Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-020-03184-x Journal

REVIEW Open Access Neurological and psychiatric safety of tafenoquine in vivax relapse prevention: a review Stephan Duparc1*, Stephan Chalon1, Scott Miller2, Naomi Richardson3 and Stephen Toovey1,4

Abstract Background: Tafenoquine is an 8-aminoquinoline anti-malarial drug recently approved as a single-dose (300 mg) therapy for relapse prevention, when co-administered with 3-days of or other blood schizonticide. Tafenoquine 200 mg weekly after a loading dose is also approved as travellers’ prophylaxis. The develop- ment of tafenoquine has been conducted over many years, using various dosing regimens in diverse populations. Methods: This review brings together all the preclinical and clinical data concerning tafenoquine central nervous system safety. Data were assembled from published sources. The risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events (NPAEs) with single-dose tafenoquine (300 mg) in combination with chloroquine to achieve P. vivax relapse prevention is particu- larly examined. Results: There was no evidence of neurotoxicity with tafenoquine in preclinical animal models. In clinical studies in P. vivax relapse prevention, nervous system adverse events, mainly headache and dizziness, occurred in 11.4% (36/317) of patients with tafenoquine (300 mg)/chloroquine versus 10.2% (19/187) with placebo/chloroquine; and in 15.5% (75/483) of patients with tafenoquine/chloroquine versus 13.3% (35/264) with (15 mg/day for 14 days)/ chloroquine. Psychiatric adverse events, mainly insomnia, occurred in 3.8% (12/317) of patients with tafenoquine/ chloroquine versus 2.7% (5/187) with placebo/chloroquine; and in 2.9% (14/483) of patients with tafenoquine/chloro- quine versus 3.4% (9/264) for primaquine/chloroquine. There were no serious or severe NPAEs observed with tafeno- quine (300 mg)/chloroquine in these studies. Conclusions: The risk:beneft of single-dose tafenoquine/chloroquine in P. vivax relapse prevention is favourable in the presence of malaria, with a low risk of NPAEs, similar to that seen with chloroquine alone or primaquine/ chloroquine. Keywords: Malaria, Tafenoquine, Neuropsychiatric, Adverse events, Anti-malarial

Background mechanisms of such neurotoxicity are not always well In a chemoprophylaxis setting, a number of anti-malarial understood or clearly defned, a considerable body of drugs have been associated with neurological or psychi- evidence has accumulated on this topic [5]. Despite this, atric adverse events (NPAEs), in particular, the quino- it can be difcult to translate pre-clinical neurotoxic- line-methanol derivative mefoquine [1–4]. Although the ity fndings, generally observed at toxicological doses, into the potential for clinical neurological or psychiatric reactions in malaria patients or those receiving malaria *Correspondence: [email protected] chemoprophylaxis. Additionally, NPAEs may be read- 1 Medicines for Malaria Venture, Route de Pré‑Bois 20, 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland ily confounded by neurological or psychiatric signs and Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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symptoms of acute malaria and underlying risk factors tests must be used to objectively evaluate diferent poten- for psychiatric conditions. tial functional and behavioural impacts of the drug. Te 8-aminoquinoline, tafenoquine, has been approved For older anti-malarial drugs, comprehensive neuro- as monotherapy for travellers’ prophylaxis, with an toxicological preclinical testing may not have been con- approved dose of 200 mg/day for 3 days followed by ducted. However, for new agents, supra-therapeutic or a 200 mg weekly maintenance doses thereafter [6, 7]. lethal drug doses are administered in animal models to Tafenoquine is the only once-weekly prophylaxis that attempt to induce observable lesions in CNS tissues. If can be used in areas with chloroquine- and mefoquine- lethal doses do not induce neurotoxicity, then the toxici- resistant parasites. Tafenoquine can also provide an alter- ties that caused death are deemed dose limiting. In such native weekly prophylaxis regimen to mefoquine, but circumstances, a “safety factor” (typically > 10-fold) is potentially without the concerns regarding NPAEs that applied to the pharmacokinetic exposures in animals in restrict mefoquine use [4, 8]. Tus, the NPAE profle of order to predict the “highest achievable exposure” for tafenoquine is of great clinical interest. humans. Consequently, the absence of neurotoxicity fnd- Tafenoquine has also been approved for Plasmo- ings in pre-clinical animal models at supra-therapeutic or dium vivax relapse prevention as a single-dose therapy lethal doses is reassuring evidence that neurotoxicity in (300 mg) in combination with the standard adult dose of humans will be unlikely if the plasma concentrations in chloroquine (1500 mg free base in staggered dosing over animals are at least tenfold greater than those achieved 3 days) [9–11]. Previously, the recommended treatment in humans following therapeutic or prophylactic dosing. for P. vivax relapse prevention required 3-days of chloro- Even if drugs have the potential for neurotoxicity in quine plus 14-days of primaquine 15 mg or 30 mg once animal models at supra-therapeutic doses, if the human daily. Primaquine is also an 8-aminoquinoline, but adher- dosing regimen does not achieve pharmacodynamically ence to the dosing schedule is poor, and the clinical efec- relevant exposures, and if the safety margins with CNS tiveness of unsupervised primaquine is similar to that toxicity in preclinical species are acceptable, then NPAEs of placebo [12, 13]. In contrast, single-dose tafenoquine should not be expected. For example, although arte- ofers the possibility of complete adherence and con- misinins are neurotoxic in animal models [17–21], the sistent clinical efectiveness [9–11]. Preventing clinical rate of NPAEs with these agents in patients is very low relapses associated with the re-activation of the dormant (1.1%) and despite extensive use of glob- P. vivax hypnozoites would potentially have a signifcant ally, NPAEs have not emerged as a signifcant safety impact on reducing the burden of malaria and accelerat- concern [5]. Te pre-clinical studies were conducted at ing P. vivax elimination in endemic countries. Tis review supra-therapeutic doses with long durations of exposure considers the available preclinical and clinical safety data and in some cases an oil vehicle was used, which fur- to assess the potential for tafenoquine to induce NPAEs ther increased drug exposure [22, 23]. Tere in the context of fndings for other anti-malarial drugs. is also evidence that higher exposures are needed to elicit neurotoxicity in primates versus rodents and dogs [22]. In contrast, artemisinins for malaria treatment are CNS adverse events of marketed anti‑malarial given orally, for short durations and at low doses, gener- drugs ally resulting in human drug exposures that would not Preclinical evaluations be expected to cause neurotoxicity [24, 25]. However, Neurotoxicity is a complex area for preclinical inves- concerns still apply to certain populations where intrin- tigation. In vitro studies of cytotoxicity against human sic factors may afect the pharmacokinetics of the drug. neuroblastoma cells or similar models are suggestive of For example, oral dispersible - neurotoxic potential, but the relevance of such results at a dose of 20/120 mg twice daily for 3 days could not depends on drug penetration into the CNS, as well as be recommended to treat infants weighing < 5 kg with P. pharmacokinetic and other factors, for example, meta- falciparum malaria, as the artemether and dihydroarte- bolic status. In animal models, cytotoxicity and mor- misinin exposures exceeded the preclinical neurotoxic- phological damage are obvious outcomes, but may be ity safety margins [26]. Neurotoxicity may also limit the restricted to very specifc brain areas. Neurological opportunity to increase artemisinin doses to overcome efects can also derive from purely functional disruption, drug resistance [24]. Note also that following frequent with no morphological damage, for example, convulsions dosing with in severe malaria, dihydroarte- induced by fuoroquinolones [14–16]. Tus, in mod- misinin levels in cerebrospinal fuid increased with time ern drug development, neurobehavioural testing is used while levels in plasma declined, indicating accumulation to detect any functional efects of drugs. Tis uses both [27]. Tus, NPAE risk depends on both the neurotoxic observational and more complex methods, and multiple potential of a particular agent documented in preclinical Duparc et al. 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studies and the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic pro- anti-malarial, except perhaps for the artemisinins, where fle of the dosing regimen used. prevalence is low for both artemether and artesunate. Te lowest pooled prevalence of NPAEs was with the Clinical adverse events 8-aminoquinoline primaquine and the antibiotic dap- Te MedDRA preferred term classifcation system is the sone and the highest was noted for the antibiotic mino- standard method for assigning adverse events (AEs) to cycline and the 4-aminoquinoline . It can drug treatments used in clinical trials. Two system organ also be seen that for some drugs (mefoquine, pyrimeth- classes are relevant for neuropsychiatric risk: neurologi- amine, sulphadoxine), the prevalence of events is far cal disorders and psychiatric disorders (Table 1). higher in prophylaxis studies than during malaria treat- Numerous papers of neuropsychiatric risk following ment, whereas for other drugs (chloroquine, , anti-malarial treatment or during prophylaxis have been artemether, artesunate) there is little diference between published, reaching various conclusions and promoting prophylaxis and treatment, and for , prevalence conficting hypotheses [28]. It is important to note that, is higher during treatment than for prophylaxis. Tus, although case reports may act as fags for further investi- we can conclude that there is no clear pattern of predict- gation, on their own they cannot be accepted as evidence ing NPAEs based on class or clinical indication, but that of a general drug-related neuropsychiatric efect, particu- the risk depends on the specifc neurotoxic potential and larly for subjective symptoms. pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties of the A recent systematic meta-analysis of the published lit- drug (i.e. whether toxicity is related to maximum drug erature on ‘mental and neurological manifestations’ asso- concentrations or to cumulative exposure) under the dif- ciated with anti-malarial drugs by Bitta et al. [5] provides ferent dosing regimens for treatment and prophylaxis. a rigorous evaluation of the available clinical evidence. Te meta-analysis described above allows us to com- Specifc psychiatric and neurological symptoms were pare diferent drugs and identify outliers in treatment examined for six anti-malarial drug classes across studies studies, which either by their nature or frequency, are of treatment and prophylaxis (Fig. 1). suggestive of drug-related NPAEs. However, this intro- It can be seen immediately that there is no relationship duces limitations in terms of making comparisons across between the prevalence of pooled NPAEs and the class of diferent patient populations that may have diferent risk profles for neuropsychiatric symptoms, be infected with diferent or multiple Plasmodium species, possess difer- Table 1 MedDRA system organ classes relevant for ent immunity profles, or have variations in transmission assessment of drug-related neuropsychiatric risk settings and socio-economic conditions that might afect non-drug related NPAE risk. Neurological disorders Peripheral neuropathies, headaches, nervous system neoplasms malig- nant and unspecifed (NEC), spinal cord and nerve root disorders, Confounding factors in evaluating NPAE risk congenital and peripartum neurological conditions, demyelinating Malaria efects versus drug efects in patients disorders, nervous system neoplasms benign, increased intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus, movement disorders (incl. Parkinson- Malaria itself can produce varied and sometimes severe ism), encephalopathies, seizures (incl. subtypes), mental impairment neuropsychiatric symptoms, the most serious being disorders, neurological disorders of the eye, cranial nerve disorders associated with cerebral malaria, including abnormal (excl. neoplasms), structural brain disorders, neuromuscular disorders, central nervous system infections and infammations, sleep distur- behaviour, impairment of consciousness, seizures, coma, bances (incl. subtypes), central nervous system vascular disorders or other neurologic abnormalities [29]. However, even Psychiatric disorders in milder disease, symptoms commonly include high This is currently based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of fever, headache, fatigue and confusion [29, 30]. Previous Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) and includes changes in malaria episodes can also lead to long-term cognitive, physical activity, eating disorders and disturbances, impulse control disorders NEC, cognitive and attention disorders and disturbances, behavioural and psychological symptoms [31–39]. Tus, dissociative disorders, somatic symptom and related disorders, sleep evaluating the relative contributions of drug and disease disorders and disturbances, psychiatric and behavioural symptoms to NPAEs following anti-malarial treatment is very dif- NEC, disturbances in thinking and perception, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, adjustment disorders (incl. subtypes), com- fcult, and the same data can be interpreted diferently, munication disorders and disturbances, sexual dysfunctions, distur- leading to a range of opinions. bances and gender identity disorders, developmental disorders NEC, In treatment studies, which are typically conducted suicidal and self-injurious behaviours NEC, dementia and amnestic conditions, deliria (incl. confusion), manic and bipolar mood disorders across a single study population, the relative NPAE risk and disturbances, anxiety disorders and symptoms, mood disorders of a new anti-malarial versus the comparator is evalu- and disturbances NEC, personality disorders and disturbances in ated; the comparator is usually determined by the rel- behaviour, depressed mood disorders and disturbances evant National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. However, NEC not elsewhere classifable as most new anti-malarial drugs are administered in Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 4 of 18

Fig. 1 Estimated median prevalence of NPAEs with anti-malarial prophylaxis (P), treatment (T) or combined prophylaxis and treatment (C) [5]

combination, the contribution of each component of the events related to maximum concentrations achieved. In regimen to the incidence of adverse events cannot be contrast, prophylaxis generally involves lower doses reg- determined. In the case of P. vivax relapse prevention, ularly administered over a protracted time period, often new drug regimens are compared to placebo/chloro- months, with the risk of adverse events secondary to quine or placebo/artemisinin-based combination therapy drug accumulation. For example, in the Bitta et al. meta- (ACT) or the standard-of-care primaquine/chloroquine analysis outlined above, the diference between the NPAE or primaquine/ACT. Tus, any adverse event signals out- risk for mefoquine in prophylaxis (25%) versus treatment side the frequencies observed with these comparators (1%) was stark (Fig. 1). Te increased frequency of NPAEs would be concerning. with mefoquine in prophylaxis is likely derived from the specifc pharmacokinetics of the drug during the prophy- Prophylaxis versus treatment lactic dosing regimen, i.e. its ability to cross the blood– Prophylaxis studies remove the confounding efect of brain barrier, distribute and accumulate into cerebral malaria symptomatology and allow a placebo-controlled tissue [40, 41], combined with its underlying potential for comparison with a reference group. However, the dosing neurotoxicity at high doses, as suggested in pre-clinical regimens and drug pharmacokinetics in prophylaxis are studies [4, 42–44]. Drugs that do not accumulate follow- very diferent to those for treatment. In treatment, higher ing multiple dosing in prophylaxis may actually have a doses are generally given over a shorter time period, usu- lower frequency of adverse events than during treatment, ally no more than 3 days, with the possible risk of adverse for example, quinine (Fig. 1). Tus, data from prophylaxis Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 5 of 18

studies cannot be extrapolated to predict NPAE risk dur- internalizing conditions than the civilian population ing malaria treatment or vice versa. [55–67]. Tis may result from a higher frequency of pre- enlistment mental health issues in military personnel, Underlying neuropsychiatric risk particularly soldiers, versus those who choose alterna- Te population that receives malaria treatment or proph- tive occupations [56, 61, 62]. Deployment itself, particu- ylaxis may not have the same risk for neuropsychiatric larly if associated with combat, afects neuropsychiatric symptoms as the general population. For example, as risk [58, 61, 63–66, 68–71]. Tus, it might be expected mentioned above, previous malaria can lead to ongoing that NPAEs occur more frequently in military personnel psychiatric and behavioural issues [31–39]. Exposure than the general population because of a higher under- to insecticides used for malaria prevention, including lying incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders. However, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and pesticides it is also possible that a drug which is associated with for crop protection in rural areas, have also been sug- rare NPAEs in the general population may elicit such gested as a source of neurotoxicity [45–47]. Poverty and events more frequently in a more vulnerable population malnutrition [48], as well as population displacement and with a greater prevalence of pre-existing mental health confict can also predispose to neuropsychiatric events issues, and/or a population subjected to severe stress, [49], and are also risk factors for malaria [50]. such as war-like military deployment [2, 72]. It seems In the case of prophylaxis, travel poses a number of reasonable, therefore, that NPAE risk should be evalu- potential neurological risks. Changes to routine and ated prospectively and separately in specifc populations situation can trigger neuropsychiatric symptoms, for (travellers, malaria endemic residents, deployed military, example by disruption of normal circadian rhythms or non-deployed military), as the results cannot necessarily separation from support networks [51], as can certain be extrapolated between these groups. foods and infections that travellers may be exposed to [52, 53]. Tafenoquine pre‑clinical neurotoxicity assessment Te most controversial example of data generated on Te activity–structure relationships for the 8-amino- is from studies in military personnel. quinolines have been studied, with methyl substitution Malaria is a serious risk to the operational efectiveness of at position 4 of the quinoline ring conferring protection a military force. Tus, there is a compelling motivation to against neurotoxicity [73]. As tafenoquine is 4-methyl- identify the most suitable prophylactic agents for use in substituted, neurotoxicity would not be anticipated a military deployments to malaria endemic regions. More- priori. over, malaria is a potentially fatal disease in non-immune Several pre-clinical studies to assess the potential CNS individuals and long-term sequelae may afict survivors. efects of tafenoquine have been conducted, including Even where studies have compared a non-immune mili- histopathological assessments in single- and repeat-dose tary population deployed to a malaria endemic region studies in mice, rats and dogs, and detailed assessments against a ‘control’ of either an untreated resident popu- of both neurobehavioural function and neurohistopathol- lation, or a non-deployed military population [54], it is ogy in both single- and repeat-dose studies in rats [74]. important to understand the diferent underlying risk for Across these studies, there was no evidence of neurotox- neuropsychiatric fndings in the compared populations. icity with tafenoquine [74]. Additionally, distribution of To evaluate NPAE risk in soldiers given anti-malarial radiolabelled tafenoquine into rat brain following a sin- prophylaxis (deployed or non-deployed, with or without gle oral dose of up to 25 mg/kg showed poor penetration combat), we must frst understand the underlying neu- with brain concentrations of < 1% of the dose and low ropsychiatric risk in military personnel versus civilians concentrations relative to other body tissues/organs [74]. or in deployed versus non-deployed military person- A comprehensive battery of preclinical neurotoxi- nel. If military personnel have a greater underlying risk cological tests has been conducted on tafenoquine at for neuropsychiatric events than the general population, supra-therapeutic and lethal doses in rats [75]. Briefy, then trying to determine which NPAEs are drug-related, the maximum tolerated single dose of tafenoquine in rats potentially over several months of treatment, becomes was identifed as 500 mg/kg, with non-neurological tox- problematic, particularly if the underlying risk increases icities (gastrointestinal and haematological) found to be with deployment, i.e. over the same period that anti- dose limiting. Based on these fndings, neurobehavioural, malarial prophylaxis is taken. histopathologic and toxicokinetic studies were conducted In general, examination of large military health data- using single doses of 125, 250 or 500 mg/kg tafenoquine bases indicates that serving military personnel are at or placebo [75]. Te standard functional observation bat- greater risk of neuropsychiatric symptoms, particularly tery was performed pre-test, 0.5, 3, 6, 24 and 48 h post- depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other dose. Motor activity was assessed using the number of Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 6 of 18

beam breaks observed, and at doses > 9-fold higher than tafenoquine dose (2100 mg cumulative), NPAEs occurred the clinical exposure, motor activity was reduced at less frequently overall than with primaquine/chloroquine 48 h following tafenoquine dosing [75]. Across all other and were confned to vertigo and headache (Table 2). assessments, there were no signifcant fndings with Tere was a trend for both vertigo and headache to occur tafenoquine relative to control rats [75]. Histopathologi- more frequently at the higher tafenoquine doses. How- cal investigations were conducted in all animals dosed ever, at the tafenoquine 600 mg single-dose, the incidence with 500 mg/kg. Tere was no evidence of any neuro- of vertigo was similar to that of primaquine/chloroquine pathological changes in brain sections and no evidence of and the incidence of headache was lower at all tafeno- neurodegeneration or other morphological abnormalities quine doses versus primaquine/chloroquine (Table 2). [75]. Tere were no abnormalities identifed in the grac- ile nucleus, previously cited as a potential target for drug Single‑dose tafenoquine/chloroquine toxicity [42, 75]. In conclusion, using experiments in rats Based on the need to co-administer a blood schizonti- that conclusively demonstrated neurotoxicity with mefo- cide, three comparative clinical studies have been con- quine [42], there was no evidence of neurotoxicity with ducted with single-dose tafenoquine plus standard 3-day tafenoquine [75]. chloroquine in P. vivax relapse prevention in centres Although no pre-clinical neurotoxicity experiments across Asia, South America and Africa. were conducted in primates, several pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic studies of tafenoquine were con- • DETECTIVE Phase 2b (TAF112582 part 1): a mul- ducted in Rhesus macaques. Tese studies were overseen ticentre, phase 2b, double-blind, placebo-controlled, by certifed veterinarians and there was no evidence of randomized, dose-selection study of single-dose any neurobehavioural disturbance or clinical evidence of tafenoquine (50, 100, 300, 600 mg) plus standard neurotoxicity [76–79]. 3-day chloroquine versus placebo plus standard 3-day chloroquine or primaquine 15 mg for 14 days plus Tafenoquine for P. vivax relapse prevention standard 3-day chloroquine [9]. High‑dose tafenoquine monotherapy versus chloroquine/ • DETECTIVE Phase 3 (TAF112582 part 2): a multi- primaquine centre, phase 3 pivotal, double-blind, double-dummy, Tafenoquine was previously investigated as monother- randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of sin- apy in P. vivax relapse prevention [80]. In a randomized, gle-dose tafenoquine 300 mg plus standard 3-day active-control, double-blind trial (Bangkok, Tailand), P. chloroquine versus placebo plus standard 3-day chlo- vivax patients were randomized to tafenoquine 400 mg roquine or primaquine 15 mg for 14 days plus stand- once daily for 3 days (N = 46) or standard 1500 mg (base) ard 3-day chloroquine [10]. total dose chloroquine given over 3 days plus primaquine • GATHER (TAF116564): a multicentre, phase 3 sup- 15 mg daily for 14 days (N = 24) [80]. Tis high mono- portive, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel group, therapy dose was abandoned as it had slow clearance of randomized trial of single-dose tafenoquine 300 mg malaria parasites coupled with an unacceptable rate of plus standard 3-day chloroquine versus primaquine drug-induced methaemoglobinemia. Hence, the fur- 15 mg for 14 days plus standard 3-day chloroquine ther clinical development of tafenoquine was conducted [11]. in combination with a blood schizonticide. In terms of NPAEs, headache and dizziness were more common in Tere are some key aspects that need to be highlighted the tafenoquine monotherapy group versus chloroquine/ in the assessment of NPAE risk with tafenoquine in P. primaquine (Fig. 2). Although this could conceivably be vivax relapse prevention in these studies. Firstly, patients a drug-related nervous system adverse efect, the head- were infected with P. vivax malaria and symptomatic. ache and dizziness were more likely caused by slow para- Secondly, tafenoquine was co-administered with stand- site clearance under tafenoquine monotherapy: malaria ard 3-day chloroquine, and so evaluation of tafenoquine symptoms persisted for longer in this group versus the NPAEs is hampered by the absence of a true placebo chloroquine/primaquine group (Fig. 2) [80]. arm with comparisons having to be made against either chloroquine alone or primaquine/chloroquine. Lastly, in High‑dose tafenoquine/chloroquine all three clinical trials, P. vivax recurrence after day 29 Initial studies of tafenoquine/chloroquine in P. vivax resulted in retreatment with primaquine/chloroquine relapse prevention examined tafenoquine doses of and so adverse events recorded after this point include 300 mg/day for 7 days, 600 mg/day for 3 days and 600 mg adverse events associated with recurrence of malaria single dose compared to chloroquine plus primaquine as well as those associated with the rescue therapy. As 15 mg/day for 14 days (Table 2) [81]. Even at the highest relapse was more frequent in the chloroquine alone Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 7 of 18

Fig. 2 Neuropsychiatric adverse events occurring with high-dose tafenoquine monotherapy or chloroquine/primaquine versus P. vivax parasitaemia [80]

Table 2 Frequency of NPAEs with high-dose tafenoquine/chloroquine in vivax malaria patients [81] Adverse event, n (%) Tafenoquine Tafenoquine Tafenoquine Primaquine 300 mg q.d. 7 days 600 mg q.d. 3 days 600 mg single dose 15 mg q.d. 14 days (N 18) × (N 19) × (N 18) (N 12) × = = = = Any NPAE 8 (44) 8 (42) 4 (22) 6 (50) Vertigo 8 (44) 8 (42) 4 (22) 3 (25) Headache 4 (22) 4 (21) 2 (11) 4 (33)

group than with either of the 8-aminoquinolines, adverse an expanded defnition of NPAEs was applied. As well events after day 29 were consequently more frequent as including the standard terms included under ‘nerv- with placebo/chloroquine than for the 8-aminoquino- ous system disorders’ and ‘psychiatric disorders’, the line arms. Tus, only adverse events occurring before day expanded defnition added labyrinthitis, vertigo, vestibu- 29 should be considered for comparison to the placebo/ lar disorder, asthenia, fatigue, and alcohol intolerance to chloroquine arm. include terms with possible reference to vestibulococh- To further investigate whether an NPAE signal might lear function, which has its seat in the brainstem. Tis be present in the safety database from these studies, Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 8 of 18

was considered important, considering the eighth cranial psychiatric adverse events occurred in 3.8% (12/317) and nerve appeared to have been afected adversely by some 2.7% (5/187) of patients, respectively (Fig. 3). earlier quinoline molecules [82, 83]. For individual adverse events, only headache and diz- ziness occurred in more than 5% of patients, with a trend Tafenoquine/chloroquine dose ranging for a higher incidence of dizziness and lower incidence Te DETECTIVE 2b study was designed to select the of headache with tafenoquine/chloroquine versus pla- clinical regimen for tafenoquine/chloroquine in P. vivax cebo/chloroquine, though 95% CIs overlapped in both relapse prevention and so was conducted in malaria cases (Fig. 3). Psychiatric adverse events were confned to patients [9]. Te most common NPAEs with tafenoquine/ insomnia and anxiety at low prevalence in both treatment chloroquine at all doses were headache and dizziness, arms (Fig. 3). In these well-controlled randomized stud- though at the highest tafenoquine dose of 600 mg, these ies, none of the NPAEs identifed led to study withdrawal occurred less frequently than with placebo/chloroquine. or therapy interruption and there were no NPAEs classi- All other NPAEs were infrequent (Table 3). Tere was no fed as serious or severe. Tese results suggest a favour- evidence of any dose–response for any NPAE (Table 3). able NPAE profle for tafenoquine/chloroquine, similar to that of chloroquine alone, with a low prevalence of events Tafenoquine/chloroquine versus placebo/chloroquine of mild-to-moderate severity. DETECTIVE Phase 2b and DETECTIVE Phase 3 were placebo-controlled randomized studies designed as a Tafenoquine/chloroquine versus primaquine/chloroquine seamless Phase 2b/3 programme, with similar protocols Primaquine/chloroquine was included as a compara- allowing data to be pooled for the single tafenoquine tor in the DETECTIVE Phase 2b, DETECTIVE Phase 300 mg therapeutic dose [9, 10]. All patients in the tafeno- 3 and GATHER studies [9–11]. All three studies had quine and placebo groups received 3-day chloroquine similar protocols and all used the standard primaquine started on day 1; tafenoquine or placebo was given on dose of 15 mg/day for 14 days. Across the three studies, day 1 or 2. Across the two studies, the overall prevalence the overall prevalence of any nervous system disorders of any nervous system disorders occurring before day 29 occurring before day 29 was 15.5% (75/483) with tafeno- of the study was 11.4% (36/317) with tafenoquine/chlo- quine/chloroquine and 13.3% (35/264) with primaquine/ roquine and 10.2% (19/187) with placebo/chloroquine; chloroquine; psychiatric adverse events occurred in

Table 3 Frequency of NPAEs in P. vivax malaria patients given tafenoquine/chloroquine, primaquine/chloroquine or placebo/chloroquine [9] Adverse event, n (%) TQ CQ PQ CQ Placebo CQ + (N + 50) (N 54) + 50 mg (N 55) 100 mg (N 57) 300 mg (N 57) 600 mg (N 56) ======Any nervous system disorder 17 (31) 17 (30) 13 (23) 16 (29) 17 (34) 21 (39) Headache 14 (25) 17 (30) 10 (18) 16 (29) 14 (28) 20 (37) Dizziness 7 (13) 2 (4) 5 (9) 4 (7) 5 (10) 5 (9) Migraine 0 0 0 0 0 1 (2) Tremor 0 0 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 0 Paraesthesia 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 0 Sciatica 0 1 (2) 0 0 0 0 Burning sensation 1 (2) 0 0 0 0 0 Syncope 0 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 Dysaesthesia 0 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 Any psychiatric disorder 2 (4) 3 (5) 5 (9) 3 (5) 1 (2) 1 (2) Insomnia 2 (4) 3 (5) 5 (9) 3 (5) 3 (6) 1 (2) Tic 0 0 0 1 (2) 0 0 Expanded ­termsa Asthenia 5 (9) 4 (7) 1 (2) 5 (9) 0 0 Fatigue 0 1 (2) 1 (2) 0 0 0

CQ chloroquine, PQ primaquine, TQ tafenoquine a Expanded terms: labyrinthitis, vertigo, vestibular disorder, asthenia, fatigue, and alcohol intolerance were also considered with possible reference to vestibulocochlear function Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 9 of 18

Fig. 3 Neuropsychiatric adverse events occurring before day 29 in P. vivax patients given tafenoquine/chloroquine versus placebo/chloroquine [9, 10]

2.9% (14/483) and 3.4% (9/264) of patients, respectively When examining the frequency of all adverse events (Fig. 4). occurring over the 6-month study duration, there was As was seen for the comparison versus placebo, for no evidence of any increased risk for NPAEs with tafeno- both tafenoquine/chloroquine and primaquine/chloro- quine/chloroquine versus primaquine/chloroquine quine, only dizziness and headache occurred in > 5% of (Table 4). As would be expected given the longer follow patients, and with a similar prevalence for both compara- up period, the frequency of NPAEs in both arms was tors (Fig. 4). Psychiatric adverse events were confned to higher after 6 months of follow up (Table 4) versus day 29 insomnia and anxiety at low prevalence in both treat- (Fig. 4), but there were no diferences between the treat- ment arms (Fig. 4). None of the NPAEs identifed led to ment groups. Nervous system adverse events occurred study withdrawal or therapy interruption and there were in 21.7% (105/483) of patients in the tafenoquine/chlo- no NPAEs classifed as serious or severe. roquine group and 22.7% (60/264) in the primaquine/ Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 10 of 18

Fig. 4 Neuropsychiatric adverse events occurring before day 29 in P. vivax patients given tafenoquine/chloroquine versus primaquine/chloroquine [9–11]

chloroquine group; psychiatric adverse events occurred Tafenoquine safety database analysis in 3.1% (15/483) and 4.5% (12/264), respectively. None An analysis of all tafenoquine clinical safety data avail- of the NPAEs identifed in the tafenoquine/chloroquine able to GlaxoSmithKline (all studies safety database) was group led to study withdrawal or therapy interruption conducted to support review by the US Food and Drug and there were no NPAEs classifed as serious or severe. Administration [74]. Tis included healthy volunteers, Tese results suggest an NPAE profle for tafenoquine/ P. vivax patients receiving tafenoquine/chloroquine and chloroquine similar to that of primaquine/chloroquine, those receiving tafenoquine prophylaxis. Overall, 4131 with a low prevalence of NPAEs of mild-to-moderate tafenoquine-exposed subjects were included compared severity. to 792 who received placebo/chloroquine or placebo [74]. Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 11 of 18

Table 4 Frequency of all NPAEs occurring with tafenoquine/ Table 4 (continued) chloroquine versus primaquine/chloroquine (day 1 to day Event—n (%) patients Gradea Integrated safety summary 180) [9–11] Tafenoquine Primaquine a Event—n (%) patients Grade Integrated safety summary (N 483) (N 264) = = Tafenoquine Primaquine Expanded defnition of NPAEs (N 483) (N 264) = = Asthenia Any 8 (2) 5 (2) Nervous system disorders Any 105 (22) 60 (23) Grade 1 7 (1) 2 (< 1) Grade 1 78 (16) 38 (14) Grade 2 1 (< 1) 3 (1) Grade 2 26 (5) 19 (7) Fatigue Any 3 (< 1) 0 Grade 3 0 2 (< 1) Grade 1 3 (< 1) 0 NA 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Labyrinthitis Any 2 (< 1) 0 Headache Any 64 (13) 40 (15) Grade 1 2 (< 1) 0 Grade 1 45 (9) 22 (8) Alcohol intolerance Any 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 2 18 (4) 16 (6) Grade 1 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 3 0 2 (< 1) Vertigo Any 3 (< 1) 1 (< 1) NA 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 1 2 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Dizziness Any 59 (12) 30 (11) Grade 2 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 1 52 (11) 25 (9) Vestibular disorder Any 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 2 7 (1) 4 (2) Grade 1 1 (< 1) 0 NA 0 1 (< 1) Data are from the DETECTIVE phase 2b, DETECTIVE phase 3, and GATHER trials Migraine Any 3 (< 1) 1 (< 1) (safety population). Vivax malaria patients were treated with chloroquine Grade 1 2 (< 1) 0 plus either single-dose tafenoquine 300 mg or primaquine 15 mg for 14 days. Adverse events of Grade 3 and above in any treatment group are italicized Grade 2 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Note that this includes adverse events that were associated with recurrences Syncope Any 2 (< 1) 1 (< 1) after day 29. Subjects that experienced recurrence received further treatment Grade 1 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) with primaquine. Thus, the comparison of adverse events before day 29 provides a more reliable indicator of potential diferences caused by drug treatment (see Grade 2 1 (< 1) 0 Fig. 4) Balance disorder Any 1 (< 1) 0 a Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v4.0 Grade 2 1 (< 1) 0 Somnolence Any 1 (< 1) 0 Grade 2 1 (< 1) 0 Comparing across these results is difcult as treatment Tremor Any 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) and prophylaxis studies would be expected to have dif- Grade 1 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) fering adverse event profles, both in the active and the Burning sensation Any 0 1 (< 1) placebo arms. However, overall there was no evidence Grade 1 0 1 (< 1) that tafenoquine/chloroquine 300 mg for ≤ 3 days had an Dysaesthesia Any 0 1 (< 1) increased risk of NPAEs versus placebo (Table 5). Tere Grade 1 0 1 (< 1) were no serious, severe or medically important NPAEs Hypoaesthesia Any 0 1 (< 1) (0/807) identifed in any of the studies in which tafeno- Grade 2 0 1 (< 1) quine was given at 300 mg for ≤ 3 days. Psychiatric disorders Any 15 (3) 12 (5) Te tafenoquine all studies safety database (Table 5), Grade 1 9 (2) 7 (3) plus data from fve previous clinical pharmacology stud- Grade 2 6 (1) 5 (2) ies conducted by the US Army were reviewed for serious Insomnia Any 15 (3) 8 (3) or severe psychiatric disorders or medically important Grade 1 9 (2) 4 (2) events. Nine subjects were identifed, fve with depres- Grade 2 6 (1) 4 (2) sion, three with psychosis and one with suicidal behav- Anxiety Any 2 (< 1) 3 (1) iour (Table 6). Only one case of depression occurred in Grade 1 0 2 (< 1) a P. vivax patient; this individual had a history of depres- Grade 2 2 (< 1) 1 (< 1) sion. Tree of the other four subjects with depression had Depression Any 0 1 (< 1) no previous history of psychiatric illness or predispos- Grade 1 0 1 (< 1) ing medical conditions. However, all four subjects with Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 12 of 18

Table 5 Adverse events classifed as nervous system disorders or psychiatric disorders reported across the entire tafenoquine development programme classifed by total tafenoquine dose [74]

Adverse event, n (%) All placebo­ a Total TQ 300 mg Total TQ > 300 mg Total TQ > 300 mg All TQ­ b (N 4129) = (N 794) 3 days (N 807) 3 days (N 1482) > 3 days (N 1445) = ≤ = ≤ = = Any nervous system disorder 170 (21) 142 (18) 240 (16) 269 (19) 734 (18) Headache 149 (19) 98 (12) 164 (11) 211 (15) 544 (13) Migraine 4 (< 1) 3 (< 1) 0 3 (< 1) 8 (< 1) Sinus headache 1 (< 1) 0 0 4 (< 1) 4 (< 1) Tension headache 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Head discomfort 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Visual feld defect 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Lethargy 0 0 28 (2) 28 (2) 56 (1) Somnolence 1 (< 1) 3 (< 1) 21 (1) 1 (< 1) 25 (< 1) Amnesia 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Depressed level of consciousness 0 1 (< 1) 0 0 1 (< 1) Disturbance in attention 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Dysgeusia 1 (< 1) 0 17 (1) 1 (< 1) 18 (< 1) Paraesthesia 0 0 3 (< 1) 4 (< 1) 8 (< 1) Hypoaesthesia 1 (< 1) 0 3 (< 1) 1 (< 1) 4 (< 1) Hyperaesthesia 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Burning sensation 0 0 0 0 1 (< 1) Coordination abnormal 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Balance disorder 0 1 (< 1) 0 0 1 (< 1) Dizziness 24 (3) 62 (8) 56 (4) 33 (2) 171 (4) Syncope 0 2 (< 1) 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) 5 (< 1) Presyncope 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Dizziness postural 1 (< 1) 0 0 0 0 Loss of consciousness 1 (< 1) 0 0 0 0 Tremor 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) 4 (< 1) Muscle contractions involuntary 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Sciatica 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 3 (< 1) Post herpetic neuralgia 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Trigeminal neuralgia 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Any psychiatric disorder 8 (1) 16 (2) 19 (1) 37 (3) 79 (2) Insomnia 8 (1) 15 (2) 12 (< 1) 15 (1) 48 (1) Abnormal dreams 0 1 (< 1) 0 6 (< 1) 7 (< 1) Sleep disorder 0 0 0 3 (< 1) 3 (< 1) Nightmare 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Agitation 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Anxiety 0 2 (< 1) 0 0 2 (< 1) Anxiety disorder 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Irritability 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 2 (< 1) Neurosis 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Panic attack 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Psychotic disorder 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Stress 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Euphoric mood 0 0 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) 3 (< 1) Depressed mood 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Depression 0 0 0 2 (< 1) 2 (< 1) Bipolar disorder 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Disinhibition 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Mood altered 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1) Alcoholic hangover 0 0 0 1 (< 1) 1 (< 1) Tic 0 0 1 (< 1) 0 1 (< 1)

a The placebo group includes healthy volunteers treated with placebo and P. vivax subjects treated with chloroquine alone in P. vivax relapse prevention b Also includes 392 subjects who received < 300 mg total dose and 3 subjects who received 300 mg total dose > 3 days Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 13 of 18

psychosis or suicidal behaviour had relevant previous that could have contributed to their reporting of NPAEs psychiatric histories. Whether these events represented and which confound causality assessment. Tus, the the underlying psychiatric conditions of the subjects or higher incidence of NPAEs at higher tafenoquine expo- whether their symptoms were triggered or worsened by sures not only refects the long duration over which tafenoquine cannot be conclusively determined. Tus, adverse events were recorded, but also the circumstances for tafenoquine prophylaxis the precautionary recom- in which the drug was taken. mendation is that the drug is not given to those with a history of psychotic disorders, or who currently have Conclusions psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations (seeing or Tere was no evidence of neurotoxicity, neurobehav- hearing things that are not really there), delusions (false ioural disorder, or clinical neurotoxicity with tafenoquine or strange thoughts or beliefs), or disorganized think- at supra-therapeutic doses in rodent and non-rodent ing or behaviour [84]. Tis is not the case for single-dose models [74–79]. Tese observations, along with the dem- tafenoquine for P. vivax relapse prevention, although it is onstration of minimal CNS penetration in the rat suggest recommended that a careful medical history be taken to that serious or severe CNS events are unlikely to occur identify any pre-existing mental health problems [85]. with tafenoquine therapeutic doses in humans. In P. vivax relapse prevention, with single-dose tafeno- Tafenoquine prophylaxis quine (300 mg)/chloroquine, no serious or severe CNS Although this review focuses on tafenoquine for P. vivax events were reported with the observed events being relapse prevention, it is necessary to briefy discuss the mild-to-moderate and self-limiting [9–11]. Tafenoquine/ prophylaxis studies as there are some features of these chloroquine did not increase the prevalence of NPAEs that should be explained in order to understand the compared with placebo/chloroquine and the nature and safety signals for NPAEs at higher tafenoquine exposures. frequency of NPAEs with tafenoquine/chloroquine were In Table 5, 1445 patients received prophylaxis at the similar to that of primaquine/chloroquine [9–11]. Tere- highest tafenoquine doses of > 300 mg > 3 days. How- fore, single-dose 300 mg tafenoquine/chloroquine for P. ever, 34.0% (492/1445) of subjects in the highest dose vivax malaria relapse prevention is anticipated to have a group were Australian Defence Force (ADF) person- low risk of signifcant CNS efects [74]. However, it is rec- nel deployed on United Nations peacekeeping duties ommended that patients disclose any prior mental health in East Timor, many of whom experienced a ‘war-like’ issues prior to tafenoquine prescribing. scenario [54]. A recent examination compared data for In clinical trials, tafenoquine/chloroquine has been ADF subjects deployed in East Timor to non-ADF resi- shown to reduce the risk of P. vivax relapse by approxi- dent subjects who received the same tafenoquine regi- mately 70% over 6 months’ follow up compared with men (200 mg loading dose for 3 days, then 200 mg weekly chloroquine alone, with a similar safety profle to pri- prophylaxis) [54]. In this analysis, all adverse events were maquine [9–11, 87]. Single-dose tafenoquine ofers com- more common in the deployed ADF group (467/492; plete adherence and presents an opportunity to expand 94.9%) than in resident non-ADF subjects (225/333; P. vivax relapse prevention and improve clinical efective- 67.6%), and psychiatric adverse events occurred in 5.1% ness over the current 14-day primaquine regimen [88]. (25/492) of ADF soldiers versus 2.1% (7/333) of resident Tafenoquine is now under evaluation with blood schiz- non-ADF subjects [54, 79]. onticides other than chloroquine for relapse prevention A possible explanation for this increased reporting of in P. vivax. NPAEs in ADF personnel is that soldiers experienced Coupled with advances in rapid quantitative diagnos- traumatic events, including danger of being killed or tics for screening of patients for glucose-6-phosphate injured (71%); seeing dead bodies (49%); fear of expo- dehydrogenase defciency, a contraindication for 8-ami- sure to a toxic agent, contagious disease, or injury (31%); noquinoline therapy, the risk:beneft profle for tafeno- and having a friend/associate killed or injured (30%) quine in P. vivax relapse prevention is favourable. Te [86]. Additionally, around 40% of soldiers who received potential of tafenoquine for both reducing the burden tafenoquine sustained physical injuries as a result of their of P. vivax malaria and draining the hypnozoite malaria deployment while other illnesses, such as gastroenteritis transmission reservoir represents the frst major advance and heat-related illnesses, were also common [54]. Tus, in the treatment and control of P. vivax since primaquine over the 6 months of tafenoquine administration, soldiers was introduced nearly 70 years ago. were exposed to many factors, other than tafenoquine, Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 14 of 18 notic psychosis” notic psychosis” 6 months earlier (not disclosed at no screening); signs obvious at of psychosis nega - screening; drug screen tive of schizophrenia of schizophrenia (not disclosed at screening) sodes of psychosis sodes of psychosis (not disclosed at screening) history of marital difculties and suicide previous no other threat; historyrelevant or medi - concomitant cations reported at screening but no suicidal - irregu tendencies; lar psychiatric consults; frequent use of but irregular (10 mg) diazepam History of “halluci- Recent diagnosis Recent diagnosis Medical history Two previous epi - previous Two Family reported Family History of depression - - treated with treated olanzapine and lorazepam/none pre-scheduled psychiatric admission - progres lowing emotional sive distress required cor required therapy rective (intervention unknown)/with - due to drawn unstable mental state 2 days) 88 for day with nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhoea, and depression; with treated fuoxetine; with consulted spe psychiatric cialist (fndings unknown) Hospitalized and Hospitalized Hospitalized for a for Hospitalized Intervention/ action taken - fol Hospitalized Hospitalized and Hospitalized (on Hospitalized b - b quine co-suspect) co-suspect) Unrelated (chloro Unrelated Unrelated Remotely related Remotely Relationship Relationship drug to study by the Investigator Possibly related Possibly Related (chloroquine (chloroquine Related Resolved Not resolved Recovered Resolution Recovered Resolved tafenoquine tafenoquine discontinued Unknown 3 days 9 days Duration day after 1 day 25 days Day 6 Day Day 27 Day Day 8 Day Onset Day 8 Day Day 24 Day a (associated (associated with alcohol intoxication) notic psychosis notic psychosis (serious) (severe) episode (severe) Depressed mood Depressed Suicidal behaviour Suicidal behaviour Paranoid halluci - Paranoid Psychotic episode Psychotic Event preferred preferred Event (severity term or verbatim terms) Acute psychotic psychotic Acute dose tive dose dose 600 mg single 750 mg cumulative 1200 mg cumula - 500 mg single Dose 350 mg single R, DB, PC R, DB, R, DB, PC R, DB, R, O, PG R, O, R, DB, PC R, DB, Study design Study R, DB, PC R, DB, Details of subjects with severe, serious or medically important psychiatric adverse events following tafenoquine [ 74 ] following tafenoquine events adverse serious or medically important psychiatric Details of subjects with severe, relapse relapse vivax ( P. [ 9 ] prevention) (prophylaxis) [ 89 ] (prophylaxis) (volunteers) (volunteers) [unpublished] subject- B (volun [ 90 ] teers) subject- A (volun [ 90 ] teers) TAF112582 part 1 TAF112582 SB252263/043 SB252263/014 SB252263/050 6 Table Study identifcation [refs.] (indication) SB252263/050 Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 15 of 18 history; treated a UTI with for sulfamethoxazole starting 13 on day (co-suspect) years prior to 3 years study medical history or concomitant medications reported; at were the time of subjectevent, also reported abdomi - nal pain, diarrhoea, and palpitations tory or concomi - tant medications No relevant past No relevant Closed head injury No relevant past No relevant No relevant past his - No relevant Medical history - therapy (parox therapy etin)/withdrawn study from lithium started on study day 223 (ongoing)/ due to excluded hepati - a positive tis/HIV screen None Required corrective corrective Required None Bupropion and Bupropion Intervention/ action taken Unlikely related Related Related Unlikely related Relationship Relationship drug to study by the Investigator Resolved Resolved Resolved Unknown Resolution 15 days 87 days 3 days Lost to follow-up to Lost Duration parallel group PG parallel O open label, active controlled, days since (62 days last dose) Day 37 Day Day 24 Day Day 4 Day Day 223 Day Onset (mild) erate) (mild) - (mild); depres sion (mild) Depressed mood Depressed Depression (mod - Depression Depressed mood Depressed Bipolar depression Bipolar depression Event preferred preferred Event (severity term or verbatim terms) cumula - c ­ mg tive tive dose tive 5200 1600 mg cumula - 1200 mg cumula - 600 mg single Dose R, DB, PC R, DB, R, DB, PC R, DB, R, DB, AC R, DB, R, SB, PC, AC R, SB, Study design Study (continued) subject- A (volun [ 92 ] teers) subject- B (volun [ 92 ] teers) (prophylaxis) [ 7 ] (prophylaxis) teers) [ 91 ] teers) The sponsor considered chloroquine co-suspect chloroquine sponsor considered The Family reported that subject had taken “poison.” The event was not assigned a body system and therefore does not appear in the pooled output for adverse events within the psychiatric disorders classifcation disorders within the psychiatric events adverse does not appear in the pooled output for and therefore a body system not assigned was event The “poison.” reported subject that had taken Family Loading dose 200 mg/day for 3 days plus 200 mg weekly for 23 weeks plus 200 mg weekly for 3 days for dose 200 mg/day Loading

SB252263/057 SB252263/057 SB252263/033 - (volun TAF114582 Study Study identifcation [refs.] (indication) 6 Table AC controlled, UTI urinary PC placebo DB double blind, SB single blind, tract R randomised, infection, a b c Duparc et al. Malar J (2020) 19:111 Page 16 of 18

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