★ Newport news, virginia

Clockwise from left: Handshake sculpture, Newport News Shipbuilding, and Ferguson Center for the Arts

high-tech facilities that generate products and in- novation used across the globe; of residents who attend fairs and festivals celebrating the high standard of living their maritime hometown offers. Hands embrace in Newport photos (from left) by alexander kravets and courtesy of city of newport news (2) news newport of city of courtesy and kravets alexander by left) (from photos Handshake shows two open hands near em- News after making discoveries at the particle accel- brace, their skin bearing whimsical patterns from erator housed in Jefferson Lab or when landing a marvel the chaos of life. This is one of three dozen open-air doormat-sized flounder at the King-Lincoln fishing masterpieces found citywide thanks to a flourishing pier, when lauding an unforgettable performance appreciation for public art. Imbued with meaning at the Ferguson Center for the Arts, or welcoming Where technology meets world-class culture and open to differing interpretations, the sculpture soldiers back home to Fort Eustis. Handshake rep- anchors City Center at Oyster Point, a dynamic resents a community where the arts and education By Ben Swenson commercial district in the heart of Newport News, are priorities, where the business climate is a vigor- a city with multiple walkable mixed-use develop- ous as the quality of life, where there are plenty of ments. The act of shaking hands repeats itself near- reasons to offer this age-old salutation. by as visitors and residents strike business deals and greet friends. As the bright aluminum of Handshake Shaped by the James River he handshake — a universal gesture of goodwill so common that no reflects the daylight, some say it also mirrors the First the domain of the Kecoughtan tribe then city’s traditions of ingenuity, collaboration, and an later a colonial settlement, Newport News was one gives it a second look. Except in Newport News, Virginia, there’s industrious workforce. bound to have water as part of its identity; until the a handshake like you’ve never seen before, one that is sure to leave a The sculpture speaks volumes about the city 19th century, rivers were the best means of travel. T that displays it: of the history and art that fill the Today, the city’s pulse still beats with the rhythm lasting impression. That’s because this gesture is a ten-foot-tall sculpture by galleries of world-class museums and the streets of the tides. Any morning, you can look out over German artist Gunther Stilling. that connect them; of the bedrock industries and the shimmering surface of the James River, which ➺

130 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 131 ★ Newport news, virginia

makes the city’s long southwestern shore, and see Chesapeake Bay-style workboats bobbing in the soft chop, tonging oyster beds or pulling crab pots. Their catch goes to local establish- ments deeply rooted in the community, restaurants such as the riverside Crab Shack, for example, or independent markets like DeMaria’s Seafood. The bounty of the Atlantic is among many reasons to celebrate the region’s longstanding maritime heritage. The Mariners’ Museum, an internation- ally acclaimed institution, does just that, from its as has Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator makes it an interesting place 2,000 ship models to the USS Monitor Center, a Facility, or Jefferson Lab, where resident and visit- to be.” comprehensive exhibit chronicling the eventful ing scientists study and apply particle physics. timeline of the U.S. Navy’s first ironclad warship. This modern, thriving economy attracts people Can’t-Miss Amenities Water has helped make Newport News in less from around the world, and the city is better for As the city grew around them, intuitive ways, too. Sure, it’s obvious why a couple it. “I’ve lived in 16 states and 26 cities,” says City the populace nurtured ameni- mainstays of the local economy occupy a three mile Manager Jim Bourey, “and this is as welcoming ties that reflected their varied a place as any I’ve ever been. Newport News is backgrounds and sophistication. newport news powers a diverse city, which is a strength, because that City leaders invested money in through the 21st century education, which is why today residents can enroll children in as home to an array of the public schools’ International high-profile companies. Baccalaureate program or par- ticipate in the Youth Program at Pearl Bailey Library, an initia- stretch of Newport News’s shoreline. The coal trains tive that First Lady Michelle that rumble through town unload their freight onto Obama recognized last November with the 2013 massive colliers bound for ports of call the world National Arts and Humanities Youth Program photos courtesy of city of newport news (4) and (pier) by william king king william by (pier) (4) and news newport of city of courtesy photos over. And Newport News Shipbuilding, which Award. Sustainability programs, recreation, and employs 23,000 people, has constructed, repaired, entertainment are priorities among Newport News and overhauled more than 800 ships, including residents, from natural sanctuaries like Newport nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, over the last cen- News Park, which, at nearly 8,000 acres, is one of tury-and-a-quarter. The solid foundation laid by the largest municipal parks in the nation, to the Clockwise these enterprises, and the industrious workforce city’s vibrant cultural scene, where a public art pro- from top: that made their growth possible, caught the atten- gram adorns city streets and a full menu of per- Jefferson tion of other businesses that wanted to tap into that forming arts suits any taste. Lab, New- port News potential. Firms flocked to locate in Newport News Bob Chapman is a southeastern Virginia native Park, Holly- throughout the 20th century. Success begot success. who has lived in Newport News for nearly three dazzle at That’s why Newport News now powers through decades. As a Realtor, Chapman knows a thing or City Center, shopping the 21st century as home to an array of high- two about what people like about his hometown. at Hilton profile companies such as Ferguson, Liebherr, His appraisal? Convenience and quality of life. farmland, boating, and historic attractions,” Village, Continental, and Canon Virginia. Christopher “You are never more than ten to 15 minutes from says Chapman. “We are in a region of more than and The Mariners’ Newport University, which consistently earns ac- entertainment, fine dining, and the full range of one million residents but the feel is a suburban Museum colades in college rankings, has since taken root, shopping, and you are only minutes from open small town. Where else would you want to live?”

132 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 133 ★ Newport news, virginia A CITY ON THE MOVE Global companies in high tech, robotics, manufacturing, and research and development call it home. By Deborah R. Huso

hat’s new in Newport News? The tagline says it all: Newport News – where Wgreat things are happening. Nestled within the lush green landscape and beautiful waterfront set- tings is an outstanding and engaged corporate community which is anchored in high-tech research and technology. Newport News is home to growing global and regional companies which

capitalize on the pro-business environment, the BNNTs in commercial quantities makes it possi- highly trained workforce and the stellar location. ble to explore their benefits in many anticipated Clockwise from top: The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator applications, including membranes that generate The Appren- Facility (Jefferson Lab), a world-class nuclear phys- power from seawater, suits shielding first respond- tice School, ics research center, has been a hub for the transfer eda, news newport of courtesy industries, ingalls huntington top) from (clockwise photos ers, protective thermal coatings for high-speed a thriving seafood indus- of research to technology. Jefferson Lab advances aerospace vehicles, and drugs and therapies that try, research technologies for its discovery science, including improve cancer treatments. BNNT, LLC, a start- at Jefferson detector systems for imaging subatomic particles. up company whose key staff members include the Lab, and Liebherr That technology has been transferred to the mar- inventors, licensed the technology and set up its Mining ket under license to Dilon Technologies Inc, factory across the street from Jefferson Lab in Equipment which brings innovative new life-saving medical eda news newport of courtesy and lab, jefferson of courtesy Newport News. imaging products to the global market. Dilon’s cornerstone product is a high-resolution, small A Pro-Business City field-of-view gamma camera which has been prov- Newport News is home to many international en to detect cancer missed by mammography and companies. Liebherr Mining Equipment Newport ultrasound, and which is used at premier medical News Company, which manufactures the world’s facilities like the Cornell University Medical largest mining trucks, has five companies under Center and the George Washington University the Liebherr Group in the city. “By growing our ported us throughout the years. That has played a Medical Center. operations in Newport News, we are able to take major role in our decision to expand manufactur- A discovery made at Jefferson Lab in collabora- advantage of the skilled workforce in the area, di- ing operations here.” tion with NASA Langley Research Center and the rect access to the transportation options necessary The city understands the importance of National Institute of Aerospace of a process for for delivery of our supplies and end-user products, strengthening and diversifying its tax base and producing boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) led and a favorable business climate,” says Cort Reiser, fostering a climate for job creation. Since 1985, to the first high-quality, commercially available executive vice president of manufacturing. “The Canon Virginia, Inc. has been manufacturing BNNTs. The ability to produce high-quality city has been a partner in our operations and sup- products in Newport News. CVI serves as Canon’s ➺

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Highly Skilled and Educated “Newport News offers a ‘new blue collar’ environ- ment where skilled tradesmen with specialized training and certifications are as sought after as ‘white collar’ professionals,” says Everett H. Jordan, Jr., director of The Apprentice School at Newport News Shipbuilding, the largest industrial employer in Virginia. The Apprentice School, established in 1919, graduated its 10,000th apprentice this year. It re- cently moved into a new mixed-use redevelopment project in the city’s traditional downtown, and in- cludes the school, housing, retail, and structured parking on a 6-acre campus. There are nearly two dozen institutions of higher learning in the Newport News region, in- An Ideal Location to Call Home cluding Christopher Newport University, Thomas The moved its headquar- Nelson Community College, and the University ters from Philadelphia to City Center in Newport of Virginia/Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Center, News five years ago. Conference Commissioner

photos (clockwise from left) courtesy of mitchell leff/a-10 conference, by virginia peninsula photography, and courtesy of newport news eda news newport of courtesy and photography, peninsula virginia by conference, leff/a-10 mitchell of courtesy left) from (clockwise photos which offers professional development courses for Bernadette V. McGlade says the location really government, industry, finance, and information can’t be beat. “There are three good international technology through Virginia Tech and the Univer- airports within 48 miles of our office, as well as ma- sity of Virginia. The two universities previously jor highways, Amtrak service, and excellent travel had separate locations in Virginia Beach when routes to all of our member institutions,” she says. they decided to expand to the Peninsula to offer McGlade also notes that the low cost of living easier education access to the entire Hampton in Newport News helps the Conference attract only manufacturing, engineering, recycling, and High Liner USA’s President and CEO, says, “The Roads region. new and talented employees, who appreciate the technical support center in the Americas’ region. business case presented by Newport News aligns Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Center director The company produces new products using ad- with High Liner Foods’ goal of being the leading Melissa Lubin says, “When searching for a central vanced manufacturing methodologies while also supplier of frozen seafood in North America. The location, we found the mayor, city manager, and serving as a factory service center providing ex- expansion of our Newport News operation helped Economic Development Authority of Newport pert customer service in the repair and refurbish- make that goal a reality.” News welcoming us with open arms, supporting ment of Canon cameras, video recorders, and of- Liebherr, Canon Virginia, and High Liner our expansion efforts on multiple levels.” Lubin fice products. With five local facilities and over Foods are only three of several international com- says the educational center is helping fulfill a criti- 2,000 dedicated members, Canon Virginia brings panies and organizations that have come to call cal need for the region with its shifting and diverse Canon’s reputation as a world-class manufacturer Newport News home. And many of these business- demographic of citizens working in a wide array of home to Hampton Roads. CVI is actively in- es, including Ferguson Enterprises, Continental business enterprises, including high tech, defense volved in advanced manufacturing, technology, AG, Swisslog, Solo USA, and Muhlbauer High contractors, and global corporations. “These busi- R&D, recycling operations, workforce develop- Tech International have made successful moves to nesses all need employee development enhance- ment, and precision mold-making. the area because of the city’s openness and willing- ment to meet the growing demands of our global “Whether it’s a small, local, family-owned ness to make things work. economy,” she adds. company or a multinational corporate entity, our Newport News businesses enjoy the nation’s approach is the same,” says Florence Kingston, second-lowest unemployment tax rate, energy costs the Newport News director of development, who that are 30 percent below the national average, Clockwise What we do extremely well from top: is a 33-year career employee with the city and a and a friendly tax structure with no local income Saint Louis Newport News native. “What can we do to help or inventory tax. is to provide an environ- wins the your business?” But it’s not just the city’s low cost of doing busi- 2014 A-10 ment in which a business Conference; High Liner Foods, a Lunenberg, Nova Scotia ness that attracts organizations. It’s also the work- Paragon based global seafood company, is North Ameri- force, which is highly trained and educated to can thrive. Theater; ca’s largest processor and marketer of value-added serve in the quickly growing and employee-hungry — Florence Kingston, Newport News and Dilon’s director of development imaging seafood products. The company recently expand- sectors of advanced manufacturing, robotics, high camera. ed its operation in Newport News. Peter Brown, tech, and research and development.

136 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 137 ★ Newport news, virginia Planning for a Better Tomorrow The Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is forging strong partnerships. By Ben Swenson

chamber of commerce usually VPCC employs several tactics to make those Below: conjures thoughts of golf out- results possible. Educational initiatives such as ex- Virginia ings and Christmas parades, ecutive leadership roundtables and entrepreneur’s Peninsula but when your jurisdiction academies are a top priority. So are frequent con- Chamber of Aincludes a major shipyard, two national research versations with member businesses and civic Commerce and local facilities, four large military installations and leaders to give VPCC a sense of issues that affect business 14,000 businesses, Chamber leaders have to be constituents. This helps the Chamber bridge leaders. more hands-on than that. divides — city lines or different branches of the what went into establishing this luxurious movie Michael Kuhns is president and CEO of the military, for instance — that stand in the way of theater experience. But Mike Whalen, CEO of Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce free enterprise. “These are all things that fall Paragon Entertainment Group, certainly does. (VPCC), which represents private and public under no one else’s purview,” Kuhns says. Currently, Paragon operates these state-of-the- organizations in Newport News and four adjacent VPCC plans for long-term prosperity, Virginia Peninsula art theaters in only eight locations across the coun- localities. He believes that a community of this too, joining businesses with the workforce Chamber of try. So why did the company select Newport News dynamic demands a proactive and varied approach through aggressive outreach, as with lead- Commerce City Center at Oyster Point? “Newport News to nurturing growth. ership programs in the public schools. 21 Enterprise Pkwy. made perfect sense, as its location is central to the “Our focus is to connect business with opportuni- “That strategy works: VPCC’s mem- Ste. 100 Peninsula,” Whalen explains, “and City Center is ties,” he says. “We do that through the facilitation of bership rate is growing by 5 percent Hampton, VA well-known by the local population because of all relationships — bringing parties together to improve annually,” Kuhns says. “We program for 757.262.2000 [email protected] its special events, restaurants, and specialty retail.” the business environment or their bottom line.” today. We invest for the future.” A highly educated and skilled workforce, cen- tralized location, and an outstanding quality of life have made Newport News a haven for globally sig- nificant companies looking to meet 21st century photos (from top) by derrick diemont and by double image studio/tncc image double by and diemont derrick by top) (from photos demands. And the leaders and employees of these busi- nesses find ample outlets in the community for city’s mild climate and the work/live/play/environ- their off-time, including the thriving entertain- ment of their office location at City Center, where ment district at City Center, the 8,000-acre residences, offices, restaurants, shops, and live en- Newport News Park (one of the largest municipal tertainment opportunities are all within walking parks east of the Mississippi), and many cultural

distance. “The efficiencies of doing business here offerings like The Mariners Museum, Ferguson harper/ bob of courtesy photo Above: The have enabled us to focus on our core goals and not Center for the Arts, the Peninsula Fine Arts Mariners’ worry about an inordinate escalation in the cost of Center and the Virginia Living Museum. Museum, doing business year in and year out,” she adds. As PBMares Partner and COO Mary C. and Thomas Nelson When you settle into a plush leather reclining Aldrich remarks, “Mixing business with pleasure Community seat in front of a 65-foot movie screen, a chilled mi- is so easy in Newport News.” College’s crobrew in one hand and a piping hot custom pizza education and training on the tray table in front of you at the new Paragon VPCC facilities Theater in Newport News, you may not consider

138 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 139 ★ Newport news, virginia

Whatever draws you here, the city center will wow you with its excellent Best of Everything dining, premium shopping, City Center at Oyster Point is a Newport News hotspot. and first-rate office space. By Ellie Baldini

magine if you could live, work, and play in a and home furnishing shops, like the trendy Sisters Point offers eight stunning buildings with top-notch single location — a vibrant hub filled with Unique and elegant Hauser’s Jewelers, along with amenities — think high-speed internet; free on-site premier office space, first-class shopping and well-loved brands like Hi-Ho Silver, Ann parking; marble, granite, and wood-finished lobbies; dining, and luxurious residences. At City Taylor Loft and Jos. A. Bank. and high-speed elevators — all within easy walking ICenter at Oyster Point, you can do it all. In the mood to get pampered? City Center is distance of shopping and dining.

Conveniently located in the heart of the mid- home to a variety of specialty services, from the N of courtesy photos The residential units offer luxurious accommo- Atlantic, just one hour from Richmond and two Animare Salon & Spa, featuring indulgent Aveda dations in an unbeatable location. The Park Place from Washington, DC, City Center is a must-see products, to Bo Essential, an all-natural boutique Apartments feature 365 residential units dispersed attraction. This 52-acre, mixed-used development where you can customize your very own bath, body, throughout four brick buildings, plus a first-floor on the Virginia Peninsula was designed as a stun- and home products. retail and a fitness room, business center, club-

ning outdoor gathering space with southern living Now that you’ve worked up an appetite, it’s time N ewport house, and outdoor pool. And the brand-new don’t miss the 2014 Virginia Brazilian Festival From left: in mind. City Center at Oyster Point con- to explore the dozens of restaurants, cafes, and spe- Belmont at City Center apartments offers both one- (Sept. 20) and the Oyster Roast with the Deloreans City Center

tains 230,000 square feet of retail shops and cialty food options. Try Taste Unlimited at the City T ews and two-bedroom, open-concept floor plans with (Oct. 24). And come winter, City Center hosts the at Oyster City Center Point, and restaurants, 1 million square feet of Class A Center Market — it’s famous for delicious sand- D ourism contemporary accents, like brushed nickel designer hugely popular Hollydazzle on Dec. 5 from 6 p.m. at Oyster Point Paragon office space, a Marriott Hotel and Confer- wiches on freshly baked bread. There’s also the fixtures, energy-saving features, and unbelievable to 9 p.m. Theaters (2)

701 Town Center Dr., ence Center, and 500 luxury apartments spicy Salsa’s Mexican Restaurant and Cove Tavern office evelopment city views. Whatever draws you here, City Center at Oyster Ste. 100 and condominiums. It’s a destination that for dining by the fountain, plus Tucanos Brazilian There’s plenty to see and do at City Center at Point is sure to wow you with its stunning layout, Newport News, VA 757.873.2020 truly has it all. Grill, and Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill, Oyster Point for residents and visitors alike. The excellent dining, premium shopping, first-rate office citycenterat Ready to shop? City Center at Oyster and other delicious eateries sure to hit the spot. City Center Farmer’s Market runs every Thursday, space, and beautiful residences. You may even be oysterpoint.com Point is rife with unique apparel, accessory, For premium office space, City Center at Oyster all summer long, from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. This fall, tempted to stay.

140 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 141 ★ Newport news, virginia Small Matter, Big Impact Newport News is home to speeding particles and world-class researchers. By Deborah R. Huso

hat makes the which propels electrons into the depths of atoms’ universe tick? Scien- nuclei, allowing scientists to explore quarks and the tists at the Thomas Jef- forces that affect them. ferson National Acceler- What counts in science is “discovery potential,” Wator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News can says Hugh Montgomery, Jefferson Lab’s director. Clockwise from left: probably tell you — at least what they know so far. “We create that potential with the combination of section of a And while Jefferson Lab’s nuclear physicists are our incredible staff, the visiting scientists who trav- particle studying quarks — the smallest known particles of el to the lab to conduct experiments, and the detector, examining matter — their work has a big impact on scientific CEBAF.” electronics, discovery. Staff scientist Brad Sawatzky says working at aerial view Founded in 1984, this world-class nuclear the lab fulfills his childhood interest in under- of lab, a calorimeter physics research center is home to the Continuous standing how things work. “As a kid, you name it, detector Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, or CEBAF, I took it apart; and occasionally I successfully reassembled it before my parents noticed!” Sawatzky says. “At Jefferson Lab, I get to take apart and study the very building blocks of matter. This is at the very frontier of what humankind knows about ‘how things work’ at the smallest and most fundamental scales.” One of 17 laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the laboratory has been a I take apart and study the second home to professors, students, and engineers very building blocks of from around the world for three decades. More than 1,200 scientists conduct research at Jefferson matter. this is at the fron- Lab, and about one-third of U.S. Doctorates in tier of what humans know. Nuclear Physics awarded annually are earned with Jefferson Lab research. — ­­Brad Sawatzky, staff scientist at Jefferson Lab The lab’s 169-acre campus is inconspicuous, blending seamlessly into the local community, but inside its doors, scientists and students work on the nuclear medicine. forefront of experimental and theoretical nuclear The lab shares more than 20 of its 700 staff physics, supercomputing, cryogenics, and laser members with local universities as joint faculty, photos courtesy of jefferson lab jefferson of courtesy photos and particle detector systems. providing students first-hand access to cutting- Jefferson Lab’s economic impact has routinely edge research and leading scientists. Six been pegged well above its annual budget, benefit- thousand people visited Jefferson Lab ting both the Newport News region and the during its open house day in May, and Jefferson Lab

nation. Its basic research, often dubbed “pure each year hundreds of teachers and thou- 12000 Jef ferson Ave. science,” results in new technologies and advance- sands of students benefit from the lab’s Newport News, VA ments that could benefit the commercial electron- nationally recognized science education 757.269.7100 jlab.org ics industry, security interests, manufacturing, and programs.

142 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 143 ★ Newport news, virginia Envisioning Success Energy and enterprise in a new research park in Newport News.

ewport News is a city where physicists smash atoms at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility to study Nthe very components of our universe, while rocket scientists twenty minutes away explore outer space at the NASA/Langley Research Center. Soon Newport News will be home to the Tech Center at Oyster Point, a 100-acre, $450 million development in the heart of Newport News that will become a hub of entrepreneurship. With world-class facili- From left: ties, a full range of business growth services, and the main entrance, access to human, managerial, and financial capi- ergy and create a campus where we can form solu- way that creates jobs, improves lives, and strength- soon newport news will and the tal, the Tech Center has everything businesses tions to problems,” says Jeff Johnson, director of ens the economy.” Marketplace need to succeed. the Tech Center research park. “We’re building a The Tech Center will comprise 1.3 million be home to the tech center, at the Tech Center at “One goal is to collaborate with Jefferson Lab community whose focus is on commercializing square feet of research space and a campus of lux- a hub of entrepreneurship Oyster Point and NASA/Langley and others, to tap into that en- discoveries and growing businesses that matter in a ury apartments, retail outlets, fitness facilities, and with world-class facilities. a Whole Foods grocery store, plus easy access to walking and biking trails, allowing entrepreneurs to work and thrive in the buzz of collaboration. The research park is the brainchild of John Law- healthy life, one that’s more in balance. He has a son, president and CEO of Newport News–based vision for making his hometown a great place for developer W.M. Jordan Co. and a former rector of people to live, innovate, and play. W.M. Jordan has the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors. Lawson was a track record of doing just that.” photos courtesy of W of courtesy photos inspired by the Corporate Research Center on The Tech Center is adjacent to the Jefferson Tech’s Blacksburg campus, which is home to about Lab and minutes from NASA’s Langley Research 150 companies and 2,700 employees and was Center. Slated to begin opening in the fall of 2015, named the 2010 Outstanding Research Park by the partnership includes W.M. Jordan Co.; Georgia- the Association of University Research Parks. He based retail developer S. J. Collins Enterprises; . M . J

ordan C ordan looked at that center and at his hometown and residential apartment developer Ellis-Gibson, thought, “Why couldn’t it work here?” Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center; and

ompany and P and ompany While the end result of successful entrepre- the City of Newport News. The development will neurship and commercial success is important, include 250,000 square feet of retail the how of getting there matters, too. space, 300,000 square feet of multifamily Tech Center at

hillips P hillips “Entrepreneurs are people who have an idea residential space, and 1.3 million square Oyster Point

that’s just burning inside, sometimes so much they feet of research and office space. 638 Oyster Point Rd. artnership can’t sleep at night because they’ve just got to For more information or to see how Newport News, VA make it happen,” Johnson says. “Johnny’s approach you can be a part of this vibrant commu- techcenteroysterpoint .com creates a community where they can have a nity, visit techcenteroysterpoint.com.

144 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 145 ★ Newport news, virginia

riverside Health system’s extensive resources in- Equipped clude more than 550 pri- mary care and specialty to Heal physicians in 130 locations Riverside Health System combines comprehensive services with leading-edge technologies. located on the RRMC campus. The Radiosurgery Center represents one of the largest utilizations of radiosurgery in the world providing leading-edge technology. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery The Gam- iverside Health System is one ma Knife is a painless and non-invasive procedure of the state’s largest and most that delivers 201 focused and highly accurate comprehensive providers of beams of radiation to the specific area of the brain health care, serving commu- requiring treatment. As one of the most advanced Rnities throughout eastern Virginia since 1916. The forms of stereotactic radiosurgery (radiation guid- system includes a regional medical center, commu- ed by 3-D computer imaging), the Gamma Knife nity hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, and a is considered the gold standard for treatment behavioral health hospital, along with facilities of malignant and benign brain tumors, and also specializing in outpatient diagnostic and treatment treats lesions, arteriovascular malformations, services, convalescent care, wellness and fitness, functional disorders, and trigeminal neuralgia. and active retirement living. As part of a multidisciplinary team, a Riverside Riverside’s extensive resources also include the neurosurgeon, radiation oncologist, and medical more than 550 primary care and specialty physi- physicist use advanced computer software to deter- cians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners mine the size, location, and shape of the area to be ➺ providing care in more than on the Virginia Peninsula. RRMC is also the hub 130 convenient for the health system’s expanding telemedicine ca- locations pabilities as well as a center for medical education, throughout providing physician training through Riverside the region. Family Practice and OB/GYN residency programs. While River- The other four general hospitals within the side offers a Riverside system providing acute inpatient servic- wide range of es, outpatient care, and 24-hour emergency care health and well- are: Riverside Walter Reed Hospital in Gloucester, ness services for Riverside Tappahannock Hospital on the North- every stage of ern Neck, Riverside Doctors Hospital Williams- life, the system burg, and Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital places a strong on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. photos courtesy of riverside health system health riverside of courtesy photos emphasis on older adults and is the state’s largest Clockwise non-governmental provider of care for this grow- from left: New Hope in Neurosurgical and Gamma ing population. In addition to innovative programs Neurovascular Care Knife, that help people remain safely and comfortably in As part of its overall capabilities, Riverside is na- Biplane Imaging, and their homes as they age, Riverside maintains three tionally recognized for treating brain, spine, and RRMC main vibrant continuing care retirement communities. nervous system injuries and disorders. More than campus The largest hospital within the system is 150 experienced care givers provide neurosurgical Riverside Regional Medical Center (RRMC) in and neurovascular care at Riverside. Resources Newport News, which includes the only Level II include the Chesapeake Regional, Riverside, Trauma Center and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and University of Virginia Radiosurgery Center

146 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 147 ★ Newport news, virginia

riverside offers health and well- Lending a Hand ness services for every stage of life From plumbing supplies to local communities, Ferguson makes a positive impact. By Tony Gabriele

treatment benefits include faster recovery, fewer complications, and no blood loss. Riverside has other technologies and proce- dures it utilizes as part of its overall neurosurgical obody expects more from us and neurovascular capabilities. than we do.” For Ferguson, Biplane Imaging This innovative digital x-ray this statement is more than technology allows Riverside a slogan about how they do neurovascular specialists to Nbusiness. It also speaks of how the Newport News- follow the path of blood flow headquartered company makes a positive impact through vessels, creating a to strengthen communities where its 19,000 asso- “roadmap” for treating the pre- ciates live and work. Those associates share this cise location of life-threatening challenge by lending a hand wherever it’s needed. conditions, including blood Education is a critical component for outreach clots and aneurysms. efforts led by Ferguson, the nation’s largest whole- Biplane imaging plays an saler of plumbing supplies and a major distributor important role in mapping the of heating/air conditioning equipment and indus- blood vessels prior to surgery, trial and waterworks products. The company paid while also offering a more pre- for all fourth graders attending the city’s public cise treatment picture during schools, plus schools in five nearby localities, to endovascular procedures, take field trips this past year to Colonial Williams- which are highly specialized burg. This learning opportunity provided a fasci-

interventional surgeries car- ( photos nating journey into America’s past to help educate ried out entirely within the cir- the younger generation about our nation’s begin- F

culatory system. foundation williamsburg colonial the of courtesy and photography brown scott by top) rom nings. Ferguson associates have pitched in to O-arm Surgical teach workplace skills at An Achievable Dream, Imaging System This a local nonprofit that helps educate disadvantaged

technology provides real-time, students, and the company will provide college Christopher Newport University in the amount From top: highly detailed two- and three- scholarships for the program’s class of 2016 high of $12 million over the next 30 years for scholar- Ferguson dimensional imaging of the school graduates. ships, community service programs, and for CEO Frank Roach surgical site during spine, or- Ferguson has also pledged its support of CNU’s Ferguson Center for the Arts. with toys treated. The Gamma Knife then directs 201 thopedic, and trauma-related surgeries. Because of Other examples of outreach can collected From top: individual radioactive sources precisely on the its distortion-free images and speed of image retriev- be seen across the larger Hampton through O-Arm Project Surgical target area, reducing the risk of damage to sur- al, the O-arm system enables surgeons to make few- Roads region. In Project Holiday Joy, Holiday Joy, Imaging and rounding tissue. er and smaller incisions, while precisely navigating associates at Ferguson’s corporate and local Stealthsta- Synergy S Radiosurgery Similar to Gam- delicate anatomical areas. The result of this low- headquarters partnered with Opera- students tion, Synergy system health riverside of courtesy photos at Colonial S Radiosur- ma Knife Radiosurgery (but not used exclusively in dose x-ray visualization and the less invasive surgery tion Homefront to donate toys for the Williamburg gery System the cranial area), the Synergy S focuses very accu- it supports is reduced pain and faster recovery time. children of local military families. rate radioactive beams to specific areas of the body. StealthStation Neuronavigation Ferguson’s engagement In addition to precisely targeting tumors Innovative StealthStation neuronavigation is with its neighbors, in the in the brain and spine, Synergy S is an used to treat brain tumors, tremors, and Parkin- words of Colonial Williams- Ferguson Riverside effective treatment option for tumors son’s disease as well as spinal and pelvic trauma. burg President Colin Health System throughout the body, such as lung, adre- This three-dimensional, real-time tracking system Campbell, “is a superb 12500 Jef ferson Ave. 757.875.7880 nal, and recurrent lymph node tumors. provides surgeons with detailed, highly accurate example of community Newport News, VA riversideonline Because both the Gamma Knife and positioning information, resulting in less invasive involvement and corporate 757.874.7795 .com/neuro ferguson.com Synergy S technologies are non-invasive, procedures and improved clinical outcomes. responsibility.”

148 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 149 ★ Newport news, virginia Take to the Air with Ease Thanks to the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport By Ben Swenson

o, you’re eyes aren’t playing offers to Charlotte and Phil- tricks on you. That was adelphia, and thereby con- Air Force One landing at nect to 120 domestic and 46 Newport News/Williams- international destinations. Nburg International Airport (PHF). Located in the And pilots of the two heart of Newport News, PHF is the ideal launch- Boeing 747-200Bs that ing point for hotspots and must-see attractions provide the U.S. president’s around the Virginia Peninsula and beyond, from long-distance transportation the Outer Banks to Washington, DC. utilize PHF’s prime loca- Locals look to PHF because it’s an intimate air- tion, too, performing port that offers easy access to cities across the approaches there from time- globe. For instance, passengers can hop aboard to-time. In fact, this past any of the 13 daily departures US Airways Express year practice made perfect when Air Force cultural resources. Others arrive on business, to What’s more, in February PHF unveiled a One landed with the president research at Jefferson Lab’s particle accelerator, state-of-the-art Federal Inspection Station for Clockwise from left: himself aboard at PHF. perhaps, or to assist in the construction of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, capable of a recent The reason you might just nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. clearing 200 passengers an hour. The airport’s renovation, glimpse this familiar aircraft is Ford at Newport News Shipbuilding. first-ever nonstop international flight was to the new customs’ the same one that has brought “We are honored to be the hometown airport Cancun, Mexico, and among those who had the inspection as many as a million travelers for the Virginia Peninsula and the convenient pleasure of flying the route were two lucky teach- station, Air through PHF. For the presi- choice for the region,” says Jessica Wharton, ers who were awarded an all expenses-paid trip. Force One, and a dent’s aviators, southeast director of marketing and public affairs at PHF. PHF offered this gesture of goodwill in recogni- rendering of

Virginia’s peninsula means less N of courtesy photos The airport recently completed several multi- tion of the contribution educators make to the the planned congested airspace just a short million dollar upgrades, including a renovation of common good. exterior remodel plane ride from the nation’s cap- one of the two concourses. Wharton explains that And speaking of goodwill, PHF also recently ital. For most people who pass the master plan considered all the sensibilities and adopted the “Thanks Again” program, which pro- through PHF, however, it’s not needs of modern travelers when arranging the vides the opportunity to earn additional customer

as much about the proximity to N ewport refurbished space. That’s why natural lighting, rewards, effectively double-dipping on points and Washington, DC, as it is about energy efficiency, and opportunities for charging miles which travelers already rack up

what lays at the airport’s door- T ews electronic devices were design priorities. getting to and from destinations. Newport News/ step: an historic, vibrant, and D ourism The master plan also includes a brand-new Those sorts of overtures explain why Williamsburg mobile community of 1.8 consolidated checkpoint, which means additional PHF has become a fixture in southeast International

million people. office evelopment lanes, improved concessions pre- and post-security, Virginia. “We want to be the airport of Airport Many visitors come to see and best of all, a connecting bridge between choice for the Virginia Peninsula,” says 9 00 Bland Blvd. our nation’s birthplace and take concourse A and B, so travelers only need to pass Wharton. “We pride ourselves on being Newport News, VA in the tourist attractions that through security once. It all adds up to an increas- part of the community and on the level 757.877.0221 have evolved around these ingly seamless travel experience. of service we offer.” flyphf.com

150 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 151 ★ Newport news, virginia First in Class International Communications Group offers top-flight communications systems while calling Newport News home.

nternational Communications Group cations and data routing solutions in the aviation (ICG) has been a part of the Newport News industry. community since its inception more than Situated in one of the nation’s most beautiful 20 years ago. The company is a leader in and historic regions, ICG draws talent from Ithe design, development, and manufacture of local educational institutions such as Virginia next-generation communications systems and data Commonwealth University, the University of routing solutions for the general aviation and air Virginia, Virginia Tech, Old Dominion University, transport industries. ICG has grown from a small William and Mary, and Christopher Newport University, and taps into the pool of highly skilled military personnel in the area. Newport News has a rich historical heri- Always tage that makes ICG an attrac- tive prospect for talent from around the country and across Good Ships the world. Its proximity to York- town, Jamestown, and Colonial Building seafaring vessels — and tradition Williamsburg makes it easy to — in Newport News. By Deborah H. Huso explore the country’s history, and the nearby coastal and in- land recreational areas are ap- pealing to many job candidates. Known for its attributes — s you drive down Huntington ny’s founding, it has designed, built, and repaired From top: Innovative, Creative, and a Avenue in the historic Hun- over 800 vessels for the U.S. Navy as well as com- shipbuilders Great place to work — ICG has tington Heights neighbor- mercial customers. Thirty of those have been at work on been recognized for its growth in hood of Newport News, it is ircraft carriers like the USS Enterprise and the the aircraft employment and revenues as one impossible not to notice the vast shipyard operations Nimitz-class carriers. carrier A Gerald R. of the state’s “Fantastic 50” sever- fronting the James River. NNS President Matt Mulherin says the compa- Ford, and al times in recent years, as well as Newport News Shipbuilding has been a ny’s highly skilled trades workers and engineers are a nuclear- photos courtesy of I of courtesy photos powered one of the 20 fastest growing major player in the city for more than 128 years. its greatest asset. Major projects include refueling submarine group of investors and technology innovators to a companies in Hampton Roads in 2013. It’s not The shipyard, now a division of Huntington In- and overhaul of nuclear aircraft carriers, building in dry dock thriving 100-plus employee company with custom- “news” that ICG thinks the Newport News area is N of courtesy photos galls Industries, employs more than 23,700 people new Virginia-class submarines in partnership with ers and products fielded on every continent of the a great place to work and call home. and is the largest industrial employer in Virginia. Electric Boat, building the U.S. Navy’s Gerald R.

globe. group communications nternational Many employees are third, fourth, and fifth gener- Ford class of aircraft carriers, and inactivating ICG’s decision to locate in Newport News was ation shipbuilders, and 868 of them are Master the USS Enterprise. “Nuclear-powered by design. The company’s initial products Shipbuilders, which means they have more than submarines and aircraft carriers are ewport N ewport were communications management sys- 40 years of experience. complex and impressive. Equally im- Newport News tems designed for telephone connectivity The services NNS provides are critical. The pressive are the American shipbuilders Shipbuilding ews shipbuilding ews 230 Pickett 's Line for the cruise ship industry. The firm’s yard is the nation’s sole designer, builder, and who build them,” says Mulherin. NNS 4101 Washington Ave. Newport News, VA commitment to innovation has resulted in refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and shipbuilders safely perform these critical Newport News, VA 1.757.947.1030 the adaptation of the technology for ad- one of only two shipyards in the U.S. with nuclear tasks with a constant awareness of the 757.380.2000 icg.aero nns.huntingtoningalls.com vanced cabin and cockpit voice communi- submarine building capabilities. Since the compa- shipyard’s mission—“always good ships.”

152 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 153 ★ Newport news, virginia HISTORY, culture, AND NATURE Relive the past at dozens of historic sites, revel in the present, and recharge in beautiful natural surroundings. By Deborah R. Huso

or more than a century, the wa- ered the wreck site, and since then, the U.S. Navy tery grave of the ironclad USS and NOAA have been working to recover and con- Monitor remained a mystery. serve its artifacts, many of which are now on display Sunk in a storm off North Caro- at The Mariners’ Museum’s USS Monitor Center. Flina’s Outer Banks in 1862, nine months after the “The Battle of the Ironclads is a pivotal moment famous first ironclad battle in history, theMonitor in history that visitors here can relive,” says Cindy seemed lost to history. But in 1973, divers discov- Brouillard, director of tourism for the Newport News Tourism Development Of- fice newport-news.org,( 888.493.7386). At the USS Moni- tor Center, you can view the ironclad’s unique screw propel- ler, turret, and Dahlgren guns while getting a firsthand look at aircraft carriers for the U.S. Navy. (In fact, it is the work, and play at locations like Ferguson Center for the work of the men and women only builder of the Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft the Arts, City Center at Oyster Point and historic preserving this historic icon. carriers.) You can explore some of the city’s and the Hilton Village, is also rich in natural surroundings. The USS Monitor is only one nation’s military stories at the Virginia War Muse- The city has 36 parks, including Newport News of many historic gems in New- um as well as the U.S. Army Transportation Muse- Park, which at 7,711 acres (that’s nine times larger port News. “Our city is rich in um at Joint Base Langley-Eustis. than Central Park) is one of the largest municipal history and complements the Newport News isn’t just for history buffs, howev- parks in the U.S. stories being told in nearby Wil- er. This urban city, with its atmosphere of live, Here you can hike, bike, canoe, picnic, even liamsburg, Yorktown, and James- camp. Brouillard says town,” Brouillard adds. “In the she especially appreci- early 1600s, Captain Christo- ates the city’s easy access

pher Newport brought ‘good N of courtesy photos to nature, “from roman- news’ of supplies to the colonists tic strolls in Newport at Jamestown.” The city was also News Park to breathtak- part of the Peninsula Campaign ing sunsets from Hun- of 1862, a story told and re-en- tington Park while acted at Endview Plantation and N ewport watching ships pass up Lee Hall Mansion. the James River.” What’s Clockwise from bottom ews T ews Then, in both World War I her favorite nature spot left: Lee Hall

and II, Newport News was a port D ourism for getting away from it Mansion, Hilton of U.S. embarkation for troops all? “The Noland Trail Village, Victory Arch, Noland heading overseas. The city has office evelopment at The Mariners’ Muse- Trail, Ferguson always played a significant role um Park,” she remarks. Center for the in the nation’s military history. “That’s where I let my Arts, Civil War re-enactment Its shipyard, founded in 1886, is mind unwind at the end at Endview still producing submarines and of a long day!” Plantation

154 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 155 ★ Newport news, virginia

From bottom left: Newport Live Life News Golf Club at Deer Run, enjoying the open Outdoors water at Newport Celebrate Newport News’ Parks & News Park, and a tranquil Recreation. By Ben Swenson day at Huntington Park Rose Garden

he late Maya Angelou said it best: “I work very hard, and I play very hard. I’m grateful for life. And I Tlive it — I believe life loves the liver of it. I live it.” Angelou was sharing wisdom from personal experience, but she could just as well have been speaking of Newport News, Virginia, a city that works hard and plays hard. A city that lives and loves life. Take Newport News Park. This wooded refuge stands tall among the nation’s natural landscapes, but it’s more than just a place to enjoy open air;

Embrace green space under wide-open sky. the park represents a community where folks are centers host tournaments that draw athletes from including the Boundless Playground, which passionate for life, and where recreation is as much around the country. You’ll find amateur golfers can accommodate children with special needs. a priority as work. playing against par at acclaimed 36-hole Newport For more information, visit nngov.com Newport News Park is enormous. At 7,711 News Golf Club at Deer Run, and organized /parks-and-recreation. acres, it’s among one of the largest municipal parks teams at any of the sprawling east of the Mississippi River. (Central Park could complexes for softball, swim-

fit in here nine times over.) Thirty-five miles of N of courtesy photos ming, and tennis. trails wind through woods that are home to deer, That’s what makes recre- bobcats, and otters. Beyond Newport News Park, ation in Newport News stand the city boasts 35 other public park facilities. apart: There’s something with- That’s a lot of green space for people to em- in the city limits for everyone.

brace under wide-open sky, and there are plenty of N ewport The people draw from many ways to do it, from kayaking to camping and geo- traditions and backgrounds,

caching. Outdoor recreation is central to Newport T ews and the opportunities to renew

News’ identity, thanks to a historical connection D ourism oneself through leisure reflect to the natural features that have driven the city’s that diversity. Do floral gardens

growth over the years. A day spent at the beach or office evelopment soothe your soul? Newport boating and fishing are traditions along the city’s News has three. Maybe you 20-plus miles of shoreline along the James River . want some quality time with Residents enjoy friendly pickup games at neigh- the kids? Try any of the 102 borhood basketball courts, and new recreation city-maintained playgrounds,

156 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 157 ★ Newport news, virginia

THe one city marathon will weave through neighbor- hoods, and pass renowned museums and public art.

fun run will cover a nautical mile — 1.15 land miles — and refreshment stops will be dubbed “wave stations,” with neighborhoods competing for theirs to be the most welcoming, helpful, and well-decorated. Runners will complete the race through the city’s Victory Arch, built originally in 1919 to wel- come soldiers back from World War I and rebuilt after World War II, where Newport News citizens then cheered returning troops just like they will applaud marathon runners making their way to the finish line. “Come March 15th, runners will have an op- portunity to see the wonderful assets of our city and experience the vitality and spirit of the people of Newport News,” says Bourey. “Runners will find visitors alike will also enjoy a health fair and a that they’ve never been welcomed like this.” community festival. Boston Marathon Director Dave McGillivray, who will be the keynote speaker at the pre-race dinner, was the first in line to register. “I love the mission,” he said, “to bring unity in the communi- ty while encouraging healthy living.” Off and Running The relatively flat, certified course promises to Save the date for the inaugural Newport News One City Marathon. be fast, with a net drop in elevation and seasonally cool temperatures — and it will provide an ideal By Janine Latus (2) news newport of city of courtesy and kravets alexander by left) (from photos opportunity for runners to get in their qualifying time for the Boston Marathon. Presented by Newport News Shipbuilding, the race will begin in the nearly 8,000-acre Newport News Park, which at nine times larger ewport News City Manager than New York City’s Central Park, is one of the Jim Bourey is a runner, and largest municipal parks in the nation. It will then it didn’t take long for him to weave through neighborhoods, parks, and a col- recognize that his 26-mile- lege campus, and pass renowned museums and Nlong city of parks, diverse neighborhoods, outdoor world-class public art. The course continues along art, and river views would make a perfect course the waterfront and the Newport News Shipyard, for a marathon. The hills are gentle, the course is which has built sea vessels since 1886 and is now Clockwise fast; ospreys, eagles, and egrets coast overhead, the only maker of nuclear-powered U.S. Navy from above: and the scenery is beautiful. Thus the inaugural aircraft carriers. starting line at Mariners’ Newport News One City Marathon (onecity Set for March 15, 2015, the marathon, along The final leg of the race will take runners past Museum, marathon.com) was born. The city believes this is with a relay option for up to four participants, the 90-foot tugboat Dorothy, the first vessel built at world-class a perfect opportunity to show off its world-class an 8K race, and a fun run, are expected to draw the shipyard, which plied the waters for 73 years public art, and the hospitality and intends to provide the warmest thousands of runners to this city along the James and today symbolizes the shipyard’s workmanship. Victory Arch welcome runners have ever experienced. River. Throughout the weekend, citizens and In a nod to the city’s water-based heritage, the

158 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 159 ★ Newport news, virginia

overall in the GSR, and all 11 women’s indoor From track teams surpassed the national APR average, bottom left: a-10 ascension while 10 of 11 outdoor women’s track teams met Dayton or exceeded the average. Six of eight women’s la- Flyers Atlantic 10 Conference teams achieve success on and off the playing field. basketball , crosse programs, 11 of 12 women’s cross country and By Brion O’Connor teams, and seven women’s swimming squads were Fordham all above the average. Men’s basketball ranks sec- women’s basketball ond nationally in the GSR among all conferences, player and collectively the men’s basketball programs Abigail tied for sixth among the 32 D-I conferences, and Corning. Below: ased in Newport News, Men’s Hoops seven teams exceeded the national APR average. Scan this QR Virginia, the 14-member The A-10 has shown again that it is one of the code to see Atlantic 10 Conference premier basketball-centric conferences in the U.S. Marketing Prowess the Who Wants Next Scan this (atlantic10.com) is committed Six teams — Saint Louis University, VCU, George Given the success of the A-10 athletic teams and Campaign. QR code to Bto athletic excellence and offers championship Washington, Saint Joseph’s, Massachusetts, and the academic achievements of their students, it’s watch the opportunities in 21 sports, allowing more than Dayton — recorded 24 or more wins, and all six no surprise that the league’s branding initiative A-10’s Salute to Champi- 4,500 students the chance to earn A-10 titles and made the NCAA tournament, comprising almost — Who Wants Next? (WhoWantsNext.com) — ons video. advance to NCAA Tournament play. ten percent of the 68-team field. So strong is the continues to gather steam. Highlighting the con- A-10 that the Dayton Flyers (26-10 over- that mark), and only two teams failed to reach ference’s successful basketball programs during all), who stunned fol- double-digit figures in victories. Three A-10 teams February and March, the campaign was a finalist lowers with their dramatic run to the made the NCAA tournament, including Fordham, for a 2014 CLIO Sports award. NCAA Elite 8, finished in sixth place in which knocked off regular-season champion the conference. Dayton to win the league tournament. Dayton NCAA ‘Talk’ “The league represents great coach- and Saint Joseph’s also made the NCAA Tourna- The National Collegiate Athletic Association es, great players, and very undervalued ment while Duquesne, George Washington, (NCAA) is the governing organization of which depth,” says Dayton head coach Archie St. Bonaventure, and VCU all earned WNIT bids. the A-10 is a Division I member. As widely report- Miller. “To me, the words that describe Individual accolades included Jim Crowley of ed, a major governance restructuring is under way. the Atlantic 10 are competitive, depth, St. Bonaventure, recognized as A-10 Coach of the The A-10 has been engaged in these discussions and style.” Year, and Duquesne’s Dan Burt, who was named supporting the initiative to revamp the NCAA. Ensuring future success is the A-10’s a finalist for the 2014 Spalding Maggie Dixon “Intercollegiate athletics as we know it will stellar collection of head coaches. Five Division I Rookie Coach of the Year award. Also, be transformed,” commented A-10 Commissioner of the league’s bench bosses were listed Saint Joseph’s high-scoring senior guard Erin Bernadette V. McGlade. “However, protecting photos (from left) by M by left) (from photos in ESPN’s countdown of Top-50 men’s Shields was selected to the I-AAA Scholar-Athlete competitive opportunities and enhanced support basketball coaches, with Virginia Com- Team for the second straight year, the only Hawk for student-athletes is very important.” monwealth University’s Shaka Smart in program history to earn that honor twice. Included in the proposed restructuring is a topping the list at No. 13. Also men- Shields was also named one of ten A-10 Post- newly appointed board of directors, comprised tioned were Davidson’s Bob McKillop graduate Scholarship recipients. of chancellors and university presidents, with itchell leff/ itchell (24th), Miller (26th), A-10 Coach of the responsibility for the highest-level policy and Year of Saint Louis (29th), Academic Excellence decision making for the

and Saint Joseph’s (35th), A Proving that academics and athletics can mix, NCAA. The A-10 supports the 2004 NCAA Coach of the Year. conference a-10 the of courtesy and conference -10 the A-10 scored high with its league-wide equitable representation on Academic Progress Rate (APR) for the fourth this new board, as it is impor- Women’s Hoops consecutive year. The A-10’s average APR score tant for ensuring the priori- The A-10 women’s basketball teams also of 984 (out of a possible 1,000) recently tied the ties of FBS football-centric The Atlantic 10 Conference un- veiled a new logo this summer. achieved an outstanding season, with conference for fifth place among all Division I institutions and Division I The refreshed logo ties into record success in the regular season and leagues. Across the board, 141 A-10 teams met basketball-centric institu- the lineage of the previous A-10 several teams earning postseason berths. or exceeded the national APR average, and tions. Presidents can appro- mark, while also incorporating Seven teams — Dayton, Fordham, 37 teams registered a perfect score of 1,000. priately address the unique imagery of speed and strength. George Washington, St. Bonaventure, Each year, the league has achieved a top- needs of all NCAA student- The marks were designed to portray the A-10’s core values Saint Joseph’s, Duquesne, and VCU — five ranking in both the APR and the Graduate athletes and amateur sport of academic and athletic broke the 20-win barrier (the third time Success Rate (GSR), reaching as high as the programs within our institu- excellence, leadership, and in league history that seven teams hit No. 2 spot. Women’s basketball ranks fourth tions of higher learning. community service.

160 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 161 ★ Newport news, virginia Art for everyone The Newport News Public Art Foundation brings great sculpture into the everyday lives of residents.

hat better symbol is abstraction, a geometry puzzle built around a there for a business beam of light. park than two fantastic Fly into Newport News, Virginia, drive around Whands coming together its streets, and enjoy its “open-air art gallery” — it’s in a handshake? Nearby, a giant gear, precise and always open, always free, always helping make the polished but with an intriguing twist, marks the city a great place to live, work, visit, and do business. turn into an industrial area. Over on the river, a Newport News was introduced to outdoor Below: dreamy marble beauty gazes out from her perch in sculpture in the 1930s by the Huntingtons — Spirit of Life, a peaceful pond. In front of a library, a bronze fig- Archer and Anna Hyatt — who founded The Riverside ure tells a story about being ready for life’s chang- Mariners’ Museum and imagined its 500-plus-acre Regional Medical es, as he balances atop a sphere that’s ready to roll. surroundings as a sculpture park. They installed Center To get to the airport, turn at the soaring metal several pieces by Anna, a well-known sculptor, but the Great Depression hit before they could make their ambitious dream a reality. with so much high- Six decades later, local devel- quality art, there's oper Bobby Freeman had a clearly something dream of his own: a midtown community with squares and remarkable going roundabouts designed for sculp- on here. ture. The happy result, Port War- Clockwise wick, impressed local leaders so from left: much they wanted other parts come from around the globe — from the local Izar, at airport of the city to enjoy great art, too. area and around the United States, as well as from entrance; They turned to Freeman and, af- Europe, South America, and Asia. Carambola, ter confirming that major players And the Foundation makes the art as accessible Hilton Public Library; and — in business, education, health, as possible. In most communities, only a small Reinvented, culture, and city government — proportion of residents visit art galleries. To help Oyster Point were on board, he formed the more people enjoy the benefits art brings to indi- Newport News Public Art Foun- vidual lives and civic life, the solution is simple: dation (nnpublicart.org). Bring the art to them. Since 2001, the volunteer-led The Foundation puts art where people encoun- nonprofit has been bringing the ter it as they go about their daily lives. It’s along ma- best sculpture from around the jor streets and in traffic circles, on public land and world to Newport News, with 17 high-visibility private property. The collection is pieces installed and another half kravets alexander by photos large, because while city government is an enthusi- dozen in the works. The collec- astic partner, the great majority of the art is funded tion is diverse, with pieces that by private donors. In other words, Newport News are traditional and modern, fig- enjoys a great art asset because the community urative and abstract, beautiful makes it happen. and, yes, sometimes challeng- And so patients and visitors at Riverside ing. So are the artists, who Regional Medical Center’s busy campus pass the ➺

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unfolding marble sculpture He- From top: the public art foundation Lenape brings sculptors into laine Blumenfeld created to offer Gate, Port comfort and hope, a respite, an Warwick; and schools for experiences affirmation of theSpirit of Life. Elements, Christopher with quality art and the The Financial Times compared Newport her to Henry Moore, a giant of University artists who create it. modern sculpture, but it speaks to the caliber of the collection. As people drive around the traffic circle at Christopher Newport University, they enjoy the changing views of Elements, and stu- dents share the campus Great Lawn with young Francesco and the bronze birds alighting on his out- stretched arms. Its citywide art gallery sets Newport News apart by demonstrating that it values quality of life, and Arts Alive it gives locals a source of pride. It’s an educational resource, offering students in-person experiences Education and community define the Peninsula with quality art and the artists who make it, as the Fine Arts Center. By Laura Burkehart Foundation gets sculptors involved in schools. In 2013, the Foundation installed four new sculptures, and it's just getting started. The goal: a community with so much high-quality, high-visi- bility art that anyone looking around would say, “There’s something remarkable going on here.”

ithin the grounds of the Mariners’ Muse- um Park, the Penin- Wsula Fine Arts Center sits next to the famed Mariners Museum. Since its establishment in 1962, PFAC has served as a gallery, education center, and community gathering place. Because the center does not have a permanent col- lection, instead displaying ever-changing, diverse exhibitions, returning visitors will likely never see the same thing twice. Besides presenting notable works like "NEXT: Emerging Virginia Artists" (October 2014), PFAC offers classes for young and old alike, at every skill level. Children from preschool to high school can populations; in 2012, PFAC joined forces with take painting classes, or check out Discovery Bas- Eastern Virginia Medical School to provide art kets that explore the cultures of Egypt and Mali. therapy for veterans diagnosed with PTSD “The Discovery Baskets are like field trips in a box,” through the Healing Arts program. explains Amber Kennedy, PFAC’s marketing direc- Everything from musical performanc- photos by alexander kravets kravets alexander by photos tor. Adults can take traditional watercolor or pottery es and movie screenings to free monthly photos courtesy of PFAC of courtesy photos classes, or try glass fusion or linocut printmaking. poetry nights (every second Thursday) at- Peninsula Fine The Peninsula Fine Arts Center is dedicated to tracts both locals and visitors to PFAC. Arts Center

removing barriers to art, and works with corporate Third Thursdays feature extended hours, 101 Museum Dr. donors to underwrite transportation and admission concessions, a bar, and entertainment, Newport News, VA for school field trips, enabling students to attend and on the first weekend of each month 757.596.8175 pfac-va.org major exhibitions. The center also serves other admission to the center is free.

164 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 165 ★ Newport news, virginia Making Waves The Mariners’ Museum showcases the timeless allure of the sea. By Wes Isley

rom traders and explorers to pirates and pleasure boats, hu- mankind’s relationship with the ocean is ancient. And for more Fthan 80 years, this story has been told and dis- played in The Mariners’ Museum. Designated as America’s National Maritime Museum by the U.S. Congress, the 130,000-square-foot facility pre- serves and interprets mari- time history through an international collection of more than 35,000 artifacts. Galleries highlight the spirit of exploration, the story of commercial steam- ships, and the role of the U.S. Navy in America’s his- the 130,000-square- on prehistoric marine reptiles and the historic tory. The Museum also D-Day campaign of World War II. houses the meticulously foot facility holds Want more? Check out The Mariners’ Muse- crafted miniature ships of an international um Library, located next door on the campus of artist and carver August F. collection of more Christopher Newport University. The library hous- Crabtree and a premier col- es the largest maritime collection in the Western lection of 150 watercraft than 35,000 items. hemisphere, with 78,000 volumes, one million from more than 36 coun- manuscript items, 600,000 photographs, and thou- tries — all reminders of how sands of maps, charts, and ships’ plans dating as far integral the ocean is to our lives and how it contin- Historic ships aren’t the only things that once back as the 1500s. ues to shape individuals and entire nations. crossed the ocean blue, however, as seen in the Part of what makes a visit to The Mariners’ The centerpiece of The Mariners’ Museum col- museum’s newest exhibit, Savage Ancient Seas: Museum so special is its setting within the 550-acre lection is the USS Monitor Center, a $30-million, Dinosaurs of the Deep. Learn more about giant ma- Mariners’ Museum Park, which includes the 5.7-

65,000-square-foot repository for more than 1,100 rine reptiles including the “T-Rex of the ocean,” the museum mariners' the of courtesy photos mile Noland Trail, 167-acre Lake Maury, and the recovered artifacts from the wreck of the Civil War 45-foot-long Tylosaurus with two rows of razor-sharp picturesque Lion’s Bridge along the James River. Clockwise from left: the battleship. The revolutionary ironclad vessel served teeth, and the vicious 12-foot-long Xiphactinus, Purchased with funds donated by philanthropists Noland Trail, the Union side in the Battle of Hampton which swallowed its prey whole. View the exhibit Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington, who also prehistoric The Mariners’ Roads, waged near Newport News in 1862. through January 4, 2015. founded the museum in 1930, the park is the largest sea turtle, Museum the USS Visitors can view the ship’s steam engine, Also new this year is the museum’s permanent, privately owned and maintained park in the U.S. Monitor 100 Museum Dr. propeller, and its iconic revolving gun tur- high-definition, 3D Explorers Theater. Using the that is free and open to the public. Today it’s the site Center, and Newport News, VA ret, as well as walk a life-size outdoor repli- latest Dolby technology to achieve a sharper image of numerous Mariners’ Museum events, including a Pirates Pack 757.596.2222 ca. It’s an exhibit the Wall Street Journal than many 3D and IMAX theaters, this state-of- wine classic, a beer festival, a free outdoor concert the Park marinersmuseum.org event called “an ironclad must-see.” the-art, 50-seat venue is currently showing films series, an annual 5K and 10K Pirate Run, and more.

166 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 167 ★ Newport news, virginia World of Wonders See it all at the Virginia Living Museum. By Tony Gabriele

From top: Festivals resident otter and the museum's irginia stretches from the ocean popular with Flair to the mountains, from the wide Touch Tank vistas of the Chesapeake Bay to Newport News celebrates with style. Vthe dramatic peaks and valleys of By Ben Swenson the Blue Ridge and Appalachian mountains. You can’t sample it all in one day — unless you visit the Virginia Living Museum. What’s a “living museum?” It’s a combination of zoo, natural history museum, aquarium, and learning center, where families marvel at the natu- ral wonders found across the state. Visitors to the Newport News museum stroll up-close with mollusks and horseshoe crabs, and past a cascading mountain stream where trout the just-opened Wild and Well, where they imag- swim and songbirds nestle in trees, and along ine life as animal keepers and veterinarians. A a cypress swamp where an alligator lounges. They Conservation Garden and Living Green House glimpse the secrets of the limestone caves beneath show young and old alike how to be earth-friendly. Virginia, and watch fish and turtles from the The museum does depart from Virginia in one ewport News, Virginia, is a Newport News first staged the Fall Festival of Chesapeake and Atlantic swim by their noses. direction: the heavens. A state-of-the-art proud town, and with good Folklife 41 years ago to keep the city’s crafts, Outdoors, a boardwalk winds past a pond planetarium offers a variety of shows on Virginia Living reason. The city is awash in trades, and musical heritage alive. Spring brings and woods where more animal residents are seen astronomy and other topics. And this sum- Museum enviable assets, among them the Children’s Festival of Friends in May, followed in naturalized habitats: beaver, otter, bald eagle, mer, there’s a foray into the past, too. A 524 J. Clyde Morris Blvd. Na diverse population and a rich cultural heritage by the Summer Celebration Wine Festival in June coyotes, rare red wolves, and more. traveling exhibit of realistic, roaring ani- Newport News, VA that includes a long legacy of some seasonal revelry. offering tastings from Virginia’s best wineries. Young visitors enjoy hands-on activities includ- matronic dinosaurs and an outdoor fossil 757.595.1900 thevlm.org From top: “Special events in Newport News celebrate the You can imagine, then, that a city that loves to ing the popular Touch Tank, where they can get find run through Sept. 1. the Fall city’s unique history, traditions, and culture with let loose welcomes the holiday season in grand style. Festival of Folklife and flair,” says Shelly Ezanno, superintendent of spe- Celebration in Lights is no ordinary drive-through K by top) (from photos Hollydazzle cial events and promotions. lights show, with two miles of 300 different displays depicting holiday and historic scenes such as the

Battle of the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia (“Mer- N of courtesy photos rimack”) that occurred nearby. Likewise, Coastal

Virginia's most extravagant holiday party, Hollydaz- R arl

zle, is a hit — it culminates with a stunning pyro- museum living virginia of courtesy and ebenstorf technic and special effects-infused Fountain of

Lights show. N ewport And, of course, a city that has witnessed so

many watershed moments in American history T ews

pays respect to the nation accordingly. Fourth of D ourism July Stars in the Sky takes place in the shadow of

the Victory Arch, a point of embarkation in World office evelopment Wars I and II for soldiers who sacrificed so that we can celebrate our freedom. For a complete list of special events in Newport News, visit nngov.com/parks-and-recreation/festivals.

168 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 169 ★ Newport news, virginia Destined for Success Thanks to Hampton Roads Academy

troll through the new, state-of- the-art facilities at Hampton Roads Academy, an independent college prep school in suburban SNewport News, Virginia, and you’ll see 600 stu- pays off — the class of 2014 earned nearly $3.8 mil- dents, from knee-high preschoolers to mature high lion in merit scholarships and awards, and 98 per- school seniors, all of them destined for college. cent were admitted to their first-pick college. Serving With Honor, respect, and responsibility are at the core Students participate in art, theater, photogra- of the school’s values, and in this inclusive phy, and music, and play on 44 athletic teams in community, a student-teacher ratio of 10:1 22 sports. They win, too. Hampton Roads Acade- Distinction means that every child gets the attention my teams have won a total of 55 conference cham- she or he needs to thrive. pionships and an impressive 23 state titles. In Christopher Newport University extends But academics aren’t the only way these 2013–14, three teams — girls tennis, girls swim- a helping hand. By Nancy Oakley students shine. With more than 50 student- ming, and boys swimming — were all Virginia initiated and student-led clubs and activi- State Champions, and 14 student-athletes from the Hampton Roads Academy ties, children have many opportunities to Class of 2014 will go on to play collegiate athletics. assume leadership roles both in the school The academy’s dedicated faculty also support 739 Academy Ln. and community. There are 19 Advanced students by taking personal pride in helping them Newport News, VA 757.884.9100 Placement courses, and nearly 95 percent grow and develop intellectually, artistically, physi- world-class city needs a world- Special Olympics. In the 2013–14 academic year, hra.org of students will have completed at least one cally, and morally — both for higher education class university,” says Chris- more than 1,000 of the school’s students complet- From top: Christopher of them before graduation. That hard work and for life. topher Newport University ed over 45,500 hours of service at 150 different Newport’s (CNU) President Paul organizations. campus, and ATrible, quoting Newport News’ former mayor Joe Newport News also benefits in other ways. students gather to Frank. Trible has worked hard in his 18-year ten- Trible illustrates how CNU’s rigorous Master of Arts study ure to raise the academic bar at the liberal arts in Teaching program allows 80 prospective teachers school. But he insists there’s another reason for to bring their wealth of knowledge to classrooms in CNU’s ascent. “Real success for us is a life well- 30 public schools during a fifth year of study. Simi- lived,” he says. “Leadership and service are part of larly, CNU’s cultural offerings at its spectacular Fer- photos courtesy of christopher newport university newport christopher of courtesy photos who we are, and an important part of our city.” guson Arts Center — classical, jazz, and pops con-

photos courtesy of H of courtesy photos Hence, CNU’s Service Distinction Program. certs, Broadway shows, and dance performances — For every incoming freshman, it starts before enrich the lives of Newport News citizens from fall classes begin, with a Day of Service during all walks of life: Its Arts for All initiative gives com- which Trible, faculty and staff, and students partic- plimentary and discounted tickets to schools, ipate in a variety of community projects through- nonprofits, and the disadvantaged.

ampton R ampton out Newport News. The city is an active partner It’s no surprise, then, that as Christo- Christopher with the university, connecting myriad organiza- pher Newport students come to know Newport University

oads A oads tions with students throughout their time at the their adopted hometown, they often 1 Avenue of the Arts university. “It’s hands-on involvement,” Trible choose to stay after graduation. “These Newport News, Virginia cademy explains, citing students’ work at Boys & Girls people are vibrant, energetic, and making 757.594.7000 cnu.edu Clubs of America, Habitat for Humanity, and the community better,” Trible observes.

170 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com usairwaysmag.com August 2014 171 ★ Newport news, virginia Newport News Public Schools Ensuring all students are college, career, and citizen-ready

State-of- isitors to Newport News see a ensuring that all students graduate college, career, the-art labs, rigorous community and a school division and citizen-ready. coursework, looking toward the future in every and civic way, especially for its students. To- Ready to Learn projects like V food drives day’s kindergartners will graduate in 2027, and it’s The 21st-century job market requires employees to help prepare the mission of Newport News Public Schools complete some post-secondary education. Students students for (www.nnschools.org) to ensure they are ready for a in Newport News Public Schools (NNPS) have a college, careers, and world that may look vastly different. To that end, host of higher-education options, including Early citizenship. the school division focuses on one common goal: College, where students can attend college during their second semester of senior year. And, with a major increase in the graduation rate, more students than ever are moving on to promising futures.

Ready to Earn Many of the jobs today’s students will have are yet to be created. A robust Career Pathways program and strong relationship with business partners provide students with job awareness, training, and experi- ences needed to compete in the global workforce. A growing focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) links schools and stu- dents with major employers in manufacturing, aero- space, shipbuilding, research, and healthcare.

Ready to Lead Thriving communities need citizens who contrib- ute their time and talents. NNPS students learn and practice good citizenship every day. The

NNPS Youth Development program encourages schools public news newport of courtesy photos students to join a club or team, take a leadership role, and look for ways to make a difference in their schools and community.

Options and Opportunities NNPS treats students as individuals who have vary- ing aspirations for their futures. An Aviation Acade- my, STEM Academy, Health Sciences Academy, Arts & Communications Magnet, and a dozen oth- er specialized programs provide students a wide range of options when planning their education.

172 august 2014 usairwaysmag.com