urner Told Foreca st the at torney general Drug Prices Probed Charee of I"termittent drinle or 'r ••I ­ his ruling, the senator ing today. Warmer. Highs to 4Os. Cloudy The probt.ms of dru, prices . re ex­ only alt.ernatives are with snow likely toni ght and Thursday. ,...... in a depth report by Den Ishi· it and hand le the aid ia Cold!r Thursday. ail ....hl lin U..- , . challenge il ill Iowan or call a special nivenil" 0/ 10ll'a and the People of Iowa Cit tJ the law. 10 cenlS a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Illnoral Impr.cliul Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Wednesday, January 31, 1968 said it would be imPl'lc. to simply ignore the because it wou ld be officials in all 99 agree to ignore it. bill was designed w... ueblo Crewmen state school aid in Dt: Viet Cong Unit Wiped Out need, counting each If. pupil load and its ~1 and measuring ~ the same figures Cor lit a whole. Reportedly Well, with the highest in comparison to IIiIt After Seizure Of would )let the hlghest PIt. Embassy of state aid for IIIIt backers of the iii SAIGON IA'! - A Viel Cong squad seized th Philippine Embassy and the vicJmty He said the Viet Cong apparently pour· headquarters compound but did not pen­ and held parts of the U.S_ Embassy for of Tan Son Nhut Air Base. ed into the compound and on into the etrat.e it. He said the compound and a 1 Believed Dead i~ hour' today before being wiped out by Fighting that had ripped through the building after (Iring a rocket that opened l! .S. military assistance command com­ American troops coutllerattacking on the area neor the heart of the city for hours the hole in the outer wall. WASHI 'GTON IA'I - One of the 83 crew pound received some tear gas along with crew was being properly treated and the died out by early today, but other pock. Bu nker W•• Safe the mortar fire. m:mbers of the USS Pueblo, seized by wounded were receiving medical care. ground and frol11 helicopt rs landing on the roof of the bUIlding. ets of Viet Cong still were holdinll out 10 .S Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker was t\orlh Korea as a spy ship, was reported Assl. Secretary of Defense Phil G. Simons said a fire fight broke out on All the Viet Con commandos w ere other ar a . afely sped away from bis residence un­ one side of the U. . compound but, as far The origin. develtpm& Tuesday to have died. Goulding said "We are not able tp con· Blew Hole tn Wall d r heavy securIty guord early today when killed IR the embassy baltie. climaxing a as was known, there were no American tatus of the two-year scboi The Defense De )artment said the report firm the reliability" of either report. The Viet Cong embassy attackers enter· the guerrillas attacked and seized the was unconfirmed, and there was no way erie. of guerrilla assaults and shellings casualti . be discussed. "The government still has no firm In­ in Sa:gon that brought limited warfare l'd the ground of thr supposedly attack­ embassy. Although the situation in Saigon was o· identifying any casualties among the formation on injured or wounded among proof new building by blowing a hole in Bunker's residence is about five blocks W. Lacock. in slructar C J ur>d men. d·>ep into th l' South /ietnamese capital. confused, the capital appeared in no dan­ :Jcation, leaches !be draw the crew of the USS Pueblo," Goulding Fir ( reoorts lold of 17 Viet Cong bodies a wail about 3 a.m. from the embas y. ger of a full-scale invasion. 'lhe "eoorl followed a White House said in a statement. About two companie of U.S. military aimed primarily . 5 aicment lhat it had been advised the cw~ted on (he embassy grounds. U.S. officials would say only that the 74- Another point where an enemy squad arirnin,j.b·al11,rs and ~ He said "our only first hand knowledge" polle tried to take the compound at day­ At least four U. . military polle men year.old Bunker was safe. They refused was holding out was a building under con­ ists inter~sted in Jilt was contained in brief radio messages break but were driven off in their first any clue as to where he was taken. from the Pueblo at the time she was being lind several Marin~ al~o were reported attempt. A company of the U.S. 101st Air­ struction near an entrance to the govern­ and usc of drawings. I'Dt killed. The embassy building was badly shot ment's Independence Palace. s' resses teaching of dr ••. surrounded by North Korean patrol boats borne Division than was rushed in off North Korea on Jan. 22 . Simultaneou.ly with the stnkes against up and the Great Seal of th U nit e d U.S. military police in armored jeeps st'ldents and U."o(. of drll· As these forccs inched forward in bloody Stales was dislodged from the wall above Saigon. lhe gUerrilla. for the second fijlhting, the helicopter assault began . and equi pped with mach inc guns block­ classroom instruction Diplomacy Stressed the entrance by bullets. ed off all streets surrounding the embas· Saturday sessions art The White House laid strcss on diplo­ . traill/ll day exploded assaults on cities About a dozen clattcring helicopters uu and down the country in an unprece­ Al last report fighting was still going SY. located about half a mile down a wide for each COUJ1e lit. matic efforts to free the men . swooped ID over the rooftops of downtown dl nteil offem ive against urban centers. 011 near Tan Son Nhut airport in the su­ boulevard from Independence Palace. Feb. 10 and May 25. Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) said Pres­ Saigon to unload the lOlst Airbornc troops Stralegy SHn burbs of the city. with the action center­ MPs Halt Tr.Hic ident Johnson "has greal hope that dip.­ on the roof of the gll'aming. while, eight­ ed around the western perimeter. military ZONE EXTENDED­ Aside from a propa~anda show , the at­ story building that was opened only last The MPs halt.ed all traffic in the area. lomatic procedures" will settle the crisis officers said. fir t with warning shouts and, if this did IA'I - Australia ia broueht about bv North Korea's seizure tac1;s appeared aimed at diverting allied 'ovember to replace one wrecked by a From Ban Me Thuot, a provincial capi­ Its exclusive fishilll s I'en"th from the northern provinces previous iuerrilla attack. Dot work. with shots from automatic wea­ of the ship and its 83-man crew. tal In the central hIghlands aboul 160 miles pons. from three miles off ill Fulbright. one of Johnson's severest for­ where a major bottle eemed imminent. By 8:55 a.m. the U.S. forces had secur­ Among key buildings attacked in Sal. northeast of Saigon. Associated Pre s s There was no immediate information on to 12 miles. eign policy critics, endorsed the Pre i­ l'(( the ground of tbe embassy and troop' correspondent Lewis M. Simons reported ,0;1 were Independence Palace. where the number of rounds of shell fire that dent's handling of the situation 1" re working their way through the build­ the Viet Cong attacked there early today had hit the capital or on casualties. "We've reaUy gone completely mad if Prt!Sident Nguyen Van Thieu has offices. ing to nush out the remainlDg Viet Congo WIth riot gas and mortar fire and {ollow· Field reports indicated one of the heav­ this results in a war." Fulbright said. Also shelled or nttacked with small-arms A '()('illted Press photographer Dan g ed wIth a ground probe. fire were the building of the Vietnamese Van Phuoc. who 1I0t inside the building. Did Not Penetr.t. iest hit centers was Jkontum. a princi He attended a White House breakfast joint chiefs of staff. Vietnames navy pal city in the conutry's central highlands meeting with other congressional Demo­ r~portL>d bodies were strewn around the Simons said thc Viet Cong reached the headquarters, three U.S. officers' billets, rooms. perimeter of a South Vietnamese army and base of a Vietnamese army dIvision crats and came away saying he got the and some U.S. forces . The city was re­ impression that Johnson is so hopeful of porled attacked 19 times in 24 hours. avoiding military actions that there was A m 0 n g other cit! shelled was Can no talk of selting 0 deadline for diplomatic Tho. the bigge t city in th Mekong Delta. success. Attempts To Bar New Dow Recruiting about 80 miles south of Saigon. It wa the P"Of.. BA fHOLOW V. CRAW FORD r.'ulbright talked with newsmen after S.rviees S.t Thursday Mo rnlnll first attack this week in the sprawling, White House press secretary George Chris­ canal-laced delta below Saigon. tian said the government has received l reports that Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher and Other Cities Hit Funeral Services his men are being properly treated "and Face Obstacle In Regents Decision Also attacked either by shell or ground the wounded are being given medical assault were the air base at Bien lIoa, 20 care,l! By DEBBY DONOVAN o demonstration if Dow comes to the The regents, meeting two days later, miles northwest of Saigon ; .S. Al'my Asst. U"iverslty Editor cnmpus.'· specifically a ked what the University', in tallatlons at Long Binh. 15 miles north Set For Crawford, • Crewmen Hurt Requests that th e UniverSity refuse per­ Marinn said that Hubbard had agreed policy was on placement and then approv· of the capital; the airstnp at Ban Me FO'lr members of the Pueblo's crew mission for Dow Chemical Co. to recruil there should be talks about Dow's visit ed the policy, Vice Pres. Willard L, Boyd Thuot. a province capital in the central were reported wounded. one critically. here Feb. 12 apPal'enlly race a legai ob· bul said that the administration had no said Monday night. highlands; Kontum, another provincial when North Korean patrol boats seized siacle, The Daily Iowan was told Tues­ power to refuse Dow permission to re­ capital in the highlands, and Da Nang, the vessel Jan. 22 and forced it into Won. Dow was the object of demonstrations Professor Emeritus day cruit. on Dec. 5. following close on the heels of second largest city in Sotuh Vietnam san harbor. The administration feels it no longer he Students for a Democratic SocIety form­ Funeral serviCe!; for Bartholow V. Craw­ How the men were hurt Is not clear. anti-Marine demonstrations held early In Unlike thp Tuesday attack: nn i.pected . it\' Epis"opal Church, 320 E. College St. G Hubbard. dean of academic affairs. said that plans included a ma s meeting Burial will be in Rest Haven Memorial Puebio's electronic intelligence gathering The Board of Regents approved the Uni­ can ult the faculty and probably various The U.S. Command had circulated a to plan any demonstration so many peo­ student groups if it ever had any plans to Park m Des Moines. gear. versity's placement policy at its Dec . 14 ple would be involved in the "conspiracy." notice several days ago warning: "There Prof. Crawford died Monday at Mercy Christian declined to give the source of meeting. and any change in that policy recommend a change in policy to the may be Viet Cong activities aimed at var­ Hospital after a long illness. He was 79. the information about how the crew is would also have to be approved by the The Citizens' Committee Against the board. He said Tuesday that he knew of ious U.S. and Vietnamese headquarters He was named proCessor emeritus in being treated, nor would he say how much board. Hubbard said. War in Vietnam is scheduled to discuss no plans to suggest a change. and government billets during the Tet 1956 afler 35 years at the University. He credence the government places in the The board is to meet here Feb. 8 and 9, Dow tonight, according 10 James F. Me· In the Dec. 12 speech Bowen said, "This lunar new year holidays. Viet Cong ar· had been acting head of the Departmenl report. Just a few days before the appearance of Cue. assistant professor of religion . docs not mean that our placement activ­ tillery units and Viet Cong suicide cadres of English al.d secretary of the College He indicated the information did nol D!lW recruitcrs On campus, but there were PI's. Howard R. Bowen included a ities will never change. All our policies are infiltrating into the capital area." of Liberal Arts. come from the International Committee no indications that administration offic­ slatement about the placement policy in and services are subject to review. From Prof. Crawford received an A.B. degree of the Red Cross, which has been asked ials would seek permission to bar Dow. his Dec. 12 speech lo the facully coneern­ lime to time changes may be made, but from CDl'Oeil CoUege in 1910 and A.M. and to look into the men's welfare. Christian Albert G. Marian. G, North Liberty, mg demonstrations. if so, they wiJ1 be made through regular PhD. degrees from Harvard University. said that thus far there have been no re­ said Monday nighl lhat he had suggested Pol icy Approved procedures. not through pressure or Rape Ruled Out He taught at Cornell College, the Urn­ ports from the Red Cross. to Hubbard that there should be a discus­ He said that University policy w 0 u I d thl'eats or intimidations. versity of Minnesota and Rice Institute Asked whether any new steps were dis­ sion between potential demonstrators continue 10 be that all "employers engaged Dow has ong been a target of antiwar before coming to the University in 1921. cussed at the meeting between Johnson against Dow and the administration about in legal operations and actually having groups. bo h on and off campus. The and Democratic congressional leaders, Prof. Crawford edited "Selections from th e scheduled recruiting. jobs to offer may, afler following weU­ mammoth chemical company manufac­ In Coed Slaying; Christian said the entire situation was re­ T.lks Seen Needed established procedures. interview students ture napalm, a fiery explosive used in Henry David Thoreau" and was co-editor viewed. of "Outline History of American Litera­ Marian said, "Ohviously there will be in our placement offices." the Vietnamese War. ture." For six years he broadcast classes No Suspects Yet in llle American novel and American lit­ eralure over WSUI. AMES IA'I - Officials reporled Tuesday Dewey B. stuit, dean of the College of Educator Decries Lack Of Qualified Iowa Teachers they are without suspects in the strangu­ Liberal Arts. said Tuesday: lation murder of pretty, l8-year-old Sheila "In the death of Prof. Emeritus Bar· DES MOINES "" - More than 1,000 tion indicate that some dislricts may have oulsidc their major field of study in col· with less than a naster's degree wiU soon Jean Conins. an Iowa State Univel'sity tholow Crawford, the University has lost teaching jobs in Iowa are no'v held by teachers without any certificate at aU . lege. This is a prevalent situation, Wells be "below par ," Cox said . studenl found face down in a country ditch Sunday. a distinguished teacher. scholar. and ad­ partially qualified teachers while thou­ Certification Lists Out contended. Cox said that school districts whose cer. ministrator. Prof. Crawford, in all aspects County Atty. Charles Vanderbur said sands of fully qualified persons refuse to Certification lists from county school • Expiration da tes of annual contracts tification lists r.re not received by the de­ of his life, exhibited the qualities of a truly superintendents are due each Dec. 31, Cox between teachers and school districts. Cox partment may be deprived of furthe r state late Tuesday afternoon that Miss Collins educated man. enter a classroom, an educator said Tues­ had not been raped. day. said. By Jan. 24. he added. only 22 coun· said the February date "is completely aid and paychecks withheld from teach­ "He was kind and generous in his rela· ties had reported to the department. wrong" and suggested a June date. ers. "We have no big break that I can or William Robinson. Iowa State Ed ucation tionships with others, thoroughly com­ In an hour-long discussion, th~ officials • Long range improvement plans by in­ cannot tell you about ," Vanderbur said a Association consultant, said low pay, lack The Iowa Board of Education may con­ mitted to a life of teaching and scholar­ touched on topics including: dividual school districts. sider what to do about the delinquent lists few hours earlier at a news conference. of fringe benefits and undesirable working ship, and ever mindful of his role 8S a • Misassignment of t.eachers to subiects Teaching and administrative personnel at its Feb. 16 and J7 meeting. Cox added. member of the University fac ulty. cond itions are keeping qualified persons Miss Collins was last seen alive about "Prof. Crawford served the Universily from teach in g. 8 p.m. Friday when she left Elm Hall, in many capacities. He was called upon her dormitory, to catch a ride to her He said some 1,500 of Iowa's approxi­ Evanston, II I., home for the weekend . frequently to serve upon committees of mately 35,000 teachers hold their jobs the College of Liberal Arts, on several oc· through temporary teaching certificates. A Identity Unknown casions to ser1'e as acting head of the De. temporary certificate, good for one year, The identity of the perSon 01' persons partment of Englia.l, and after the present is issued to a person who at tbe time can­ who were to have driven her home is un­ organization of the college was adopted, not meet state-{jetermined certification known. Li ke many other ISU students. he served most capably as secretary of standards. Miss Colli ns had arranged for a ride by tbe facuity. Meanwhile, Robinson said, many per­ posting her d~stination on the Memoria' '~In his various roles, Prof. Crawford Union's "Going My Way" bulietin board. sons who could qualify are not teaching I touched al most every aspect of the life of Sheriff J. 1. Shallev said the killer prob_ because of low incentives. the College of LIberal Arts. ably chose Miss Collins from among all , "The University has been most fortu- Robinson also said th at one half of the education graduates from Iowa colleges th e names of coeds seeking transportation nate to have ha I the services of Prof. hom e. CrawCord over a "an of almost 47 years. do not take teaching positions in Iowa the first year after graduation . "We presum e th at to be the case," said I His life and work wUJ be long remembered Shalley. by all of us who were privileged to know "I think this is an indictment of what him and to counl him as an esteemed col­ The girl 's half nude body w::s found 15 we have to offer," he said. miies east of the campus, a nylon rope league and frie rrd." Robinson spoke at a news conference in John C. Gerbu, professor and chair­ still strung around her neck. All of her Des Moines in which he was joined by clothing except a sweatshirt had been laid man of the Department of English, said: Donald Cox, associate superintendent of "Prof. Crawford began teaching Amer­ over a wire fence. public instruction . and ISEA execulive Va nderbur said 15 police officers we:e ican literature at Iowa in the early 1920 's secretary Kenneth Wells. "hen such classes were still a rarity in working full time on the case developing the country. Since then he has introduced Quallfic.tions Cited "five or ten leads," Miss Collins' boy lhousand s of students to hi s favorite au· To become certified by the Department friend. Ira Frank of Skokie. III.. was thors with an enthusiasm that wa. infec· of Public Instruction, a teacher must have among those questioned. tious. a bachelor's degree and have completed Boy Friend Not A SusptCl "Prof. Crawford was an unusually loyal a teacher education program. Vanderbur said Frank, a student at • member of the department and of the Temporary r.erlificates are granted to Northern fIIinols University, was "not University. We shall all miss him great· persons working toward complelion of a necessarily a suspect. For that matter, I ly." degree and a training program. am not casting suspi cion on anyone right He belonged to the Episcopal Church, Cox, Robinson and Wells agreed that now ." the Masons and the Rotary Cl'ub , and was higher wages and benefits would draw He said none of the victim's fellow stu­ ... a past president of the University Triangle more qu ali fied persons into the educati on dents saw the person who ofCered Miss Club He belonged to the Modern Langua ge profession. CoJJins a ride and he is not certain that Association and the American Association only one person was invol ved in the mu r­ of UnIversity Professors. Robinson said the official position of the ISEA, a professional association , is der. Prof. Crawford is survived by his widow, to eliminate temporary teaching certifi­ In addition, he said, "We are not rul· rhyUis; two daughters, Mrs. Louis J . cates entirely. Allowing unqualified per· ace Hp wrole this handbook about the pos­ service this way. and he documenls brief· Southern Labor Union omce implication is lhat all those who do not sibilities of evading the draft, as he says ly some court decisions that have affected Clym~r north of J ohfll;town movement by ISL and othl'r lefl wmg in lhe introduction, "so that those who Selective Service policy on this issue. others overturned and groupR to spearhead revolution in the wish 10 resist may be aided in having all Tn chapters on individual responsibility pickup truck behind the l Lnited Slates. Yet liberals must recog­ their righL~ that might help them to refuse and the war and militancy in the anti.fore hand . thouJ!h, wiU his olher assumplions about the pure· "Changing COIIcepts of the it. It has two - one aboul a peace con· spy film has been reduced to suc h a ligbl you mi~hl liS well forllel aboul geUinll a Iy economic motivations of government, fessions." Lundy graduated fcrence interrupted by a bomb, which wire formula lhat il finally consists of nothing Ih~ 'Daily Iowan )'llace to nark in ('ithel' of thesr lols. As a for instance : most Americans, I believe, the Universi ty magna cum rpsuJl , mosl of the P<'Ople who come to simply want to stop the war and we shall scrvices reporter 1l.obert Vaughn is inves· but a con nected series of "scenes obU· in 1936. tigating, and the other about his being geres." Somebody out there got a list T~e Uaity Iowan Ls written and etlited by sUrrlelf[s and Is governed by /I IJllHrd of flyt t!J al mass must park along Riverside have done enough if we can persuade them Pres. Howard R. Bowen lU~'ed to Ven.icc by the CIA in order to and wrole down the following: Iturtenl tru lee!! elelted by the student hocly anrt fnur trustl'('s apIM,lnll'd hy the presirlent Drivp or thl' othp,' 'In'els near thl' rhurch. that this is possible withoul th~ chimera confer the degrees and of the IInl verRlly. rhe opinilllls exprC8l;pd in the cIIUnrial CUIUIlIIIS of the paper shoutd be Rul whil~ ev~rybody was In mass. the of mililary "victory." If ever we have erve as bail for the capture of his charm- • colorful locale the traditional charge cnnRicicred lhnl'<: of the writers of the al'tldcs cUOI'erned and nlll lhe exprCl!8inn of policy lou'a ('itv Police DpoarLment was on the peace again, there will be time enough to in;! ex·wife, who is a Communist agent. • at least Ihree sexy girls graduates. William D. Villains? Impossible - plenty of villains • one very complicaled plot (or more of the University, any j.lroup associated with the University or thb ~tllff of the newspaper. .inh - giving lirkpls to 75 unsuspeclinj( rpvolutionize America. director of conferences and ('ar owners. The tickels weren't for $1 or with eyepatches, glasses, cigars and if possible) Puhllf!lhed by Student Puhllcatlull • Inc .• Cum­ Will iam Ilml Christophtr Ltvenson, G mtutes at the University. 'ubll.her tailored clothes on some; Karl Boehm as • one plot gimmick Clook into &eJ1)II1 mUllh.:aUunli C;efltef. lowl CIl), luw •• dlllv Edlto, alii Newbrough $' but $5. ThaI's a tidy profit of about 208 Rivtl'$id. Pk. be master of ceremonies, and ex.e.1 SundlY 11111 1Itl1l1dH . ond i.~.1 ~ .. II~ .... Ntws Edlro, GordO" 'toung $375. a handsome mastermind, for instance. Girl bag) Rev. Robert. Welch, ft~.r __• Entered lUI ~{'nl1d C•• 58 matter It the OOAt UnlYlr.lty IdltDr C.II Lan•• "ecklr shortage? Nol with Luciana PalUZZi , Fel- • ptenty gadgels 01("",, II lowl l'llv ulldor lhe Act .r Con." .. City Idltor Sally All Tt seems then> were "'No Parking" fiignl . religion, will serve as 01 M. rr~ 2, 1879 Edltorltl '",t Idlto, Don Y,•• , alpn~ thl' street. They had an exception, ieia Farr and Elke Sommer. Gadget shorl- • genel'allone sad : (see Burlon in "Spy JUdy Lewis Mark, A4 , .vbtcrlptlO;; i"1 •• -,,""8""Y-'-·I-rrler tn (-ltv. Sporh • dltor MIke 11"y .-;:;w. Copy Idltor D,v. MoIt,othel h(\wevpr. In small letters underneath Ihey age? Nope, there's plenty of gadgets and Who Came in From Cold"), ele. Moines, will respond for .10 per year In ."VI",',. : 'lilt: m"uthl( I!l~; Jon J.cobson three mont~. fl. All mall 5Ubscrlptlonl. m Ch lel 'hoto,rtp~.r sl~I"fi "P.x('ppt Sundays from R a.m. to 1 e,'en a gimmick called a "frighl serum" • aclion : vicious and unnecessarily bruf, graduates. per year; .. Ix months, $15; lhree months S10. Assilllnt "'"'Ylfslfy Editor D.bby Donov.n which once injecled can make a man al where possible AlSlt.. ", Sport. Idltor John H.rmon p.m." From the times stated, It was ob­ I SUPPORT t The University Symphony 0'1,1 331 41'1 (runl noun to mi.tlllMhl ttl rep'IIr! 'hofotr.ph., 0.'1' Luck vious Ihat the exception was made to al· scared to death of a mouse. The lack of • Mix well and shake thoroughly before under the direction of new! Helm .net ,nntUHlf't'""UIf'"ljl to I'h ....Hy Edltori •• Advl'" LH Wln'rty a colorful locale? In Venice? The lack of shooti ng. (ow,n ..:flilurt.l oUlce. are In the Cum01unira· Advlrtlsln, Director ltoV Dun,mon 1(\\\' !larkin!! durin~ the hours of mass at THE Piersol, professor of Unns ( '~ nt el. Ad.orrhin, Men.,tr Lorry Hlllquis' 8t. Thomas More. The sign didn't lake into action? True, the action comes in uneven If the film fails we can look at the Ii!! provide music. A vocal The At\lOCiii,dP;'iii In f'ln t.lllf"if e~4"ln"'vely tc account the facl, however. that mass is spurts, but there's some nice gruesome and see why. Th re's one ingredient mill- th~ UM 'or repilhh""Hun uf .11 lu('al new, DOUBLE under the direction of prlllied III lhl5 IIt"W"'I'II)Jer II well IS .11 A P Trult"s, loard of .rudont 'ubllcollons. Inc.. al~o held at 5 p.m. on Sundays. bullet work and a neat knife thrust - ing _ the secret one : inspiration. Slark, professor of music, neWt Itld ttl~lHtlrhe 8111 H"..,hr"nk. 1.1. Sln'orl '·ruel""n. 1\3: Mike Realizing this, you wou ld think that the no, it's nol action . Possibly the film lacks Playing back to back with "The Ven- sing the University 1)1.1 3l' .... I, ;;-;u ~ref'e lvey;;urOi Finn, A2: John RlmleY. A3: Line U..... U... a weItenschuung of ils own? Nope. The etian Affair" is a "'Man From U.N.C.L.E." b , :!IO I m ";vprv f"rr1lrl will 1M! m.rl" ttl p.rlm~nl or PollU,,1 Srlenr~: John 8 Rrem. police would allow p"ople to park there Gold." Station WSUI "ol"r~ C' 1 tht" el'Tflr with t he ""Jet 'Illue 01 clr· ner. chonl or Journall.m: Willlim M. Murroy. during the mass without penalty .. • CIA says: "It's a stinking world" and the liIm entitled "One Spy too Many" I coold cast an on·lhe-scene CIII,Unn o(f',.p hnUfJi IfC! II • . m to 1I II m fUm seems genuinely out to prove that. be cule and say that it was one film 100 Monday Ihrou,h rrldlY Ind 8 lo I I.m. SIt­ Oepartmenl or I!!nqll.h: .IId Wllliin. P. AI. Ron BIlII, A4 Ihe Commencement urdlY· brechl, Ueparlmenl or Econo mic.. 1225 S. Rivtrsld. Dr, WeI!, what can possibly be wrong that many. I will. with Orville Hitchcock, ------~------0/ speech, as commentator. I C. by Johnny Hart lEETLE IAILif by Mort Wolk., The candidates for come Crom 88 Iowa counties, lIales and J5 olher count ries. • Dc"rees to be conferred WI-lAT /6 IT" r elUde 63 doctor of philOllOphy r TI-IE CREAMED trees , 267 master's degrees, ?A~SNIPS .. !! bachelor's degrees in the TI1E CAJlJ(OT Jere of Liberal Arts, and II PATTIE!> ... 1 ' rees in la w; seven, nursing; TIoI6 eOIL!p \)"siness ad ministration ; 33, i"ID"'ey... l ;"'erin": 13, pharmacy and i dPn istry

ANTIWAR MEETING ~ ri'i'ens C'ommitt('e A tbe War in Vietnam will hold IXI'llic meeting at 8 tonight tbt Iowa City Civic Center, ~====~------~--~~~ THI! DAILY IOWAN-Ie•• City, I.,-Wed., Jan. 31, l~Pag. 3 Kennedy Says lsses • 110 Years Ago, UI Helped 'Launch' U.S. In Space EDITOR'S NOTE : Thi, II the ing for many monlhs trimming The launching of a satellite more nik II, a new aecretary oC de­ instruments were ready for E - He WonJt Run first of four .rtides comma...... grams off the U.S. salelUte's sci- than eight times heavier than fense, Neil H. !cElroy. gave plorer 1. ratin, the nation', entry lr1te l. entific payload to gel It down to any the U.S. was preparIng did Werner Von Braun permissi on to For Van Allen, the Jupiter suc­ :y test 'pacI '0 ye.r~ .,0, .nd lo.a', 20 pounds - learned on the eve- prove dramatically that the Rus- prepare his Jupiter-C rocket <11 cess came as no surprise. T~e leadint role In tIM first .....t ning of Oct. 4 that the Russians sians were capable of firing an a back-up to the Navy's ailing Iowa physicist had been well ac­ and frustration: but we-Q elisco.,.ry of the Sp.ce A.. . had flung 184 pounds into orbit. ICB. f. Vangua-d program. And after the quainted with the country's rock­ :wer. And why are the ~ ~~~?~! ~ ~~~ R~ I His <'omment : "It was discourag- To make mailers worse, the Dec. 6 debacle, Van Braun was et programs. And his involvc .. l'I'l F. Kennedy CD-N .Y.l sa i d It was the night of Jan. 31, ing." U.S. Vanguard project, on which given the g()oahead for [mal prep­ ment. and his University's in­ administration has be H Tuesday he has told friends and 1958, and the winds had quieted Then again on oy. 3, another the nation was pinning its satel­ aralions. volvement in the U.S. space pro­ es and short on perform. associates that he wiU not op­ arou:ld the four·stage rocket blow to U.S. prestige fell when lite hopes, experienced what the Derense Secretary McEVoy's gram, had a long history. pose Presidenl Johnson in pres­ poised for firing at Cape Canav­ it was announced that the USSR public felt was a humiliating fail­ decision also had reverberations In tomorrow's DI: tho Unl. tualion are we confrOllLed idtntial primaries und er any Core­ eral (now Cape Kennedy ). had launched another Sputnik - ure, when on Dec. 6 a Vanguard in Iowa. Pickering, director of versity prepares for a .pace­ , lhis?" seeable circumslances. The Jupiter·C rocket was about this time weighing 1,120 pounds test vehicle blew up on it launch JPL, sent. a radio message to age rolt. crime in the streets and and carrying a dog. pad witb a liny grapefruit·sized Van Allen still aboard the ice­ pon our police and elected Kennedy did nol spell out to to hurl Amer ica's first Earth rtporters the nature 01 circum­ satellite, Explorer I, into 8 suc­ The impact on the American test satellite in its nose. breaker Glacier headed Cor An:· TRYOUTS PLANNED- stances thot might cause him to cessful orbit. The gantry rolled public was profound, Van Allen The public and press did not arct.:ca. He asked if Van Allen Tryouts for the Iowa City Com­ put. Now let me ask yuq would I'pprove the transfer of his munity Thealre production of the Republican Party havt change his mind. But it was indi- I back. klaxons BOunded . techni­ recat:s today. "The avera"e · take kindly to the Vanguard fail­ clttd thaI developments in I h e cians ran to concrete shelters, American seemed to regard the ure. One newspaper ridiculed the Iowa satenite package, then b&­ "Anastasia" will be held at 7:30 11" Vietnamese war may have a Sputniks as some kind of mili· attempt with the headline : "to-9- ing readied for Vanguard, to p.m. beginning next Wednesday lal. " I and ::t )0:48 p.m., orange fire ~at deal to do with his think· tary threat, and many people 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-Pfft!" And the word and running through Feb. U. hesitate?" appeared at the base of the mis­ Jupiter·C. in:. sile. were awed to know that some· which most frequently found its Van Allen wired his approval, They will be beld In the Union might be the Amerlclll Wisconsin Room. system." The New York senator has been The earth shook as the tower­ thing from Russia was floating way into aU news stories was then cabled Ludwig to take the under pre ure to make an open ing rocket rose, slowly at first over their heads," he says. "Disaster." apparatus to Pickerine. Ludwig Nick Meyer, A3, New York Ibiding faith in that, too. brcllk with Johnson . He has said then "ith gathering speed as it Indeed . several weeks before In apparent response to the Jeft Iowa City for Pasadena, City, will direct the play which would have been correct. he will campaign for Johnson if penetrated the overcast Sputnik [ was launched , Moscow public mood, changes were made Cam., on Nov. 18 ,and after little has a ca t or eight men and five inflation. What does the the President is nominated for a AmonI' those witnessing the had announced the firing of an in the U.S. satellite program. A more than two months of day­ women. Production d.ates are to do to cut it?" intercontinental ballistic missile. week aeler the launchine of Sput. and-night preparation, the Iowa second elective term, despite historic launch was George Lud­ March 'l:T to 31. :ut back on federal speud. their differences over Vietnam. wig, a University graduate stu- ;s on the people that we Although he has said he is dent in physics, who had proved 'ithin our means here II sympathetic with th e foreign pol­ his genius in the new and diffi- icy views of Sen . Eugene J. Mc­ cult art of latellite instrumenta- ;)Sn't, where will the AmIf. Carthy to-Minn.l, Kennedy has tion. acrificed? " declined to aid in the Minnesota Ludwig, who had grown up on senator's p rim a r y campaign en altar of economic ex· OFF AND RUNNING - Herbert F. Hoover, a Republican from a 52·acre farm near Ti ffin and n ainst Johnson. developed a reputation in hi gh O,k.toOla, waves al he prepares 10 campaign In Concord, N.H., The snail's pace of the Mc· school as an expert in electric of chaos do the Americlll Tue,day following his filing as a candldale for president In New the challenging y e If I Carthy campaign has brought motors and radios, hIId con· new pressures for Kennedy him­ Hampshire's flrst·ln·natlon presidential preference primary structed the cosmic·ray instru­ DISCONTENTED self to challenge Johnson for the March 12. Hoover, 44, is a fourth cousin twice removed from the ment:,lion in the needle·like haOB as well as cbaoI lal. President Herbert C. Hoover. He is running .s a pe.ct cause of this, we are lor· , nomina lion. fourth stage of the Jupiter-C. candIdate on the GOP side of Ihe ballol. - AP Wirtphoto :lership overseas and our There is a strong feeling among I This instrumentation, and an · orne." some of Kennedy's associates othe r package aboard Explorer that Johnson and sland·ins for TIl to be launched March 26, with living? let's go on to VleblJm. the Prtsident will dispose or Mc­ -Dormant FOl2 Years- would lead to the discovery DC a ;ommunist aggression are Carthy handily and thus strength- em there?" huge radiation wne around the earth in coming mOnths. enand Johnson'shand him holdamanda on the te tpartyo es- SAC B H t R d IeefIl to have pused tilt calate the Vietnamese war if he James Van Allen, professor art writing speeches In lilt Un s e s oC , chooses. and head the Department of Physics and Astronomy and di· rector of the scientific experi· what?" mcnt. was at the Pentagon with from the bottom of IIl1 Violence Hits In DuBois Clubs other principal leaders of Amer. ne God ." ica's attempt to join the Soviet ii, The Wllhln,'on ,"' C.. WASHINGTON IA'I - The Sub· asking $425.000. Increases would Union in space. With him were Miners' Drive versive Activities Control Board, go mostly for travel - $20,000 in· Werner Von Braun, the U.S. nearly dissolved last year in an stl'ad of $3,500 thi s y('ar - tran- Army rocket expert who devel­ ...... " ..... , ..... '" JOHNSTOWN, Pa. IA'I - A uproar over a presidential ap- scripts and an increase in staff I op the Jupiter·C system, and , United Mine Workers Un ion pointmellt, asked Monday (or a from 17 to 22 persons. New staff William Picket'ing, director of the , drive to organize small independ· 38 per cent increase in its budget, would include a $21,000 hearing Armv·sponsored Jet Propulsion I j ent mines spread the worst vi()o and ann~ced. Tuesday its first I ex~miner, an attorney and secre- Laboratory at the California In- I lence in a generation through the j public hearmg m two years. tanal help. slilute of Technology . Pennsylvania soft coal f ie Ids A bearing scheduled to begin Asked about the travel in- It was these three who &n . ... by Rick Gorr Tuesday and idled 18,000 men in Monday in New York will ex- crea. e, Hunter said "all t hat noun ced and explained the sue. three slate . plore the U.S. attorney general's can be done is to have available cessful launch to the world . OURS IS ONLY $345 · the new law, the appeal Slate police said swift bands contention that the W.E.B. DU- Ito the board money to travel If shortly after midnlltht when , various Selective S~ of men used firebombs to des­ Bois Clubs of America "is sub- necessary for hearings out.side tracking stations on the nation's PER SEMESTER ••• AND LOOK troy the office of a union chal­ stantially directed, dominated Washington." west coast had ~onfirmed that ,erously provides form let lenging the United Mine Workers, and controlled by the Commumst The board became virtually Explorcr I was rounding out Its AT ALL YOU GET ••• AFL-CIO, at the small mines. party." dormant after courts stripped firs! orbit. :e wishing classificatiOll Move Into our brand new high -rise building with lrify his explanations, but UMW officials declined com­ Frank H~nter, SACB gene!al away iL~ powers to require or- The U.S. had escaped the bonds ,vious that they could have llrent on the violence. They ac· counsel, disclosed the hearmg ganizations it deemed subversive of gravity. but the arhievement Its high-speed elevators. We offer Iowa's best anyway. cused the police of "brutality" when asked about the budget in· to register with the Justice De- came almost four months after housing value. We're coeducational and University­ aga inst pickets. crease. "We do not have the parlmcnt. the launching of the first Soviet approved. We have mammoth coed lounges and TV much space to the foggy Cain lest idea" where or when Now Congress has empowered satellitc, Sputnik 1, on Oct. 4, ,onscientious objection and PoUee said a group of men hearings other than the DuBois the board to conduct hearings and 1957. room s and a year-round heated Indoor swim pool-even : one might follow to avoid scuffled with officers at the proceeding might be held, Hunt· determine if organizations a I' e The announcement of the Sput­ Sauna health roomsl We're air-conditioned and wa"­ y, and he documents brief· Southern Labor Union office in er said. Communist-dominated or controll- nik launch came on the evening to-wall carpeted. Our apartment suites Include kitchenette lecisions that have alfected Clymer north of Johru;town while The public hearing apparently cd. IL has no punitive powers. of Ocl. 4 while Ludwig was in and ceramic bath-only 2 students to a unit with big :e policy on this issue. others overturned and burned a will keep the board in business, and can act only on cases refer- Washington. D.C.. represcnting space, big closets and study desks separated from )D individual responsibility pickup truck behind the building. since Congress voted to dissolve red to it by th attorney general. the UniverSity physics depart- :I militancy in the anli.crart Some men shifted to t h r e e !t Ju?e I, 1969. if it held no hear. Nicholas ~atzcnbach, then at- men! at an international confer- living and sleeping area. Enjoy our cafeteria when you miles away in Dixonville, where lOgs In the next year. torney general. filed with I h e ence of space scientists. nke-pay only for the meals you eat. We have offstreet and !S beyond the point of hi! they burned a coal company of· ~ pt Po,tpo.nemenl Asked board March 2, 1966. a proceed- Van Allen was engaged in an- Indoor parking avaJlable. Only minutes to Oid Capitol and tells what he could lice which had been dynamited 3 the personal moral right The DuBoIS clubs have as~ed I ing against the DuBois Clubs. other activity of the International with private bus service available. two weeks earlier, police said. a J?Ostponement o~ the hearmg The organization fought in fed- Geophysical Year - an expedi­ aft, and he makes lhe queJo Convenient payment plans available. ion that public opinion is Meanwhile, state Labor and In- unlJl . Feb. 26. The~T r~ue5t for cl'al courts to stop the hearings tion to the ~Ottth Poie aboard the addlltonal preparallon ttme is cx- but eight days ago the Supreme U.S. avy tcehreaker Glacier. ort of draft-dodgers, a poinl t dustry Secretary William H art Mod.1 Suit•• Open I Separ.t. A..... for .am.d Student. I be proved. met in Harrisburg with union of­ pected to be granted. Court tUl'Oed down the latest Du- Ludwig - who had been work· ficials and owners of the Solar The Subversive Activities Con· Bois petition, thus allowing the -i-----===:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;:­ nn 's account is sketchy and Fuel Co., where picketing punc· ~rol Board popped {ro.m obscur- board to proceed. Hunter said ms to sympathize, thougb tuated by arson and vandaJlsm tty last year after Prestdent John- he did not know how many wit- STAMP.T I minority-group victims of • slarted last week. son appointed Simon F. McHugh, nesses the Department of Jus- ~ IT'I TM' ....01 his carping on the system husband of a former Johnson sec- tice or the DuBois clubs w 0 u I d 1. ~"' .., "EGULAR ,ring in spots. Luckily, the retary, to a $26,OOO-a-year job as call. ' ~.' MODEL lort enough for the reader a board member. Opponents ar· I .2 724 Degrees gued McHugh was not qualified. CHINESE TAKE REVENGE- I LIIIE--;:;XT Congr~ss,. after first consider- I FRANKFURT IA'I - The China no .... ' __IIU EM. ~MAYflOWIR · planning to defect to Can­ , pursue tbe conscientiou!­ lng aboltshing the board, fmally ' Philatelic Co. of Peking has s.a~.!~ =. ~~.. the book will not ofler yOll voted at the urging of Senate stopped distributing its monthly ...... ~ ~ .. ~ }(o To Be Given Republican Leader .Everett M. bulletins to West German stamp _1aIrO fit -.e --...... p in evading the draft. It . e... tax. I a ni ce case of his own in Dirksen to g i ve it new d ulles in- magazines tha t ignored a Com. "...... urts though. stead. munist Chinese warning not to TN_ MOrfO 00, Here Saturday !he board was voted $295,000 publish advertisements from Na- , .....~ .. ':: ::-,' .... Some 724 degrees will be tothIS meet year payroll and wants increa $13,000ses approv- more ,;~ti~o~nal~jS~t~C~h~i~na~.~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;======~~~, lspiration awarded at winter Commence­ ed by Congress - including a ment at 10 a.m. Saturday In the raise to $28,000 for board mem- thorpe's screen version 01 Field House. bers. For fiscal 1969, the board Is thrill er as dull as paint? J. Edward Lundy , executive e finally decided on is that vice president oC the Ford Motor ) much. It is so completely ICo., will give the Commencement HAWKEYE BOOK STORE nothing is new or original, [ address. His subject will be Smiley Asks S oC making a commercial "Changing Concept3 of the Pro­ ~e n reduced to such a tight fessions." Lundy graduated from finally consists of nothing the University magna cum laude ~d series of "scenes obli· in t936. Ramp. Plans lody out there got a Jist Pres. Howard R. Bowen will n the following : confer the degrees and deliver Start Quickly :ale the traditional charge to the ree sexy girls graduates. William D. Coder, Designs for two six-level park­ complicated plot (or more director of conferences and in­ ing ramps in the downtown sho(), stitutes at the University, will ping area should be started im­ limmick Clook into aerul11 be master of ceremonies, and the mediately. City Manager Frank Rev. Robert Welch, proCllIIIIOr of R. Smiley told tbe City Council gets religiOll, wiU serve as chaplain. Monday. Ie sad : (see Burton in "Sp~ Judy Lewis Mark, A4, Des Smiley also advised the council from Cold"), etc. Moines , will respond for the to shorten the maximum time al­ ious and unnecessarily brut. graduates. lowed at many downtown parking ble , The University Symphony Band meters to one or two hours, at a FOR USED nd shake thoroughly before UIlder the direction of Frank rate of ten cen ts an hour. Piersol, professor of music, will The recommenda ti on to pr()o lils we can look al the JiJt provide music . A vocal quartet ceed immediately on tbe parking 'here's one ingredient milS' under the direction of Herald changes, part of an overall down­ et one : inspiration. Stark, professor of music, will town parking and tr affic study, · to back with "The Ven­ sing the University hymn , "Old was outlined in December by the a "Man From U.N.C.L.E." Gold." Station WSUI will broad­ city planning department. )ne Spy 100 Many" I could cast an on·the·scene account of The council look no action on Iy that it was one film !DO the Commencement exercises, the recommendations, but is with Orville Hitchcock, proCessor expected to discuss them next of speech, as commentator. week. ------The meter changes would in­ by Mort Wolktr The candidates for degrees volve a I I streetside parking come from 88 Iowa counlies, 32 spaces in the center shopping stales and 15 other countries. area adiacent to tbe campus and o De' tees to be conferred in· south of Iowa Avenue. r ~IUde 63 doctor of philosophy de­ The planning department report ,rees, 267 master's degrees, 263 said the changes were aimed at bachelor'S degrees in the Col· forcing all-day parking out of the Hawkeye, Book Store lepe of Liberal Arts, and 11 de· downtown area, possibly leading 'rees in law ; seven, nursing; 66, to increased Use of the city buses. IJ,'sin ess ad ministration ; 33, en· Smiley said the first parking 30 m'erin" : 13. pharmacy and one ramp, planned for a lot on Col­ i den' islry Ieee Street, should be dcsigned to permit future expansion of park­ S. Clinton ANTIWAR MEETING ing facilities in several direc­ ""'~ f'i'i'ens Commit!Pf AgRinsl Lions, including up. the War in Vietnam will hold a The preliminary layout pro­ ~~Iic meeting at 8 tonight in posed that each o[ the two plan­ the Iowa City Civic Center. ned rampa accommodat.e 420 cara. Pa•• 4-THf OAIL Y 10 WAN-lo. a City, la.-Wed., Jan. 11, 1961 UCLA's All-American Beban No Charges P Poll Lead Still In Houston's Grip HARRISBURG, Pa. 11\ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS den and Centenary of Shreveport. ,rushed up to grab ninth place /ionnan Yoder. the Houston's olid lead in The La .• Feb. 10. farlihall has a H)·S while Kentucky. wbich split two w" 'ho CalseJ y reported As..