+ r Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph

th 27 Sunday of Ordinary Time October 6, 2019

The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." The Lord replied,

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree,'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you."Who among you would say to your servant who has just come in

from plowing or tending sheep in the field, 'Come here immediately

and take your place at table'? Would he not rather say to him,

'Prepare something for me to eat.Put on your apron and wait on me

Sunday Mass Schedule while I eat and drink. You may eat and drink when I am finished'? Is Las Misas Dominicales 4:30pm Saturday he grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded? So 8:30am Sunday should it be with you. When you have done all you have been 10:00am Domingo 11:30am Sunday commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants;we have done what 1:00pm Domingo we were obliged to do.'" Misa con Lengua de Señas 2o y 4 o Domingo Luke 17:5-10 5:30pm Domingo

Weekday Mass / Misas Diarias  Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes 7:30am & 12:05pm

Available for Mass Disponible para la Misa

Confessions / Las Confesiones  Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 - 4:25pm  Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes 11:45am-12:00pm and by appt./ y con cita particular

Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial  Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes 9:30am – 5:00pm  Sunday / Domingo 9:30am - 2:30pm  Closed Saturday / Cerrado en Sábado

Cathedral Tours Visitas a la Catedral con Guía  Tuesday through Friday Martes a Viernes 1:00 - 3:00pm  Groups of 10 or more Reflection 10 personas o más The Gospel tells us that even a little bit of faith is enough to make amazing Call / Llame para cita al 408-283-8100 ext. 2210 things happen. How are you keeping your faith alive and growing? What good

Horario de las Bendiciones things happen in your life because of your faith? What signs do you see in your 1er Domingo - Presentación de Niños life of generosity, forgiveness, hospitality, or any other of Jesus’ teachings? 2o Domingo – Aniversario de Bodas 3o Domingo – Cumpleaños

80 South Market Street, San José, CA 95113-2321 ' 408-283-8100 ' www.stjosephcathedral.org ,

CATHEDRAL Most Rev. Oscar Cantú , D.D., S.T.D. Bishop of San José Rev. Joseph M. Benedict, S.T.D. Pastor BASILICA OF Rev. Prosper Molengi, Parochial Vicar

ST. JOSEPH Rev. Victor Trinidad , Parochial Vicar Deacon Greg Ortiz


PǂǓNJǔlj TdžǍ. (408) 283 -8100 FǂǙ (408) 283 -8110 Cathedral Gift shop la tienda DE BǖǔNJǏdžǔǔ OLJLJNJDŽdž Tanis Zuccaro* Unique gifts, LA CATEDRAL Parish Administrative Assistant Faith -sourced CǂǕljdžDžǓǂǍ GNJLJǕ SljǐǑ RecursosRe y regalos, artículos - literature, devotionals, parapa las devociones, rosarios Cecilia Florentino Manager, Jose Luis Rodriguez rosaries, music, DNJǓdžDŽǕǐǓ ǐLJ MǖǔNJDŽ Julie Wind y literatura Católica - holy cards, items of Artículos de interés MǂNJǏǕdžǏǂǏDŽdž Joel Gibson Facilities Manager , interest for children. Israel Arellano, Juan Rosales para los niños. RdžDŽdžǑǕNJǐǏ Ddžǔnj (Sunday) Ana López SljǐǑ HǐǖǓǔ/HǐǓǂǓNJǐ Dždž Ǎǂ TNJdžǏDžǂ (408) 275 -6090 (Weekdays) Anaí Torres, Nina Tranchina* Mon/Lun: Closed/Cerrada RdžǍNJLjNJǐǖǔ EDžǖDŽǂǕNJǐǏ Nidia Fuentes, Director Tue -Sat / Martes a Sab 9:30am - 1:30pm ( 2:00 - 5:00pm Linda O. Brisuela, Catechetical Coordinator Sunday/Domingo 9:00am -4:00pm SǂDŽǓNJǔǕǂǏǔ Tim Barrington, Mell Portillo SǂǏ Jǐǔdž CǂǕljdžDžǓǂǍ FǐǖǏDžǂǕNJǐǏ* WdžDžDžNJǏLj RdžǔdžǓǗǂǕNJǐǏǔ Anai Torres

MASS INTENTIONS LJǐǓ Ǖljdž Wdždžnj SǐDŽNJǂǍ MNJǏNJǔǕǓǚ/CǂǕljǐǍNJDŽ CljǂǓNJǕNJdžǔ OǖǕǓdžǂDŽlj ǔdžǓǗNJDŽdžǔ : 408 -283 -8118 Oct 5 4:30PM Jaime Rodriguez V

Oct 6 8:30AM Parishioners/Feligreses READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jonah 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Jonah 2:3 -5, 8; 10:00AM Cardenas Contreras Fam. Luke 10:25 -37 11:30AM Les & Mary Sheridan V Tuesday: Jonah 3:1 -10; Ps 130:1b -4ab, 7 -8; 1:00 PM Gonzalo Garcia V Luke 10:38 -42 5:30PM Norman Artymiak - - - Wednesday: Jonah 4:1 11; Ps 86:3 6, 9 10; Oct 7 12:05PM Elvia Grajales V Luke 11:1 -4 Oct 8 12:05PM Thanksgiving to Our Lady Thursday: Malachi 3:13 -20b; Ps 1:1 -4, 6;

Luke 11:5 -13 of the Rosary Friday: Joel 1:13 -15; 2:1 -2; Ps 9:2 -3, 6, 16, 8 -9; Oct 9 12:05PM Gloria Ortiz V Luke 11:15 -26 Oct 10 7:30AM Gerry Pighini V Saturday: Joel 4:12 -21; Ps 97:1 -2, 5 -6, 11 -12; 12:05PM Zenaida A. Carrillo V - Luke 11:27 28 Oct 11 12:05PM Joseph Nham/Maria Cu V Sunday: 2 Kings 5:14 -17; Ps 98:1 -4; 2 Timothy 2:8 -13; Luke 17:11 -19 LAS INTENCIONES ǑǂǓǂ Ǎǂ SdžǎǂǏǂ LAS LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA Lunes: Jonás 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3 -5, 8; Lucas 10:25 -37 Sept 29 Martes: Jonás 3:1 -10; Sal 130:1b -4ab, 7 -8; Mass/Misa Collection/Colecta Lucas 10:38 -42 4:30PM $749.00 - - - Miércoles: Jonás 4:1 11; Sal 86:3 6, 9 10; 8:30AM $1960.00 Goal/Meta - 10:00AM $1709.00 Lucas11:1 4 $11,200 Jueves: Malaquías 3:13 -20b; Sal 1:1 -4, 6; 11:30AM $1246.00 Lucas 11:5 -13 1:00PM $810.00 - - - - 5:30PM $487.00 Total Viernes: Joel 1:13 15; 2:1 2; Sal 9:2 3, 6, 16, 8 9; - Sub -total $6961.00 $8702.00 Lucas 11:15 26 78% Sábado: Joel 4:12 -21; Sal 97:1 -2, 5 -6, 11 -12; WeShare Online $1745.00 - Grand Total $8702.00 Lucas 11:27 28 Domingo: 2 Reyes 5:14 -17; Sal 98:1 -4; - - We need $11,200 weekly to meet parish expenses. Timoteo 2:8 13; Lucas 17:11 19 Our deficit this week was $2498.00. AǔǔNJǔǕdžDž LNJǔǕdžǏNJǏLj ANJDžǔ Ocupamos $11,200 para cubrir los gastos semanales. If your hearing needs a boost and/ or you use a hearing aid, please go El déficit de las semana fue $2498.00. to the sacristy before Mass begins and ask our sacristan for an assisted listening aid. We ask that you please return it to the sac- risty after Mass. Thank you.


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, 2019

Gathering Song: “Gather Your People ”

Confiteor: I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and , and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Glory to God: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you , we bless you, we adore you. We glorify you. We give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God heavenly king. O God, Almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten son. Lord God, lamb of God, son of the Father. You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. You are seated at the right hand of the Father. Have mercy, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy one, you alone are the Lord. You alone are the most high Jesus Christ. With the Holy spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen Amen. 3

First Reading: Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-4 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 95

Second Reading: 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 Gospel Acclamation:

Gospel Reading: Luke 17:5-10 Homily Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Be- gotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apos- tolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Preparation of Gifts: “Love One Another”

Holy Memorial Acclamation Amen Lords Prayer Lamb of God COMMUNION If you are Catholic, you are invited to come forward to receive communion. In preparation to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, communicants should bow their heads before the Sacrament. If you are not Catholic, you may come forward for a Prayer to be prayed over you by crossing your arms over your chest. Please remain standing until all have received Communion.


Communion Song: “We Are One Body”

Sending Forth: “Holy God We Praise Thy Name”


3PǓǂǚdžǓ VNJLjNJǍ / Vȹȷȹȼȹȱ ȴȵ OɂȱȳȹɣȾ ǐǖǕǔNJDždž/ ȱȶɅȵɂȱ ȴ dž PǍǂǏǏdžDž ǑǂǓdžǏǕljǐǐDž 3 1691 The Alameda, San Jose 95126 37am - 7pm through/hasta Nov 3 3 40daysforlife.com/sanjose2

Environment team The Environment Team is seeking new members to help decorate the Cathedral and Loyola Hall for the different liturgical seasons throughout the year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time as well as some special days). You can help with any or all of these occasions. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Victor Trinidad at 408 -283 -8100 ext 2222 or email [email protected] . New and You are invited to join the fresh ideas are welcome. Thank you.

11:30 Mǂǔǔ RdžljdžǂǓǔǂǍǔ ǐǏ WdžDžǏdžǔDžǂǚǔ 7:00PM

Loyola Hall 80 S Market St next door to the Cathedral AǍǍ SǐǖǍǔ RdžǎdžǎǃǓǂǏDŽdž We look forward to seeing you. Our custom during the month Please contact Julie Wind, Director of Music of November is to remember - - all our faithful departed in 408 283 8100 ext 2205 or [email protected] each Mass in place of individual Mass In- tentions. All Souls envelopes are available in the vestibule for you to write the name of The Quinceañera is La Quinceañera es a deceased loved one so that we can pray a traditional una celebraciónle br tradicional de for the repose of their soul during our litur- celebration of life vida y agradecimiento a Dios al gies all month long. and gratitude to God on the oc- Contributions are welcome. Thank you. cumplir los 15 años una joven casion of the 15th birthday of a Hispana. Le invitamos a pregun- young Hispanic woman. You tar acerca del programa de are invited to inquire about the Quince Años en la Catedral. La Quinceañera program at the Ca- Birth and Beyond/Juan Diego Society thedral. The teen must be bap- joven debe ser ya bautizada y Annual Fundraiser tized and have received the sac- haber recibido el sacramento de Featuring an assortment of soups and arti- rament of First Communion. It su Primera Comunión. Se re- san bowls—100% of proceeds will go to is required that the teen partici- quiere que la joven participe en help young mothers and pregnant women pate in all sessions of Catecheti- cada sesión de formación Cate- in our community. cal formation that will lead to a quética que la conducirá a un October 26, 2019 6:30 -9:00pm deeper understanding of what it más profundo entendimiento de St. Lucy Church, main gym means to have a Quince Años lo que significa celebrar sus 2350 Winchester Blvd., celebration. Please contact Anai Quince Años. Por favor, comu- Campbell 95008 Torres at (408) 283 -8100 ext níquese con Anai Torres en el Purchase tickets at 2204 or email (408) 283 -8100 ext 2204 o por https://tinyurl.com/BraveMothers [email protected]. email al [email protected]. 7

Wǂǚǔ Ǖǐ SǖǑǑǐǓǕ SǕ. JǐǔdžǑlj CǂǕljdžDžǓǂǍ PǂǓNJǔlj

Sunday Collection Online Giving The parish depends on the Sunday collection for Online giving is a convenient way of operational expenses. The Sunday collection is contributing to the parish. It provides not simply a means of financial support, it is an consistent support on a regular basis. It expression of our faith. The Sunday collection streamlines recordkeeping and provides unites our work with the mission of the Church. credit card rebates and miles.

Wills and Bequests One Time Donations Please consider a legacy gift to St. One time donations are a thoughtful way Joseph Cathedral Parish. Wills and be- to support the parish at times of financial quests can be directed to specific parish gains such as the sale of property, an em- ministries or to offset operational ployment bonus, or an unexpected expenses. windfall.

Donations of Stock Direct Contributions from an IRA Direct donations of stock can shield the There are tax advantages to making donor from capital gains tax. Donations donations from a qualifying IRA. The are handled through a trusted broker with entire contribution is tax deductible and the proceeds benefitting the identified par- earnings within the IRA are not subject ish or diocesan ministry. to federal income tax.

Contributions to the St. Joseph Cathedral Become a Registered Parishioner of the Endowment Cathedral Parish Several years ago an endowment for St. Joseph If you regularly attend Mass at the Cathe- Cathedral Parish was established with the Cath- dral, please consider becoming a registered olic Community Foundation of Santa Clara parishioner. Your contributions will be rec- County. The endowment is managed by the orded and acknowledged after the year is Catholic Community Foundation and annual done plus there are other benefits as well. proceeds are distributed to the parish to help Please give our parish office a call so that defray operational costs and grow parish minis- we may assist you. (408) 283 -8100 tries. The principal of the fund cannot be ac- cessed by present or future pastors. Additional- ly these funds are independent of the Diocese of San Jose and cannot be redirected for other pur- poses.




Discipleship at One Hour a Week

One Hour of Financial Support Consider basing your weekly contribution to St. Joseph Parish on your salary for one hour of work. This works out to 2.5% of your weekly income.

One Hour of Prayer In addition to Sunday Mass consider praying for 10 minutes a day. One hour a week. The prayer could be silent, pray- ers you learned as a child, or simply speaking and listening to the God who loves us.

One Hour of Service Consider offering one hour of service each week as an ex- pression of discipleship. The service might be in the parish or through other organizations that share our concern for families, the poor, the isolated and sick.


Children’s Corner

In today's Gospel we hear Jesus teach about faith and Rincón Juvenil service to God. The context is a continuing dialogue between Jesus and his followers about what it means to be a disciple of Je- sus. Jesus has just finished an instruc- tion on sin and for- giveness. There are two related teach- ings that Jesus of- fers to his disciples when they cry out for an increase in faith. The first is the familiar reminder that faith, even just a little, will enable the followers of Jesus to do wondrous things. But this uplifting and inspiring teaching is quickly followed by the second teaching, a caution about knowing one's place in God's plans. The disciples of Jesus are to under- stand themselves as servants to God and his plans. Even when God works wonders through us, with our mustard seed -sized faith, we must not seek praise. Our participa- tion in God's plans is God's grace to us—nothing more, nothing less. When we are graced enough to cooperate with God, the work we do is nothing more than our obli- gation to God as faithful stewards. And yet, our faith WORD SEARCH -CAN YOU FIND THE WORDS BELOW enables us to believe that what we have offered in ser- FROM TODAY ’S GOSPEL IN THE SQUARE ABOVE? APOSTLES APRON DRINK vice to God, as his servants, can be made to produce a FAITH GRATEFUL INCREASE hundredfold. LORD MULBERRY MUSTARD OBLIGED SERVANT SHEEP Loyola Press TABLE TREE UNPROFITABLE aint of the Week Bruno and his friends built an oratory with small individual Bruno of cells at a distance from each other. They met for Matins Sc. 1030 – October 6, 1101 and Vespers each day and spent the rest of the time in soli- This saint has the honor of having founded a religious or- tude, eating together only on great feasts. Their chief work der which, as the saying goes, has never had to be reformed was copying manuscripts. because it was never deformed. No doubt both the founder Hearing of Bruno ’s holiness,, and the members would reject such high praise, but it is an the pope called for his assis- indication of the saint ’s intense love of a penitential life in tance in Rome. When the solitude. Bruno was born in Cologne, Germany, became a pope had to flee Rome, Bru- famous teacher at Rheims, and was appointed chancellor of no pulled up stakes again, the archdiocese at the age of 45. He supported Pope Grego- and after refusing a bishop- ry VII in his fight against the decadence of the clergy, and ric, spent his last years in thehe took part in the removal of his own scandalous archbishop, wilderness of . Bru- Manasses. Bruno suffered the plundering of his house for no was never formally can- his pains. He had a dream of living in solitude and prayer, onized, because the Carthu- and persuaded a few friends to join him in a hermitage. sians were averse to all oc- After a while he felt the place unsuitable and through a casions of publicity. Howev-v- friend, was given some land which was to become famous er, extend- for his foundation “in the Chartreuse ”—from which comes ed his feast to the whole the word . The climate, desert, mountainous Church in 1674. terrain, and inaccessibility guaranteed silence, poverty, and small numbers.



SUNDAY /DOMINGO English Bible Study 9:45 —11:00 AM 2nd Floor Christian Initiation —children/La Iniciación Cristiana —niños 9:45-11:00AM 2nd Floor Religious Education / La Educación Religiosa 9:45 AM - 12:45 PM CLASSROOMS /S ALONES Hospitality - Guadalupanos 10:00 AM Mass LOYOLA HALL Confirmation Retreat / Retiro para la Confirmación 1:00-5:00 PM LOYOLA HALL

TUESDAY /MARTES Cathedral Tours/ Visitas con Guía 1:00-3:00 PM CATHEDRAL

WEDNESDAY /MIÉRCOLES Cathedral Tours/ Visitas con Guía 1:00-3:00 PM CATHEDRAL

THURSDAY /JUEVES Cathedral Tours/ Visitas con Guía 1:00-3:00 PM CATHEDRAL

Inside Out support group 6:30 PM LOYOLA HALL (PARTITION )

Estudio de Biblia 7:00 PM SALÓN PARROQUIAL (MAIN )

FRIDAY /VIERNES Cathedral Tours/ Visitas con Guía 1:00-3:00 PM CATHEDRAL ía de los Muertos ay of the Dead D D

Altar Exhibit and Festival Exhibición de los Altares y Festival SUNDAY EL DOMINGO NOVEMBER 3 3 DE NOVIEMBRE 9:00AM -3:00PM 9:00AM – 3:00PM LJǐǐDž, DžǓNJǏnjǔ LJǐǓ ǔǂǍdž ǂǔ ǘdžǍǍ ǗdžǏǕǂ Dždž DŽǐǎNJDžǂ, ǓdžLJǓdžǔDŽǐǔ ǂǔ LJǂDŽdž ǑǂNJǏǕNJǏLj ʧ ǃǐǖǕNJǒǖdž NJǕdžǎǔ ǑNJǏǕǂǓ DŽǂǓǂǔ, ǗdžǏǕǂ Dždž ǂǓǕdžǔǂǏǯǂ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED , please contact Maggie: OCUPAMOS VOLUNTARIOS , comuníquese con 408 -718 -1342 or [email protected] Maggie al 408 -718 -1342 o [email protected] SPECIAL PROJECT FOR VOLUNTEERS SAT OCT 26 ǑǓǐǚdžDŽǕǐ džǔǑdžDŽNJǂǍ -ǗǐǍǖǏǕǂǓNJǐǔ džǍ @10AM CARRY WOOD FOR PARISH ALTAR ǔǂǃ ǐDŽǕ 26 10ǂǎ ǔǖǃNJǓ Ǎǂ ǎǂDždžǓǂ ǑǂǓǂ džǍ ǂǍǕǂǓ Dždž Ǎǂ ǑǂǓǓǐǒǖNJǂ. INSIDE/OUTSǖǑǑǐǓǕ GǓǐǖǑ LJǐǓ FǂǎNJǍNJdžǔ ǐLJ Ǖljdž IǏDŽǂǓDŽdžǓǂǕdžDž Is someone you love in jail or prison? Do you have questions about how the sys- an invitation tem works? You or others in your family just need to A Mass of Thanksgiving for the 25th talk? We can help. Mission: To provide a safe nur- Anniversary of Ordination into the priesthood turing place where friends and families of the incar- of Fr. Paolo Gobbo, with God ’s help, will take cerated can express their fears, problems, and hopes place Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 12:30PM at with others experiencing similar challenges. For fur- St. Christopher Parish. In lieu of gifts, your ther information, please call or text (650) 762 -9707. prayers and donations to help the poor and those in need are Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph Loyola Ha ll most appreciated. You are cordially invited to attend. 80 S Market St San Jose 95113 St. Christopher Parish Every 2nd Thursday of the month 6:30 - 8:30pm 1576 Curtner Ave in San Jose All beliefs welcome. 11 Willow & Bird !"#$%&'&$()"*&,()"*&$("-".,(%/0&1,"2/30$' Dental Care !"4$1&/30/("*5/6,("-"7/"8%/9:/31&$";&/36/3&7,( !"(/:59$3?$(">1/@0$7$( !"#$%&'()**(+,!,+, !"2/(15/30,("@$9$"4$1&/30/("4$:$37,"/3"8A/10&6, !";'$3B5/$%&/30,"2/30$'"C9$0&()"1,3"53"8D$%/3" """"""-"=&%@&/?$"7/"2&/30/( EFG"H&'',I"J0K"LMNG Mex ica n C uis ine J$3"O,(/)".>"PNMFN UVW>WXV =53/("$"O5/6/("PYZG"><"TMFYGG"4< & M ezc ale ría QRGES"FPETFPEE J$\$7,".,3".&0$"49/6&$ PINEAPPLE TOWING Lu nc h - Di nn er - C at er in g Avai labl e fo r Ba nque ts, Corp orat e & Spec ial Even ts 25 W San Fer nand o St ., S an J ose, CA (408 ) 28 3--9 595 www. mezc alre stau rant sj.c om

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