204 JES NEWCASTLE:·UPON-TYNE. (KELLY'S dene. I6 Stewart Mrs:Emma 5 Corbett Joseph 9 Way William Cosens, artist See J ESMOND. I8 Pringle Mrs. Jane 6 Newton James, corn. trav IO Welsh James, timber mer 20 Marshall William Thomas 7 Laitller James Jesmond Dene terraee. 22 Hunter Thomas 8 Smith Robert Kent street, Shieldfield~ See JESMOND.' 24 Robb Joseph . ~ . from 83 Shield street to a Jesmond gardens. 24 Fletcher \\'illiam Castle Haggie Charles A. (Jesmond By!on street . . 26 Walker Henry vale house) 3 Henderson Matthew, grocer See J ESMOND PLACE. 28 Taylor J onathan, corn. trav 5 Whitworth Mrs. Mary Jesmond grove. 30 Macay ThomasG.com.trav Jesmond Vale terrace, n Thornton Mrs. Jane 32 Thorburn Mrs. Catherine Heaton, from Meldon ter. I3 Levison Ben. engine driver See J ESMOND. 34 Arnott James I3 Tully James Emery IS Weddell Wm. 0. upholstr • JesmondHigh ter.Northrd. 36 FairlessMiss Mary G 14 Smith Francis I7 Charlton Lio~1el Jas. tailor I falmE'r Chas. M. M.P. J.P 40 Gill Mrs. Edith IS Carsw~ll Rev. Jame~ M.A. I9 Jacks~m Mrs. !~ne 2 knothe Rudol h ' 42 RycroftMrs. Jane . [Umted Pr~~b~·ter1an] 23 B~ew1s Mrs. ~h~abeth 3 Pelegrin Manfel Jose 43 Ward Gilbert Charles, mer I6 Armstrong W Ilham Swan 25 Pmk Joseph. JOiner 4 PhilipsonJoseph A solicitor 4ti WhinfieldJn. Witherington I7 Best William 27 Grangerlsaac,letter carrier Davidson JamP-S · 4S Thompson HenryOctavius I2 Appleby Rev. William 3I Armstrong John H 5 so Radford James Lawton [Wesleyan] 33 Jaekson Mrs. Mary Jesmond place, top of Ben- so Radford Francis John II Redhead Geo~ge 35 Sewe_ll John, cutler ton bank 52 Mills Miss Margaret Jesmond villas 37 Sterling Mrs. Ann . · Ryder William J. H • · 39 Corden: Thomas, pamter I Rowell Robert 54 s6 &ss Church School Co. See JESMOND ROAD. 43 Dixon Mrs. Eleanor 2 Stoker Robert 'High school for girls (Miss John street, 324 ·Westgate 43 Rowell ~illiam, engineer (JdesmondRgabrdens) C. Ackerley, mistress) road to 23 Douglas terrace 2 Short NICholas, saddler 3 H en ~rson ° ert 6o Hewison :Miss Louisa F 4 Thompson Mrs. Mary 4 F~nwick John. 62 Bryson MissAgnes.Matilda, I Stokell John S Simm Mrs. Ann 5 RICh Frank "'est school for young ladles 3 He~derson Henry . . 8 Young Mrs. ~Iary Je d d f N th 64 Town Mrs. 1\-Iargaret jane 5 Inmss Charles John, JOmer 38 Lilfer Andrew, cabinet ma sm0 n roa ' rom or 66 Hedte • Geor e 9 Bullock Mrs 40 Bianchi Francis Mrs road to Jesmond dene. S H J Jg G u Henzell John Hood John 6 ouseman as. .M.B.surg H ll G 42 . _NORTH SIDE. 70 Bowman Edward I3 a . eorge 42 Hood John, jun. custom 3I Ph~Ihpson Joseph 72 Watson Percival H. surgn IS ~~~GIIi T~~mas houee officer 33 Ch1bourg Raymond, pro- ...... here is Victoria sq ...... I9 Mmto Wt!ham fessor of languages 74 Boyd William 2I Pearsou George Kenton. 35 Anderson John Mack ...... he1·e is .Archbold ter...... 23 Tate James A See . 35 Lahr Otto 76 Singers· .Archibald 25 Jacobs Raphae_l, generl. dlr 37 Davison G:eorge Sowerby J78 Springman Fraderick 27 Downey Franc1s . Glendinning William R - S · V 29 J.\Iarshall Matthew Kmg street, fi"om Queen st. 39 a1 1way t.atwn , , t Q 'd 4I & 43 ArmstrongMrs.Annie ...... here is Osborne ter...... 3I runnah <:eor~e . . 0 uay SI e. 45 Hodgson John . Dickinsou Adolphus (Port- 37 Gallon'~ m. U. lath render MARI'riME BUILDINGS:- 47 PetersenMartin,naval surv land house) ·· ...... here .~s Cook:;on st...... Northern Maritime Insur-- 49 Macaulay Samuel, surgeon Dickins:m Isaac Garbutt · ...... he1·e t.~ IJougla~ ter...... ance Co. Lim. (John here m·e. Windsm· pl. o/ (Portland house) 2 ~arber Edward, tile layer . Stanley Mitcalfe, man. Wuulsar cres ...... here m·e P(YI"tland ter. 4'.-Fk 4 S~m~don Mrs. ~ dirctr. James Ferguson,. JESMOND CH~RCH ~ewcastle Cemetery, 6 \hl~mson Thos. boot ma underwriter) ...... here is Eslmgton rd...... · Robert John Everatt supt 10 Moffit John, barman Newcastle-on-Tyne Home: ...... here is Osborne rd...... MINORIES : ' I6 Stovey Mark, draper Trade Insurance Assocn. Scorfield Edward Scafe ColeMrs.AnnieE.(Broomfield) 20 John~on ~~s: gen. cartman (J. Stanley ~Iitcalfe, sec) (Eslingtonhouse) Stout Edward (Broomfield) 22 Foggm Will~am, plumber Steamship Owners' )!utual 8I Watson John Coote Arthur 3° Summer~ ~m. warehomn Protection & Indemnity S3 Stephenson George Murray William M.D. (Jes- 32 lnnes ~Ilham Henry, gro. Association (Jn. Stanley ss Stephenson Robert mond Park house) & cabmet maker Mitcalfe, sec) 9I Youll John Gibson WALL LETTER Box 32 Vosper James, grocer Adamson & Short, st2am- JESMOND VILLAS: ship owners 3 "In c L ean G'eorge Wn. uite J esmon d t er. Barras b ne· 1 ge. Jones' bui]dings. Henzell Chas. W. average. 4 Potts Mrs. T. F 2 Shaw Misses See THE CLOSE. adjuster , 5 :Murton Mrs 3 Nicoll Jas. wood&genrl. bro . Widows & Orphans of Ship- 4 BoltonGeo.F.ship chandler Jub1lee road, from New road wrecked )lariners Relief IOI Fitton Thomas, corn. trav 5 Ochiltree Wm. ship broker to street. Association (C. W. Hen- Hutton Miss (kinder- 6 Burnup Miss NewcastleRagged & Industrial zell, hon. sec) garten & school) School (Ralph Willoughby, Wait Jas. steamship owner I03 Roper William Jesmond towers. superintendent) Watson Jsph.H.ship snn•yr he1·e are Granville rd. # See JESMOND. 1PriceJohn,agent for the Indus- Cleugh G. & Co. ship owns. .Akenside ter...... I trial Dwellings East Holywell CoalCo.Lim. Wood~ Ed,ward (Akenside ho) Jesmond v~le. Newcastle-on-Tyne Invalid (Geo. C. Heslop, coal fitr). All Samts Cemetery, Kennedy DaVId, dairyman Loan Society (Mrs. Price, Harper Thos. ship chandlr Matth.Henderson,supt Blue Bell P.H. JohnAlexander storekeeper) Cay, Hall & Co. ship owns. · :MINORIES: METHODIST NEw CoNNEXIONI Tyne & Wear Iron Steam. DaYidson Percival CHAPEL Judson place, II9 Elswick Ship Insurance Associtn. PunchBowl hotel,Ge?.Milburn Charltonl\IissDorothy, flintmlr East terrace. Ralph Carr, secretary Weightman Mrs. Jane Rogers Thomas, grocer I Hamilton John, warehomn Tyne & Wear Steamship- Mott Thomas David Princess Royal P.H. Joseph 3 Lamb Vl'illiam, rollyman :Freight Insurance Asso- Cradle Well P.H. George Woolston 5 Murphy'fhos.coffee roaster ciation (Ralph Carr, sec )I Anderson Docherty Neil, shopkeeper 5 Walker Wm. engine fitter Newcastle-upon-Tyne Iron. JacksonCollingwoodFoster Wardle Jsph. T. mrkt. gardnr 6 Little Fred. bar manager Steamship Freight &. (South Jesmond house) Barrett William Henry . Demurrage Association.,. ••.. here are Jesmond g1"dns ..•• Johnson William Kensmgton terrace, North Ralph Carr, secretary- SOUTH SIDE. Robertson .John road, fro_m Park terrace to Tyne Insurance Associa- 2 McBean Samuel, surgeon Robinson Thomas De_\·onshtre terrace. · tion (R. Carr, sec) 4 Spencer Miss Sarah, girls' Wardle William I RIChardsou John Hunter Carr Ralph, marine insur- school Wilson Samuel stock & share broker ance manager 6 Goolden John 1 Frazer Charles (White cot) · 2 Laing Charles North of Iron. 8 Harrison Arthur B. dentist Rochester Alien 3 White Conrad,consult.engr Steam Ship I1:surance IO Young Ralph M.D.surgeon WooDBINE TERRACE: 4 Bellerby Wm. Jn. ship brok Association (Thomas I2 Blayney Mrs. Isabella 1 Stafford 1\'Irs 5 Reid Jas. brewer's agent. Robson :\'!iller, sec) I2 Blayney R. 0 2 Robley Henry 6 Wylam Chas. Jn. wine mer North of .England Protect- I4 'faylor Mrs. Mary 3 Munro David 7 Robson Robert, upholsterer ing Association (Thomas I4 Murray Robert 4MunroJames 8 Borthwick Jn. brewer's agt Robson Miller, sec)