Od ranih dana uvijek sam bio u prisustvu pasa. Since my early days, have always accompanied me. Prvotno sam počeo kao Trening Supervizor dok sam poslije bio direktor DLCH ( Njemačkog kluba za Leonbergere). Moja kvalifikacija za trenera i ispitivača za VDH- vodeću licencu za vlasnike pasa (VDH My experiences in the area of sport, I originally was able to utilize as Training Supervisor je naziv njemačkog kinološkog saveza) zaokružuje moju priču o treniranju pasa. and later on as Training Director DCLH. (German Club for Leonberger Dogs) My qualification as trainer and examiner for the VDH-Dog Leading License for dog owners (Verband für das Deutsche Sudac specijalist sam za pasminu Leonberger te sam glavni inspektor za uzgoj te pasmine, Hundewesen e.V. = German Kennel Club) rounds off the subject of raising and training dogs. predsjednik sam kluba za Leonbergere i predsjednik sudaca DLCH, te predsjednik Međunarodnog saveza Leonbergera koji broji 21 zemlju članicu. Specialty Breed Judge and Certified Master Breeding Inspector for the Leonberger Breed, DCLH Judge Chairman, President of the DCLH (German Club for Leonberger Dogs) , President of the Sudac sam za FCI grupu II, a trenutno sam pripravnik za Grupe I i VII. International Leonberger Union (ILU) with 21 member countries. Sudac specijalist sam za navedene pasmine: Leonberger, Newfoundlander, Appenzeller , Entlebucher ,Veliki Švicarski planinski pas, Bernski planinski pas i Švicarski bijeli ovčar. Group Judge for the FCI Group 2, training Group Judge for the Group 1 & 7 Specialty Breed Judge for the following breeds: Leonberger, Newfoundland, Appenzell Mountain Sudio sam u navedenim zemljama: Austrija, Belgija, Češka, Danska, Finska, Francuska, Dog, , Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, , Swiss White Njemačka, Mađarska, Italija, Latvija, Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Rusija, Slovačka, Shepherd. Švedska, Švicarska i SAD. I have actively judged in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, , Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and U.S.A.