Pediatrics Club


he Pediatrics Club at VCOM is designed to promote The following are some examples of other activities in Tawareness and understanding of pediatric medicine which the club is involved: within the college and community. The organization Adopt –A-Town – A town is adopted for a year where provides members numerous opportunities to interact with students and the advisor provide needed health care, children. Friday Night Friends, a monthly program where physicals, hygiene, holiday meals, schools supplies, members care for children with challenges, allows the chil- clothes and other needed items to help enrich the lives drens parents a few hours of rest from continually caring for of the children. their special children. Parents can relax knowing their child Hosting an annual health fair in the rural town is receiving medically supervised care. During the year the of Jonesville. club further interacts with children by providing lead and scoliosis screenings in seven surrounding localities. Conducting obesity research at Snowville Elementary School in an effort to evaluate education methods Throughout the year special guests are invited to speak to aimed at curbing childhood obesity. the club regarding relevant pediatric health-related is- The club is a very active and offers many opportunities sues. This gives students an opportunity to gain a clearer for members to be involved. perspective on this specialty area.

Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network PsychSIGN

sychiatry Student Interest Group Network (- The mission of PsychSIGN includes the promotion of PSIGN), the psychiatric portion of the Student Interest ideas, information and resource sharing with additional Group in Neurobiological Diseases (SIND), combines the PsychSIGN chapters to connect students, administra- fields of neurology, psychiatry, and addiction medicine. tors, and medical professionals in the mental health field. There are currently approximately fifty-six students listed The VCOM chapter also promotes the awareness of the on the SIND list-sew; with the recent addition of SIGN psychiatry profession via clinical experiences with outside and PsychSIGN. educational organizations.