“The Republican Party is fortunate to have a quality field of candidates running for President. As we face growing threats abroad and continued economic challenges at home, I believe Jeb Bush’s executive experience and vision uniquely qualifies him to face our nation’s challenges on day one. The federal government has no greater task than to ensure the security of our nation. Governor Bush has presented a solid plan to combat ISIS and is committed to tackling the issues which the current administration has neglected for too long. Therefore, I support Jeb Bush for President of the United States.” - Congressman Mike Bishop (R-MI)

Jeb's congressional (House and Senate) endorsements: Mike Bishop REP. (R-MI.) Luke Messer REP. (R-IND.) Kay Granger REP. (R-TEXAS) Ann Wagner REP. (R-MO.) Mimi Walters REP. (R-CALIF.) David Valadao REP. (R-CALIF.) Mike Rogers REP. (R-ALA.) Patrick T. McHenry REP. (R-N.C.) Jeff Denham REP. (R-CALIF.) Dave Trott REP. (R-MICH.) Dean Heller SEN. (R-NEV.) Orrin G. Hatch SEN. (R-UTAH) Tom Reed REP. (R-N.Y.) Susan M. Collins SEN. (R-MAINE) Chris Collins REP. (R-N.Y.) Mark Amodei REP. (R-NEV.) Gus M. Bilirakis REP. (R-FLA.) Jeff Miller REP. (R-FLA.) REP. (R-FLA.) REP. (R-FLA.) John Mica REP. (R-FLA.) Daniel Webster REP. (R-FLA.) Pete Sessions REP. (R-TEXAS) REP. (R-FLA.) REP. (R-FLA.) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen REP. (R-FLA.) REP. (R-FLA.) Mario Diaz-Balart REP. (R-FLA.) Adam Kinzinger REP. (R-ILL.)