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Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 01, 1883

Loring Augustus Chase

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Recommended Citation Chase, Loring Augustus, "Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 01, 1883" (1883). Text Materials of Central Florida. 922. FLOR FM CHAPMAfJ (V CliASE.PROPS.

WINTER PARK ,,.-18 82T BEAUTIFUL and as HEALTHY A SPOT AS CAN BE FOl'NI) IN ALL FLORIDA. LOOK ALL OVBB Tin: URE AND sia: WINTER PARK BEFORE LOCATING. iap, 1 mile = 2J Ins. Gp* We have just received from Messrs. Chapman & Chase, Winter Park, Florida, their new map of that beautiful town. On the inside pages is a general descrtatida of the coun­ try in and about thAtown, speaking of its beautiful location, its lakes, rivalling those of Wisconsin and •.WINTER PARK SOCIAL CLUB,- • Minnesota; the ft mile rajtobad built in 1880 hy R. M. Pulsifer & Co. ( of i^e^'Boston Herald, its public REQUESTS HIE PLEASURE OF YOURSELF AND LADIES AT A builoin'gs, society, npolilics, climate, IOP v/r-p^ GIVEN AT THE WINTER PARK HALL, ON chances for making money, pleasure features, etc. The temperature at Orlando fou^ "miles from Winter I Park in June,\july and August, 1881 ADMISSION. S...H5rWj^' averaged 75 degrees at sunrise, 88 at noon and 79 at , in January . MRS. V. W. LYMAN. February and December of the same I'KKSII.KM, LORIXG A. (HASH. VICK PH uKAsriu

f- «"- $% INTER PARK l« « new town in Orange County, Fla., on tho South Florid* Railroad, CLIMATE delightful all the yeai . fogs and storms are rare; atmosphere dry as Minne eighteen miles south of Kwiford, two miles south of Maitland, four miles north of •Ota; winters resemble Northern Indian summers; but little nun; no injurious frosts; vegetable! lido, fifty milis uboilt duo west of Capi: Canaveral, eighty miles cast of Gulf of and oranges fresh everyday; forest trees clothed ill living green, and (lowers iu full bloom 'Mexico, and a hundred and twenty miles south of Jacksonville. summers not as hot as Is generally Supposed, OWlng tO the cool sea-breezes constantly blowinj THE MAIN IDEA of Winter Park is a beautiful winter resort for people who wish to from ocean to gulf; delightful showers nearly every day. escape from tho cold and blustering weather so fruitful of colds, roughs, diphtheria, cousuinp TEMPERATURE at Orlando (four miles south) in ,1 line, .1 uly, and August, 1881, aver llpn, etc., a oolloctlon of beautiful villas iu the midst of orange groves upon acre-lots running to aged at sunrise 7.".a. at noon 88", at sunset 7'.i°; iii January, February,and December, 1881, at sun I crystal lakes; a dozen or more of large fir8t-claS8 hotels scattered along the two miles of lake-frontage, — a resort thai shall be for the winter what Saratoga, Long Branch, etc., HEALTHY, Winter Park la beyond any question; no malaria; constant sea-breezes; m are for the summer swamps; purest of spring-water; deep clear water lakes; ninety-two feet above the tit. John'i THE LOCATION of Winter Park is perfect for such a scheme: its six hundred acres River; near the crest of a water-shed from which streams How in all directions, Insuring perfect of liigh, rolling pine.laml are bounded on the north by Lake1 Maitland (seven hundred acres), drainage, for medical testimony as to the healthfufness of this region, ask J, R, Tantum, M.D. BOla (three hundred acres), and south by Virginia (four hundred), giving over two of Wilmington, Del.: llcmy Poster, M.D., proprietor of the great sanitarium of Clifton Springs miles of as beautiful lake-frontage as can be found in the world (see map on first page). The N.V. O.C. Haskell, M.D.,of Maitland, Fla., says, "I had pulmonary hemorrhages, and bafl tall pines and green grass growing upon the land down to tbe bikes give the appearance of a been completely cured; and nothing bul the climate of Florida did it-" Scores of people art vast grove, through which teams can be driven at Will. here who will testify that they have been cured of eithei asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, rtuuma. THE LAKES no pen can do justice to, — crystal gems in emerald Bettings; rivals in beauty tism, neuralgia, hay-fever, etc. Children are remarkably healthy : diphtheria, croup, scarlet of those of Wisconsin and Minnesota; waters clear as crystal, and pure and soft as rainwater; fever, typhoid fever, etc., so disastrous at the North, are unknown. Fellow fever was never no green seiini Is ever seen upon them, over sixty feet deep; connected by running streams known in this region. The effect of the climate upon consumptives is wonderful. Surgeon- frith the St. John's River; full of large and delicious fish, shores solid and delightfully Irregu Gen. Starr in •'The London Times," says, " After a thorough study id'climate in various parte magnificent views, and rising gradually to a height of fifty feet above the water; of the world, I am prepared to stake my reputation upon the statement, that in the interior of admirably adapted for rowing and sailing, a company has been chartered to put upon them a Florida, upon the high pine-lands, is found as healthy a climate as on any part of the globe," line of steam yachl>; i iiai igeL'i-\.s lie re and there along the banks. Rev. D. O. Davis in "St. Louts Presbyterian," says, •• If Kloi ida is the sanitarium of the THE RAILROAD built in 1880 by^fQsif6r.& Co., of " The Boston Herald," has four continent, us statistics show it is, the central part of Orange ('on my is I be centre and perfection daily trams through the centre of Winter Park,— its destination Tampa Bay. Sanford, its of all healing Influences. Its atmosphere is perfect, and its waters pure." northern terminus, is a pretty and thriving city. The "Sanford House" Is "a line large hotel, MONEY" MAKING chances in oranges, lemons, iimes. pine-, guavas. vegetables, and a popular resort for tourists. The " Everglades," " Nolan," " City," and Birrine's boarding bees, starch, poultry, saw-mills, nurseries, hotels, boarding bouses, loans at ten per cent, etc, house, are popular resorts. ORANGE CULTURE pay" "> i'"' vicinity of Winter l'ark. No better place can • found in the State for the business, —absolutely no danger from frost : scores of flourishing STATIONS ON THE five and ten acre groves in the vicinity show whaf can be done. Winter-Park lots will contain SOI rii FLORIDA U.K. about ii hundred trees each. J. II. Bear, proprietor of Winter-Park Nursery, will contract to take an acre of raw land, clear, fence, plough, and plant it with a hundred four-}car-old Sanford 14 ft. A growing city; several large hotels. choicest budded trees,and thoroughly fertilize and care for them for seven years for six hundred Uelair 3 4;i lien. Sanfoiii's 150-acre orange-grove. dollars, lie estimates, that, during the seven years, the income from the trees will be at least Longwood 11) 74 Hotel, stores, church, etc. eighteen hundred dollars, or three limes their cost; and the trees (then eleven years Old) are Mavo 14 80 Ice-factory, sawmill, store, etc. but just beginning to bear. The tree lives for over a century, and the increase in yield Is steady Maitland .... Lfl sT Telegraph offi»«, chinch, stores, etc. for many years. A 1 rce I wciity-t hive years old, just three miles west of Wintei'Park depot, had Park Station . . . 151 84 Hotel and two churches. upon it, in 1881 Over four thousand oranges, which sold for over eighty dollars, (food orange- UigclOW Station tit B3 Bigelow House im Lake Maitland. land outside of town-lots can be bought for ten dollars per acre and upwards, according to loo*. irk . . 17J BS Rogers House on Lake Osceola. lion. Winter Park town-lots for thirty-five dollars per acre and upwards. Many non-residents •M S4 Starch-factory and saw-mill. have groves which they see but once a year. fill) < 'ouiity seat '. i grow ing city ; several hotels. Orlando ... 22 PLEASURE can In- had at Winter Park in boating, fishing, hunting, driving, and a lining KJssJmmee 40 03 Present terminus on Lake Tohopckaliga. the orange-groves and flowers. Many Northerners now lake their yearly vacations iu the w CHURCHES.—The Methodists, Episcopalians, and Catholics have buildings at Mait­ Another railn building froi •esburg will Booh givi all-rail connection betwet land, two miles north; the Congregationalisls and Methodists have secured lots at Winter Park, W and are talking of building soon : services every Sunday in town-hall. \, THE TOWN PLAN inter Park embraces a ten-acre park in the centre, through ORANGE COUNTY embraces twenty-three hundred square miles; lands are mostly Which lengthwise runs the railroad, with the business-lots on both sides, fronting high and rolling; soil excellent for fruit and vegetables; taxes, ijtlll.aO per thousand dollars for the Park and railroad. The houhncrd running from Lake Osceola Westward for a mile to Lake county, State, and school. Census of isso showed 5,494 whiles and lilltl blacks, an increase of Killarncy cuts this park into two equal divisions, and at the junction with the track is a stylish 251 percent from INTO. Population increasing rapidly. MII the lakes. Residence and grove lots of from one-half acre to DRAWBACKS 'n tbe shape of fleas, mosquitoes, snakes, and bugs average about : s at the tlirei a< ill over the tract, upon broad avenues running to the lakes. North. The writer of this, during two years of life in the vicinity of Winter Park, has n^.^. j_ BUILDINGS, hotel, hoarding-house, three stores, town-hall, post-ollice, wagon-factory. carpenter's shop, blacksmith's simp, saw-mill, depot, and several residences. A church and GETTING TO WINTER PARK.— Tickets to Sanford (head of navigation on St. school house will soon be built. Telegraph-office will soon be open in depot. John's River, seventeen miles from Winter Park) and return, good for several months, can be HOTELS In the region are crowded every winter. The Rogers House on Lake Osceola, bought in Boston (by steamer) at 201 Washington Street; or by rail, at 205, 208, 214, 228, 232,322, three minutes from depot, and the Bigelow, a mile north, charge from ten to twenty dollars per Washington Street. In New York, °y steamer, at 317 Broadway; or by rail, at 849 Broadway. ' week. Hoard in private families, live to ten dollars per week. Rooms for housekeeping can be In Chicago, at 1-1 or 1'_"-' Randolph Street. .Sleepers run through to Jacksonville, where rented. Pine openings for lirst-ciass boarding-houses. Winter Park, with its beautiful and (inquire at Ash mead's book-store for our office) the Do Barry line of Steamers will take yoi extensive lake-frontage, its accessibility, aud its high and healthy location, is THE place for a the St. John's in twenty four hours to Sanford. where (inquire for our otllee at the holds) tr grand hotel centre; aud hotel men should not fail to investigate. We oiler inducements. leave morning and evening for Winter Park, where you will find quarters at Kegel's House. SOCIETY i« first-class. A social gathering in Winter-Park Town-Hall will bring together REFERENCES' Sidney Dillon, Esq., President Union Pacific Railroad, 196 BroadwaJ as refined and cultivated a company a- can be found anywhere, representing nearly every State. N.V.; K. O. Webster, Kscp, at Kid.ler,, & Co.'s banking-house, Boston; or It. M. Men like lion. Lewis Lawrence of Utica, N\Y., Hon. John P. Morton of Louisville", Ky., Bishop Pulsifer of " The Boston Herald;" Charles Comstoek. Esq., President Traders' Insurance Com­ I Whipple of Minnesota, Hon. J. M. Wilcox of Philadelphia, Dr. Tantura of Delaware, Charles pany. UO La Salle Street, Chicago; Abram French ,V Co., Boston. Comstoek of Chicago, Gen. Rrench of Georgia, Gen. Palmer of South Carolina, Gov. Sinclair of PAMPHLETS containing full information concerning Winter Park, elimale, orange cul­ Xew Hampshire, Wilson Phelps of Ohio, J. C. Stovin of England, Lieut. Dyer of U. S. Navy, ture, etc., sent free upon application. A large offlclnl map of Orange County will be sent for It. M. Pulsiter of Boston, F. W. Lyman of Minneapolis, Ira Goer, M.D., of Illinois, and others, fifty cents, and eight fine stereoscopic views of Winter Park for one dollar. have places in or quite near Winter Park. Address CHAPMAN & CHASE, POLITICS. — Parties are about evenly divided, and every man is as free to talk and vote as he pleases as he would be in Massachusetts or Illinois. WINTER PARK, Orange County, Fla.


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Chris WINTER PARS NOTES. j Was o: Sunday School on Doc. '24th numbered 29 and a constitution adopted and nana fixed |8 ••Winter Park Union Sfcjday School." Pec. :$lst 4'2 present and six I classes organized] School Voted to buy!

an organ and $80 was immediately sub­ i scribed. A telegraph offl&e was opened in the

• depot on .Tan. 1st aud Mr. J. H. Willies J. K. TANTUM, a prominent physician . e ontej of Illinois took bJ» place as operator and of Wilmington,^Delaware, ealled upon us for the child depot master. a dtiy <% two Hij4 TkeWOctor has made A sociable will be held In the Town an investment at. W niter Park, and is Hall Saturday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock greatly pleased with the outlook of bis to which everybody is invited. prospective home. ^epevTey /- Z$(?pcYi*r / - tl ~ £3 WINTER PARK NOTES. X WINTER PARK NOTES. WINTER PARK NOTES. / THE FIRST MESSAGE.--"Winter Park Christmas evening the Town Hall was Wm. Saunders of the Department of occupied !>y a large company of men. Fla., Jan. 1st, 1883.—To my friend Ches­ ter A. Arthur, President of the United Agriculture in Washington, speul lasi hildren living in the vicinity. States, Washington, D. C. Happy New Sunday at the Rogers House, lie is on a celebrate the day and have Year by first message from office opened trip through South Florida investigating sugar cane culture for the U. S. Govern- 300 and 400 persons here to-day. No North no South. Lewis lent. I'lii'Town Hall wasbeau- Lawrence of Utica N. Y., from his win­ ter home." The public >Hi, 22 pupils iiitl.iih ed with festoons of moss Mrs. V. M. Joties,*l Cumberland, Md., attenuance. I the palmetto and mag- with two children is visiting her sister The Union Sunday School is flourish­ ing. The $151) organ was liVd fy/tho lanterns suspended from Mrs. J. C. Stovin. first time on the £isH nit., ai/Vave per­ ling with' their many colors added Nelson Beall, E*q., a prominent and citizen of Frost burgh Md., with fect satisfaction. Mr. Cru-> oi the Bige­ much beauty to the decorations. At tin his family has ..Hum possession of his low House isorgn cnrlv hour the children with their parents new house at the "Ih end of the town. Hon.. Lewis Law/cnce addressed the Si-nilaytbchool ou lfu-.-2.sil, nil. and start­ began to gather, ami till eyes anxiously J. C. Stovin, E'r Is building a large ed afhifliorj^ibrary bv giving $10.00. awaited the drawing aside the curtain. new house at the ,artb end in the center of his large and beautiful grove. Mr. S. SchoT.l illetrfVurv Sunday at 3 p. in. After tin address of welcome by Mr. has been quite unwell for the past week The hMajfen by the Social Club on L. A. Chise and while waiting the or two. the 23rd un. was a grand sitceess in spiti of the coitl evening. A gentleman from large at^licnce Was entertained by Lieut. Dyer of U. S. N., who bought the \cw York Oil.v boarding al the Kogers the singing of appropriaii wings nd Mathew grove at the north end is hard at n work beautifying his place, The Anchor­ House nit's thai he never saw a liner sel by a speech from IIou, Lewis Law­ age, which is one of the prettiest in j of young people together, and we wish rence of Winter Park, win. Is a devoted Orange county. The Lieut, and his ac- | that Northerners Wlio Mill think llial Florid:! is nothing but a land of swamps lover of children and an enthusiast upon complished wife are valuable additions to i aud alligators "'H that orange county is of -Florida. the society of Winter Park. the stilijrefiof Florida. Dr. J. R. Tantutn, wife and daughter in the back v^B ds, could have seen the, The curtail was drawn and a beautiful Miss Ida, also two small children are dom­ elegantly dressed ladies upon this occas­ ion. scene was pfVsented, andI one that brought iciled at the Rogers House. The Doctor will build soonvpon his lot on Lake Os­ Rev. Mr. Mahan preached in the Town exclamations of delight and enthusiastic ceola selected last\vinter: He conies from Hall ou the 21st nil. and again on the.3rd cheer.- to the lips of all. l;i the center of Wilmington Del., where as a homojuaXhtic inst. the stage stood a large tree brilliantly physician he has acquired a fortuueHwd The Sunday School on the 28th ult. ap­ pointed a committee representing six lie- lighted with wax tapers and loaded wit It lost hiAhealfh. 1$ an enthusiastic believer in the hflulthrnlncss of Vintej; Ifcirk. ^* ornaments ami presents for over 7o chil­ SaturdaV evening January 6t|i, forty- f. preaching. Name.-, of committee; Miss dren. On one side was a large fireplace iVMary Brown, Episcopalian; IVa. Larra- one citizeiik met in the Town thill and 00 for the convenience of Santa Clans. Af­ organized k"*he Winter Park Social Club" * Oongregationalisl ; O. E. Chapman, Cc Unitarian; R. li. I'hayer, Methodisl ; E. ter giving the delighted audience a few . with LoringA. Chase as-. President, Mrs. 4.1 J. Coan. Baptist ; Mrs. o. E. < hapmau. minutes to lake In the scene Rev. Mr F. W. Lyman as Vice-President, Mr. Ed. Richmond as Secretary^and Miss Mamie Presbyterian ; and Judge Mi/dl, neutral. Ward stepped to the front and filter a few ,if] Spring as Treawirer/ Adjourned to meet The Rogers House was full to over­ remarks upon the subject of Christmas ** Saturday January 13th at 8 P. M. flowing OU the 20th ult. and several had to sleep on cois. it is being splendidly and the mission of Ihe jolly old fellow p W. P. Long Eta., of the firm of John patronized for a new house, known a- Santa Clans, introduced little (d B. Cuttle & Co., silk dealers, New York - iJ C ity, is boarding with his wife and mother Orange County REPOHTEUS are on .Mamie Conn. Who recited a pretty greet; "^ at the Rogers House. sale ai post-ollice each week. ing to the old chap. As she was closi ng Chas. Spring, Esq., late of Hyde Park, The Social Club tnci in the Town Hall four lirtle boys and girls in long night Mass., has purchased a lot on Lake Vir­ Saturday evening, the 2d hist., about W being present. The exercises consisted dresses and night caps appeared upon the ginia at the south end and will build at once. Mr. aud Mrs. Spring with their of recitations bv Mrs. Ergood, Mr. White staoe and looking wistfully up the chim­ daughter Miss Mamie are delightful peo­ and Mr. Clvase: vocaT solos by MTT. ney said,'"I wonder when Santa Glaus ple and Winter Park is fortunate in se­ Spring; violin solos bv Mr. King; organ will come.*' and while they were crowded curing them for residents. solos'by Mr. Cross and dancing, 'f be Constitution wa> sj »i- 'i and several new about the fireplace the stamping of feet Wm. S. Lane, the contractor, is the busiest man In town with several houses members proposed. Voted to have a and jingling of bells was beard, an! soon on his hands. He is working twelve special meeting on Saturday evening'. old Santa came tumbling down the chim­ hands on Mr. Chapman's honse and has Feb. 10th, to which everybody is invited. ney and in his funny snowy costume promised Mrs. Clark her's on the 25th. Arrangements have been made with the Express Co. in Sanford to forward wenl dam-lug about the stage, examining The Union Sunday School numbered G4 ou the 7th. At its clost Rev. Mr. Mahan, promptly bv rail all packages addressed the presents upon the tree lo see if the lit­ a Baptist clergymsi" -* linois, delivered to Winter I'ark except C. O. D.'s and tle folks had been all remembered. The an eloquent serm >n Sunday, the iiouoy packages, which will only be. de­ Children were wild with delight and as 14th, Col. Allen, a Methodist preacher, livered to tin upon his writ- Mr. Santa handed over his gifts the ex­ will speak in the Hall at 4 p. m. at the citement increased. After the distribu­ close of the Sunday School. Hearer U-oti the floor. The game has purchased land at the north end and and the lively scramble for the candy on WINTER PARK NOTES. j will improve. the floor was the source of much fun...... I. Lewis Lawrence received from President Arthur an appropriate response I W. P. Long, Esq., of the silk linn of After the children's game- were over in reply to his New Year's greeting re­ John D. Cutter & Oo, New York City. a merry dance was enjov d by the older ported last week. j has bought a hike front on Osceola, neat Public school opened iu Town Hall Mr, Chapman'8 house. Jan. 10th with 10 pupils. Ou Monday, The first Christmas at \\ inter i'ark was the 10th, 19 were prcs"ut. Mr. 0. E. Chapman moved on Monday a grand success, and will be long remeni- Rev. Dr. Street, of the Chicago Epis­ from the Rogers House into bis new ; bcrcil by the little folks, for whose spec- copal Cathedral, was at the Rogers House house. a few days hist week. | | itil benefit it was arranged. Robert White Esq.. of Washington, 1). Mr. Hill is pushing forward his band- /?#^#V/fcy I-If-?3 some three story building opposite the C, has bought a bike front on Virginia depot, and will soon have its two stores next to Mr. Spring's and will build al and 15 rooms ready for occupancy. once. WINTER PARK NOTES. The Rogers House has 19 guests with Win. 0. Chapman and wife, dames The Kogers I louse has'J'.) guests. room for a few more. Edwin Chapman and Monroe Eudicott The public school is flourishing under Mr. E. N. Coan with wife and three children, arrived from Massachusetts on arrived on Tuesday from Massachusetts, the efficient management of Miss Rich­ the 10th, to become permanent residents. and arc Stopping with their brother, Mr. ardson. Mr. L. A. Chase has received Sunday school numbered 47 on the 14th O. E. Chapman. his appointment for 4 years as Trustee ami after the session Col. Allen delivered a sermon. Miss Minnie Spring of this place was for school No. BO located bote. Rev. Mr. Mahan will preach in the awarded the first premium at the Stab- Mr. <>. E. < :hapniau has been elected Town Hall at 4 p. m. Sunday the 21st, Fair on her beautiful crazy table cover. chairman of the committee on preaching, after Sunday school. It, is a wonderful production and ladies iim| ai] j,,,plication* to preach should be The Social (Tub met Saturday evening, % £3 the 13th. in the Town Hall, with 30 mem­ interested in such things will do well to '• addressed to him. bers present, and after adopting a Con­ look at il in our county fail this week. Rev. Mr. rresby-of Sanford preached stitution enjoyed a reading by Mrs. Thay­ On Saturday evening, March 3d, oc­ «1 . o*ij lba In the Town Hall on the tltVinsfc iU• tl,(' er. Regular meetings hereafter on the « 3 > first Saturday evening of each month. curs tho next regular meeting of the So­ JS 2 ^ • riosc of Sunday School. A livery was started near the Rogers cial Club in the Town Hall, when seven *• v i Rev. Mr. , \ Presbyterian, will House ou Monday, the 15th, by Mr. Ken. young ladies will present the farce enti­ * 'M ': o preach, iu the Town. Hall at 4 p.jn. on Self. tled kTh« Grecian Bend." Admission v £o ^ Tbe citizens arc calling for a drug I lie ISlh'in-d. free and everybody invited to attend. store and a meat market—fine openings %a • itje * " l The next .regular meeting of the Social for both. Curtain will rise at 8 o'clock. Club will be Saturday evening, March The Social Club is pieparing for a hop Rev. Mr. Sherman, a Presbyterian cler­ V $ 2 s in the Town Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 23d. 3d. The ladles are arranging for \ gyman of New York, a guest at the Rog­ With as fine a tloor for dancing as there drama. ers House, preached to a tine audience in 1 " 5 eg .S is in the county, and as good music as O > r£ .an be had. a good time is expected. Par­ tbe Town Hall last Sunday. Rev. Mr. ; III The Town Hall is now sealed with a 3 lies receiving invitations who wish to Mahan, a Baptist, will preach in the same * t & j set of handsome chairs. stay :ill night can now secure rooms at, place at 4 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 24th. £ 3 ^ o *t the Rogers House. SB O 3 Rev. Mr. Black and wife of Montreal EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASH I NCTO N.


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J Letters and papers from my olil ffriend L. A. Chase, who is quite well known in this city, and who now lives in Florida, tell of such delightful weather in that sunny clime as almost to make me i vC* v%-*<~^ - £*- z , i* . wiBh I also were a resident of that land of flowers. He "'riles me that the thermometer, at no* ., stands at 80° in the shade, with a soft sea breeze blowing Zyy*

/ured him. He is so delighted with country that be has located there perma­ nently. He is now the proprietor of a Cz<4*yz*& CsCri *•£**• beautiful little town, Winter Park, which he is making a popular winter resort for the best families trom the North. Being originally from Boston, he has already at- 1 tracted to his new home a large number ^o^^iayy^ LyyZsf/C/ /Z*S ' ol most excellent people from the "Hub," as well as many others from different C y&P>^^2^f> parts of the country. His location is in Orange county, one of the healthiest and most beautiful situations in Florida. An excursion from Bloomington, about tho holidays, will take a large number of Mr. Chase's old friends in that city to Winter Park. Knowing, as I do, that quite f 1 number ot people here in Peoria are cpP- | templatibg going South this w*««>r, I take pleasure in recomrn^uuing them to go to Winter Park tor a short visit, at least. Chase is 6ne of the most thor­ oughly honest and 1 'able men 1 ever ' knew, and anything he says can be relied on as being exactly as he represents it. Let any one who wants to know all about that country write to him, address as above, and they will get the exact facts about Florida. Just say to him that tbe "Man About Town" introduces you to him, and my word for it, he will treat you well. L t me say, too, that what I have written ia not an "ad," but an hon­ est statement ol facts for the benefit of my many friends here in Peora, whom I can reach in this way better than in any other, who, I know, will thank me for what I have written, if they are going South, and will go and see my friend Chase, THE CANTON JOURNAL. ,ert M __^^^^—. - Chase. 83.00 per Annum In Advance. EDITOR OF TUB BOSTON COMMOHWBALTH :— WINTER PARK NOTES. Albert M. Chase, one of the early abolitionist* / Mm. Alden and daughter, ol New E. B. THORNDIKE, Publisher and Proprietor and temperance men, died at Canton, February York, daughter and granddaughter of | J. T. GEISSLER, Editor. 19. When living in Bradford, N. II., he took the late Thtirlow Weed, visited here on an early stand in favor of the abolition cause. the-AM inst. Mrs. Alden came to Orange PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY EVENING, His house in New Hampshire, notwithstanding county to look after the orange grove tbe bitter opposition in that State, was always near Sanford left he^ by\her father. February 23, 1883. open, even to the most radical of the advocates Hev.\ Mr. 'Mahan jSKiicned at 4 p. m. on of the cause. Such men as the late N. P. KogerB, the 2f>tA instV. Sunday School was omit­ Stephen S. Foster, Parker Pillsbury, the Hutch* ted andVi the evenbraftt 7:.'J0 there was - All commnflTNmmimmtinnlftjoiigs bittutemtee d for publica­ insons, and others, were always welcomed. He a SuudaylSchool coliem, which was well tion Pi tillsi papepiper mustjta>4MCcoiiipamedbmiiflTDtNK y the left the church with which he was connected in attended. The exercises consisted of author's name, otherwise they w' '1 not be used. New Hampshire because they would not have singing, lvcitatWisand Vpeeehes. an anti-slavery speaker to advocate the cause of Qif^ii|rfiiy April 1st, licv. Dr. Peeler, Deat7i\pf Albert M. Chase. ? the slave iu their pulpit. Like other good men of Orlando, will [j reach at. [p, m, Hun- at. that time who kept store, he refused to sell day School ui 3 p. in, / Tin's announcement, while not un­ intoxicating liquors as a part of his business. The next regulamfftfiffng of tho Social expected to a huge circle of relatives He became interested in the cause of temper­ Club will be heliMsaturday evening, and friends, or toj the community in ance and continued that interest to the end of April 7th, when the Rev. Mr. Ward will which Mr. Chase 1 was for so many his life. He was H strong prohibitionist and read gome humorous pieces and Uev. Mr. Republican. Soon after his removal to Canton Martin will read a poem entitled Winter years an honored titizen, brings with he became identified with tbe Universalists, and Park. it a sense of loss and sorrow to many paid liberally for the support of that faitb. By Ceii. Palmer and daughter left for New hearts. Retiring modest and unas- bis death, not only his wife, and the dear chil­ smniug in his life and habits, nothing dren placed providentip'ly under his care, have fork on the 2!)th inst. would have been further from his met with a serious loss, but all the co umunity T, E. Melver, of*the Duval House, Jack­ sonville, was hen1 on Friday, the 23rd, wish than indiscriminate eulogy, and where he lived. I feel that I have lost by his death a dear friend. Mr. Noyes says of him: looking after his grove. what more is to be said of him than "No parent could be kinder, more watchful and Franklin Fairbanks, Esq., of the far that his whole life was passed in the careful of his children than he was of those famed scale works of St.*Johnsbury, Vt„ contentions discharge of every duty, who sought his advice or direction. His pre­ with his partner, Ch£8. If. Morse, of Chi­ and that his perfect integrity was vailing characteristic was self-abnegation. He cago? were here on the 24th inst., and never tarnished by a breath of sus­ thought only of the good of others, yet he was look the drive around the Lakes. Lake Osceola is a beautiful sheet of wa- picion and that more successfully than unflinchingly firm in asserting what he was con vinced was right. So in matters of social re-' ter by daylight, but during these lovely most men, he strove to live up to the form, in civil and religious matters, be struck | moonlight evening* beautiful is a tame most exalted standard of Christian out fearlessly tor perfect purity and freedom, word fo use in couiu'Ctiou with it. excellence. His house was opened and never faltered or gave way in face of any \\. M. Piilsifer has given orders to h&ve to unnumbered private charities opposition, and by tha consistency of bis own bis lot on Lake Osceola improved at and to every pnhlin call which com­ life won the love, and gained and retained the The residence of Chas. Spring, Esq., mended itself to his sound judgment respect, of all around him. Although the senior j by many years of the men whom he met most on Lake Virginia, is up and rapidly ap­ as deserving. One of the old guard ' frequently in daily business and -friendly rela­ proaching completion. of "Garrisonian Abolitionists," he tions, his heart was youthful and tender, and The residences of Henry Huntington shared their years of political obliquy the youngest found in him ready and generous and E. J. Coan are nearly finished. and rejoiced with them in their final sympathy, which did not manifest itself alone Orange County REPORTERS for sale at triumph. Retaining his mental pow­ in words. His good deeds, bis benefactions, the post-office ; also stereoscopic views of Winter I'ark and vicinity. T^evorTeY ers almost to the last, he calmly set were continually blessing others, without dis­ play, without ostentation. Such a life could his worldly affairs in order and pa­ only have been governed by the teachings of WINTER PAKK NOTES. tiently awaited the great change Christianity, of which Mr. Chase was a diligent • pub>l'ul - x'hool has 22 pupils in at- which, for him, brought nothing of student and pro'.ssed believer, and an active doubt or , supporter. We may mourn the death and re­ larke space foout the depot has Mr. Clu ./as born in Newbury moval of so good a ma.i from our midst, yet we •nvercd with sawdust. Ke Mass., January 1807, and at an are consoled by the knowledge that the influ­ . Mr. Mahan preached iu the Town ence and result of his benignant example still Hall i tie' 11I h inst. at 4 #,^ r"Cin. , and the early age removed with his parents ... _ ,>_•...,.:.....A.. _ survive in the Uvea of those who have enjoyed . . Mr. Waldo.aPresby.ena. Qt Wftt to Hopkinton N. H. He began K( v active life at the foot of the ladder as kh.sN. V., willp.-teh on the 18th WINTER PARK NOTES. ' N\ th a boy in a country store at Bradford, Krc^>ard has settled upon the N. H., and rose rapidly to become a •/*£r. Mr. Ward held the first Episcopal ,,,';„ . hi house and the lumber b «- services in Winter Parkin the Town Hall fol partner in a prosperous mercantile at S o'clock Sunday evening, tbe 15th %t and Mrs. Philander Picked,^ oi business in that town. In 1845, he inst., when he delivered an eloquent ser­ „t the Rogers House. removed to Canton where he took mon to a good sized audience on the Christian conception of death charge of the, then, large business of ,,fl on Tuesday for hnme the "Stone Factory Store," and for Mr. ArtlHW DeWitt, broth of Mrs. many years occupied the responsible *3 W/.. O0.. Chapman, Iis Oon a visit here. position of agent and treasurer of the The Invitationitn ' s are out for a masquer- Neponsct Cotton Factory Corporation. ff adle party at the Town Hall on the 27th int. n* D >y 7< r 3 - //*>V - S3 He was also for several years a mem­ inst, ^r^^2- ber of the firm of Barker & Chase, WINTER PARK NOTES WINTER PARK NOTES. wholesale flour and grain merchants Rev. Mr. Ward teld the first Rev. Mr. Peeler, of Orlando, preached on Commercial Street, Boston. Since Episcopal services in Winter iu Town Hall April 1st, and Kev. Mr. Martin, a Presbyterian, will preach iu 187G, he has devoted himself to the Park in the Town Hall at 8 same place at 4 p. m., April 8th. charge of important pecuniary trusts o'clock Sunday evening, the 15th The Social Club will hold its next reg­ confided to him by friends and former inst., when he delivered an ular meeting hi the Town Hall, Saturday business associates. For a year, his eloquent sermon to a good sized evening, the 7th inst., when Rev. Mr. health had plainly been failing and in audience on the Christian Ward vi ill read some humorous pieces November last, an accident rendered conception of death. aud Kev. Mr. Martin some original poems ou Florida, including one entitled Winter it necessary for him to undergo a se­ P;irk. Mr. Cross, of the Bigelow House, vere surgical operation from the effects will furnish the music. of which he apparently reco"niini1 and returned home before Chris! ^ \ V Mr. Frank Famefj, a fyealthy citizen of Minneapolis, ijas selected one of the beau­ hoping soon to return to active d tiful lake front lots near Mr. Ward's and But it soon became evident thai will build a handsome cottage. was not to be, and for the last t The masquerade ou the}J7th ult.. in the Town Hall v^as a grand success In even respect. Abl)ut'ir>0 being pies -nt. Some Ajip'BM aoSaiiq aqj, „'*98ihn v„ q Sanford. House, of the costumes were very fine. %v'm '4U«J oqj o% • :)\^' FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 23, 1883. Biq 04 ipmra os ti| Jack McKenlay, horn March 25th, and -irarndod jo ^u ,1 >\ MANAUEBS: Ralph Chapman, bor i March 28th, are L. A. CHASE, P._J.LPARRAMORE. K.RICHMOND, ARTHUR eqi .IOJ 9JO|9 ni u< o si* P .u "ciiAiRKs; <;KOK<;K WII.SO: he first baby settlers iu Winter Park, snomni[4so>

TBE PRESIDENT GOES TO KI8SIMMKK. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 9.—The Presi­ Out LAAJ dent and party started to-day for Kissimmee rity, en route to Gardner's /^' wher expects to enjoy camp Mfe for. a v Tne Presiden^ai he fecV \r.r>. FiJua), PlaVlApril i-f're^dint Arthur, Secratmri Chandm- and parly arrived here at noon to-daVvft the members If the party are well. The President was In bad humor at the anuoyarSel of travel and the importunities for a public d«n»ns«ration. which he positively declines. The partf Visited the orange aroves at Panf'ord. Maitland. and Winter Pur* fVicr«tarv Chandler fell out of a wa

-nnoc xtiver . on minole Inrtiajfc of 1

Thy party will r»turn by tho! way of San ford in a few days, and the plnr. now fs to sro from Sanford »o Tvew-Smvrna on tha Ju Atlantic ooast by WAeon«, nnJ thence nr> the coast to St. Auguttlne. where the steamor Tallapoosa will wait to convey the party to Washington. The ^^ MzJc, U^Ji weather is oool ana showery.

L. IL^yy^y £jCc^t^ (IH.INDLER IIV FLORIDA. Drawn Tinnier by the Horrible Haael uniluii ol a Guilty < oiiscleiice. [ertyof Mr. Lawrence, so called because "it (From the New York Son.) 1 UNDKIl OKANttH BRANCHES. is situated upon an arm of Lake Maitland, The ouly stirring incident thus far re­ a miniature bay, and was formerly owned Near the Maitland station grows one of corded by the reporters who accompany by a Mr. Hudson. It is a tract, of thirty the orange groves of Mr. Lawrence. It is the President's party in Florida is the mis­ acres, with a house, and 2,800 young tree* surrounded by a painted while picket set two years ago, some of which Mr. Law­ hap to Mr. William E. Chandler, who fence, contains about five hundred trees, rence asserted, have already born<> fruit. tumbled out of the wagon that, was con­ full grown and in excellent condition. The party alighted and all went into tbe veying him and his fortunes from Mait­ The ground is smooth aud cleaned raked, house, which stands upon the high ridge land to Winter Park. For a second, or level* except near its south side where it iti the midst of the young grove, overlook­ has a natural rolling slope, the particular perhaps only for the fraction of a second, ing that ('harming 'bit of water, Maitland grade and contour of which is a source of this member of the Administration was in Lake, with its irregular shores and woody pride to Mr. Lawreuce, and be particu­ little half-acre islands. bodily peril, his legs nearer the sky than larly pointed it gout. Lieutenant Dyer, of his head. Fortunately, when he alighted the Navy, with Mrs. Dyer, met the Presi­ TIIK PRETTIEST TOWN OF ALL. it was in such ^i manner that the shock dential party at the stat'on. The Lieu­ The party entered their carriages aeain fell upon the nuscles of the cheek and tenant owns a flue grove and residence not and drove off toward Winter Park; all but far from Wrinter Park. Secretary Chandler who was prevailed chin, and the Secretary therefore escaped upon by Lieutenant and Mrs. Dyer lo serious injury. Led by Mr. Lawrence tbe party went through the Lawrence grove, stopping iu make a flying trip to their place, a pretty Trifling as was tbe accident, it is omi­ little tract of forty acres with a house and nous, lathe brief moment of peril, when about 2.000 young trees. We passed Mr. Chandler was in the air over the wagon the midst, of it to survey its beauties. 1 he good old gentleman was visibly many handsome residences along our way wheels, certain memories and thoughts •lated. J to Winter Park, among-them that of Mr. must have rushed through his mind with O. L. Chapman, a Chicago gentleman, on the force, fulness and intensity peculiar to "Now, Mr. President," said he "you see my grove, you see how my trees look Lake Osceola, and in sitdjt, beyond the such crises. If Mr. Chandler is at all su­ same lake, thai • >ck. late the perstitious, lie cannot, while he remains in how green they are, how well they are I President of the Chicago Board of Trade. Florida, ride in a wagon, in a railway car, formed, how I keep my grounds; and that I Winter Park is a charming lit He village or in any other vehicle without uneasiness. slope there, I take it there isn't a much! He cannot step into a rowboat without prettier slope fban that anywhere*. I've on a high crest of land overlooking fhe terror; be cannot see lightning in a thun­ got a tower there in the middle of the lake, with cottages, built only in the most dercloud without apprehension; he can­ grove, too; you can go up to the top of it modern and attractive styles, Hid a com­ not contemplate the yawning jaws of an and see all around this country " modious audi comfortable hotel fept by a alligator without shuddering. "Can we?" asked the President; "well Mr. Kodgcrs. It has a statnni on the South Florida. Railroad twomilus South of This is Mr. Chandler's first visit to then let us go up; we want to take it all m while we are here," Maitland. Hoard walks and/ sawdusled Florida, we believe, since 187(1, On No­ drives run all abuut the village. At the vember 7 of that year he was at home in "Well, it's a pretty high climb " he President interrupted him—"We hotel, Miss Tantuin>»#mCeful young lady Concord, working the wards for Hayes a very delicious costume of white. won't go, then," he said. and Wheeler. Early in the morning of .. ught out pitchers lull of lemonade and November 8 he was at the Kepublican A DUSTY HIDE. served the dusty travelers in their carri headquarters in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. On the road, at the rear of the grove, ! ages. The town, the surroundings, the Tilden was elected; everybody had ("one carriages were waiting. The President, home. News came to the committee , people and their reception of US were alike Mrs. Mercer and Mr. Lawrence took seats rooms that the Kepublican candidates ] (.'banning and d''lighllul. iu a handsome double team with its w*l]- lacked only one vote. Chandler's acute \ UtNUAl. known and genially crabbed owner, Mr intellect immediately pierced the situ Loring Chase. Following hi carriages ation and understood its possibili­ came Messrs. Phillips and Miller and the ties. He got no sleep that night. Misses Cope and Bruce; then Lieutenant, On his own responsibility he sent de and Mrs. Dyer and the Secretary of the spatches to Florida, Louisiana, South Navy; then Mr. R. T. Patlon, a leading Carolina, and Oregon, exhorting the party Orange County la'nd man, with the New managers to claim everything. The same York Times, the New York Tribune, tin bint was given to the leading Republican TIMES-UNION, and the artist correspond newspaper in this city. From that night cut of Harper's Weekly; then Mr. Rich until the day when Aliunde Joe Bradley mond, with the New York Sun, the Phil gave the decisive vote for the Fraud, the adelphia Press, Superintendent B. R progress of the conspiracy was continuous; Swoope, of the South Florida Railroad and when it. became necessary for some­ President Ingraham, of the same road body to go to Florida to superintend the Rev. Mr. Phelps and many others. Th< manipulation by which the vote of tiie road was dry, and the brown dust, fin. State was taken from Tilden and given to and abundant, rose under the tramp o Hayes, Chandler was the mau who did the many equine feet and the speeding wheel work. of the carriages. — %>s These historic facts must recur to Chan­ Many places of interest were passed sANKimi) TO WINTER PARK. dler's mind now that he is again iu the fine residences, well-tilled fields, neat (Staff Correspondence Of the TIMKS-CNION.) stolen State. They must have presented gardens and green and glossy groves, but SIKUINE HOUSE, ) themselves with uncommon vividuess when none of more interest to me than an old S.VNKouj). Fla., April 13. ) he was pitched head foremost out of the shack, a primitive log house, built. wagon. It is true that, after Hayes had by the pioneer and father of the The events Of the last few days of Pres­ been counted into office. Chandler in a settlement of the region, idential progress have followed one another measure repented his services to the Fraud; M. K. Marks. The tract of land upon with such rapidity thai I have been unable but partial repentance did not lessen his which it was budded, now worth many to keep the TIMES-UNION posted except responsibility. If he believes in earthly thousands, yes, many tens of thousands, retribution, and in the vengeance of in- probably, was the Government homestead through my telegraphic despatches. It is animate things, he must shrink and shiver of Major Marks and the house, his "actual possible that even those despatches may every time he puts bis foot on Florida soil. residence" required by law, within which have come to you belated, as the tele­ By tbe way, what is the explanation of the Major, in good faith, complied with Mr. Chandler's irrepressible desire to go ihe requirements oi the Homestead law. graphic facilities of Sanford and Kissim- to Florida with the President? Not to It is safe to assert that Major Marks to a mee City are not equal to the emergency take rest, for he is as restless as a tumble greater extent than any other man in­ of a Presidential tour and the active pres­ bug. Not to .shoot, for he could not in­ duced immigration aud selected homes for ence of a corps of correspondents repre­ dulge in that sport without endangering settlers in Orange County. The Major the lives of his companions. Not to fish, now lives at Auclote, ou the Gult coast, senting more than a score of the leading for he Is too uneasy a mortal to enjoy the where he officiates as the efficient agent of newspapers of America. A despatch from tranquil pleasures of tbe rod and line. the Disston Company. I recall it story Kissinimee City to the North is relayed al Not to perfect his plan for building the told of his career as a land agent in Orange Sanford, Wildwood, in Sumter County, new steel cruisers by private contract iu County, quite worth the telling. the yards of his friends, for neither John and Jacksonville. From Wildwood to A sorry forty-acre sand bank, covered Jacksonville the message must go over the Roach or any other of the ironclad patri­ with a debilitated growth of gall-berry ots builds in that State. bushes and the dried and shriveled repent International Ocean Company's wire, What, then, drew W. E. Chandler to candices of stunted saw-palmettoes, had which is the Cuban Cable line. As the Florida? It is a psychological truth that been placed in his charge to sell. He had International has but one wire, and, at a horrible fascination sometimes impels a never seen it, but the owner assured him Wildwood, but one operator, who is just guilty conscience to revisit tbe scene it would stand a very golden story. Not of a horrile crime, years after jts commis­ long afterward, as was his custom, he sold able to handle Key West and Havana bus­ sion. fhe place to an intended actual settler and iness, with a dozen or fifteen extra mes - some days later was constrained to go out Siiges of from 800 to 1,000 words each ev­ and point it out. It was a long, dusty and ery afternoon, the ratio of probabilities of wearisome ride, and the disappointment at the mutual. "This," said the some of those messages getting left is in­ purchaser, in an extempore parody of Pau­ creased to the maximum. line of Lyons, "this is your first class pine land, with a bit of hammock f'or garden MONDAY MOKNING. vegetables, wtiere the softened sunlight I'p to the time of the President's arrival steals through the masstyt branches of al. and departure from, Sanford, going hard pine timber trees and a spring of cold South to the wild country there was little Floriila water pours out from a grotto in of unusual interest in the trip. He is. of the midst of Cherokee roses;" The Major looked sadly about him; "I must own," course, the first President of the United lie admitted, "that the land is worthless, Slates wdio ever visited Florida. There the timber gone and that there is a poor have been those here who afterward be­ show for water upon it, but (with confi­ came Presidents, as for example, Andrew dence) you must admit that it has the Jim}nt Jackson and Zachary Taylor; those who climate to be found anywhere." wanted to be Presidents, as Aaron Burr The party passed the fine grove and res­ and Winfield Scott, one, at least wdio has idence of the late John Bigelow, a Boston been President, Ulysses S. Grant, and sev­ man, who settled here ten years ago. He eral who never will be Presidents, as Don was killed by lightning, two years ago, while closing the cupola windows of his Cameron. Joe Brown and Thomas A. great French-roofed house. The place is Hendricks; yet a real, live, actual President one of forty-five acres, and the grove num­ was never before in the Orange S>- *e. bers about 3,800 trees. We stopped at the Hudson's Bav prop we were met and cordially wel­ THEPRKSiDgSraVACATIOH": WINTER PARK NOTES. comed by the ubiquitous, indefatigable Gen. Palmer and daughter Annie, rath­ and suave Mr. L. A. Chase, whose fer- , er and sister of Mrs. I.t. Dyer, arrived on ile brain gave birth to the conception THE PARTY FISHING AND SHOOT* j the 27th nit. and are at, --The Anchor­ *f Winter Park, destined to be, as a ING ALLIGATORS. age. vinter resort "what Long Branch and SOME DISCOMFORTS—SECRETARY CHANDLER Mrs. o. M. Foster, mo Mrs. ft. Saratoga are for the summer." Without THROWN FROM A BUCK-BOARD-r-THE K. Chapman, arrived from Chlcage on delay, we were soon whirling along the PROGRAMME CHANGED. the 3d inst,, and will reside permanently beautiful Avenue connecting Lakes KtsstMMEE, Fla , April 10.—At noon yes­ with her daughter. Osceola and Killarny, behind a hand­ terday the President reached this city, which Hon. Jesse |.vn of Bloomington, 111., some team, skillfully handled by Mr. is only a hamlet of very new buildings, not more than six in number, but which rejoices lefl for the North on tBe 3d inst. with his Chase, in a westerly direction, towards daughter and granddaughter. Mr. ' K. Hannibal Square, an excellent location, in the corporation title, a Mayor, Board of Aldermen, and a Marshal. It is the jumping- was a pioneer in Illinois .",() years ago and on the outskirts of the town, selected by off place, for below, until the Keys are is one of the prominent men of'the State. Mr. Chase, for exclusive occupancy by reached, the only inhabitants are negroes, cow­ He Is enthusiastic over Orange eou the eolored people. A rule adopted by boys, and Seminole Indians, wbo Jinger about and will investest.^. 1 •- H. the proprietors of Winter Park, is that the Everglades, to which they were driven The seconid regiilarlnoetTng of the So- no lot shall be owned by a colored per­ yearSantors agd o hbe y changewar. dBefor hise . thprogrammeo Presiden.t lefjHt« eial Clnbou tiie 3d inst. was attended by had thought ot passinfe ' \a.\ Week/ in r son wdio does not, within a reasonable aooul 100 people. Mr. Cross of the Bige­ period, erect a residence thereon; the camp on Kissimmjee Ri^r, but decries about ants andsifleas. fyosquitoes and low House presented Mr. Ihn Taliaferro, j object being thereby, and by reasonable other pests, led himf'to say he would remain who gave sevemi songs with banjo ac­ j rates for the lots, to invite a sufficiency only until Thursday ^n the river and then re­ companiments; also Dr. Harris, who de­ of that class of population to meet the turn to Saaford. After a stop there, he pro­ lighted the audience with some tine sing­ i necessary demands for menial labor, poses to ride in a carriage from , ing, Master Leon Tantum gave a decla­ ' and at the same time to prevent an in­ across the:State to New-SmyrS*a, atf the At­ mation and Mrs. Thayer read an original lantic coast. This is near Mosqurtaf^nlefV«nd flux of the idle and vicious. Having poem composed by some unknown friend done Hannibal Square, a name, as re­ in a neighborhood where there is good fishing. Having made a brief storA there, the party of Winter Park, containing several good marked by one of the gentlemen of our will make their way by b\?at*fcn f wagon to St. hits upon matter* rtnd things In Winter party, "classically appropriate and cor­ Augustine, where it is understood that Secre- Park and Osceola. "The Grecian Bend" rectly classical," we retraced our steps to „ tary Chandler will have the Tallapoosa in 1 was splendidly presented by Mrs. Rich­ the depot, and proceeding thence in a waiting to convey the President back to Wash­ mond, Mrs. Ellhlgwood, Miss Sawyer. northeasterly direction, passed between ington. The' private car in which he made the trip South is waiting for him at Jackson­ Miss Eiftngwood. Miss Tantum, Mi's. Er­ Lakes Osceola and Maitland, and around good ami Mr-'. Clark. Dancing at tho the cast and south side of Osceola, be­ ville, but it may be that tne recollection of the discomforts of the trip South may govern close of the exercises. sipierade | tween Osceola and Virginia, back to the him in making up his mind as to the prefera­ party will be given by the Club Grand Winter Park Hotel, now in pro­ ble way to go back, and that bis decision will 27th inst. cess of erection. result in the sending back of the car empty. A pleasant and eventful programme "bad Kev. Mr. Peeler preached It is not our purpose to attempt a de­ been prepared for the President yesterday. rtlO" i» I'm Town Hall oni Sunday, the scription of Winter Park, nor to indulge He had accepted Mr. Lewis Lawrence's invita­ tion to visit his orange plantation near Mait­ Ith Lust. Kev. Mr. Malm Will pi each at in tiie details of anything we saw. So land, IS miles froJn Sanford, and had prom­ I p. m. on the lith inst. much has been said of Winter Park, its ised to be at a school picnic at Orlando, the Col. I)u„ / Chase Smith, a prominent countv seat of Orange County. For some rea­ beauties and attractions by the casual son he rose in an irritable mood, and, after an citizen of central Illinois, .arrived oil the writer as well as in the more elaborate early breakfast, in company with Mr. Mercer, Bth inst. on a. visit to Mr. L. A. Chase. Miss Bruce, and Miss Cope, and Secretary and precise descriptions for advertising Chandler, Mr. Miller, and Secretary Phillips, Joseph Humphries, of the Chicago purposes, that enlargement on these said good-bye to Mr. Case, the proprietor of rimes,-spent hist Sunday at the Rogers the Santord House, and "walked along the themes at this time would be out of sandy street to the station of the South Florida House, lie is writing np Florida, for his place. We only propose a cursory rec­ Railroad. Here everybody in Sanford had paper. ord of the events of a pleasurably spent gathered to see the President off. He imme­ diately entered his car, and soon after 9 Coan and Larrahee have opened one yer were 1 oth thrown out back­ quoting: "I wish everybody in the ward. Mrs. Dyer escaped unhurt. Mr. beautiful homes and groves, and through Chandler was stunned for a moment, but soon North knew what 1 know and you would a portion of the village of Osceola. We found that beyond a violent wrench of his not have ground enough in Winter Park passed very near the lovely home of Mr. back he had suffered no injury. He laughed j for the people to stand upon." abaatthemishirp. ^ y ^.^ Rev. Mr. Ward held services and Wilson Phelps, not far from Col. E. B. preached an eloquent sermon in the Town Livingston's, and just in sight, across Hall at-I p. m., April 29th. Kev. Dr. Hug little Sylvan Lake, of No Peeler will preach iu the same place on Man's Land, the sacred and unapproach­ May 6th at 4 p. m. The Local Club will hold its next meet-1 able (by horrid man) domain of two ing Saturday evening, May 8th. accomplished maiden ladies, Misses • T. W. Lyman. Shftj., of Minneapolis, McClure and Brown. Capt. Mizell's arrived on t'he 17th ult., and left with his charming home could not be seen. As family on the 2nd inst. I hiring the sum­ mer his Clttagc here will be enlarged we passed the sweetly embowered resi­ ready for company in the. early fall. dence of Dr. Geer, just on the brow of a Win. A. Cuild and A. Littlclield, two somewhat abrupt declivity to the shore wealths gentkmef frorl ^Boston, have reeen . ', .rehaseif IS acres on the north end of Lake Osceola and have about twenty men now sit work clearing it. They will build a house and plant 12,000 orange trees upon it. Still they come. The Hon. Denis Eagan spent Sunday with his family here. ' A little child (if .WINTER PARK SOCIAL CLUB,.; his has been quite ill. Rev. Mr. Wards' barn is finished and his house will soon be underway. REQUESTS THE PLEASURE OF YOURSELF AND LADII. Kev. Mr. Waldo, a Presbyterian clergy­ man from New York, bought a lake HOP TO BE GIVEN AT THE WINTER PARK H ALL, ON front lot last week and will build. B. F. Moses, of Lake Lima, will build upon Lake Osceola the coming sum­ mer and move his family here to get the benefit of the excellent public school. Kobert While, Esq., has Just received the sad news of tho death of his baby in Washington. A* Warrantee deeds, stcrescopic views of PiuwiDi'.NT, LDRING A. CHASE, VICF. PRRSIDBNT, MRS. V. W. LYMAN, Winter Park and ORANGE COUNTY RE­ SRCRRTARV, K. RICHMOND, TREASURER, MRS. EDGAR RICHMOND. PORTERS for sale at the post-oilice. tfPf^ John R, Ki'j his WINTER PARK NOTES. cottage. School closed on Friday, the 11th inst.. Lt. Dyer is building an addition to the and will open again ill October. Miss Anchorage. Richardson has made the first school at Wilson Phelps is serving ou the Carter \\"i"ter Park a granVl success. Site is a most excellent, teachcV jury. An association of Northern urontleraen having HO- Mr. Franklin Fairbanks, of the great cured about 1,000 acres of beautiful high-rolling pine J. C. Stovin is putting the Rev. Mr. land In Orange County, on ihe South Florida It. K. Waldo's lot in shape. scale Works, lias purchased 40 acres of with a magnificent frontage of throe mites upon Mr. Richmond, and is ^wiving it cleared Hues lovely lakes, are bunding cottages for winter Miss Sawyer, niece of Col. Livingston, Homes, and are making n model town lor ttio wealth left for l>cr home in Brooklyn on the 22K\. aud will plant, an orange grove this sum- and fashion of the North. Full Information of the hat this is the prettiest scheme and of Florida, with maps, etc., will be given She hag made many friends here aud will by A. ('HASH) nl lioom i!Ti> Palmer House, frott be greatly missed. lorid; . fi to lOp. m. everyday this week, lie particularly de­ •ached ill the Town sire* to meet hotel men, as there are splendid chances Miss Nannie Richardson has been in that Hue, as the design is to mako the new town of engaged to teach the Winter Park school .... Lllh inst., and! Winter I'ark a grand hotel centre, which shall be for hour Ol the 19th. Wiil tho winter what Long Branch, etc., are for the »uin- ! next season, much to the gratification of mer. both parents and pupils, with till of whom 28th at 1 p. in. she is very popular, | Uev. Mr. Andrews, a Coufcregationallst Robert White, Esq., was made glad on frfrm Massachusetts, has arrived with —Mr. I.. A. Chase, of the firm of the 2.")t,h by the arrival of his wife, from his family to reside permanently, and is Chapman & Chase, of Winter Park, WashiugtOU, D. C. They have begun now living in Lane's building. He Orange county, was among tho pas­ housekeeping in their new house on Lake preached In the Town Hall at -I p. m. on sengers brought down by the Jacksoiw Virginia. \ %"V the 10th inst., and will preach again on ville this morning. He expects to the 26tli at 7:30 p. IU. Mr. L. O. Garrett, a midshipman in the leave upon his return trip this even­ navy and recently a guest of Lt. Dyer, fili -2$ ing. We wish to thank Mr. Chase for left on the 25th inst. for the North, .lu.-t , *H much valuable information which he before his departure he made the trip kindly furnished us and was used in from Tampa on fpot. our sketch of Orlando published a Rev. Mr. Ward preached iu the Town few weeks ago. T,"?. ItU Hall on the 27th inst. at 4 p. in., and will preach again June Sd at S p. m. Kev. Mr. Andrews, Congivgationalist, preached in tho Town Hall at 7 p. in. on the -27th inst. Rev. Mr. Peeler, of Orlando, will preach In the Town Hall at I p. m. on the third pro\. The first baptism in Winter Park oc­ curred on the 'J7th Inst., when Winnie Quarantine! Lane, daughter of Win. S. Lane, was COUNCIL ROOM, SANKOKD, FLA., May 25th, 1883. christened by the Rev. Mr. Ward. i'ht! colored people of this vicinity or­ RESOLVED. That a quarantine be established by theTow««f Sanford, ganized a Sunday School iu the Town against all colored persons, and against all white persons from Jackson­ Hull on the 13th Inst., nnd*sr the direction ville, or other localities at which Small-Fox exists, who have remained of Dea, Larrabee and Mrs. Ergood, 22 in such locality over ten* hours, within the proceeding fifteen days, being present. Op the 20th, Id were whether approaching Sanford or the Southern shore of Lake Monroe, by steamer, small boat or by land, and also against all bundles, bales or present, aud on the 27th 39. The hour packages of bedding, wearing apparel. &C. -And any person, or Captain of meeting is 11 a. m. of Steamboat or other writer craft,, who knowingly violates the provisions Emancipation Day was celebia of this Resolution will be subject to a fine of One Hundred Dollars or of the H„. colored people along tin; line imprisonment for thirty days one or both. railroad by a picnic at, Winter Par RESOLVED, 2d, That all steamboats, or other water craft be requir­ /»9ay V - /ffZ ed to touch first at the Sanford Wharf for inspection.

WINTER PARK NOTES. RESOLVED, 3d, That, no officer or oilier person connected with any The Social Club met in the Town Hall Steamboat from Jacksonville, shall be permitted to come on shore except May 5th, at 8 p. in., and voted to hold such persons as are absolutely necessary for a delivery of the mails, and the next meeting on the first Saturday Express Mattel-, and such persons shall not intermingle with the citizens evening in October, i uW of Sanford. Any officer or other person violating this Resolution,'shall P. W. Lyman aud fatriiry left for Min­ be subject to a tine of fifty dollars, or impi'isonment for the space ol neapolis on the '-diijfct. During the twenty days. summer his cottagcnWTl be-greatly en­ larged and the grounds put in lirst-class RESOLVED, 4th, That no person except wharf Agents, and quaran­ shape. tine officers, will be permitted to go on board any Jacksonville Steamer, Rev. Mr. Peeler, of Orlando, preached at any Sanford wharf, unless for the purpose of departure, in which event in the Town Hall on the 6th inst., at-1 p. such person will not be permitted to return till after the expiration of m., and Rev. Mr. Ward will preach at fourteen days, any person violating this Resolution shall be subject to tine in the sum of fifty dollars, or imprisonment, for the term of twenty the same place on the 12th at 7:30p.m. days. The frame work of Kev, Mr. Ward's house is up and bis barn is completed. RESOLVED, 5th, That the officers of all Steamboats be requested to The residences of Mr. ('has. Spring cooperate with the authorities of Sanford, in enforcing these means oi and Mr. Hubert, White, Oil Lake Virginia preventing the introduction of Small-Pox. • are rapidly approaching completion and look very pretty. RESOLVED, 6th, That one hundred copies of these Resolutions be printed for distribution. Lt. Dyer is working like a beaver on his place at the north end to put things J. J. HARRIS, A. M. THRASHER. A. E. PHILIPS, in lirst-class shape, ''The Anchorage" is Acting Clerk. Mayor. Chm. Board. one of the prettiest places iu Orange county. The Kogers House has had a very pros­ perous winter and will remain open through the summer. Mr. Kogers has in contemplation extensive improvements in view of next winter's travel, Mr. 0. E. Chapman will remain In Winter I'ark during the summer. Mr. L. A. Chase will go North about Juno 1st. Mr. Kobinson, the Surveyor, is cutting ui> Into lots the 120 acres on Lake Kil- larney, recently added to the Winter Park plat. The boulevard will be opened from Lake Osceola to Laue Killarncy making a straight, avenue just 1] miles from lake to lake. A. W. Rollins, of Chicago, who bought the Dr. Geer place on the east bank of Lake Osceola, is making extensive im­ provements. WINTER PARK NOTES. A GOOD THING TO HAVE. s WINTER PARK NOTES. The young grove of Hon. Lewis Lav Times have been rather quiet with us, L. A. Chase left lor Chicago on the rence, situated on the south side of Lake but the building boom promise* to com­ tilth inst. Maitland, is one of the spots which should mence soon. The only questioli that has Lt. Dyer and family will go North be visited by every orange grower in this agitated the community w« wfcether the about July 1st. region. It has a beautiful and command­ town hall was for the benefit o\ the col­ Owing to the ruin Mr. Ward did not ing situation overlooking the lake, and ored c/flfcen or the white sclool children. hold service here on the 10th inst. the spot is a particularly fertile one. The The Colored cithten used it for a night The carpenters are at work upon the trees, although young, are vigorous and sehoil anil other gat^rings, and some of house of 15. F. Moses at tfie north end. thrifty, aud are making a rapid growth. the niore*piirtioular of the white people Al. A. Dzialynski, Px-Mayor of Jack­ During his stay iiA^Floo^rla last winter objected, to y>on sanitary grounds. They sonville, has just, bought 7 acres of E. Mr. Lawrence put iii\Ny$*tem of water didn't want to carry e^TVny live stock • Richmond, upon which he will build a works which adds gr^iJflpto the beauty that didn't belong to them, "Wtfavc their cottage. "J VM^ \\A - of the pVccAnd facilitates operations children do so./Wu have jwt heard how C. M. Capen, E*q., a wholesale crook- wonderfully. On the lake, margin he has the matter wastetWed, bM if Chapman cry dealer of lllooniington, 111., has heen erected what'migbt be termed an engine- & Chase: insist ou •having the ball used spending a week here with a view to in­ house, in which is ail Ericsson Caloric for promiscuous colored gatherings they vestment. pump with a capacity of £feht hundred will not he troubled with a very exten­ Judge J. F. Welborn'e and wife, of gallons of water per hour.yJiUie water is sive white attendance—the philanthro­ Sanford, were here, on the Ttli inst. and taken from JJte.Jakc. \hepui\p forces it pists of course excepted. bought a lake front lot, upon which they to a tank :/bove1he\esjllence oi\ the road Speaking of our colored brother, there will build in October. at the uppta sicU/bfcthe place. The hor­ is one point on which he can give his With tbe contracts already made there izontal distVjce_from pump to water tank white brothers a lesson. His piety and will be (14 house* within l' mile of Winter is something above nine hundred feet. ministers do not light out with the ad­ I'ark depot by Jan. 1st, \BH> Several The elevation of the tfopVfth e tank above vent of warm weather and the opening others are, iu contemplation. the pump is sixty feW. YPipes are laid of the. summer resorts North. The bell E. K. Palmer, of the firm of of John underground from tbe pui\p to tiie tank. of the Maitland colored church calls the B. Palmer & Son, ot Columbia, S. C, is From tiie tank underground pipes leaij. worshippers to assemble at all hours, now engaged in placing loans for the the residence stables and r — from early morn until the last bell about Scottish Mortgage Co. in South Carolina. grounds and grove. At 9 o'clock at night. However, the white The colored Sunday School organized the grove arc placed what ml# missionaries will return with the cold and superintended by George Pierce, late hydrants-—sectionV-«»*Kwater weather North, our churches will again of Mass., had 4G present on the 10th inst. and a half feet high/provided with cut he opened and aired, and we will once It meets every Sunday at 11 a. m. in tbe off screws so that waW^an be turned on more be on the high road to salvation. Town Hall. fit pleasure. Some of these hydrants ter-1 A public school for the benefit of the initiate in sprinklers which, when the colored folks, old and youni>-, was organ­ water is running, become fountains of ized on the 1 lib insf.. with l>ea. Larra- spray. Others are provided with connec­ bee and George Pierce os teachers; Its tions for hose. A hundred or two feet of sessions arc held in the Town Hall at hose hangs in the engine house, which Winter Park Feb. 9 1883 7:30 p.m. can be attached to the hydrants and thus a space of from three to six hundred feet Mr. Chase can be irrigated at any time without al­ WINTER PARK NOTES. My good Friend. I am sorry to tering the connection from one hydrant Prayer meeting every Thursday even­ trouble you with so many things that ing at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall. to another. From the* gentleman iu Lt. Dyer and family were the guests of charge of the place we learned that Mr. is of no interest to you. But not Rev. Lyman Phelps, at Onoro,on Thurs­ Lawrence contemplates putting in a sys­ withstanding my sorrow. I will be day, the .'list ult. tem of water pipes throughout the entire much obliged to you if you will call Mr. L. A. Chase went »to Jacksonville grove, thus enabling him to supply the in and see Messrs. Stafford & Ellis on Friday, the 1st inst. whole with an abundance of water with no more trouble than simply turning it and hurry them up about the lining Rev. Mr. Ward preached iu the Town to my ice tank. I wish if not too Hall at S p. m., on the 3rd inst. on and oil'as occasion may require. Other Mr. Al. Foster, brother of Mrs. O. E. fruit and vegetable growers would do much trouble that you would buy for Chapman, arrived on the 29th ult. well to Inspect this plan of irrigation and me two or three woolen blankets. I The lumber for Isaac EUingwoods new ascertain how far they can adopt it with want them to put in my ice, any ice house on the ij^rth end of Lake Osceola advantage. | box comon blanket will do. You may has arrived, j \JJ\M. * / ~ *&* V think you cannot get any comon Chas. Spring, Esq., has moved his fam­ WINTER PARK NOTES. enough. I want the blankets, so you ily into his new house on Lake Virginia, We are now at about our lowest north ltcy. Mr. Ward's family started for the will do the best you can, but get the bound summer ebb, and the return flow blankets if in Sanford, the cheapest north ou the 4th inst. Mr. Ward took from the North will soon commence. It them to Jacksonville r-liis stcatnnr the is expected that when it does return it you can find. Seminole. will be a veritable wave. Building keeps Lewis Lawrence lion. Lewis Lawrence lias just com­ going right along, and before long Mait­ pleted a system of Waters Works at his land and Winter Park will be a continu­ place at the north end that is worth see­ ous town. ing, and he cordially invites everybody Dr. Tantum is having lumber hauled and melon patches, ship them North to his wife, not so much and go in for the tallest kind of barbed for their actual value as because they wire, fence and no gates. grew in his garden, but some unknown and unauthorized person or persons gath­ ered them in during the night, a day or two before Mr. Haskell got ready to ship them; or rather, they gathered them all but two. " WINTER PARK NOTES. Or(**,tZc Obituary. Orange County Reporters are for sale WINTER PAUK NOTES each week at the posiolliee. V.T.MUWN'B, A ' The death of Mrs. J. P. Welbonie was The Social Club met in the Town Hall on Bishop Young was the fcje* of Rev. mentioned briefly in the '^6 ^tjon the evening of the l2th, and elected for Mr. Ward during the past week. of tiie RKI-OHTKU soon after d occurred. the ensuing year, L.A. Chase for president; Owing to tHe reduced Bize of the paper Mrs. Edgar Richmond, vice-president, Mr. B. F. Mose? at fiily are living at the time, a befitting testimonial has Hobert White, secretary, and Mrs. J. R. in their pretty Vottagv, ,.i tliej n end been deferred until now. i* on Lake Osceo The death on Monday, January 14, of Ergood, treasurer. The exercises consisted Mrs Welborne, wife of our esteemed of piano solos and duets, reading, recita­ Judge Green, ap| cut Wizen of friend and fellow citizen Judge. J. I. tions and dancing. Next meeting Satur­ Cairo III., with hisTJ eVruests at the Welborne, has east a gloom over our the Rogers House. I > whole community and filled many hearts day, the 2«th, at 8 p. m. All invited The little two year old cWld of Mr. with a sense of a great loss and oj VM Kev. Dr. Hooker preached an eloquent molt sincere sympathy tor the desolate W^v. died on the 5th Insl.. ancrWas buried sermon in the Town Hall on the lath inst] housphold left behind. , . Urf Services are held by him every Sunday, at ou the 8tli inst., in Orlajklo^yrV Mrs. Welborne was the only daughtei 3 p. m. Work upon Dr. Tantmn's col I age has 0f Dr. and Mrs. S. 11. Bassmger.oj late begun and will he pushed rapidly forward. v<-ais residents of Sandusky, Ohio. It Dr. Tantum and family arrived on the ivsut thatm aha mot and UUHTU'II, WW 11th inst., and are quartered at the Kogors ,, ,|Udge Wclboriie. House until their cottage is ready. l; Kju: came with her in November, IgSjf. Hon. W. D. Corsline^of Miller's Mills much benefited that N. Y., is at the Kogers House with his make this their home, bride. Mr. G. was hero last winter and uiet and lovely home purchased seven acres at the north end of he summer months, had just completed a town which he is about to improve Win­ Winter Park, which ter Park is fortunate, indeed, in securing out a few weeks when Mr. Gorsline for a citizen, of whom the II came. c c Albany Express of the 20th tilt., says: " 2 g y?C zz as a lovely character "Mr. Gorsline made a good record as a I'erer, hopeful to the member of the State Assembly. He is /ni glitful of her devoted e could lnirdlv realize honest and upright wherever he goes: he is '. And vet,'without entitled to the comforts which a kind heart latum, when the Call and a free hand, guided by fair judgment, ft tills world with the •uti'd with her pastor. will surely bring." To tbe honorable gen­ , ready tor the grout tleman and his fpir bride, Winter Park ex­ •nly Father, knowing tends a hearty welcome. j her spirit was corn- is in such simplicity Iways exists, WINTER PARK NOTES. unity of Winter Park, The Social Club meeting of the 26th ult., forward so earnestly was made interesting by the following tab­ will sadly miss her. leaux: "The Countrj Parson,*' "Courtship I gratification for them of Miles Standish,'" and "The Traveling Ige Welborne himself the summer months, Musician." Recitations, singing and danc­ ) year old boy with its ing followed. The meeting of the 2d was msing the household. well attended, the exercises consisting of of tableaux, dialognep, musio, and readings AUK NOTES. by the Rev. Mr, Wan"1 and others. The , State Superintendent "Song of the Thrush" created much amuse­ le Winter I'ark public ment. ist., and made a short On Saturday afternoon, the 26th ult.. y " >-BS over tbe body of Mrs. thirty-five children were entertained by t <^y6- ZX^Zy&^c+Ajt died on the 14th inst., Mrs. O. E. Chapman at her residence, to family residence on celebrate the t;th birthday of Master OIHe \ Z" ' ' i inst., and were con- Chapman. hippie and Kev. C. W. \//^ ^6^-L- «^^ 9 ZUJ .nit, built tor the pur- The Maitland Minstrels will give an en­ ids a few rods from the tertainment in the Town Hall at Winter jeola, received the re- Park on Tuesday, February 12th, at 8 p. in. ig gentlemen acting as iford, E. K. Foster, B. A. W. Rollins and Andrew Richmond of 'helps, O E. Chapman Chicago have arrived, ar;d we improving A long procession of their fine places. ; and the children of the Chapman A Chase have just completed a tved the remains to the fine stable. They have a new team of bnys irvices were particularly and a new oamage. >ral offerings were very lborn was a 1 >vely lady, Rev. Mr. Hooker preached in the Hal! at y ily mourned by all. 3 p. m. on the 27th ult., and again on the 3d inst. His next service will be at 10:30 Z*-^iness sotmed filled to over­ flowing. WINTER PARK NOTES. Obituary. Orange CountyEeporters are for sale WINTER PARK NOTES each week at the v.'KI.HpUNKr / The death of Mrs.'J. P. Welborne was The Social Club met in the Town Hall on Bishop Young was (lie fciejt of Kev. mentioned briefly in the "Aweffltton the evening of the 12th, and elected for Mr. Ward taring the ; of the EKPOBTKB soon alter it occurred. the ensuing year, L.\. Chase for president; Owing to the reduced si/.e of the paper Mrs. Edgar Richmond, vice-president'. Mr. B. F. Mo>es ai nily are livin; ^Vlm time, a helitting testimonial has in their pretty Mttngw«u the end been deferred until now. Robert White, secretary, and Mrs. J. R. on Lake Osceola: The death on Monday, January 14, of Ergood, treasurer. The exercises oocsisted Mrs. Welborne, wife of our esteemed of piano solos and duets, reading, reeita. Judge Green, L \J friend and fellow citizen Judge. J. 1. lions and dancing. Next meeting Satur­ Cairo III., with hia^proniitien> son, arcVuestt VHi/es ant thoel Welborne, has C*Bt a gloom over our day, the 26th, at 8 p. m. All invited the Rogers House. reVnests at tl whole community and filled manv hear J with a sense of a ureat loss and ot the Kev. Dr. Hooker preached an eloquent The little two yea'ear old cVilchild of MrM . most sincere svmpat|,v tor the desolate sermon in the Town Hall on the lath iust. Hose, died on the 5tilliinsl..iiiidV';h ins!.. and wa^s buriburiei d houspliuld left 'behind . /».i..„.i„ Services are held by him every Sunday, at ou (lie 8tll Inst., ill Orlando. Mrs. Welborne was the only daughtei 8 p. m. Work upon Dr. Tanfurn's cottage has of Dr. and Mrs. S. II. P.assnigcr ot late begun ami will be pushed rapidly forward. ovarii residents of Sandusky Ohio. It | Dr. Tantum and family arrived on the The Dr. is expected here soon. was (hero she piet upd nninied, tJilW llth inst., and are quartered at the Rogers and a half years ago, Judge Welbovnm House until their cottage is ready. Mr, Robert White will on February 1st Her health failing, she came with her open a new store in the Hill block. Ib­ husband to Florida in November, lSffif, Hon. W. D. eJorsline,:of Miller's Mills is now in the North buying goods. She at first was so much benefited that N. Y., is at the Rogers House with his they determined to make this their home, bride. Mr. G. was here last winter and Oliver II. Calmer, Jr., and sister, Mjg* returning to their quiet and lovely home purchased seven acres at the north end of Annie, have arrived from New York to in New Jersey for the summer months. town which he is about to improve Win­ spend the winter at "'The Anchorage." Judge WelWno hud just completed a beautiful house in Winter Park, which ter Park is lortunate, indeed, in • securing Mr, Olimnii Moses has purchased the they hud occupied but a few weeks when Mr. Gorsline for a citizen, of whom the interest i'L'r. Robert While, in the store the sad ending of fill came. Albany Express of the 20th alt., says: and the fii. ood and Moses. Mrs. Welborne was a lovely character "Mr. Gorsline made a good record as a Mr. and Mrs. Crary are hero spending and a patient sufferer, hopeful to tbe member of the Slate Assembly. He is the winter with their daughter, .Mrs. last, and even thoughtful of her devoted husband, whom she could hardly realize honest and upright wherever he goes: he is Robert White, in their cottage on Lake jt possible to leave. And yet, without entitled to the comforts which a kind heart Virginia. any spiritual ostentation, when the Call and a free hand, guided by fair judgment, John P. Morton and his nephew, Mr. of'(rod came slit* left this world with the will surely bring." To tbe honorable gen­ Griswold of Louisville, are here. They Lord's prayer, repeated with her pastor, fresh upon her lips, ready for the great tleman and his frir bride, Winter Park ex­ are stopping at "Mr. Stovins. Mr. M. is arms ot her Heavenly Father, knowing tends a hearty welcome. improving his fine property on Lake that in His hands her spirit wns com­ Virginia. pletely at rest. It is in such simplicity that true religion always exists. WINTER PARK NOTES R. M. Pulsifer, Esq., of Boston;Is hsw- The social community of Winter Park, The Social Club meeting of the 26tb ult., m« his beautiful lot on thi uorth shore which had looked forward so earnestly was made interesting by the followiug tab­ of Lake Osceola i ul [nto fine shape. for her recovery, will sadly miss her. leaux: "The Oountrj Parson,'' "Courtship About lit) bearing orange trees are being But it is a source of gratification for them of Miles Standish," and "The Traveling to know that Judge Welborne himself planted upon it. Musician." Recitations, singing and danc­ will remain until the summer months, The public school numbers '65 pupils his lovely little two year old boy with its ing followed. The meeting of the 2d was and is under the efficient ni:iiu»omenl of grandparents comprising the household. well attended, the exercises consisting of Miss Nannie Richardson. Miss TL has a of tableaux, dialoguep, music, and readings line piano In the Hall aud has quite a WINTly... 1M11H NOTES. by the Rev. Mr. Ware" and others. The cla -s iii music. j Hon. E. K. Foster, State Superintendent "Song of the Thrush" created much amuse­ of Schools, visited the Winter Park public Judge Welborn has just moved into his ment. school on the 16th inst., and made a short handsome cot i age jnsl completed hetween speech to tbe children. On Saturday afternoon, the 26th ult., the Rogers House and Rev. Mr. The funeral services over tho body of Mrs. thirty-five children were entertained by Ward's, On hake Osceola. Mrs. W's. Judge Welborn, who died on the 14th inst., Mrs. U. E. Chapman at her residence, to father ami mother, Dr. Barrlnger and were held at the family residence ou celebrate the (Ith birthday of Master Ollie "Vednesday, the 16th inst., and were con­ wife, are spending the winter with their Chapman. ducted by Bishop Whipple and Kev. C. W, -'htei Ward. A brick vault, built lor the pur­ The Maitland Minstrels will give an en­ The first meeting of the Winter Park pose upon the grounds a few rods from the tertainment in the Town Hall at Winter Social Club for the season was held in shore ot Lake Osceola, received the re­ Park on Tuesday, February 12th, at 8 p. m. mains, the following gentlemen acting as the Town Hall on the 5th ult. The next A. W. Rollins and Andrew Richmond of pall bearers: S. Sanford, E. K. Foster, B. will be held in the same place Saturday R. Swoop*. F. K Phelps, O E. Chapman Chicago have arrived, a^d are improving evening I he 12th, toivhich everybody fs In­ and L. A. Chase. A long procession of their fine places. / vited. Mrs. White and Miss Spring form relatives and friends and the children of the Chapman vely lady, 3 p. m. on the 27th ult., and again on the ceived fruits from this tree from the I and her los-s is deeply mourned by all. 3d inst. His next service will be at 10:30 | Gen. John B. Palmer of Columbia, S. C, bands of Snuta Clans who came down a. m. on the 10th inst. father of the well known E. K. Palmer, is the chimney. Speeches were made by Rev Mr. Ward held services in th«i Hall here looking after his groves.*^ Q^\ *V< at 7 p, m. on the 27th qlt., and again on Revs. Andrews and Ward and Mr. Law Mrs. A. H. Wheeler of Lowell, Mase,,, is the 3d inst. His next service will be held rence ; recitations by several of the little visiting friends in this vicinity. on the 10th inst., at 3 p. m. Subject: folks, singing by a quartette, games for Robert W. White has just returned from "King Solomon's Temple." Masonic the children, winding up with dancing. the North with a fine stock of goods, aud brethren especially invited to attend. The Hall was well filled and everybody Winter Park can now boast of two stores. The Congregationalists will organize a On the 9th inst. Mrs. W. F. Lyman en - had a "Merry Christmas." church here on 8unday, the 17th, at 3 p. tertained a company of nine ladies, and ou m., in the Town Hall. thj 18th a company of seventeen. WHEN Captain Mann moved to the Rev. Mr. Hooker preached in the Town place named after him, on the Florida Hall on the 20th inst. to a good audience. Southern. II miles west of Palatka, a Shoot Them. Kev. C. W. vVard will hold s3rvices in the little over a year since, his family was Town Ha'.l at 7 p ax. on the 27th inst. Burglars are operating at all the alone there. Now the population has in The KKPOBTEB is for sale at the postoffice. towns along the.fine „f ti,e.rniIroa give them a warm reception. Sat­ of ftbOUtthirty-five , JT«3 t). /o - 8*t Or/S^rtoZo Ktypei'+tY urday night last MrJJuihf's residence WINTER llllll NOTES. on Lake Osceola, Winter Park, was F. W. Lyman, Esq., of Minneapolis, entered, but the outcry of some girls JOIED. Minrt., arrived here on tho'23d inst. who heard the noise, scared the rob­ At Winter Park, Orange Co., Fla., on L. A. Chase went, to Jacksonville on tht bers ofl Mr. Chase's root,, at the Monday, Jan. 14, ls84, at l> o'clock p. m., 28d and returned on the 28th inst. Kogers House was also entered, but Mrs. Welborn, wife of Judge J. P. Wel­ Winter Park was represented at the Union Mr. C. woke up and sprang out of bed born. Cemetery meeting at Park House on the determined to catch the disturber of Ada Marrie Wf Iborn, the dwghler and 22d inst. by Rev. Mr. Hooker, Henry I is slumber, but the nimble burglar only surviving childJofDr. 8. H. Bassin- Hunting, Lewis Lawrence, Kev. C. W Ward slipped, past hi,., and escaped. No ger, was born in Wisconsin and roared in a.Dd. ^'uA;,°hase- JadSe Welborn was clue to the perpetrators yet. There is New Jersey ml Ohio. elected by the meeting to represent Winter supposed to he a band of three or more' The child of wealthy parents, she grew lark on the commute* to prepare plans , and people are warned to look out for up an elegant and accomplished woman; and secure a site < » V tf \ suspicious characters. tho beauty of her person and tho sweetness Mrs. bull widow of the late Dr. Bull of of IK r disposition mado her an unusual Lo.usvi le, Ivy., arrived on the 28th inst. to favorite. spend the winter upon her place. Accom­ On the «Olh day of June, 1880, in her panying her is Mr,. Day ol Kmnkfort, Ky. twenty-third year, she was married to the ™,; ? rS the £-r°Prieto' «' the famous Hon. J F. Welborn, a gentleman gifted by cougoh medicine that Dears his name. nature with brilliant talents, that were cherished by her with a wifely pride, which Chapman & Chase have established ,n she joyously exhibited vitbCM7 HJackrUV,ilIe' f°r Wint" Park, witu Mi. H. . . Smith in charge, with hea<1- In the second year of her marriage the quarters at the Everett House. crowning blessing of her life was added, iu a child of almost angelic beauty, when her cup of happiness seemed filled to over­ flowing.