Mid-October 1931
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Westminster Seminary Number CHRISTIA TY TODAY A PRESBYTERIAN JOURNAL DEVOTED TO STATING, DEFENDING III AND FURTHERING THE GOSPEL IN THE MODERN WORLD III SAMUEL G. CRAIG, Editor H. McALLISTER GRIFFITHS, Managing Editor Published monthly by THE PRESBYTERIAN AND MID-OCTOBER, 1931 51.00 A YEAR EVERYWHERE Enlered as second..,lo .. moiler May ii, 1931, 01 REFORMED ~UBLISHING CO., Vol. 2 No.6 Ihe Po,l Ollice 01 Philodelphia, Pa., under Ihe 501 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila., Pa. Acl 01 Motch 3,1879. Christianity and the Bible HE relation between Christianity His will which is necessary to salvation could have Christianity had we no Bible Tand the' Bible has perhaps received and leave the matter of its preservation and quite another thing to say that we its best confessional expression in the and propagation to the ordinary workings would have Christianity had we no Bible. opening paragraph of the Westminster of providence. He went further and Granted that GOD might have adopted Confession of Faith. That paragraph made special provision for its preservation some other method for the preservation reads as follows: and propagation. He caused a written and propagation of saving truth, the "Although the light of nature, and the record of it to be made "for the better method He actually adopted was the works of creation and providence, do so far preservation and propagating of the method of committing it to writing. manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power truth, and for the more sure establish Granted, that conceivably we might have of God, as to leave men inexcusable; yet ment and comfort of the Church." The a saving knowledge of GOD and His will they are not sufficient to give that knowl edge of God and of His will, which is neces Bible is the instrument or vehicle that even if GOD had not committed this su sary unto salvation; therefore it pleased the GOD employed to convey to men a' saving pernatural revelation to writing, yet ac Lord, at sundry times, and in divers man knowledge of Himself and His will (Chris tually and as a matter of fact it is to ners, to reveal Himself, and to declare His tianity), "those former ways of GOD'S re the Bible that we are indebted for such will unto His Church; and afterwards, for vealing His will unto His people being saving knowledge as we possess. Here the better preservation and propagating of the truth, and for the more sure establish now ceased," but we should ever distin we avail ourselves of the eloquent but un ment and comfor:t of the Church against the guish between the conveyance and the exaggerated words of Warfield: corruption of the flesh, and the malice of thing conveyed. The famous declaration ''We may say that without a Bible we Satan and the world, to commit the same of CHILLINGWORTH that "the Bible and might have had Christ and all He stands for wholly unto writing; which maketh the Holy the Bible only is the religion of Protes to our souls .. Let us not say that this might . Scriptures to be' most necessary; those for tants" is true only in as far as it be taken not have been possible. But neither let us mer ways of God's revealing His will unto forget that, in point of fact, it is to the Bible His people being now ceased." to mean that the Bible is the sole au that we owe it that we know Christ and thoritative source of a saving knowledge are found in Him. And may it not be fairly According to the statement cited, it is of GOD and His will. doubted whether you and I-however true a mistake to say that Christianity is de It is one thiilg, however, to say that we it may have been with others-would have pendent upon the Bible for its very ex had Christ had there been no Bible? We istence. Christianity existed before the must not at any rate forget those nineteen Bible-obviously before that portion of Christian centuries that stretch between us IN THIS ISSUE: and Christ, whose Christian Light we would the Bible we call the New Testament do much to blot out and sink in a dreadful and conceivably God might have found a Editorial Notes and Comments...... .. 3 darkness if we could blot out the Bible. way of preserving and propagating it Even with the Bible, and all that had come The Ministry of Reconciliation. 5 from the Bible to form Christian lives and without having caused the Bible to be F. R. Elder written. It is a relative not an absolute inform a Christian literature, after a News Notes from Westminster millennium and a half the darkness had necessity that the Confession of Faith as Theological Seminary. • . 8 grown so deep that a Reformation was neces serts concerning the Bible. What is F. H. Stevenson sary if Christian truth was to persist,-a absolutely necessary to the existence of Luther was necessary, raised up by God to 'Notes on Biblical Exposition ......... 12 Christianity in the thoughts and lives of rediscover the Bible and give it back to man. J. G. Machen Suppose there had been no Bible for Luther men is "that knowledge of GOD and His Books of Religious Significance ....... 15 to rediscover and on the lines of which to will which is necessary unto salvation," refound the church-and no Bible in the ~ ) however acquired. GOD, however, was not Letters to the Editor ............... " 16 hearts of God's saints and in the pages 'of content to make known that knowledge of News of the Church. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 19 Christian literature, persisting through 2 CHRISTIANITY TODAY October~ 1931 those dark ages ttl prepare a Luther to re Bible and yet believe that the message has GOD' arid as such an infallible -{ule of diseover it? Though· Christ had come into come to -us merely on the authority of trust faith and_praqtic~, ,Itrp.ay be auaec1 that, the. world and had lived and died for us, wortlr.f witness.es unaided in their literary' m;ight it not be to us ... as though He work by any supernatural guidance of the . only as the Bible is recognized as such a had not been? Or, if some faint echo Spirit of God. There are many who believe book does it speak directly to our souls of a Son of God offering salvation to men . that the Bible is right at the central point, as GOD'S. Wora.. This is the only view of could still be faintly heard even by such in its account of the redeeming work of the Bible whereby ~t brings the soul into Christ, and yet believe that it contains many dull ears as ours, sounding down the ages, immediate relation to GOD in 'the matter who would have ears to catch the fulness of errors. Such men are not really liberals, the message of free grace which He brought but Christians; because they have accepted of truth. According to other views its into the world? Who could assure our as true the message upon which Christianity human authors stand as' m~re or l~ss de doubting souls that it was not all a pleasant depends. A great gulf separates .them from pendable intermedial'ies between us anCl. dream? Who could cleanse the message those who reject the supernatural act of GOD. The importance of this to'· Chris God with which Christianity stands or falls" from the ever-gathering corruptions of the tian thought and life, especially to Chris multiplying years? - No: whatever might (Christianity and Liberalism, p. 75). possibly have been had there been no Bible, tian assurance and Christian fr~ed~m, it is actually to the Bible that You and I In admitting that we could have Chris cannot be developed in this connection. owe it that we have a Christ-:-a Christ to tianity even if the Bible was. only par love, to trust and to follow, a Christ with tially trustworthy in its statements weare .. Certainly ac,cording to the Westminster out us the ground of our salvation, a Christ not, after the manner of some, preparing Confession of Faith the Bible is com within us the hope of glory" (Revelation the way for maintaining that that is the pletely trustworthy and divinely authori and Inspiration, p. 72). only kind of Bible we have. As a matter tative throughout. In the paragraph If it be conceivable that we could have of fact we hold-on valid grounds-that cited above, it is GOD Himself who is said Christianity even if we had no Bible, it the Bible is (not merely contains) the to have committed that "knowledge or goes without saying that the possession of Word of GOD and as such is completely GOD and His will which is necessary unto an errorless Bible is not essential to the trustworthy whether as regards its fac salvation" unto writing. Since it was existence of Christianity. It is conceiv tual, doctrinal or ethical representations. GOD and not merely man who is repre able that GOD should have made such a Moreover, we hold that Christianity, sented as doing this it follows as a matter revelation of Himself and His will as is though not dependent upon such a view of course that the Bible is thought of as "necessary unto salvation" but have left of the Bible for its being, is dependent free of error. That such was the judg the matter of its record, and so of its upon it for its well-being.