Stanford Memorial Church University Public Worship 7 May 2017 10:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Easter

OPENING VOLUNTARY Nun lob mein Seel' den Herren Dieterich Buxtehude (BuxWV 214) (1637 - 1707)

WELCOME The Rev. Joanne Sanders

Please stand.

HYMN Great is Your Faithfulness p. 4

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD OPENING WORDS Responses of the people are in bold.

This is the day that God has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


May God be with you. And also with you. Let us pray: Mighty God, in whom we know the power of redemption, you stand among us in the shadows of our time. As we move through every sorrow and trial of this life, uphold us with knowledge of the final morning when, in the glorious presence of your risen Son, we will share in his resurrection, redeemed and restored to the fullness of life and forever freed to be your people. Amen. Please be seated.

READING Acts 2: 42-47 Courtney Gao ‘20

ANTHEM The Lord is my shepherd Herbert Howells (1892 – 1983) Please stand.

GOSPEL John 10:1-10 Ruthie Lewis ‘20

Please be seated.

SERMON And They Held All Things in Common: Re-Imagining God's Dream for Humanity The Rev. Matthew Dutton-Gillett Please stand.

HYMN My Shepherd is the Living God p. 6

Please be seated.


ANTHEM Jesu, the very thought is sweet Charles Wood (1866 – 1926) THE PEACE

The peace of God be with you. And also with you.


Please stand.

HYMN Christ, of Human Life the Model p. 7


You are invited to be seated after the clergy and preacher has departed to enjoy the closing voluntary.

CLOSING VOLUNTARY Nun lob mein Seel' den Herren Buxtehude (BuxWV 215)

3 Great is Your Faithfulness (New Century #423 – Page 1 of 2)

4 Great is Your Faithfulness (New Century #423 – Page 2 of 2)

All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-712649.

5 My Shepherd is the Living God (New Century #247)

All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-712649. 6 Christ, of Human Life the Model (A Singing #37)

All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-712649. 7


May 14* The Rev. Professor Jane Shaw

May 21 Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann featuring the The Chocolate Heads Movement Band

May 28* Molly Logan

June 4 Multifaith Service Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann

June 11* The Rev. Professor Jane Shaw

June 18 Commencement Day No University Public Worship *Service with Communion

8 ANNOUNCEMENTS WE EXTEND OUR GRATITUDE to our volunteers Courtney Gao (Reader), Ruthie Lewis (Reader), and Molly Logan (Usher) for donating their time to assist during today’s worship service. Those wishing to assist in our worship service as readers, ushers, Communion assistants, please email [email protected].

MANY THANKS TO OUR GUEST PREACHER, THE REV. MATTHEW R. DUTTON- GILLETT. The Rev. Matthew R. Dutton-Gillett has served as Rector of Trinity Church in Menlo Park, an Episcopal Community, since 2009. Prior to coming to Menlo Park, he served Episcopal churches in Missouri, Illinois, and Tennessee. He completed his undergraduate education at Michigan

State University’s James Madison College in International Relations, concentrating in Soviet and East

European Affairs. He went on to earn the Master of Divinity degree from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Matthew believes that the essence of the Christian journey is transformation in our own lives, and in the lives of the communities and systems of which we are a part, a transformation that deepens our compassion for and connection to all people, and for our planet. He has been profoundly influenced by the work of Rene Girard and James Alison, and the way this work transforms our understanding of God’s relationship with the violence that is often attributed to God in the Bible. He is currently working on a book on the nature of the Christian journey.

Please join us in the Round Room after today’s service for a light lunch and a talkback with our guest preacher.

WE THANK THE MEMORIAL CHURCH CHOIR for donating their time and talent to University Public Worship services throughout the year.

OFFERINGS today by cash and check are in support of Kara, and will be received at the main doors after today’s service. Please make checks payable to Kara. Kara is a nonprofit organization that provides counseling, education and information to individuals and groups who are living with issues of life-threatening illness, limited life expectancy, death and grief.

PLEASE NOTE Checks written to will be considered gifts to Stanford Memorial Church to support the programs and events in this Church. These gifts will not be formally acknowledged in writing, unless your gift check is $250.00 or greater. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in giving. 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOR YOUR INFORMATION LARGE-PRINT BULLETINS and HEARING-ASSISTANCE RECEIVERS are available for those who need them. Please see an usher to obtain these items.

EVENT INFORMATION AND MORE Please visit to learn more about the Office for Religious Life, events, join our weekly email newsletter and much more.

WINDHOVER CONTEMPLATIVE CENTER Windhover is open 7:00 am - 7:00 pm daily. A valid Stanford ID card is required to access the building. Visit to learn more. KZSU REBROADCAST University Public Worship can be heard on the Internet at and on the radio at 90.1 FM every Sunday at 11:30 am. PAST SERMONS can be accessed on Stanford’s iTunes U. You can listen to single sermons or subscribe to our feed at

WHAT MATTERS TO ME AND WHY Mehran Sahami Professor & Associate Chair for Education, Computer Science Wednesday, May 10, 12:00 pm CIRCLE Common Room, Third Floor, Old Union

The What Matters to Me and Why series encourages reflection within the Stanford community on matters of personal values, beliefs, and motivations in order to better understand the lives and inspirations of those who shape the University.

RATHBUN FELLOWSHIP FOR RELIGIOUS ENCOUNTER The Office for Religious Life offers up to 16 fellowships to engage students in sustained, meaningful religious encounter with one another. The fellowship is open to Stanford undergraduate and graduate students from any academic discipline. It is intended for students who demonstrate a genuine desire to explore religion in their lives and a willingness to listen to and learn from those with different backgrounds.

Applications are due Monday, May 15, 5pm. For more information:

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Dean for Religious Life The Rev. Professor Jane Shaw 723-1762

Senior Associate Dean for Religious Life Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann 725-0010

Associate Dean for Religious Life The Rev. Joanne Sanders 725-0090

Chaplain Affiliate Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P. 725-0080

Memorial Church Services Dr. Robert Huw Morgan, University Organist 725-0530 and Director, Memorial Church Choir Melissa Prestinario, Coordinator 723-9531

Office Staff Carol Velazquez, Administration Manager 725-7366 Diane Abundabar, Rathbun Program Manager 724-7174 Vanessa Gomez Brake, Event Specialist 725-0531 Michael Slack, Operations Coordinator 724-9349

Bahara Emami, Office Assistant 723-1762