
No. 4051 June 21, 1947 NATURE 843 (), at temperatures varying from -20° I Concen- to 20° C. The attempt has failed completely, no tration required precipitate being observed under any conditions even for 5°* Relative Maximum angle after standing for seven days. Substance tested curvature activity in the It was observed by Cohen that although a number Avena test ------of highly complex proteins were precipitated by this Mgm./1. Mgm./1. Degrees* --- method, those of comparatively low molecular weight, 3-Indole 0·026 100 0·15 58 for example, gelatin, edestin and pepsin, did not 3-Indole acetaldehyde 0·125? 20? 0·20 20-50 3-Indole ethyl 250 0·01 450 8·5 respond, even with concentrations of heparin up to a- acetic 10 per cent. This suggests, though by no means acid 0·09 29 2·7 30 a· Naphthalene proves, that the of melanin may not be so acetaldehyde 48 0·05 120 14 large as has been supposed. Further work at present Phenyl acetic acid 2500 0·001 10' 8 Phenyl acetaldehyde - 7 X 10-5 3 x10' 6 in progress tends to support this view. The work has been carried out with the aid of a • 5° curvature corresponds toad-value of 0·10 (dis the difference grant from the Government Grant Committee of the in length between the inner and outer side of the curved coleoptile, Royal Society. measured in mm.). A. J. LEA values are, of course, uncertain ; the relative Medical Services, activity may be between 10 and 40. 3-Indole ethyl Ministry of Pensions, alcohol (tryptophol) and ex-naphthalene acetaldehyde Norcross, Blackpool. were prepared by Dr. K. A. Jensen. These substances, March 16. as well as phenyl acetaldehyde, were freed from 1 Cohen, S. S., J. Biol. Chem., 144, 353 (1942). possible traces of acid substances by shaking ethereal solutions with alkaline immediately before the test ; phenyl acetaldehyde was redistilled before Free Radicals from Benzyl Hyponitrite shaking. As 5° curvature is near the maximum angle WE have recently prepared benzyl hyponitrite by produced by the latter substance, its relative activity the method of Partington and Shah', and have found was calculated on the basis of 3° curvature. In the that it readily catalyses the polymerization of methyl table are also shown the maximum angles for the methacrylate at room temperatures. At 30° C. the compounds tested and the concentration needed for rate of polymerization of methyl methacrylate maximum curvature. initiated with benzyl hyponitrite is approximately Other workers (using water-cultured test plants) thirty times as fast as the rate observed with an found the relative activities of alpha-naphthalene equal amount of benzoyl peroxide. acetic acid and phenylacetic acid to be 2·5 and 0·02, The polymerization of this monomer is known to respectively (compare Veldstra's list•). These values be initiated by free radicals, and the benzyl hypo• do not agree with those given here, obtained on soil• nitrite must therefore produce free radicals by grown plants. This discrepancy may be due to the decomposition. By analogy with other compounds different methods of cultivating the test plants. containing the -N=N- group which are sources 3-Indole acetaldehyde could be oxidized to 3-indole• of free radicals, it is probable that benzyl hyponitrite acetic acid by treatment either with raw milk, with decomposes into two benzoxy radicals C 6H 5CH20- a purified Schardinger preparation (aide• with the elimination of . The formation of hydrase) or with soil. By soil treatment the activity and benzyl alcohol in presence of water of the preparations was increased about reported by Partington and Shah could then be due 2·5 times. Soil treatment of indole ethyl alcohol and to of these benzoxy radicals. of alpha-naphthalene acetaldehyde preparations in• IvAN HARRIS creased their activities by 100 and 20 times, re• IAN MARSHALL spectively, indicating that these compounds are also KENNETH BARRY JARRETT oxidized by the soil, with the formation of the much Research Department, more active acids. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., PoUL LARSEN Plastics Division, Tewin Road, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Welwyn Garden City. University of Copenhagen. 1 Partington and Shah, J. Chem. Soc., 2589 (1932). March 17. 1 Larsen, Poul, thesis, Copenhagen. Dansk. Bot. Arkiv., 11, No. 9, 132 (1944). 'Veldstra, H., Enzymol., 11, 97 (1944). Addition of Dinitro Compounds to D.D.T. to Prevent Outbreak of Spider Mites IT is frequently observed that the use of sprays Molecular Weight of Melanin containing D.D.T. on trees leads to a severe A METHOD of obtaining protein macro- in outbreak of Tetranychid mites or red spiders. In crystalline form by the use of heparin has been de• the United States, for example, Tetranychus pacificus scribed by Cohen1 • As melanin is generally believed MeG., Paratetranychus pilosus C. & F. and P. citri to have a high molecular weight, an attempt has been MeG. have all been found to increase very consider• made to crystallize it by Cohen's method, using ably after D.D.T.-spraying has killed the predaceous chlorhydrin as solvent. Heparin is not insects which normally keep them under control. soluble to any appreciable extent in pure ethylene Research workers who have obtained excellent control chlorhydrin; but both it and melanin are soluble in a of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) or other pests mixture of equal parts of water and ethylene chlor• with D.D.T. have felt unable to recommend its hydrin. 'Dopa' and Sepia melanin have been used, general use owing to the risk of producing a severe with concentrations of heparin of 1, 2, 5, and 10 per mite infestation. It may therefore be of interest to cent, with and without addition of electrolyte record a method by which this difficulty was over-

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