le applications. KAIST e following: priority priority e following: utsches Zentrum nology and (MIT) 7013.2 17.0 6010.0 16.0 11.6 . 5.2 5.0 University of California 8.5 MIT A31. Published patent applications worldwide by field of technology, 2006, 2011 and 20162011 and 2006, technology, of byfield worldwide applications patent A31. Published Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: elect an For of technology. the IPC technology fields concordance table, visit corresponding 35 into symbols IPC toconvert used was table concordance technology IPC WIPO’s Note: Data refer to published patent applications. There is a m Published patent applications by field of technology of byfield applications patent Published oa ,6,3 ,9,8 ,4,6 0. 4.8 100.0 2,648,466 1,794,489 1,662,530 Total engineering engineering hmsr rai ieceity5,8 3026,7 . 1.5 2.3 61,976 53,052 53,588 chemistry fine Organic Chemistry ntuet pis7,6 1846,5 . −1.1 2.6 67,958 61,824 76,064 Optics Instruments te ilsFriue ae 3774,8 914264.7 2.6 69,174 42,788 43,727 Furniture, games Other fields Mechanical Electrical Electrical il ftcnlg 0621 2016 2011 2006 Field of technology eeomnctos6,8 0385,9 . −2.4 2.0 53,299 50,398 67,685 Telecommunications rnpr 3626,2 1,9 . 5.9 4.2 112,496 66,623 63,652 Transport Thermal processes and appara etl n ae ahns3,9 0884,3 . 0.7 1.5 40,032 30,888 37,199 machines paper and Textile nlsso ilgclmtras1,5 1921,4 . 3.7 0.6 15,641 11,962 10,853 Analysis of biological materials ui-iultcnlg 6477,2 85130−2.0 3.0 78,581 74,629 96,447 Audio-visual technology optrtcnlg 1,2 3,2 9,0 . 5.2 7.5 198,402 133,326 119,823 Computer technology oto 6792,4 615217.7 2.1 56,135 28,443 26,799 Control ii niern 2355,1 590366.3 3.6 95,980 58,819 52,325 Civil engineering hmclegneig3,2 8896,7 . 7.1 2.4 64,172 38,899 32,420 Chemical engineering Tmtosfrmngmn 9592,0 437178.5 1.7 44,387 23,808 19,549 management for methods IT eiodcos7,1 9868,1 . 0.8 3.1 82,711 79,856 76,413 Semiconductors esrmn 2937,0 2,3 . 7.5 4.9 129,439 78,209 62,923 Measurement te osmrgos3,7 3935,2 . 4.7 2.0 51,823 33,963 4.3 32,673 1.7 43,933 Other consumer goods 33,711 28,960 technology,Surface coating eia ehooy6,1 0151870455.7 4.5 118,710 80,165 68,315 Medical technology aeil,mtlug 8663,4 657258.8 2.5 66,557 39,541 28,616 Materials, metallurgy armlclrceity oyes2,3 8904,3 . 5.8 1.8 47,138 28,990 26,935 Macromolecular chemistry, polymers ir-tutrladnn-ehooy223355463027.4 0.2 4,623 3,575 2,263 Micro-structural and nano-technology te pca ahns4,2 2259,7 . 8.0 3.6 95,873 52,295 44,427 machines special Other hraetcl 1267,0 0,0 . 4.1 4.0 106,704 71,804 71,236 Pharmaceuticals iia omncto 9358,3 3,5 . 8.5 −1.1 5.1 0.6 133,955 15,810 81,630 15,742 59,385 17,640 Basic communication processes Digital communication itcnlg 3544,3 549215.2 2.1 55,479 42,136 33,554 Biotechnology odceity1,6 0706,8 . 12.5 8.1 2.4 3.1 64,389 80,780 30,720 46,226 19,765 36,962 chemistry Basic materials chemistry Food ehncleeet 1964,4 213275.6 2.7 72,173 47,243 41,906 Mechanical elements ahn ol 6354,0 904308.1 3.0 8.5 79,064 1.8 46,706 46,997 36,365 26,761 20,766 Machine tools Environmental technology lcrclmciey paau,eeg 84613741550706.5 7.0 185,560 123,754 98,406 Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy adig4,0 5017,7 . 5.8 2.8 74,271 45,081 42,300 Handling nie,pms ubns3,8 9056,4 . 5.1 2.5 65,442 49,025 39,689 Engines, pumps, turbines nnw 8063,3 49009−6.3 0.9 24,970 31,538 48,096 Unknown u 4843,5 382175.9 1.7 43,832 30,359 24,804 tus inimum delay of 18 months the between application date and the p . Share of total (%) total PATENT STATISTICS ublication date. ronic version of of version ronic growth (%) growth 2006–2016 Average Average 55

Patents Patents A32. Distribution of published patent applications by technology field for the top 10 origins, origins, 10 top the for field bytechnology applications patent published of Distribution A32. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 56 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: published applications. an For of technology. version fields of the IPC technology concordance table, visit corresponding 35 into symbols IPC toconvert used was table concordance technology IPC WIPO’s date. Note: Data refer to published patent applications. There is a m 2014–2016 Basic communicationprocesses IT methodsformanagement Surface technology, coating Textile andpapermachines Macromolecular chemistry, Environmental technology Basic materialschemistry Engines, pumps,turbines Field oftechnology A Other specialmachines Thermal processesand Other consumergoods 2UJDQLF¿QHFKHPLVWU\ udio-visual technology Digital communication Chemical engineering Computer technology Mechanical elements Analysis ofbiological Materials, metallurgy Electrical machinery, Telecommunications Micro-structural and Medical technology apparatus, energy Furniture, games Civil engineering Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors nanotechnology Food chemistry Biotechnology Machine tools Measurement apparatus Transport polymers materials Handling Control Optics 1.8 6.1 3.1 1.5 1.6 . 3.0 2.2 9.1 6.3 12.7 . 7.3 6.7 . . . . 3.5 1.4 1.6 3.0 2.1 ...... 4.1 2.8 1.7 1.4 0.9 3.6 1.7 ...... 2.6 2.5 3.6 3.6 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.9 1.6 2.8 1.9 3.3 3.2 1.5 3.5 2.6 3.2 2.0 3.3 2.3 1.3 4.5 2.7 2.9 2.1 2.0 0.8 1.5 2.0 3.4 2.0 0.5 3.1 1.6 2.4 1.7 2.1 1.1 0.8 3.0 3.9 1.1 4.4 4.7 3.2 . . . 2.0 3.1 2.0 2.4 . . . . . 3.2 3.3 3.9 2.3 3.2 4.0 China . . 3.4 4.3 3.9 8.3 4.6 5.6 U.S. 079291635.9 6.3 9.1 9.2 10.7 . 3.1 3.4 . 6.7 6.4 6.0 . 5.6 5.0 2.9 . . . 4.2 2.5 1.9 1.2 . . . 015.0 10.1 9.8 5.2 5.6 inimum delay of 18 months the between application date and the p Japan ...... 3.9 0.8 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.7 3.4 6.3 Republic of . The top 10 origins were selected based on their 2014–2016 total 2014–2016 total their on based selected were 10 top origins . The Korea 4.8 3.1 1.6 . 4.9 6.3 7.2 Germany Origin 4.2 . 6.3 5.6 5.7 4.9 . . . . 1.6 3.3 2.0 3.2 3.9 France . . . 10.8 6.3 7.1 6.4 4.6 . 11.5 6.6 5.0 U.K. . 2.6 2.6 . 3.6 4.3 7.8 5.9 5.8 2.0 . . 2.4 4.2 1.7 Switzerland ublication 15.3 . 3.7 1.6 . 3.6 1.8 . 3.5 4.2 . 2.9 0.9 5.4 4.8 6.3 Russian electronic Federation 6.1 7.6 4.9 3.2 4.7 0.9 4.1 Netherlands A33. Trend in patent applications in in applications patent in Trend A33. Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: area these in publishedapplications patent applications. patent of majority vast the capture to likely are definitions paten IPC-based all the so, Even capture to field. difficult technology therefore is It correspondence). one-to-one no is (there betw clear always not is fields correspondence The A. technology and annex see – energy wind and solar geothermal, cells, fuel – technologies the of definitions For Note: Applications SOLAR ENERGY 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 0220 0420 0620 0820 0021 0221 0421 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 FUEL CELLTECHNOLOGY energy-related technologies, 2002–2016 WIND ENERGYTECHNOLOGY Publication year GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ts in a specific aspecific in ts s. Data refer to to refer Data s. PATENT STATISTICS een IPC symbols symbols IPC een 57

Patents Patents A34. Relative specialization for patent applicati Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and EPO PATSTAT database, September 2018. September PATSTAT EPO and database, Database Statistics WIPO Sources: area these in publishedapplications patent applications. patent of majority vast the capture to likely are definitions paten IPC-based all the so, Even capture to field. difficult technology therefore is It correspondence). one-to-one no is (there betw clear always not is fields correspondence The A. technology and annex see – energy wind and solar geothermal, cells, fuel – technologies the of definitions For Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 58 1–. 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 1–. 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 origins, 2014–2016 origins, –0.489 –0.452 –0.376 –0.374 Republic ofKorea Republic ofKorea –0.276 –0.263 –0.233 –0.225 –0.191 –0.140 Netherlands Switzerland Singapore –0.078 –0.074 Fuel celltechnology Germany Australia –0.033 –0.029 Canada –0.020 –0.015 Finland –0.008 France –0.005 Japan China Solar energy U.K. U.S. Italy Italy China Israel Austria Australia Israel Spain U.S. Switzerland 0.002 U.K. Japan France Canada Netherlands Germany Denmark 0.005 Russian Federation 0.017 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.064 0.069 0.071 0.100 0.117 0.157 0.219 0.393 ons in energy-related technologies for the top 1–. . 1 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 1–. . 1 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 –0.417 Russian Federation Russian Federation Republic ofKorea –0.212 –0.196 –0.144 Netherlands –0.123 Switzerland –0.115 –0.121 Wind energytechnology –0.089 Germany Denmark –0.056 Australia Geothermal energy –0.042 Sweden Canada Sweden Canada Norway France Poland –0.006 Poland Spain U.S. U.K. U.K. Italy China Finland Japan Germany Netherlands China U.S. Japan Switzerland France Republic ofKorea 0.039 0.108 0.109 0.124 0.126 0.121 0.179 0.236 0.250 0.299 ts in a specific aspecific in ts 0.377 s. Data refer to to refer Data s. 0.409 0.409 0.444 0.451 0.496 een IPC symbols symbols IPC een 0.522 0.616 0.686 0.816 0.95 4 A36. Share of PCT applications with women inventors for the top 20 origins, 2017 origins, 20 top the for inventors women with applications PCT of Share A36. 2003–2017 inventors, women with applications PCT A35. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: can another. in names female but certain country because one in basis male acountry-by-country on name toagiven attributed is bas Gender sources. dictionary public 13 agender–name different from produced WIPO applications, PCT in recorded names toinventors’ gender toattribute order In Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: another. in female but certai country because one in basis male considered acountry-by-country on name toagiven attributed is Gender sources. public dictiona 13 different from gender–name aworld information produced WIPO applications, PCT in recorded names toinventors’ gender toattribute order In Note: Women’s in PCT patenting international participation Republic of Korea Share of PCT applications Share of PCT applications with women inventors (%) with women inventors (%) 20 25 30 0320 0720 0121 052017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 50.3 . 391. . . . 3408027.7 0.2 0.8 –3.4 2.6 2.8 0.6 14.0 –3.9 1.7

China 47.9

Belgium 35.7

Spain 35.4

U.S. Publication year 32.8 Origin France 32.5


Netherlands 28.3 GROWTH RATE(%)

Switzerland 28.3 28.1

Israel 26.3

Number of PCT applications Share of PCT applications with women inventors with women inventors (%) 10,000 30,000 50,000 70,000 Finland 42–. . . 18–. . 591328.6 1.3 –5.9 3.5 –3.6 –1.8 6.6 3.1 –3.8 –4.2 25.3 0320 0720 0121 052017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 Canada 24.8 Denmark 24.1

U.K. 23.9

Sweden Publication year 23.6

Origin Australia 21.6

Japan 20.0 PATENT STATISTICS Germany be can n names be considered GROWTH RATE(%) ry based on on based ry ed on information 19.0

Italy 18.6

Austria 15.9 59

Patents Patents A38. Share of PCT patent applications with women inventors by field of technology, 2017 technology, of byfield inventors women with applications patent PCT of Share A38. 2017 origins, 20 top the for applications PCT in listed inventors of A37. Distribution Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: can another. in names female but certain country because one in basis male acountry-by-country on name toagiven attributed is bas Gender sources. dictionary public 13 agender–name different from produced WIPO applications, PCT in recorded names toinventors’ gender toattribute order In Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: can another. in names female but certain country because one in basis male acountry-by-country on name toagiven attributed is bas Gender sources. dictionary public 13 agender–name different from produced WIPO applications, PCT in recorded names toinventors’ gender toattribute order In Note: WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 60 Share of PCT applications Distribution of inventors MEN

Biotechnology with women inventors (%) listed in PCT applications

Pharmaceuticals Organic fine chemistry 100 25 50 75 58.3 0

Analysis of biological materials WOMEN Republic of Korea 56.3 China 892. 441. 781. 521. 491. 371. 301. 281. 221. . 9.1 9.5 10.2 12.2 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.7 13.8 14.9 15.0 15.2 15.4 17.8 18.7 24.4 27.2 28.9 Food chemistry

Macromolecular chemistry, polymers 55.1 Basic materials chemistry

Micro-structural and nano-technology 50.7 50.6 Spain 46.7

Digital communication Belgium 46.0 40.3

Semiconductors France

Materials, metallurgy 39.4

Computer technology 34.9 Surface technology, coating U.S. 33.2

Other consumer goods Denmark 32.6

Telecommunications 32.2

Audio-visual technology

31.9 Israel Switzerland Chemical engineering 30.9 29.8 Field oftechnology Environmental technology

IT methods for management 29.7 U.K. Optics 29.3 Origin Australia 29.3 Textile andMedical paper technology machines

Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy Netherlands 28.7 28.3

Measurement 26.5 Finland 25.3

Other special machines 25.2 Thermal processes and apparatus Italy Control 24.2 Furniture, games Canada Basic communication processes 24.0 SHARE OFWOMENINVENTORS(%) 23.7 India 23.0

Sweden 22.1 Handling 17.5 Transport Germany Machine tools 16.7

be considered Engines,Civil pumps, engineering turbines be considered ed on information ed on information 15.7 Austria

Mechanical elements 15.4

15.1 Japan 14.4 A40. Resident patent applications per million population for the top 20 origins, and 2007 2017 A39. Resident patent applications per USD 100 billion GDP for the top 20 origins, and 2007 2017 Sources: WIPO Statistics Database and World Bank, September 2018. September Bank, World and Database Statistics WIPO Sources: presented. are criteria these fulfil that origins 20 top the only constraints, to space Note: The top 20 were origins if included they had a population 2018. September Bank, World and Database Statistics WIPO Sources: presented. are criteria these fulfil that origins 20 top the only constraints, tospace Due applications. patent resident Note: GDP data are in 2011 US PPP The top dollars. 20 origins were if included they had a GDP greater than USD 25 billion PPP a Patent in applications to relation GDP and population Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Resident patent applications

Resident patent applications 2007 2007 per million population per USD 100 billion GDP

2,644 9,437 2017 2017 3,091 8,601 Japan China 1,594 Switzerland 2,605 2,053 5,869 Japan 1,000 7,100 1,018 Germany 5,264 U.S. 801 Switzerland 2,194 902 1,961 China 116 1,777 Germany 899 1,774 U.S. 888 1,571 Denmark 1,664 887 Finland

562 1,714 626 Denmark 1,439 Finland

728 Luxembourg 1,212 584 1,340 greater than 5 million and if they had more than 100 p resident Sweden

Netherlands 575 566 574 Sweden 1,267

554 Netherlands 1,305 Origin Origin 541 1,222 Austria Iran (Islamic Republic of) 454 1,191 488 1,117 France Austria

360 1,033 1,074 Norway 373

260 853 Singapore 319 986 France

152 954 287 966 U.K. U.K. 365 950

Belgium 282 Ukraine 710 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 222 870 278 Russian FederationBelgium 681 Italy 234 532

atent applications. Due 215 651 PATENT STATISTICS

148 100 than more nd 851 Russian Federation 188 636 Israel Italy 225 New Zealand 605 165 610

194 1,372 160 586 61

Patents Patents A42. Patents in force at the top 20 offices, 2017 offices, 20 top the at force in Patents A42. 2008–2017 worldwide, force in A41. patents in Trend WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: available. not .. indicates 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: 122 offices. covering data using estimates WIPO are totals World Note: 62 Patents in force (million) force in Patents Patents in force U.S. RESIDENT 12 14 2,984,825 U.S. 0 3 6 9 043. 74. 50. 12. 4789.1 34.7 .. 71.2 .. 25.0 .. 17.4 32.2 50.4 CHINA

China 2,085,367 0820 0021 0221 0421 062017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Japan 2,013,685 NON-RESIDENT

Republic of Korea JAPAN 1,243,678 U.K. 970,889

Office Germany U.K. 657,749 NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) TOTAL France 563,695 REPUBLIC OFKOREA Russian Federation

Italy 297,672 244,217 Switzerland 208,022 OTHERS Year

Patents in force RESIDENT Canada 180,727 70. 898. 329. .. 6099.9 86.0 .. .. 97.0 93.2 89.9 88.9 .. 87.0

Ireland 169,453 Netherlands NON-RESIDENT 165,879

Austria 146,880

Australia 144,555 Office Mexico 112,617 NON-RESIDENT SHARE(%) TOTAL Spain 108,732

Belgium 102,120

Sweden 96,876

Monaco 88,453 A44. Average age of patents in force at selected offices, 2012 and 2017 2012and offices, selected at force in patents of age Average A44. applications total of 2017 apercentage in as force in Patents A43. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: Average age of patents 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: term. patent 20-year full the lasted aft patents 21% 6to10 years these of About least at date. for force in remained granted eventually were patents which for applications the of 40–43% that show d these provide offices all not However, filing. of year the in applications total of figure 2017 in This apercentage as term. force in patents of protection full the of end the before lapse apatent tolet opt may holders patent considerations, commercial in year filed applications in year filed applications patent of number the as calculated are Percentages Note: Percentage of applications 2012 in force (years) 1994 Thailand 0.2

14.6 1995 2017

14.2 0.4 India 11.0 1996 Viet Nam 13.0 0.7

1997 t . Patent holders must pay maintenance fees to maintain the validity of their patents. Depending on technological and and technological on Depending patents. their of validity the tomaintain fees maintenance pay must holders . Patent

10.7 3.1 12.2 Chile 1998 12.7 20.7 Germany 12.0 1999 24.0 11.3

Canada 11.5 2000 25.9

11.4 2001

Malaysia 10.9 27.3

10.6 2002 10.7 30.5 Peru 9.7 2003 34.8 10.6 Mexico 2004 Netherlands 9.7 36.2

10.4 Application year 2005 36.6 6.7 Office 10.1 France 2006 37.9 9.8 2007 10.0 t and in force in 2017, divided by the total number of patent patent of number 2017, total in bythe force in and divided 38.4 U.S. 10.2 Switzerland 2008

9.9 40.4

China, Hong Kong SAR 9.4 2009 42.2 9.1 Austria 2010

11.3 43.0 8.9 Republic of Korea 2011 8.2 43.0 Russian Federation 8.8 2012 42.6 8.0 8.2 2013 38.7

7.3 offices 65 for Data ata. 2014 shows the distribution distribution the shows Australia 8.2 31.7 er the application application the er PATENT STATISTICS 9.1 2015 7.7 20.3 U.K. 6.5 2016 7.7 7.7 China 2017

7.2 1.5 7.2 63

Patents Patents A46. Potentially pending applications at the top 20 offices, 2017 offices, 20 top the at applications pending Potentially A46. 2017 offices, selected for outcomes examination patent of Distribution A45. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: offices. other with pate pending comparable both not are so include and Brazil for Data applications, necessary). are requests separate such (where ex examination undergoing requested has applications applicant the patent (b) and applicable) (where examination for request a filed not have pat bya applicants decision which for afinal those awaiting are that process, the in stage any at applications, pen patent all (a) between differences, separated are procedural of data account take To examination. for request separate a file app applicants others, in unless them; withdraw toexamination applicants proceed unless stage examination the to proceed app automatically pending measure applications to patent difficult it offices, making some offices, between varies processing Application Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: available. not .. indicates 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: cann data offices, between harmonized. Therefore, one shouldprocedures exercise cautionpatent whenin making comparisons across offices. differences to due However, methodology. and questionnaire common collec a WIPO using years. offices previous in filed applications to relates year given in a grants of number The filed. was rat date application the examination when the on based are they as rates, grant as interpreted be not should granted applications of share The Note: 64 Pending applications Patent procedural office data

BEFORE EXAMINATION Distribution of applications GRANTED processed (%)

100 25 50 75 0 China 1,109,042 Australia .–. 21–. . 3. 67–. 308.0 –3.0 –7.2 –6.7 –30.9 2.8 –2.3 –2.1 –2.5 .. 1,077,182 U.S.


Japan 815,296

GCC Patent Office France

EPO 652,427

RepublicGermany of Korea IN EXAMINATION 372,109 WITHDRAWN/ABANDONED Office Germany 368,108

India 226,607 India GROWTH RATE(%)

Brazil 210,696 Israel Canada TOTAL 152,732 Japan Mexico 58,668 Mexico New Zealand Office Norway Russian Federation Pending applications BEFORE EXAMINATION

Republic ofPoland Korea 2. 3. .512. 3. 4. 6. 1. 20.0 –13.4 –67.5 –43.5 –33.0 29.6 5.1 .. –33.6 –29.1 55,573 Russian Federation Australia 46,741

Thailand 41,830

Malaysia Spain 34,719

Thailand IN EXAMINATION Israel 30,945

Office Viet Nam 21,949 U.K. ent office, including including office, ent 21,471 ts data from IP IP from data ts

U.K. date the than her amination for which which for amination

ding application U.S. GROWTH RATE(%) nt and utility model model utility and nt lications do not France lications. In lications. 16,944 Ukraine ot be fully ot be fully Turkey New Zealand 13,645 Viet Nam 12,664 A48. Average years of experience of patent examiners for selected offices, 2017 offices, selected for examiners patent of experience of years Average A48. 2017 offices, selected at decision final and action office first for times pendency A47. Average Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: whe caution exercise should one Therefore, comparisons across offices. harmonized. fully be cannot data offices, between procedures However patent in methodology. and to differences questionnaire common a using offices IP from data collects WIPO Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: Average years of Average pendency time (months) experience of examiners FIRST OFFICEACTION Brazil 95.1 Cuba 17.0


Austria 64.0

16.8 Viet Nam

Russian FederationUkraine 57.3 14.8 Thailand 57.0 14.0

FINAL DECISION Mexico Canada 603. 36.0 36.0 36.0 13.8 Poland Brazil 12.6

Mexico U.K. 12.0 Canada

China New Zealand 27.9 10.9

U.K. 24.1 Saudi Arabia 10.6 22.3 10.5 Office Office Australia Republic of Korea EPO 22.1 9.8

China 22.0 9.7

Viet Nam Norway 20.4 9.2 Germany Australia 19.0 9.0

Austria Israel 18.4

8.0 Bangladesh

Republic of Korea Peru 18.0

New Zealand 7.8 15.9 5.8

Morocco Japan PATENT STATISTICS 14.6 5.8 n making n making Colombia Russian FederationUkraine , due , due 14.4 4.5

India 9.2 3.3 65

Patents Patents A50. PCT applications by origin, 2017 byorigin, applications PCT A50. 2002–2017 applications, PCT in Trend A49. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: fi the of residency and the the on international application date. based are Counts System. Treaty Cooperation Patent the of phase international tothe refer Data Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: appl international the on based are Counts System. Treaty Cooperation Patent the of phase international tothe refer Data Note: 66 Patentthethrough filed applications

NO DATA 1–9 10–99 100–999 1,000–9,999 10,000–100,000 PCT applications PCT APPLICATIONS 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 50,000 0220 0420 0620 0820 0021 0221 0421 062017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 . . . 1594692.1 6.9 9.4 11.5 6.5 4.4 2.0 GROWTH RATE(%) Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System (PCT) Treaty Cooperation Patent Application year –4.8 . 1071514414724.5 7.2 1.4 4.4 5.1 7.1 11.0 5.8 ication date. rst named applicant applicant named rst A51. PCT applications for the top 20 origins, 2017 origins, 20 top the for A51. applications PCT Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: fi the of residency and the the on international application date. based are Counts System. Treaty Cooperation Patent the of phase international tothe refer Data Note: PCT applications

U.S. 56,680 . 35663513–. . . 536.9 –5.3 2.7 1.2 –2.4 1.3 3.5 6.6 13.5 0.2

China 48,900

Japan 48,206

Germany Republic of Korea 18,948 15,752 Origin France 8,013

U.K. 5,569 Switzerland GROWTH RATE(%)

Netherlands 4,485 4,430

Sweden 3,975

PCT applications 412709–. . . . 59–. 11.1 –1.8 –5.9 5.4 3.6 5.0 –1.1 0.9 2.7 –4.1 Italy 3,225

Canada 2,399

Australia 1,852

Israel 1,817

Finland 1,601 Origin

India 1,583

Denmark 1,429 PATENT STATISTICS rst named applicant applicant named rst GROWTH RATE(%) Spain 1,418

Austria 1,397

Belgium 1,354 67

Patents Patents A52. PPH requests by offices of first filing and offices of later examination, 2017 examination, later of offices and filing first of byoffices PPHrequests A52. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: alread work the use can examiners thepatent other office. whereby examination fast-track a request to applicants enables that offices bilatera is a two highway between prosecution patent A Office. Patent European the is EPO and Organization Patent Eurasian the is EAPO Note: filing. first of office than rather examination earlier of office on based data * indicates 68 highway (PPH) highway prosecution Patent hiad692 Thailand aa*20812311212101 11 141 045319 3 5 4 30 11 4 31 17 31 16 140 122 1,102 1,273 2,058 Japan* utai 9 2 3 11 02531 5 2 1 16 3 5 2 10 14 41 130 120 593 Australia oa 075984495163139422923201315119 53 6 30,642 166 38 85 94 131 145 193 220 243 289 482 1,359 1,623 4,975 9,894 10,705 Total examination Office of later later of Office aaa16014232 6167 56847966 6 9 7 4 8 6 15 71 136 56 28 203 194 1,640 Canada ooba4 3 1 1 5 14 12 28 33 1 15 56 35 12 272 9 1 818 1,953 43 1,754 Colombia China emn 0 6 07312 2 2 4 1 29 1 3 7 10 566 205 Germany tesUkon59541 17 2 1 2 2 1 3 17 514 599 Others/Unknown igpr 5 2 1 4 1 3 4 8 4 Singapore sal211 3 393983 1 1 1 32 8 9 3 9 13 135 14 281 Israel eio269 0 2715 7 12 1 102 90 178 236 Mexico Malaysia P 7 8 3 24 22 3 4 4 25 12 46 82 138 582 578 EPO Federation Russian AO73 7 EAPO e eln 1741 1 20 4 7 1 1 22 21 8 18 6 14 27 7 69 104 4 541 7 1,216 1,651 21 Republic of Korea New Zealand owy1 1 1 1 43 12 13 Philippines Norway ..1281 1 1 2 3 16 8 112 U.K. ..592261871135729199 0 36 16 3566 5 33 65 21 64 83 103 90 109 219 577 1,133 1,827 2,296 589 U.S. 1 3 75 21 81 2781 8 1 11 8 7 12 12 18 9 13 72 55 97 132 316 U.S.



China Office of first filing first of Office Republic of Korea








Russian Federation

Finland l agreement

y undertaken by by y undertaken Singapore

Others/Unknown 2,389 4,866 5,008 7,280 3,718 1,474 1,158 830 463 692 942 143 507 178 771 56 58 32 52 10 15 Total A53. Flows of PPH requests between offices of first filing and offices of later examination, 2017 examination, later of offices and filing first of offices between PPHrequests of Flows A53. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: offi offices between oflater examination. offices requests of PPH flows the shows graph This office. other bythe whe undertaken already examination work the use fast-track a can request to examiners applicants enables that offices two between agreement fili abilateral first is of highway office the than prosecution rather examination earlier of office the to refers data Japan Office. Patent European the is EPO Note: filing. first of office than rather examination earlier of office on based data * indicates Republic Office of first filing first of Office of Korea Others Japan China EPO U.S.

Office ofOffice later examination ng. A patent Apatent ng. PATENT STATISTICS reby patent rst filing and and filing rst ODWHURI¿FH Other EPO of Korea Republic Japan* China U.S. 69

Patents Patents A55. Utility model applications for the top 20 offices, 2017 offices, 20 top the for applications model Utility A55. 2003–2017 worldwide, applications model utility in Trend A54. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: China. for rate growth tot Due accurate an section). toreport possible description not is it data the (see series, fees application necessary the received has office the which for applications those c 2017,in application China’s starting however, received; applications all included China of to2017, Prior office IP the data. co China of office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 *China’s data Note: available. not .. indicates 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: applicable). (where phase national Treaty app and Cooperation offices Patent the regional through and offices national with directly filed applications include totals These offices. 75 patent covering data using tot World level. world at rate 2017 growth accurate an report to possible br not is this it to Due China, in section). filings of number description large data tothe the and (see fees application necessary the received has office the which for applications d count 2017, in application China’s starting however, received; applications all to2017, Prior included it data. applications now China of office IP the which in way new tothe due data years’ previous its with comparable not are 2017 China’s data Note: 70 Applications model applications Utility


China * 1,200,000 1,600,000 1,687,593 400,000 800,000 .–. 42–. 1. 58–. 06–. 1.1 –2.1 –0.6 –6.1 –5.8 –12.3 –5.0 –4.2 –5.2 .. Russian FederationGermany 13,301 NON-RESIDENT 10,643 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 . . 5078231. 742. 472. 18.2 23.4 34.7 24.6 27.4 14.9 2.3 7.8 15.0 1.6 9.6 Republic ofUkraine Korea GROWTH RATE(%) 9,108 6,811 Office

Japan 6,105

Turkey 3,320 GROWTH RATE(%) Brazil 2,918

Thailand 2,517

Spain 2,465 Application year

Applications RESIDENT 47–. 2812–241. 91–29–2413.1 –12.4 –12.9 –9.1 16.3 –12.4 1.2 22.8 –2.1 –4.7 Italy 2,095

Australia 1,816 Philippines

Czech Republic NON-RESIDENT 1,462 1,279


China, Hong Kong SAR 1,008 Kazakhstan Office –3.0 833 ata include only those those only include ata ount data include only only include data ount als are WIPO estimates estimates WIPO are als 7028.9 27.0 eak in the data series series data the in eak his break in the data data the in break his lications entering entering lications 693 unts its applications counts its

Mexico GROWTH RATE(%) 619

Austria 595

Finland 509 A56. Utility model applications for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2017 countries, middle-income and low- selected of offices for applications model Utility A56. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: Organization. Property Intellectual Regional African the is ARIPO Note: Applications RESIDENT Viet Nam 92–61–921. 38–002. 76–. 23.0 –9.0 –7.6 29.6 –20.0 23.8 13.4 –39.2 –46.1 –9.2 434 Indonesia 292

Bulgaria NON-RESIDENT 281

Peru 280 Mongolia 255

Office Colombia 216 Malaysia 206 Republic Uzbekistanof Moldova GROWTH RATE(%) 146 142

Serbia 75

Applications RESIDENT Georgia 1. . 952. 83–93–003. 29–52.6 42.9 37.5 –30.0 –39.3 –8.3 25.0 19.5 8.2 –18.6 57 Romania 53 Ecuador NON-RESIDENT 49 Armenia

Kyrgyzstan 40 22 Office ARIPO

Costa Rica 17

Guatemala 14 PATENT STATISTICS GROWTH RATE(%) 11 DominicanHonduras Republic 10 9 71

Patents Patents A58. Deposits at the top international depositary authorities, 2017 authorities, depositary international top the at Deposits A58. A57. Trend in microorganism deposits worldwide, 2003–2017 WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: (U.S.). Collection Culture Service Research Agriculture the is NRRL and (Japan) Patent Evaluation, and Depositary Technology of Institute National the is NPMD (U.K.), Bacteria Marine and Food N (India), Industrial, of Bank Gene and Collection Collection Type Culture Microbial the is MTCC (India), Collection Culture Microbial Type Cultur the is for MCC Korea), Collection Korean the KCTC is Korea), of (Republic Cen Microorganisms of Collection Center Culture Culture Korean Microbial the is KCCM (China), Guangdong the is GDMCC Germany), GmbH; Zellkulturen und Leibn the is Mikroorganismen von DSMZ (France), Sammlung (Deutsche Micro-organismes de Cultures de Nationale Collection the is CNCM (China), Center Collection Culture C Center for (Netherlands), Type Culture Institute Collection (China), CECT is the Colección Española de Cultivos Tipo Biodiversity (Spain), Fungal CGMCC is the China General Westerdijk the is CBS (U.S.), Collection Type Culture American ATCC the is Note: 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: i invention an Disclosing inventions. areceiving patent. biotechnological for important are procedures patent for microorganisms of Deposits Note: 72 Deposits Microorganisms

Number of deposits DEPOSITS

CGMCC 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 1,640

CCTCC 0320 0520 0720 0921 0121 0321 0521 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 –7.7 1,202 GROWTH RATE(%)

ATCC 1.5 921

KCTC –0.8 262

DSMZ 5.7 245 –2.3 NCIMB 237 International depositaryauthority 35321. . 72412.6 4.1 17.2 2.5 19.5 3.2 13.5

KCCM 233

NRRL 177 Year


CNCM 109

NPMD 104


CBS –1.2 59 Microorganisms Microorganisms CTCC is the China China the is CTCC CIMB is the National National the is CIMB s a requirement for for s arequirement es (Republic of of (Republic es Microbiological iz-Institut DSMZ DSMZ iz-Institut MCC . 14.1 4.8 50

MTCC ter ter 43 A59. Patent applications by office and origin, 2017 origin, and byoffice applications Patent A59. Statistical tables Statistical Applications by office lai 4. .217. 1 3 .. .. 7 12 10 1 14 2 ...... 24 Algeria (b) Albania Intellectual Regional African fhnsa b .. .2 ..0. 4 .. 0 n.a. 28 ...... (b) Afghanistan noa(,). .. ..0. 1 28 .. .. 0 5 n.a. n.a. 5 42 .. 6 .. 0 .. 6 Angola (b,c) Andorra African Intellectual niu n abd 605 11 8 57 0 96 8 0 8 Antigua and Barbuda retn ,4 9 ,5 6 ..3 .165 .. 36 n.a. 766 3,050 393 3,443 Argentina rei 1 0 8 18 2 5 4 187 3 107 110 Armenia zrajn(). .. 7 0. 4 ...... 10 0 7 n.a. 275 1 ...... Azerbaijan (b) Aruba (b) uti ,0 ,7 3 37543137556,720 7,442 565 19,898 1,397 1,852 453 1,752 13,785 11,656 232 26,403 2,073 2,503 2,305 28,906 Austria Australia and Saba (b) Saba and aoVre(). .. ..0. 1 .. 0 n.a. 1 ...... (b) Verde Cabo Property Organization Property Property Organization Property hd(,,)na 8na ..1 .. n.a...... 1 n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. 1 0 0 18 n.a. .. n.a. n.a. 530 n.a. 35 .. n.a. n.a. .. n.a. n.a. n.a. .. n.a. n.a. Chad (b,d,g) Central African Republic (b,d,g) Cameroon (b,d,g) Cambodia (b) hl ,9 2 ,6 7 4 6 ,6 379 2,362 167 36,300 9,147 141 80,301 27,350 876 48,900 2,399 50,657 2,469 1,875 1,306,019 425 135,885 23,914 1,245,709 2,894 1,381,594 30,969 4,053 35,022 China Chile Canada eie(). .. 702. 10 .. .. 27 n.a. 7,643 2 59 .. 0 0 28 n.a. 1,354 17 23 52 49 .. 1,525 13,737 n.a. .. 90 n.a. 216 .. 1,001 434 n.a. 1,217 524 Benin (b,d,g) Belize (b) Belgium Belarus htn3031na .1 40 .. .. 0 344 5 3 0 n.a. 24 .. n.a. 1 229 .. .. 88 67 1 3 0 5 .. n.a. 0 0 n.a. n.a. .. 466 3 51 76 56 .. .. 237 241 .. 48 8 61 4 .. 302 245 Bhutan 52 (b) Bermuda Barbados (b,c) Bangladesh Bahamas oii PuiainlSaeo)365 7 1na .2 .. 0 n.a. 61 277 59 336 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) ugra25222 2 75 113 .. 3 n.a. 50 0 37 n.a. 425 102 23 n.a. 202 n.a. 225 n.a. Burkina Faso (b,d,g) Bulgaria Bonaire, Sint Eustatius uud b .. .3 ..0. 36 .. .. 3 0 .. 97 1,211 n.a. 1 2 18,268 38 0 589 0 .. 6 559 .. 19 7,505 4 .. 99 20,178 3 5,480 8 25,658 7 107 (b) Burundi Brunei Darussalam Brazil Botswana aeTtlResident Total Name onaadHreoia9 71 235. 2 .. 5 3 92 12 87 99 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 0 1 ..3na 0 n.a. 400 n.a. 3 n.a. 414 105 519 4 770na ..71n.a. 701 n.a. 1 n.a. 730 17 747 .. .1na .1 .. 0 n.a. 1 ...... resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Total Total (a) Receiving Receiving office PCT international plctosPCT national phase entry applications rgnOfc Origin Office Origin PATENT STATISTICS 73

Patents Patents WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 74 Applications by office of the Congo (b) Congo the of hn,Hn ogSR1,9 2 295233na .408 .. 0 n.a. 2,343 12,975 324 13,299 SAR Kong Hong China, og bdg ..3 ..0na .. 14 140 n.a. .. 1,692 0 143 0 n.a. 12 n.a. 34 784 194 n.a. 1,777 n.a. 67 595 n.a. 1 2,372 68 Congo (b,d,g) Colombia SAR Macao China, ôedIor bdg ..30na .... n.a. 2 n.a. 360 n.a. n.a. n.a. Côte d’Ivoire (b,d,g) hn 61 12 .1 .. 0 70,458 0 6,238 21 18,948 1,575 11 176,235 15 19,927 26 47,785 67,712 Ghana Germany ot ia531 0 221 9 21 495 10 2 82 504 19 523 Costa Rica ua142 4 0881318 98 143 5 8 35 8 19 80 280 145 11 29 148 174 159 Cuba Croatia eri 3 5179 01710 147 10 9 93 157 75 232 Georgia rnd b .. .100. .. .. 437 .. 0 0 110 69 1 1,225 .. 91 .. 498 .. 589 Grenada (b) Greece yrs1 9 1. 239 9 .. .. 51 0 3 n.a. 399 15 4 .. 8 .. 12 .. Cyprus (b) Curaçao aba()404. ..0. .. .. 1 0 n.a. n.a. 0 .. n.a. 4 35 0 n.a. 4 n.a. n.a. Gambia (f) (b,d,g) Gabon utml 7 7 5012856 268 1 0 65 275 3 278 Guatemala zc eulc80746 ,8 4 8 5632 25 184 144 2,185 66 794 860 Czech Republic una(,,)na 7na .... n.a. 1 n.a. 17 n.a. n.a. n.a. Guinea (b,d,g) uaa2 3. ..0. .. .. 0 n.a. .. 23 0 23 Guyana rn(sai eulco)1,5 524951,7 8. 32 .. 88 2 15,475 995 15,264 16,259 Iran (Islamic Republic of) cln 43 3 43 203 n.a. 10 1 .. 4,511 6,186 39 8 26,373 n.a. 14 1,583 10,202 4 758 n.a. 332 2,320 27,985 .. 8 7,032 31,621 2,271 .. 36 14,961 9,303 46,582 44 .. International Bureau (b) Indonesia India Iceland Democratic Republic (b) Korea of Republic Democratic People’s gp b .. .123 6. 33 3 3 .. 167 385 1 36 5 35 0 0 132 11 29 .. 178 .. 401 4 16 .. 182 417 El Salvador (b) Egypt Ecuador rne1,4 4451827,3 ,0 ,1 .37,177 .. 8,013 3,803 70,939 1,832 14,415 16,247 France oiia eulc292 6 281 .14 .. 13 8 42 269 20 289 Dominican Republic rte b .. .1na ... .. 0 n.a. 1 ...... Eritrea (b) ii(). .. ..0. .. .. 0 n.a. n.a. 2 98,431 .. n.a. .. 36,619 .. n.a. 88,030 78,555 166,585 Fiji (b) Office Patent European iln ,2 ,9 3 264901613 6,970 32 1,601 980 12,624 139 1,390 1,529 Finland emr ,7 ,9 8 281441498 7,381 81 1,429 474 12,861 282 1,490 1,772 Denmark saii(,). .. 6na .2 84 .. 4 0 47 n.a. 8 76 285 .. 4 .. 37 .. 41 Eswatini (b,f) Estonia odrs1341960014.. 184 0 0 6 189 4 193 Honduras uainPtn raiain33254278na ..253n.a. 2,523 n.a. 4 n.a. 2,708 594 3,302 Eurasian Patent Organization ugr 3 9 612711171 559 14 147 111 1,257 36 496 532 Hungary aeTtlResident Total Name .. .6 .16 .. 2 2 65 ...... 4na ... .. 0 n.a. 4 ...... resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Total Total (a) Receiving Receiving office PCT international plctosPCT national phase entry applications rgnOfc Origin Office Origin Applications by office odn202 7 916. 9 .. 6 1 89 174 26 200 Jordan aac 81 72 ..1. 5 .. 1 129,993 n.a. 62,327 48,206 25 47,425 57 460,660 58,189 11 260,290 318,479 68 Japan Jamaica mn(,). .. 713. 29 .. 3 1 67 ...... (b,c) rq74631161na ... 2,266 .. .. 2 486 15 n.a. 5,328 631 86 101 183 613 269 714 Ireland Iraq sal6831465371,1 ,1 ,1 ,4 7,217 5,745 1,817 1,417 15,513 5,377 1,436 6,813 Israel tl ,7 ,4 ,3 13631325. 13,963 .. 3,225 311 31,346 1,031 8,643 9,674 Italy yna b .. .3na .2 .. .. 55 .. 0 1,668 .. 1 n.a. 47 .. 3 1 43 10 265 .. 0 .. 2,026 .. n.a. 198 .. .. 1 2,224 ...... Myanmar (b) Morocco .. Montenegro (b,c) (b) Islands Marshall ogla28141418008 1 85 335 .. 2 0 .. 7 n.a. 0 .. 97 n.a. 472 0 128 0 1 0 5,012 104 n.a. n.a. 512 124 n.a. 141 34 2 228 .. 167 129 n.a. .. .. n.a. n.a. 2,148 n.a. .. .. n.a. 5,906 n.a. 1,166 .. Mongolia 7,072 Mauritania (b,d,g) Malta (b) Mali (b,d,g) Maldives (b) Malaysia iaau b .. .500. 2 .. 3,307 .. 818 n.a. 0 820 0 376 0 n.a. 5,946 5 2 908 698 .. 1,152 n.a. 2,060 .. n.a. n.a. .. Pakistan Norway Niger (b,d,g) (b) Nicaragua oao3 81 0 5. 112 16 .. .. 595 15 3 12,664 0 2 .. 94 270 n.a. 208 2,324 41 198 49 ...... 17 2,522 0 18 18 3 30 15,850 498 1 n.a. 35 1,334 0 0 17,184 0 19 11 40 214 .. 3,454 42 .. 46 512 .. 9 Monaco 81 156 Mexico .. 27 51 Mauritius 668 127 .. 27 1,771 Madagascar (c) 173 Luxembourg Lithuania 1,055 Libya (b) 1,228 Kazakhstan iei bc .. .1 ..6. 2 .. 6 1,663 n.a. 4,106 16 273 .. 179 .. 3,182 .. 5,146 1,014 6,160 (b,c) Nigeria Zealand New iei b .. .301. 2 48 745 ...... 1 20 5 263 0 38 n.a. n.a. 3 8 1,227 85 .. .. 3 ...... 195 ...... 43 135 178 Liechtenstein (b,e) (b) Liberia (b) Lebanon Kenya ea 32 32 ..0. .. 2 .. 22,823 7 0 .. 2 n.a. 4,430 n.a. 20 902 13 43 37,606 20 15 365 2,241 10 63 2,606 25 Netherlands Nepal Namibia (f) aaa493 7 0 6 26 364 9 2 100 376 33 409 Panama ava9 071812 .41 ...... 26 0 1 0 0 168 n.a. 170 1 7 90 9 .. 97 137 .. 146 .. Latvia Kyrgyzstan Kiribati (b) uat(). .. 6 ..4. 12 .. 4 n.a. 161 ...... (b) aeTtlResident Total Name 9 0 4 ..3. 9 .. 3 n.a. 245 505 193 resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Total Total (a) Receiving Receiving office PCT international plctosPCT national phase entry applications rgnOfc Origin Office Origin PATENT STATISTICS 75

Patents Patents WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 76 Applications by office aiitn(). .. 300...... n.a. 1 0 n.a. 0 34 33 n.a. .. n.a. .. n.a. .. Togo (b,d,g) (b) Tajikistan rnddadTbg 7 7 7 1 171 436 3 6,082 0 156 9 91 1,611 171 0 6,886 979 171 7,865 Trinidad and Tobago The former Yugoslav Thailand uii 5 7 8 8 5 173 1,750 555 0 359 9 0 1,203 8 9 846 188 11,144 .. 380 383 .. 8,175 172 .. 8,555 555 (b) Turkmenistan Turkey Tunisia Arab States of the Gulf the of States Arab Grenadines (c)Grenadines Cooperation Council for the aa 9 9541362 5 46 558 26 6 133 574 19 593 an ui bc .. .1na ... .. 0 n.a. 1 ...... (b,c) Lucia Saint an it n ei 3na 9 9 1 n.a. 13 9 0 9 Nevis and Kitts Saint Saint Vincent and the a aio(). .. 115. 4 35 .. .. 5 1 1 n.a. 41 84 ...... (b) Marino San (b) Samoa a oeadPicp bc .. .1na ... .. 0 n.a. 1 ...... (b,c) Principe Tome and Sao oai ,7 ,9 01412 11 116 19 17 34 2,137 31 8 26,161 10,838 21 1,061 8 37,248 1,451 1,133 15,752 103 80 27,782 15,790 1,098 37 14,106 226,568 1,178 22,777 73 45,691 36,883 159,084 110 204,775 Russian Federation Romania Republic of Moldova Korea of Republic ad rba311992224452 7 ,2 688 2,325 378 26 4,405 2,282 909 3,191 Saudi Arabia wna4634340041.. 451 0 0 4 453 3 456 Rwanda eea bdg ..37na ..1 n.a. 4 n.a. 397 n.a. n.a. n.a. Senegal (b,d,g) yinAa eulc16101 3 63 24,753 16 15,408 72 86 1 4,485 3,975 0 109 1,414 130 44,424 23,395 291 16 305 1,337 1,992 120 1,628 2,297 136 Syrian Arab Republic Switzerland Sweden aauy(). .. ..0. 4 .. 0 n.a. 5 ...... the of Office Patent (b) Paraguay otgl60643 ,0 5211 555 17 201 55 1,508 36 644 680 Portugal eba14111 9 81 67 1 19 18 296 13 171 184 Serbia ua 9 8 22851 .6 .. 11 5 288 12 281 293 Sudan eu12910119173 310140 1,061 33 35 167 1,119 100 1,219 Peru oad4013941761027304 1,112 43 330 207 6,120 117 3,924 4,041 Poland iraLoe(,). .. ..0. 1 19 .. .. 0 4 n.a. 0 1 64 ...... (b,f) Leone Sierra Seychelles (b) ot ua b .. .1na ... 164 .. .. 1,309 0 6,216 99 n.a. 295 45 1 97 373 .. 2,178 .. .. 6,816 .. 728 .. .. 7,544 (b) Sudan South South Africa (b) Slovenia hlpie ,9 2 ,7 0 01 ,9 43 2,798 18 10 508 3,072 323 3,395 Philippines lvka26132 4 45 122 7 52 24 440 23 183 206 Slovakia r ak c 4 7 6 3 ..1 2 23 4,982 227 57 19 1,418 n.a. 1,008 331 10,788 266 176 277 2,167 543 2,343 (c) Lanka Sri Spain igpr 09016993169064877232,970 7,263 867 664 6,950 9,321 1,609 10,930 Singapore Republic of Macedonia (b) aeTtlResident Total Name ,4 7 ,7 ... n.a. .. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,475 371 1,846 0 2n.a.303 .. 3 0 .. .202. .. .. 2 0 2 ...... resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Total Total (a) Receiving Receiving office PCT international plctosPCT national phase entry applications rgnOfc Origin Office Origin ... .. Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: applicable. not indicates n.a. available. not .. indicates applications. patent for office national the as acts (OAPI) Organization Property Intellectual African The (g) applications. PCT for office receiving the as acts (ARIPO) Organization Property Intellectual Regional African The (f) applications. PCT for office receiving the as acts (IFPI) Property Intellectual of Institute Federal Swiss (e) The applications. PCT for office receiving the as acts (OAPI) Organization Property Intellectual African The (d) applications. PCT for office receiving the as acts Bureau International (c) The incomplete. be may data origin by applications equivalent the Therefore, applications. resident report not did office The (b) origin. by report not do offices some because incomplete are data byorigin applications Equivalent (a) Applications by office ee 81 32 ..0. 1 .. 0 n.a. 21 13 15 28 Yemen ibbe(). .. 1. 5 2 .. 10 21 0 0 0 6 14 .. 10 .. 12 22 .. Zimbabwe (b) Zambia oa 21 siae)31890221509740na 4,6 4,6 3,0 n.a. 630,000 243,464 243,464 n.a. 917,400 2,251,500 3,168,900 Total (2017 estimates) itNm532524706392 ,0 26 4,104 3 23 .. 9 2 663 n.a. 4,790 592 112 5,382 338 96 434 Viet Nam Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) aut b .. .5na .3 .. 1 n.a. 5 ...... (b) Vanuatu tesUkon. .. 290na 4 .3,609 .. 249 n.a. 32,930 ...... Others/Unknown rga 2 35013na 4. 11 .. 14 247 247 n.a. 26,749 1,555 1,744 103 2,873 141 95 500 5,569 131 23 n.a. 3,933 2,791 523 717 53,746 1,764 8,771 1,748 2,283 13,301 52 4,047 22,072 1,800 Uruguay United Kingdom (c) Emirates Arab United Ukraine zeitn5337163624155 185 17 4 .. 2 0 366 190,896 n.a. 196 154,403 357 56,680 20 553 56,296 .. 524,835 313,052 .. 293,904 606,956 .. Uzbekistan of America States United (b,f) Tanzania of Republic United aeTtlResident Total Name resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Total Total (a) Receiving Receiving office PCT international plctosPCT national phase entry applications rgnOfc Origin Office Origin PATENT STATISTICS 77

Patents Patents A60. Patent grants by office and origin, and patents in force, 2017 force, in patents and origin, and byoffice grants Patent A60. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 78

fhnsa .. .4.. 4 ...... Afghanistan lai 0. .14,946 1 ...... n.a. 10 447 4 451 Albania African Regional Intellectual Organization Property retn ,0 7 ,2 5 13,115 354 2,126 176 2,302 Argentina zrajn. .. 8 .. 283 ...... Azerbaijan fia nelculPoet raiain341321na .. n.a. 241 143 384 Organization Property Intellectual African nor 4 .. 9 5 4 .. 0 .. 4 .. Andorra Algeria rei 47 1 209 146,880 144,555 8,797 115 5,988 122 0 21,554 980 74 1,188 1,102 22,742 74 Austria Australia Armenia hd()na 2.. 12,389 477 .. 52 .. 180,727 1,413 n.a. 530 13,838 51 161 n.a. 21,599 n.a. n.a. 1,574 2,500 n.a. n.a. n.a. 24,099 n.a. n.a. Chile Chad (b) Central African Republic (b) Canada Cameroon (b) ari .. .1 245 18 ...... Bahrain hn,McoSR2 14 416 40 45,059 2,085,367 352,546 21 1,150 93,174 6,575 0 326,970 96 21 420,144 6,671 China, Macao SAR China, Hong Kong SAR China ôedIor b ..43.. 443 n.a. n.a. n.a. Côte d’Ivoire (b) uaa .. .1 .. 816 12 105 .. 65 .. 9 .. 74 Curaçao Cuba aaa 002 71,082 97 20 0 20 Bahamas agaeh14. .1 .. 11 .. .. 144 Bangladesh ot ia102181 834 .. 7,024 18 102 234 188 n.a. 998 2 n.a. 166 190 n.a. 1,164 Costa Rica Congo (b) Colombia rai 051 37,845 63 15 5 20 Croatia abds. .. 6 .. 365 ...... Barbados eau 6 7 02252,250 102,120 7,970 2,295 157 90 859 771 1,016 861 Belgium Belarus eie. .. .. 9 ...... Belize emd .. .16.. .. 116 136 .. n.a. .. n.a. .. n.a. Bermuda Benin (b) htn. .. 1 1 .. .. 4 .. 60 .. 3 63 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bhutan osaa40422,035 1,213 25,664 2 367 11 1,622 3 4 4,736 35 714 0 4 6 5,450 0 4 41 4 Brunei Darussalam Brazil Botswana Bosnia and Herzegovina ugra7 981212,039 192 8 69 77 Bulgaria ukn ao()na 2 .. 120 n.a. n.a. n.a. (b) Faso Burkina aeTtlRsdn o-eietTotal Non-resident Resident Total Name Grants by office rnsb rgnIn force by office grantsby origin Equivalent (a) Total

aac 2265 12 2,013,685 285,913 2 42,733 0 156,844 199,577 2 Japan Jamaica odn194154 407 45 115 4 119 Jordan yrs. .. 2 37 227 41,606 1,437 .. 102 .. 567 .. 669 Czech Republic Cyprus aba404. 8 .. .. 68 4 n.a. 0 n.a. 4 n.a. Gambia (b) Gabon hn 30 1 1,172 657,749 39 4 98,863 169 1 5,089 37 10,564 5 15,653 206 Ghana Germany Georgia utml 014 908 26,936 2 514 49 9 1 252 50 261 Guatemala Greece uaa2 3...... 17 23 n.a. 0 n.a. 23 n.a. Guyana Guinea (b) eortcPol’ eulco oe .. .8.. 8 ...... Korea of Republic People’s Democratic gp .. .5 .. .. 52 1 58,494 .. 6,440 .. .. 176 .. .. 243 .. 419 Egypt Djibouti Denmark rte .. .1.. .. 63 1 1 282 9 .. 24 4 13 .. 0 .. 4 .. 24 .. 17 42 Eritrea El Salvador Ecuador Republic Dominican saii. .. .. 9,710 7 142 .. 2 .. 13 .. 15 Eswatini Estonia rne1,6 0261694,3 563,695 47,531 n.a. 1,649 10,216 n.a. 11,865 2,666 616 3,282 France Eurasian Patent Organization cln 663 5 6,613 60,777 154 7,496 30 10,675 6 1,712 12,387 36 India Iceland iln 0 9 1 ,8 50,764 8,386 n.a. 111 n.a. 593 54,983 704 50,662 105,645 Finland Office Patent European noei ,0 .. 3.. 43 42,447 .. 3,726 .. 483 3,668 2,309 4,151 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Indonesia rq38336 3 .. 330 1,654 26,225 65 632 .. 323 67 54 388 88 0 155 54 Iraq Hungary Honduras aeTtlRsdn o-eietTotal Non-resident Resident Total Name rln 74 6298169,453 2,968 46 41 87 Ireland sal. .. ,2 32,764 297,672 6,720 19,648 .. 319 .. 4,536 4,855 .. Italy Israel uat. .. 5.. .. 65 19 2,625 .. 1,091 32 .. 219 11 .. 650 43 869 Kuwait Kenya Kazakhstan ava8 51 7 8,808 256 173 110 12 3 75 75 87 78 Latvia Kyrgyzstan Grants by office rnsb rgnIn force by office grantsby origin Equivalent (a) PATENT STATISTICS Total 79


at .. .24.. .. 244 170 .. n.a. .. n.a. .. n.a. Malta Mali (b) aa 723 7.. 47 35 2 37 Qatar eao .. .2 .. 27 ...... Lebanon aaacr2 23206 25,313 3 945 22 4,626 437 1 5,063 23 Malaysia Madagascar asalIlns. .. 3.. 13 ...... Marshall Islands mn. .. 5.. 15 ...... Oman iei .. .1.. 1 ...... Liberia artu 546 112,617 .. 35 1,094 17 4 8,103 n.a. 0 407 n.a. 8,510 4 n.a. Mexico Mauritius Mauritania (b) otngo. .. .. 1 ...... Montenegro ictnti .. .64.. 694 ...... Liechtenstein ogla154 65 .. 88,453 55 51 4 56 49 6 105 10 Mongolia Monaco ooc 1 4399 4,145 92 339 74 413 Morocco oad2942751938875,982 21,254 3,808 138 109 1,620 2,795 25 2,904 1,645 Poland Philippines Gulf the of States Arab the for ihai 4 35 7 .. .. 173 2,120 50 364 93 123 487 143 Luxembourg Lithuania eu502 8 22,791 42 484 26 510 Peru otgl5 234836,821 448 3 52 55 Portugal aauy...... 970,889 2 131,571 28 29,815 .. 4 90,847 .. 120,662 0 .. 4 Republic of Korea Council Cooperation the of Office Patent Paraguay Panama an it n ei .. .1.. 1 ...... Nevis and Kitts Saint iaau .. .1.. 451 1 36,157 14 165,879 .. 1,167 23,231 9 .. 2,253 370 7 177 .. 1,937 2,430 16 2,307 Nicaragua New Zealand Netherlands Namibia aitn191 5 31,745 43 159 10 169 Pakistan eulco odv 24 05 333 57 20 42 62 Republic of Moldova an icn n h rndns1 01 10 18 10 0 10 Grenadines the and Vincent Saint iei .. .1 .. .. 11 155 .. n.a. .. n.a. .. n.a. Nigeria Niger (b) a aio. .. 1.. 51 3,277 21 16 2,905 .. .. 411 .. .. 90 .. 501 .. Saudi Arabia Marino San Samoa owy2175316435933,150 3,579 1,634 513 2,147 Norway oai 0 9 15320,711 553 11 396 407 Romania usa eeain3,5 1071,1 486244,217 24,806 13,217 21,037 34,254 Russian Federation wna162142456 2 174 2 176 Rwanda aeTtlRsdn o-eietTotal Non-resident Resident Total Name ,4 9 ,4 ..6,095 n.a. 1,942 298 2,240 Grants by office rnsb rgnIn force by office grantsby origin Equivalent (a) Total Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: applicable. not indicates n.a. available. not .. indicates grants. patent for office national the as acts (OAPI) Organization Property Intellectual African The (b) origin. by report not do offices some because incomplete are data byorigin grants Equivalent (a)

uii 5 .. 9.. 19 .. .. 32 .. .. 555 .. .. Tunisia Tajikistan ukeitn. .. 6.. 68,886 16 .. .. 2,888 .. 16,591 34 4 143 .. 249 .. n.a. 66 1,757 2,992 5 n.a. .. 1,900 0 88 n.a. .. 66 3,080 .. .. Turkmenistan Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Togo (b) The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Thailand ee 812 4.. 24 27 1 28 Yemen aba1 31 7,705 12 13 5 18 Zambia oa 21 siae)1446086705790na 13,718,050 n.a. 537,900 866,700 1,404,600 estimates) (2017 Total aut .. .4.. 4 ...... Vanuatu eeul Blvra eulco). .. 9.. 19 ...... Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) itNm175111641915,226 159 1,634 111 1,745 Nam Viet ecels. .. 5.. 4,644 .. 65 64 .. 544 12 n.a. .. 35 n.a. .. 47 n.a. Seychelles Serbia Senegal (b) iraLoe. .. .. 1 ...... Leone Sierra yinAa eulc303213 2 3 49,514 0 3,111 3 5,803 414 6,217 Syrian Arab Republic Singapore lvna. .. 5 .. 17,815 358 183 .. 23 .. 59 .. 82 Slovenia Slovakia wteln 7 4 3 608208,022 .. 26,088 1 230 63,151 .. 1,419 541 4,940 771 .. 595 .. 5,535 Switzerland Sudan South South Africa ua 7 6 215177 826 96,876 165 108,732 15,498 68 6,161 12 127 123 138 904 165 55 1,873 1,031 177 178 2,011 Sweden Sudan Sri Lanka Spain tesUkon. .. 797.. 17,967 ...... Others/Unknown gna2. .1.. 874 23,705 1 271 1,523 .. .. 1,366 .. .. 1,224 2,590 2 .. Emirates Arab United Ukraine Uganda ntdRpbi fTnai .. .1.. 1 1,243,678 25,101 .. 3,044 .. 3,267 6,311 .. Tanzania of Republic United United Kingdom rga 722 7 410 952 179 158 25 61 2,984,825 2 144 285,507 205 27 167,880 150,949 318,829 Uzbekistan Uruguay United States of America aeTtlRsdn o-eietTotal Non-resident Resident Total Name Grants by office rnsb rgnIn force by office grantsby origin Equivalent (a) PATENT STATISTICS Total 81

Patents Patents A61. Patent office procedural data, 2017 data, procedural office A61. Patent WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 82 Jordan Japan Austria Australia Armenia Albania Office Germany Georgia Czech Republic Cuba Croatia Costa Rica Colombia China, Macao SAR China Canada Israel Iraq India Morocco Monaco Mexico Madagascar for the Arab States of the Gulf the of States Arab the for Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bhutan Belarus Bangladesh Poland Philippines Peru Patent of Office theCooperationCouncil Panama Lithuania Latvia Kyrgyzstan Hungary Honduras France Finland Office Patent European Estonia El Salvador Ecuador Dominican Republic Denmark Bulgaria Brunei Darussalam Brazil Bosnia and Herzegovina Norway Zealand New Namibia applications applications processed 246,500 36,833 45,379 14,646 29,773 13,921 5,548 1,266 4,073 1,892 2,372 4,937 7,659 9,847 Total Total 2,416 1,871 903 668 860 445 226 328 150 875 162 277 745 107 187 98 26 82 ...... Granted 105,645 183,919 420,144 24,099 15,653 12,205 12,387 22,742 8,843 5,450 2,430 2,240 1,029 3,097 4,815 2,148 1,164 1,161 669 388 206 403 769 190 704 139 155 102 102 144 125 419 917 63 93 20 23 42 10 72 87 21 74 17 6 6 ...... Rejected 60,613 3,203 8,356 3,874 1,841 1,185 390 843 338 340 862 264 259 165 120 615 178 281 101 48 33 33 56 40 82 32 13 15 12 37 14 14 21 6 6 3 4 1 ...... abandoned Withdrawn 29,789 13,952 12,824 4,958 1,968 3,252 2,832 1,439 1,653 1,449 7,010 1,911 600 390 665 655 523 106 100 204 373 207 116 115 89 20 44 78 70 25 10 10 19 15 or or 5 1 ...... Number of examiners 2,302.0 1,696.0 4,378.0 (FTE) 322.9 106.0 183.0 379.6 129.0 721.0 571.0 114.0 107.0 98.0 43.0 43.0 64.0 40.0 78.0 92.0 32.0 75.0 18.0 18.0 10.0 13.0 19.0 19.0 27.0 11.0 47.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 9.0 9.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 7.8 7.0 ...... First office office First (months) action action 28.5 10.5 31.8 10.7 5.3 4.8 6.5 6.5 5.6 2.3 4.5 9.4 1.5 7.6 7.5 0.1 7.7 89 48 40 54 52 24 24 15 12 12 14 6 6 3 9 3 3 4 4 2 7 1 1 ...... Final office (months) decision 35.9 20.2 23.4 20.4 24.9 24.5 15.5 14.6 18.4 27.9 95.1 22.1 24.1 11.7 3.3 60 60 60 36 36 36 36 30 46 58 20 64 22 32 18 19 27 12 12 12 21 21 6 8 9 5 ...... Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: available. not .. indicates Australia. in exists situation Asimilar application. the abandoned required the having as provide cannot regarded are they applicant an if and information, considered, be to application their action for the of order in answer informed are must they that Applicants questions or Canada. take in must they decision that final as a recorded not is “rejection” extremely it make instance, For data. differences such harmonize procedural but fully to concepts, difficult and definitions common on based data extraction. of dates procedural compile to different to made due been has report this in effort Every elsewhere reported data grant from slightly differ data Grant equivalent. time full is FTE Note: Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Thailand Zambia Viet Nam Viet Office Qatar Sweden Sudan Sri Lanka Spain Slovakia Serbia Saudi Arabia andSaint the Vincent Grenadines Russian Federation Romania Republic of Moldova Korea of Republic Portugal Uzbekistan Uruguay America of States United United Kingdom Ukraine applications applications processed 922,859 177,118 14,204 45,217 3,386 2,965 1,239 2,422 3,818 2,313 Total Total 1,512 293 233 455 784 352 153 158 ...... Granted 318,828 110,408 33,988 3,080 2,309 2,734 2,100 1,031 6,311 2,011 186 216 407 178 501 116 86 43 82 27 37 ...... Rejected 469,976 62,869 18,644 1,147 906 898 223 462 337 713 178 727 257 30 45 25 62 42 13 12 ...... abandoned Withdrawn 134,055 10,082 10,218 3,841 1,257 906 298 350 495 226 492 727 89 65 95 70 25 13 or or ...... Number of examiners 866.0 (FTE) 318.0 176.0 587.0 115.0 112.0 111.0 35.0 55.0 20.0 73.0 62.0 25.0 16.0 10.0 15.0 12.0 8.0 6.0 9.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 .. First office office First (months) PATENT STATISTICS action action 10.3 41.6 47.7 17.1 120 3.8 3.6 0.5 7.6 36 20 12 12 21 11 6 9 4 ...... Final office (months) decision 29.9 49.6 22.3 15.9 14.4 57.3 27.6 11.8 17.4 144 9.2 36 52 18 24 24 57 12 83 6 ......

Patents Patents A62. Utility model applications and grants by office and origin, 2017 origin, and byoffice grants and applications model Utility A62. WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 84 Applications by office utai ,1 ,4 6 ,3 ,5 ,1 840 1,015 1,855 1,134 769 1,047 1,816 Australia zrajn...... 1 ...... Azerbaijan nor .. .5. ... 2 .. 1 .. 3 5 1 6 .. 0 .. 2 1 .. 8 1 n.a. 2 15 17 Andorra Albania African Regional Intellectual Organization Property rei 03 42 61 26 27 44 1 39 40 Armenia uti 9 4 4 9 4 6 81 267 348 792 146 449 595 Austria retn 2 9 0263 36 33 39 216 30 195 225 Argentina abds...... 3 ...... Barbados eau 5 0 341362640 266 306 491 53 400 453 BelgiumBelarus ...... 91 ...... aaa. .. 1 ...... 117 ...... Canada hl 4 0 0185 47 44 51 108 40 102 142 Chile hn,McoSR1 64 5 2 213 7 369 41 582 601 16 2 210 483 18 693 China, Macao SAR SAR Kong Hong China, okIlns...... 4 ...... Islands Cook hn ,8,9 ,7,0 ,8 ,8,5 7,9 6,1 5,878 967,416 973,294 1,681,657 7,786 1,679,807 1,687,593 China ooba26112 0 3 1 19 115 134 202 25 191 216 Colombia rai 35 56 06 9 60 5 66 14 55 13 2 2 51 12 53 14 Cuba 202Croatia Costa Rica ...... eie...... 8 ...... Belize yrs. .. 2 ...... 221 ...... Cyprus onaadHreoia...... 2 .. 0 .. 2 1 11 .. .. 7 .. 11 18 Herzegovina and Bosnia Bolivia (Plurinational State of) zc eulc1291257 ,9 ,0 ,3 71 1,036 1,107 1,392 74 1,205 1,279 Republic Czech aeTtlResident Total Name osaa5505...... 5 0 5 5 Botswana rniDrsaa .. .6...... 6 ...... Darussalam Brunei rzl2982837 ,0 8 6 25 763 788 2,901 75 2,843 2,918 Brazil ugra21241 9 6 4 21 443 464 295 17 264 281 Bulgaria aba1101110 1 1 1 0 1 1 Gambia eri 75 63 43 34 37 56 3 54 57 Georgia eortcRpbi fteCno...... 1 ...... Congo the of Republic Democratic gp .. .3...... 3 ...... Egypt oiia eulc9901 0 28 4 92 4 120 10 158 32 0 100 9 132 9 Dominican Republic Denmark cao 93 14 1 6 7 45 11 38 49 Ecuador soi 55 33 52 35 37 63 2 53 55 Estonia lSlao 0 0 1 2 3 4 100 4 104 El Salvador ii...... 2 ...... Fiji rne48142462...... 632 254 174 428 France iln 0 8 373473522 395 417 723 23 486 509 Finland resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Grants by office Grants by origin Total Total (a) oa Resident Total resident Non- Applications by office aa ,0 ,7 ,2 ,8 ,2 ,2 1,498 4,526 6,024 6,881 1,528 4,577 6,105 Japan Ghana 7707 ...... emn 3319493821,1 1827853,987 7,895 11,882 10,613 3,822 9,479 13,301 Germany utml 1747431 3 3 30 4 33 7 20 4 4 7 12 11 16 Guatemala Greece India ...... 34 ...... rn(sai eulco)...... 8 ...... of) Republic (Islamic Iran noei 9 6 125137 24 79 103 265 31 261 292 Indonesia rq...... 1 ...... Iraq ugr 3 0 826171225 132 157 226 28 207 235 Hungary odrs1 091 9 10 9 1 9 10 Honduras Ireland ...... 12 ...... sal. .. 9...... 89 ...... Israel tl ,9 ,8 0 ,1 ,0 ,5 45 1,357 1,402 2,315 207 1,888 2,095 Italy ava...... 9 ...... Latvia ygztn2 022 11 1 0 10 79 11 79 24 152 2 1 20 152 22 153 Kyrgyzstan Kenya eao .. .1...... 1 ...... Lebanon aeTtlResident Total Name aahtn83747 6 9 3 59 532 591 762 79 754 833 Kazakhstan Liechtenstein ...... 15 ...... ihai .. .3...... 3 ...... Lithuania ai...... 4 ...... Mali uebug. .. 6. ... 27 .. 37 .. 64 179 56 72 .. 134 .. 206 .. Malaysia Luxembourg at .. .6...... 6 ...... Malta artu .. .1...... 1 ...... Mauritius oao...... 30 .. 134 1 164 558 .. 78 .. 541 .. 619 Monaco Mexico ooc .. .1...... 0 .. 164 164 1 256 .. 0 .. 255 .. 255 Morocco Mongolia ehrad .. .22...... 212 ...... Netherlands New Zealand ...... 37 ...... eulco odv 4 4 4 1 0 2 108 110 144 2 140 142 Republic of Moldova otgl9 22 96 823 .. 38 183 61 .. 2,810 89 .. 2,993 25 7,408 18 72 360 .. 97 6,451 .. 6,811 .. Republic of Korea Portugal Norway aaa4223211 34 11 30 1 776 117 542 810 2 128 572 1,009 3 268 55 1,406 25 2 953 70 255 2 1,008 1,392 280 1,462 4 Poland Philippines Peru Panama oai 33 54 61 12 14 26 398 8,376 46 8,774 15 10,347 38 491 53 10,152 10,643 Russian Federation Romania resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Grants by office Grants by origin Total Total (a) oa Resident Total PATENT STATISTICS resident Non- 85

Patents Patents Source: WIPO Statistics Database, September 2018. September Database, Statistics WIPO Source: applicable. not indicates n.a. available. not .. indicates origin. by report not do offices some because incomplete are data byorigin applications Equivalent (a) WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDICATORS 2018 86 Applications by office uky3303266 ,2 ,8 ,1 74 117 2,014 1,038 2,088 1,155 3,327 2,383 64 182 3,256 2,335 3,320 2,517 Turkey Thailand ee .. .. 0 2 2 ...... Yemen oa 21 siae)17120173701,1 ...... n.a. 17,410 1,743,790 1,761,200 estimates) (2017 Total eeul Blvra eulco)...... 3 ...... of) Republic (Bolivarian Venezuela itNm44231123161828 118 146 273 161 273 434 Nam Viet an it n ei .. .1...... 1 ...... Nevis and Kitts Saint wna9909...... 9 0 9 9 Rwanda Samoa ...... 19 ...... a aio...... 6 ...... Marino San ad rba...... 3 ...... Arabia Saudi ecels...... 8 ...... Seychelles eba7 967 33 6 37 43 70 6 69 75 Serbia igpr .. .50...... 550 ...... Singapore lvna...... 61 .. 246 9 307 402 .. .. 69 343 .. 412 Slovenia Slovakia ot fia. .. 2...... 12 ...... Africa South wdn. .. 3 ...... 131 .. 2,040 135 2,171 .. 2,533 .. 152 2,313 .. 2,465 Sweden Spain wteln .. .49...... 479 ...... Switzerland yinAa eulc...... 1 ...... Republic Arab Syrian aeTtlResident Total Name ntdAa mrts1 77...... 77 9,365 .. 9,442 7 9,099 17 135 8,973 0 9,108 17 Emirates Arab United Ukraine tesUkon. .. ,8 ...... 2,185 ...... Others/Unknown ntdKndm. .. 4 ...... 246 ...... Kingdom United ntdRpbi fTnai .. .1...... 1 ...... Tanzania of Republic United ntdSae fAeia. .. ,6 ...... 3,367 ...... America of States United zeitn161421617152 105 107 146 2 144 146 Uzbekistan rga 62 13 71 4 13 17 32 11 25 36 Uruguay resident Non- applications Equivalent by origin Grants by office Grants by origin Total Total (a) oa Resident Total resident Non-