184 The Alpine Club Library. •


The following works have been ~dded to the Library:-

• Club Publications. (1) Akad. Alpen-Club Bern. 27. Jahresbericht. 9 x 6: pp. 25. 1932 (2) Akad. Alpen-Club Zurich. J ahresbericht. 1931 (3) Akad. A.V. Munchen. J ahresbericht. 1932 (4) Alpenverein D·onauland u. Deutsch. A.V. Berlin. Nachrichten. 1932 (5) Alpine Club of Canada. J ournal. 1932 --- Gazette. 1932 ( 6) Alpine Journal. 1932 (7) AJpinisme. Groupe de H aute Montagne. 1932 (8) American · Alpine Club. The American Alpine Journal, vol. 1, no. 4. 9 X 6 : pp. 429-546 : plates. 1932. $2 (9) Appalachian Club. Appalachia. 1932 -- Bulletin. 1932 (10) C.A.F. La Montagne. 1932 -- Guides et porteurs. Large sheet. 1932 (lOb) Alpes Maritimes 1932 ( 11) Lyon. R evue Alpine. 1932 (12) Provence. Bulletin Trimestriel. 8! x 5!. 1933 (13) Sect. Vosgienne. R evue, n.s. l. 8! x 5! : pp. 53 : ill. 1932 (14) C.A.I. Rivista mensile, vol. 51. 1932 (15) C.A. Academico Italiano. Annuario 1927-1931. 9 x 6!: pp. v, 304 : plates. Torino, 1932 (15b) Fiume. 1932 (1 6) Milano. 1932 (17) Sez. Milano. 1932 (18) Napoli. Rivista trimestrale. 9! X 6!. 1932 (21) Torino. Alpinismo, anno iv. 1932 (19) Trieste. Alpi Giuglie. 1932 (20) Cairngorm Club. Journal. 1932 (22) Canterbury Mountaineering Club. Journal, no. l. 8! x 5! : pp. 58 : plates. August 1932 (23) Centre excursionisti. Bulletin. 1932 (24) Climbers, Club. Bulletin. 1932 (25) Club alpin beige. Mededeelingen. 1932 (26) Colorado Mountain Club. Trail and Timberline. 1932 (27) Confederaci6n nacional de clubes de excursionistas. Cumbre. Aiio 1, no. 1-2. 8! X 6i : ill. Agosto-Septembre 1932 (28) D.u.Oe.A.-V. Zeitschrift. Bd. 63. 10! X 7!- : pp. ix, 368 : plates. Inns bruck, 1932 (28b) Mitteilungen. 1932 --Ski Taschenbuch. 8 X 5 : pp. 288 : plates. 1932 (29) Der Bergsteiger 10. 10 X 7 : ill. 1931-2 (30) Augsburg. Gedenkbuch. 9! X 6! : pp. 83 : plates. 1925 ---- (Nachrichten). 8 X 5!. 1932 --Dresden. Nachrichten. 7. J ahrg., Nr. 10. 10 X 7! . Oktober 1932 --Linz. Nachrichten. 4. Jahrg. F olge 1-5. 12 X 9!. Sept.-Okt. 1932 (31) Modling. Nachrichten. 12 x 9. 1932 (32) Moravia, Brunn. Fiinfzig jahre, F estschrift. 9! x 6! : pp. 118 : map, plates. 1931 (33) Wiesbaden. Festschrift zum fiinfzigjahriger Bestehen, 1882-1932. 9t X 6!: pp. 79. 1932 (34) Deutscher Alpenverein Berlin. Monatsschriften. 7. J ahrg. 1932 • The Alpine Club Library. 185

Deutschen Gebirgsvereines fiir das Jaschken- und Isergebirge. Jahrbuch. 1932 (35) Federation d. Soc. Pyren. Bulletin Pyr. 1932 (35b) Fell and Rock Climbing Club Journal. 1932 (37) Grltstone Club Journal. No. 1, vol. 4. 10£ x 8! : pp. 27 : 14 photos. 1932 (38) Harrow Marmot Review. (Vol. l,'no. 3.) 8! x 5!: pp. 49: plates. Decem her 1932 (36) Hellenic Alpine Club. Notice of erection of huts on Olympus, Parnassus, etc. -- Ekdromika. Athens, 1932 (39) Imperial College Mountaineering Club. Rules. Typed. London, 1930 Japanese Alpine Club. Alpine Pocket-book. 5! x 4: pp. 284; plates. 1932 Karpathenverein. Turistek Alpinesmus Wintersport. (39b) Mazema. 1932 (40) Mountain Club, South Africa. Journal, no. 35. 9 X 6: pp. 148: plates. 1933 (41) The Mountaineer •. 1932 (41 b) Nederland-Alpen Mededeclingen. 1932 .(40c) New Zealand Alpine Club Journal. 1932 (42) Nos Montagnes. Organe du Club suisse de femmes alpinistes. 1932 (43) Oesterr. Alpenzeitung. 1932 (44) Peiialara. Soc. esp. de alpismo. 1932 (45) Polsk. Towartz. Tatrzansk. Wierchy, Rocznik. 10 x 7 : plates . • Cracow, 1932 (40b) Le Prealpi. Riv. Mens. d. Soc. Excurs. Milanesi. 1932 S.A.C. British Members. (Report, etc.) 7! X 4!: pp. 60. 1933 (46) Clubfiihrer durch die Urner Alpen. 1. Bd. 3. Aufl. Verfasst vom Akad. A. 0. Zurich. 6! X 4 : pp. xxxi, 260 : ill. (1932) (45b) Die Alpen. 1932 --Chaux-de-Fonds. Bulletin a:qnuel no. 39. 8 X 5! : pp. 145 : plates. 1931 Devoted to Le Doubs with plates and map. (4 7b) Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal. 1932 (47) Schweiz. Akadem. Ski-Club. Der Schnee-Hase. Jahrbuch. Bd. 2, Nr. 6. 10! X 6!: pp. 133-262: ill. 1932 (48) Sierra Club. Bulletin. Vol. 17, no. 1. 9! x 6!: pp. 134 : plates. February 1932 (49) Soc. Ramond. Bulletin, annees 1929 et 1930. 10 X 6!. 1931 (50) Wayfarers' Journal. No. 3. 8! x 5!: pp. 112: plates. 1933

New Books. (50 b) Alpinism e. 1932 (51) Alpinismo. Organo uffic. d. Sez. di Torino e dell'Unione Excurs. Torino, 1932 Anthonioz, Charles. Maisons savoyardes. 9~ X 7!: pp. 78: ill. Chambery, Dardel, 1932 (52) Atl, Dr. Le sinfonie del Popocatepetl. Poema messicano tradotto dis G. V. Callegari. 9 X 6! : pp. ix, 76 ; plates. Milano, Ediz. Cristofari [1932] (53) Baddeley, M. J. B. The English Lake District. 15th ed. 6J- x 4!: pp. 320: maps. London, Ward, Lock, n.d. (56) Baedeker, Karl. Dalmatien und die Adria. Handbuch fiir Reisende. 6! X 4!: pp.l, 272 : maps. Leipzig, Baedeker, 1929 (57) Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, with ... Iceland and Spitzbergen. lOth ed. Baedeker, Leipzig, etc., 1912 (56b) Bergkamerad. 1932 (56c) Bergstei, Allgemeine gerzeitung. 1932 (55) The Blue Guides. 6! X 4: maps. London, Macmillan; Paris, Hachette Southern Spain and Portugal. Pp. cxvi, 337 18s. Ireland. Pp. lxxx, 279. 12s. 6d. Scotland. Pp. liv, 454. 12s. 6d. No.rthern Spain. Pp. cxix, 345. . ISs. 186 The Alpine Club· Library.

(58) Bi~g, Wa:Iter . . Drei Jungen am Seil. 7! X 5 : pp. 64 : ill. · Leipzig, Schneider, 1932 (54) Blanchet, E. R. H ors des chemins battus. ..A.scensions nouvelles dans les . Alpes. . Paris, Editions de France, 1932 . A reprint with corrections. (59) Blodig's Alpine Calendar. 9 X 7-! : plates. Oxford, Blackwell, 1933. 4s. (60) Boyd, Louise A. Fiords of East Greenland. In Geogr. Rev., New York, . vol. 22, no. 4. 10 X 6! : pp. 529-61 : maps, plates. October 1932 (61) Bruce, The Hon. C. G. The new Everest Expedition. In LandmaFk.. · 9-! x 6i: pp. 590-4: ill. December 1932 (62) Biihler, Hermann. · Alpine Bibliographie fiir das Jahr 1931. 6! X 5! : pp. 167. lVIiinchen, Ges. Alp. Biicherfreunde, 1932 (63) Calendar. Yama to Keikokusha's Alpine Calendar. 9 X 8 : plates. . I Tokyo, 1933 (64) Castiglioni, Bruno. Considerazioni sopra alcune recenti carte d. regione dolomitica. 9! X 6! : pp. 11. Roma, R. Soc. geog. ital., 1932 (65) Il Gruppo della Civetta. 13 X 9! : pp. 87 ·: map, plates. Padova, Soc~ Coop. Tip., 1931. x .. (66) Conway, Lord. Episodes of a varied life. St X 5l : pp. viii, 276 ; pla t~s. London, Country Life, 1932. 15s.. {67) Dainelli, Giotto. Italia Pass in Eastern Karakorams. In Geogr. Rev. New .York, v.ol. 22, no. 3. 10 X 6! ·: pp. 392-410. July 1932 '(68) II mio viaggio nel Tibet occidentale. 10 . X 7 : pp. xvi, 403 : plates. · Milano, Mondadori, [1932]. L. 40 (68b) Deutsche Alpenzeitung. 1932 (69) Egger, Carl. Die Eroberung des Kaukasus. 9 X 6 : pp. 311 ; plates. · Basel, Schwa be, 1932 (70) Ellis, ~· W. Collection. Gravures suisses, aquarelles et dessins. Vente aux·Encheres les 28 et 29 octobre 1932. 9 X 6! : pp. 64 : plates. Geneve, Kundig, 1932 (71) Faucher, D. Le Glacier de l'Ariege dans Ia basse valh3e m.ontagnai:de. · In Rev. Geogr. alp. 20, 3. 10 X 6-! : pp. 573-90. 1932 ·(72) Ferrari, Agostino. Nella gloria delle altezze .... Ceresole-Valsa.varanche e Cogne. 8-£ X 5{ : . pp. 355 : plates. 'rorino, Casanova, 1931 (73) Field, Wm. Osgod. The glaciers of the northern part of Prince William Sound. In Geogr. Rev., New York, vol. 22, no. 3. 10 X 6!: pp. 361-88 : ill. . July 1932 (74) Fischer, Hans. Abfahrten, die man gemacht haben muss. 6 X 9!: pp. 75 : maps, plates. Miinchen, Rother, 1932 (75) Flaig, Walther. Arlberg Ski und Schnee. 9! X 7 : pp. 22 : 150 plates. Miinchen, Bruckmann (1933) (76) Fontaine, E. Notes sur l'Alpinisme, massif du Mont-Blanc. 8! x 5!: pp. 89 : plates. Tour, Rene et Deslis, 1932 Presented by the author. . (77) Garwood, Edmund Johnston. Speculation and research in Alpine glacio­ logy : an historical review. Ex Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., London, vol. 88. 8! X 5'! .: pp. xciii-cxviii. August 1932 ~ (77b) Giovane Montagne. , 1932 ·(78) Glaciers. Les variations periodiques des glaciers des Alpes suisses. 52me ~ rapport'l931. Enles Alpes. 10 X 7: pp. 23: plates. Berne, Stampfli, 1932 -(79) Graber, Alfred, und J. J. Schatz. Walliser Alpen. 6! x 5 : pp. viii, 136 : - num. plates. . . - Bielefeld u. Leipzig, Velhagen; 1931 (80) Gutmann, Bruno. Kipo Kilja. Ein Buch vom Kibo. 8 x 5!: pp. 62: plat es. Leipzig, Evang.-Luther. Mission, 1932 (81) Hallberg, F., et H. Muckenbrunn. Le ski par la technique moderne . . 3me ed. 8 X 5!-: : pp. 430: plates. Grenoble, Arthaud "(1932) (82) Herzog, Th. Baurn- und Schneegrenzen in den Kordilleren von Siida­ .. merika. S.A. Festschrift f. G. W. v. Zahn, Bd. 39. Georg. Mitt. f. Thiiringen. ' 9 'X 6: pp. 52-89. . 1931 • • • .· The · ·Alpine Club Library. ·187

.{83): Ho~k, Henry. Ma . bella Engiadina. Sk~ und Sc~ee · im .Engadin. 7! X 5} : pp. 224 : piates. Hamburg, Enooh, 1933 .Hungary. Orsz~gos magyar turista Kiallitas {smertetoje. 6! x 4! : ·PP· 139 : plates. Budapest, 1932 '(84) Jahne, Ludwig. Karawankenfii;hrer. 2. Aufl. · Gau Karawanken der . Sekt.)Gagenfurt. _. 6!· X 4-! : pp. 64; map, plates. Klag_enfurt,.1931 (85) Kirkpatrick, W. T. Alpine days and nights. With a paper by the late . R. Philip Hope a~d a fqreword by E. L. Strutt. · 7! X 5. :. pp. 198 : plates. . London, Allen (1932) (86). Koch, Karl. Die Alpen rufen. 9! X 7 : pp. 263: plates. .. : . . . Berlin, Si:q1on [1932] (87) .Kurz, ·Marcel. Clubfiihrer durch die Biindner Alpen. V. Band. Bernina Gruppe. Hsg. vom. S.A.C. 6! x 4 .: pp. 368: ill. 1932 (88) L~clerc, Jeanne.. Deux mois chez les pas~eurs a verolais. In La Geogra phie 57, nr. 2, 10 X 7 : pp. '235-60 : plates. November 1932 .(89) Lewin, W. Henry. Climbs. 8! X 5!: pp. xvi, 226: plates. . . : pp. Smith's Bookst~lls, 1932

Edition of 250 signed copies. • :(90) Madus~hka, Leo. Neuzeitliche Felstechnik. 2. Aufl. 6-! X 4'! : pp. 55 : ill. Miinchen, Rother, 1932 :--Die Te!Jhnik schwerster Eisfahrten. 6! X 4-! : pp. 55 : ill. Miinchen, R<;>ther, 1932 (91) ~anuel de montagne et d'alpinisme militaire~ Ministere de la guerre. 7! X 4!: pp. 105 : ill. Paris, Imprimerie nat., 1931 (92) Mason, Ke~neth. Rec.en~ assaults on Kangchenjunga. In Geogr. Journ., vol. 80, no. 5. 9! X 6 : pp. 439-45: plates. November 1932 (93) Meyer, Oska~ Erich. Der Erlebnis des Hochgebirges. 8 X 5!: pp. 163. Berlin, Union deutsche Verlagsges, 1932. R.M. 6.80 (94) Mount Everest expedition and the Mount Everest flight. In Geogr. Journ., vol. 81, no. 2. 9! X 6 :: pp. 153..... 6. . . Febr~ary 1933 (94b) Mountaineering Journal, British. 1932 (95) .Munday, Don. Canada's newest . In Canadian Geograph. Journ., vol. 5, nos. 4-6. 10! X 6i_ : pp. 227-38 : ill. December 1932 .(96) Nazarotf, P. S. Hunted Through Central Asia. 7! X 5!: pp. xi, 332·: portrait. · Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1932 New Zealand. Department of Tourists' Resorts. Report. 13 X 8 : pp. 11-12. . Ascents 1931-32. 1932 .(97) ' Noll-Hasenclev~r : :hsg. v.. H. E~ler~ . Alpenf~hrten. De~ Bergen verfalleri. 8 X 6 : pp. 213 : plates. Berlin, Union deutsche Verlag., 1932 (98) Notestein, Frank B. Sierra Nevada de Cocuy. In Geogr. Rev., New York, vol. 22, no. 3. 10 X 6~ : pp. 423-30 : ill. July 1932 (99) d'Oyley, Elizabeth, Edited by. Great travel stories of all nations. 8-! X 5!: pp. 1030. . London, etc., H~rr~p (193~) . . 8s,. 6d.. This contains, inter alia: F. Younghusband, Epic of Mount Everest; F .. S. Smythe, Kangchenjunga; Alex. Mackenzie, In search of the Pacific; F. Parkman, On .the Oregon trail; T. de Lepiney, Aig. ·du Plan; F. De Filippi, Mountains of the moon; P. Bauer, l(angchenjunga; Sven .Hedin,

•· Tibet..• . · · (100) Peaks, Passes and Glaciers by members of the Alpine Club. 3rd series. ·. Edited by A. E. Field and Sydney Spencer. 8! X 5!: pp. x, 307 : plates. . London, l\iethuen, 1932. l5s. Articles out of vola. 1-5 of the Alpine Journal. ( 101) Peers, E. Allison. The Pyrenees French and Spanish. 6! X 4! : pp. 258 : map, plates. . London, etc., Harrap (1932) (102) Purtscher-Wydenbruck, Nora. Translated by Max Mohr. Philip Glenn. 7! X 5: pp. 316. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1932 (103) Rock, Joseph F. The land of the Tebbus. . In Geogr. Journ, vol. 81, no. 2~ 9! X 6: pp. 108-127 : ill. · February 1933 (104) Roerich, George N. Trails to utmost Asia. Five years' ·exploration. 9! X 6! : pp. xx, 504 : rna p, plates. . . New Hav.en, Yale University Press, etc., 1931. 42s. 6d. 188 The Alpine Club Library.

(106) St. Gotthard. 50jahre. S.B.B. revue, no. 5. 12! x 9 : pp. 52 : ill. 1932 (105) Samivel. Sous l'ooil des choucas ou les plaisirs de l'Alpinisme. 12! x 9!: plates. Paris, Delagra ve (1932) Presented by Captain W. J. Pearce. ---10°: Quatre-vingt-diximagessurlessportsd'hiver. 12! X 9!: plates. Paris, Delagrave, 1933 (107) Lo Scarpone. Alpinismo, schi, escursionismo. 24 x 16. Milano, 1933 • This contains official information of the C.A.I. ( 107b) Schneehase. 1932 (108) Ski. Rev. niensuelle illustree. No. special. 10! x 8! : plates. 15 janvier 1933 (109) Karten u. Fuhrer. 5! X 4: pp. 24. Stuttgart, Reiseverlag, 1933 (110) Smythe, F. S. Kamet conquered. 9 X 6 : pp. xvi, 420: plates. London, Gollancz, 1932 (Ill) Spindler, Robert. Die Alpen in der englischen Literatur und Kunst. Beitr. z. engl. Philo!. Hft. 21. 9i X 6! : pp. 31 : plates. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1932 (112) Sports d'hiver. L'annuaire des sports d'hiver du continent. 7! X 4!: pp. 254 : ill. Paris, Guides Plumon, 1932 (113) . Le centenaire des postea alpestres suisses. 10! x 7£: pp. 82: plates, some col. Geneve, Ed. L'Art en Suisse, 1932 --Also English edition. (114) Thorington, J. Monroe. Historical geography of the Columbia-Kootenay Valley. In Bull. Geog. Soc. Phil., vol. 31, no. I. 9! X 6!: pp. 10-26 : ill. January 1933 (115) Tuma, Henrik. Imenoslovje Julijskih Alp. 9! X 6-!: pp. 100. Ljubljana, 1929 (116) Ward, F. Kingdon. Explorations on the Burma-Tibet frontier. In Geogr. Journ., London, vol. 80, no. 6. 9! X 6!: pp. 465-83 : ill. Decem her 1932 (117) Whitney, Paul C. The recent retreat of McCarthy Glacier, Alaska. In Geogr. Rev., New York, vol. 22, no. 3. 10 X 6! : pp. 389-92. July 1932 (118) Wilson, Claude. An epitome of fifty years' climbing. 8i x 6i: pp. 118. Printed for private distribution, 1933 No. 1 of 125 copies printed. (119) Wilson, Gilbert. The Skookumchuck Basin of the Purcell Basin. In Geogr. Journ, vol. 81, no. 2. 9! X 6: pp. 140-5 : ill. February 1933

Older Works. Atkins, H. Martin. Ascent to the summit of . Not published. London, Calkin & Budd, 1838 A presentation copy from Miss Martin Atkins: and containing an account of the funeral of Lt. H. M. Atkins in Edinburgh in 1842. Favret, Pierre, Fran~ois and Edouard. Copy of entries in Guides' Books of: made by T. Graham Brown and presented to the Alpine Club. 6! X 4 : pp. 34: MS. Keller, F. C. Die Gemse. 8! X 5! : pp. 413 : ill. Klagenfurt, J. Leon, 1887 Tuckett, Francis Fox. Barometric calculations in the Alps. MS. Presented by Miss A. Fox.

Maps. Maps. Various motor maps of Alpip.e regions. - - Freytag u. Berndt, Wien. No. 30. Kaisergebirge. 31. Schliesseer Berge u. Rofangebirge. 37. Rhatikon-Silvretta . . 38. Kitzbiiheler Alpen u. Pinzgau. The Alpine Club Library. 189

List of Subjects. '' (Figures in brackets refer to book list, not in brackets to dates. 1 a. =first ascent. tr. = traverse. ill. = illustration. portr. =portrait.) Abruzzi (14); Accidents (6) (10); Mt. McKinley (8); I a. 30 Agner, S .. face (15); 1 a. 32 N. arete (50b); ill. Ailama (69); ill. L'Akarakar (10); Mt. Alaam (40c); Alaska climbing (8); Albania (43) (45b); 1 a. 30 Alberfeldtkogel N . .arete (43); · Algeria (10); Allalinh (43), ski (45b); I a. 31 Aig. de · l'Allee Blanche N.W. face (7); Alps in English literature (Ill); Alpsp. (56b); l a. 31 Mte Alto di Fremont S.W. face (15); 1 a. 30 Denti d'Ambies (15); 1 a. 31 Torrone S. Ambrogio (14); 1 a. 32 Pte d'Amont S. arete, E. face (50b); 1 a. 31 Col de l'Ange (7); Andes (82); ill. Dames Anglaises S.W. face (6); Ankogel group (28); and ill. various (29); Southern Apostles and ills. (40); 1 a. 31 Becca d'Aran W. face (14); 1 a. 31 Caire Arcias N.W. face (7) (lOb); 1 a. 28, 1 tr. Passo dell' Arco (15); Arctic (6); P. Argentera (17); Argentine (45b); ill. fr. W. (45b); Ariege gl. (71); Arlberg (75); 1 a. 31 Torre Armena N. face (15) ; 1 a. 32 Arrow Pk. (26) ; Arrowsmith Range (40c); 1 a. 39 Aig. d'Artanave N. arete (15); 1 a. 32 M. Arvenis W. side (16); 1 a. 32 Aig. merid. d'Arves W. face and ill. routes (6) (50b); Asia (104); ill. Asulkan Range (6); ill. Atlas (29); ill. Atoromachuma gl. (28); 1 a. 30 Auta S. face (15); ill. (15); ill. Pic d. Aupillous (10); Avalanches (29). · 1 a. 28 Torre di Babele (15) ; 1 a. 29 S. arete (15) ; 1 a. Cima Bocchetta N.E. · face (40b); 1 a. Balkar (15); portr. J. Balmat (76); ill. P. Balzetto (28); 1 a. 28 Bambino di Monaco ( 15) ; Hermann v. Barth and portr. (30); I a. 26 Barre Blanche N.E. (10); ill. Basodino S. (11); Bellec6te ill. various (108); ill. Belle Vue (6) ; 1 a. 29 Belvedere di Pre di Toro (15) ; Bergeller group (28); P. Bernina N.E. face (6) (45b); ill. routes (6) (46b); ill. Bianco Grat (56b); ill. Scerscen (6); a. 1880 P. Bernina fr. W. (6); ill. Berninagruppe (83); ill. La Bessanese (88); ill. Besso (86); ill. Bhasteir Tooth N. chimney (47b); Corno Bianco N.W. arete (77b); 1 a. N. face and ill. route (14) (15); a. 32 P. Bianco W. buttress (6); Bibliography (62) (Ill); 18th cent. (45b); 1931 (29); ill. Biesh. (79) ; Bietschh. (6) (97); a. 32 W. face (6); 1 a. 32 S.E. arete (6) (50b); 1 a. 30 Cime Bifides S. face (7); Birkenkofel group (28); 1 a. 29 Dente d. Bissort S.E. face (15); att. Mt. Blair by Heim gl. (22); Aig. d. Blaitiere (43) (97); ill. Aig. Blanche fr. Aig. de la Tsa (100); ill. Barre Blanche (10); ill. D. Blanche fr. Obergabelh. (50); ill. fr. Triftjoch (45b); ill. N.E. face (79); ill. Blindenh. (74); 1 a. 30 Blaueissp. E. face (43); ill. Boesp. (86); 1 a. 32 Bose Mauer S. face (43); Brandwacht pk. and ill. (40); 1 a. 31 Gr. Bratschenkopf E. arete, 1 a . . S.W. arete (43); 31 Breith, N. face (6) (11); ill. Breith. N.W. and N. (79); ill. fr. Riffelh. routes (6); 1 a. 32 Lauterbr. Breith. N. face and ill. (6) (29) (43); 1 a. 30Cima Brenta Alta (15); Crozzon di Brenta N.E. face (56b) (68b); ill. (86); Guglia di Brenta (41b); ill. (29); 1 a. 27 Aig. de la Brenva W. face (15); Bretherwand and ill. (43); H. G. Broke and portr. (6); ill. Mt. Brouillard (6); 1 tr. 32 Buck Mn. (8); ill. P. Buin (74); ill. Kl. Buin (45b); 1 a. 31 Cima d. Busazza W. face and ill. (40b); 1 a. 30 S.W. face and ill. (15). 1 a. 31 Caire central de Cougourda W.N.W. arete, N.W. face (7); 1 a. 30 Caires Fourcia S.S.E. face (lOb); Calender (59) (63); 1 a. 27 Campanile alto S. face (15); 1 a. 31 Corno di Campo S.E. arete (15); Canada (45b) (95) (114) (119); Canadian mountains (95); Cima di Canali W. face (29); ill. (16) (59); Cantabria (6); Cape Peaks list (40); Carpathians (28); Allen Carpe (41); and portr. (8) (6); ill. Carrington Pk. (22); ill. Carucedo (6); Cassandra (14); ill. Castor and P oilux (86) ; ill. Cathedral Pk. ( 48) ; (43) (69) ; 1930 (28) ;' 1 .a. 31 Pic S. d. Cavalles (14); ill. Cengalo and Badile (86); Cevedale (28b); 2 a. 31 Mt. Chancellor and ill. (8); Chandelle de Chaleux and ill. (10); ill. fr. Col du Chardonnet (45b); ill. Aig. du Chardonnet N.E. arete (6); Aig. d. Charmoz (97); 1 a.31 Aig. d. Gds. Charmoz N.face (10) (14) (28) (43) (77b); · ill. (7) (10) (28) (29) (56b); tr. Charmoz Grepon (29); Cheri Chor (15); ill . • . . .. \ ..._ The Alpine Club Library.

Chongra Pks. (6); 1 a. 29 Uja d. Ciamarella N. face (15); ill. Ciarforon (40b); cinema Kamet (6); 1 f t. 28 Mte. Cimone S. face (15); Civetta (65); 1 a. 29 · N. arete (15); ill. N.W. face (43); N.W. face and ill.· route (7); l a. 28 E. · face (43); niap and ills. (64); 1 a. 31 and ill. (15); ill. (86); 1 cr. Clarke Pass (22); (45b); ill. Mt. Clemenceau (50b) ; Climbing aids '(8); " .1 a. 32 Cloudveil Do.me (8) ·; Cogne (72) ·; Hl. Torres Qoldai route (!4); ·1 a .. 31 Caire Colomb w~ arete, E. ·face (7); ill.. Mt. Collon frl Arolla (42); : ill. Gr. Combin (86); portr. L0rd Conway (66); . ilL P. Coolidge Gt. Tower (6); ·1 d. 31 N'" arete (71 (14); Mount .Cook, historical (8); portr. Coolies Everest 24 . ( 6.) ; ill. Black Coolin (50) ; . Gr. Cornier (45b) ; ·. ilL N.. (79) ; Corsica (45b) ; · La Coudia (19); . ill. Pte. Gretier (15); J a.·27 Creton/di Culzei S. face (15); .. ill. .Tete Crettex. (45b); ·1 a. 31 Cridola N. face (15); .ill.. Mt~. Cristall0 (8.6); · 1 a. 27· Cro.codile N. face .(14); 1 a. 30 Croda Bianco S. face a,nd.ill. (15); ill. 0rod&· Grande (15) .; 1 a. 31 P. Croz~t', ·W.$.W. ~nd E.N.E. points (7) {11); . 1 a·. 30 Ourtissons ( 15). . · . . . · · · . . 1 a. 31 Dachl (8); ill. Dachstein (28); Dalmatia · (56. ~; 1 a. ·29. ·Torre. Dario :· Mazzeni (~4);: 1 ·a. 31 Davinkopf. S. faoe (43) .;. 1- a. 29 Pta. Debray (14); · Aig. d. Deu:x: Aigles and ill. ( 10).; 1 a. 30 Col d .. Deux Aigles. N .. face ( 14) ; Devil's Staircase (89); 1 tr. 31 .Arete du Diable· (10) ;. 1 a.· 32 Gr. Diamant­ ,. stock S. arete (1}; Torre d. Diavolo (29); ill. Didamskopf (74); Difficulty, . · valu~tion . of {15); 1 a. Digoria (15); ·ilL Diligences, various (113); . ~ll. Mte. · Disgrazia f;r. Mt.e. Sissone (100); ill. Mte. Disgrazia, etc. (28) ;: ill. fr. Oima di Rosso (50b); 1 a. 29 Dito di Dio N.W. face (15); Dolomites (32) (64); . .D .om (97); ill. fr. Nadelh. (79); . Aigs. Dorees and ill . . (45b); ill. (42); - Dreieckh .. 8.E.· and N.E. aretes (6); ill. various (6.); ill. Dreifingerturm (59); . 1 a.' :Oreiherrensp. N. face (29); Dreischustersp. and ill. (56b); ill .. Drei · .Zinnen, various (86); Dru (56b) (97); .N. face (ld); and ill. (50b); ill . .Petit · Dru S.W. face (50b); ill. Dschailiik-bash (29) ;· ·ill. Dschara (28); Cima d. · D.uca .( 14) . . , ...... , . . Eagles ( 'ii5b) ; ill. Barre d. Eorins (10); ill. S ..E. face (7) ; Mt. Edith· (89) ; - ill. Mt. Edith Cavell (45b); Egginer (89).; Egyptian mountains (6.); .1 a. :32 Eige1: N. face (50b); and ill.. (6); 1·a. 29 Eichhorn W~ arete (43); Einserkofel N. face (43); .ill. Einhorn (86) ;. G. W. H. Ellis and. portr. (6); Pks·. .of Elzivir.(8); 1 a. 27 Mte. Emilius N. face and ill. (15); Enga.dine (83); Ennstaler Alps (6) ;. 1 a. 32 Pta. Erbetet and ill. (14); 1 a .. 29 Erzbergsp. S.·W. face (43); ill. Erzberggruppe (75); ill. Etna (17,); G. Euringer .and portr. (30); Mt. Evans (40c); Mt. Everest (61) .(94) .(9·9); 1933 (6). . , l: a. 31 Mt. Fairweather and var. ill. (8) (10) ;· ilL Fanisp. fr. S. (32); C. E. Fay · and portr. (6); Festkogel (29); ill. Fieberh. route .(43); ill. Fiescherwand ·(86); 1 a. 31 Punta diFinale N. face (14); Finsteraarh ..N.E ..fac .e down,valids (6); N.E. face (6); ill. N. face top (6); Pta. Fiorio (51); Fleischbank E. face and · ill. (56c); ill. Fleischbank S.E.face, etc. (8)(14) (50 b); 1 a. 28 Font.SancteN.E. face (14).; ill. Mt. Foraker (6); Mt. Foteljll. and ill. near (6); ill. Fogar.asch Group, various (28); Mte . .di Forno (14); .French Hoek Pk. (40); Fur- chetta N.E. face and ill. (29)~ · . . · · ill. Untere Gabelhorner u. Obergabe1h. (45b); ill. Vierge de Gagnerie (45b); Gaiskofel and ill. (32); 1 a. 32 V. Galmih. S.W. arete.(1); 1 a. 29 Pic Gamba · E. face (15); l a. 28 Gamsf.eld S.E. arete (43); 1 a. Gamsmutterwand ·direct ( 43) ; Mt. Garibaldi and.-ill. (39b) ; Gashed Crag and ill. (89) ; ill. Aig. du Geant (45b); N. face. (11); ill. Geislersp. (8.6) ·;. ill. Mt. Gelas· (10); Pic du Ger, etc. panorama. (108); 1 a. Gesause (29); ill. Ghiulci (15); 1 a. 29 Go.don · di Giaf S. face (15); 1 a. 32 Mt. Gioberney Vv. face (10); 1 a. 3l .Pta. . Giordano · E. face (6); Glacier variation 1931 (45b); (14).; Glaciers (77) (78); Glaciers 1931 ·(28b); Glacier Dome (40c); Glacier retreat, Canada .(6); Sellrainer G1eierschtal (28) ; 1 a. 32 Gletscherh. ,N. arete . (6) ; 1 a.· 32 Gletscherh. N.W. face (6) (29), ill. (29) (43); ill. Glidyr Fawr (50);

tr. 31 Tour di Goliz (7); ill. Mte. Rosa fr. Gornergrat'(79); A. Gorret· (56b); F. Gos (45b); Gosaukamm (68b); Gran Sasso· (14); 1 a. 30 Croda Grande N. face (15); ill. Pk., Montana (39b); Greenland and ills. (60); ill. Greenland coast ( 6) ; map . Greenland ( 6) ; 31 Aig. de Grepon E. face (6) ; Aig. de Roc du Grepon (6); 1 a. Gr. Griestein N.W. face (43); Grivola and ill. (41b); 1 a. 32 Grossh. N. face (43); and il~ . .(67) ; Groundsel Ruwenzori · (6); 1 a. 29 Gr. Grubensp. S. face (43); ill. Gtubenwand (28); 1 a. 32 Gspaltenh. (43) (50b); andill. N.E. face (6) (29); Guide books: ·Berp.ina (87); Biindner Alpen (87); Dalmatia (56); Ireland (55); Karawanken (84); ·Lake· District (53); Norway (57); Scotland (55) ~ ; Spain (55); r Valais (79); Walliser Alpen (79); ill. Gul (29); ill. Guglia (43), Legione Alpina· Piave (43); · ill. Giimelz (14). ill.' Pic Haman (10); 1 a. 31 Tour Hanka (7); J. W. Hartley and portr. (6); ill. Hase:t;lfluh '(75); Roher Haunold (28); D. d'Herens (97) ; ilL fr. Tete -de Yalpelline (100); N. face (56b); ill. (79); Hch. Hess (43); Himalaya (43); Garhwal Himalaya (94b); ill. Hochalmsp. various (28); ·ill. Hochkalter fr. N.E. (86); Hochstadel N. face (29); (29)_; and ill. N. fa~e(6); ·Hofats (5&b) (68b); Hohe Goll W. face routes (29); -Hollengebirge (28); ilt Holl­ torgrat (28); Holly Tree Wall and var. ill. (94b); ill. ~rt·. Hood (45b) ·; ill. Hosperi.thal (113); ill. Huandoy (45b); a. 32 Huascaran· (6) ; ill. S.E. pk. (45b); ill. Mt. Hudo (63); Huts: 0. Mayr and Augsburg (30). Iceland (50); 1 a. 27 Dito dell' Ideale (15); ill. Inaccessible Pinnacle (59); Pic Innomme and ill. (10); Ireland (55); Italia Pass (67); Ivy Chimney (89); ill. Ixtaccihuatl (8). · 1 a. Jagged Pk. ~nd ill. (22); Jagih. (6); ill. S. pk. (6); ill. ft. S. (6) ;. Japan (28); tr. Aig. du Jardin (50h); ilL Aig. Javelle (41b) '; Cima di Jazzi and ill. (16); 1 a. 31 Jof di Miez (15); Jonker's IIoek (40); Gdes. Jorasses (97); 1 a. Gdes Jorasses N. face (43) (56b) (68b); ill. (7) ·; ill. fr. Periades (7); 1 a. and tr. 31 Tour d. Gdes. Jorasses (14) (15); Julian Alps (6) (41b); ill. Jung'frau fr. Biittlassen (100); a. 32 N.E. arete and ill. (6}; d. to Triimletental ('6); Wilder Kaiser (14); Kaiserchild (6); Kaisergebirge_ (8) (50b); 1 a. 28 Kalt­ wasser Gamsmutter N. face and ill. (43); ill. Kaltwasser Karsp. (9~b); Kamet (14) (43) (110); and var. ills. (10) (110); Kangchenjunga (28) (29) (92) · (99); 1931 (6); var. ills. (6) (29); map (6); ill. fr. Sugarloaf and summit (6); Karakoram (15); Karawanken (84); l(arwendel (68b); ill. Mt. Kasa (63); ill. Kasbek (69); Keromsberg (40); l(ibo and. ilL (80); a. 28 Kilimanjaro and ill. (9); Kirchalph. (45b); Kohlalpelsp. and ill. (43); a. 31 Kluchevs­ kaya (6); Kluchor mountains (56b); Gr. Knallstein (31); ill. Mt. l{oma (63); ill. Konigssp. (86); ill. Koshtan-tau (69). ill. Langkofel (50); ill. various (86); 1 a. 31 Laquinh. Vv. face (7); 1 a. 29 Lastron di Culzei fr. S. (15); Latemar and ill. (28); Lauteraarh. fr. Schreckh. (6); 1 a. 27 Cima Pic di Lavaredo N. face (15) ; Legione alpina Piave (43); Legzirbe (28); ill. Lenzsp. Nadelh. (79); 1 d. 29 Aig. de Leschaux W. face (14); 1 a~ N. arete and ill. (15); ill. P. Lisc.hanna (86); Gr. Litzner (42); 1 a. Creta Livia E. face (15); Lobsang (6); ill. Lomnic (45); S. Lorenzh. (45b); ill. Ben Lui summit (59); ill. fr. Zumsteinsp. (86). McCarthy Gl. (117); ill. Mt. Macho (63); ill. Mt. McGill (8); Mt. McKinley (6); ill. (45b) (50b); 2 a. 32 (8); accident and ill. (6); ill. Pala d. Madonna (86): ill. Maja Herapit (29) (45b); 1 a. 31 Mt. Mallet N.E. face (6); 1 a. 30 Cima Mandron S. face (15); 1 a. 31 Mangart N. face and ill. (15); new maps Switzerland (45b); 1 a. 30 Gr. Marcbet N.W. ~ace (14); ill. Margharita corniche (6); 1 a. 30 Cima Marje Jose (15)-; as. Maritime Alps (14)'; Marmo­ lata S. face (56b); 1 a. 32 S.W. ·(50b); ill. (68b) (74); ill. Maroikopf (74); Marscholh. (45b); tr. 27 Pic duMas de la Grave (10); J .. S. Masterman (6); Matterh. (10) (28b) (97); on 1 a. (89); ill. summit (59); 1 a. 31 S. face (6) (14) (43) (68b); ill. S. face 31 route (6); ill. hA.lf-way S. ·face (6); ill. S. face upper (6); ill. Great Terrace (6); 1 a. 31 N. ·face and ill. (6) (10) (28) (29); a. 32 N.E. arete (6) ;· 1 a. 31 Ital. arete (15); 1 a. 31 Tusse de ·Maupas S. face (7); 1 a. 29 Mont Maudit S.E. face (15); ill. Col Maudit 2 ill. routes (6); 2 d. 30 Pte. Maximin S. arete (11) ; Otto 192 The Alpine Club Library.

Mayr and portr. (30); 1 a. Roche de la Muzelle N.E. arete (14); 1 a. W. face (14); 1 d. Roche Meane E ~ arete (7) ; 1 a. 31 S.W. face (7); ill. group (10) ; ill. various (10); 1 a. W! (10); portr. E. S. Meaney (41); 1 a. 31 Croda Medaglia d'Oro (14); Meije (32); S. face and ill. (10); ill. various (10); 2 a. winter 32 (6) (11); 2 a. 30 Meije orient. S.S.W. face (11); S. face and ill. (29); Meiring's P<>ort Berg and ill. (40); 1 a. 28 Becca del Merlo N.W. face (15); Meteorology (49); Mexico climbs (8); ill. Mexican mountains (27); 1 a. 30 Cime di Mezzo d. Crode dei Toni (15); 1\'Iilestone Buttress, Tryfan (89); ill. and Chimney (89); Military (91); ill. Mt. Milner (40); 1 a. 32 Pta. Minuta N.W. arete (1); ill. (45b); ill. Mischabelhorner (79); ill. fr. Weissh. (77b); l a. 28 Modeon d. ·Montasio (15); ill. P. Tre Mogge (14); ill. Mognoi (45b); 1 a. 31 Moiazza sud (15); 1 a. 32 Aig. du Moine S.W. arete (50b); ill. Moine a rete ( 100) ; Molenaarsberg and ill. (40) ; Bosse de la Momie and ill. (10); 1 a. 29 Teste di Money N. face (15); 1 a. 28 Jof Montasio N. face (6) (15); ill. fr. Dogna (6); Mont Blanc (l5b) (76); l a. Mt. Blanc (45b); ski (7); 1 d. 28 by Peteret arete (14); a. S.E. arete (6); ill. fr. Plan-Praz (81); 1 a. 32 winter by Aig. du Gouter (10); a. winter Petit Mt. Blane de Pralognan (10); ill. Mt. Blanc de Sellon N. (79); 1 a . .29 Mt. Blanc du Tacul N.E,. face (15); ill. (35b); Mte. Rosa E. face (29) (97); ills. various (29); ski (45b); 1 a. group (14); Mont-aux-Sources (40); 1 a. 29 Monticello· (15); 1 a. 31 Monviso N.W. face (15); ill. Kl. Morchner etc. (28); ill. D. de Morcles fr. N. (94b); 1 a. 30 Mte. Morion N. face (15); ill. Mte. Moro (74); tr. Morter­ atsch-Bernina (6); Mountain craft .(94b) Mountaineering (66) (85) (89) (90) (91) (97) (99) (100) (118); ice (56b) (68b); ill. Miihlstiirzh. fr. Reiteralp (86); ill. Mt. Muir (8). Nadelgrat (97); Nanga Parbat (6) (29); and var. ills. (6); Naranjo de Bulnes and ill. (6); l a. 30 Cima di Nasta and ill. (14); ill. Nevado Santa Rosa (45b); . ill. Ben Nevis N.E. face (47b); 1 a. N. Zealand (40c); as. 32 (6); 1 tr. 32 Nez Perce (8); Niessen (41b); Norway (57); ill. Norway various (94b); North Buttress, Tryfan (89). Obergabelh. (97); ill. fr. Mountet (86); ill. Oeschinensee (86); ill. Gr. Oedstein (6); 1 a. 32 winter Mt. Olan (10); Oliphants River Dome and ill. (40); Olympus and ill. (28); ill. Omeshorn (75); Oregon Mts. (45b); Orubaschi (29) ; ill. pan. (29) ; 1 a. 31 N ..face (29) ; ill. (28) ; ill. Oschanga (28) ; Pic de Midi d'Ossau by S.E. (35); Otscher and ill. (28); 1 a. 32 Oubliette (6) (8); 1 tr. 30 Cimes Paganini W. to E. (lOb); tr. N. S. (14); ill. Paccard memorial (6); portr. M. G. Paccard (76); ill. Pain de Sucre d'envers du Plan (7); ill. P. Palii N. face (7); ill. summit (86); ill. Cimone d. Pala ill. (100); ill. fr. S. (86); Panjtarni accident (6); Campanile Paola (14); Gr. Paradiso (6) (40b) (97); 1 a. 30 Gr. Paradiso N.W. face (15); Gr. Paradiso and ill. (4lb); Gr. Paradiso (97); 1 a. 27 Mte. Paramont N.E. arete (15); Pta. Parrot (77b) ; Parsenn (29) ; Parson's Nose and ill. (89) ; Pasterze (97) ; Alphonse Payot (6); ill. Pazieltal (75) ; l a. 30 Aig. du Peigne S. face (14); I a. 30 W. point (14); ill. (10); 1 tr. N.W. arete (10); 31 S.E. face (6); 1 a. 32 Pelvoux E. arete (6) (10) ; ill. Mte. Pelmo various (86) ; 1 a. Fitas du Perdi­ ghero (7) ; ill. Perschitzkope (32) ; Andes of Peru (45b) ; a. 32 {\.ig. Bl. de Peteret S.E., N.W. aretes (6); Aig. Noire de Peteret S. arete and ill. (7); 1 a~ (7); 1 a. 32 S.E. face (6) ; 1 a. 28 N. face (15); Peternschartenkopf (43); ill. Pfeiler (43); Photography high altitudes (6); Pierre Menta and ill. (45b); 1 a. 31 Aig. d'Entre Pierroux W. face (10); ill. Pte. de la Pilatte (10); ill. Tete de la Pilatte (6); ill. Pillar Rock notch (59); 1 a. 32 Pilot Knob and ill. (26) ; 1 a. 31 Pic de Pinede E. arete (7) ; l a. 31 Fitas du Mail Pintrat (7) ; Aig. du Plan (97) (99) ; ill. Aig. du Plan fr. Requin (35b) ; l a. 31 Aig. du Plan N.E. couloir (7) ; 1 a. 31 Rognon du Plan W. face (7) ; Plankenstein fr. S. (56b); ill. Plansp. N. face (6); Plattenh. (4lb); ill. Col d. Plines (45b); ill. Kl. Podragu (2$); 1 a. 31 Ponset N.W. face (7); l a. 29 P. Popena S.W. face (15); Popocatepetl (48) (52); and ill. (16); ill. Petit Cloches du Portalet (45b) (78); ill. Portiengrat (79); ill. Potosi Pk. (26): M. Pourri history and ill. (11); ill. Predigstuhl W. face (43); ill. (8); Mt. President (89); 1 a. 31 Presolana orient. S. face (15); H. Priestman and portr. (6) ; Torres Preuss

• The Alpine Club Library. 193

N. face (56b); Prince William Sound (73); glaciers and bibliography (8); ill. Prachov (10) ; 1 a. 31 Guglie di Pre Sec ( 15) ; 1 a. 31 Pilon du Roi de Provence N. face (10); Pyrenees (35) (49) (101); ill. Puplutberge (43); Purcell Range ( 119).

' Quimsa Cruz ( 28). Radohin group (45b); ill. Radshenesgruppe fr. N. (45b); Petit Raimeux W. arete (45b); Rakiot Pk. (29).; ill. Ramparts (45b); ill. Mt. Ramsay E. face (22) ; 1 a. 31 Gr. Pic de Ramun W. arete (7) ; 1 a. 31 Rateau arete N.N.W. (7) (11) ; 1 a. 31 N. face (10); J. Ravanel and portr. (6); 1 a. Reichenstein-Nordpfeiler (43); ill. Admonter Reichenstein (6); ill. Aig. de la Republique (7); 1 a. 31 D. du Requin S.E. face (6); ill. (45b); ill. Gr. Rettenstein (59); ill. Pte. de Ribon (88); tr. W. Rickmers (29); Riffelh. (89); Rimpfischh. ski (45b); 1 a. 31 Cresta Rinsen (43); Mt. . Robson (6); ill. (6) (43b); Robson Gl. (6); ill. Tofana di Roces route (15); Rock-climbing (56b) (68b); 1 a. 28 Calotta di Rochefort S. face and ill. (15); 1 a. 29 Rog­ nosa d'Etioche E. face (15); 1 a ..32 Rolling Mt. (26); ill. Romariswandkopf (29); ill. Romsdalshorn (94b); ill. Pta. Ronchetta (15); a. 30 winter Pte. de Ronce (10); 1 a. 30 Pta. Eoncia winter (77b); 1 a. 29 Roc Ronce E. face (I4); 1 a. 30 Tour Ronde (15); Rope (6) (28b) (44) (45b) (50b) (56b) (94b); Rope use (40); ill. Piz Roseg (45b) (83) (86) (100); tr. 32 Roseg-Scerscen­ Bernina (6) ; ill. Croda Rossa ( 14) ; Croce Rossa and var. ill. (II) ; ill. Pta. Rossa ( 45b); ill. Dents des Rosses (78) ; ill. Rosskopf (75); ill. Ross­ kuppe (6); Cima di Rosso (50b); 1 a. 32 Zinal Rothhorn S.E. arete (6); 31 S.W. arete (6); Rotwand W. face (43); ill. Aigs. Rouges d'Arolla (79); 1 a. 28 Tete du Rouget (14); Gde. Ruine (45b); Ruwenzori (6) (50b) (99); ill. (6 ). Saalbach Group (28) ; ill. Coup de Sabre N. face (7) ; 1 a. 31 Pte. de Ia Petite Sagne N. face (7); Pte. de·la Gde. Sagne and ill. (10); St. Gothard (106); 2 a. Mt. St. Helens (4I); I a. 31 Saint Robert N. face (7); St. Julien couloir (35); 1 a. 31 San Jose (8); 1 a. 32 Pic sans Nom (50b); ill. Cerro San Juan (28); ill. Torre Santa de Castella (44) ;. a. 30 Signal de Sarrasins (14); ill. Sassal Masone (83) ; 1 a. 28 Sasso Lungo merid. N.E. face and ill. (15) ; ill. Sauling (86); ill. Saumsp. (75); portr. Saussure (76); 2 a. 3I Aig. Savoie S.E. arete (8); ill. Scafell Pinnacle (59); ill. Scafell (50); ill. Piz Scerscen (86); a. N.W. face (29); ill. Piz Scerscen fr. P. Roseg (45b); Scerscen-Bernina (6); Schalligrat (45b); 1 a. 30 Gr. Scheilingstein S. (43);

portr. J. J. Scheuchzer (45b); Schleier (28b); ill. Schindlersp. summit (75); ' in. mem. Toni Schmid (43); portr. (6) (29); ill. Schmittkamin (32); Schreckh. • (6) (7) ; ills. various (7) ; Schiisselkarspitze S. face (29) ; Hint. Schwarze N. face (56b); ill. Sciora di Fuori (28); Scotland (55); G. Scriven and portr. (6); Gr. Seehorn (42); Seiler (6); Selkirks (8); 1 a. 28 Torre di Sella (15); ill. Sella occid. and orient. (I4); Sentinel Kloof and ill. (40); Passo d. Sentinella (14) ; 1 a. 29 Sertz (15) ; 1 a. 3I Fraile du Sestrales (7) ; 1 a. 31 Breche de Serre Soubeiran N. face (7); Sgumain W. face (50); ill. Shasta (48); ill. Shkara fr. E. (69); J. Shortt and portr. (6); Shyok Glaciers (6); Silvretta (45b) (94b); ill. fr. Litzner (94b); ill. Similaun (14); ill. Sinai (16); ill. Siniolchu and needle (6) (28); 1 a. 32 Sirac N. face (50b); and ill. (6); ill. Sirac (63); ill. Mte. Sissone (14) (83); Ski (I7) (45b) (75) (81) (94b) (I07b) (I08) (109) (I12); Skye (38); Slanghoek Pk. and ill. (40); a. Sneffels N. face (26) ; ill. (26) ; ill. Snow Down (22) ; Sommerstein (29) ; ill. S. face route (29); 1 a. 31 Sorapis (28b); N.W. face (15); ill. Soray (45b); ill. Sorella di Mezzo N.W. face (7) ; Soreiller (10) ; ill. Pte. du Serre Soubeiran (10); 1 a. 32 Gr. Pic d. Souffles N. face (IO) ; 1 a. 32 South Lookout (26); Spain(55); Spanis~mo~ntains (~3);x.il.l. Speckkarsp. (56b); ill.Mt. Speke(6); I a. 30 Pta. d. Sp1cch1 (15); Ill. ~p1k routes N.W. face (6); S. face 31 (6); ill. Pta. d. Spiriti (I7) ; Spitsbergen (IO) ; ill. various (10); Spitzmauer accident (6); 1 a. 31 Torre Sprit W. face (15); Sron na Ciche (47b); Steinerne Rione (43); I a. 31 Steinwand N.E. arete (43); C. F. Stoehr (6); I tr. 32 Storm Point (8) ; cr. Strachan Pass (22); Strahlh. ski (45b); ill. Capo Stranciacone (45b); 1 a. 31 Pain de Sucre de Blaitiere (10); ill. and VOL. XLV. NO. CCXLVI. 0 194 The Alpine Club Library.

Aig. du Plan (7); ill. Pain de Sucre Dibona (10); ill. Sugan (15); in mem. Ambros Supersaxo and portr. (6); English travel in Switzerland (45b); ill. Mt. Syakusi (63). · Table Mn. new climbs (40); ill. The Table (39b); 1 tr. 28 Aiguillettes du Tacul (15); 1 a. 30 Aig. de Tah3fre N. face (14); Tambohorn winter and ill~ (45b); 1 a. 30 Tamer Davanti S. face and ill. (15) ; ill. Mt. Tanigawa (63) ; Tas.chh. (97); ill. Tateyama range (63); H ohe Tatra (10); 1 a. 31 Tour Tatra (7); portr. C. Tauber (45b); in inem. E. R. Taylor and portr. (6); Tebbus (103); Tennengebirge (29); ill. Terra Tomah Pk. (26); Mt. Terror (41); ill. Tetnuld (69); Gr. Teton (9); N. face (8); ill. fr. S.E. (8); Teufelsgrat (97); Tibet (68) (99) (104) (116); Ticino Alps (11); Todi (45b); ill. Tofana di Roces (50); S. face (4); 1 a. Croda dei Toni (15); ill. (17); Tonquin (9) ; 1 a. 28 Becca Torche N. face (15); P. TorTone orient. (14); Torstein and ill. fr. W. (29); 1 a. 29 Cima Tosa N. gully (15); 1 a. 30 N. face and ill. rou.te (15); Totenkirchl (29); ill. W. face (8); ill. various and routes (14) (56b) (86); 1 a. Totenkopfels N. face (29); ill. Toubkal S. face (29); Gl. de la Tour (6); 1 a. 30 Traunstein E. aret e (43); in. mem. Th. Traut wein and ill. (28) ; Aigs. de Tre-la-Tete (10); ill. P. Tremoggia (83); 1 a . 30 Tre Scarperi (15); 1 a. 29 Tre Sorelle N.W. face and ill. (15); 1 a. 28 Triangolo di Popera S. face (15); Trient Gl. (6) ; ill. (78) ; 1 a. 29 Torre Trieste and ill. (15); N. face (45b); 1 a. 31 Aig. de· Triolet N. face and ill. (6) (45b) (76) '; Trolltinder E. face and ill. (6); ill. fr. N.E. (6); ill. Mt. Tutago ( 63). Cima Undici and ill. various (14) ,; Untergabelh. (97) ; ill. Pena Urbina (6) ; Ushba and ill. (29) (69). ill. Vajolet (86); Valbuonturm N.W. face (4); Valken Buttress (40); 1 'a. 31 Cime di Vallisetta (15); 1 tr. 30 Dente del Vallone (15); ill. Cima di Valle­ lunga (17); 1 a. 29 Croda d. Valico (15); ill. Jumeaux de Valtournanche (6); 1 a. 31 P. dei Vanni (15); ill. Summit Aig. de Ia Vanoise (6); Vaudois Alps (94b); 1 a. 31 Cedin di Vedorcia (15); ill. M. Velan N. (79); Gr. Venediger (14); H. S. Verschoyle (6); Aig. Verte (4) (97); ill. (45b); att. 1864 (6); 1 a. N. couloir (50b); ill. route (50b); 1 a. 30 Cime Veunze N. face and ill. (15); ill. Victoria Gl. (6); 1 a. 28 La Vierge (15); 1 a. Vierge de Gagnerie (45b); Views, Swiss (70); Villgraten (28); 1 a. 29 Vincent Pyramid W. face (15); 1 a. 31 Mte. Viso N.W. face (14); ill. fr. Colle di Vallanta (14). ill. Wachter v. Diirnstein (29); 1 or. Waimakariri Col (22); Wales (50); ill. Walfagehrjoch (75); 1 a. 27 Pta. Walker Gdes. Jorasses (15); ill. Wannen­ kopfe (75); ill. Warterh. (74); H. G. Watkins and portr. (6) ;. ill. Kl. Watz­ mann (56b); ill. Watzmann Kar (74); 1 a. 31 Watzmannjungfrau S. face (43); ill. Watzes~p. (8) (86); ill. Weisse Frau (86); Weissh. (97); ill. (45b); ill. fr. Biesh. (100); ill. fr. Zinal Rothhorn (50); ill. N.E. and S.E. (79); Welligrat (6); ill. fr. Kl. Wellh. (6); Wellenkuppe (97); ill. Pte. Welzen­ bach (7); Mt. Westland (40c); Wetterh. (41b); ill. Wetterstein W. face (86); 1 a. Mt. Whitcombe (22); and ill. (40c); Mt. Whitney E. face (48); ill. Widders~ein (75); Gr. Wiesbachh. accident and ill. N.W. face (6); ill. Gr. Wiesbachhorn N.W. face (29); ill. routes (43); 1 a. 30 Gr. Wildgrubensp. W. face (43); ill. Wildsp. (74); 1 a. 32 Torre Winkler N.E. face (50b); Gt. Winterhoek and ill. (40); Witzenbergen (40). ill. Mt. Yari (63); 1 a. 30 Pte. Yvonne (14); portr. M. Ydarsky (43). Gr. Zebru N. face and ill. (14); Zillertal (28); Zinalroth. (97); ill. W. (79) ; ill. summit (45b); ill. Pte. de Zinal (79); ill. Kl. Zirne N. face routes (56b); 1 a. 29 Zuc del Boor N. face (15); 1 a. 28 Pan di Zucchero (15); ill. (43); ill. Zugsp. fr. Eibssee (86) ; 1 a. 31 Pta. Zumstein N.W. face and ill. (15); Zumsteinsp. ski (45b); ill. P.Zupo (83); ill. Zwolfer (56b); ill. Zwolferkofel, etc. (28).