APRIL 16, 2016 Mirror-SpeTHE ARMENIAN ctator Volume LXXXVI, NO. 39, Issue 4433 $ 2.00 NEWS The First English Language Armenian Weekly in the United States Since 1932 INBRIEF Remarks Force Outrage Rapidly Forces Boston Billboard Resignation in Sweden STOCKHOLM (AP) — The deputy chairman of a Denying Down Swedish-Turkish association has resigned after derogatory comments he made about the billboard media last week. By Aram Arkun company Clear Channel Barbaros Leylani, who called for “death to Mirror-Spectator Staff Outdoor. According to Armenian dogs” at a Stockholm rally, apologized the Turkish organiza- Monday, April 11, on the association’s website. tion’s website, “Turkic Swedish legal watchdog Juridikfronten said it BOSTON — A billboard denying the Platform is a non-profit, had reported the speech for incitement to racial Armenian Genocide in the North End of individual initiative hatred to police and an Armenian association says Boston on the night of April 5 was quickly established to bring all it also plans to make a police report. removed by the morning of April 7 as a the Turks and Turkish result of widespread outrage reflected in movements living and the media. Both non-Armenians and operating in different President Meets with Armenians reacted quickly and decisively. parts of the world Religious Leaders The billboard has a picture of three together…its mission… hands in the colors of national flags. The is to preserve and pro- (Armenpress) — President Serzh Armenian and Russian ones have crossed tect Turkish national Sargsyan had a meeting on April 12 with fingers, symbolizing lying, while the identity and culture Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and Turkish one has two fingers extended in while introducing it to Catholicos of the Great House of Aram I. the symbol for peace. The billboard writes the world and cherish- Turkic Platform Billboard Denying Armenian Genocide in the The three discussed the situation in Nagorno “Truth = Peace,” and gives the website ing it.” Apparently this North End of Boston (Photo: David Filipov, staff) Karabagh and the Azerbaijani attacks. They also Boston Globe address FactCheckArmenia.com. This web- mission includes repeat- stressed the importance of joining state-church site argues that the Armenians were not ed attempts to deny efforts, in order to solve challenges and issues of subject to a genocide, and “counters the reality of the Armenian Genocide. which was taken down after great criticism. national importance. Armenian misinformation.” Last year, on the centennial of the start of The billboard was part of a campaign in the The Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and A Turkish group from Istanbul called the Armenian Genocide, the Turkic Platform US which also included ads in newspapers the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I Turkic Platform sponsored the ad through paid Outfront Media for a similar billboard, like the Boston Globe and billboards in vari- talked about their upcoming visit to Nagorno ous cities. During the same period, it orga- Karabagh. nized a performance of dancers waving Turkish flags in front of the Lincoln Russia Says It Won’t NKR Ceasefire Holds, Dead Transferred Memorial in Washington DC on April 24 and in Times Square, New York on April 21. Halt Arms Sales to STEPANAKERT (Combined Sources) — A Active military operations in the conflict The placement of the billboard ad this tentative ceasefire has been holding between zone stopped on April 5 after bilateral agree- year was particularly egregious, and no , Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) and Azerbaijan ment reached by the chiefs of general staffs doubt deliberate. It was situated across see BILLBOARD, page 9 MOSCOW (Reuters) — Russia said it would con- after the latter’s surprising attack. of the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed tinue selling arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia The Armenian side said late on Thursday forces. Despite sporadic gunfire, the ceasefire despite the latest flare-up of the conflict, angering that its death toll after several days of clash- arrangement has largely held since then. the Armenians who consider Moscow a close ally. es in Nagorno-Karabagh earlier this month According to Arstamyan, overall tensions Sargsyan in Berlin: Renewed fighting was the most intense since a has increased to 36. As many as 122 considerably decreased during April 7, but 1994 ceasefire. A Moscow-brokered ceasefire Armenian servicemen are wounded and 21 in separate directions ceasefire violations A Balancing Act agreed on Tuesday stopped the outburst of vio- are missing, the NKR Defense Army with the use of firearms were registered. lence. Operative Department chief Victor One Armenian soldier was wounded in the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who Arstamyan said, summing up the date for northern direction of the line of contact in By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach travelled to both Armenia and Azerbaijan this week April 1-6. see CEASEFIRE, page 2 said Russia had no intention of halting arms sales Special to the Mirror-Spectator to any side of the conflict. “If we imagine for a minute that Russia has given BERLIN — The visit had been planned up this role [of arms seller], we well understand long in advance, but it could not have come that this place will not stay vacant,” Medvedev said. at a more delicate moment. When “They will buy weapons in other countries, and the Armenian President Serge Sargsyan (also degree of their deadliness won’t change in any written as Sargisian) came to Berlin on way.” April 6 for a two-day visit, the conflict Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan between Nagorno-Karabagh and decried the decision. Azerbaijan was raging and German-Turkish “Russia is our strategic partner, and our people relations were still being shaped by con- take it with pain that Russia sells weapons to cerns regarding the refugee crisis. The gov- aggressor Azerbaijan,” the government press ser- ernment of Chancellor Angela Merkel man- vice quoted him as saying after a church funeral aged to walk the tightrope successfully. service for a soldier killed in clashes with Azeri But not everyone cheered. Some media forces. coverage, like a TV commentary by Arnd Henze, complained that in her joint press see GERMANY, page 4 INSIDE The large atrium inside the School Newest UWC School Puts Dilijan DC On Map of Global Education Fundraiser MOSCOW — Philanthropist Veronika By Alin K. Gregorian Zonabend has a lot on her plate, but for Page 10 her, the United World Colleges (UWC) Mirror-Spectator Staff Dilijan School, which opened two years ago, is of special importance. In an interview from her office in the Russian capital, Zonabend, the found- INDEX ing patron and chair of the UWC Dilijan School’s Board of Governors, along Arts and Living ...... 11 with her husband, Ruben Vardanyan, spoke of her passion for the school. Armenia ...... 2 Together, the couple has co-founded the RVVZ Foundation that implements Community News...... 5 philanthropic sustainable development projects in Russia and Armenia. Editorial ...... 17 see SCHOOL, page 8 President Serge Sargsyan and President International ...... 3,4 Joachim Gauck 2 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARMENIA News From Armenia NKR Ceasefire Holds, Dead Transferred

CEASEFIRE, from page 1 mando units carried out a raid inside frontlines mercenaries who are wanted Nagorno-Karabagh, and an enemy the border village of Talish in the north by different countries. All this shows NKR President Praises drone was destroyed in the Aghdam of Nagorno-Karabagh. Evidence that that Azerbaijan flagrantly violates all direction. transpired later suggests that they tor- international humanitarian norms and Armenians Worldwide The Defense Army official said that of tured elderly members of a local family conventions, in particular the Geneva STEPANAKERT (Armenpress) — Artsakh Republic the 36 killed Armenian servicemen 9 whom their children did not manage to Convention, using weapons that have President Bako Sahakyan received heads of the are officers and warrant officers. “The evacuate in time. All three, including a destructive features in targeting civilian Armenian National Assembly standing committees difference in the number as compared 92-year-old woman, were brutally killed facilities, involving mercenaries and and factions on April 12. to the previous day is due to the fact and the dead bodies of at least two of international terrorists in its armed Issues concerning the large-scale combat opera- that the bodies of four soldiers were the elderly people were mutilated. forces,” David Babayan, a spokesman tions launched by Azerbaijan from April 2 to 5 and found on the battlefield, another ser- This and other crimes committed for the Nagorno-Karabagh president, their consequences were discussed during the meet- viceman was found alive,” he said. against Armenians, including the behead- said. ing. NKR President Bako Sahakyan said ing of an ethnic Yezidi serviceman of Political analyst Aghasi Yenokyan The president noted that during this ordeal all that efforts were underway to assist the Nagorno-Karabagh’s Defense Army, has thinks that if allegations that Gray Armenian people showed exemplary unity and readi- citizens whose property was affected by sparked an outrage in the Armenian soci- Wolves and ISIS militants fought for ness to defend the native land, independence and Azeri strikes. ety against the background of reports Azerbaijan are proved, it will trigger a freedom signifying in this process the role of the Tigran Atanesyan, an NKR govern- that Azerbaijan has been using merce- great international response and will Armenian political powers and the parliament too. ment official dealing with local govern- naries, including possible ISIS-trained change the configuration and meaning ment and re-settlement issues, said that militants, in its operations. of the conflict as terrorism has become some 200 civilians deprived of shelter “Azerbaijan has brought out to the a global threat today. President Receives Nobel applied to the Karabagh authorities. He said among them were many women, Laureates children and elderly people, including YEREVAN (Armenpress) — President of Armenia those with mobility difficulties. Remember and Honor: NKR Defense Serzh Sargsyan received the five Nobel laureates in “The number of people is increasing. Medicine and related fields, Aaron Ciechanover, Ada They are being accommodated in hotels Army Releases Names of Killed Yonath, Dan Shechtman, John Robin Warren and Ei- in Stepanakert. They are now in about ichi Negishi on April 12. three-four hotels. We provide them with Servicemen of Defense Army The scientists arrived in Armenia in the sidelines food three times a day as well as with of “Noble days in Armenia” event organized by medical services,” Atanesyan said. STEPANAKERT (Armenpress) — The Defense Ministry of Nagorno Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University. Earlier, NKR Prime Minister Ara Karabagh Republic released the names of killed servicemen of the Issues related to the development of science in Harutyunyan visited Martakert and stat- Defense Army, who were killed for the homeland as a result of military Armenia, particularly medicine and related spheres ed that the damage caused to the local operations conducted in the line of contact of Karabagh-Azerbaijani were discussed at the meeting. infrastructure will be quickly restored. armed forces from April 2 to April 5. Sahakyan, who wore a military uni- form as he spoke at a press conference These servicemen are: Azerbaijan Fires in Stepanakert late on April 7, said that Captain Armenak M. Urfanyan, 1990-2016, Yerevan Karabagh’s armed forces were ready to Soldier Kyaram K. Sloyan, 1996-2016, Aragatsotn Province Towards Armenia retaliate should Azerbaijan violate the Major Rudik B. Movsesyan, 1976-2016, Stepanakert current ceasefire. YEREVAN (Armenpress) — Azerbaijan fired at Major Hayk V. Torosyan, 1985-2016, Yerevan “At the same time, we remain com- Armenian positions in the Armenia Azerbaijan state Senior lieutenant Hrach V. Galstyan, 1991-2016, Gumri mitted to a peaceful resolution,” the border, “Armenpress” was informed by the Soldier Gevorg G. Vardanyan, 1996-2016, Gumri NKR leader emphasized. Department of Information and Public Relations of Junior sergeant Henrik R. Ghahramanyan, 1996-2016, Masis The NKR/Artsakh State Commission the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. The Defense Private soldier Hrant S. Gharibyan, 1947-2016, Stepanakert on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Ministry said that during the early morning of April Captain Hovsep G. Kirakosyan, 1988-2016, Armavir Province Missing Persons issued a statement say- 12 Azerbaijan fired shots (16 bursts) from various Nodarik A. Margaryan, 1963-2016, Martakert region ing that on April 10, in accordance with caliber weapons including large caliber guns at Sergeant Yuri A. Paramazyan, 1996-2016, NKR, Martuni the arrangement reached earlier, “the Armenian positions in the northeastern direction of Senior lieutenant Merujan A. Stepanyan, 1993-2016, Gumri State Commission on Prisoners of War, the Armenia-Azerbaijan state border. Soldier Rafik Kh. Hakobyan, 1996-2016, Aragatsotn Province Hostages and Missing Persons of the The Armenian Armed Forces responded cautiously. Soldier Aghasi S. Asatryan, 1996-2016, c. Masis Nagorno Karabagh Republic, through According to the Nagorno Karabagh Defense Army, Soldier Viktor A. Yuzikhovich, 1997-2016, Gumri the mediation of the International the ceasefire agreement between Nagorno Karabagh- Soldier Narek V. Mkrtchyan, 1996-2016, Syunik Province Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Azerbaijani armed forces was mainly maintained dur- Soldier Sargis A. Sahakyan, 1995-2016, c. the Office of the Personal ing the night of April 11 -12, however the Soldier David R. Hayrapetyan, 1997-2016, Gegharkunik Province Representative of the OSCE Chairman Azerbaijani side fired mortars and grenade launchers Junior sergeant Vladik S. Narinyan, 1996-2016, NKR, Martuni in Office, carried out the exchange of at Armenian positions in the northeastern and south- Soldier Gor K. Kirakosyan, 1996-2016, Armavir Province bodies of the deceased between the eastern directions of the line of contact. Senior sergeant Never S. Simonyan, 1990-2016, Hadrut region Nagorno Karabagh Republic and In particular, Azerbaijan fired 82mm mortars (3 Senior sergeant Gharib H. Sahakyan, 1987-2016, Hadrut region Azerbaijan near the Bash Karvend set- shells), 60mm mortars (4 shells) and AGS-17 Private soldier Aznaur R. Balayan, 1987-2016, Hadrut region, tlement,” the statement reads. “The grenade launchers (17 grenades) at Armenian posi- Major Hovsep R. Majiljan, 1978-2016, c. Hadrut bodies of 18 servicemen of the NKR tions in the directions of Martakert and Hadrut. Lieutenant Hayk R. Grigoryan, 1993-2016, NKR Martuni region Defense Army, fallen as a result of the The Azerbaijani side also used a reconnaissance Norik J. Gasparyan, 1996-2016, Kapan large scale military aggression drone during the night in the southern, eastern and Soldier Vahe S. Zaqaryan, 1995-2016, c. Hrazdan unleashed by Azerbaijan in April 2-5, northern directions. Soldier Aramayis G. Mikayelyan, 1996-2016, Armavir Province, were transferred to the NKR side during Soldier Aram A. Abrahamyan, 1996-2016, Armavir Province the exchange. Private soldier Vardan S. Tadevosyan, 1990-2016, Hadrut region MEPs Call on EU to End According to the statement, there Junior sergeant Sasha V. Galstyan, 1996-2016 were signs that the bodies had been Senior lieutenant Benyamin N. Yeghoyan, 1992-2016, Yerevan Parity on Karabagh mutilated. Soldier Tigran A. Abgaryan, 1996-2016, Gumri The statement continued, “Those Issue Soldier Vladimir V. Alikhanyan, 1996-2016, Dilijan acts, being a flagrant manifestation of Private soldier Gegham R. Mkrtchyan, 1986-2016, Martakert region BRUSSELS, Belgium (Armenpress) — Ahead of the inhumanity, run counter to the laws and Senior non-commissioned officer David Y. Gasparyan, 1979-2016, debate on Nagorno Karabagh in the European customs of war and are in grave viola- Stepanakert Parliament (EP) on April 12, several European politi- tion of the international humanitarian Junior sergeant Robert A. Abajyan, 1996-2016, Yerevan cians expressed their views on the worrisome situa- law, in particular, the Convention (I) for Soldier Andranik A. Zohrabyan, 1996-2016, Ararat Province tion in the region, calling for different measures of the Amelioration of the Condition of Lieutenant colonel Aleksan G. Arakelyan, 1982-2016, Gumri support to Karabagh. the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces Lieutenant colonel Onik K. Grigoryan, 1978-2016, Askeran region One of them is the Vice-President of the in the Field (1949), Geneva Convention Lieutenant colonel Roman V. Poghosyan, 1979-2016, Hadrut region Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, (III) relative to the Treatment of Major Suren G. Melkumyan, 1979-2016, Hadrut region MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras. He demanded the Prisoners of War (1949) and the Senior lieutenant Maksim V. Grigoryan, 1986-2016, Hadrut region inclusion of Nagorno Karabagh in the peace negotia- Additional Protocol to the Geneva Lieutenant Ashot K. Shahbazyan, 1993-2016, Shirak Province tions and calling for its full international recognition Conventions of 12 August 1949 relating Soldier Jora A. Yesayan, 1996-2016, Ararat Province based on the democratic referendum of 1991. to the Protection of Victims of Soldier Bagrat A. Aleksanyan, 1995-2016, Yerevan Likewise, MEP Françoise Grossetête tabled a writ- International Armed Conflicts (Protocol Soldier Baris R. Ozmanyan, 1996-2016, Armavir Province ten question, deploring civilian victims and asking I).” Sergeant Karen A. Nersisyan, 1997-2016, Kotayk Province the EU High Representative/Vice-President, In other news, representatives of the Soldier Tigran E. Berakchyan, 1997-2016, Yerevan Federica Mogherini, for measures to enforce and military and political leadership in Sergeant Adam Kh. Sahakyan, 1996-2016, Yerevan respect the cease-fire. Nagorno-Karabagh argue that militants Sergeant Arman S. Andreasyn, 1996-2016, Shirak Lastly, MEP Jordi Sebastia sent an inquiry to the that once was trained by or fought Soldier Artur G. Gevorgyan, 1997-2016, c. Abovyan Soldier Norik Z. EU High Representative/Vice-President, underlining along with ISIS and other terrorist Sargsyan, 1996-2016, Gegharkunik Province atrocities committed by Azerbaijan on Karabagh groups in Syria and Iraq were involved Soldier Azat Q. Simonyan, 1996-2016, Kotayk Province civilians and asking the EU to stop “calls on both in atrocities against the Armenian mili- Soldier Grigor G. Harutyunyan, 1997-2016, Yerevan sides” in situations where there is clearly one culprit. tary and civilians during the four-day Private soldier Andranik M. Grigoryan, 1986-2016, Hadrut region war with Azerbaijan in early April. As Azerbaijan renewed hostilities in Nagorno-Karabagh on April 2, its com- S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 3 INTERNATIONAL Risk of Collapse at Jesus’ Tomb International News Jailed RFE/RL Unites Rival Christians Contributor Wins UN Roman emperor who did much to elevate to outsiders coming to the Holy Press Prize By Diaa Hadid the status of Christianity through the Sepulcher, a cavernous jumble of empire. Byzantine and Crusader architecture, BAKU (RFE/RL) — Imprisoned Azerbaijani journal- Finally, the workers will repair cracks with soaring domes, sunken rooms, ist Khadija Ismayilova has won a UN press award for JERUSALEM (New York Times) — It in the remains of the rock-hewed tomb gloomy light, heavy bronze lamps, squat “her outstanding contribution to press freedom in was a typical day at the shrine around underneath, where most Christians buttresses and elegant arches. difficult circumstances.” what many believe is the tomb of Jesus in believe Jesus was placed after he was cru- In the church entryway is a gaudy gold Ismayilova, an investigative journalist and RFE/RL Jerusalem’s Old City. A Greek Orthodox cified. (There is a rival Tomb of Christ mosaic on a wall, owned by members of contributor, was selected to receive the 2016 choir sang inside a room facing the just outside the Old City walls, patron- the Greek Orthodox Church, that dis- UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom baroque structure. But the voices were ized mainly by Protestants. But that is tracts from the nearby Stone of Unction, Prize. drowned out when chanting Armenian another story.) the marble slab covering the site where “Khadija Ismayilova highly deserves the prize and priests and monks circling the shrine Antonia Moropoulou, the conservation Jesus was anointed. I am happy to see that her courage and professional- raised theirs. expert heading the project, said the Beside the mosaic is a ladder owned by ism are recognized,” said Ljiljana Zurovac, president “Sometimes they punch each other,” shrine would remain open to visitors dur- Catholics, who will not move it. It is next of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Farah Atallah, a church guard wearing a ing most of the painstaking process. to an Armenian-controlled walkway of a Freedom Prize 2016 Jury. fez, observed with a shrug. Hundreds of pilgrims waited to enter few feet leading to the Aedicule, where The $25,000 prize is named in honor of Guillermo Atallah is a seasoned witness to the one recent day as Catholics said Mass non-Armenian priests in vestments may Cano Isaza, a Colombian journalist who was assassi- rivalries among the Greek Orthodox, near the Aedicule, blocking the entry pass, but not stand, because that would nated in front of the offices of his newspaper, El Armenian Orthodox and Roman with wooden pews. The shrine is topped suggest they are challenging Armenian Espectador, in Bogota on December 17, 1986. Catholic communities that jealously with a large gray cupola, and it is deco- control. Ismayilova is currently in prison on embezzlement share — and sometimes spar over — what rated with gold, icons, pillars, candles, The last significant renovation began and tax-evasion charges widely believed to be retri- they consider Christianity’s holiest site, heavy bronze lamps, inscriptions and a in the 1950s, when the Jordanian author- bution for her reports on corruption involving senior inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. large painting of Christ. ities who controlled East Jerusalem at government officials. Amid the rivalry, the unsteady 206- “This is a very super experience of my the time pushed Christian representa- year-old structure, held together by a 69- spirit,” said Anil Macwan, 30, a lay tives into forming a technical bureau to Armenian Terror year-old iron cage, is an uncomfortable, Catholic preacher from India. “The world address the 1927 quake damage. But the often embarrassing symbol of Christian cannot give me the feeling I get from this process broke down more than a decade Suspect Held in Russia divisions, which have periodically erupt- tomb, this place. It is a very sacred later, according to Father Macora. ed into tensions. In 2008, monks and place.” After the last embarrassing dust-up, in ASTANA, Kazakhstan (RFE/RL) — A man detained priests brawled near the shrine, throwing Two women from the Eternal Sacred 2008, which was captured on YouTube, by Russian authorities in July for allegedly trying to punches and pulling one another’s hair Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim, in the rival communities began trying to fix join the Islamic State (IS) militant group in Syria has not far from the tomb where Christians Nigeria, wearing matching blue dresses their relations in earnest, repairing the been identified as an ethnic Armenian from believe Jesus was resurrected. and head scarves, walked shoeless into toilets as a good-will measure. In 2014, Kazakhstan. But in recent weeks, scaffolding has the Aedicule, crossing the Chapel of the met the Ecumenical Officials at Russia’s North Caucasus Regional gone up a few feet from the shrine in the Angel, with its walls of elaborately carved Patriarch Bartholomew I of Military Court said on April 8 that 24-year-old gloomy shadows of the Arches of the marble and proclamations in Greek. They Constantinople, the spiritual leader of Vazgen Zargarian from Almaty was currently in a Virgin, the first step in a rare agreement bent through the low door into the Orthodox Christians, at the Aedicule, to pretrial detention center in the city of Rostov-on- by the various Christian communities to Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, where, promote unity. Don. save the dilapidated shrine, also called under oil lamps, two white marble slabs Still, “somebody had to push us,” said Zargarian has been charged with the intention of the Aedicule, from falling down. denote the location of Jesus’ rock tomb. the Rev. Samuel Aghoyan, the Armenian joining the extremist group and preparing to take The March 22 agreement calls for a The two women fell to their knees, Patriarchate’s representative at the Holy part in terrorism-related activities abroad. $3.4-million renovation to begin next raised their arms in supplication and fer- Sepulcher, who took to fisticuffs with a Investigators said Zargarian tried at least twice to month, after Orthodox Easter celebra- vently whispered prayers. They wiped previous Greek Orthodox patriarch, join up with IS militants in Syria through the tions. Each religious group will con- their hands and photographs of children Irineos I, inside the Aedicule on Holy Turkish border. tribute one-third of the costs, and a on the slabs. Saturday, before Easter, in 2002. “If the Greek bank contributed 50,000 euros, or Another day, a line of Indian Muslims Israeli government didn’t get involved, Ambassador to Sweden $57,000, for the scaffolding, in return for squished against South Korean tourists, nobody would have done anything.” having its name emblazoned across the Indian nuns and Arab-American Moropoulou, the conservationist lead- Condemns Turkish- machinery. Christians stretched past the Chapel of ing the renovation, said she hoped it The idea is to peel away hundreds of the Copts, a room attached to the back would maintain the intangible spirit “of a Azerbaijani Rallies years of the shrine’s history, clean it and of the Aedicule, where a monk guarding living monument.” STOCKHOLM (Armenpress) — Ambassador of put it back together. Simple enough, but the site was engrossed in his smart- “This tomb is the most alive place,” Armenia to Sweden Artak Apitonyan gave an inter- delayed for decades because of the com- phone. Moropoulou said. More so, she added, view to Swedish Dagen daily over the anti-Armenian plicated, centuries-old rules and minute The three Christian communities vigi- “than anything I have seen in my life.” announcements made on April 9 during an traditions — called the status quo — that lantly guard the property they already She continued, “The greatest chal- Azerbaijani-Turkish initiated rally in Stockholm. (see define the way Jerusalem’s holy sites are control to an extent that can feel baffling lenge is to preserve that.” story on page 1.) governed, in which the very act of repair- Apitonyan expressed concern with any expression ing something can imply ownership. of racial hatred. He announced that dissemination of “One of the serious issues in the anti-Armenian hatred is not a new phenomenon; it church is that the status quo takes place National Assembly Cooperation Commission dated back to the Armenian Genocide. “But it is a over every other consideration, and it’s new phenomenon to witness this in Sweden. It is a not a good thing,” said the Rev. Of Nagorno Karabagh and Armenia Discuss very worrisome development, there are direct calls to Athanasius Macora, a Franciscan friar. kill Armenians,” he said, adding that such a call for “Unity is more important than a turf Situation Created Post-War “death to Armenian dogs” has been heard in the EU war.” for the first time. He added he hoped that the The inspiration for this unity was the STEPANAKERT (Armenpress) — On the context of Armenia-Artsakh inter- Swedish Government would condemn the incident. threat of losing the shrine altogether. April 12, in the great hall of the parliamentary cooperation.” Apitonyan added that Armenians living in Sweden Alarmed by reports that the shrine was National Assembly of the Nagorno Views were exchanged during which need security guarantees. at risk of collapse, the Israeli police bar- Karabagh Republic, a meeting was held nearly two dozen MPs from Nagorno He stated that the announcement of the vice presi- ricaded it for several hours on February between the interparliamentary Karabagh and Armenia made their dent of the center co-coordinating Turkish organiza- 17, 2015, throwing out the monks who Cooperation Commissions of NKR and speeches. tions, Barbaros Leylani, should not be taken as the guard it and preventing hundreds of pil- the Armenian Republic. During this A range of issues related to defense, opinion of the majority of Turks living in Sweden. grims from entering. meeting they discussed the situation security and foreign policy as well as The Turkish Worker’s Union in Sweden in collabo- The message was clear: Fix it, or else. created by the Azerbaijani aggression a range of legislative and other forms ration with Azerbaijanis living in Sweden held an So after a year of much study and on April 2-5, and the parliamentary of cooperation and issues related to anti-Armenian demonstration with slogans “Turk, negotiation, monument conservation actions within the context of Armenia- the comprehensive presentation of wake up” in relation with the military aggression of experts plan to first remove the iron cage Artsakh inter-parliamentary coopera- Artsakh issues in international inter- Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabagh Republic. The that Jerusalem’s colonial British rulers tion, adding that the parliamentary del- parliamentary forums were discussed. rally took place on April 9. built in 1947 in a prior effort to keep the egation from Armenia included several The MPs of the two Armenian In the Swedish capital of Stockholm, vice president Aedicule from collapsing, after a 1927 presidents of standing committees and republics stressed the importance of of the federation Barbaros Leylani announced that earthquake and rain left the structure representatives of all parliamentary fac- joint discussions, which allows both “Time for the unification of Turkish republics has cracked, its marble slabs flaking. tions. peoples to find the necessary tools for arrived, it is already matured.” Leylani expressed They will take apart, slab by slab, the Parliamentarians observed a minute effective cooperation in this unusual conviction that their successors will unite “the ornate marble shell built in 1810, during of silence in memory of the servicemen situation. Turkic world.” Ottoman rule of Jerusalem. The conser- who protected the borders of their Summarizing the results of the dis- Apitonyan highlighted taking lessons from the his- vationists will then tackle the remains of homeland and were killed by cussion, the president of the National tory, stating that the denial of the Armenian the 12th-century Crusader shrine that Azerbaijani aggression, and of civilians Assembly of Nagorno Karabagh, Genocide paves the way for similar hate propaganda. lies underneath. That was erected after who were killed by the bombardment. Ashot Ghulian, stated that the propos- Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem is engaged in racist the Shiite ruler of Egypt, al-Hakim, By mutual agreement, the agenda was als will be presented to the NKR and activities in democratic Europe’s heart. destroyed the first Aedicule in 1009. The chosen to be “Situation created by the Armenian MPs in a written form, and original was built by Helena, the mother Azerbaijani new aggression on April 2-5, based on that joint actions plan will of Emperor Constantine, the Christian and the parliamentary actions within be developed. 4 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR INTERNATIONAL

ing he was “very concerned about the military ner in the European Union, as Sargsyan was to Economic Union, by providing a 30-percent dis- escalation along the Line of Contact … and underline in interviews. However, Berlin is not count on its products. My principle is taking Sargsyan about the casualties, including among civil- raising any objections to the decision to join decisions which can be realized.” ians.” He called on both sides “to end hostilities the Eurasian Economic Union. Germany, immediately and to respect the ceasefire in Merkel said, respects Armenia’s decision. “We To Recognize the Genocide or Not full.” He added that “There is no military solu- do not want an either-or situation,” (perhaps Last year in the centenary commemorations In Berlin: tion to the conflict” and urged the two sides to with Ukraine in mind?). She emphasized the of the genocide, as reported in this newspaper, “show the necessary political will to return to need for nurturing good relations within the Germany’s President broke protocol by pro- the negotiations in the framework of the Minsk EU, and also between the EU and Armenia. claiming in a speech following a religious cere- Group.” Steinmeier spoke by telephone the Merkel noted that her guest had highlighted mony in Berlin’s cathedral, that it was indeed A Balancing Act same day his Armenian counterpart Eduard the significance of the Iran nuclear accord, and genocide. And the following day, in a remark- Nalbandian and Azerbaijan’s foreign minister its positive repercussions. She expressed inter- able debate the Bundestag (Parliament) repeat- GERMANY, from page 1 the following day. Telephone contacts between est in and support for the reform process in ed the characterization, in all speeches by all conference with Sargsyan, Merkel had provid- Berlin and Moscow occurred on the same days Armenia. As for relations with Turkey, she said parties. Yet, for reasons linked to the refugee ed a “big stage for a war lord,” letting him and on April 4, TASS issued a statement on the given the Karabagh situation, this was not the crisis, and the agreements between Germany accuse Azerbaijan of attacking the “peaceloving convergence of views between Russian Foreign best time to launch any new initiatives. and Turkey to face it, the issue of a joint reso- people” of Karabagh, who were fighting for self- Minister Lavrov and Steinmeier in their conver- Germany, which was among the first countries lution being finally voted up officially, has determination, “which all colonized peoples sation, a statement which reiterated the to recognize Armenian independence, establish- remained on the back burner. Leading have always fought for.” The journalist criti- German diplomat’s words almost verbatim. ing diplomatic relations in January 1992, wants Armenian groups, like the Central Council of cized Merkel for “leaving the tirade without When Azerbaijan and Armenia then announced to develop a stable partnership. Armenians and the German-Armenian Society, comment,” and for announcing, only in a new ceasefire, Russian President Putin had During his stay in Germany, Sargsyan gave raised the issue again prior to Sargsyan’s visit. response to a question from the press, that the spoken with his counterparts in the countries an extensive interview to Deutsche Welle, In his meeting with Gauck, Sargsyan said Azerbaijan president would visit Berlin in June. as well, demanding they respect the ceasefire which dealt not only with Karabagh but also that the whole Armenian nation had received The commentator was particularly upset with and return to negotiations. with such economic issues. He was asked the German president’s statement with grati- the official photographs of the handshakes Merkel’s public statements reflected the policy about Armenia’s association with regional tude and that he, Sargsyan, was happy to be between the Armenian guest with Merkel and of neutrality pursued by the foreign ministry. In organizations: “Armenia has been part of the able to meet the person “who found the right with President Joachim Gauck, which were “a her remarks to the press together with Sargsyan, ‘Eastern Partnership’ program, which implied word” to define the genocide. He also empha- present” that Sargsyan might be able to exploit she stressed the “utmost urgency” of efforts to association prospects with the EU. But you sized the importance of finalizing recognition as an endorsement in his country. Others noted guarantee an “acceptable and lasting ceasefire” decided in favor of the Eurasian Economic but did not belabor the issue. When queried in that the issue of genocide recognition, just and pointed to Germany’s current OSCE Union. What triggered this decision? Russia’s his interview with Deutsche Welle how, given weeks before the April 24 date, could exacer- Chairmanship as well as its Minsk Group mem- pressure? Economic calculations? Ukrainian the stalemate, he now assessed the German bate frictions with Turkey. bership, pledging that Steinmeier would play a developments?” Sargsyan answered: “I would position on the genocide, he answered: “Let productive role. Merkel also focused on the eco- like to make a correction: We still are a mem- me start by saying that the German President Germany Stresses Diplomacy nomic advantages of regional peace for ber of the ‘Eastern Partnership.’ The new used very correct and precise words in his Even those critical of the visit had to recog- Armenia’s development. She acknowledged “that phase of negotiations began in December of speech last year in April in Berlin Cathedral. nize that Germany maintains its commitment to a conflict that has been ongoing for 23 years can- last year. We will sign an agreement with the We are grateful to him. Besides, I hope that a negotiated solution to the conflict, and is uti- not be resolved by one visit or by relaunching EU. There was no pressure from the Russian the Bundestag will adopt a resolution prior to lizing its position as rotating chair of the OSCE efforts to achieve a solution,” but promised her side. We were guided by economic reasons. summer vacations.” to exert diplomatic pressure in this direction. government’s “constructive assistance.” Russia is our biggest market and our largest On April 2 German Foreign Minister Frank- The economy was a leading issue in the talks. trade partner. Russia has offered very favorable (Muriel Mirak-Weissbach can be reached at Walter Steinmeier had issued a statement say- Germany is Armenia’s number one trade part- conditions for us within the Eurasian [email protected]) Turkey Asks Germany to Prosecute Comedian over Erdogan Poem BERLIN (Guardian) — In Turkey, Recep Apparently in order to try to appease the Peter Tauber, said in an interview with the In March 2015 he caused controversy by Tayyip Erdogan’s inability to take a joke may Turkish government and discourage it from NTV news channel. “You cannot simply say claiming that he had digitally manipulated a hardly be news. But after the Turkish gov- pursuing the matter via legal challenges, that’s a legal norm but it doesn’t interest me.” clip in which Greece’s then finance minister ernment asked for the prosecution of a Merkel told Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet For Böhmermann, whose boundary-push- Yanis Varoufakis seemed to show the middle German comedian for performing a satirical Davutoglu, that the poem was a “deliberately ing show “Neo Magazin” has won him many finger to the Greek people. It later emerged poem about its president, it is now well offensive text” that she personally disap- young fans in a German comedy scene that that the video was real and Böhmermann’s known in Germany, too. proved of. But the Turkish government seems can be prone to the formulaic, it is not the “admission” was a satire on the frenzied Coming shortly after the European Union’s to have read her comments as an invitation. first time he has found himself in hot water. media debate on the Greek debt crisis. “refugee swap” deal with Turkey took effect, According to Spiegel magazine, the the row has not only triggered a debate about German foreign ministry, justice ministry and the limits of free speech in Germany but also Merkel’s office are in talks over how to raised questions of whether Europe has respond to Turkey’s request. Merkel’s made itself too reliant on the moods of spokesperson Steffen Seibert said a decision Six Soldiers, 30 Militants Killed in Turkey’s strongman president, who would be reached within days, not weeks. is engaged in a crackdown on the media in The affair has divided the German public. Southeast Turkey: Security Sources Turkey. The chief executive of the Axel Springer In a short clip from a late-night program media group, publisher of the bestselling DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) — Six Turkish soldiers and 30 Kurdish militants screened on the German state broadcaster tabloid Bild, has called for solidarity with have been killed on Monday and Tuesday, April 11 and 12, in attacks and clashes ZDF at the end of last month, comedian Jan Böhmermann. In an op-ed in Die Welt, across Turkey’s turbulent southeast region, security sources and the army said on Böhmermann sits in front of a Turkish flag Matthias Döpfner praised the poem as a suc- Tuesday. beneath a small, framed portrait of Erdogan, cessful attempt “to make us think about how An estimated 57 people, including eight civilians, were wounded in the attacks, they reading out a poem that accuses the Turkish a society deals with satire – and, more impor- said. president of, among other things, “repressing tantly, the satire intolerance of non-democ- Thousands of militants and hundreds of civilians and soldiers have been killed since minorities, kicking Kurds and slapping rats.” the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) resumed its insurgency last summer fol- Christians while watching child porn.” The veteran German comedian Didi lowing a 2-1/2-year ceasefire and peace process. The scene was broadcast shortly after it Hallervorden has recorded a song in support The government has ruled out any return to the negotiating table and has vowed emerged that Turkey had demanded the dele- of Böhmermann titled Erdogan, Sue Me. to crush the PKK, which is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey and its tion of another satirical song from the Defenders say poetry designed to cause Western allies. German comedy show extra3, and offence, referred to as Schmähgedicht in The security sources said operations in Sirnak province and in neighboring Iraq and Böhmermann’s poem was deliberately framed German, has a pedigree that goes back to the Syria had been stepped up and that gunfire and explosions could be heard in the area as a test of the boundaries of satire. invectives of classical writers such as Cicero where earlier one soldier was killed and three others wounded. Throughout his reading the comedian is or Juvenal. A soldier was also killed and four wounded in an explosion in Daglica, a village in advised by a “media lawyer” who tells him Critics dismiss Böhmermann as an atten- Hakkari province near the Iranian border, during clashes with the PKK, the army that this is precisely the sort of thing that tion-seeker. “There’s a difference between said. does not qualify as satire. making fun of your own or other people,” Two soldiers were also killed during clashes with the PKK in the border town of “What could happen now?” Böhmermann wrote the columnist Georg Diez on the web- Nusaybin near Syria, the army said in a statement later on Tuesday. asks after finishing the poem. “Potentially site of Der Spiegel. “It’s a question of power, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu put the death toll from a car bomb attack they’ll take it off their website,” his sidekick style and sensibility — and in his poem overnight that targeted a Turkish gendarmerie base in the town of Hani at two. The tells him. And so the German state broad- Böhmermann is using humor of the coarse army said 47 people, including eight civilians, had been wounded in that attack. caster did, explaining that the show “didn’t and bellowing type.” One journalist, Hakan A large vehicle laden with explosives rammed into the gendarmes’ base and the dor- live up to the requirements that ZDF makes Tanriverdi, accused the comedian of racism. mitory housing the families of security personnel, shattering windows and wrecking for the quality of satire programs.” In a government press conference on the roofs of buildings. On April 6 it emerged that Germany’s state Monday, Seibert said Merkel wanted to make Following the attack, Turkish gendarmerie and special forces launched an operation prosecutor was investigating Böhmermann it unequivocally clear that freedom of speech with air support in the town center and the countryside around Hani, which is north for violation of the little-used paragraph 103 was “naturally the highest good,” irrespective of Diyarbakir, the largest city in the mainly Kurdish southeast. of the criminal code, which concerns insult- of whether she considered a satirical piece Witnesses said vehicles, houses and shops nearby had been damaged by the pow- ing organs or representatives of foreign “tasteful or tasteless.” erful blast in Hani. Six of the wounded civilians were relatives of the soldiers, the mil- states. At worst the comedian was facing a But senior members in Merkel’s party have itary said. prison sentence of up to three years – though sounded far from unequivocal on the matter. The military said 30 Kurdish militants had been killed on Monday in clashes in four until the Turkish government filed its formal “In a constitutional democracy we all have to southeastern towns that are currently under military curfew and are located near to request for Böhmermann’s prosecution, few stick to the rules, and one of these rules is Turkey’s borders with Syria, Iraq and Iran. seemed to think that the case would go that offending foreign heads of state is pun- ahead. ishable by law,” the CDU general secretary, S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 5 Community News

Armenian Caucus Calls AGBU Hye Geen On Obama to Condemn And Young Circle Azerbaijani Aggression Hold 10th Annual Urges Congress to Suspend Military Aid to Baku Conference

WASHINGTON — Speaking on behalf of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Co- By Sona Zeitlian Chairs Robert Dold (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D- N.J.) on April 7 issued strong, bipartisan calls, asking President Barack Obama to forcefully LOS ANGELES — On March 5, AGBU Hye condemn Azerbaijan’s military offensive and Geen and AGBU Hye Geen’s Young Circle held urging top US House appropriators to zero-out a conference on the topic of “Armenian Youth US military assistance to Azerbijani President and Higher Education: Challenges and Ilham Aliyev’s armed forces, reported the Opportunities.” Armenian National Committee of America The conference, held at Woodbury University (ANCA). in Burbank, featured presentations by profes- “We echo the powerful, pro-peace message sionals, who addressed a large audience gath- the Armenian Caucus delivered today to ered at the Fletcher Jones auditorium. The con- President Obama and key US House appropria- ference featured the participation of Armenian- tors,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram American university students who represented Hamparian. nine Armenian Students’ Associations (ASA) of “We join with them in supporting a shift in area colleges and universities. The conference US policy that challenges Aliyev’s aggression showcased the careful planning and efficient Ramela Carman’s family and friends honor her on her 102nd birthday Thursday: teamwork of members of Hye Geen, Young and protects American taxpayers from subsidiz- Father Aren Jebejian, (left) great-niece Tamara Doyon, niece Lydia Doyon, great- ing an Azerbaijan military that is killing inno- nephew Kyle Doyon, sister-in-law Rosemary Carman and Deacon Onnig Boyajian. Circle and members of the area ASAs. cent Armenians, destabilizing a vital region, After opening remarks by Mihran Toumajan undermining US interests, very likely commit- of AGBU Young Circle, AGBU Western District ting war crimes, and risking the outbreak of an Chair Talin Yacoubian, Esq., delivered a wel- even larger regional conflict. Stated simply: coming address. Armenian Genocide Setting the pattern of having a student pre- Ilham Aliyev doesn’t need US military aid, he doesn’t deserve US military aid, and he should- senter for each speaker, the keynote speaker, n’t get US military aid.” Dr. Mary A. Papazian, was introduced by In their letter to the President, in addition to Survivor Celebrates Garnik Michael Potikian, Vice-President of calling for a forthright condemnation of Baku’s Woodbury Armenian Students’ Association belligerence, the two co-chairs asked that he Executive Board. “suspend US military aid to Azerbaijan, provide 102nd Birthday Currently president of Southern Connecticut emergency relief aid to Nagorno-Karabagh, and State University and, from July 1, appointed send a State Department fact-finding mission to president of San Jose State University, both evaluate the destruction inflicted by LIVONIA, Mich. (The Oakland Press) — At 102 years old, former Pontiac resident Papazian’s topic was “Pathways to Professional Azerbaijan’s aggression and assess the humani- Ramela Carman is believed to be the only survivor in Michigan of the Armenian and Cultural Success in Higher Education.” tarian relief and reconstruction needs of Genocide that began in 1915. Tracing her own education from Ferrahian Nagorno-Karabagh’s affected civilian popula- She’s one of only about 30 survivors School to UCLA to pursue her passion for tion.” By Anne Runkle around the world of the event that resulted in English literature, Papazian discussed the core They noted that, “Azerbaijan’s attacks repre- the deaths of as many as 2 million people. humanist traditions of civic engagement. Then sent a dramatic escalation in President Aliyev’s Her family and friends gathered at the came the realization of rapidly evolving destructive pattern of aggression, constant Manoogian Manor assisted living center in Livonia on April 7 for her birthday. changes “spreading cutting-edge technologies threats of renewed war, ongoing incitement of They admire her strength in light of all she has lived through. to every corner of the country – and indeed the anti-Armenian hatred, and the military targeting The genocide is regarded by historians as the first mass ethnic cleansing of the world - and beginning to make innovations, of Armenian civilians in both Nagorno-Karabagh 20th century. On April 24, 1915, Ottoman Turks rounded up several hundred once consigned to the realm of science fiction, and Armenia. They also reflect his desire to act Armenians who were considered “intellectuals” or people in positions of leader- a reality for millions of Americans.” with international impunity — as so clearly ship and slaughtered them, said Father Aren Jebejian, pastor of St. John Armenian Dr. Papazian explained that the global mar- demonstrated by his rejection of common-sense, Church in Southfield, where Carman worshipped for decades. ketplace has created the need to prepare for ceasefire monitoring and other accountability- Over the next three years, the Turks, who were mostly Muslim, forced “global lives” competing for jobs at home and oriented initiatives — such as the urgently-need- Armenians, who were predominantly Christian, into “death marches” to the Syrian abroad. Then she shared with her rapt listeners, ed Royce-Engel peace proposals that are sup- desert. Other Armenians were beaten or tortured, and as many as 1.5 million died, “My advice to you during the course of your ported by your Administration.” he said. Other ethnic groups that were largely Christian, such as Greeks, were also college career is: travel, see the world, learn In their bipartisan appeal to the leadership of targeted. When their numbers are added, the total deaths are estimated as high as how others live; it will bring you a whole the State-Foreign Operations subcommittee, the 2 million, he said. see CONFERENCE, page 7 panel that writes the foreign aid bill, the co- Carman was too young during the genocide to have horrific memories of it, but chairs urged Chairwoman Kay Granger (R- relatives told her that her father was one of the people whom the government Texas) and Ranking Member Nita Lowey (D-NY) forced to march off one day. to include a provision in this measure ensuring “He turned back,” she said, explaining that he wore disguises, changed his Tankian Calls for Support “the suspension of military aid [to Azerbaijan] name, went into hiding — did whatever was necessary to stay alive. He later reunit- For Families of Killed until its government ceases cross-border attacks, ed with his family but died of kidney disease after just a short time. ends its threats of renewed war, and agrees to a Carman recalled that even after the genocide “ended” in 1918, there was often Armenian Soldiers settlement of regional conflicts through peace- different treatment for Armenians, who couldn’t ever predict how they would be ful means.” received. LOS ANGELES — American-Armenian rock They added, “Azerbaijani President Ilham “One day was good, the next day bad,” she said. musician, soloist of “System of a Down” group Aliyev has made it abundantly clear through his She remembers that many families carried their belongings with them at all Serj Tankian calls on supporting the families of country’s escalating aggression that Azerbaijan times in case they were forced out of their homes. victims of the Azerbaijani aggression. On his believes it can continue to receive American mil- Not all Turks participated in the atrocities, Jebejian said. Historians are finding facebook page, he asked his fans: “I have decid- itary aid no matter its actions. This belief is more evidence recently of Turks who hid Armenians and helped them in other ed to donate to this amazing non-profit organi- wrong. While the United States provides mili- ways during the genocide, he said. zation called the Paros Foundation, which tary assistance for a number of reasons, our Carman remembers that a Turkish woman helped her once when she injured donates 100 percent of the proceeds directly to assistance should never be taken for granted, her face as a child. the affected families. I encourage those who and we should never tolerate its unacceptable With her mother and grandmother, Carman relocated from their small village want to contribute to do so to them. And to all misuse by foreign nations.” The letter closed to Istanbul. Her mother worked in a factory and her grandmother worked as a the Azerbaijani trolls paid handsomely by with the two legislators stressing that, “In call- cook. By the time she was 16, both her mother and grandmother became too ill Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Offense who have been ing for a suspension of military aid to to work and Carman took responsibility for supporting them. frequenting my page, I want you to know that Azerbaijan, we are mindful that Azerbaijan’s She worked in a factory and later bought a sewing machine and assembled I really love my ban and delete buttons. Peace,” regional aggression both reflects and reinforces men’s shirts. Serj Tankian wrote. its pattern of domestic abuse, including its bru- In 1960, she came to the United States, leaving her mother in the care of a Paros Foundation has decided to support the tal crack-down on dissent. Rather than provid- cousin. She hoped to bring her to America but her mother died before the neces- families of killed soldiers. “For our part, the ing military aid to Azerbaijan we should be sary paperwork was approved. Paros Foundation has launched a Hero putting pressure on the country to cease its Just a few months after arriving, she married Masa Carman. She taught herself Support Fund to raise funds and provide them undemocratic policies.” see BIRTHDAY, page 7 to the families of our deceased heroes. Our goal is to provide a minimum of $1,000 to every hero’s family,” reads the website of Paros. 6 S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T H E A R M E N I A N M I R R O R - S P E C TAT O R COMMUNITY NEWS

complete, the St. Nersess Board of Directors St. Nersess has approved the addition of a new controller, administrative assistant, and a development director. “We have hired experienced and cre- Seminary dentialed individuals to help take the seminary to new heights,” explains Richard Papalian, Board of Directors’ treasurer. Robin Perlmutter, who was recently hired as Expands Staff the new controller, has more than 15 years of accounting experience in both the public and ARMONK, N.Y. — Over the past few months, private sector and brings her expertise to help St. Nersess Armenian Seminary has not only fulfill the mission of St. Nersess Seminary. grown physically with its new campus, but also Dorothy Bengoian, the new administrative in scope: the seminary’s expansion of mission assistant, is enthusiastic about joining the staff has led to the hiring of additional professionals at St. Nersess. “It has been an encouraging to support its progress. With construction on start to work with the dean, Fr. Mardiros the new theological center and chapel almost Chevian and other staff, as well as to interact

New Development Director, Brian Hagan, with Fr. Mardiros Chevian and Donna Sirounian

with the seminarians. My career, as both a The new staff joins Dn. Levon Altiparmakian, teacher and motivational speaker, has always operations manager, and Donna Sirounian, mar- been not only work, but an opportunity to con- keting and public relations manager. tribute in a lasting and meaningful way. I think Altiparmakian began working at St. Nersess in my late father, Siragan Bengoian, a Genocide 2006 and now manages the day-to-day opera- survivor, would be happy to know I am part of tions of the seminary. He handled the transition investing in our Armenian community’s future of relocating the seminary from New Rochelle to through my involvement at St. Nersess Armonk, and is a key employee with his first- Armenian Seminary,” remarked Dorothy. hand knowledge of the Armenian Church and Also joining the staff is Brian Hagan, the new community. Sirounian, who holds an MBA, has Development Director. “I am delighted to join been supporting the seminary since 2012 with St. Nersess Seminary at this exciting time of her 21 years of marketing experience. renewal. As the seminary prepares priests and Fr. Mardiros Chevian feels the formation of a lay leaders for service in the Armenian Church dynamic, professional team will “further ener- in North America, my many years of develop- gize the mission of our seminary and will pro- ment experience will focus on securing new vide greater possibilities to expand our reach Dorothy Bengoian with Dn. Levon Altiparmakian sources of financial support for this important and programming.” All three new employees work,” stated Hagan. will be working part-time at the seminary.

OBITUARY Artoun Nazareth Festekjian BEIRUT — Artoun Nazareth Festekjian, 91, carpet manufacturing factory that became the F UNERAL H OME passed away peacefully at his home on April 6, largest carpet factory in the Middle East with Giragosian in the Jal El Dib suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. more than 1,200 employees. In the midst of the James “Jack” Giragosian, CPC He leaves his wife Alice Guidanian; children Lebanese civil war, he moved to Canada for Mark J. Giragosian Nazareth and wife Nila Ekmekji, Raffi and wife three years, returning to Lebanon in 1992. He Funeral Counselors Nina Metrebian, Zaven and wife Nancy frequently traveled to the US to visit his chil- 576 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472, TEL: 617-924—0606 Semerdjian, Taline and husband Kevork dren and grandchildren. He returned to Beirut www.giragosianfuneralhome.com Babikian; grandchildren Artoun, Alek, Andre, for the last time in July 2015. Armen, Allan, Aram, Jack, Maria, Anthony and As the son of a prominent lawyer, Nazareth Alina; sister Arpine Fereshetian, and an extend- Kevork Festekjian, he was proud of his illustri- ed family of nieces, nephews and cousins. ous Armenian heritage and his paternal home- Born on November 10, 1924 in Aleppo, Syria land, Aintab. His father passed away at a rela- to Nazareth Kevork Festekjian and Arousiag tively young age, which is why he often won- ENNIS M. EVENEY & ONS Kevork Demirdjian, he received his primary and dered about what his father would think of his D D S secondary education at Aleppo’s Grtasiratz and and his family’s accomplishments, and hoped Freres Maristes school. Upon earning his he would be proud of all of them. Cemetery Monuments Baccalaureate with the highest national score He was a strong willed man, defined by his Specializing in in Syria, he attended Ecole Supérieure de sense of honor and his principles. He was also a fiercely loyal man. Above all, he was kind, lov- Armenian Designs and Lettering ing and generous with a golden heart. 701 Moody St. Waltham, MA 02543 He, alongside his brother Shahnour, donated to numerous causes. He was a silent philan- (781) 891-9876 www.NEMonuments.com thropist who never sought the spotlight. To him, the deed of doing good was far more important than the recognition. He helped the Armenian Church whenever needed, and he val- Telephone (617) 924-7400 ued education and promoted it throughout his life. He assisted Armenian schools and helped students in need. Aram Bedrosian He was a supporter of the Armenian Red Cross and provided support during difficult Funeral Home, Inc. times of the Lebanese civil war, when the Armenian neighborhoods desperately needed Continuous Service By The Bedrosian Family Since 1945 protection. MARION BEDROSIAN He also established the Nazareth Festekjian 558 MOUNT AUBURN STREET Hospital to assist the wounded during that civil PAUL BEDROSIAN war. And when the 1989 earthquake struck WATERTOWN, MA 02472 LARRY BEDROSIAN Armenia, he extended his helping hand as well. Through all of his good deeds, he set an exam- ple to his children, which they embrace whole- Artoun Nazareth Festekjian heartedly as they continue on his legacy. Most importantly, his priority was his family. He was proud of all his children, their spouses, Tissage in Lyon, France. When he returned to and his ten grandchildren, and proud of their Syria, he collaborated with his brother, accomplishments. Shahnour, and working together, established a In lieu of flowers donations can be sent to: successful carpet manufacturing factory in AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund Aleppo, which was nationalized in December for Syrian 1964. Armenians https://donate.agbu.org/agbu- Along with his young family, he relocated to urgent-appeal Or AGBU Educational Beirut in February 1965, where he and his Funds https://donate.agbu.org/general-dona- brother Shahnour founded Liban Tapis, a new tion S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T H E A R M E N I A N M I R R O R - S P E C TAT O R 7 COMMUNITY NEWS AGBU Hye Geen And Young Circle Hold 10th Annual Conference

CONFERENCE, from page 5 empower our youth and develop the next gen- from Glendale Community College. enrolled in the world’s 28 top universities. It is new perspective that will only benefit your eration of leaders with university degrees, Petrossian’s topic was “Nurturing the Pursuit also highly valued by the national curriculum future life and career.” insuring skills and success. He further advised of Higher Education Among Armenian it has promoted. Dr. Papazian reminded students of the assessment tests to focus on career choices. Students.” The last speaker was Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan, increasing importance of foreign-language pro- “These choices must engender excitement and Citing contributing factors to success in a specialist of aeronautics and astronautics ficiency and an expanded knowledge of eco- commitment with passion. It is also useful to higher education, Ms. Petrossian referred to with a Masters and a PhD from the nomics, history and geography. She recom- seek internship programs geared toward high the roles of parents and the extended family in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), mended a liberal arts education that develops school graduating classes, to get involved in sustaining motivation, in encouraging their and currently teaching at the American critical thinking, communications skills, ethical community activism and to anchor oneself by children to exceed testing and later college University in Armenia and directing its judgment, integrity, intercultural knowledge becoming a mentor.” preparatory benchmarks. Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation and “the capacity for continued new learning, The third speaker, Dr. Nelly Titizian-Kazman, She concluded by affirming, ”Our goal today Center. He was introduced by Lilia Kavarian, a all in demand in today’s marketplace.” senior executive director of La Verne is to advocate, to be a role model, a mentor to senior at California State University, Los The keynote speaker concluded, “As the University’s San Fernando Valley campus, was the next generation so that our community can Angeles. Mkrtchyan’s topic was “Accelerating economy becomes more technology-based, the introduced by Michael Matossian, chair of All- continue to flourish.” Entrepreneurship in Armenia.” need and amount of education will rise. My Armenian Students’ Associations. Kazman’s The second speaker of the afternoon was Referring to the main challenges of a well- final message to you is… never take for grant- topic was “Higher Education as a Doorway to Hasmik Kyureghyan, lead specialist of the defined national strategy for higher education ed the opportunity to think, the privilege to Opportunities for Armenian American Department of Teacher Training and in Armenia, the speaker underlined, “an out- serve, and the opportunity to make a contri- Leadership.” Development at the National Program for dated approach to learning, insufficient bution, wherever you may be.” She began by affirming that, “to survive and Educational Excellence in Armenia and devel- resources for human capital development, low The second speaker was Dr. Albert K. succeed in today’s fast-paced globalized world, opment coordinator at Ayb School. She was level of general managerial staff, a shortage of Karnig, president emeritus of California State one must learn to adapt quickly to constantly- introduced by Morris Sarafian, who is a UCLA professionals, and a lack of leaders with long- University, San Bernardino, who was intro- changing environments.” She explained that senior and political activism director of the time vision.” He said he is concerned about the duced by Lori Pridjian, vice president of the the major shift in today’s economy, from man- University’s Armenian Students’ Association. high level of unemployment, which affects the University of Southern California’s Armenian ufacturing jobs to knowledge-based technical Kyureghyan’s topic was “the Ten-Year drive to emigrate and seek employment oppor- Students’ Association Executive Board. skills, has prompted employers to look for inno- Experience of Ayb Educational Foundation, a tunities abroad. Karnig’s topic was “Educational Strategies to vative thinking, teamwork readiness, oral and new Learning Culture in Armenia and Mkrtchyan expressed confidence that educa- Counter the Challenges of Global written communications aptitude and cultural Beyond.” tion can still become an advantage for Armenia Competitiveness and Global Innovation.” competence, to re-invent oneself and stay cur- Kyureghyan stated that 10 years ago, the with “lifelong education as a new teaching and He first focused on global competition and rent in the scheme of global development. Ayb Educational Foundation was established learning paradigm, provided research universi- the swift pace of technological change, posing Kazman advised students to find their pas- by a group of eight friends, with the intention ties can be created with innovative technologi- challenges for students in pursuit of higher sion and the motivation to realize “their of integrating various stakeholders into a high- cal labs, when teaching becomes a prominent education, career opportunities and well-pay- vision,” to identify their strengths and talents, quality educational environment. This was profession with appropriate levels of compen- ing jobs. The new economy should be based on creating values which differentiate them from achieved by “launching state-of-the-art science sation and when professionals repatriate, trans- educational flexibility, he argued, whereas pre- others and develop leadership skills. This, in labs, introducing top international contests forming the brain drain into brain circulation.” viously a high school diploma was enough to turn, she stated, can be achieved by building “a and building 21st century schools across The conference concluded with a question find a decent job. He also noted that, since personal capital of self-reliance and confidence Armenia.” and answer session with the speakers, which 1982, more women have been attending uni- and a social capital based on fostering rela- With the help of a video clip, the speaker was moderated with great efficiency by the stu- versities and graduating with the intention of tionships through collaborative efforts.” demonstrated the foundation’s plans for con- dents representing the participating ASAs. The continuing their education and becoming com- The afternoon sessions started with Alice structing new schools and “developing an questions were focused on the necessity for petitive in the job market. Petrossian, past president of the Association of internationally recognized high school plat- changes in our approach to education and the Citing humorous anecdotes from his long California School Administrators. She was form.” Their Araratian Baccalaureate is a diplo- strategies for the creation of new opportunities experience, Karnig underlined the need to introduced by Edit Martirosyan, a sophomore ma in high demand, and 51 graduates are in the global marketplace.

Commemorate the 101st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the Massachusetts State House

Memorial Service In Remembrance and Commemoration of the Life of

GERALD AJEMIAN April 22, 2016 starting at 10:30 am * May 26, 1924 – October 27, 2015 12 noon reception at the Grand Staircase SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 With a proclamation from the Governor of Massachusetts 11:00 AM Amb. Ray Flynn keynote speaker HOLY TRINITY ARMENIAN CHURCH OF GREATER Master of ceremonies Rep. Jon Hecht BOSTON Prominent Massachusetts officials 145 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts Joint Senate/House Resolution recipients Conventures, The Knights of Vartan Ararat Lodge #1 and the Armenian Genocide Education A reception with the Ajemian family immediately follows Committee of Merrimack Valley in the Cultural Hall adjacent to the Church And musical program provided by Zankagner and St. Stephen’s Armenian School ______Contributions in Gerald’s memory may be made to the: Organized by the Armenian Genocide JOHN GERALD AJEMIAN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Commemorative Committee, Boston c/o Nutter, McClennen & Fish LLP 155 Seaport Boulevard * Buses will be at St. James and St. Stephen’s Churches at 8:30 am for 9:00 am departure Boston, Massachusetts 02210-2604 to the State House and will leave the State House at 1:00 pm to return. Buses are free and Attention: Marianne Ajemian generously provided by the Knights of Vartan Ararat Lodge #1.

For further information, please call Marianne Ajemian 617.439.2891 or email her at [email protected] LIKE US ON FACBOOK 8 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS Newest UWC School Puts Dilijan on Map of Global Education

SCHOOL, from page 1 Other programs included are For the RVVZ Foundation, Dilijan is the focus Just Dilijan It, an educational of many efforts; the various activities of the summer program for children foundation and its subsidiaries are synergistic and young adults aged 10-13 there. The efforts that go into the UWC Dilijan and 14-17 held on the UWC College in turn help the city of Dilijan in the Dilijan College campus. other efforts undertaken by Initiatives for UWC Dilijan will have stu- Development of Armenia (IDeA) and Scholae dents from Dilijan every year as Mundi, all under the umbrella of the couple’s well as from the rest of Armenia. foundation. Zonabend and her husband The school was officially opened in October have four children, ranging in at a ceremony attended by more than 1,000 peo- age from 6 to 20. She is an engi- ple, including Armenia’s president, top spiritual neer by training, but worked in leaders and other high-ranking guests, and has the financial sector. been widely hailed as part of Armenia’s long- She graduated with honors term survival strategy — to set itself apart from the Moscow Aviation from its neighbors. Institute in 1990 and later stud- The “college” is not a college as the word is ied at the London School of defined in the US, but the last two years of high Economics and Political Science school. specializing in banking and “Dilijan was selected for having a combina- finance. tion of three factors. It is on the edge of east Zonabend received the Order and west and on the Silk Road. Also, Dilijan is Outside the UWC Dilijan campus of Friendship in October 2014 between two capitals, and Yerevan. It has by a directive of the president of a very nice climate, very mild and beautiful Armenia for fostering education- nature,” Zonabend said. “Accessibility is very Gordonstoun School with much of the struc- The tuition varies from country to country; al development and international collaboration important. Our vision was that there would be ture that eventually would become the UWC the most expensive is in , which costs in science and education, as well as for sub- an international school in Armenia as there schools. The school was based on the four pil- $108,000 for the two-year course. It is also the stantial efforts in building the international were no UWC colleges in the CIS.” lars of internationalism, challenge, responsibili- most popular. The cheapest is in Bosnia- school in Dilijan and implementing academic An important goal for the Dilijan School is ty and service. He wanted his young charges to Herzegovina, costing $32,000 for the two years. programs. “to make Armenia an educational hub. We learn not only what was needed to get them The tuition for Dilijan is about $70,000. “Ruben and I understand that education can wanted to open Armenia to the world and make into a good university, but to become global cit- There is also a scholarship from international become one of Armenia’s priorities. Armenia’s it more visible.” izens. His experiments eventually culminated in human rights attorney (and George’s wife) Amal main asset will be its people. And its role There are 15 UWC colleges in Armenia the UWC movement in 1962 and its first school, Clooney. becomes more and more important future of Canada, India, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Swazi- Atlantic College, in Wales. In addition, through a joint venture with 100 the country depends on the kind of people we land, the United States, the United Graduates of the colleges receive an interna- Lives (one of whose founders is Ruben have there. Education is not something theo- Kingdom, Germany, Costa Rica, Bosnia and tional baccalaureate. That baccalaureate pro- Vardanyan), a couple of students from Syria will retical. It helps you and equips you with knowl- Herzegovina, China (mainland and Hong gram again takes a holistic approach to educate study at the school each year. edge and skills for you to find your calling for Kong), and two will be completed in Japan and the young mind not only in the typical rigorous Under the aegis of the IDeA Foundation, the life.” Thailand. curriculum, but tend to their emotional needs economies of Armenia and Karabagh will be “It is too early to talk about the results of the This year the first batch of UWC Dilijan as well as inculcate a sense of internationalism energized, it is hoped. Other plans executed program long-term, but some results are College students are graduating in May. “The in them. under their umbrella include the Tatev Revival already visible,” Zonabend said. “Six young peo- Project. ple for the little town of Dilijan are now in the Second, through the Scholae Mundi founda- UWC system.” tion, the goal is to get Armenia to a more glob- “They will come back and change the coun- al level and UWC Dilijan is the “focus of the try,” she said. educational platform.” “This is only the start,” Zonabend said.

Veronika Zonabend, left, and her husband, Ruben Vardanyan, at the opening of the school in 2014 result is pretty good,” Zonabend said. “There They learn about creativity, service and are 96 students from 48 countries. There are action, Zonabend said. already quite good results, with a number of As part of the curriculum, she said, students students in top-10 universities worldwide,” have to complete 200 hours of community ser- including McGill in Montreal, UCLA in Los vice a year. “It is more intellectually balanced,” Angeles, the University of Edinburgh and she said. Imperial College London. The school has a community center in which Students from the UWC colleges are eagerly thousands of local children have interacted sought out by universities worldwide, she said. with Dilijan students. UWC students teach the “They are very welcomed at top American uni- local children Spanish and English as part of versities. There is a report from Harvard that their community service and the children, of the type of students UWC graduates is what course, benefit by learning. Harvard is looking for,” Zonabend said, adding UWC makes education a force to unite peo- that alumni have attended, other than Harvard, ple, nations and cultures for peace and a sus- many Ivy League schools, including Princeton, tainable future. University of Pennsylvania and Brown. Out of the 96 students living on the campus To gain entry into the school, the potential at the time of the opening, only 10 percent were students must apply to a local national commit- Armenian, 10 percent were Russian, and the tee, which now exists in 150 countries. “The remaining 80 percent were recruited from 46 national committee is responsible for the selec- other countries, spanning Swaziland tion and promotion of the UWC in their coun- to . try,” she said. Hahn’s ideals are dear to Zonabend as well. The UWC system’s founding dates back to “UWC brings social responsibility and the idea another tumultuous time in history, post-World to give a chance for good education to people, War I Europe. The first school was founded in for young people regardless of their financial Germany in 1920 by Kurt Hahn, the son of a situation,” she said. wealthy German industrialist. After the Nazi There are plenty of scholarships for students. party came to power in Germany, Hahn spoke The latest one is by Shelby M.C. Davis, who has out against their ideals and was promptly exiled. created a $15 million scholarship program for He relocated to Scotland and founded the students in the UWC program. S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 9 COMMUNITY NEWS

Armenian American Organizations Urge Obama Administration to Condemn Azerbaijan’s Aggression, Promote Peace in Karabagh

WASHINGTON — On April 8, 59 Armenian American emergency relief aid to Nagorno Karabagh, including to thoroughly investigate serious reports of Azerbaijani organizations urged President Obama to “forcefully con- medical equipment and other urgently-needed relief sup- war crimes and other violations of the Hague demn Azerbaijan’s aggression” and called for the US to plies. We are reminded, during this dark time, that it was Convention, to look into allegations that Azerbaijan has lead the way for “peace and long-term regional stability” the generosity of the American people, through the engaged ISIS fighters, to evaluate the destruction inflict- in the Nagorno Karabagh Republic. noble work of USAID, that helped rebuild Martakert and ed by Azerbaijan’s aggression, and to assess the human- Below is the letter written by the Armenian-American Martuni following Baku’s 1991-94 aggression, two of the itarian relief and reconstruction needs of Nagorno community to President Obama. same communities that have come under heavy Karabagh’s civilian population. Dear Mr. President: Azerbaijani fire. Thank you for your attention to this matter. from across our nation ask you, In closing, we encourage you to send a multi-agency Sincerely, in light of the worst Azerbaijani attacks since the 1994 fact-finding mission — led by our Department of State — Nagorno Karabagh cease-fire, to forcefully condemn Azerbaijan’s aggression and — in light of Baku’s reckless All-Armenian Student Association Armenian Youth Federation – Eastern Region initiation of hostilities only hours after meeting in American-Armenian Legion Armenian Youth Federation – Western Region Washington, DC with senior members of your Americans for Artsakh Artsakh Development Group Administration — call for principled American leadership Apostolic Exarchate for Armenian Catholics Baku Armenians for peace and long-term regional stability. Armenia Artsakh Fund Birthright Armenia In view of the renewed hostilities by Azerbaijan, which Armenia Fund Daughters of Vartan undermine our nation’s regional interests, and taking Armenia Tree Project Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America – Eastern into consideration President Aliyev’s open threats to con- Armenian Aintabtzy Cultural Association Region tinue and further expand aggression against Nagorno Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America – Western Karabagh, we express our full support for the coura- Armenian American Veterans Region geous efforts of the people and governments of Armenia Armenian Assembly of America Friends of and Nagorno Karabagh to protect their citizens and Armenian Bar Association Armenian Educational and Cultural Society – Eastern encourage the US government to support the self- Armenian Compatriotic Union of Ourfa Region defense of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic. We com- Armenian Council of America Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society – Western mend, as well, the formal recognition of the indepen- Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Region dence of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic by the US Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America Iraqi Armenian Family Association states of California, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America Kharpert Cultural Association Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. President Aliyev’s Armenian General Athletic Union (HMEM) – Eastern Region Knights of Vartan Memory, Dignity, Justice Association of Armenian Refugees from actions, which represent a direct challenge to US leader- Armenian General Athletic Union (HMEM) – Western Region Armenian General Benevolent Union Azerbaijan ship for a negotiated resolution and grave threat to the Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District Mousa Ler Association of California – Los Angeles peace of the entire region, require a strong American Armenian International Women’s Association National Association for Armenian Studies and Research response. Armenian Missionary Association of America National Organization of Republican Armenians In the interest of peace, we call upon you to immedi- Armenian National Committee of America Organization of Istanbul Armenians ately stop all military aid to Azerbaijan, and enforce Armenian National Committee of America – Eastern Region Paros Foundation (Berkeley, California) Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act. We also Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America – Eastern encourage you to work with Armenia and the Nagorno Armenian Relief Society – Eastern Region Region Karabagh Republic on the deployment of gunfire locator Armenian Relief Society – Western Region Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America – Western and other monitoring systems on the Nagorno Karabagh Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Eastern Region Region side of the line-of-contact and the Armenian side of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Western Region Social Democrat Hunchagian Party Armenia-Azerbaijan border. ARF Shant Student Association Tekeyan Cultural Association, Inc. Mr. President, in keeping with the humanitarian spirit Armenian Rights Council of America United Armenian Council of Los Angeles of the American people, we urge you to immediately send Armenian Society of Los Angeles United Human Rights Council

Outrage Rapidly Forces Boston Billboard Denying Armenian Genocide Down

BILLBOARD, from page 1 ment on political matters and suggested con- Holocaust denial ad right above a Holocaust Watertown told the Mirror, “I think that from the Armenian Heritage Park on the tacting the Consulate-General of Turkey in memorial.’ We are pleased that Clear there is greater awareness, but I think also Greenway, which honors the victims of the Boston for comments. The Mirror’s message Channel Outdoors, owners of the billboard, that this was so outrageous, the placement of Armenian Genocide. The effect of the loca- with the latter remains answered. has indicated that the message was put up in it, that anybody who gave it a moment’s tion was exacerbated by the timing: it was Kalustian said, “The most encouraging error and has removed it.” thought, knew that it was absolutely beyond right after the visit of Armenian President thing is that it is quite clear that we had Robert O. Trestan, the regional director of the pale. I think everyone, particularly peo- Serge Sargisian to the park on March 29, broad-based support among non-Armenians. the Anti-Defamation League, said, according ple in public life and members of the com- and before the April 10 reconfiguring of the We were able to get an online petition going to Eric Levenson’s April 7 article in munity, has to speak out in these sorts of cir- Armenian Heritage Park sculpture dedicated from some people in the North End – non- Boston.com: “This billboard denying the cumstances, and the fact that so many people to the Armenian Genocide victims, and the Armenians. There was a lot of chatroom and Armenian Genocide is no different and just as did explains why it came down so fast.” close of the third annual Walk Against social media statements by non-Armenian offensive as one denying the Holocaust.” State Rep. David Muradian of Worcester, Genocide sponsored by the Massachusetts individuals, including a number of Jewish Naturally, there was a lot of Armenian after expressing disappointment with Clear Coalition to Save Darfur at the park the people.” activity too. The Armenian student associa- Channel’s impetus to collect money without same afternoon. Furthermore, the annual Somerville resident Elizabeth Weinbloom tions of the greater Boston area organized consideration of the ad message, said, “It is commemoration of the Armenian Genocide was one of the most active protesters. She phone campaigns, and through the social great to see our community come together. in Boston will take place there on April 24. tweeted about the billboard on April 6, and media many Armenians became aware and While I am a very big champion of first James Kalustian, president of the board of her words incited many to contact the mayor contacted Clear Channel. The Boston Globe, amendment rights, there is human decency, directors of the park’s Armenian Heritage of Boston, Marty Walsh, the Department of regional newspapers, and several local televi- and there is a line that should never be Foundation, declared in an interview that Transportation, and Clear Channel. She sion stations, including CBS, covered the crossed.” with April 24, the anniversary of the made a powerful parallel when she declared issue. Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Armenian Genocide, “coming up, they were in one tweet, “We’d never allow a Holocaust Kalustian related why he thought the reac- Koutoujian concluded, “When that billboard trying to discredit the Genocide – but as they denial sign at the Holocaust memorial. Or tion succeeded so well and quickly: “We have was first put up, I was filled with a mixture say in Armenian, amen chariken parik me ga anywhere at all.” After the billboard ad was built such good relations with people. We of outrage and hurt. It made me feel sad to [there is some good in every misfortune]. We pulled down, she declared in a newspaper had built such credibility with the work we think that denial still goes on in a public got publicity, and the publicity was all posi- interview, “I guess I’ve never had the privi- had done in the past with the programming place, and a place not just public but a per- tive.” lege to experience social media being so such as for the 100th anniversary [of the sonal place for Armenians…but then I was The pressure quickly led to Clear Channel incredibly effective at correcting an injus- Genocide], so awareness is growing among heartened because in a matter of hours that replacing the Turkish ad with an innocuous tice.” these groups.” In fact, other communities fac- billboard was taken down. It was not just parenting one. According to reports in the Furthermore, the Jewish Community ing similar issues in the US are now because of the actions of the many media, Clear Channel official Jason King stat- Relations Council of Greater Boston, which approaching Kalustian for advice. Armenians who called and advocated but it ed that “the ad was placed there in error and includes 42 member organizations in the Prizewinning Boston Globe reporter was because of the actions of our friends, has been removed.” The Mirror-Spectator, as area, issued a statement which read: “The Stephen Kurkjian declared at an event at the the Jewish community, the immigrant com- well as other Boston-area media, attempted JCRC of Greater Boston is appalled by the Old State House honoring Moses Gulesian munity and so many other groups, who came contacting Clear Channel and Jason King by billboard recently posted in Boston’s North on April 7 that this success was due to “all of to our side and stood strong with us, with- telephone and email for further clarification End that denies the existence of the those people whom we have touched and out a moment of hesitation. That made me but received no response. Armenian Genocide. This is a disturbing told our story for 50 years, and told who we feel proud because that made me realize that The Mirror called the Turkish Cultural affront to the Armenian community and to all were, and told them the pride we felt … Our we are an incredible country. We have made Center of Boston to ask for a Turkish per- decent people in Boston. As one neighbor- story has finally been heard and reckoned our mark in this incredible country and spective on the billboard incident. A hood resident rightly says in today’s Boston with.” many others truly appreciate and love who spokesman said that as a nonprofit cultural Globe, this billboard, placed across from the A number of local politicians commented we are, and will stand with us in difficult organization, the center did not want to com- Armenian Heritage Park, is ‘like putting a recently. State Rep. Jonathan Hecht of times.” 10 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS Staying Healthy to Support The Homeland

WASHINGTON — On Sunday, April 10, the needs of its people. Armenian American Health Association of The most pressing need this month is the C- Greater Washington (AAHAGW) launched its ARM X-Ray equipment used in orthopedic 2016 season with a health fair at the St. Mary’s surgery for the Stepanakert Children’s Armenian Apostolic church in Washington DC. Hospital. The Armenian American Health Donations are needed. Donations will also

Checking Rev. Hovsep Karapetyan’s bloodpressure

benefit the purchase of high-quality medicines avoid charges. used through Nagorno-Karabagh’s mobile clin- Via our Facebook page: find us on Facebook, ics that connect the population of the most Armenian American Health Association of remote villages in need with the regional hospi- Greater Washington and click on “Donate tal medical staff. Now!” button (credit cards accepted), or by Donations can be made through PayPal checks payable to AAHAGW sent to the follow- Many generations at the Armenian American Health Association of Greater Washington program account: send to [email protected] ing address: 745 Potomac River Rd. McLean, account using the “friends & family mode” to VA 22102

Professionals provided counseling and health education on diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, bone health, nutrition, age-specific cancer risks and its preventive measures. The event featured oral/dental check-up, glucose and blood pressure screenings, as well as cul- turally mindful education on healthier eating habits and proportions to the Washington DC Armenian community. Another health fair is planned at Soorp Khach Armenian Apostolic Church of Washington DC

Alis Marachelian and Varti Marachelian drink- ing a healthy smoothy at the end of May. The health fair was also an opportunity to have one-on-one discussions with the partici- pants on the organization’s work both in Armenia and Artsakh, which spans a period of about 25 years and currently concentrates mostly on Nagorno-Karabagh and the health

Genocide Survivor Celebrates 102nd Birthday

BIRTHDAY, from page 5 English and was later hired by Hagopian to repair their Oriental rugs. She retired in 1976 and she and her husband enjoyed travel together. After her husband died in 1995, she traveled to France and Turkey to visit rel- atives. She visited Turkey again in 2001. Relatives say she remains fiercely inde- pendent, living on her own until about three years ago. Even now, as the oldest resident at Manoogian Manor, they say she looks after others, making sure they eat properly and are getting around well. S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 11 Arts & Living

ASA Announces Pianist Kariné 6th ‘Arthur Poghosyan to Halvajian Perform at Memorial’ Southern Armenian Poetry Connecticut State Competition University NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Armenian pianist PROVIDENCE — The Armenian Kariné Poghosyan will perform a recital on Students Association, Inc. announces the Saturday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Southern start of its 6th annual poetry competition. Connecticut State University’s Charles Garner Once again, the ASA, Inc. is partnering Recital Hall (Engleman Hall C112). with the Armenian Poetry Project for the An avid musician who has been described as writing competition named in honor of the “extraordinary” and “larger than life,” late Arthur Halvajian, a former trustee Poghosyan made her orchestral debut at 14, who led its Board in sponsoring the first playing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 1, and competition. The 2016 competition now her solo Carnegie Hall debut at 23, and has open and the deadline for submissions is since gone on to win numerous awards as well May 28. The competition winners will be as perform in some of the world’s most presti- announced by the jury in June. gious concert halls. “Over the past five years we have In the fall of 2007, she organized and per- received hundreds of entries from across Author & filmmaker Nubar Alexanian formed a three-recital concert series at the North America and continue to be Yamaha Piano Salon titled “Twentieth Century impressed with the creativity, quality, and Piano Sonata.” She also helped organize the range of poems. We look forward to reach- “Requiem and Resurrection” concert in com- ing out to even more communities in the memoration of the 95th Anniversary of the coming months,” said Alice Movsesian, a Nubar Alexanian Explores Armenian Genocide at the Saint Vartan member of the ASA, Inc. Board of Trustees Armenian Cathedral in New York, where her as well as its liaison to the competition’s Histories of Family, Armenians performance of the Piano Sonata by organizing committee. Khachaturian received a standing ovation and ASA national board secretary M. was described as “jaw-dropping.” The Manoog Kaprielian sees the poetry compe- and Gloucester tition as a particularly meaningful window of expression for Armenians who endured GLOUCESTER, Mass. — Nubar Alexanian is like a whirling dervish when it comes as Azerbaijan refugees out of and survivors to making a point. If it’s not a genocide film that has occupied his time the past of the ongoing war in Syria, who have set- decade or so, then it’s books on pho- tled throughout the United States and tography. Canada. “We will do all that we can to By Tom Vartabedian If it is not getting involved in com- reach out wherever they may be,” stated munity affairs, then it is family, Kaprielian. friends and community. The Armenian Poetry Project, led by His latest book — a just-released coffee table beauty — is called Gloucester: When poet Lola Koundakjian, is a research and the Fish Came First. It is a compilation of black and white photographs from the documentation site for 19th to 21st centu- city where he resides. If anything, it is a tribute to the unsung heroes of the sea ry Armenian poems and related topics. which brought us “The Perfect Storm.” Currently containing more than 2,500 Alexanian has opted to donate part of the proceeds from the sale to the poems, it is celebrating its 10th anniver- Northeast Seafood Coalition. The book was no easy task. sary this year. APP has a worldwide fol- The author returned for decades to the same location, capturing a historical doc- lowing and releases poems through RSS ument that describes Gloucester’s way of life. He’s been shooting here since 1971 Kariné Poghosyan feeds, Twitter and podcasting. and hasn’t stopped, calling it his life’s work. All individuals of Armenian descent, “The sea gives and takes away,” it is said. Alexanian noted, “Fishermen and their Armenian Mirror-Spectator wrote, “The three- residing in the United States and Canada families look mortality in the face every working day. We cannot say what gives the movement Khachaturian Sonata — a rarely per- are invited to submit their work, in English people of Gloucester their determination and perseverance but photographs cap- formed composition — is a real tour-de-force for or Armenian for the competition. Entries ture the spirit when words cannot — and they make time and tide stand still.” the virtuoso pianist. Technically pristine, Ms. should be e-mailed by May 28, 2016to The book contains 66 striking images over 113 pages. Poghosyan brought out the driven qualities of [email protected] with The reader might the outer movements, and the heart-rending the subject heading “Halvajian ASA/APP consider the work a beauty of the middle section.” Poetry competition.” Only one poem per pleasant diversion Poghosyan has appeared as a soloist with individual may be submitted. from another project numerous orchestras and has participated in The competition groups submissions at hand. Over the past the master classes of distinguished artists such into three categories; students (ages 12- 10 years, Alexanian as Alicia de Larrocha, Claude Franck, Jon 17), college age (ages 18-22), and adult and his daughter O’Connor, and Jerome Rose. She has won (ages 23 and older). A top prize will be Abby have dedicated numerous piano competitions and has been awarded for each of the categories in the themselves to produc- the recipient of several prestigious musical amounts of US $75 (students), $125 (col- ing a film titled “Scars scholarships. lege age), and $300 (adult). of Silence: Three Her music studies began in her native Each poem submitted for the competi- Generations from Yerevan Armenia in School of the Arts, No. 1, tion must be accompanied by the author’s Genocide.” and later in Romanos Melikian College as well full name, age, home address/telephone It has been a work as State Conservatory. Her teachers in number. Students must include school in progress that Armenia included Irina Gazarian, Vatche Umr- name and sponsoring teacher’s telephone encountered several Shat, and Svetlana Dadyan. After moving to number. trips to Historic the United States in 1998, she received her You can learn more about the Armenian Armenia in pursuit of Cover of Nubar Alexanian’s new coffee table book B.M., summa cum laude, from California State Poetry Project by visiting http://armeni- their family’s history Gloucester – When the Fish Came First University in Northridge, under Professor an-poetry.blogspot.com. following the Françoise Regnat, and her M.M. and D.M.A. The Armenian Students’ Association of Genocide. As expect- degrees at the Manhattan School of Music, America, Inc. encourages educational pur- ed, the funding continues to remain sporadic but it hasn’t deterred from the chal- under Dr. Arkady Aronov, completing her suits by Armenians in America and the lenge. D.M.A. in a record-breaking two years with a raising of their intellectual standards, pro- The Alexanians are resolute in their quest to share this film with the outside thesis on Aram Khachaturian for Piano. viding financial assistance in the form of world, no matter what the consequences. They represent an Armenian-American Poghosyan is currently based in New York, scholarships to deserving Armenian stu- father-daughter duo which has set out to understand the powerful legacy of geno- where she teaches at her alma mater, The dents, developing fellowship among them, cide and the ways “a century of silence” has shaped their families and themselves. Manhattan School of Music. cultivating in them the spirit of service in What does it mean to be a second-generation Armenian-American? Her solo CD of Aram Khachaturian’s piano the public interest, and acquainting them “I was raised speaking Armenian as my first language, surrounded by the haunt- works and ballet transcriptions was released in and the entire American community with ing sounds of the oud,” he explains. “Yet, no one ever spoke of the persecution that 2015, on the NAXOS label. Armenian culture. see ALEXANIAN, page 12 There is a $5 admission fee at the door for Poghosyan’s performance. 12 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARTS & LIVING

Music of Living Armenian Female Armenian Night at the Pops to Composer Presented at Tsai Center Feature Cellist Edvard Pogossian BOSTON — The Friends of Armenian Culture Society will BOSTON — The Ip Piano School will host its is remarkable!” present the 65th annual Armenian Night at the Pops on 23rd Annual Concerto Concert at the Boston Prolific, prize-winning composer, Geghuni Friday, May 27 at 8 p.m. at Symphony Hall. The evening will University Tsai Performance Center on Sunday, Chitchyan, was born in Leninankan (Gumri) feature young cellist Edvard Pogossian. A recent winner of April 24, at 3 p.m. The concert will feature the Armenia and published her first piece when she the Juilliard Concerto Competition, he will join conductor US premiere of a piano concerto composed by was 10. Fellow Armenian composer Aram Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops Orchestra in perform- Armenian woman composer Geghuni Khachaturian praised her work as “worthy of ing the Rococo Variations for Cello and Orchestra by Chitchyan. Although the concert generally wide recognition both in our country and Tchaikovsky. includes students of the Ip Piano School, abroad.” Chitchyan’s Piano Concerto was writ- This evening continues the cherished tradition of cele- founder and music director Winnie S.C. Ip ten in 1984 and is meant to inspire young per- brating Armenian artists alongside exciting selections of invites a few outstanding guests to join the pro- formers. “The premiere of my Piano Concerto Pops favorites; the second half of the program will feature gram every year. in the U.S. is a very joyful and exciting event for the Broadway star and Tony Award winner Sutton Foster. This year, one of the outside performers will be me,” says Chitchyan. When asked what her Pogossian was born in California and is currently a sopho- 10-year-old Ethan Kasparian Weisman. Weisman source of inspiration was for this concerto, more at the Juilliard School in New York. He studied with will perform Chitchyan’s Piano Concerto, which Chitchyan replied, “The artist should always Paul Cohen and Rick Mooney in Los Angeles and has participated in multiple national and he began learning from a handwritten score at keep in mind the next generation, and the spir- international music festivals. He recently performed the Rococo Variations with the Julliard age 8. He explains the piece as follows, “If I could itual development of growing young people. orchestra under the direction of Itzhak Perlman in New York and Chicago and was the win- use one word to describe this composition it Besides my hopes that this musical composition ner of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Young Artistis Competition in 2011. He has also per- would be ‘bouncy.’ It goes up and down from will inspire the young performers, I believe it formed at Carnegie Hall and on National Public Radio’s ‘From the Top’ radio show. major to minor and incorporates the themes in also will perfect their skills, as well as enrich Pogossian is an enthusiastic chamber musician and is a founding member of the Zelda so many ‘bouncy’ ways.” their feelings and attitude.” When asked what Piano Quartet, which is currently part of the Juilliard Honors Chamber Music Program. The piece was given to him by his teacher, others can expect to gain from hearing her Tickets for this concert are available for purchase online at www.FACSBoston.org. Students Arminé Karapetian Donato, who at age 12 pre- composition, Chitchyan said, “It has always left (K-12) qualify for a 50-percent discount on ticket purchases through FACS; details are avail- sented the first public performance of the piece a warm, joyful pleasant impression on the lis- able on the website. with the Armenian Symphony Orchestra in teners. If the audience feels the same this time Yerevan, Armenia. in the US, I will be very happy.” When asked why she chose this particular To purchase tickets for the 23rd Annual lead the concert. Performers will include St. Mullin, Adrian Tam, Emily Tan, Ethan piece for the young performer, Karapetian Concerto Concert, or e-mail Winnie@ippi- Paul’s Choir School, Cambridge (directed by Kasparian Weisman, Vivian Wong, Sydney Pho, Donato replied, “I knew that Ethan had what it anoschool.com. General admission is $20 and John Robinson) as well as Peter Andaloro, and Thomas Yu. In addition to Chitchyan’s takes to play this piece the way the composer there is free parking at the rear of the Tsai Grace Carter, Fiena Chen, Alex Chin, James work, the program will include works of envisioned it. His attention to impeccable tech- Performance Center. Delaney, Sara Ho, Yu Yuan Huang, Jay Hui, Berkovich, Chilcott, Cochran, Faure, Grieg, nicality, beautiful sonority, and dancing tempos Chilean-born conductor, Gonzalo Farias, will Cynthia Lau, Sarina Lau, Dalila Lee, John Haydn, Mozart, Scott, Vivaldi and Weston.

Nubar Alexanian Explores Histories of Family, Armenians and Gloucester

ALEXANIAN, from page 11 books and rubbed elbows with some of the most how the denial of the 1915 genocide affects “Editing will begin in November and proceed brought my grandparents to America. Not my influential people throughout the musical world. them today. as funds are raised to cover final production grandmother who lost three young daughters He has grown involved as a recent board According to the Alexanians, the project is on and post-production expenses,” says Alexanian. on a death march, or my grandfather who fled member with Project SAVE Armenian firm ground at the moment. Last year they were “We expect to have a complete version of the everything he knew, never to return. When Photograph Archives while producing an eclec- finalists for a MacArthur Foundation Grant as film by June 2017.” your family’s violent past is denied, how do you tic video on the organization’s 40-year anniver- well as a LEF Foundation Production Grant. For more information, see:www.whenthefish- make sense of the present?” sary last October. They hope to complete production by the end camefirst.com or Alexanian said he felt suffocated by the Abby is a graduate of Vassar College. Over of September. walkercreekmedia.com/gloucester. unspoken suffering and fled as far from his the past decade, she has spent considerable Armenian identity as he could. He rarely talked time working on her dad’s still photography about his heritage until his daughter asked a and film sets. simple question. For Abby, the understanding of this past is a “Dad, will you come with me to Armenia?” generation removed, yet intensely personal. FRIENDS OF ARMENIAN CULTURE SOCIETY Thus became the inspiration for the film that “It’s heart-breaking to see what really hap- sent both of them on an inexplicable journey to pened to them and to us,” she says. “But now, understand their shared history. I feel like I’m beginning to understand my fam- Alexanian has spent the past 38 years working ily and myself.” as a photojournalist and filmmaker. He has trav- The film is a feature-length documentary of eled to more than 40 countries shooting for mag- how a young woman’s curiosity propels her azines such as Life, Newsweek, Time and reluctant father to join her in finally con- National Geographic. He has published five fronting their family’s dark past and discovering

Edvard Pogossian

Boston PopsCELLO Orchestra Keith Lockhart


FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION, Village of Chengiler in Yalova Province where Nubar Alexanian’s grandmother was deported with PLEASE VISIT: WWW.FACSBOSTON.ORG her family in 1917. S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 13 ARTS & LIVING AMAA Presents Dr. Markarian’s Book, The Martyred Armenian Writers

Salibian. of 13 of the most beloved Armenian writers By Taleen Kupelian This special event, titled “The Literary Works of the era along with a bibliography of their of 13 Armenian Martyred Writers,” began with writing and excerpts from each author (in remarks by AMAA Executive Director/CEO English). PARAMUS, N.J. — With the 101st Zaven Khanjian and included a brief biography While there are certain nuances that may get Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide quickly of the honored guest. Khanjian qualified the lit- lost in translation, Markarian’s anthology is as approaching, now is a more poignant time than erature of the 19th and early 20th centuries “as good as it gets. Markarian (with skillful help) ever to celebrate the Armenian culture rather superb, distinct … and deserving to be read, has translated the works of the 13 featured than mourn its loss. Accomplished author, sci- enjoyed and spread.” Markarian’s enlightening authors. In his book, the author beautifully entist, professor, playwright, poet, translator, slide show that followed these remarks high- records the classic and powerful words of the actor, literary and theater critic, and director, lighted the accomplishments of the 13 writers martyred Armenians during the Armenian Dr. Herand M. Markarian does just that with his featured in his book. Genocide proving that whether it’s one or 101 latest publication, an anthology titled The Markarian’s anthology is brilliantly seg- years that have passed, these writings have Martyred Armenian Writers (1915-1922). mented into three parts, each one a pertinent truly stood the test of time. All those present at the Armenian background about the time the subject mat- The literary program was brought to a mov- Presbyterian Church on March 18, heard the ter was written. The first part contains gen- ing close by the dynamic aforementioned per- words of the greats brought to life in a moving eral introductions to liter- formance and was followed by a reception orga- performance with help from a number of the ature of the 19th century. The second part nized by Seta Nalbandian, Anita Buchakjian community’s youth — Nick Aynilian Jr., Raffi contains a foundation for understanding the and Berjouhi Gulesserian. Aynilian, Vatche Demirjian, Richard Hekemian, Armenian Genocide. In the final section, the To order Markarian’s book, visit AMAA’s web- Dr. Herand Markarian Anoush Kalachian, Niree Kaprielian, and Melani readers are provided with short biographies site at www.amaa.org.

Dr. Herand Markarian signs copies of The Martyred Armenian Writers Some of the young performers flank Dr. Herand Markarian ADAA Unveils Kondazian Award For Armenian Stories

LOS ANGELES — The Armenian Dramatic The $10,000 Saroyan/Paul Prize for Arts Alliance (ADAA) announced this week Playwriting in Human Rights/Social Justice HHE E RRMMEENNIIAANNSS that in addition to its Saroyan/Paul and the $2,500 Kondazian Playwriting Award TT AA Playwriting Prize, it has unveiled the for Armenian Stories will be awarded in II NN OODDEERRNN UU RR KK EE YY Kondazian Playwriting Award for Armenian December 2016, in honor of Human Rights Stories to specifically honor stage plays MM TT on Armenian themes. ADAA is accepting scripts for this award until April 24, 2016. In keeping with ADAA’s mission to project the Armenian voice on the world stage, the $2,500 Kondazian Playwriting Award for Armenian Stories ensures that Armenian writers or non-Armenian writ- ers exploring Armenian themes will be given important exposure at this key IISSCSCUSCUSSCUSSSCUSSISCUSSIOSCUSSIONSCUSSION WITWITHH R AALLILINLIN UCUCICIYCIYACIYANIYAN time in Armenia’s modern history. In After 1915, ArmeniansA D lived and worked in Dthe .TurkishT stateS alongside those who had addition, the $10,000 Saroyan/Paul persecuted their communities. Living in the midst of pervasive denial, how did those remaining Playwriting Prize will honor plays with in Anatolia and Istanbul record their history and cope with subsequent discrimination? human rights/social justice themes of all Talin Suciyan explores the life experienced by these communities. Special emphasis is given to kinds. the period between 1944 and 1950 and the crisis that surrounded the patriarchal election. The Lillian and Varnum Paul Fund, longtime supporter of ADAA’s writing The Armenians in Modern Turkey examines remarkable new primary material: Turkish state competitions, will fund the prize. archives, minutes of the Armenian National Assembly, a kaleidoscopic of personal diaries, Inaugurated by actress and ADAA Board memoirs and oral histories, various newspapers, yearbooks and magazines, as well as statutes of Directors member Karen Kondazian, and laws which led to continuing persecution. who is the daughter of Lillian and Karen Kondazian Join us and meet author Talin Suciyan from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich where she Varnum Paul, the Kondazian Playwriting is currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies. Award for Armenian Stories fills an important need for Armenian and non- Day, at ADAA’s annual awards event in Los Armenian artists and audiences. Angeles. RRIIIDIDAIDAYDAY PRIL P M F , A 22222,2, 2202012016016 @ 77:::4:4545 . . “The Kondazian Playwriting Award for For submission guidelines, please visit St. Leon Armenian Church/Charles & Grace Pinajian Youth Center Armenian Stories encourages playwrights of any ADAA’s newly redesigned website, 12-61 Saddle River Road, Fair Lawn, NJ / For information call 201-791-2862 nationality to explore the Armenian heart and http://www.armeniandrama.org. Submissions soul,” says Kondazian. “This is a passion of mine for the prize are electronic only to armenian- This event is jointly sponsored by and I am thrilled to see the award helping writ- [email protected] (note new email address) by AGBU Ararat, Armenian Network of America- Greater NY, ers around the world to get their voice heard.” April 24, 2016. Constantinople Armenian Relief Society (C.A.R.S.), Daughters of Vartan Sahaganoush Otyag of NJ, Esayan-Getronagan Alumni Inc., Knights of Vartan Bakradouny Lodge of NJ, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), St. Leon Armenian Church, Tekeyan Cultural Association LIKE US ON FACEBOOK


WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of the reception are free and open to the public. America (AMA), Direct Help for Armenian In addition, the museum and the Composer’s Corner People (DHAP), and the Amaras Art Alliance Union of Armenia present: “Anmorats Yerker” — present: Tribute to Armenia on Sunday, May 1, Unforgettable Songs” on Sunday, May 22, at 2 at 2 p.m. p.m. The concert, dedicated to the 90th anniver- by Christine Vartanian Datian The event, a concert performance by the sary of composers Alexander Ajemyan and finalists of the annual Armenian Youth Talent Khachatur Avetisyan, will feature the voices of (AYT) competition, is dedicated to the 25th Nouné Karapetian, Michael Calmés, Knarik Avocado, Eggplant, Shrimp and Feta Tacos Nerkarian, and Garo Nichanian, with Nuné With Garlic Lemon Tahini Hakobyan accompanying them on piano. INGREDIENTS Konstantin Petrossian is 3 or 4 medium avocados, sliced serving as the music direc- 1 medium eggplant, sliced, tor of the program. 1 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined Light refreshments will 2-3 cloves garlic, minced be served at a reception fol- Diced feta cheese lowing the concert. Both Juice of one lemon or lime the concert and the recep- 8-10 corn, flour or whole wheat tortillas tion are free and open to 1 teaspoon ground cumin the public. This concert is 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano made possible by a gener- 1/2 teaspoon dried ancho peppers or 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes ous donation from the Sea salt, black or white pepper, cayenne pepper or chili powder to taste Dadourian Foundation. Olive oil, diced tomatoes, sliced white, green or red onions, chopped cilantro, chopped Both programs will be green or red cabbage, chopped jalapeno peppers, chopped radishes, and sliced black or held on the 3rd floor of the Noune Karapetian, Garo Nichanian green olives as garnish Armenian Museum in the Lemon or lime wedges as garnish Adele & Haig Der Choice of hot sauce as garnish Manuelian Galleries. Both anniversary of the independence of the events are made possible by donations from the PREPARATION: Republic of Armenia. Dadourian Foundation. Wash and slice the eggplant and lightly sprinkle slices with sea salt; place slices in a colan- Light refreshments will be served at a recep- The Armenian Museum is located in der and let sit for 10-20 minutes. Pat with a paper towel to remove excess liquid. In a few tion following the concert. Both the concert and Watertown Square. tablespoons of olive oil, sauté the eggplant (in batches) until medium brown on both sides, for 3-5 minutes. Remove eggplant and drain on paper towels. (Eggplant may also be grilled for this recipe.) In a skillet, sauté the shrimp in a few tablespoons of olive oil and the garlic until translu- cent. Do not overcook. Lightly sprinkle shrimp with cumin, oregano, ancho peppers or red AGBU Sayat Nova International pepper flakes to taste. Toss with the lemon or lime juice and a dash of cayenne or chili pow- der to taste. Remove shrimp to a serving plate and keep warm. (Shrimp may also be grilled, brush them with a little olive oil and some crushed garlic and minced parsley until done.) Composition Competition Seeks Warm the tortillas in a microwave with paper towels for 20-35 seconds, grill, or warm the tortillas in a skillet on both sides in a few tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat until Submissions from Composers lightly browned, for 30-40 seconds. Fill tortillas with choice of sliced avocado, eggplant, shrimp, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, cabbage, jalapeno peppers, radishes, and olives; garnish with feta cheese. Plate and serve NEW YORK — The AGBU Performing Arts philosopher Grigor Narekatsi, who was named a tacos with lemon or lime wedges and hot sauce with the Garlic Lemon Tahini on the side. Departments (PAD) in New York and Paris Doctor of the Church by Pope Francis in 2015. announce the opening of the submission cycle Each year, the competition is judged by a for the 2016 AGBU Sayat Nova International renowned panel of musicians, which has includ- Garlic Lemon Tahini Composition Competition. ed Alain Altinoglu, Jenny Q. Chai, Michael In 2006, AGBU France launched the compe- Jarell, Paul Mefano and Michel Petrossian. INGREDIENTS tition, a biennial event open to composers from By August 31, composers are invited to submit 2-3 cups canned garbanzo beans, washed and drained (reserve about 1/4 cup of liquid) a seven to ten-minute composition 3-4 tablespoons tahini for a chamber ensemble of six musi- 2-3 cloves minced garlic cians, including: a string quartet Olive oil and the juice and zest of 2 lemons (two violins, one viola, and one Chopped cilantro cello), one shvi (traditional Cayenne pepper, Aleppo pepper or paprika Armenian woodwind instrument), PREPARATION and one male vocal tenor (spoken Cayenne pepper, Aleppo pepper or paprika and/or sung). For the second year, In a blender or processor, slowly combine the garbanzo beans, tahini, garlic, lemon juice, the submission process will take and zest; add the reserve liquid a little at a time, and blend a minute longer; drizzle in the place through Vox Novus, a music olive oil to the desired consistency. Taste and adjust seasonings. Add more lemon juice or company that has designed special olive oil, if desired. software to allow all submissions With a small spatula spread tahini on a plate or platter and garnish with olive oil and and judging to take place online. chopped cilantro; sprinkle with cayenne pepper, Aleppo pepper or paprika. “We are grateful for Vox Novus’s Serves 4. partnership and devotion to the competition’s success. Their gen- Christine's recipes have been published in the Fresno Bee, Sunset and Cooking Light erosity and ingenuity helped us to Talin Nalbandian (mezzo-soprano) and David Ayriyan Magazines, and at http://www.thearmeniankitchen.com/ further introduce the competition to (kamancha) at the 2014 Sayat Nova International For Christine's recipes that have been published in Sunset and Cooking Light Magazines, Composition Competition Gala Concert at Symphony Space composers worldwide, fostering cre- go to: http://www.myrecipes.com/search/site/Datian in New York. ative love and inspiration from our ancient culture in composers of many different heritages,” said Hayk all backgrounds. Since the start of the competi- Arsenyan, the director of PAD New York. tion, submissions have arrived from over thirty Over the years, the competition has grown to countries, including Ghana, Korea, Mexico and include new and bigger awards. The winners of Russia, in addition to Armenia and the United the competition will receive cash prizes and will States. Winners have been from Argentina, be eligible for three special awards, including the Armenia/Nagorno-Karabagh, France, Hong new Armusic Publishing House Award. This Kong, Mexico and the United Kingdom and gala award allows the top three winners to have their concerts have taken place at prestigious venues, winning works published by the Composers such as Symphony Space in New York and Union of Armenia’s Armusic Publishing House in Salon d’Opéra and Salle Cortot in Paris. Yerevan. The top winner will receive two addi- The competition, which celebrates its tenth tional prizes: the Carnegie Hall Award, which anniversary this year, is designed to introduce gives the composer the honor of having his/her Armenian music, literature and history to a piece premiered at the AGBU Performing Artists wider international audience by asking com- in Concert at the Weill Recital Hall, and the posers to submit compositions for an ensemble Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenian and Western instruments that inte- (ANPO) Award, which offers the composer the grate Armenian poetry. In past years, com- opportunity to be commissioned to write a 10- posers have been asked to use the works of minute piece that will premiere by the ANPO dur- Talin Nalbandian (mezzo-soprano), Christian Erbsloh-Papazian (piano), Vasko Dukovski (duduk) and poets Sayat Nova and Daniel Varoujan. This ing the 2017/18 season. Elizabeth Means (cello) at the 2014 Sayat Nova International Composition Competition Gala year, they are asked to draw inspiration from For more information, visit http://sayatno- Concert at Symphony Space in New York. the tenth-century Armenian monk, poet and va.agbueurope.org/. S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 15 ARTS & LIVING CC AA LENDARLENDAR

Conductor. Guest Soloists are David Ayriyan, Kamancha, Women’s Association, National Association for Armenian CONNECTICUT and Gohar Manjelikian, Mezzo Soprano, with Nune Studies & Research, and Armenian Museum of America. Ca APRIL 23, 2016 Annual Armenian Genocide Hakobyan on the organ and piano. We invite the Info: 617-926-0171 or [email protected]; 617-489- A& Commemoration. Connecticut State Capitol; Flag Armenian and non-Armenian community to join us as we 1610 [email protected]. Raising at 11:00 a.m.; Commemoration in the House commemorate through music and poem the Holy MAY 7 — The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye ILL Chambers at 11:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker, Shant Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide and remember Pointe in Haverhill will have a one-day food festival Mardirossian, Chairman Emeritus, Near East Foundation. Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian of blessed memory. The on Saturday at the church hall. 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. concert is a gift to the community. Armenian Pride Food Festival. Armenian Church at Hye MA APRIL 19 — Tuesday, at 7 p.m. at the Armenian Cultural Pointe Hall, 110 Main St., Haverhill. Meal Choice of One: ILLINOIS Foundation, Duygu Dalyanoglu, an actor and play- Losh/Chicken/Kheyma, with pilaf, salad, and hot/cold APRIL 18 — Peter Balakian, the Donald M. and Constance wright from Turkey, will speak about her play, garnish Additional children’s meal of hot dog & chips: H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities at Colgate “Zabel,” based on the life and work of Zabel Yessayan. also available will be pastry, choereg, Armenian cheese, University, will speak at the University of Illinois at She will discuss the creation of the play and the perfor- and cold drinks. Urbana-Champaign, Knight Auditorium, Spurlock mance last year in Istanbul and Yerevan. She will also MAY 7 — Experience Public Art! during ArtWeek Boston. Museum, 600 South Gregory, Urbana, 4 p.m., Monday. talk about the audience responses to the play. 441 Mystic Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, Boston. At 1 p.m. The talk, titled “The Armenian Genocide, Poetry of St., Arlington. For more information contact Armenian - World Labyrinth Day: Walk As One At 1 Together with peo- Witness, and Postmemory,” is hosted by Initiative in International Women’s Association at 617.926.0171 or ple in cities and towns worldwide, walk the labyrinth at 1pm Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies as well as sev- [email protected] joining this annual international initiative of The Labyrinth eral other groups. APRIL 22 — The annual commemoration of the Society in collaboration with the Labyrinth Guild of New Armenian Genocide at the Massachusetts State England and Friends of Armenian Heritage Park. For first-time House. Friday, 10.30 a.m., State House Chamber, walkers at 12:45pm, an Introduction to walking a labyrinth MASSACHUSETTS Catered Reception at 12 noon in the Great Hall. with Chiara Megighian Zenati, Certified Labyrinth Facilitator. APRIL 16 — Saintly Women’s Day for the Parishes of APRIL 23 — Procession and flag raising for 101st At 1:30 pm - Reception to View The 2016 Configuration of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, hosted by Holy Trinity anniversary of Armenian Genocide at Lowell City Hall, the Abstract Sculpture Welcome: Nanore Barsoumian, Editor, Armenian Church, 145 Brattle St., Cambridge. This year, 10 a.m., followed by a reception and cultural program by Armenian Weekly; Public Art: Lucas Cowan, Public Art we honor Saint Mary, the Holy Mother of area schoolchildren at nearby Masonic Center. Sponsored Curator, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy; Personal God (Asdvadzadzin), Queen of Heaven. 10:15 a.m., by the Armenian National Committee of Merrimack Perspective: Alin Gregorian, Editor, Armenian Mirror Welcome & Coffee; 11 a.m., Church Service;12:00 p.m., Valley & Armenian Genocide Commemorative Spectator; Tea & Desserts hosted by MEM Tea Imports and Lunch and Program. Guest Speaker: Sr. Bridget Haase, Committee of Merrimack Valley. For the march, gather at Eastern Lamejun Bakers. All are invited. OSU. Donation: $35 per person with RSVP deadline corner of Merrimack & John Streets at 9:30 a.m. MAY 12 – Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Greater of April 11. Reservations should be made through each APRIL 23 — Saturday, A prayer service for the Boston Presents the Dr. Michael and Joyce Kolligian parish’s Women’s Guild/Church group. For further infor- Armenian Community, 4 p.m., Cathedral of the Holy Distinguished Speaker Series, with John Prendergast, mation or to make individual reservations, please contact Cross, 1400 Washington St., Boston. First ever Catholic “Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Lessons Cathy Minassian [email protected], or Archdiocese of Boston Commemoration of the Armenian Learned and Hope for the Future.” 7 p.m., Charles and call 617.947.1795. Genocide. Hosted by Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, Catholic Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall, 145 Brattle Street, APRIL 16 – Centennial Commemoration of the 1916 Archdiocese of Boston. With the participation of Cambridge. John is founder of “The Enough Project,” an Consecration of the Sts. Vartanantz Church, Lowell. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocese of the Armenian initiative to end genocide and crimes against humanity Worship Service and Program at the original Sts. Vartanantz Church of America, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, and co-founder of “The Sentry,” a new investigative ini- Church, 60 Lawrence St., Lowell. Outdoor architectural tour Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Armenian tiative focused on dismantling the networks financial of the original Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church at 60 Catholic Eparchy of US and Canada. Broadcast live conflict and atrocities. Reception and book signing to fol- Lawrence St., Lowell, starting at 5:30 p.m. followed by a online at www.catholictvlive.com and on the Catholic TV low talk. Open and free to the public. For further infor- prayer service and narrated slide presentation on the for- Network. (Check local listings.) mation, contact the Church Office, 617.354.0632. mation and early life of the parish at 6:00 p.m. The church APRIL 24 — Sunday, commemoration at the Park, 3 MAY 14 — Sayat Nova Dance Company of Boston con- is handicap accessible. Reception to follow. Complimentary p.m., Armenian Heritage Park, 110 Atlantic Avenue, tinues its 30th anniversary celebrations with a night of admission. For further information, please call 978-256- Boston. We communally honor our shared history, cele- song and dance with beloved singer Arabo Ispiryan, direct 7234, or email [email protected]. brate our triumphant survival and illuminate our bright from Armenia. Don’t miss out on this night of pure APRIL 16 — Saintly Women’s Day for the Parishes of future. For more info, contact commemorationatthep- Armenian entertainment. Come and celebrate with us as Massachusetts and Rhode Island, hosted by Holy Trinity [email protected] we sing and dance all night with Arabo. Generous appetiz- Armenian Church, 145 Brattle St., Cambridge. This year, we APRIL 30 — Armenian / American Dance, Saturday, 7 ers (mezze) will be provided. Doors open at7:30 p.m. To be honor Saint Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Asdvadzadzin), p.m. – 12 a.m., 1 Market Street, Lawrence, held at St. James Armenian Church, Charles Mosesian Queen of Heaven. 10:15 a.m., Welcome & Coffee; 11 a.m., Complimentary Coffee & Dessert, Cash Bar, 50/50 Raffle, Cultural and Youth Center, 465 Mt, Auburn Street, Church Service;12 p.m., Lunch and Program. Guest Speaker: Armenian music provided by Jason Naroian Ensemble, Watertown. Tickets are available by calling Apo at 339-222- Sr. Bridget Haase, OSU. Donation: $35 per person with RSVP American music provided by DJ Kory Sirmaian. Tickets: 2410 or Hagop at 617-780-6295. VIP table seating at deadline of April 11. Reservations should be made through $20 in advance; $25 at the door. Melanee Naroian:(978) $100/person (includes 1 free drink/person and a bottle of each parish’s Women’s Guild/Church group. For further infor- 683-0613, Lucy Sirmaian: (978) 683-9121. Sponsored by champagne for the table); Premium table seating at mation or to make individual reservations, please contact Cathy The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe Women’s Guild. $75/person (includes a bottle of champagne for the table); Minassian [email protected], or call 617.947.1795. MAY 1 — The Armenian Museum of America (ALMA), 2 General seating: $65. Please reserve your tickets early. APRIL 17 — Erevan Choral Society Concert, “In p.m., Direct Help for Armenian People (DHAP) and the MAY 18 — Chefs Party for Our Park! Benefit for Commemoration of Our Sainted Martyrs of 1915 and Amaras Art Alliance are hosting a concert: “Tribute to Armenian Heritage Park’s Ongoing Care Royal Sonesta Dedicated to His Eminence Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian Armenia.” Songs will be performed by the finalists of the Hotel Boston, Cambridge. Celebrate with Boston’s Top of blessed memory.” Sponsored by Holy Trinity Armenian annual Armenia Youth Talent competition. The concert is Chefs, presenting signature dishes inspired by parents, Church, 2:30 p.m., Church Sanctuary, 145 Brattle St., dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the independence grandparents or mentors for you to taste while you mix, Cambridge. The Concert is under the direction of of the Republic of Armenia. Light refreshments will be mingle and support a great cause. Advance Reservations Composer Konstantin Petrossian, Music Director and served at a reception following the opening. This event is only. To be acknowledged in the Evening Thank You, Conductor. Guest Soloists are David Ayriyan, Kamancha, free and open to the public. This event is made possible please respond by May 6. To receive an invitation, please and Gohar Manjelikian, Mezzo Soprano, with Nune by a contribution from the Dadourian Foundation. email your name and email address to Hakobyan on the organ and piano. We invite the MAY 2 — St. James Men’s Club meeting, with speakers [email protected] Armenian and non-Armenian community to join us as we Tom Vartabedian and E. Philip Brown. Vartabedian is MAY 21 — Book Tour Schedule for Armenians of the commemorate through music and poem the Holy a writer and photographer and Brown is a world history Merrimack Valley. Authors E. Philip Brown and Tom Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide and remember teacher and historian. They will speak about their new Vartabedian are embarking on a presentation tour and Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian of blessed memory. The book, Armenians of Merrimack Valley. Social Hour and book signing of their new book. Vermette’s Market, 6 concert is a gift to the community. mezza at 6.15 p.m., Losh Kebab and Kheyma Dinner, 7 Pond St., Amesbury, 10-2, book-signing only APRIL 17 — Concert by Haig Hovsepian, violin and Ani p.m. $15 per person. St. James Armenian Church Charles MAY 22 — Sunday, 2 p.m., the Armenian Museum of Hovsepian, piano, 12 p.m., Slosberg Recital Hall, Mosesian Cultural and Youth Center, Keljik Hall, 465 America (ALMA) and the Composer’s Union of Armenia Brandeis University, 415 South St., Waltham. The duo will Mount Auburn St., Watertown, MA. Ladies welcome. are proud to present a concert: Anmorats Yerker- perform selections from Armenian Folk, Classical, and MAY 5 — St. Gregory Armenian Church Avak lun- Unforgettable Songs. The concert, dedicated to the Modern Music: Komitas, Spendiarian, Khachaturian, cheon, noon, Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main St., North 90th anniversary of composers Alexander Ajemyan and Bagdasarian, Sardarian and Hovhaness. Admission is free Andover. Speaker, Lisa Kouchakdjian, originator, “Love on Khachatur Avetisyan, will feature the voices of Nouné and a reception will follow. a Plate.” Come share and appreciate some wonderful Karapetian, Michael Calmés, Knarik Nerkararian, and APRIL 17, 2016 – Erevan Choral Society Concert, “In Armenian recipes. Public invited. Garo Nichanian, accompanied by Nuné Hakobyan on Commemoration of Our Sainted Martyrs of 1915 and MAY 5 – “Can Feminists Revive a Nation? Afterlife of piano. Maestro Konstantin Petrossian will serve as Music Dedicated to His Eminence Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian Armenians in Post-Genocide Turkey.” Reception and illus- Director for the concert. Light refreshments will be of blessed memory.” Sponsored by Holy Trinity Armenian trated talk with MIT Professor Lerna Ekmekcioglu on her new served at a reception following the opening. This event is Church, 2:30 p.m., Church Sanctuary, 145 Brattle St., book, Recovering Armenia: The Limits of Belonging in Post- free and open to the public. The concert is made possi- Cambridge. The Concert is under the direction of Genocide Turkey. 7:30 p.m. Armenian Museum of America, ble by a contribution from the Dadourian Foundation. Composer Konstantin Petrossian, Music Director and Watertown. Co-sponsored by the Armenian International CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 16 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARTS & LIVING Zangakner Performing Arts Ensemble Dedicates New Show to Mothers and the Motherland

BELMONT, Mass. —Zangakner Performing Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain and Arts Ensemble will present a vocal concert fea- Lebanon. In 2002, she founded Luys Zvart turing Armenian children from Massachusetts on Children’s Choir and produced her first CD that April 30th at 5:00 p.m. at the Ellsworth Theatre same year. Subsequently, she was offered the posi- at Pine Minor College in Chestnut Hill. tion of Artistic Director and Conductor of the The new production, intended to pay homage Kantegh Children’s Choir. This choir won the to mothers and to the Motherland – Armenia, will Golden Prize at the Children’s Art Competition- also feature special guest artists from Greece, Festival in 2006. This was followed by her second renowned pianist Jasmin Atabekyan and her CD, “Children to the World,” produced in daughter violinist Emily Gasparyan, who will join Germany in 2007. In 2009, Konjoyan was award- ed the “Leading Teacher” desig- nation in Yerevan. She was the founder and manager of the Luys Vocal Quintet, as well as a singer in it. This group recorded and produced two CDs in Germany, “Light to the World “(2003) and “Come to Light” (2004). In 2009 the CD “Luys” was produced in the United States and nominated as “Best Choral Album of the Year” in numerous competitions around the world. Atabekyan, with a PhD in Piano Performance, is the winner Zangakner at the Armenian Genocide Centennial of several international competi- Commemoration at Armenian Heritage Park tions, including France’s presti- gious Pierre Lantier — Ober their talents to Zangakner’s for the first time. Piano Competition in Paris and the Aram “The children at Zangakner are so excited to Khachaturian Competition in Yerevan. She has perform and to renew their strong connection appeared as a featured soloist with the Yerevan with our heritage and our culture! We invite fam- Symphony and Thessaloniki Symphony ilies and friends to share in our excitement and Orchestra on some of the finest stages in France, enjoy this experience with us,” said Hasmik Greece and Armenia. For the last 10 years Konjoyan, artistic director of Zangakner. Atabekyan has been one of the professors at the Zangakner Performing Arts New Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece and Ensemble was established in Boston in 2010 by the Drama Municipal Conservatory, Greece. Konjoyan. Its goal is to offer a unique venue for Atabekyan recently moved to New England with Pianist Anahit Truzyan and harpist Carol McIntyre performing at the Lynnfield Community New England children of diverse Armenian back- her husband and their two children. Church grounds to preserve their , Fourteen-year-old violinist Gasparyan was born culture and heritage through music and lyrics. At in Yerevan, Armenia. At the age of five she moved Zangakner, children aged 4 to 13 are trained in to Greece with her family where began violin Spring Concert in Lynnfield by Pianist Anahit voice, movement, improvisation, dance and per- lessons with Marina Shelkova at the New formance skills. In the process, they learn the Conservatory of Thessaloniki Prep School. Truzyan and Harpist Carol McIntyre value of hard work, dedication and discipline to Having recently moved to the United States, achieve excellence. Emily has continued her musical educational LYNNFIELD, Mass. — Pianist Anahit Truzyan and harpist Carol McIntyre presented Zangakner’s numerous performances, such as with New England Conservatory professor Spring Musical Interlude, a concert at the Lynnfield the opening act of the Inga and Anush Arshakyan Andrew Taylor. Community Church, on April 10. The concert, in an concert, the Children’s Planet and 2014: A Emily has won numerous violin competitions, intimate setting, was an enjoyable and uplifting Musical Odyssey holiday musicals, as well as their including the Young Talents with Orchestra com- By Aram Arkun experience enjoyed by a local audience including Christmas and Easter Concerts in New York in petition in Milan, the Rafina competition in Mirror-Spectator Staff many Armenians. Truzyan played two Armenian 2014 and 2015, have been enthusiastically Athens, and the Energy for Life competition in pieces. The first was a solo piece, Elegia, by Arno received by the public. Vienna. She has appeared as soloist with Babajanian, and the second was a duet by Stepan Nagdian called Song. Truzyan also The ensemble was also invited to perform as Barlassina Symphony Orchestra in Italy, the performed Haydn’s Sonata and two impromptus by Schubert, as well as a Chopin Waltz guest singers at many major events in the European Youth Orchestra in Austria and and Fantasia-Impromptu. She had two other duets with McIntyre: Wild Rose of the Armenian community both in Massachusetts and Switzerland, Salem Philharmonic Orchestra, USA Mountain, and I Vow to Thee. in New York. and the Thessaloniki Youth Symphony in Greece. Truzyan was associate professor of piano performance at the Komitas State Conservatory Zangakner released their first She has taken masterclasses from well-known in Yerevan before moving to the US in 2000. She has performed in Armenia, Russia and the recording, “Timeless Favorites by Armenian musicians Yuri Bashmet, Alexander Trostyansky, Middle East, and continues to perform publicly here in New England. She has an active Children,” a CD that captures the best of the and Ivry Gitlis. Emily speaks 4 languages, plays teaching practice in the Boston area and also works as the Church Musician at Lynnfield Armenian song repertoire and helps promote the piano and guitar, and loves drawing. Community Church. wealth of the Armenian musical heritage. The address of the concert is 400 Heath St., McIntyre plays traditional and contemporary music on her folk harp with a melodic and Aside from her work with Zangakner, Konjoyan Chestnut Hill. For tickets ($25/$30 per person) improvisational style inspired by her love of Celtic and classical music. has given concert performances throughout the and information, contact world, including in Italy, Canada, Austria, [email protected].

from previous page SEPTEMBER 30 — OCTOBER 2 — 25th Anniversary Celebration. Armenian International Women’s NEW YORK MAY 27 — 65th Annual Armenian Night at the Pops, Association. Charles Hotel, Cambridge. JUNE 4-5 — Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Mher Featuring Boston Pops Orchestra, Keith Lockhart, NOVEMBER 15 — Thank You Reception for All Megerdchian Theatrical Group presents the AGBU Conductor; presenting Edvard Poghossian, cello. Supporters of Armenian Heritage Park. Armenian Satamian Theater Group from LA, in “Funny Presented by Friends of Armenian Culture Society. Cultural and Educational Center. Watertown. 7:30 p.m. Money,” (in Western Armenian). Written by Ray Cooney. Symphony Hall, 301 Mass. Ave., Boston. For tickets and During the evening, supporters will receive the Armenian Translated and Directed by Krikor Satamian. Saturday, information, visit facsboston.org Heritage Park Commemorative Book, which will acknowl- June 4th, at 8pm and Sunday, June 5th at 4pm at Oradell JUNE 20 — The Gregory Hintlian Memorial Golf edge all supporters in the category of giving that com- Elementary School, 350 Propect Avenue Oradell, NJ Tournament sponsored by Holy Trinity Armenian Church bines all their contributions since the campaign’s incep- 07649. Tickets: $35 & $50. For tickets please call: Marie of Greater Boston at the Marlborough Country Club, tion. Deadline for first time supporters and for support- Zokian (201) 745-8850, Talar Sesetyan Sarafian 201-240- Marlborough; Monday, 9:30 a.m., registration; 11 a.m., ers to increase their contribution is September 22. 8541, or Missak Boghosian 212-819-0097. “Shot Gun.” Join us for a day of golf, as a sponsor or Contributors are tax-deductible as allowed by law. All just for dinner. Details to follow. For further informa- supporters are invited. tion, contact the Church Office, 617.354.0632, or NOVEMBER 19 — Armenian Women’s Welfare RHODE ISLAND email [email protected]. Association will hold its 40th annual luncheon/auc- APRIL 16 — Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, SEPTEMBER 10 — Sayat Nova Dance Company of tion. Oakley Country Club, 410 Belmont St., Watertown. Providence, Commemoration of the Armenian Boston 30th anniversary gala. Details to follow. Genocide, “Legacy of our Martyrs,” Saturday at 7 p.m. SEPTEMBER 18 — Sunday Afternoon at the Park. For DECEMBER 18 — Candlelit Labyrinth Peace Walk, Concert of Armenian Patriotic Songs Performed by the families and friends. Armenian Heritage Park on the Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, Boston. 5- Armenian Chorale of Rhode Island, 70 Jefferson St., Greenway. Boston. 2-4 p.m. All are invited. 6:30 p.m. All are invited. Providence. Fellowship- Egavian Hall, following concert S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 17 COMMENTARY

COMMENTARY Mirror The Fallout from War in Karabagh

that the oil-rich Azerbaijan does. That is to say, until recently, Spectator By Edmond Y. Azadian when the price of oil globally took a huge hit, sinking with it the Azeri manat. It is a confirmed fact that 85 percent of Azerbaijan’s arms are As the consequences of the recent flare-up on the contact line supplied by Russia and the rest by Israel and the US. Recent are revealed to the world, the two sides in the conflict are left arms contracts with Russia amount to $4.5 billion and with licking their wounds and counting their casualties. Once again, Israel to $1.6 billion. Established 1932 Established 1932 the awareness sinks in the mind of global leaders that the It is ironic that an Israeli Knesset delegation visited Armenia and An ADLAn Publication ADL Publication phrase “frozen conflict” for Karabagh (Artsakh) is a misnomer. placed a wreath at the Genocide Memorial while Israeli Defense Furthermore, the dispute over the enclave is not confined Forces were manning Kamikaze drones on behalf of Azerbaijan, cre- between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but lies right on the fault line ating new Armenian martyrs during this solemn month. of the East-West confrontation and a conflagration may trigger A paper published by Frederik Wesslau, the director of the Wider Europe Program, states that “none of the co-chairs of the EDITOR an even broader conflict that the immediate stakeholders can Alin K. Gregorian either predict or control [OSCE] Minsk Group — Russia, US and France — have demon- Whatever the reason behind the aborted blitzkrieg by strated the sort of political will necessary to find a solution to ASSISTANT EDITOR Azerbaijan, the problem is fraught with dangerous implications. the conflict. Of the three, Russia has the most leverage over Aram Arkun An editorial in London’s Guardian cites a number of reasons Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also the least interest in seeing an actual resolution to the conflict. The unresolved conflict makes ART DIRECTOR for the recent outbreak: “All sorts of local factors could pile Marc Mgrditchian extra fuel on the immediate fire: nationalist sentiment and war- both countries dependent on Moscow and severely limits their mongering slogans on both sides and indeed, revelations from options for geopolitical alignment. Russia is able to play the the Panama papers which pile extra pressure on Azerbaijan’s sides against each other, giving it substantial influence over the presidency, which could make incendiary talk of reconquering entire South Caucasus region.” lost territories seem like a welcome diversion.” Moscow’s policy has been duplicitous; while Prime Minister SENIOR EDITORIAL COLUMNIST: War mongering is not in Armenia’s interest, but the foreign Medvedev points his finger at Turkey, Russia’s Foreign Minister Edmond Y. Azadian press always needs to look un-biased by citing some falsehoods Sergey Lavrov apologetically states that “we are not blaming in the guise of presenting both sides of the issue. In addition to Turkey for the recent war.” CONTRIBUTORS: the above reasons, Turkey’s intentions and inclinations to incite Incidentally, Lavrov is an ethnic Armenian and his contribu- Florence Avakian, Dr. Haroutiun Moscow must not be discounted. Although President Barack tion to Armenia is no different than Politburo member Anastas Arzoumanian, Taleen Babayan, Diana Obama snubbed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Mikoyan before him and several Byzantine emperors of Der Hovanessian, Philip Ketchian, Armenian origin. Indeed, in their zeal to demonstrate their alle- Kevork Keushkerian, Harut Sassounian, Washington’s Nuclear Summit for his self-serving NATO activi- giance to Byzantium, they destroyed historic Armenia. Hagop Vartivarian, Naomi Zeytoonian ties, he would certainly welcome the latter’s role as the point man in NATO’s aggressive moves in the region. Lavrov has announced that all the elements of a final solution CORRESPONDENTS: During the brief war, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet are in place and may be implemented soon. That does not auger Armenia - Hagop Avedikian Davutoglu announced that Ankara would “stand shoulder-to- well for Armenia, which, at this time, is bracing for the worst. Boston - Nancy Kalajian shoulder with Azerbaijan in the face of Armenian aggression Last November, during the Russian-Turkish standoff, there Philadelphia - Lisa Manookian and occupation until the end of time.” And he added, “until all were voices heard at the Russian Duma seeking to abrogate the Berlin - Muriel Mirak-Weissbach Azeri territory is recovered, including Nagorno Karabagh.” Treaty of 1921, which gave rise to speculations by pundits Contributing Photographers: Turkey is a member of the Organization for Security and that a correction of the Armenian-Turkish border was around Jacob Demirdjian and Jirair Hovsepian Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and therefore is supposed to the corner and that some Turkish-occupied territories may be remain impartial. In fact, it was the only country that expressed ceded to Armenia. In addition, the raging civil war in Turkey any sort of enthusiasm for the scary flare-up. gave more credence to those speculations. The premature congratulations sent to Azeri President Ilham But Turkey is about to solve its internal conflict the way the The Armenian Mirror-Spectator is published Aliyev “for his victory” by Turkish President Erdogan and the Sultans, Ittihadists and the Kemalists have done before now: by weekly, except two weeks in July and the first massive slaughter of the restive Kurds with the collusion of the week of the year, by: dispatch of ISIS fighters from Raqqa via Turkey to Azerbaijan demonstrated amply that Turkey was the main instigator of the West. Baikar Association, Inc. recent conflict. Now, the political tides are turning and a sense of isolation 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472-1509 Armenia did not receive from any quarter the kind of support has descended upon Armenia. Telephone: 617-924-4420 that Ankara offered Azerbaijan, not even from its strategic ally, The elements of a settlement to which Lavrov has been refer- FAX: 617-924-2887 Russia, which at best plays the role of mediator to restore cease- ring could not be anything other than the Madrid Principles, www.mirrorspectator.com fire. Even bombing the civilian population in Armenia’s Tavoush which call for territorial concessions by Armenians against some E-Mail: [email protected] region did not trigger any clause of Collective Security Treaty relief to Karabagh for self-rule, projecting a referendum for an For advertising: [email protected] with Russia. Instead, adding insult to injury, Prime Minister as-yet-undetermined date to shape its political future. Russia has Dmitry Medvedev, after visiting Yerevan and Baku, announced always sought to introduce its own peacekeeping forces that Russia will continue to sell arms to both Armenia and between the warring factions in order to expand its presence in Azerbaijan to maintain military parity. the Caucasus. It turns out that even that absurd policy of parity was not sus- At this point, the sobering facts are falling into place to assess tainable because Armenia was fighting Azeri forces with the course of events realistically. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: weaponry from the 1990s. Armenia scarcely has the resources see FALLOUT, page 18

U.S.A. $80 a year

Canada $125 a year

Other Countries $190 a year

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Baikar Association, Inc. 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472- 1509 18 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR Preventing Deadly Violence in Nagorno-Karabagh

Violent conflict erupted in peaceful solution to the its currency has plummeted. Azerbaijan’s civil society contin- Nagorno-Karabagh (NK) on By David L. Phillips and Van Krikorian conflict Nagorno-Karabagh. ues to oppose the regime’s incarceration of journalists and April 2, killing hundreds. The OSCE Minsk Group is human rights advocates. Igniting a war with Armenia, even a Azerbaijan violated a cease- mandated to mediate. It is short one, aims at distracting the Azeri people from the fire that had been in place since 1994. The situation remains co-chaired by France, the Russian Federation, and the United regime’s abuses and economic insecurity. extremely volatile, despite a temporary truce. States. Attempts by Azerbaijan to change mediators have been It is no secret that Armenia has a strategic military relation- The United States and Russia must intensify their media- rebuffed. ship with Russia. It faces an existential threat from Turkey, as tion. Negotiations should include representatives of the Tensions in this “frozen conflict” have increased in recent well as Azerbaijani aggression. At the same time, Armenia main- Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh. US law already calls for sanc- years. Escalating and well-documented ceasefire violations tains good relations with the United States and the European tions on Azerbaijan if it acts aggressively. The Obama admin- occurred without consequence. Inaction by the international Union. Armenia actively participates in NATO’s Partnership for istration should implement Section 907 of the Freedom community encouraged Azerbaijan’s coordinated assault. Peace Program. A NATO official called Armenia’s contribution Support Act, imposing economic and diplomatic sanctions on Azerbaijan recently spent $4 billion buying weapons from to international security “very impressive.” Armenia accepted Azerbaijan to punish its aggression. Russia. On April 2, Azerbaijan used its upgraded air and land more than 20,000 refugees from Syria. Nagorno-Karabagh is a disputed territory in the South weapons to attack on multiple fronts. Weapons included Nagorno-Karabagh is one of the most dangerous places in Caucasus. Joseph Stalin included it in Azerbaijan as part of a Smerch rocket systems, Grad missiles, Russian-made T-90 the world today. With Russia and Turkey at odds in Syria, a broader effort to undermine the national aspirations of minori- tanks, TOS-1A flamethrowers, modern helicopter gunships, as proxy fight may be escalating. The US has a national security ties in the . The Nagorno-Karabagh population well as kamikaze drones. All told, over 40 Armenians were interest in preventing an all-out war, with regional implica- held a referendum in 1991, as the Soviet Union was disinte- killed, including civilians. An ethnic Yezidi/Armenian citizen, tions. grating. Christian Armenians voted overwhelmingly for inde- was beheaded by Azeri troops. Over 200 Azeri soldiers died in The US and Russia have worked together more assiduously pendence from Muslim Azerbaijan. In the ensuing conflict, the offensive. No territory was gained. on Syria. They should also intensify cooperation through the over 20,000 people died and over 800,000 people were dis- Azerbaijan did not act on its own. According to eyewitness Minsk Group. Specifically, the OSCE should deploy monitors placed. The war ended with a ceasefire but no peace agree- accounts, Turkish troops and equipment were involved in bat- around Nagorno-Karabagh to deter future aggression. The ment. tles near the Iranian border. The Azerbaijani offensive was Armenian side is willing. In 1989, the US Senate passed a resolution “[urging] Soviet immediately endorsed by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip There is no military solution in Nagorno-Karabagh. The President Gorbachev to restore order, reestablish unrestricted Erdogan. “Nagorno-Karabagh will be returned to Azerbaijan.” Minsk Group should rejoin its original configuration, includ- economic and supply routes to the people of Armenia and Erdogan added, “We will support Azerbaijan until the end.” ing Nagorno-Karabagh representatives in negotiations. They Nagorno-Karabagh, secure the physical safety of the people of Turkey is already a protagonist in this conflict. It maintained should be a part of political talks, which affect the peace and [NK] from attack, and continue a dialogue with representa- a blockade of Armenia since 1992. Erdogan scuttled the 2009 security of their constituents. tives of such region regarding a peaceful settlement of the dis- protocols to open the border and have diplomatic relations The US must not soft-pedal Azerbaijan’s aggression. Nor pute....” In 1992, President George H.W. Bush signed Section with Armenia, which Turkish diplomats negotiated. can Washington condone Turkey taking up arms against 907 into US law, which prohibits assistance to Azerbaijan if it Azerbaijan claims that Armenia instigated the recent con- Armenians. As we observe yet another anniversary of the engages in aggressive military actions against Armenia or flict. However, Chatham House and the Carnegie Endowment Armenian Genocide on April 24, the US needs a fact based, Nagorno-Karabagh. Section 907 was an important deterrent, for International Peace maintain that Nagorno-Karabagh principled approach to prevent the escalation of deadly vio- contributing to the cease fire. forces did not instigate attacks on Azeri positions. Armenians lence in Nagorno-Karabagh. In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama endorsed a “lasting and consistently proposed monitors and confidence building mea- David L. Phillips Director of the Program on Peace-building durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is sures since 1994. Azerbaijan refused, calling for a military solu- and Rights, Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of agreeable to all parties, and based upon America’s founding tion. Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense initially took credit for Human Rights commitment to the principles of democracy and self-determi- initiating the offensive. nation.” Since the conflict began, every US administration has Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev relies on a combination (David L. Phillips is director of the Program on Peace- been committed to a peaceful, negotiated solution. of oil revenue, caviar diplomacy, and government crackdowns building and Rights, Columbia University’s Institute for the Starting in 1994, the Organization for Security and on fundamental freedoms to maintain power. In the face of the Study of Human Rights. Van Krikorian is the co-chairman of Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) spearheaded efforts to find a recent oil price crash, Azerbaijan’s economy is in decline and the Armenian Assembly of America.) Echoes of Abound in the Very Modern Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

mined the victimhood of the Armenian people. or the who were happy to divide er of Syria. And now he is the intervener of By Robert Fisk Yet in Karabagh’s “capital” of Stepanakert, I Azeris from Armenians? Karabagh, or Azerbaijan. found little trace of Armenian government In one sense, Putin is playing Putin the “inter- (Robert Fisk is the Middle East correspondent troops during the war. What I did see were rov- vener.” He is, after all, the intervener of Georgia for the Independent. This column appeared in The weariness with which the media reported ing bands of Armenian thugs, some of whom had and the intervener of Ukraine and the interven- the April 9 edition of the Independent.) the latest battle for Nagorno-Karabagh was all been involved in the ethnic cleansing of the too evident during al-Jazeera’s first news reports. minority Azeri people. And I fear that for many Blaming Stalin for the Armenian-Azerbaijan war, Armenians in those dramatic days of the Soviet the satellite channel showed an old news clip collapse — when Armenian citizens of the Soviet which had absolutely nothing to do with the con- Union were also being slaughtered around Baku The Fallout from War in Karabagh flict. The poor quality footage actually showed — the mountains and old churches of Karabagh Winston Churchill presenting to Stalin the became for Armenians a symbol of the equally FALLOUT, from page 17 signal for all the naysayers around the world. Up Sword of Stalingrad – a gift from King George VI ancient lands of Ottoman Turkey, from which War-weary citizens of Armenia sometimes until recently, Ter-Petrosian was calling to dis- to the Soviet people for their courage in defend- they were deported in the 20th century’s first grumble that their miseries stem from the mantle or “deconstruct the kleptocracy of Serge ing the city against Hitler’s Germany and defeat- industrialized genocide. Karabagh conflict. Sargisian,” while the latter called his predeces- ing the Nazi Sixth Army in 1943. The million and a half Armenian dead of However, now everyone realizes that an sor an “unprincipled politician.” Levon Stalin has so often been blamed (as Soviet act- 1915 were being avenged in Karabagh — and aggression against Armenia by Baku is a neces- Zurabian, Armenian National Congress Party’s ing Minister of Nationalities in the 1920s) for giv- this is not just mere imagination. I was sary element of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy. If front man in the National Assembly had ing the mountainous Armenian region to Muslim shocked to discover less than ten years ago there was no Karabagh problem, Aliyev still announced earlier that any territory evacuated Azerbaijan – on the grounds that he liked to that at the great Yerevan shrine to the million would claim the territory of Armenia proper by Armenian forces must be filled by peace- divide nationalities – that a 20-year discrepancy and a half martyrs of 1915 – to which itself, based on a manufactured history that keepers, causing some criticism. Now the events and the unrelated history of the Second World Armenians and world leaders flock each April Armenians have been recent settlers in “historic seem to veer that way. War didn’t seem to matter. The line from “Genocide Day” – the Armenians have buried Azeri” lands. That claim also jibes well with The two presidents’ meeting certainly reporters, diplomats and pseudo-experts was the local Karabagh “martyrs” of the 1988-1994 Ankara’s Ottomanist ambitions to wipe out focused on the situation in Karabagh. Despite pretty much the same when the conflict flared war, men who in some cases may have been Armenia from the map of the region, as bravura on the Armenian side, some strategic up again this month: here they go again. war criminals. It was as if the Israelis were to Armenia has been a tough nut to crack while positions remain in Azeri hands, boosting their Now I have to say that I always thought that dishonor the Jewish Holocaust memorial at Georgia is more amenable to major Turkic morale. the current war in Nagorno-Karabagh was a par- Yad Vashem by burying there the leaders of designs. Christianity does not seem to amount There has been a plethora of spontaneous ral- ticularly dirty conflict. When it was rekindled the Stern Gang of the 1940s. to a political factor for Georgia as they have lies of Armenians around the world. Volunteer with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1988, one of At the Yerevan shrine stands one of Armenia’s been coordinating their policies with groups are moving to the frontline and a world- Yerevan’s excuses for “taking it back” was that it finest research centers into the facts of the 1915 Azerbaijan and Turkey. Also, prevalent wide protest movement has been triggered from contained some of the nation’s oldest churches. Armenian Holocaust (as The Independent has Russophobia in Georgia has proven to be con- Los Angeles to Moscow and from Paris to True. But there are plenty of Turkic historical called it for many years); yet a few hundred ducive to the internal Turkification of that Buenos Aires. The Supreme Patriarchate of the roots in Karabagh. In much the same way, east- meters away are the graves of men who died for country. Armenian Church has arrived in Karabagh, ern Europe contains some of Teutonic Nagorno-Karabagh, a land still recognized by the For the Turkic world, Armenia remains accompanied by Catholicos Aram I of Cilicia. Germany’s oldest buildings, and much of the rest of the world as part of Azerbaijan. Russophile, deserving a different treatment and There is a patriotic fever reminiscent of the Balkans boasts fine Ottoman Turkish architec- Cynicism only comes to the rescue of different fate. But historically that Russophilia Sardarapat war in 1918. ture. But the ruins of ancient heritage make a hypocrisy when we hear the same old enemies has not always yielded political dividends. It is hoped that this worldwide solidarity very dodgy excuse for war. clanking around the black mountains of The sudden sense of isolation has sobered up results in permanent unity throughout the cur- By the time I was covering the Karabagh war Karabagh: Russian power, Turkish expansionism Armenians in the homeland and around the rent crisis and beyond. in the early 1990s, Armenian militia bands were and Armenian nationalism. Given his current world. There is talk that the two presidents’ meeting murdering Azeri villagers in massacres eerily sim- policies — or medical condition — it’s unclear A dramatic initiative was taken by the former will impact the domestic political realignment ilar – though on a smaller scale – to those which whether Turkish President Recep Tayyip President Levon Ter-Petrosian to call on Serge in Armenia shaping the upcoming elections in occurred during Turkey’s genocide of the Erdogan models himself on Mustafa Kemal Sargisian for consultation over the grave 2017. Armenian people in 1915; no wonder the Ataturk or the last mad rulers of post-First World prospects of Karabagh situation. There is no full It is a common adage that peacetime dispers- Armenians in the capital of Yerevan denied these War Pan-Turkism. In this weird scenario, does report on their discussions but Ter-Petrosian has es Armenians and crises rallies them around, well-documented modern killings — those at Vladimir Putin represent the Tsar who allied him- stated that this is not the time to criticize the while survival and victory demand national Khojali in 1992, for example — for they under- self to the Armenians in the First World War — government’s mistakes, which is also a positive unity at all times. S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 19 COMMENTARY

murdering say hated Slavs, Gypsies, and Jehovah’s Witnesses; tion of rewriting history and denying the Armenian Genocide. and if our beloved State of Israel were in existence; would you “In general, how much do we Israelis want to strengthen agree to our selling arms to the Nazis? our economy by lucrative arms sales? Of course, ‘everyone’ in “Israel is reported to have sold billions of dollars of arms the world is doing it, but do we have to also? Have we given including to governments that are killing or threatening to up the image/dream of Israel as a moral leader of peoples on My Turn attack victim peoples. Last week, there came reports that an this planet? Is this idea tiresome, naïve, and childlike in a Israeli drone in the hands of Azerbaijan — a huge arms cus- madly destructive and self-destroying world? By Harut Sassounian tomer of ours — was responsible for the deaths of six “An alternative concept could be that along with our build- Armenians in the Armenian enclave Nagorno Karabagh. ing arms first and foremost for the defense of Israel, that we “I am ashamed! sell — or contribute — arms only to underdog peoples who are Leading Jewish Scholar Condemns “The Armenians were the victims of a major genocide 100 facing mass destruction, and/or to allies like the U.S., who are Israel’s Sale of Murderous Weapons years ago that has even been called the ‘Armenian Shoah’ by essentially committed to shared democratic values and peace. some Israeli scholars, including from Bar Ilan University. A Of course, we will still be making some mistakes, but at least To Azerbaijan great deal of their national and cultural concern continues to our conscience will be more clear that we have not delivered focus passionately on the memory of that genocide (does that used arms to the ‘Nazis.’ In last week’s large-scale attack on Artsakh (Karabagh), the sound familiar to us Jews?). For many years now, we Israelis “To my Armenian colleagues and friends, I can only say that Azeri military killed and injured dozens of Armenian soldiers — whether led by Labor or Likud — have insulted and hurt the as a Jew and as an Israeli, I am mortified — and angry.” and civilians, using the sophisticated weapons purchased Armenian people by failing to recognize their genocide offi- Prof. Charny’s harsh words are fully justified as both Israeli from Israel and Russia for billions of dollars. cially and formally. Would we ourselves tolerate another gov- and Russian officials have shamefully pledged to continue The Armenian government and Armenians worldwide ernment — say the U.S. or England — failing to recognize the shipping more weapons to Azerbaijan! accused both Israel and Russia of responsibility for the inno- Holocaust because of their realpolitik interest with the per- Dr. Charny has never shied away from expressing his criti- cent Armenian lives lost in the recent Azeri invasion. petrator government? cal views on Israel’s immoral policies on Armenian issues. In Prof. Israel Charny, a righteous Jew and a staunch defend- “One senior Armenian official has written several of us in a scathing letter in 2001, he told Israel’s Foreign Minister er of human rights, could not remain silent knowing that his Israel to express his deep pain as well as indignation now not Shimon Peres: “You have gone beyond a moral boundary that country — Israel — had a bloody role in the Armenian killings. only at our cowardly and self-serving denials of the Armenian no Jew should allow himself to trespass…. As a Jew and an As Executive Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, but also at our thick military trade alliance with Israeli, I am ashamed of the extent to which you have now Genocide in Jerusalem, Dr. Charny sent a scathing commen- Azerbaijan. I am reminded of the prophet Nathan crying out to entered into the range of actual denial of the Armenian tary to the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, under the provocative King David for an earlier though more delectable murderous Genocide, comparable to denials of the Holocaust.” title: “Would Israel Sell a Used Drone to a Hitler?” Here is act of self-interest: It’s bad enough that you killed him, are you Prof. Charny should be highly commended for his bold and what he wrote: also taking a profit from the sordid affair? The Azeris are a righteous stand, taking to task the callous leaders of his own “If the Nazis were not at all murdering Jews but ‘only’ were Turkic people who adhere to Turkey’s bizarre and fascist tradi- country!


Azeri Adventurers Spill Blood Again

To the Editor: U.S. State department and the silence from the Melkonian Defends His Story Here we go again. Azeri adventurists, encour- Obama White House. The following two points To the Editor: aged by their so-called cousins, the Turks, have must be employed if any semblance of peace is As a reporter and a writer, I always write the truth, and nothing but the truth. embarked on a suicide venture by attacking to be achieved or not achieved. Fr. Norayr Kazazian is well known as such within the St. James patriarchate brother- Karabagh, and, according to the news reports, 1. Azerbaijan must agree to an immediate cease hood and the community. murdering Armenian civilians. Typical of the fire, with the view of having meaningful discus- As a journalist and a writer who has been serving the press and this particular com- Turkish criminal mentality, so vividly displayed sions with the government of Karabagh; or munity for several decades, I categorically deny reporting any misconducts and allega- in the 19th and 20th centuries. It’s not only the 2. Suffer the consequences of possibly having tions, unless thorough fact checking and authenticating with absolute certainty are com- culture folks, but a serious brain deficiency the pipeline from Baku to Ceyhan, including plete with the best of my abilities. It is a fact that I met with Fr. Norayr Kazazian in 2013, which is passed on from generation to genera- the rail track completely destroyed, possibly when he accompanied the Patriarch to Los Angeles to preside over my 40th Jubilee cer- tion. Instead of employing dialogue to bring leading to an all-out war between Armenia and emony. Upon the Patriarch’s suggestion, Fr. Norayr and I reconciled our differences. In about the pacific settlement of disputes, the Azerbaijan. It is hoped that more rational minds no way, however did I apologize with “tearful eyes’ or with a “smile.” Turks revert to the primitive method of mas- will prevail, minds devoid of serious short - cir- Additionally, his admission that he visited Fr. Khat only once in Bethlehem is his failed sacre and mayhem to bring about the conclu- cuiting, as yet to be shown by and demonstrat- machiavellian attempt to dissuade his complicity and disassociate himself from this entire sion they want. ed by the Azeri government. scandal. However, we are absolutely certain and stand behind the very statement we The most glaring example of this do nothing Walter Bandazian made and published in which we pointed out that he visited Fr. Khat not once but three attitude, is the morally bankrupt position of the Virginia times. If necessary, we will disclose additional facts to expose his devious acts, wrongdo- ings and treason. My obligation and duty to my readers and community has always been and will con- tinue to be reporting, writing and upholding the truth, with credibility. Don’t Forget the Armenian Government’s Trespasses It is sad to see that such a person is a prince and a servant of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and celebrates the solemn Divine Liturgy before God and the faithful. To The Editor: police budget increased by approximately $50 Nahabed Melkonian This week’s Diasporan newspapers have been million. Jerusalem inundated with photographs of community lead- Many worthy needs could be funded with said ers surrounding President Serge Sargisian and money and other uncollected taxes, including Diasporan Minister Hranoush Hakobyan. helping the malnourished children of Armenia, I had hoped that our clergy and lay Diasporan which is nearly 1 out of 5 according to a timely “Oh, Armenian People…” Jerusalem holds the unique place of belong- leaders would have offered a less enthusiastic front-page, article published by the Mirror- ing fully to all Armenians, not just to this reception for Dr. Hakobyan and President Spectator. To the Editor: group or to that group. See how your brave Sargisian in consideration of US Ambassador to A recent article in azatutyun.am sheds light on To those who have answered the calling to and dedicated Armenian clergy defend and Armenia Richard Mills’ recent tour and the fraud- a government-linked tycoon’s tax evasion holy marriage and have been given the gift of represent Armenian traditions in the most ridden constitutional referendum that took place scheme, which deprives funding for public works, parenthood; to those who remember the 10 holy and sacred locations in Jerusalem, only a few months prior. That vote was by all economic development, border protection, Commandments and our (5th) instruction to Bethlehem, Jordan and beyond. objective accounts an egregious trespass on health care, education, poverty reduction initia- “honor thy father and they mother; to all Do not fall into the media-driven trap of Armenia’s citizenry. The ambassador acknowl- tives, and Syrian relief clergy brothers who preach on the life of our avoiding Jerusalem and her lands. Go and edged the disturbing electoral violations and con- efforts. http://www.azatutyun.am/content/arti- Lord and Savior; and to those who thankful- see with your own eyes how much belongs to tinued predatory behavior of Armenia’s political cle/27619816.html. ly answer their inner spiritual calling to go us, and in doing so, then honoring both your and economic elites. Global Financial Integrity, a Washington, DC- “home” to Holy Echmiadzin or to Antelias, I spiritual mother and your spiritual father. It is not enough for Ambassador Mills to raise based research organization, reported a nearly respectfully offer the following. Not sure? Take a moment to read and take critical issues with the authorities and support 50-percent increase in illicit financial flows from If you make it a point to love both mother to heart the words of Yeghishe Charents as civil society. Diasporan leaders need to do the Armenia. The flow increased from $1.285 bil- and father, albeit with different nuances and he advices us, “Oh, Armenian people, your same. Rationalized disengagement on these lion, in 2012, to $1.848 billion, in 2013. Taxes memories, why not return to the land where only salvation lies in the power of your moral and fundamental issues is no longer appro- must be collected on more of this economic activ- Christ walked? Why not make a pilgrimage unity.” priate. ity. To read the report, go to http://www.gfin- and see with your own eyes where our Risen Let’s start our unity where Christianity We should be deeply concerned that the tegrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IFF- Lord preached, taught, healed, performed began: Jerusalem. authorities in Armenia do not seek internal legit- Update_2015-Final-1.pdf miracles, was crucified and rose from the Fr. Kapriel Mouradjian imacy or public confidence. While the ruling Before it’s too late, Diasporans should broaden dead (for you and for me)? Armenian Church of the Holy party’s lip service may sound properly righteous their engagement and support Armenia’s non- In a world of (church) politics, Armenian Resurrection in regards to anti-corruption, their actions belie governmental groups and activists to improve their true contempt for the Armenian people — governance, electoral laws, and accountability. all the more reason to be troubled at the alarm- Such initiatives will make it more likely that, The Armenian Mirror-Spectator is now accepting all ing growth of the country’s police force. one day, Armenia will have ministers and presi- Former ambassador and think tank director dents that are worthy of our affection and the calendar items for free. All items should be sent to Ara Papian reported that in 2010 the police force love-fest characterizing this week’s visit. [email protected]. Calendar items may be edited consisted of 15,477 individuals. Just five years to fit the space. earlier, it was 8,875 strong. In 2016, the number Ara Araz swelled to 18,333. Between 2010 and 2016, the Board Member, Justice Armenia 20 S ATURDAY, A PRIL 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR EU Is Giving Armenia its Best Chance Yet to Enact a Domestic-Abuse Law

is, when the victim has been murdered or crip- purse strings. This means that the vast majori- women have been killed by their partners since By Armine Sahakyan pled. ty of wives and live-in girlfriends have no money 2010 — a sizable number for a country of 3 mil- Current Armenian law allows police to file to start a life of their own. lion. charges against anyone who commits an In addition, Armenia has only a handful of Many of the government leaders who oppose YEREVAN (Huffington Post ) — Women’s- assault, whether the injuries are mild, medium battered-women’s shelters, and the time that a a domestic-violence law have offered as a justi- rights groups have been campaigning for a or severe. victim can stay in one is limited. fication the fact that the legislation would decade for a domestic-violence law in Armenia. If a man who batters a woman is not her part- You might think a sensible option would be a impose additional financial costs on the state. So far all their efforts have failed. Depending ner, however — if he’s an acquaintance or battered woman moving in with her parents. One provision, for example, would require the on the session of parliament, lawmakers have stranger, say — police are likely to bring an But in Armenia, where divorce is frowned on, government to increase the number of battered- either refused to take up the legislation or assault case against him even if the injuries are many parents would condemn their daughter women’s shelters across the country, and pay voted it down. mild. for not doing enough to save the marriage — for their operations. This year, Armenia may finally see a law that If the attacker is a partner, though, police and refuse to take her in. At the moment, not even one kopek of tax- protects women from partner violence. consider the assault a family matter, and lean The domestic-abuse legislation that women’s- payer money goes to shelters. The few that are If it happens, it’s likely to be because of a on the partners to work things out. rights groups have been pushing would almost available are funded by non-governmental orga- European Union financial inducement rather It’s hard for police to get their heads around certainly prevent some battered-women deaths nizations. than any sudden Armenian government and the idea of domestic abuse when Armenian and maimings. But the main justification that opponents of lawmaker enlightenment on domestic abuse. society has long had the axiom that: “A woman That’s because, for the first time, it would the legislation use is that a domestic-abuse law The EU is making an 11-million-euro grant is like wool: The more you beat her, the softer give judges the power to issue restraining is unnecessary because current law covers that it calls the Human Rights Budget Support she will be.” orders to keep batterers away from victims. assault and battery, including domestic vio- Program contingent on Armenia adopting a In the few instances where a victim insists on Attackers would think twice against violating lence. domestic-violence law. The financing covers the police filing charges, if she has suffered only such an order because it would lead to jail time. But given the police’s reluctance to file years 2016 to 2018. mild or medium injury, they usually refuse. Those who support an Armenian domestic- charges in all but the most horrific domestic- The European incentive comes on top of the This means the victim continues to be abuse law offer some sobering statistics to battering cases, and the current law’s lack of a United Nations prodding Armenia a year ago trapped in the cycle of battering. Since domes- make their case. restraining-order provision to protect women about its lack of a domestic-abuse law. The crit- tic violence often becomes more frequent and One is that a quarter of all married women from continued battering, the argument that a icism came in the UN’s Second Universal more severe over time, she risks debilitating have suffered domestic violence at one time or specific domestic-abuse law is unnecessary fails Periodic Review of Armenia. injury or death if she stays in the relationship. another, according to the National Statistical to pass muster. As in all former Soviet states that lack domes- One way out would be to flee the abusive Service. Studies in a number of countries have shown tic-violence legislation — and that’s most of environment, of course — but the odds against Another telling statistic is that a quarter of a direct correlation between enactment of a them — Armenia needs a law to protect women a victim doing so are slim. the 1,759 cases of violence against women that domestic-abuse law and a decline in partner vio- from repeat battering. Most Armenian women give up careers when the National Police recorded in the first nine lence against women. With rare exceptions, police bring charges they marry, or never have them in the first months of 2014 involved domestic abuse. The European Union’s current financial against an abuser only when it’s too late — that place, and men tightly control the family’s An even starker statistic is that 30 Armenian inducement for Armenia to pass a domestic-vio- lence law does not guarantee it will happen, of course. But it is the best chance its proponents have ever had to help reduce partner battering.

(Armine Sahakyan is a human rights activist based in Armenia.)

President Sargsyan Visits St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School

WATERTOWN — On March 31, President Serzh Sargsyan and his delegation visited St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School. The officials accompanying the President were, Vigen Sargsyan, Chief of Staff, Hranoush Hakobyan, Minister of Diaspora, Levon Mkrtchyan, Minister of Education and Science, Grigor Hovhannissian, Ambassador to the United States, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ambassador to the United Nations, and Consul General, Sergey Sarkisov. The president was accompanied also by the Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan and by the Primate of the Eastern Diocese, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian. The president and his delegation received a warm welcome by the school administration, board of directors and student body, as well as by St. Stephen’s Armenian Church’s pastor, Antranig Baljian and members of the board of trustees. Two students greeted the president with the traditional bread and salt. The rest of the students with the Armenian flag in hand, sang the Armenian National Anthem. In her welcoming remarks Principal Houry Boyamian, gave some information about the school, explaining that some of the students come from a dozen nearby towns. In other cases, parents drive long distances to provide Armenian education to their children. She also, explained that in the Greater Boston area, where there are the best public and private schools of the nation, St. Stephen’s always maintains high educational standards. She stat- ed that in addition to providing a quality edu- cation, the school passes onto the new genera- tion the Armenian language, culture, history, and instills a sense of identity and love for the Motherland. For this reason, every year, in May, the school organizes the Graduating Class Trip to Armenia. Then, the president and his delegation met with each grade. First, they heard two songs dedicated to Armenia, sang by the preschoolers. Then they visited all of the classrooms and interacted with the students. Before leaving, the president presented a magnificent khatchkar to the principal, as a gift to the school, while Hakobyan presented books from the Ministry of Diaspora.