The Bluebell Girls 70th Anniversary

Autumn-Winter 2018

Nathalie Bellon-Szabo « The Bluebell Girl is — President of the Lido de the perfect incarnation of the Parisian woman » In 1948, the stage début of the beautiful Bluebell Girls at the Lido de Paris began with a show entitled Confetti. This statuesque dancers with endless legs went on to rewrite the history of cabaret. The dance company originated in Great Britain – and today encompasses no fewer than 12 nationalities – but as Sacha Guitry confidently stated, “Being a Parisian is not about being born in Paris, it is about being reborn there!”

Over 70 years, the Bluebell Girls have become the heart and soul of the Lido and an icon of a beautiful city. Just like Edith Piaf, Josephine Baker or Dalida who performed alongside them, a Bluebell Girl is the ultimate Parisian woman. What is her secret? Natural beauty with a slim figure and confident bearing, Bluebell Girls have strong characters. They have an inimitably chic and glamorous style, the epitome of French elegance. So I am incredibly proud to be celebrating this 70th anniversary with you. Because the Bluebell Girl is a timeless figure who, show afer show, has been able to reinvent herself. She hasn’t just followed trends, she has set the pace, brought a modern outlook. Paris Merveilles, our latest show thought up by the creative genius Franco , has given our Bluebell Girls new boldness. It’s an intermingling of the joyful luxury of feathers and rhinestones with a sparkling new spirit, cheeky and revolutionary. Margaret Kelly

The legendary Miss Bluebell

The origin of the Bluebell Girls can be traced a spectacular sensation at the Folies Bergeres back to the boldness of an exceptional cabaret. In 1939, Margaret married the cabaret’s woman: Margaret Kelly. Nicknamed Miss pianist Marcel Leibovici, a Romanian Jew who Bluebell for her hyacinth-coloured eyes, she she had to hide during the war, and their story was abandoned at birth in Dublin in 1910 and went on to inspire the film The Last Metro raised in Liverpool by a devout woman. A sickly by François Truffaut. Afer the Liberation, Miss child, she took up dancing to strengthen her Bluebell arrived with her Girls in a swirl of legs. She found her talent and soon began feathers at the Lido, where she ruled supreme performing in Scotland, Berlin and Paris. And for almost 40 years. When she passed away it was here in Paris that she created her own in 2004, Margaret lef behind more than troupe of elite dancers at just 22 years old. 10,000 Bluebell Girls who had remained Perfect figures, strict ballet training, and above faithful to her vision from generation to all genuine characters, the Bluebell Girls made generation. Afer naming Annie Cordy The Bluebell Girls share the the lead of the show spotlight with international ’s Enchantement, the Lido hires ’s stars such as Shirley MacLaine the Kessler sisters for the and Tom Jones, Sammy Davis A modern 50 Voilà! show. The two Bluebell 80 Jr, Liza Minnelli and Charles Girls are a huge hit with the Aznavour. They win the audience, while Elvis Presley, hearts of a new generation Frank Sinatra or Burt Lancaster by becoming regulars on perform on stage during their television variety shows. woman since visits to Paris. 70 years French and international stars Launch of the 27th show, Paris flock to the Lido: Cary Grant, Merveilles, created and direc- ’s Elizabeth Taylor, Brigitte Bardot, ted by , who Sophia Loren, Salvador Dalí, overhauls the genre and gives 60 Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ursula 2015 the Bluebell Girls a thoroughly Andress, Romy Schneider and modern edge. Alain Delon, Maria Callas and Onassis, Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan, etc.

1948 The Lido leaves its location at 70th anniversary of the Blue- 78, Champs Elysees, to settle bell Girls at the Lido de Paris, The Bluebell Girls make their higher up the avenue, at 116 bis: unparalleled longevity in music début at the Lido. These a panoramic theatre with more hall history. slim and sensual dancers, 1977 than a thousand seats and accompanied by the Kelly machinery that is still unique 2018 Boys, quickly become the stars in (a skating rink, Art of the show entitled Confetti. Nouveau staircase, swimming Their contracts are renewed pool, and a central floor area for the Bravo show. that sinks to reveal the stage). Hervé Duperret Paris Merveilles recreates — General Manager of the Bluebell Girls the Lido de Paris

Created by the talented and famous director “This 27th show is steeped in cabaret tradition, yet brings a modern and new daring edge. We Franco Dragone, Paris Merveilles has cleverly spent four months redesigning the theatre to retained the keys of cabaret, the feathers give the Bluebell Girls a showcase that could echo the Parisian glamor and chic they embody. and the glitter, while managing to bring a The cutting-edge visual effects we have used fresh new angle to the genre. On a stage reflect the space almost to infinity.” extended using visual effects, the Bluebell Girls alternate between breath-taking tableaux and more sensual scenes, oscillating between extravagance and pure poetry. Still as elegant and voluptuous, the Bluebell Girls reveal an unseen side to their character in this bold show: sometimes deceptively innocent, sometimes mischievous, they are ambiguous, cheeky, sassy and dominant. A light-handed revolutionary, just like the modern woman herself.

HALF A MILLION SPECTATORS1 At the Lido each year. 27SHOWS Since the Lido . foundation in 1946

ET ARTISTS60 DRESSERS22 & SEAMSTRESSES11 On stage every night

À MILLIONS2 CHANGES12 OF COSTUMES15 Swarovski rhinestones are set one by one For each Bluebell Girl during the show onto the taffeta costumes in the Bluebell scene

KG100 OF PINK-COLOURED 600 COSTUMES OSTRICH FEATHERS 200 headdresses Pink-coloured ostrich feathers hand-stitched under the 27 skirts worn by the cancan dancers How did you become head It was a childhood dream come true. Growing up in Sheffield in the UK, I learnt about Margaret Kelly’s life of the Bluebell Girls? through a BBC series and my parents brought me a Paris Lido brochure from Paris. At 16 – I was already tall but still questions for too young – I tried out at an audition. I began dancing on a cruise liner and met a former Bluebell Girl, then tried out again when I turned 22 years old. Miss Bluebell was still at the Lido and I had the privilege 4 of meeting her! She was elegance itself, a wonderful blend of charm and authority. A year afer I joined the Lido in the Bravissimo show I was named Bluebell captain, then assistant and finally Ballet Mistress. It’s an enormous honour for me to be part of this Parisian and French institution. It still gives me chills Jane Sansby, Ballet when I think about it.

Mistress What does your current I get to supervise the Bluebell Girls and Lido Boys, I oversee auditions and provide support for new recruits. I also manage role as Ballet Mistress the rehearsal schedule, ensuring that each evening’s performance is perfect. I provide artistic direction for the Paris entail? Merveilles show, as well as all external performances. In the past we have performed shows abroad, in India, and Poland. The Bluebell Girls begin turning heads as soon as they touch down at the airport.

How would you define a "Being a Bluebell carries prestige, it’s about the right attitude and exemplary complicity. New recruits quickly Bluebell Girl? learn the ropes and we help our most experienced dancers prepare for the next stage in their careers. We also share some great memories: a charity concert by Elton John, a performance in front of 80,000 people for the Euro 2016 at the foot of the Eiffel Tower or this reunion with hundreds of former Bluebell Girls to celebrate Margaret Kelly’s 100th birthday... Our motto: “Once a Bluebell, always a Bluebell”.

I stay true to the strict criteria laid out by Margaret Kelly: at least 1.75m How do you recruit tall, a slender figure, and graceful muscle definition. Our girls are your Bluebell Girls? the most beautiful in the world, but we certainly don’t want a line of Belle, Bluebell The Lido de Paris dancers are extraordinarily glamorous, identical robots. At the Lido de Paris, we strive for diversity in terms of and ranked strictly into categories. The Bluebell Girls do not bodies and strong characters. And it shows on the stage, each person is unique. Of course, they are all or Sublime ? go bare-chested, while the Belles dance topless. A transition excellent professionals as well. Performing twice a night and running around behind the scenes on four from one line to another is a joint decision between the dancer and the Ballet Mistress. different floors wearing nine-centimetre heels requires classical and modern jazz training to a high level, Created during Paris Merveilles, the sought-afer title of Sublime is the equivalent to a but above all daily practice. principal dancer in classical ballet. It is granted to soloists, and they too are topless. Samantha

Bluebell Girl An American in Paris

Colorado-born Samantha began telling Wow!”, she recalls. Samantha is one of the 12 everyone from the age of four that she would Bluebell Girls on stage. “You aren’t just a dancer one day become a professional dancer. “I spent in a line here, you are a Bluebell. I take great my childhood watching Judy Garland movies pride in representing this iconic, independent and doing ballet or tap dancing competitions, woman, who is greatly admired.” What does but I knew that to be in a Broadway musical I she love most about the show? “The first time should also love to sing.” She auditioned for we go out onto the stage, it’s always so exciting, a prestigious New York dance school at the age and the tango number, which is very technical. of 22, then packed up three small suitcases and Backstage, it’s sharing the experience with joined the Lido when Paris Merveilles was first everyone else, and the gifs we give to one produced. “I remember being blown away when another in our new Lido family, especially I first arrived on the Champs-Elysées… at Christmas.” Savanna

Bluebell Girl Mother to daughter

This 19 year-old Australian is continuing her Now she even takes the leading part of the family’s incredible history. Her mother Corina show as a substitute. “I feel like I’m on a was the 10,000th Bluebell Girl, and spent eight rollercoaster, but what an amazing ride! There years at the Lido. She met Savanna’s father are no words to describe how I feel when I’m there too, who used to ice-skate with his sister on stage, it’s... empowering!” says the girl with Iris. Just off the plane from Queensland, Savan- a slender and graceful figure. When she saw na also tried out for the show, petrified and sick her daughter in Paris Merveilles, Corina couldn’t with nerves, on her 18th birthday. “The company hold back the tears. “The show is even more has been so welcoming. I was still just a chic, even more elegant than it used to be, the schoolgirl really and now I’m right there on choreography now includes new rhythms that the stage, a Belle among the Sublimes, it’s just have been infused with contemporary dance. so magical.” She devoted a year to working very But I’m not just a carbon copy of my mother. hard to improve and grow, night afer night. It’s now up to me to follow my own path.” Charlène

Sublime From the Lido to Sciences Po

As the protagonist in Paris Merveilles, had the chance to be bored in the eight years Charlène plays the role of a young ingénue I have spent with the Lido. I have given all my who transforms into the star of the show as time, energy and soul to dance, it’s a constant time goes on. And the role is perfect for her. learning process.” The Bluebell Girls say that Born in a small village in Alsace, this strong- whatever you put into the Lido, the Lido will willed girl began ballet at the age of five, but give it back to you. Charlène’s drive has been her height and body shape meant that she rewarded. “This role is a real achievement, couldn’t go any further. “Everything that used it brings out my best movements, personality to be a problem became an asset at the Lido,” and strength.” A principal dancer at night, she explains. She arrived at the age of 19, and Charlène is also taking classes in a special Charlène progressed as both a dancer and program for athletes at the prestigious a woman. “With two shows a night, events, Sciences Po Paris during the day. shoots, and performances abroad, I have never Julie

Captain of the Sublimes Luxury, Papuans and a born leader

Julie has been sparkling at the Lido for 9 years Lido I found respect, support, good humour from her 1.9m high. “I started dancing when and good friendships.” As captain of the I was 3 years old. I won a gold medal at the Sublimes, she ensures that her line, with the conservatory, and I dreamed of appearing at strong characters, is always well-organised. the Opéra”. Her tall figure eventually led her It’s great experience for the next step in her to a modelling career. As a winner of the Elite career. With support from the Lido, Julie went competition, Julie from Saint-Etienne rubbed to meet other feather-wearing performers, shoulders with the most prestigious designers and took part in a tribal competition in Papua and photographers for seven years. A friend – a crazy adventure that was recorded in a then encouraged her to audition for a Parisian documentary, for 5 (French TV channel) cabaret. She went on to perform as a soloist “Danse avec les Papous”. She also founded there for three years before joining the Lido a thriving company a year ago, staging events de Paris. “I dance because I love performing for luxury houses, while still finding time and moving, not for the competition. At the to dazzle audiences night afer night. Charlotte

Sublime The image of the Lido de Paris

As a child, this French and Brazilian girl loved promoted to Sublime for Paris Merveilles. choosing outfits from her huge costume trunk What does she love the most about the show? and going to school dressed up. “Its contemporary mood. Women are not She trained at the Ecole Supérieure de objects, they are strong, they lead the dance. Danse in Cannes, and dreamed of joining a The oscillation between emotional and more neoclassical company, but found that at 1.82m daring scenes. And the beautiful songs carried she was too tall. “I was going to give it all up by Manon’s voice.” Charlotte is also proud to until I had the opportunity to audition embody the latest Lido’s campaign at the Lido.” First Bluebell then Belle, she was “Paris vibre ici”. The accomplice Fabienne Metay Costume maker The good fairy with the needle

In the midst of her workshop overflowing with peacock, an outfit to fit a new Bluebell Girl. “These perfect, elegant, pheasant, rhea, ostrich or cock feathers, and tiny drawers smiling dancers always leave me speechless.” In the Panache containing thousands of Swarovski rhinestones, Fabienne, show, Fabienne remembers a cape weighing 26 kilos that she who has been with the Lido for 30 years, “is always amazed”. had to repair while kneeling on the stage... For Paris Mer- Heading up a team of six, the seamstress looks afer the 600 veilles, the stylist Nicolas Vaudelet (who dressed Madonna costumes that are put through their paces during each show. for Jean-Paul Gaultier) enhanced the purity of the costumes She defly handles her needle or a soldering iron to repair a and made them lighter. “But a big blue dress can still conceal headdress, replaces a feather here and there, then adjusts plenty of surprises” she smiles.

About the Lido de Paris

From its beginning in 1946, the Lido de Paris has been the mythic cabaret Press Contacts on the Champs-Elysées where the biggest stars have performed, including Woki Toki : Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Josephine Baker, Dalida, Elvis Presley, Frank +33 1 53 34 64 33 Sinatra, Charles Aznavour, and Elton John. A beautiful venue with 1,132 seats, exceptional stage machinery, and a stage with the latest technology, Mila Averlant it welcomes 60 performers everynight, 365 days a year, thrilling half a million [email protected] visitors annually. The Lido’s 27th show, Paris Merveilles, was developed in 2015 by Franco Dragone, the director of stunning international shows including Virginie de Courlon spectacles by . Each night, visitors from around the world [email protected] discover a show that brings the magic of the City of Light to life through a sophisticated mix of glamour, elegance, and modernity. In 2018, the Lido de Paris is proud to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Bluebell Girls, the dance troupe that has been an indistinguishable part of its history and has established a distinctive style for free and totally modern women.