Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI to meet with Prime Minister Rudd this week

Pope Benedict XVI is to receive Prime Minister in a private audience at the Vatican on Thursday.

Mr Rudd has indicated that he will take the opportunity to express the inspiration that many Australians feel at the example of Blessed Mary MacKillop.

A spokesperson for Mr Rudd said that before his audience with Pope Benedict XVI, the Prime Minister will be briefed by Sr Maria Casey rsj, the Postulator for the Cause for Canonisation of Blessed Mary MacKillop.

“The Prime Minister has asked that Sr Maria explain her work with the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of to progress the cause towards recognition of Mary MacKillop as the first Australian ,” the spokesperson said.

“Mr Rudd is expected to mention Mary MacKillop's potential canonisation during his audience with the Pope.

“While acknowledging that canonisation is a process internal to the Church, Mr Rudd is expected to express that many Australians are inspired by Mary MacKillop's example.”

The General‐Secretary of Catholic Conference, Fr Brian Lucas, said Mr Rudd’s enthusiasm for the canonisation of Australia’s first saint was welcome.

“There is a strict and detailed protocol for assessing a cause for canonisation,” he said.

“That is administered by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and it is not open to any external influences.

“However, the Holy Father would be very interested to hear from the Prime Minister about the enthusiasm with which the canonisation of Blessed Mary MacKillop would be received in Australia, including among those who are not Catholics.”