Scale Space a 1000 ways of inventing the Gaussian

Tony Lindeberg, Bart M Ter Haar Romeny

Presented by: Sameer Agarwal Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, UCSD

Scale Space – p.1/60 Understanding an Image

Scale Space – p.2/60 Understanding an Image

Scale Space – p.3/60 Image as a map

An image is a representation of a scene. Is it the best possible representation ? How can we make use the image to navigate in the scene ? What if I don’t want the fine structure ?

Scale Space – p.4/60 The problem of scale

Most algorithms in assume that the scale of interpretation of an image has been decided a priori. How do you decide the scale of an operator in the absence of any apriori knowledge?

Scale Space – p.5/60 The solution

Create a multiscale representation of the image by generating a family of images where fine-scale information is successively supressed. Characterize the basic features in terms of optima of functions defined over this family of images.

Problem: How do we construct this multiscale represen- tation ?

Scale Space – p.6/60 The problem of Differentiation

g(x) = f(x) +  sin ωx

gx(x) = fx(x) + ω cos ωx

Scale Space – p.7/60 Example 1











−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Scale Space – p.8/60 Example 1







−1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Scale Space – p.9/60 Example 1









−2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Scale Space – p.10/60 Example 2

Scale Space – p.11/60 Example 2

Scale Space – p.12/60 Example 2

Scale Space – p.13/60 Schwartz’s Theory of Distributions

Differentiation is an ill posed problem. The output of the procedure is not a unique continuous function of its inputs. The problem gets worse with data which is discontinuous. Images ARE discontinuous data.

Scale Space – p.14/60 Schwartz’s Theory of Distributions

Instead of observing the function directly, use a probe. Probe = Infinitely differentiable function. Probing = Correlation. Differentiation = correlation with the of the probe. Problem : What is a good probe?

Scale Space – p.15/60 Previous Work

Quad Trees Pyramids Gaussian Laplacian

Scale Space – p.16/60 Quad Trees

Consider an image D of size 2K 2K. × Define a measure Σ of variation in any region D0 D. ⊂ Let D(K) = D. if Σ(D(K)) > α, split D(K) into p sub images (K 1) Dj − , j = 1, . . . , p. Represent the image using the degree p tree constructed above.

Scale Space – p.17/60 Pyramids

Multiscale representation. 1. f k = f. − k 1 k 2. f − = Reduce(f ). k 1 k 3. f − (x) = c(n)f (2x n) n − Conditions on c.P 1. c(n) > 0 2. c( n ) c( n + 1 ) | | ≥ | | 3. c( n) = c(n) − 4. n c(n) = 1 P 5. n c(2n) = n c(2n + 1) Scale Space – p.18/60 P P Multiscale v/s Multiresolution

Pyramids reduce the size of the image as you go up. Sampling rate reduces. Useful for compression. Complicated to analyse. Multiscale methods like scale space preserve the sampling rate.

Scale Space – p.19/60 Why not just subsample ?

Scale Space – p.20/60 Why not just subsample ?

Subsampling creates image features which are not present in the scene.

Scale Space – p.21/60 The Desiderata

L(x; t) = h(L0(x), t) Shift Invariance Isotropy Causality Semi-Group structure Separability

Scale Space – p.22/60 Linear Shift Invariance and Isotropy

Each part of the image is processed without regard to its position in the image. The process itself is linear. Isotropy implies that all directions are treated as equal. Implication: The process giving rise to the scale space is a family of operators. i.e. L( ; t) = h( ; t) L · · ∗ 0

Scale Space – p.23/60 Causality

Image features at a scale are only dependent on the image features on the scales finer that itself. The process does not create any new featues. As an implication, the number of extrema is non-increasing with increase in scale.

Scale Space – p.24/60 The

Koenderink (1984) showed that causality implied

∂L = c2 2L ∂t ∇ Describes the evolution of the temperature as a function of space and time. Also describes the process of diffusion, L then represents concentration.

Scale Space – p.25/60 Heat Equation in 1-d

For the case of a rod of length l and zero boundary conditions, L(0, 0) = 0; L(0, l) = 0 and initial condition L(x; 0) = f(x) the solution is given by

nπ 2 2 2 L(x, t) = B sin( x)e n π c t n l − Xn

2 l nπ Bn = f(x) sin( x)dx l Z0 l Scale Space – p.26/60 Semi-Group Structure

h( ; t + t ) = h( ; t ) h( ; t ) · 1 2 · 1 ∗ · 2 more precisely 1. L( ; t ) = h( ; t ) L · 2 · 2 ∗ 0 2. L( ; t ) = (h( ; t t ) h( ; t ) L · 2 · 2 − 1 ∗ · 1 ∗ 0 3. L( ; t ) = h( ; t t ) (h( ; t ) L ) · 2 · 2 − 1 ∗ · 1 ∗ 0 4. L( ; t ) = h( ; t t ) L( ; t ) · 2 · 2 − 1 ∗ · 1

Scale Space – p.27/60 Separability

The kernel should factor into single dimensional kernels.

h(x1, x2; t) = h(x1; t)h(x2; t) Decreases the complexity of calculating the convolution.

Scale Space – p.28/60 Presenting : The Gaussian

xT x 1 n h(x; t) = e− 2t √2πt 1. Rotationally symmetric 2. Separable 3. Infinite Differentiability 4. L (x; t) = ∂ L(x; t) = h L (x) i1,i2,...,in i1,i2,...,in i1,i2,...,in ∗ 0

Scale Space – p.29/60 Example of Gaussian Scale Space

Scale Space – p.30/60 non non-creation of extrema

Scale Space – p.31/60 non non-creation of extrema

Scale Space – p.32/60 non non-creation of extrema

Scale Space – p.33/60 But images are not continuous !

There exists a complete theory of discrete scale space. L(x; t) = T (n; 2t)f(x n) n − αt T (n; 2t) =Pe− In(2αt)

In is the modified Bessel function. In the limit t , T approaches the continuous Gaussian. → ∞ ∂ L(x; t) = L(x + 1; t) 2L(x; t) + L(x 1; t) t − −

Scale Space – p.34/60 Now what?

What can you do with a Gaussian scale space ?

Scale Space – p.35/60 What is a feature?

An image feature is the set of extrema of a function defined on an image. 1. How do you define functions on an image? 2. What are good functions? 3. What are are perceptually meaningful features? 4. What scale should the functions operate on ?

Scale Space – p.36/60 Differential Geometric Invariants

Functions of the various of an image. Scale space allows us to take derivatives in spatial as well as scale dimensions. Consider invariants based on derivatives of order two and lower.

Scale Space – p.37/60 An observation about gradients

Lxα (x; t1) > Lxα (x; t2) if, t1 < t2

Scale Space – p.38/60 Example

L0 = f(x) = sin ωx

ω2t/2 L(x; t) = e− sin ωx ⇒ 2 ω t/2 Lmax(t) = e− m ω2t/2 Lxm,max(t) = ω e−

Scale Space – p.39/60 Normalized Coordinates

x ξ = √t

∂ξ = √t∂x or,

m/2 m ω2t/2 Lξm,max(t) = t ω e− goes up and then down ! m t = max ω2

Scale Space – p.40/60 The continuing saga of the maxima

m m/2 Lξm,max(tmax) =  e  The maximum value of the mth order normalized derivative is independent of scale and frequency.

2 tmaxωmax = m

Scale Space – p.41/60 A tale of two maxima

Image structures are characterized by sudden changes, hence they can be formalized as extrema a function of the image (differential forms). In the absence of other evidence, assume that the scale at which some function of normalized derivatives assumes a local maxima (over scales) is a reflection of the size of the corresponding structure in the data.

Scale Space – p.42/60 Scaling property of maxima

If the input image image is scaled by a constant scaling factor s, then the scale at which the maxima is assumed will be multiplied by the same factor. i.e.

f 0(x) = f(sx)

t = s√t ⇒ max0 max p

Scale Space – p.43/60 can we do scale selection now ?

1. Characterize a feature by a differential form ( L). D 2. Find maxima in scale space, to estimate size and approximate location.

( ( L))(x , t ) = 0 ∇ D 0 0 (∂ ( L))(x , t ) = 0 t D 0 0 3. Use size information to perform a refine the location of the feature.

Scale Space – p.44/60 sunflowers

Scale Space – p.45/60 Blob Analysis

Assume a circular blob (same scale on both axes) and model is using a Gaussian.

2 2 1 (x1+x2)/2t0 f(x1, x2) = g(x1, x2, t0) = e− 2πt0 by the semi-group property

L(x1, x2; t) = g(x1, x2, t0 + t) The chosen differential form is L = trace( L) = L + L D | H | | x1x1 x2x2 |

normL = t Lx1x1 + Lx2x2 D | | Scale Space – p.46/60 Blob Analysis

x 1 2 2 L 1 e (x1+x2)/2(t0+t) x1x1 = 3 2 − 2π(t0 + t) − 2π(t0 + t)  which can be used to show that the spatial minima for L occurs at D (x1, x2) = (0, 0) t L , t norm (0 0; ) = 2 ⇒ D π(t0 + t)

which in turn has a maxima at t = t0

Scale Space – p.47/60 Blob Analysis

The example verifies that for round blobs the maximum value is attained at a scale proportional to the ”width” of the blob. In the case of elliptical blobs, the scale is given by t = √t1t2.

Scale Space – p.48/60 sunflowers

Blob scale detection using trace( (L)) = 2L. H ∇ξ

Scale Space – p.49/60

Find a function of the scale space image which indicates the presence of a corner. Use it to identify the scale and the approximate location. Refine the position using Forstner¨ corner operator.

Scale Space – p.50/60 The story of κ

Corner are charcterized by 1. High curvature in the grey level landscape

2 2 L Lxx 2LxLyLxy + L Lyy κ y − x = 2 2 3/2 (Lx + Ly) 2. High gradient

2 2 1/2 γ = (Lx + Ly)

κ = κγ3 2 2 = LyLxx 2LxLyLxy + LxLyy − Scale Space – p.51/60 κ is skew invariant. Corner Detection

The value of κ in normalized coordinates is given by

2 κnorm = t κ Corner points and their corresponding scale is identified using the scale space maxima for κ

Scale Space – p.52/60 Localizing the corner




T D (x) = (( L)(x0)) (x x0) x0 ∇ −

T dmin = min Dx Dx0 wx0 (x0)dx0 x 0 Zx0

Scale Space – p.53/60 Localizing the corner

minXT Ax 2xT b + c x −

T A = ( L)(x0)( L) (x0)w(x0)dx0 (1) Zx0 ∇ ∇ T b = ( L)(x0)( L) (x0)x0w(x0)dx0 (2) Zx0 ∇ ∇ T T c = x0 ( L)(x0)( L) (x0)x0w(x0)dx0 (3) Zx0 ∇ ∇ and the minima is 1 x = A− b

Scale Space – p.54/60 Where is the scale?

Shape and size of the window function w(x0): Use the scale estimate as the width of the Gaussian for the weight window. Localization Scale: What scale should the gradient 1 L be calculated ? At x = A− b ∇ T 1 d = c b A− b min − The best location for the corner is the one which minimizes dmin w.r.t a scale parameter again. To reduce sensitivity to local image contrast, we instead use T 1 c b A− b dmin = − trace(A) Scale Space – p.55/60 Corner Detection : Example

Scale Space – p.56/60 Corner Detection : Example

Scale Space – p.57/60 Summary

Scale Space provides us with a formalism in which we can construct multiscale representation of signals cleanly and efficiently. Given a certain class of feature descriptors, it allows us to detect the scale at which certain features express themselves.

Scale Space – p.58/60 References

Lindeberg, Tony Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, 1994, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Lingberg, Tony and M. Ter Haar Romeny, Bart Linear Scale Space, Geometry Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

Scale Space – p.59/60 Acknowledgments

The music of Chemical Brothers.

Scale Space – p.60/60