Chairman: Eddie Lintott Clerk: Jane Crawford ______

MINUTES: Meeting of Parish Council No. 3/Year 1/15-19 Held on: Wednesday 22 July 2015 beginning at 7.30 pm At: Stedham Memorial Hall

Present: Eddie Lintott 3/3 David Burton 2/3 Debra Chalton 3/3 Caroline Frost 3/3 Colin Moseley 3/3 Rowland Page 1/3 Lucy Petrie 3/3 Stephen Trussler 3/3

In attendance: Gordon McAra, County Councillor; Caroline Neville, District Councillor; Sue Payne, Neighbourhood Watch and SIPC representative on LNR management committee

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations are in force, giving a right to members of the public to record (film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at meeting of the Council and its Committees.


2. APOLOGIES: Olia Mitskevich 2/3

3. MINUTES OF MEETING: No.2/1/1519 held on 17 June 2015 were agreed and signed.

4. WSCC and DISTRICT COUNILLORS and POLICE/NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 4.1. County Councillor: Gordon McAra reported. Minerals: There was nothing to report on the sandpit specific sites in the new minerals plan. Minsted Farm building works: Planners were concerned that the old buildings had been taken down before being rebuilt and might need further planning consent. Bollards at Stedham Crossroads: WSCC would be sending a team to clean the bollards and sweep the road. Gordon McAra was asked about the highways contract with Balfour Beatty which from the SIPC angle was not working well. He agreed that some of their work was not particularly good and a matter for ongoing discussion. Big Society Fund: There was over £ ½ million in the fund – the next applications closed on 15 August and it was best to apply now for any projects. Government funding: George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, had announced further reductions in expenditure and local government will have to save money again as there would be less government funding for both WSCC and CDC. 4.2. District Councillor: Caroline Neville gave a general report.

4.3. Police and Neighbourhood Watch: No report.

5. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No item was raised.


Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 22 July 2015 1

6.1 Report on NC County Local Committee meeting: The Chairman attended the meeting held at on 23 June 2015. There would be 95% superfast broadband coverage, but this would be the population and not necessarily 95% of the country. Although more money was being put towards providing superfast broadband, not all rural areas would get it. 6.2 CDC forum: Lucy Petrie attended the meeting held at Redford on 8 July 2015. CDC could help people with their wellbeing programme. Southern Electricity had a Resilient Communities Fund which was giving grants to improve facilities in the event of a power cut. Caroline Frost would inform the Hall. A751 They were also giving extra support for the vulnerable and people should register for extra help. 752 The Clerk would put a notice in the parish magazine. A 6.3 SALC/WSCC meeting new councillors held at on 8 July 2015 was attended by Debra Chalton. There was a talk on how WSCC was funded. WSCC was also now prepared for parishes to do jobs themselves in order to save money even when applying for grants. There was also a community service (pay-back) team of 8 with an instructor who could be hired for £50 a day to do community work. WSCC meetings can be seen on the web. 6.4 Superfast broadband: The Clerk was in correspondence with the WSCC broadband team.

7. MINERALS MINSTED: review of EIA scoping opinion SDNP/15/01890/SCOPEC: No further report (see 4.1 above).

8. PARISH ACTION PLAN 8.1. Cycleway to : The cycleway crossing at the Half Moon was dangerous because it was just outside the 30mph limit and was difficult to see. It was not desirable to encourage the use of the path until the crossing was improved. The Clerk would write to WSCC about it. A753 8.2. Dark night skies reserve status: A survey had been done and there were very few lights in Stedham except the pub had 24 lights. 8.3. New play equipment on the Recreation Ground: The Clerk had applied for a grant. 8.4. Parish Council website: A company had been found which would design the site for £150 and charge fees of £200 per annum. The work would be ordered by Lucy Petrie. A754 8.5. Neighbourhood plan inititial investigation: Caroline Neville suggested that a village design statement would be respected as much as a plan. 8.6. Iping signs: The signs had been ordered and were due to be delivered soon. 8.7. Iping telephone box: The box was available for sale for £1. Resolved: To purchase the box for £1. Proposed by Caroline Frost, seconded by Debra Chalton, with all in favour. The Clerk would make the application. A755


Receipts NatWest Interest 29/5 .75p and 30/6 0.76p H £1.51 WRPC Return of grant (+£250 from parishioner) M £1,250.00 Cash Stedham and Iping book sale M £5.00

Payments West ALC Subscription B04 £223.18 S Water Allotment water C10 £31.28 J Crawford Clerk (1/6 payment April/May) A01 PWLB Hall loan (direct debit) B02 £801.97 E Lintott Gift RM A03 £28.00 NatWest Charges A07 £3.25 Due for payment Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 22 July 2015 2

SALC Training A08 £60.00 J Crawford Clerk’s salary A01 Royal British Legion Iping signs C12 £341.92 Total £1,1382

Invoices due Les Miles Painting post and bus shelter works

Balances Current account £1,436.33 Business Reserve A/c £17,314.07 Total £18,750.40 Resolved: To pay the above. Proposed by Stephen Trussler, seconded by Colin Moseley, with all in favour.

10. ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE 10.1. Play areas Inspection of equipment and signing the books: The equipment in the Recreation Ground had been inspected and the book had been signed. Rowland Page reported that young people had been drinking at Common View and he had cleared up broken glass and cans. It was agreed that it was better to talk to the culprits and keep the matter under observation rather than put up a notice. 10.2. Risk assessment actions: Work had been ordered on Iping bus shelter and painting the bar on the swing at Common View. 10.3. Highways and footpaths 10.3.1. Speeding in Stedham: A parishioner had suggested there should be “children and animal – slow down” notices. It was decided that these notices would be no more successful than the 20 mph ones. 10.3.2. Broken sign at Ingrams Green: The Clerk was continuing to try to get WSCC to replace the broken sign which was almost certainly damaged by their mowing team. A737 10.3.3. New Iping signs: The signs had been ordered and were due to be delivered imminently. 10.3.4. Replacement gate at Lavender Row and filling in holes at the polo ground: Caroline Frost had been in contact with a parishioner who was willing to replace the unusable kissing gate with an ordinary gate. The Clerk would ask WSCC for permission to proceed. The holes near the polo field path had not been filled in. 10.3.5. Parking in The Street: The Chairman had spoken to the tenants and SIPC had also written to the letting agents and the police were now involved. 10.4. Flooding: Tree in the River Rother: The EA had not removed the large oak tree from the river between Stedham and Iping as yet. Afternote: The tree has just been cleared away. A748 Stedham Lane: There was nothing to report.

10.5. Commons and open spaces: TB outbreak on Stedham Common LNR: One the Sussex Wildlife Trust cows has tested positive in February. It had been destroyed and sent for testing, the result of which should be known imminently. Consequently, SWT had also destroyed the other cows which had been grazing on Stedham Common. In April 17 cows at a local farm had also been tested positive and destroyed and there was now a 3 kilometre restriction zone around Stedham Common.

Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 22 July 2015 3

Invasive species: A report had been put in the Parish Magazine. The bamboo growing on the Iping path had been cleared.

11. PLANNING COMMITTEE: The meeting minutes had been circulated.

12. MEMORIAL HALL: The auction had raised £2,500 and new chairs had been purchased. The old chairs had been sold for £100.

13. ACTIONS LIST: See below.

14. CORRESPONDENCE/EMAILS: The Chairman had written to Lorraine Grocott, clerk of Parish Council, to congratulate her on being awarded the BEM in the Queen’s birthday honours.

15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 16 September 2015, 7.30 pm at Stedham Memorial Hall.


Chairman...... Date......


A751 CF SE grants Inform Hall A752 Clerk SE registration for vulnerable Note in parish magazine  A753 Clerk Cycleway crossing Inform WSCC re danger  A754 LP Website Send information to provider  A755 Clerk Iping telephone box Apply to buy it

ACTONS FROM MEETING 20 MAY A742 LP & DC SIPC website Make urgent investigations ongoing A743 Clerk Iping sign Purchase and ask WSCC to install ongoing A744 Ch Internal audit Thank Internal Auditor  A748 Clerk Oak tree in river Remind EA ongoing

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 18 March 2015 A737 Clerk Broken sign at Ingrams Green Ask WSCC to supply new finger ongoing

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 17 SEPTEMBER 2014 A711 Clerk/OM Trees in river Mark on map ongoing

Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 22 July 2015 4