Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 / Feb. 28

We are resolved to strengthen our eco- sultations. We underscore our support for nomic relations by increasing opportunities the continuing process of European inte- for trade and investment between the Eu- gration and stress the importance of Eu- ropean Union and the United States, and rope and America working together as part- by promoting trade liberalization and eco- ners in a community of shared values. We nomic development for all countries welcome the historic enlargement of both through the Doha Development Agenda NATO and the European Union, which negotiations. In the framework of the G8, takes place this spring, advancing our goal we will cooperate to help the poorest coun- to erase decades of division in Europe. tries benefit more fully from the global With a common agenda of action, the economy. We remain committed to our German-American alliance will prove as joint fight against poverty in the world, and critical to the advance of freedom, security, we also undertake to tackle the scourge and prosperity in the 21st Century as it of HIV/AIDS and to cooperate to improve was in the second half of the 20th Century. the world environment. We reaffirm our commitment to NATO NOTE: An original was not available for as the anchor of our collective defense and verification of the content of this joint state- an essential forum for transatlantic con- ment.

Statement on the Death of President Boris Trajkovski of February 27, 2004

Laura and I are saddened by the death the brink of civil conflict to peace by sign- of President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia, ing the Ohrid Framework Agreement. The a distinguished leader and a great friend United States strongly supports President of the United States. On behalf of the Trajkovski’s vision of a multi-ethnic, demo- American people, I extend condolences to cratic Macedonia at peace with itself and President Trajkovski’s family and to the its neighbors and on the path to full mem- people of Macedonia. bership in the transatlantic community. President Trajkovski showed extraor- dinary courage in leading his country from

The President’s Radio Address February 28, 2004

Good morning. For many years, illegal supplies of drugs abroad, and treat more drug use has been a serious problem facing addicts who seek help. our country. Drugs cost people their sav- In 2002, I set a goal to reduce illegal ings and their health and rob children of drug use by 10 percent over 2 years and their promise. My administration has taken by 25 percent over 5 years. This Monday action to confront this danger. We have we will release the annual National Drug pursued an ambitious, focused strategy to Control Strategy, which shows the impres- cut demand for drugs at home, interdict sive progress we have made. Youth drug use declined 11 percent between 2001 and


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2003, meaning 400,000 fewer young people we are drying up the world’s supply of ille- used drugs. These results exceeded our goal gal drugs at its source. and proved that our hard work is paying Finally, we are taking steps to help those off. who have fallen into the destructive cycle This year, we will expand our strategy of addiction. Drug dependence undermines so that we can make even greater progress productivity as well as moral conviction and in the fight against drugs. The best way devastates millions of families each year. to cut drug use is to cut demand for drugs Some addicts recognize their problem and at the ground level. So my budget includes want to change but cannot afford access a $10-million increase for drug-free com- to professional care. To help men and munities, a commonsense prevention pro- women like these, I launched an initiative gram that supports local coalitions working called Access to Recovery. This program to stop young people from using drugs. will help thousands of Americans get the Research shows that teenagers who ab- treatment they need. And because I know stain from drugs are unlikely to start using a good way to change a person’s behavior them later in life. So I have asked Congress is to change their heart, faith-based treat- to provide an additional $23 million for ment programs will always be an option. high schools who want to develop and carry Congress has provided $100 million for this out drug testing programs. Random drug lifesaving program, and this year, I have testing gives students a strong answer to asked it to double that amount. the social pressure to try drugs. It helps The progress reported in this year’s Drug schools identify those using drugs so they Control Strategy is encouraging. Our goals can intervene with counseling and treat- are ambitious, and we have seen they can ment before experiments turn into addic- be achieved. Now we will build on the tions. improvement of the past 2 years, and we We’ve seen the positive results of drug will continue working toward a society in testing across the country. Just 2 years after which all citizens can lead a life of inde- Hunterdon Central Regional High School pendence and purpose, free from the dev- in New Jersey began its testing program, astating influence of drugs. drug use had declined significantly through- Thank you for listening. out the school. Hunterdon’s principal de- scribed the program’s effect this way: ‘‘We have never seen a prevention curriculum NOTE: The address was recorded at 10:30 that affected the numbers this substantially. a.m. on February 27 in the Cabinet Room We finally had a tool that was making a at the White House for broadcast at 10:06 large difference.’’ a.m. on February 28. The transcript was As we reduce demand for drugs, we’re made available by the Office of the Press also preventing drug supplies from entering Secretary on February 27 but was embar- our country. Our military and law enforce- goed for release until the broadcast. In his ment personnel are targeting the world’s address, the President referred to Lisa most dangerous drug trafficking networks. Brady, principal, Hunterdon Central Re- We are dismantling these organizations and gional High School, Flemington, NJ. The Of- putting their leaders in jail. And by working fice of the Press Secretary also released a with governments across our hemisphere, Spanish language transcript of this address.


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Remarks on the Resignation of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti February 29, 2004

President Aristide resigned. He has left the beginning of a new chapter in the his country. The Constitution of Haiti is country’s history. I would urge the people working. There is an interim President, as of Haiti to reject violence, to give this per the Constitution, in place. break from the past a chance to work. And I have ordered the deployment of ma- the United States is prepared to help. rines, as the leading element of an interim Thank you. international force, to help bring order and stability to Haiti. I have done so in working with the international community. This Government believes it essential NOTE: The President spoke at 1:05 p.m. on that Haiti have a hopeful future. This is the South Grounds at the White House.

Statement Calling for Congressional Action on Foreign Sales Corporations/ Extraterritorial Income Legislation March 1, 2004

I urge Congress to take up and pass we don’t act to replace the current FSC/ FSC/ETI legislation that reforms the Tax ETI provisions in the Tax Code, the tariffs Code, removes the underlying reason for that have been imposed today will, over the tariffs that have been imposed today the next year, impose an increasing burden on American exports, and further advances on American exporters, their workers, and the competitiveness of American manufac- the overall economy. To support the contin- turers and job creators. Over the past 3 ued strengthening of our economy and to years, my administration has worked with create more jobs, the Congress should act Congress to further increase the ability of now to end the threat of these tariffs and American companies to succeed in the promote the competitiveness of American worldwide economy, laying the foundation manufacturers and other job-creating sec- for increased growth and job creation. If tors of the U.S. economy.

Message to the Congress on Extending Generalized System of Preferences Benefits to Algeria and Terminating Benefits of Certain Other Countries March 1, 2004

To the Congress of the United States: tion of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Consistent with section 502(f) of the Bahrain, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the ‘‘Act’’), Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, , and I am writing to inform you of my intent Slovakia as beneficiary developing countries to designate Algeria as a beneficiary devel- for purposes of the Generalized System of oping country and to terminate the designa- Preferences (GSP).


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