
Catholic Church A Chapel of the Diocese of Lincoln, NE served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) dedicated to the Traditional Latin and Sacraments according to the 1962 Missal of Pope St John XXIII 1145 South Street, Lincoln, NE 68502 Church Office: (402) 477-5145 Emergency Cell: (402) 417-5091 Website:

Rector: Rev. Matthew J McCarthy [email protected] Secretary: Mrs. Kristine Mulholland [email protected]

Second Sunday after Epiphany January 20 – 26, 2019

Parish Groups & Contacts St. Martha’s Guild: (Care of , , linens, flowers and hospitality) Miss Rebecca Montag, President Email: [email protected] Confraternity of Christian Mothers: Mrs. Megan Livingston, President Email: [email protected] St. Francis of Assisi Choir: Mr. Nicholas Lemme, Director Email: [email protected] Knights of Columbus Mr. Michael Lee Bruns, Grand Knight Email: [email protected] St. Dominic Savio Youth Group Andrew & Cambria Watson Email: [email protected] Announcements and Upcoming Events Welcome to Newcomers and Visitors! Join us for coffee and cookies in the basement after the 10:30am Mass. One Rose One Life is a Nebraska Knights of Columbus initiative. All funds remain in NE for Pro Life causes, especially the procurement of ultrasound machines which have been effective in saving unborn lives. Any donations using the enclosed envelope can be dropped into the collection either this week or next. This Evening - Total Lunar Eclipse: A Blood Moon will take place between the evening of Sun Jan 20 and the early morning hours of Mon Jan 21. There was (apparently) a blood moon the evening of Good Friday - after Our Lord’s crucifixion: “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood” (Acts 2:20 – St Peter quoting Joel 2:31) This Mon, Jan 21: Catechism classes resume, 7:00pm. This Tue, Jan 22 is the anniversary of the legalization of abortion in this country (Roe vs Wade). The Mass will be the for Peace, offered for an end to this crime. This Sat, Jan 26 - Nebraska Walk for Life: Begins 10:00am in front of the State Capitol, 14th & K Streets. Catherine Adair, former Planned Parenthood employee, will be the keynote speaker at 11:30am at the UNL Student Union. First Friday will next be held Fri Feb 1. The sign-up sheet is posted in the vestibule. Please be generous in devoting your time in adoration of Our Lord, and in reparation to His Sacred Heart! Catholic Quiz Bowl: Sat Mar 16. Check in from 12:00-12:30pm followed by an explanation of the game, best dressed and then the games from 1:00-5:00pm, followed by Vespers. Registration forms are due Feb 16. Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines: Sep 9-20, 2019 with Msgr Timothy Thorburn. Travel thru Portugal, Spain and France and visit the Holy sites of Fatima and Lourdes. For more information: or contact Dan Rosenthal at 402-430-2797, [email protected]

The Diocese of Lincoln requires that its employees and volunteers report any allegations of abuse or neglect of a minor or elder connected with church related activity to law enforcement, consistent with the requirements of Nebraska law. If anyone has information that a minor or elder is being or has been subjected to abuse or neglect please report it immediately to local law enforcement or to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services toll-free number 1-800-652-1999, and also to any Parish Pastor, School Administrator, Teacher, or to any Diocesan official at the Catholic Chancery (402) 488-0921, so that immediate steps may be taken for the protection of the minor or elder. Annual Villa Marie Benefit Dance, Auction and Raffle: Fri Jan 25 6:00-11:00pm at Pla Mor Ballroom, 6600 West O Street, Lincoln. Music by Malpractice, dinner catered by Valentino’s. No ticket price, free will offerings accepted. Call Jenny at 402-874-0577 or go to for more information. Villa Marie’s Founder Msgr. James Dawson, Bobby Layne and the Marian Sisters will be honored at the Dance. Chartres Pilgrimage Follow-up Meeting: Sun, Feb 3, after the 10:30 Mass. John Pepino will give planning information for those making the Pilgrimage in June. Please Pray for the Sick and Suffering: Fr. Michael Irwin, Nicolas Hambalek Jennifer Wachter, Michael Ostry, Fr. Calvin Goodwin FSSP, Patrick Hornback, Ruth Phelan, Barbara McMeekin, Fr. Phillip Johnson, Kim Jisa Patton. Please Pray for the Recently Deceased: Ernest Sabatka (grandfather of Melanie Rauert)

Mirae Caritatis: On the Holy Pope Leo XIII - 1902

That to this source man’s soul and body will be indebted for both these boons has been the constant teaching of the Church, which has dutifully reaffirmed the affirmation of Christ: “He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day”. In connection with this matter it is of importance to consider that in the Eucharist, seeing that it was instituted by Christ as “a perpetual memorial of His Passion”, is proclaimed to the Christian the necessity of a salutary self- chastisement. For Jesus said to those first priests of His: “Do this in memory of Me”; that is to say, do this for the of my pains, my sorrows, my grievous afflictions, my death upon the cross. Wherefore this sacrament is at the same time a sacrifice, seasonable throughout the entire period of our penance; and it is likewise a standing exhortation to all manner of toil, and a solemn and severe rebuke to those carnal pleasures which some are not ashamed so highly to praise and extol: “As often as you shall eat this bread, and .drink this , you shall announce the death of the Lord, until He come”. Liturgical Calendar Sun Jan 20 Second Sunday after the Epiphany 8:30 am Matt Rauert (Watson Family) 10:30 am Pro Populo Mon Jan 21 St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr 7:00 am FSSP Confraternity (Ines Lavelle) Tue Jan 22 Sts Vincent & Anastasius 8:00 am For an end to Abortion (Roe v. Wade Anniversary) Wed Jan 23 St. Raymond of Penafort, Confessor 7:00 am Marylynn Rauert (Rauert Family) Thu Jan 24 St. Timothy, Bishop & Martyr 8:00 am William McMichen (McMichen Family) Fri Jan 25 Conversion of St. Paul 4:00pm Exposition/Adoration until 5:00 pm 5:15 pm Hozie Burke+ (Lawson Family) Sat Jan 26 St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr 8:00 am Special Intention (Montag Family) Sun Jan 27 Third Sunday after the Epiphany 8:30 am Sydney Rose 10:30 am Pro Populo

Confessions: for 20 mins before weekday Masses, 30 mins on Sunday. The Rosary: 30 mins before each Sunday Mass. Dolor Rosary: 20 mins before the end of Exposition. Baptisms: Please contact the rector at least four weeks in advance. Marriages: Please contact the rector at least six months in advance. Please consult the website for more information.

Weekly Collection Jan 13: $2025.03 Counters for Jan 20: Matt Rauert and John Pepino Ushers for Jan 20: Troy Butcher and Anthony Montag Counters for Jan 27: William Montag and Joseph Montag Ushers for Jan 27: William Montag and Joseph Montag