The London Gazette, Ist November 1974 10565

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The London Gazette, Ist November 1974 10565 THE LONDON GAZETTE, IST NOVEMBER 1974 10565 LEIGH, Frank, carrying on business in partnership with —Warneford, Gordon Pollard, of 5, Eldon Place, Brad- another under the style of Homestead Country Club, ford 1, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Pilsworth Road, Broadfield, Heywood in the county of Appointment—8th Aug., 1974. Lancaster, and residing at 5, Alkrington Close, Unsworth, Bury in the county of Lancaster. Court—BOLTON. GUNTON, Trevor, Shop Manager, and GUNTON, Ann No. of Matter—33 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and (his wife), both residing at 1, Sunny Mount, Highfield, Description—Freeman, John Albert, of 8, Manchester Keighley, West Yorkshire, and carrying on business in Road, Bury, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate co-partnership at 78, Cavendish Street, Keighley afore- of Appointment—19th Sept., 1974. said, under the name or style of " Lovelace ", BRIDAL BOUTIQUE. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter— NESBIT, Paul Jeffrey, Watchmaker, of 42, Woodhall 39 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—• Avenue, Whitefield in the county of Lancaster, formerly Ruston, George Eric, 36, North Parade, Bradford 1, carrying on business as a DETERGENT SALESMAN Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- and previously carrying on business as a RETAIL ment—20th Aug., 1974. JEWELLER at 6, Market Arcade, Leigh Road, Leigh in the county of Lancaster. Court—BOLTON. No. of KERSHAW, Hazel (described in the Receiving Order as Matter—31 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Mrs. Kershaw (married woman)), residing at 103, Lons- Description—Freeman, John Albert, 8, Manchester Road, dale Street, Bradford in the county of York, and lately Bury, Lanes, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate carrying on business at 40, Toller Lane, Bradford afore- of Appointment—13th Aug., 1974. said as a CAFE PROPRIETRESS, under the style of Hazel's Cafe. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter— WALKER, John, residing and carrying on business at 98, 15 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Cornwall Drive, Bury, as a Builders Labourer, and Rushton, George Eric, 36, North Parade, Bradford 1, lately carrying on business at Irkdale Mill, Collyhurst Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- Road, Manchester as a WASTE PAPER MERCHANT ment—25th June, 1974. and formerly residing and carrying on business at 389, Rochdale Road, Bury, as a COAL MERCHANT all in the McCLELLAND, Donald, DRIVER, residing in lodgings at county of Lancaster. Court—BOLTON. No. of Matter 431, Wakefield Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, pre- —24 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description viously residing and carrying on business at 57, Tyersal —Freeman, John Albert, 8 Manchester Road, Bury, Lanes, Park, Bradford, and 6, Barnard Road, Bradford, as a Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoinment COAL MERCHANT and HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, —25th Sept., 1974. also lately carrying on business from 57, Tyersal Park, Bradford, in co-partnership with another as HAULAGE BUTCHER, Martin, of 31, Canford Road, Walisdown, and CONTRACTORS. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Mat- carrying on business at 38, Kinson Road, Walisdown ter—40 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- both Bournemouth in the county of Dorset, formerly in tion—Rushton, George Eric, 36, North Parade, Bradford partnership with another under the name or style of 1, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of " M. H. Hardy & Son " as a BUTCHER and. GREEN- Appointment—29th Oct., 1974. GROCER. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter —45 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description MANSLEY, Sean Eliot (male), Unemployed, residing at 15, —Douch, Leonard John, 5 3A, High Street, Poole, Dorset, Rose Terrace, Addingham, Ilkley, West Yorkshire. Court Legal Executive. Date of Certificate of Appointment— —BRADFORD. No. of Matter—28 of 1974. Trustee's 1st Aug., 1974. Name, Address and Description—Rushton, George Eric, DIXON, Arnold, of 42, Stokes Avenue, Poole, Dorset, 36, North Parade, Bradford 1, Chartered Accountant. PUBLIC AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE OFFICER. Date of Certificate of Appointment—15th Aug., 1974. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—57 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Gordon, Derek PATEL, Ramesh Chhotubhai (described in the Receiving George, Wessex House, Fir Vale Road, Bournemouth, Order as Ramesh C. Patel (male)), Insurance Agent, re- Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment siding at 14, Coppice Wood Grove, Bradford, West York- —24th Sept., 1974. shire, previously residing at 152, Listerhills Road, Brad- ford, and lately carrying on business at 1, Lindley Road, EDWARDS, Mary Elizabeth (feme sole), of 7, Hengist Park, Bradford, under the style of " Sober's Self Service", as Wick Lane, Wick, Bournemouth in the county of Dorset, a GENERAL STORE and OFF-LICENCE. Court— formerly of 37, Broom Road, Bradford-on-Avon, BRADFORD. No. of Matter—38 of 1974. Trustee's unemployed formerly a SECRETARY. Court— Name, Address and Description—Rushton, George Eric, BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—65 of 1974. 36, North Parade, Bradford, Chartered Accountant. Date Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Douch, of Certificate of Appointment—20th Sept., 1974. Leonard John, Equity Chambers, High Street, Poole, Dorset, Legal Executive. Date of Certificate of PRESTON, William Granville (described in the Receiving Appointment—29th Aug., 1974. Order as Mr. Preston), ENGINEER, residing and lately carrying on business at 66, Birch!ands Avenue, Wilsden, CARTER, Peter, of 161, Reevy Road, Wibsey, Bradford, Bradford, prior thereto at 1, Coleridge Street, Halifax, West Yorkshire, Bricklayer, lately residing at 15, Little- and 1, Woodland Grove, Heaton, Bradford all in the field Walk, Wibsey, Bradford, and prior thereto at 34, county of York under the style of Preston's as a Buttershaw Drive, Buttershaw, Bradford, formerly a PRINTER and PROPERTY DEALER ; previously resid- COMPANY DIRECTOR, and prior thereto a COAL and ing at 101, Shetcliffe Lane, Bradford aforesaid and also COKE RETAILER. Court—BRADFORD. No. of lately carrying on business from 122, Sunbridge Road, Matter—33 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and De- Bradford aforesaid in co-partnership with another as scription—Warneford, Gordon Pollard, 5, Eldon Place, PRINTERS. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter—22 Bradford, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Appointment—15th Aug., 1974. Sephton, Stanley, 16-18, North Parade, Bradford, 1, Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—9th CHESTER, Fred, residing at 101, Spring Avenue, Long July, 1974. Lee, Keighley, West Yorkshire, formerly residing at 4, Raven Street, Bingley in the said county, Jobbing Builder, ROBINSON, Keith John (described in the Receiving Order formerly COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—BRAD- as K. J. Robinson (male)), residing at 13, Hirstwood Cres- FORD. No. of Matter—35 of 1974. Trustee's Name, cent, Saltaire, Shipley, West Yorkshire, and carrying on Address and Description—Rushton, George Eric, 36, business as a JOINER and BUILDING CONTRACTOR North Parade, Bradford 1, Chartered Accountant. Date from 9, Powell Road, and prior thereto at 85, Kirkgate of Certificate of Appointment—13th Sept., 1974. both Shipley aforesaid. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter—34 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Des- COWGILL, Beryl (in the Receiving Order described as cription—Armitage, Anthony John, Tower House, Merrion Mrs. B. Cowgill), HOUSEWIFE, residing at 189, Moore Way, Leeds, 2, Accountant. Date of Certificate of Avenue, formerly residing at 219, Queens Road, and Appointment—3rd Sept., 1974. prior thereto at 151, Smithy Hill, Wibsey all Bradford, West Yorkshire. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter APPLEYARD, John Charles (described in the Receiving —23 of 1974. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Order as J. C. Appleyard (male)), also known as Charles.
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